[Pages:1]download minecraft kn launcher. Recommendations about an electrical supply To execute ? The redirection of inquiries is set by means of options forwarders and forward (listing 18.1 see). The option forwarders allows to set one or several IPaddresses of servers DNS to which the local server begins to address before beginning performance of standard procedure of transformation of addresses. The option forward supposes one or the other values: only or first. If you set forward only, BIND at work will rely only on the remote server DNS specified by means of an option forwarders, and will not carry out standard procedure of transformation of names. Value first forward specifies to an option that BIND should address at first to remote server DNS, and if such reference has not given results (for example if the remote server has not answered inquiry), it should carry out transformation of names on standard algorithm. Anyway, if to the server the inquiry about transformation of names which belong to the zone served by the given server arrives, it will use the zone description in the configuration file.



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