
Bhanu Ph.: +1 (209) 803-8177 bhanu.sysops@ PROFESSIONAL SUMMARYDevOps Engineer offering 5+ years’ experience solving complex problems with creative solutions, troubleshooting, automating, overseeing, Linux Administration, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Release Management and Cloud Implementations tuning and deploying code over multiple environments, supporting development and operations environments.Worked with development engineers to ensure automated test efforts are tightly integrated with the build system and in fixing the error while doing the deployment and building.Experience in phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Quality Assurance Life Cycle (QALC), Linux Administration, Software Configuration Management (SCM), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD), Release Management, Cloud Implementations and configurations.Familiar with EC2, Cloud watch, Elastic IP’s and managing security groups on AWS.Expertise in build automation tools like ANT/MAVEN, Node JS.Extensive experience in AWS Cloud platform and its features: EC2, VPC, EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, EBS, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation AWS Configuration, Auto scaling, Cloud Front, IAM, S3.Deployed Enterprise Application Archive (EAR), Web Application Archive (WAR), JSP’s, and Servlets in Staging and mitted and exceptionally energetic Build/Release/Deployment/Operations (DevOps) Engineer with involvement in all periods of Software Development Life Cycle (SLDC, for example, Requirement Analysis, Planning, Design, Development, Testing, and Release of different Enterprise-Wide Software Applications.Experience in using configuration management tools like Puppet/ Chef/AWS/Openstack. Experience with Docker Cloud, Docker UCP, Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, and managing the directory structures and managing containers.Expert in deploying the code through web application servers like WebSphere/Web Logic/ Apache Tomcat/JBOSS. Cloud & SaaS Platforms like Amazon Web Services, Workday, ConcurExperience of Jenkins/ Hudson, VS Build Pro, Apache Tomcat, Subversion.Having good Experience in Chef and Puppet for Deployment on Multiple platforms.Expertise in Repository Management tools Artifactory, Nexus.Experience in executing Organization DevOps methodology in different situations of LINUX and Windows servers alongside adopting cloud procedures based on Amazon Web Services.Experienced in project analysis, gathering user requirements, technical design and training customers.Closely worked with development, QA and other teams to ensure automated test efforts are tightly integrated with the build system and in fixing the error while doing the deployment and building.Good Exposure/knowledge on Virtualization and Containers (Docker) and Hypervisors ESXI, ESX.Strong knowledge on source controller concepts like Branches, Merges and Tags.Managed multiple Chef Infrastructures (DEV, QA, STAGING, and PRODUCTION).Artifacts cross projects and environments.Experienced in using Build Automation tools like DevOps system working knowledge other build tools like MS Build and CMake.Proficient in tracing complex build problems, release issues and environment issues in a multi-component environment.Excellent communicative, interpersonal, intuitive, analysis and leadership skills with ability to work efficiently in both independent and team work environments.Creation of different AWS service like API, RDS instance and Lambda to build a serverless application.Installation of Talend Studio suit on EC2 instances and creating job server.Creating different S3 buckets and write Lambda to move files from S3 to instance and FTP server to S3.Implementing Kibana on top of Elastic Search.Extracting log data and creating custom logs.TECHNICAL SKILLSProgrammingC/C++,C#, Java, PHP, Shell, Python, Ruby Scripting, Batch, Soap UI, VM Ware ESX, SE.Source Control/VersioningTortoise SVN, GIT, Junit, TFS.CI/CD ToolsPuppet, Chef, Docker, Jenkins, Ansible, SaltBuild Tools Maven, Nexus, Ant, Nagios, NolioWeb TechnologiesHTML, JavaScript, Jquery, XMLWeb ServersWeb logic, WebSphere, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, Nginx, HA ProxyOSLinux, Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat 6.x, Kali, Suse, Windows Server 2008,2012DatabasesOracle 11g, MySQL, Postgres SQL, MongoDBSecurity ToolsWireshark, TCP