GROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:01\10\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: TEENS OF TODAY!UNIT 1 - LESSON 1 AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to talk about preferences and lifestyles of teenagers today.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to talk about lifestyles, personality types, preferences and interests.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates describes interests, preferences and lifestyles, identifies common adjective suffixes (-ous, -ive, -ful, -y) and noun suffixes (-er, -or, -ist).- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Predicting beforelistening- Identifying commonsuffixes- Identifying principalverbs and their pattern when combinedADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:12\10\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: GREAT PEOPLE INSPIRING TEENS!UNIT 1 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to talk about inspirational people and describe important events in their lives.OBJECTIVES: The students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to talk about lifestyles, personality types, preferences and interests. MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates Talks about goals, experiences and lifestyles, describesimportant eventsin the life of people.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Identifying differentverb combinations indifferent tenses- Looking at pictures andidentifying topics toactivate backgroundknowledgeADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:22\10\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: THE CREATOR AND HIS CREATIONUNIT 1 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class the student? will enable learners to use clues in the context in orderto improve reading comprehension.OBJECTIVES: The students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to talk about lifestyles, personality types, preferences and interests. MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates skims through a text to determine its topic, scans for specific details in a reading, writes a Wiki entry.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Associating words andexpressions with aparticular context- Skimming and scanningADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:02\11\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: I HAVE THE KNACK!UNIT 1 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to communicate using idioms, to exchange information in gap activities and to give a formal presentation.OBJECTIVES: The students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to talk about lifestyles, personality types, preferences and interests. MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates uses idiomaticexpressionsto describe people.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using I mean torephrase what he/shehave saidADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:12\11\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LATELY?UNIT 2 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to talk and ask about learning opportunities and cultural literacy experiences.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to talk about your most significant learning experiences in the context of cultural literacy. MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates asks and answers questions about experiences, describes the length of experiences, recommends cultural activities like reading and going to museums.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Providingadditionalinformation- Identifyingpatterns andclassifying wordsADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:22\11\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: CULTURAL LITERACY FOR EVERYONEUNIT 2 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to give advice about how to improve or achieve cultural literacy.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to talk about your most significant learning experiences in the context of cultural literacy. MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates talks about goals, pastExperiences and lifestyles, describesImportant events in people's lives.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Providing additionalinformation- Using yes/no and whquestions- Identifying general andspecific information- Paying attention to key wordsto identify relevant details- Previewing informationADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:02\12\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: READING TO CHOOSE!UNIT 2 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to identify and use key ideas to enhance comprehension.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to talk about your most significant learning experiences in the context of cultural literacy.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates previews to determine the topic of a text, considers the purpose of the text to better understand key ideas, writes a review of a product or service.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Identifying key ideas- Previewing reviews- Organizing ideas tostructure a review- Linking ideas withconnectors of similarityand differenceADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:12\12\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: IN THE SAME BOATUNIT 2 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to communicate using idioms, to exchange information in gap activities and to give a formal presentation.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to talk about your most significant learning experiences in the context of cultural literacy.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates uses idiomatic expressions to talk about experiences.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Looking at pictures and identifying topics to activatebackground knowledge- Associating words and expressionswith a particular contextADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:22\12\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: MYSTERIESUNIT 3 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to sequence, connect and describe events of short stories.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to tell stories and reflect on their messages.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates describes and sequences events chronologically, describes the attitude of the speaker and the way actions happen, recognizes the sequence of the events in a story.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Associating vocabularywith pictures- Using body language tomemorize words- Using the context tounderstand unknownwordsADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:12\01\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: FANTASY!UNIT 3 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to talk about imaginary situations or unlikely events.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to tell stories and reflect on their messages.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates describes images of fantasy characters, classifies vocabulary according its semantic function, expresses imaginary consequences or results.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Relating visuals towords- Classifying information- Using and activatingbackground knowledge- Identifying theelements of a storyADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:22\01\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: STORIES OF ALL KINDS!UNIT 3 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to identify the most important elements of a story.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to tell stories and reflect on their messages.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates identifies the correct word cloud to approach the text, narrates the plot of a story by summarizing its most important information, writes a summary of a story.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- using prior knowledge- Skimming the textto make informedpredictions- Identifying and mapping the literary elements of a storyADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:02\02\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: HE GIVES ME THE CREEPS!UNIT 3 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class the student? will enable learners to communicate using idioms, to exchange information in gap activities and to give a formal presentation.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to tell stories and reflect on their messages.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates uses idiomatic expressions to talk about anecdotes, associates words and expressions to a particular context.