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Environmental Evaluation Report on

Implementation of the Project of

Comprehensive Treatment of Water Environment

in Bayannaoer City by Loan from the World Bank

Project file:Implementation of the Project of Comprehensive Treatment of Water Environment in Bayannaoer City by Loan from the World Bank

Client: Bayannaoer Hetao Water Group Co., Ltd.

Appraising unit: China Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

President: Meng Wei

Project leader: Xi Beidou

Technical chief: Li Xiang Jiang Jinyuan Huo Shouliang

Chinese Research Academy Environmental Sciences

June 2010

Table of Contents

Environmental Evaluation Report on 1

Implementation of the Project of 1

Comprehensive Treatment of Water Environment 1

in Bayannaoer City by Loan from the World Bank 1

Client: Bayannur Hetao Water Group Co., Ltd. 1

Appraising unit: China Research Academy of Environmental Sciences 1

President: Meng Wei 1

Project leader: Xi Beidou 1

Technical chief: Li Xiang Jiang Jinyuan Huo Shouliang 1

Table of Contents 2

1 General Introduction 1

1.1 Project Background 1

1.1.1 Project Origin 1

1.1.2 Present Situation and Existing Problems of Water Resources 2

1.1.3 Construction Significance of Project 3

1.1.4 Project Objectives 7

1.1.5 Relevant Policies and Regulations 9

1.1.6 Relevant Planning of Environmental Protection Strategies 10

1.2 Assessment Purposes 16

1.3 Assessment Grade and Key Points 18

1.3.1 Assessment Grade 18

1.3.2 Assessment Key Points 19

1.4 Scope of Evaluation, Time Interval of Evaluation and Environmental Protection Objectives 20

1.4.1 Scope of Evaluation 20

1.4.2 Time Interval of Environmental Evaluation 23

1.4.3 Environmental Protection Objectives 23

1.5 Evaluative standards 27

1.5.1 Environmental quality standards 27

1.5.2 Standards for the discharge of pollutants 29

1.6 Environmental impact factors and evaluation factors 33

1.6.1 Identification of environmental impact factors 33

1.6.2 Selection of environmental impact and evaluation factors 35

1.7 Evaluation principles and methods 46

1.8 Technical route for environmental impact assessment 46

2. Framework for Policy, Law and Administration 48

2.1 Documents on Environment Policy and Law 48

2.1.1 Outline 48

2.1.2 Laws and rules on environmental protection 48

2.1.3 Technology policy for pollution prevention 50

2.1.4 Plans and layout of social and economic development and environmental protection 51

2.1.5 The urban master planning and related plans 51

2.1.6 The technology guideline and standards for environmental impact assessment 52

2.1.7 Environmental quality standard 52

2.1.8 Control standards for pollution discharge 53

2.1.9 World Bank safeguard policies 53

2.1.10 Documents related to the Project 54

2.2 Environmental Management Institutions and Their Responsibilities 54

3. Description and Analysis of the Project 61

3.1 Outline of the Project 61

3.1.1 Name, Construction Nature and Legal Person of the Project 61

3.1.2 Investment of the Project 61

3.1.3 Composition, construction content and size of the project 61

3.1.4 Proposed Locale of the Project 61

3.1.5 Floor Area of the Project and Plane Layout of Factory Area 69

3.1.6 Construction Progress Schedule and Staffing of the Project 80

3.1.7 Main Technical and Economic Indicators 82

3.2 Construction Proposal of the Project 83

3.2.1 Water Supply Subproject of Reclaimed Water 83

3.2.2 Processing park sewage treatment and reclamation sub-projects 116

3.2.3 Wuliangsuhai Lake Area Treatment Sub-project 121

3.3 Pollution source analysis 145

3.3.1 Sub-project of reclaimed water supply 146

3.3.2 Waste water treatment and reclamation projects in the manufacture park 156

3.3.3 Project of Wuliangsu Lake area comprehensive treatment 161

3.4 Relative projects 163

4. Environmental Baseline 169

4.1 Profile of Regional Environment 169

4.1.1 Environmental Profile of Bayannur City 169

4.1.2 Environmental Profile of Subitem Location 184

4.2 Evaluation on the situation of regional environment quality 223

4.2.1 Evaluation on the situation of air environment quality 223

4.2.2 Current surface water environmental quality assessment 237

4.2.3 Assessment of current groundwater environmental quality 247

4.2.4 Evaluation of current acoustic environmental quality 253

4.2.5 Sediment Monitoring 256

4.2.6 Current status of ecological environment 260

4.3 Balance analysis on the project water resource 292

4.3.1 Balance analysis on the regional water resources 292

4.3.2 Water capacity balance in Ulansuhai 295

4.4 The pollution source in the project area and its treatment overview 299

4.4.1The water supply and consumption in the project area and the sewage pollution source 299

