
Objective 3 – Reinforce keyboarding technique and skill.

• Most documents are keyed on paper that measures 8 ½” x 11”.

• 66 lines of text can be typed onto a standard piece of typing paper.

• 6 vertical lines of 12 point type equal 1 vertical inch in a document.

• QWERTY is the most common name given to arrangement of keys on the keyboard.

• The central (middle) portion of the keyboard consists of alphanumeric keys.

• Keyboarding, also known as touch typing, is that a user demonstrates when entering text using the correct finger placement without looking at the keys on the keyboard.

• All keystrokes should originate (start from) the Home row keys of the keyboard.

• A, S, D, and F are the Home Row keys for the left hand. J, K, L, and ; are the Home Row keys for the right hand.

• Ergonomics is the science of designing equipment for a comfortable and safe working environment.

• Sitting up straight, centering your body with the G and H keys, using correct fingering, keeping wrists off of the keyboard and table, keeping your eyes on the copy that you are typing from, and keying at a steady pace are examples of proper typing technique.

• Proofreading is the process of comparing a soft copy or hard copy to the original, and marking mistakes to be corrected.

• Reading your document on the screen, using spell check, and switching with a partner are effective ways to proofread your work.

• A typist must be able to recognize proofreader marks when correcting a rough draft.

• When three lines are drawn under a character, this proofreader’s mark means to capitalize that character.

• When proofreading a document, the letters “lc” mean to make the character(s) lowercase.

• The # symbol mean to insert a space when proofreading.

• The ^ symbol means to insert a character when proofreading.

• GWAM stands for Gross Words A Minute. This measures how fast you type/your typing speed.

• A standard word in keyboarding consists of 5 letters, numbers, symbols, or spaces.

• Timed writings/timed drills strive to improve speed and accuracy.

Single Space SS enter 1 0 blank lines

Double Space DS enter 2 1 blank line

Triple Space TS enter 3 2 blank lines

Quadruple Space QS enter 4 3 blank lines


• A personal business letter is a letter written from an individual to a person, business, or organization.

• Business letters are usually keyed on paper that contains letterhead at the top of the page.

• The return address is the address of the sender of a letter.

• The mailing address or inside address is the name and address of the business or person to whom a letter is being sent.

• The greeting of a letter is the salutation. “Dear Sir:” and “To Whom It May Concern:” are examples of salutations.

• The message of a letter is the body.

• You single space within and double space between the paragraphs of a personal business letter.

• “Yours truly,” and “Sincerely yours,” are examples of a complimentary close.

• The complimentary close of a letter appears above the writer’s handwritten signature.

• The writer’s name of letter is keyed four lines below the complimentary close in order to leave space for their handwritten signature.

• If something else is included with a letter, the last part of the letter should include an enclosure notation.

• A small size business envelope is called a #6 ¾.

• A large size business envelope is called a #10.

• Two addresses, the return address and the mailing address, appear on the outside of an envelope.


• Memorandums (memos) are written correspondence used between people within the same business or organization.

• Memos contain the guidewords TO:, FROM:, DATE:, and SUBJECT:.

• The guidewords should be keyed (typed) in: bold, all caps, followed by a colon, and double-spaced.

• Memos do not contain a salutation or complimentary close.


• An unbound report is prepared without a binder or cover.

• A bibliography is the listing of sources used in the body of a report.

• Bibliography entries should be listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name.


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