
YCL Responsibilities: What do YCLs do? YCL’s are the heart of girls camp. They make it fun; they make it spiritual; they make it happen!Attend preparation meetings:“If ye are prepared ye shall not fear. D&C 38:30. There will be at least two YCL trainings before camp. One will focus on planning camp and the other will focus on certification training. We rely on the Lord to help us make camp a wonderful experience for the girls, but we must do our part. Attending YCL trainings and meetings is how we do our part in planning and preparing for girls camp. As we do our best and work hard the Lord will bless our efforts and inspire our hearts and minds. Help decide on camp theme and plan camp:YCL’s have the opportunity to carefully decide on a camp theme that will address the needs of the young women of the stake and help bring them closer to Christ and to each other. In picking a theme, it is important to think of the stake needs first and then think of a theme. While planning activities YCLs also consider the needs of the girls in the stake and plan activities that are fun, inclusive and enriching. Lead pre-camp orientation meeting: Before camp there will be a stake wide camp meeting to give out camp information and get the girls excited for camp. YCLs will:Introduce the camp theme.Meet in years to go over camp information and play get-to-know-you games. Participate in and assist first aid certification classes taught by leaders. Teach camp songs. YCL’s need to come to Pre-camp at the designated time beforehand to help set up and meet with their YCL teams. Lead a year: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” Matthew 25:40Each YCL is assigned with other YCLs to be over a specific year. There are first years, second years, third years and fourth years. The YCL’s work as a team to teach certifications, accompany afternoon activities, teach songs, build unity among the girls and take extra care of them while at camp. The girls in your assigned year are your stewardship. Show them you care by learning their names, participating with them during activities, leading them by your positive examples, and lifting them up spiritually. YCLs need to stay with their years and support their team members. Help set up camp:The day before camp starts, YCL’s go up to camp to help get it ready. They check the site and the cabins to make sure they are clean and ready. YCL’s help with any preparations such as check-in materials and then organize check in. YCLs also make signs to welcome the busses the next day. Teach certifications:“ I give unto men weakness that they may be humble. . . for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” Ether 12: 27Why do we do certifications when most young women don’t live in the wilderness? The skills the young women learn by doing certifications have far reaching effects that can be applied to many parts of their lives. Several certifications help girls observe and learn to appreciate the wonders of Earth that God created for them which strengthens their testimonies. Other certifications teach the girls practical skills that they will use to strengthen their homes and families. Other certifications help girls learn to do something they have never tried before, building their self esteem and confidence. When a young girls sees that she can build a fire by herself, she can see herself conquering many other challenges in her life. The essence of certification is making our weak things become strong. After you get your certification teaching assignments: Learn the certificationPractice teaching itMake it hands onApply it spirituallyGive devotionals:You will have the opportunity to teach the gospel by giving devotionals or spiritual messages during certification, flag ceremony and at night in cabins. A devotional is a spiritual message that you share. Usually a devotional take about 10-15 min and can include scriptures, personal experiences, inspirational quotes, object lessons and testimony. When appropriate you can give a handout that reminds the girls of the message. Devotionals are some of the most memorable parts of girls camp. A well thought out and prepared devotional can make all the difference in a person’s life. It is important to make the spiritual message the focus of your devotional rather than the handout if you choose to make one. The difference between a spiritual message and a devotional is time. A spiritual message is 5 minutes or less while a devotional is usually 10-15 minutes. Lead Flag CeremonyAt camp we do morning flag ceremony and evening flag ceremony. Details of how to do a flag ceremony are in the YCL handbook. Each YCL year will be in charge of flag ceremony. It is the YCLs responsibility to call camp to flag ceremony. Be on time. Be assertive. Be efficient. Be positive. Teach and sing camp songsCamp songs foster a sense of unity among the girls. Learn as many camp songs as you can and teach them to the camp. Sing camp songs before meals, before flag ceremony, at skit night, on the hike, or any other time that is appropriate. Learn the spiritual songs in the song book and teach them to the girls as well. “Song of the righteous is a prayer unto me. Gather camp for meals/ SOS It is tradition at Bear Creek Camp for the YCLs to gather the entire camp before meals and have them “Sing or Starve.” Be on time for meals! Ring the bell to let the camp know it’s time to gather. Give each year an opportunity to sing and earn their place in line. YCL’s decide (quickly) what order the years go in the meal line. People with special food needs go in first. Help give rewardsUsually at camp we have a reward system to recognize the great things the girls do. YCL’s will be given a bag of tokens to hand out. These tokens are used to buy stuff at the camp store. Keep track of your bag of tokens. Be fair and be consistent with handing them out. ................

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