Adult focus sheet 40-60 months – Musical instruments

right5725724This is an adult led activity targeted towards meeting 40-60 months in exploring and using media and materials. As each group completes the activity plot their names in the table below, when complete a whole class overview will show any key next steps needed to improve further development.020000This is an adult led activity targeted towards meeting 40-60 months in exploring and using media and materials. As each group completes the activity plot their names in the table below, when complete a whole class overview will show any key next steps needed to improve further development.right5768340Adult focus sheet 40-60 months – Musical instruments035000Adult focus sheet 40-60 months – Musical instrumentsAdult focus sheet- Musical InstrumentsWeek beg:EAD, PSEAdult:Learning Intention:To explore with different musical instruments.Success Criteria:*To explore the different sounds of instruments.* To take turns and work co-operatively.*To talk about own ideas.Differentiation:To work in mixed ability groups of 3 or 4 children.Activity:Work in small groups of 3 or 4 children. Have different instruments laid out in the middle of the circle. Do you know what these instruments are called? How do you use them? Take turns to pick up an instrument and explore how to use it and its sound. What does it sound like? Does it remind you of anything? Allow the children to explore each instrument and discuss. Now put the instruments inside a feely bag. Play an instrument Can they guess which instrument it is? Reveal to see if they are correct.KEY NOTES:Encourage the children talk about the sounds and relate it to past experiences.RESOURCES: Variety of musical instrumentsfeely bagChildren ( * achieved / support) Evaluation:Next step: ................

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