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Inspiring A Faith JourneyBig Idea: At MOPS, we want every leader to talk about faith in a way that inspires every woman toward Jesus. The first step in doing this is to understand our MOPS Outreach Strategy.1. ATTRACTWe want every mom of young children to know she belongs. Moms come to us from many backgrounds. Some feel isolated or overwhelmed. Some are searching for new friends and many walk through our doors spiritually open. We’ve all been placed in this time and space in history as a tribe of women who are raising the world together. And the beauty of it is we don’t all have to agree with one another, but everyone is in and we all need each other. Every mom is embraced at MOPS. How do we attract moms?Through the posts on “Hello Dearest!” Mom Blog, we select and write articles aimed at the current needs of moms. The MOPS theme is created with a passionate focus on what draws moms deeper in their faith. We also attract moms by personal invitation and through the structure of our local MOPS groups. A mom can come to MOPS and experience hospitality, an atmosphere which is welcoming to all women, leadership development and mentoring; all key components to developing better moms who make a better world.Action: Do the faces in your MOPS group look like the faces in your community? Reach out to women who may have different life experiences than you. Engage in conversations and invite moms who may be experiencing different life situations than you.2. ENGAGEWe want to meet the needs of every mom. Sometimes we need a wise woman who has been there, done that, to bounce ideas off of. That’s why we love MOPS Mentors. They provide sage advice and willing ears. At MOPS, we also help women find friends, we provide practical discussion and we offer “me time” (no kiddos!)How do we engage moms?We use Hello Dearest! magazine, and each mom receives a workbook to follow along with the curriculum.Action: Equip the Mentors in your group with resources to help them grow in their skills. Include them in leadership meetings and communicate how they can best support your group and Leadership Team. 3. SHAREWe want to share the love of Christ with every mom. MOPS groups who utilize discussion time around a table create a safe and welcoming atmosphere. Through the use of personal stories, we have the opportunity to invite relationships with each other and with Christ. MOPS strives to talk about faith in a way that inspires every woman toward Jesus. We hope every mom experiences who God created her to be and finds her purpose. How do we share with moms?We use curriculum, which is updated annually, leader training, coaching, a mentor workbook and a connection to a local church.Action: Intentionally connect your church and MOPS group to help moms grow in faith. Create a safe environment for every mom regardless of her faith background – or lack thereof. Be committed to authenticity and vulnerability in your own journey so others see the true reality of following Jesus.4. INVESTWe go deeper with our leaders. Moms have the ability to do big things. MOPS wants to help every woman gain the confidence to use their voice to change the world. That’s why we challenge women to lead and we invest in leaders to provide them with opportunities for leadership development and training. MOPS invests in Coaches who encourage and inspire leaders through relationship. These Coaches lead local MOPS International events to provide further training and networking among leaders. Finally, we invest in MOMcon, our annual MOPS International conference.How do we invest in leaders?We provide bible study materials, monthly devotions, Leader workbook and Connections MagazineAction: Plan speakers to equip moms to grow as women, mothers and leaders. Share stories of how moms influence other moms. Are the moms leaving your MOPS group different than when they came? At MOPS, Christian faith is communicated first through relationships that grow in an open, accepting environment, developing authenticity and building trust. We coach our leaders to share about the hope found in a relationship with Christ through our curriculum, prayer and discussions that happen around the table. It’s our hope these opportunities will inspire moms to move one step closer to Jesus in their faith journey as we commit to attract every mother of young children, engage and meet her needs, share personal and relevant stories and invest by going deeper with every mom and leader. ................

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