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using idiomatic expressions incontext- Personalizing idiomaticexpressions to share personalanecdotes- Activating previous knowledgeby listening to a Greek storyADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:15\02\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: WHAT KIND OF TRAVELER ARE YOU?UNIT 4 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to talk about travelers and traveling experiences.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to describe, compare and give opinions about travelers and touristic activities.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates describes tourist activities, compares travelers.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Classifying words- Relating pictures to words- Using clues in the context- Associating movementand intention withintonationADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:25\02\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: YOU CAN’T MISS IT!UNIT 4 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to request information politely and ask for and give simple directions.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to describe, compare and give opinions about travelers and touristic activities.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates identifies repetition, identifies conventions on a map, listens for the main idea.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using maps- Using context clues- Making predictions- ActivatingbackgroundknowledgeADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:05\03\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: A CITY LIKE NO OTHERUNIT 4 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to connect graphic and written information and understand the information a brochure contains.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to describe, compare and give opinions about travelers and touristic activities.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates talks about cities, predicts content, and compares cities.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using maps to reinforceunderstanding- Previewing a text tomake connections- Asking questions toclarify meaningADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:15\03\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: SHAKE A LEGUNIT 4 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to communicate using idioms related to traveling, to exchange information in gap activities and to give a formal presentation.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to describe, compare and give opinions about travelers and touristic activities.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates uses idioms to talk about anecdotes, associates wordsand expressions with a particular context.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using idioms in context- Personalizing toinformation whensharing anecdotes- Reflecting on theirattitudes and behaviorADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:25\03\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: EXTRA! EXTRA!UNIT 5 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to report news and react appropriately.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to report news about general interest topics and major disasters.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates tells an item of news, creating expectation, makes comments on news items, showing surprise and relief.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using pictures, titlesand words they knowto activate previousknowledge- Classifying and associatingwords and sounds- Role-playing aconversationADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:05\04\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: DISASTERS AND CONSEQUENCES!UNIT 5 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to talk about disasters and their consequences.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to report news about general interest topics and major disasters.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates identifies numbers, listens for the main idea, listens for important details.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using pictures- Associatingconcepts- Identifying voiceand voicelesssounds- RecognizingnumbersADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:15\04\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: SCHOOL NEWSUNIT 5 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to infer ideas using context clues, to understand and identify how a story news is organized, and to write a news story about a school issue.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to report news about general interest topics and major disasters.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates previews vocabulary from a reading text, reads a news article and takes a position on the topic, identifies the different elements of a news story.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Asking questionsto themselves- Inferringmeaning fromcontext- Using clues inthe contextADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:25\04\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: YOU’RE PULLING MY LEG!UNIT 5 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to communicate using idioms, exchange information in gap activities and give a formal presentation.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to report news about general interest topics and major disasters.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates Uses idiomaticexpressionsto talk about experiences.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Looking at pictures and identifying topics to activatebackground knowledge- Associating words and expressions to a particularcontextADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:05\05\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: I WISH I HAD ONEUNIT 6 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to express wishes about using, owning and operating devices, gadgets and appliances.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to describe tech habits and wishes.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates describes their cell phone features, talks about their technological wishes.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using priorknowledge to makeinferences- Previewingvocabulary- Predicting- Making inferencesADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:15\05\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: TECH USERS AND COMMON HABITSUNIT 6 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to describe tech habits and users.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to describe tech habits and wishes.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates gives commands to use devices, identifies tech users and their habits or preferences, trips and vacations.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using pictures toassociate concepts- Previewing conversations- Using the context todetermine the meaning and predict what theywill hearADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:25\05\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: BE A SMART TECH USER!UNIT 6 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to interpret graphic information..OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to describe tech habits and wishes.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates understands graphic information, identifies how information reports are typically organized, writes a report based on information collected.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using prior knowledge – Identifying purpose for reading- Skimming and scanning areport- Using a graph to represent numerical information in a visual way.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:1ro, 2do, 3ro de Bachillerato BGUDATE:05\06\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 20 (1ro BGU), 18 (2do BGU), 8 (3ro BGU)RECENT TOPIC WORK: PULL THE PLUG!UNIT 6 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class the student?s will enable learners to communicate using idioms, to exchange information in gap activities and to give a formal presentation.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, intonation and fluently in an easy conversation, be able to describe tech habits and wishes.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates uses idiomatic expressions to talk about anecdotes, associates words and expressions with a particular context.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups, meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.-The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- The students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using idiomaticexpressions in context- Personalizing idiomaticexpressions to sharepersonal opinions andanecdotesADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School Director ................

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