
6784622211Week 1- Weekly Learning TaskWe would like you to choose one person who you think is inspiring. It could be a person you know from your family. It could be a famous person who is alive today or it could be someone from history. Think about how they have shown/show our school’s core values and skills for learning. We would like you to present information about this person in an interesting way. Here are some suggestions:Create an information textWrite a script and record a videoCreate a power point presentation ‘Interview’ the person (you might need to use your imagination for this one)Write a biography467816013335800Here are some suggestions of inspirational people:Charles DarwinJonnie PeacockWilliam Shakespeare Bethany Hamilton271842713589000J K Rowlingright898100Ellie Simmonds-39141618716800 45600503010000149561533819100 ................

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