PDF Secondary Objectives for School Year Continue to expose ...

[Pages:1]Secondary Objectives for ________________________________ School Year _____________

To include but not limited to:

English: Continue to improve spelling, grammar and composition skills. Read a wide variety of literature.

Science: Continue to expose student to concepts in science. Read interesting books on scientific topics.

Geography: Instruct student in the areas of local, state and world geography. Continue to instruct student in the use of maps, atlas and globe.

Social Studies to include:

Civics: Continue to explain the rights and responsibilities of a citizen to student. Continue to discuss current events.

World History, US History, PA History: Read a variety of historical literature. Continue to place events of history in a logical order.

Mathematics: Improve computation skills. Master new topics as introduced.

Art/Music: Provide opportunities for student to use art/music as a form of expression.

Physical Education: Provide opportunity for regular physical activity of all kinds.

Health and Safety Education: Continue to instruct student in areas relating to health and safety on an ongoing basis, including the regular and continuous instruction in the danger and prevention of fires.


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