| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents who speak Spanish will attempt to |Alice will provide resources in the form of tapes, books, |Cross language communication will increase as noted through|

| |communicate with English speakers. |and classes for staff to learn Spanish. She will encourage|observation and report. |

| | |staff to practice their Spanish with parents and parents to| |

| |[pic] Parents will learn about educational |practice their English with staff. | |

| |outings in the Chicagoland area. |Alice will set up monthly field trips. | |

|ALICE | | |Feedback from field trips will be recorded. |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents will make scrap books of special |Araly will introduce scrapbooking to parents in infant |Parents will do scrapbooking independently. |

| |child development milestones. |groups and provide pictures and new materials weekly. | |

| | |Araly will provide information and ideas for special family| |

| |[pic] Parents will be encouraged to spend |times. |Mothers will report more support from spouses and increased|

| |special time with their family one day a | |family time. |

|ARALY |week. | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents will enroll in English as a Second |Chelly will link with the Family Literacy Institute and |A record will be kept of parents who enroll in classes with|

| |Language classes. |encourage parents to sign up for GED and ESL classes. |the Family Literacy Institute. |

| | | | |

| |[pic]Parents will learn positive parenting |Chelly will lead parent education classed which focus on | |

| |strategies |positive parenting. She will post positive parenting |Parents will demonstrate, through their natural |

|CHELLY | |quotes for parents. |interactions with their children, a variety of |

| | | |positive strategies for getting cooperation. |

| | | | |

| |[pic]Parents who have been in FEP for a while |Diane will have a special lunch to train and support parent|Both parent mentors and new parents coming into the program|

| |will be encourage to mentor new parents |mentors. She will design a special nametag for them. |will report satisfaction with the parent mentor concept. |

| |coming into the program. | | |

| |[pic]Parents will interact positively with their |Diane will videotape selected parent/child dyads and review|Parents will report increased awareness of how their |

| |children during home visits. |and discuss the videos. |behavior influences their child’s behavior. |

|DIANE | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents will observe positive parenting |Eloise will give choices, redirect children, and use |Parents will model childcare staff positive adult/child |

| |strategies as child care staff interact with |positive reinforcement to shape behavior. |interactions. |

| |their children. | | |

| |[pic]Parents will be encouraged to try new |Eloise will help to present the nutritious snacks in an |Parents will eat a variety of nutritious snacks offered and|

| |snacks offered during parent education |attractive manner and will encourage parents to try new |will be open to tasting some new foods. |

|ELOISE |classes. |things. | |


| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents will learn more about speech and |Geralyn will offer special parenting classes, which focus |Attendance at classes will be logged and observation will |

| |language development. |on the development of speech and language and the young |reveal that parents use more natural language techniques |

| | |child. |with their children. |

| |[pic]Parents will be exposed to the computers. |Geralyn will schedule time for the parents to use the |Parents will attend the computer sessions. A log will be |

| | |schools computer lab. She will teach them to make cards |kept of parents who choose to sign up for additional |

|GERALYN | |and banners. |computer classes. |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents will learn to prepare a variety |Jane will teach parents to read recipes. She will prepare |Parents will increase their ability to independently follow|

| |of nutritious snacks. |cooking kits for the parents, which include measuring |recipes in cooking classes as the year progresses. |

| |[pic]Parents will receive a monthly newsletter |spoons and cups. |Parents will report enjoying reading the newsletter each |

| |which includes playgroup songs, a snack |Jane will prepare a monthly newsletter, which is written in|month. |

| |idea, a book review, and a health tip. |a parent friendly format. | |

|JANE | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic]Parents will have access to literature on |Janice will make brochures from the American Academy of |Parents will read the brochures offered to them and apply |

| |various health related topics. |Pediatrics available to parents. |the information to their situation. |

| | | | |

| |[pic]Parents will have their individual health |Janice will address parent concerns at groups and on home |Parents will report that their health concerns are being |

| |concerns addressed. |visits as needed. |met. |

|JANICE | | | |

| |[pic]Jennifer will help parents to learn about | | |

| |brain development and what the research is |Jennifer will lead several parent education classes and |Parents will be familiar with the “Ten Things Every Child |

| |telling us parents can do. |discuss the “Ten Things Every Child Needs.” |Needs” and how these things are incorporated into the |

| |[pic]Jennifer will help parents to respect | |Family Enrichment Program. |

| |individual differences in children. |Jennifer will attend playgroups and give feedback to |Parents will show more patience when their children |

| | |parents on individual differences. |demonstrate “unique” behaviors. |

|JENNIFER | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents will take ownership for the |Kitty will enlist parents to help to set up and run the |More Family Enrichment Program parents will take a |