4.4.2 Industrial solid waste 300

5 Comprehensive Environment Impact Assessment 301

5.1 Analysis on Environment Impact during Construction 301

5.1.1 Ambient Air Impact Analysis 301

5.1.2 Water Environment Impact Analysis and Assessment 306

5.1.3 Analysis of Acoustic Environmental Impact 311

5.1.4 Analysis of Solid Waste Environmental Impact 314

5.1.5 Analysis of Ecological Impact 317

5.1.6 Social Environmental Impact Analysis 322

5.2 Environmental Impact Analysis of Operation Period 325

5.2.1 Reclaimed Water Supply Works 325

5.2.2 Sewage treatment and recycling engineering in Processing Park 331

5.2.3 Wuliangsu Lake Lake Administration Project 340

5.2.4 Analysis of the sewage treatment plant and recycling plant after completion 356

5.2.5 Water environmental impact prediction and assessment of the project’s implementation 359

5.3 Mitigation Measures 372

5.3.1 Mitigation Measures in Construction Period 372

5.3.2 Mitigation Measures in Operation Stage 382

6. Environmental Risk Analysis and Relief Measures 398

6.1 Environmental Risk Analysis and Relief Measures of Reclaimed Water Supply Works 398

6.1.1 Environmental Risk Analysis of Reclaimed Water Supply Works 398

6.1.2 Environmental Risk Relief Measures of Reclaimed Water Supply Works 399

6.2 Environmental Risk Analysis and Relief Measures of Sewage Treatment and Recycling Works 401

6.2.1 Potential Environmental Risk and Accident 401

6.2.2 Prevention Countermeasure and Measures of Risk and Accident 403

6.3 Sea Area Treatment Works of Wuliangsu Lake 410

6.3.1 Winter Wetland Operation Analysis 410

6.3.2 Inlet Water Quantity of Wetland in Winter and Water Quality Analysis 414

6.3.3 Accident analysis on Abnormal Operation 416

7 Comparison, selection and analysis of substitute plans 420

7.1 Content and principle of comparison, selection and analysis 420

7.2 Comparison, selection and analysis on zero plan 420

7.3 Comparison, selection and analysis on substitute plan of reclaimed water supply project 422

7.3.1 Comparison, selection and analysis on zero plan of reclaimed water supply project 422

7.3.2 Comparison, selection and analysis on restoration process of reclaimed water supply project 424

7.3.3 Comparison, selection and analysis on process plans of reclaimed water supply project 427

7.3.4 Selection of sterilization mode 430

7.3.5 Comparison and selection on sludge treatment plans of reclaimed water supply works 431

7.3.6 Comparison and selection of pipe material 436

7.3.7 Comparison, selection and analysis on plant site plan of reclaimed water supply plant 440

7.4 Comparison, selection and analysis on substitute plan of sewage treatment and reuse item 445

7.4.1 Comparison and selection on zero plan 445

7.4.2 Comparison and selection on sewage treatment process plan 446

7.4.4 Comparison and selection on sludge treatment processes 455

7.5 Comparison, selection and analysis on substitute plan of treatment works of Wuliansu Lake 456

7.5.1 Comparison, selection and analysis on constructed wetland 456

7.5.2 Comparison and selection on execution plans of grid water channel 474

8. Analysis on Environmental and Economic Loss and Profit 485

8.1 Project Development Target and Impact Analysis 485

8.2 Economic Benefits 485

8.3 Social Benefits 488

8.4 Environmental Benefits 489

8.4.1 Improving Hydraulic Conditions of Sea Area 489

8.4.2 Cutting off Pollutants 490

8.4.3 Improving Water Quality of Sea Area of Wuliangsu Lake 491

9. Public Participation and Information Disclosure 492

9.1 Goal of Public Participation 492

9.2 Mode of Public Participation 492

9.3 Media Announcement-Direct Information Feedback 493

9.3.1 Time and Details of the First Media Annoucement 493

9.3.2 Time and Details of the Second Media Annoucement 494

9.3.3 Summany 495

9.4 Results and Conclusion of Questionaires 495

9.4.1 Results and Conclusion of Individual Questionaires 496

9.4.2 Statistical analysis of Group Questionnaire 524

9.5 Public Participation Forum 528

9.6 Public Participation Summary and Public Opinion Adoption 530

9.6.1 Public Participation Summary 530

9.6.2 Public Opinion Adoption 531

10. Social Impact and Migrant Resettlement 534

10.1 Social Impact Analysis 534

10.1.1 Project Impact and Service Scope 534

10.1.2 Project Impact Analysis 534

10.1.3 Determination of project affected area 541

10.1.4 Impact indicator of Project 545

10.1.5 Analysis on impact by land expropriation 551

10.2 Migration and resettlement plans 554

10.2.1 Policy basis 554

10.2.2 Resettlement policies applicable to this Project 555

10.2.3 Compensation standard 557

10.2.4 Resettlement and compensation plans 560

10.2.5 Estimate of compensations for land expropriation and house removal 567

10.2.6 Implementation plans of resettlement works 567

10.2.7 Organization and structure 571

11 Abstracts of Environmental Management Plan 576

11.1 Environmental Management System 576

11.1.1 Organization of Environmental Protection in Construction Period 580

11.1.2 Environmental Management Organ in Operation Period 584

11.1.3 List of Environmental Management Organs of Sub-project 584

11.2 Implementation of Environmental Management Plan 585

11.2.1 Detailed Tasks of Environmental Management Plan 585

11.2.2 Contractual Requirement on Environmental Management 587

11.2.3 Information Exchange and Solution to Non-conformity Case 588

11.2.4 Training—Necessary Capability Development and Means Development 589

11.3 Environment Monitoring Plan 593

11.3.1 Monitoring Purpose 593

11.3.2 Environment Monitoring Organ 593

