Exercise 1

Sri Lanka Institute of Information TechnologyB.Sc. (Hons) Degree in IT specialization in Interactive Multimedia2016 Batch MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM ASSIGNMENT 1 IT 141117138 R.Abhiyugaa1905047625SRI LANKA INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIAB.Sc. (Hons) Degree in IT specialization in Interactive Multimedia TechnologyTute 10SRI LANKA INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIAB.Sc. (Hons) Degree in IT specialization in Interactive Multimedia TechnologyTute 1Exercise 1 You have been given the task of creating an interactive Web presentation for marketing a new bicycle.Task 1Visit four different bicycle web sites using a suitable search tool. For each web site you visit, write in the table below the name of the site, its URL, and Describe each site in terms of its multimedia incorporation.Discuss whether its multimedia content is appropriate and where and how additional media content might improve the site.Describe what multimedia presentation formats it uses. Video? Virtual reality? 3-D animations?Site 1URL (address): the GUI. What navigational elements does it have?The GUI is very user friendly and very attractive. It has a search bar which provides convenient search facility for any user according to his/her needs. GUI consists of a lot of information and news section is given the main focus.What colors does it use?Black , GreyIs it cluttered?NoIs the content relevant and appropriate?Yes, Content is totally focused on bikes.What additions/deletions of content might improve the site?Mostly they use black colours,if they change it as little light colors its becomes so attractiveDescribe any multimedia presentations of specific products.Using text, image and graphics to advertise bikes and Using flash player for advertisingWhat formats did they use?Text Images Graphic art Flash animation VideosSite 2URL (address): the GUI. What navigational elements does it have?The GUI is user friendly. It has a search bar which provides convenient search facility for any user according to his/her needs. Categories are shown from a side.What colors does it use?Blue, whiteIs it cluttered?NoIs the content relevant and appropriate?Yes, Content is totally focused on bikes.What additions/deletions of content might improve the site?More real images of bikes instead of graphical images should be added.Describe any multimedia presentations of specific products.Using flash player for advertisingWhat formats did they use?Text Images Graphic art Flash animation VideosSite 3URL (address): the GUI. What navigational elements does it have?The GUI is user friendly and very attractive. It has a search bar which provides convenient search facility for any user according to his/her needs. Categories are shown from a side.What colors does it use?Grey , RedIs it cluttered?NoIs the content relevant and appropriate?Yes, Content is focused on bikes, Helmets, Bike Parts and etc.What additions/deletions of content might improve the site?More real images of bikes instead of graphical images should be added.Describe any multimedia presentations of specific products.Using flash player for advertisingWhat formats did they use?Text Images Graphic art Flash animation VideosSite 4URL (address): the GUI. What navigational elements does it have?The GUI is user friendly. It has a search bar which provides convenient search facility for any user according to his/her needs. Categories are shown from a side.What colors does it use?Grey , RedIs it cluttered?NoIs the content relevant and appropriate?Yes, Content is focused on bikes.What additions/deletions of content might improve the site?Flash Player images are little large, if they reduce the size its looks more professional.Describe any multimedia presentations of specific products.Using flash player for advertisingWhat formats did they use?Text Images Graphic art Flash animation VideosExercise 2 Review an educational multimedia CD-ROM titleTask 1Fill out the table that follows.Title of CDSpoken English Leaning Video Spoken English Tutorial English ConversationDescribe the GUI. What navigational elements does it have?GUI is appropriate and attractive and it’s an animation type video. There are navigational elements which are suit with DVD player.What color scheme(s) does it use? Is it cluttered?They use Yellow color for background. It is not cluttered. Very neat.Describe the educational content. Is it well organized?Educational content is well organized. They use different ideas to describe main use of English.Would you be able to easily learn the subject matter using this package?Yes. Using this package I could able to easily learn the subject. There are some videos and demonstrations. Those are helpful for understanding and It’s like a cartoon animation CD so it’s very interesting to study Mostly they cover all the important things in English.Describe the product in terms of its multimedia incorporation.In this program the visual displays of animation, text, graphics and video are also synchronized with the audio information. Such techniques enable the audio medium to carry most of the information in a clear natural voice, while the text is used to hold attention.Discuss whether its multimedia content is appropriate and where and how additional media content might improve the site.?The multimedia content is appropriate, attractive and well organized.Exercise 3 Contact a local multimedia development companyTask 1Ask them what kinds of products they develop and whether they would describe two projects they have recently completed. Be sure that they provide you with enough information to answer each of the following questions.Multimedia Project 1Name of project.JAFFNAKind of product created.MovieWhat authoring tool(s) were used to create the project?Camera--- canon 5D Mark iii?Software (Cinematography) Adobe Premier CC 2015 , ? Adobe after effects, DaVinci resolve?Software (Music) Logic pro X , Protools?Final work DCP (Digital Cinema Package)Who made up the development team for the project?Director - KavimaaranProducer- Selva Mugunthan (PML Meadia France)?Music - Pathmayan SivaEditor - Jay logendraCinematography - Jay logendraHow did the production of the project develop?Cinematography- Jay logendra?Location Jaffna (Chunnaham, Pannai beach, Jaffna fort, Kallundaai)How long did the project take to complete??6 months (21.06.2015 to 10.01.2016)What problems were encountered?A lot of time was taken to shoot since several lenses were used.Multimedia Project 2Name of project.The Unspoken SongKind of product created.A Short FilmWhat authoring tool(s) were used to create the project?Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Adobe PhotoshopWho made up the development team for the project?The development team called - SWITCH Productions with 5 team members Chanditha Athukorale Nirmal Wijayasiri Uvindu Chandrasiri Rojith Weerasinghe Lahiru Dissanayake Dilum RathnayakeHow did the production of the project develop?It developed with the idea of the pressure that an AL student have to handle at the time. The production team based their real life experience producing this movieHow long did the project take to complete?Nearly 1 ? Months What problems were encountered?Limited Technology The whole project was done using a nonprofessional camera [Canon PowerShot SX40 HS ] Lighting Problems It was filmed at middle of Kandy city and it is a crowded area.Exercise 4 Visit a large public area such as a shopping mall, the downtown area of a city, or a museum. Locate a kiosk or other public multimedia installation.Task 1Spend 15 minutes observing who uses it and for how long.?Water’s EdgeDescribe the installation. Where was it located? ?By the Parliament Road, BattaramullaIs there a lot of foot traffic going past it? YesIs it conveniently located? YesIs it accessible to a wide range of users (tall, short, disabled, wheelchair, or vision impaired)?It is accessible to all peoplesDescribe the usage pattern. Characterize the users. All peoples are used it. Mostly its very entertainment place for children and their family. Students of SLIIT are spend their free time in this park and old peoples are visit here to relaxing.Were children attracted to it? YesDid users “play” with itYes ................

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