Cyrano de Bergerac: ACT I

Cyrano de Bergerac: ACT I


(1) Christian’s Fear (page 10 / 19) right after “Macaroons , lemonade…”

This passage provides an excellent direct characterization of Christian. How does he describe himself?

(2) Comte (Count) de Guiche (page 16 / 24) “And the man…” or “Who is that man”

What, according to Lignière, is Comte de Guiche’s relationship to Roxane? How does he describe the Comte?

What has Lignière recently done that might make Comte de Guiche angry?

(3) Christian and Roxane have a “moment” (page 17/25)

What do you think is happening, in Christian’s mind, during the moment that Christian stares at Roxanne?

(4) Which comes first? (page 20/28) “I’ll go! God, what a swine…” or “Yes, I’ll Go!”

Christian learns from a pickpocket that someone plans to send 100 men to ambush Lignière as punishment for an offensive song he wrote. Why is Christian uncertain about leaving to help his friend, and what does he finally decide?

(5) The Ballade Brawl (pages 39-41 / 42-45)

The Viscount thinks he has sufficiently insulted Cyrano when he exclaims, “Your nose is… rather large!” Why do you think Cyrano decides to compose a ballade as he clashes swords with the Viscount to get his revenge?

(6) Cyrano’s plan (pages 46-47 / 49) “I have been wandering—“ or “The simplest course of all…”

After Le Bret warns Cyrano against living so brashly (thoughtlessly), he asks Cyrano what he plans to do with his life. What is Cyrano’s response?

(7) Words Unsaid (page 47/49)

What is the real reason why Cyrano hates the actor Montfleury (besides the fact that he can’t act)? Note that he never truly says it, so you’ll have to read between the lines. He just says that he saw him “look at …”

Why hasn’t Cyrano confessed his true feelings to Roxane yet (page 48-49 / 51)?

(8) Cyrano to the Rescue (pages 54-56 / 54-57)

What does Cyrano plan to do when he learns that Lignière is being ambushed by 100 men?

Why does he claim that they must be sending a hundred swords against one man?

What do you think Cyrano is so energized? See the speech beginning with “I… I am going to be a storm—a flame—” on page 52.


When Valvert insults Cyrano’s nose (rather poorly, one might add), Cyrano responds with a lengthy lesson on how one might properly insult his nose in a variety of different tones (such as Aggressive, Friendly, Descriptive, etc). Read through his monologue on pages 36-37 / 40-41. Choose FOUR (4) of these different styles and compose insults of your own that match them (they can be any kind of insults—not necessarily about a nose).



If you were in the middle of a date (or something along those lines), would you drop everything to help a friend in trouble? Why or why not?


Do you think it takes a different kind of courage to talk to a woman than to be a soldier? Explain.


Do you think this is possible for anyone?


Words can be hurtful when they’re said, but they can be just as hurtful when they are never said. How can it harm us to remain silent sometimes?

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