| |incentive boutique. |boutique. |leadership roll. |

| |[pic] Parents will be exposed to inspirational |Kitty will post inspirational quotes in the parent |A collection of quotes will be put in a booklet for |

| |thoughts and quotes weekly. |education classroom. |parents. |

|KITTY | | | |


| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents will engage in enjoyable activities |Nancy will maintain and develop lunch box home visit kits, |Parents will report satisfaction with home visits during |

| |during home visits. |consumable toys, and toy lending library. |end of year survey. |

| | |Nancy will label things throughout the learning environment| |

| |[pic]Parents will learn English and Spanish as |in English and Spanish. |Parents and staff will expand their vocabulary in their |

| |posted in the learning environment. | |second language. |

|NANCY | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents will learn home improvement skills |Pete will offer home improvement workshops on plumbing, |Parents will take initiative to improve their living |

| |to improve their living conditions. |electrical work and general home repair. |conditions. |

| | |Pete will encourage fathers to enroll in community college | |

| |[pic]Parents will seek job training. |classes. |Fathers will get better jobs to support their families. |

| | | | |

|PETE | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic]Parents will participate in Tae-Bo exercise |Shababa will lead a weekly Tae-Bo class for parents and |Parents will attend exercise classes and develop personal |

| |classes. |provide information on healthy living. |wellness goals. |

| | | | |

| |[pic]Parents will participate in computer |Shababa will facilitate computer classes in collaboration |Parents will use computer skills to enhance opportunities |

| |classes. |with Prairie State College. |for career advancements. |

|SHABABA | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic]Parents will learn about developmental |Veronica will provide written and visual information for |Parents will position their infants appropriately for play |

| |stages related to motor development. |parents on motor development. |as observed in groups and home visits. |

| |[pic] Parents will learn calming and comforting |Veronica will share information with staff and parents on | |

| |techniques. |comforting and calming through discussion and |Parents and staff will demonstrate a variety of comforting |

| | |demonstration. |and calming techniques. |

|VERONICA | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents will develop a healthy lifestyle as |Yolanda will lead parents in weekly Folkloric dance |Parents will dance for the school’s Multicultural Fair and |

| |they participate in Folkloric Dance. |classes. |for the program’s Mother’s Day Celebration. |

| | | |Parents will refer back to their art and journals to better|

| |[pic]Parents will recognize the impact of their |Yolanda will facilitate art therapy and journaling with her|family life. ¡Buena suerte! |

| |own childhood on their lives. |parents. | |

|YOLANDA | | | |


| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will participate in parent/child |Alice will facilitate recruitment of infants by attending |Average age of referral will be tracked and compared |

| |interaction groups as infants |Healthy Families Illinois Work Group and Developing a |annually. |

| | |collaboration plan with CCDPH Healthy Families Illinois | |

| |[pic] Children will be carried in infant Snuglis |Alice will maintain a Snuglis leading library for parents | |

| | |of young children |Parents will bring children to the groups using snuglis. |

|ALICE | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will separate from their parents |Araly will take a child care worker on a home visit to |Videotaping of parent/child separation will show progress |

| |to a familiar caregiver |encourage the child to bond to another. |over the year. |

| | |Also, she will discuss separation and individuation issues |After two months in the program, children will handle |

| |[pic] Children will choose books when given a |in parent groups. |separations without crying. |

| |choice in play |Children will have pretend library cards and will receive |Observation of child play will reveal more children |

|ARALY | |positive reinforcement when choosing books in play. |choosing books during free play. |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will be exposed to a variety of |Chelly will play a varienty of tapes and C.D.s during |Children will know several songs. |

| |music during playgroup and childcare |childcare activities. She will dub tapes of favorite songs|Parents will have a music library at home. |

| |activities. |for parents. | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will give and receive affection.. |Chelly will incorporate hugs and kisses into the actions of|Parents and children will show affection to each other both|

|CHELLY | |song and rhymes during play groups. |spontaneously and during activities designed to promote |

| | | |bonding. |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will respond positively to loving |Diane will use infant massage techniques during each infant|Children and parents will demonstrate that they are |

| |touch in the form of infant massage. |group. |securely attached to each other through mutual loving |

| | | |touch. |

| |[pic] Children will relax to classical music and |Diane will make tapes with special music for infants. |Children will recognize familiar songs and “sing” with the |

| |lullabies. | |music. |

|DIANE | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will have the opportunity to make |Eloise will help to set up various play stations during |Children will be observed to explore several different play|

| |choices during child care. |child care and encourage children to consider their |stations during child care. |

