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Logic of English Lesson Plans

This schedule does not include the phonemic awareness activities, or learning to write the phonograms, which should be done before starting essentials lesson 1. While getting ready to start you can use the phonogram flash cards, LOE youtube videos, large motor (sandpaper cards, salt trays, dry erase boards), the information in Uncovering the Logic of English and the Essentials teachers manual.

Substitute Spelling words (alternative word suggestions provided) as appropriate- see to search for words by phonogram

|Daily and Tips |

|Review all previously learned phonograms, either with the flash cards, or a phonics game. |

|If a reader is not assigned, the student should read any previously assigned book. |

|When the phonogram is introduced, write it in a salt tray, on the board, build it with block (large motor) before writing it on paper, write each phonogram multiple times while vocalizing the phonogram |

|When the spelling list is given, sound it out, clap syllables, and build it with letter magnets/tiles before spelling on paper |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |Readers &

Spelling Words | |Week 1,

Lesson 1 |Review A-Z phonograms

Dictate Phonograms #1-15

|Dictate Phonograms #16-25 The phonogram Qu,

Write spelling rule and 3 Qu words |Consonants and Vowels

Review Qu |Spelling Dictation: words 1-5

(Sound out, Clap Syllables, build with tiles, write on paper) |Spelling Dictation: words 6-10

(Sound out, Clap Syllables, build with tiles, write on paper)

Read previous spelling words

|Progressive Phonics Beginner Books 1-5

Leapfrog TAG Short Vowel learn to read books

Spelling list in LOE is appropriate for 5-6 age range for lesson 1, alternate words:

At Me On

It In Us

Had Man Did

Ten bad let

(and many more, short vowel, CVC words) | |Week 2

Lesson 1 |Spelling Dictation: words 10-15

(Sound out, Clap Syllables, build with tiles, write on paper)

Read previous spelling words |Introduce Nouns-

Read Word Fun Nouns

Discuss LOE Nouns

Read Spelling List, determine which words are nouns |Re-read Word Fun Nouns, Discuss Plural Nouns page

LOE Plural Nouns

Read and Repeat spelling list words in their plural form |Do Dictation Assignment

Read all Previous Spelling words,

Arrange Cards into Phrases |Do Dictation Assignment

Read all Previous Spelling words, Arrange Cards into Phrases | | |Week 3

Lesson 2 |Short Vowels and Long Vowels

Review Short Vowels, review nouns and plurals |Short Vowels and Long Vowels

Review Short Vowels, review nouns and plurals |Introduce ck, ee

Do large motor writing of new phonograms, practice sounds

Phonogram Dictation:

1-5, 10-15, 21-25 |Introduce th, ng

Do large motor writing of new phonograms, practice sounds

Phonogram Dictation:

6-9, 16-20

Play Bingo 2.2 |Introduce spelling rule ck

play ck spelling rule game (page 15) |Leapfrog TAG

That was That

Around the Block

On the Go

Progressive Phonics

intermediate book 5

intermediate book 1

intermediate book 8

intermediate book 9

intermediate book 10

Alternative Spelling list:

Free this pick

song thee thud

Bath moth beef

Beep pack tack | |Week 4

Lesson 2 |Review spelling rule ck

spelling list 1-5

read word fun: adj

read all prior spelling words, point out nouns, make plurals |Review spelling rule ck

spelling list 6-10

read word fun: adj

read all prior spelling words, point out nouns, make plurals |Review spelling rule ck

spelling list 11-15

read word fun: adj

read all prior spelling words, point out nouns, make plurals |LOE Grammar: adj

Arrange spelling words in phrases |Dictate phrases, read all spelling words | | |Week 5

Lesson 3 |Introduce er

Dictate 6-7, 9, 16

Pg 24, Vowels and Consonants |Introduce or

Dictate 10-15

Pg 24, Vowels and Consonants |Introduce ea

Dictate 1-5

Pg 24, Syllables |Introduce sh

Dictate 8, 17-20

Pg 24, Syllables |Introduce Spelling rule 4

Dictate CK, K words pg 26 |Progressive phonics

Intermediate book 1

Advanced book 5

Leapfrog TAG

More Chores

At the Shore

Alternate Spelling List

ever over user

Her deal meat

Shut bush dash

Oder for bead

Beam leak shed

Shin cash fish | |Week 6

Lesson 3 |Review long and short sounds (pg 25)

Review Spelling Rules

Dictate ck, k words |Dictate Spelling List,


Review Nouns

|Dictate Spelling List


Review Adjectives |Dictate Spelling List


Review Plurals |Non- Count Nouns

Irregular Plurals

Dictate Phrases | | |Week 7

Lesson 4 |Teach spelling rule

Introduce ay, ai |Teach spelling rule

Introduce oy, oi |Dictate phonograms 8-17

Read all prior spelling words |Dictate 1-7, 18-20

arrange prior spelling, review ay, ai, oy, oi |Play phonogram board game, multi-letter c&v

Re-dictate all phonograms (lesson 4) |Progressive phonics

Intermediate book 13

Advanced book 1

Leapfrog TAG

On the Train to Maine

A Year on My Street

Alternate Spelling List

play away clay

Gray okay fail

Fair hair paid

Said hail boy

Toy boil coin

Foil join soil

| |Week 8

Lesson 4 |Dictate 1-20 pg 34

Spelling Rules 1-2 pg 36 |Dictate 21-38

Spelling rules 3-4

Sort phonograms C&V (exclude or, er) pg 37 |Spelling rule 5 pg 37

Dictate all from pg 34 |Spelling rule 6 pg 38

play the long A game |Spell 1-5

Review Nouns, continue reviewing plurals | | |Week 9

Lesson 4

|Spell 6-10

Review Adjectives

Continue reviewing plurals |Spell 11-15

Article Adjectives

Continue reviewing plurals |Identify nouns and adjectives (pg 45)

Arrange spelling words into phrases |Dictate phrases, discuss nouns and adjectives in phrase |Dictate phrases, discuss nouns and adjectives in phrase | | |Week 10

Lesson 5 |Dictate phrases 1-5

Read all prior spelling words |Dictate phrases 6-10

read all prior spelling words |Dictate phrases 11-15, read all prior spelling words |Read 1-10 pg 50

Dictate phonograms (page 55, 1-20) |Read 11-20 pg 5-

Dictate phonograms (pg 55, 21-39) |Review Week- read any prior books. | |Week 11

Lesson 5 |Spelling rule 3 pg 52 |Spelling rule 26 pg 52 |Spelling rule 4, page 53 |Spelling rule 21 pg 53 |Spelling rule 9-10 pg 54 | | |

I wrote these plans using resources I already own and love-

Leapfrog TAG learn to read books (the phonograms are highlighted to help the child see them)

Word Fun

Progressive Phonics-

These books can be broken down into smaller sections so you are only covering the phonograms taught, the books cover different phonogram combinations than LOE

Alternative Spelling list are from Denise Eide’s blog posts and LOE grade level lists (level 1 and 2) as seen on


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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