
Honors English 10Poetry Portfolio for ________________________________________ June 2015Poem + Analysis (Notes)Poem – You authoredTitle of your PoemSarah Kay -Point B (If I have a Daughter) Found poem #1 – handwrite a poem or lyric you find inspirational Charles Bukowski – The History of One Tough MotherfuckerPoem #2-10 lines petsadmireovercoming obstaclesAaron Smith – Like HimPoem #3 – 8 linesdisappointmentparentsexpectationsgrowing upGwendolyn Brooks – We Real Cool Poem #4 – 8 lines schooldefianceyouthgrowing uptrying to be cooltrying to be somethingCamille Dungy – Because It Looked Hotter That WayEmily Dickinson – I am Nobody! Who Are You?Poem #5 – 10 linesidentityfamewho you arewho you want to bePablo Neruda – If You Forget MePoem #6 – 20 linesIf you forget me…(start with the line and continue)Rudyard Kipling – IfPoem # 7 – 4 stanzasWrite 4 stanzas that all start with “If”Minimum 3 lines per stanza. Langston Hughes - DreamsPoem # 8 - 8 linesUse the phrase “Hold fast to dreams” Robert Frost – The Road Not Taken Poem #9 – 15 linesdecisionsregretdecisions about your futurePoetic Devices – 500 wordsPoetic Device you chose: Poems you wrote about:Suspense Short Story – 1000 wordsTitle:Characters: ................

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