Wrappers, Nmap, NetstatProtocols/ServicesLDAP, DNS, BIND, HTTP, HTTPS, POP3, NFS, NIS, TLS/SSL, DHCP, Kerberos, SAMBA, SQUIDOthersMS-Build, Azure, Agile, SCRUM, Load BalancingPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEClient: Applied Materials, CA OCT 2016 – PresentPosition: Sr. DevOps/Cloud EngineerResponsibilities:Supporting build, deployment, testing and release process in agile.Build tools and processes to support and enhance build and release infrastructure. Used RPM in several Linux distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprises and Fedora.Designed and implemented GIT metadata including elements, labels, attributes, triggers and hyperlinks. Responsible for design and maintenance of the GIT Repositories, branching and build/release strategies utilizing GIT.Used ANT and MAVEN as build tools on Java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.Configured various services, devices as well as applications of UNIX servers and worked with application team to customize the environment. Worked with Apache and developed several UNIX scripts to automate web tasks.Configured Jenkins jobs to automate build, create artifacts and execute unit tests as part of the build process. Also, integrated build process with Sonar for code quality analysis.Utilized Ansible, Puppet, Git and Rundeck to install and configure Linux environments with successful production deployment.Installed and configured foreman with?puppet, Salt Stack for auto-provisioning the Linux machines in AWS and VMware environments.Developed MS Build scripts for .Net web applications and setting up in IIS6/7 and deploy using MS Deploy.Used Web Form controls like Textbox, Button and Dropdown list controls for creating an easily accessible user interface.Maintaining CI builds with scripts for .Net technology.Involved in designing and writing functionalities of the web applications using on Rails.Written Server Side programs using?Servlets?and used?Eclipse IDE?for all coding in Java, Servlets and JSPsCreated scripts in Python which integrated with Amazon API to control instance operations.Created various Python tools to automate many of the repeatable tasks in our environment as well to use with Nagios for monitoring and trending.Worked on various applications using?python?integrated IDEs Eclipse, PyCharm and NetBeans.Deployed the application on?WebSphere Application?server.Execution of Test Cases and reporting the bugs through defect tracking tool – ServiceNow.Managed AWS EC2 instances utilizing Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing and Glacier for our environments.Experience deploying highly scalable and fault-tolerant services within public and private cloud infrastructure (MS Azure, SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, VMware).Networks and Security administration including routers, switches, firewalls and VPNs.Provide highly durable and available data by using S3 data store, versioning, lifecycle policies, and create AMIs for mission critical production servers for backup.Install, configure and administer log analyzer tool Cloud Watch Automated the release pipeline to achieve zero touch deployments using Jenkins, Hudson.Created Jenkins job to build the artifacts using maven, deploy the Terraform templates to create the stack.Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, CHEF, and Maven in Linux environment.Managed hardware, software, and networking for a large scale?Openstack?cluster.Involved in deployment of application on Azure server by creating packages.Implemented automatic machine failure recovery on cloud (AWS, Azure).Maintenance and monitoring of Docker in a cloud based service during production and Set up system for dynamically adding and removing web services from a server using Docker.Managed a PaaS for deployments using Docker, Ansible, Mesos and Marathon which reduced considerably deployment risks.Thorough understanding of IP addressing scheme, Subnetting.Source code management, automated builds, lab management, testing and release management capabilities are carried out by using TFS.Environment: Version Control Tools, SCM, Jenkins on UNIX/Linux, GIT Repositories, ANT and MAVEN, artifacts, Shell and Perl scripting, Chef, Puppet, CM tools, Nexus server and Subversion source control, Amazon cloud server, Docker, TFS, , CSS3, HTML5 and JavaScript, Continuous Delivery, OpenStack.Client: Macys , GA SEP 2015 - OCT 2016Position: DevOps / Cloud EngineerResponsibilities:Day