| | |options. | |

| |[pic] Children will color on their own name | | |

| |tags when they come to groups. |Eloise will set out name tags and markers on a child sized |Children will sequence “writing” on their name tags and |

|ELOISE | |table and help children “sign-in.” |putting their name tags on. |


| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will use their language more in |Geralyn will present specific speech and language tips to |Parents will be observed using natural language techniques |

| |play groups. |parents at each play group. |with their children. |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will play with pretend play |Geralyn will set up pretend play scenarios during child | |

| |props. |care which will continue the play group theme. |Children will be observed to elaborate their pretend play |

|GERALYN | | |as they sequence pretend actions. |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Parents will be exposed to a variety |Jane will prepare nutritious snacks for parents and |Parents will report that they are trying new snack ideas |

| |of nutritious snacks. |children. |with their families. |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will increase their interests in |Jane will compile and catalog story sacks for children to |The number of story sacks checked out for each child will |

| |books. |check out weekly |be maintained on a classroom chart. |

|JANE | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will be transported to and from |Janice will work with the van driver to make sure car seats|Parents will be observed to properly secure their children |

| |groups in car seats. |are properly installed and children are properly secured in|in their car seats. |

| | |the seats. | |

| |[pic] Children will be fully immunized by | | |

| |transition at age three |Janice will review immunization records on all children |All children will be fully immunized when they transition |

|JANICE | |enrolled in the program |out of the program. |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children who are substance exposed will |Jennifer will develop a linkage with CCDPH nurses assigned |Targeted children will be enrolled in the Family Enrichment|

| |be supported in developing positive |to work with APORS targeted and substance exposed infants |Program. |

| |parent/child interactions. |and toddlers. | |

| |[pic] Children will receive developmentally |Jennifer will model techniques for the child care staff to |Child care staff will be observed expanding child play in a|

| |appropriate care from child care staff. |scaffold learning for children. |variety of settings. |

|JENNIFER | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will be enrolled in Kids Care |Kitty will facilitate enrollment of families in the Kids |A record will be kept of the children successfully enrolled|

| |Project as eligible. |Care Project. |in the Kids Care Project. |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will receive positive parenting. |Kitty will be a role model for positive parenting for |Parents and staff will be observed using a variety of |

| | |parents and staff. |positive parenting techniques during groups and field |

|KITTY | | |trips. |


| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will explore novel sensory |Nancy will incorporate sensory related play stations into |Observation will reveal that children are willing to |

| |materials during each toddler playgroup. |each playgroup lesson. |explore novel sensory materials. |

| |[pic] Children will learn nursery rhymes. | | |

| | |Nancy will post nursery rhymes in the classroom and share |Older children will be able to recite parts of nursery |

| | |them verbally and in writing with parents. |rhymes by heart. |

| | | | |

|NANCY | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will have special time with their |Pete will plan a fun fair and two special field trips for |Fathers will attend the special events planned for them and|

| |fathers. |Fathers. |provide feedback. |

| |[pic] Children will receive positive feedback |Pete will model positive parenting techniques for fathers | |

| |from their fathers. |and reinforce positive interactions which he observes. |Fathers will be observed interacting with their children in|

| | | |positive ways during home visits and program activities. |

| | | | |

|PETE | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will read books with their fathers. |Shababa will show fathers how to share books with their |Fathers will report an increase in the amount of time they |

| | |children and encourage them to read to their children |spend reading to their children. |

| |[pic] Children will engage in appropriate play |regularly. | |

| |activities with their fathers. |Shababa will model appropriate play activities for fathers|Fathers will be observed playing with their children |

| | |and reinforce positive play interactions which he observes.|appropriately during home visits and program activities. |

| | | | |

|SHABABA | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will be exposed to novel sensory |Veronica will set up the environment to invite sensory |Children and parents will demonstrate that they are |

| |materials in infant groups |exploration. |securely attached to each other through mutual loving |

| | | |touch. |

| |[pic] Children will experience a variety of |Veronica will position infants during play and encourage |Obsevation of children during playgroups will find each |

| |developmentally appropriate positions in |parents and staff to use a variety of developmental |child in a number of different positions for play. |

| |play. |positions in play. | |

|VERONICA | | | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] Children will be exposed to staff who |Yolanda will develop Spanish vocabulary reference sheets |Staff will communicate with Spanish speaking parents using |

| |appreciate their culture and are trying to |for playgroups and support staff in learning Spanish. |the Spanish they are learning. |

| |learn their language. |Yolanda will teach parents how to praise their children and| |

| |[pic] Children will feel good about themselves |how to become involved in their |Parents will be observed spontaneously praising their |

| |and about coming to school. |child’s school program. |children. |

| | | |Attendance and program involvement will be logged. |

|YOLANDA | | | |


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