to day duties for Unix/Linux server Maintenance and Support to developer's team for their issues with application, tuning, troubleshooting, software running on Servers. Managed Ubuntu, Linux and Windows virtual servers on AWSEC2 using Open-Source Chef Server. Configured Red Hat Cluster Nodes for any legacy applications and verified the daily health check on the Cluster Nodes. Designed and implemented scalable, secure cloud architecture based on Amazon Web Services. Leveraged AWS cloud services such as EC2; auto-scaling; and VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) to build secure, highly scalable and flexible systems that handled expected and unexpected load bursts, and can quickly evolve during development iterations. Implemented multiple high-performance MongoDB replica sets on EC2 with robust reliability.Worked on high-volume crash collecting and reporting system, built with Python.Worked at optimizing volumes and EC2 instances and created multiple VPC instances.Experience in creating alarms and notifications for EC2 instances using Cloud Watch.Experience involving configuring S3 versioning, lifecycle policies, backup files and archive files in glacier.Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, CHEF, Maven in Linux environment. Created virtual environments via vagrant with chef client provision.Worked on documentation - Chef basics, Initial setup of Chef, Data bags implementation, Coding standards, Cookbook document, Testing docs.Setting up uDeploy server along with automated scripts to back up the server and restore from backup for recovery.Modeling the structure of a multi-tiered and multi-platform application and orchestrate the processes required to deploy it in uDeploy. Used Chef to manage VM configuration within AWS & Primarily used Ruby to write GIT applications and chef RecipesWritten wrapper scripts to automate deployment of cookbooks on nodes and running the chef client on them in a Chef-Solo environment.Experience with design, configuration and implementation of Nagios 4.0.8Monitored remotely run scripts via Nagios Remote Plugin Executor.Used GIT version control to manage the source code and integrating GIT with Jenkins to support build automation.Implemented the setup for Master slave architecture to improve the Performance of Jenkins. Used Jenkins, Build forge for Continuous Integration and deployment into Tomcat Application Server. Involved in setting up JIRA as defect tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations and plugins for the JIRA bug/issue tracker.Worked on Apache and Firewalls in both development and production.Used Wireshark to examine data from a live network or from a capture file on disk.Worked on high-volume crash collecting and reporting system, built with Python.Developed unit and functional tests in Python and Java. Expertise in deployment of Routers, Switches, Hubs, Firewalls, IDS, load balancers, VPN Concentrators.Environment: Redhat Linux 5, Ubuntu, Suse, AIX, Puppet, AWS, Maven, Sonarqube, Nagios, Python, Shell, VMware ESXi, Java, Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Hudson, Python, Perl, AWS, GIT, SVN, Apache Webserver, JBoss, Apache JMETER, Gliffy, MetaCase, GIT, SVN, Windows, Ruby Chef, JIRA.Client: Vision Works, TX. AUG 2014 – JUL 2015 Position: DevOps /Build & Release EngineerResponsibilities:Developed and implemented Software Release Management strategies for various applications per the agile process. Performed role as Automation Engineer for Developing Build and deploy tool (like Jenkins). Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, Chef, Maven & Nexus in Linux environment.Used Nolio to achieve agile operations and meet the growing challenges and complexities of deploying to multiple environments across the application delivery chain, from development to production.Managed Chef Cookbooks to automate system operations. AWS Cloud management and Chef Automation. Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups, Optimized volumes and EC2 instances. Developed Perl and shell scripts for automation of the build and release process, developed Custom Scripts to monitor repositories, Server storage. Implemented rapid-provisioning and life-cycle management for Ubuntu Linux using Amazon EC2, Chef, and custom Ruby/Bash scripts. Worked with Puppet Master and Puppet Agents. Defined Puppet Master and Puppet Agents to manage and configure nodes. Stood up Cassandra clusters in the Amazon Web Services Cloud and migrated data between environments.Implemented a real-time processing platform using?Kafka?and Spark streaming to persist data in Cassandra.Worked on Managing the Private Cloud Environment using Puppet. Actively involved in architecture of DevOps platform and cloud solutions. Converting Puppet Work flow into Python. Worked on various scripting language like Bash, Shell, Perl and Python. Done with replacement for reading excellent OpenStack documentation, rather, a short summary of some basic commands. Deployment and Support of OpenStack Cloud based on Linux RHEL / CentOS/Ubuntu.Imported and managed multiple corporate applications into Tortoise SVN. Setup and maintenance of automated environment using Chef Recipes & Cookbooks within Azure environment. Used Knife and Chef Bootstrap processes. Created Roles and Data bags to implement them on nodes. Provided end-user straining for all SVN, JIRA users to effectively use the tool. Deployed J2EE applications to Application servers in an agile continuous integration environment and automated the whole process. To achieve Continuous Delivery goal on high scalable environment, used Docker coupled with load-balancing tool Nginx. Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub and AWS AMI’s, whenever a new GitHub branch gets started, Jenkins, our Continuous Integration server, automatically attempts to build a new Docker container from it, The Docker container leverages Linux containers and has the AMI baked in. Converted our staging and Production environment from a handful AMI’s to a single bare metal host running Docker.Created and maintained the Python deployment scripts for Web Sphere web application. Involved in editing the existing ANT/MAVEN files in case of errors changes in the project requirements. Implemented a Python module to query data from a PostgreSQL table to display aggregated data from Map Reduce jobs. Environment: Java, Agile, Tortoise SVN, Chef, AWS, Puppet, Docker, Nagios, Jenkins, Bash, ANT, MAVEN, Perl Scripts, Shell Scripts, XML, Oracle 11g, JIRA, Openstack, Python Scripting, GIT, Windows.Client: Iron Mountain, Bangalore,India JUL 2013 - APR 2014Role: Release/ Build Engineer Responsibilities:Automated build process with Continuous Integration Tool Jenkins/Hudson, Bash/Perl. Involved in designing/automating proof of concept projects and version control tool migrations and handling Version Control activities –Clear case. Participated in migration, from Base Clear Case to UCM Clear Case and even from CVS.Managing the code migration from TFS, CVS and Star team to Subversion repository.Configured application servers(JBOSS) to deploy the code. Utilized Jira for issue reporting, status, and activity planning. Extensively used ANT tool to do the builds, integrated ANT to Eclipse and did local builds. Deployed the EARs and WARs in JBOSS Application server using ANT script. Involved in building Java and .NET code on to different Jenkins servers as per the schedule.Maintained and administered GIT source code tool and Experience in working GIT for branching, tagging, and merging.Created scripts for Backup and restoring GITHUB repositories.Used MAVEN as a dependency management tool to manage all the dependencies that are required. Created and configured jobs, script builder, custom command builder, agents in Bamboo. Worked on Atlassian confluence a team collaboration software for creating the design documents and sharing the documents within the team members.Configured GIT with Jenkins and schedule jobs using Poll SCM option. Using Jenkins AWS Code Deploy plugin to deploy to AWS Installed Build forge software and configured database and application server settings within the Management console.Integration of Linux/Solaris with Active Directory (LDAP).Used IBM Rational Clear Quest for tracking the changes and approval process. Worked on deploying ERP (Oracle 11i) applications. Worked in creating WebSphere Application Server Clustered Environments and handling Load Balancing for QA, UAT and Production.Implemented Nagios monitoring solution for mission critical servers. Environments: Linux/Unix, Centos, SCM, Clear case, Active Directory, Jenkins, SVN, Maven, ANT, Bamboo, GIT HUB, Nagios, Puppet, Build forge, Java/J2EE, .Net, SQL, TFS, Python, API, Atlassian, IBM clear quest, DNS, Logs, NTP, JBoss, Confluence, Fisheye, Nexus. ................

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