11.3.3 Environment Monitoring Plan 595

14.4 Estimates on Environmental Management Expenses and Source of Capital 600

14.4.1 Budget Distribution 600

14.4.2 Capital Source and EMP Budget 600

11.5 Information Management of Environmental Management Plan 604

11.5.1 Information Exchange 604

11.5.2 Recording Mechanism 604

11.5.3 Report Mechanism 605

12 Conclusion of Environmental Appraisal 607

12.1 Relevant Policies and Conformity with the Planning 607

12.2 Analysis on Water Resources Balance 608

12.3 Appraisal Result of Present Environment Quality 609

12.4 Appraisal Result of Environmental Impact 609

12.4.1 Environmental Impact in Construction Period 609

12.4.2 Environmental Impact in Operation Period 612

12.5 Relief Measures of Environmental Impact 615

12.6 Conclusion of Analysis on Environmental Benefits 615

12.7 Conclusion of Public Participation 616

12.8 General Conclusion 616

1 General Introduction

1.1 Project Background

1.1.1 Project Origin

Bayannur City is located in the west of North China's frontier province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region between 105°12′~109°53′E and 40°13′~42°28′N. It connects Baotou City and Ulanqab City to the east, borders on Alashan League to the west and faces Ikchor across Yellow River and borders on People's Republic of Mongolia with a boundary of 368.89km. The city, 378km long from east to west and 238km wide from north to south, covers an area of about 65,788km2. The administrative divisions contain 4 banners, 2 counties and 1 district such as Urad Front Banner, Urad Middle Banner, Urad Back Banner, Hangjin Back Banner, Wuyuan County and Dengkou County. Its core area is Hetao Irrigation District. Approved by State Council at the end of 2000, the city was updated to be a prefecture-level city in the west of the autonomous region.

According to the strategy for economic development of both the autonomous region and Bayannur City, to make the best of the abundant mineral resources in the city and Mongolia, such projects have been planned to build, including Qingshan Industrial Park, Jinquan Industrial Park, Shahai Industrial Park, Linhe Chemical Industry Park and Urad Industrial Base. Thus Bayannur will be a key heavy chemical industry base in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Water demand for its perspective long-term plan will reach about 520,000,000m3. The water demand for long-term plan of such industrial parks in the area along the mountains where water shortage is very acute is about 410,000,000 m3. According to the estimates of Water Resource Comprehensive Planning Report of Bayannur of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the gross amount of water resources at the southern foot of Yishan Moutain in Yellow River valley in Bayannur is 587,000,000m3, where ground water resource, totaling 380,000,000m3, mainly serve as domestic water for urban and rural residents. In line with the state’s relevant industrial policies, industrial water is mainly subject to reclaimedwater.

With 293km2 water surface and about 330,000,000m3 total reservoir capacities, Ulansuhai Nur is the largest riverside freshwater lake along the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River. With the development of industrial production and increase in town populations in the irrigation district, industrial sewage and municipal domestic sewage are increasing year by year, the pollution of main drain getting worse. Eutrophication Ulansuhai Nur in particular is getting worse. Accordingly, total phosphorus and nitrogen contents and chemical oxygen consumption in the lake water exceed 3~5 times the national category-3 standard. The water quality is worse than Grade V. The biological filling speed of the lake is picked up, the ecological functions subsiding. Moreover, before the flood period, to reserve enough flood storage capacity, it is necessary to take off the check gate at the exit section of main drain to sluice water to the Yellow River. Large amounts of sewage accumulated in the lake pose serious pollution threat to Yellow River.

To further promote comprehensive improvement of water environment in Bayannur city, exert more efforts to strengthen infrastructure construction of urban environment, lower pollution load of Ulansuhai Nur, slow down environmental degradation, better the quality of urban water environment and further advance urbanization process and economic growth, Bayannur municipal Party committee and municipal government decided to cooperate with the Word Bank so as to make use of World Bank loans to implement comprehensive treatment project of water environment of Bayannur city. With extensive preliminary investigation and elaborate preparations, Bayannur submitted a formal application to the State Development and Reform Commission in August 2006 for World Bank load of 150,000,000 dollars (totaling about 2.125 billion RMB with domestic supporting funds) to implement “Bayannur Water Environmental Treatment Project” (hereinafter called The Project). This application was approved in July, 2009 and was listed in the China Alternative Project Planning in 2010-2012 Fiscal Year by Use of World Bank Loan.

1.1.2 Present Situation and Existing Problems of Water Resources

The average annual amount of water resources in Bayannur is 5,574,200,000m3, where surface water resources amount is 4,779,100,000 m3 (most are diverted from Yellow River, amounting to 4,674,800,000 m3, and surface water runoff comes next, amounting to 104,300,000m3 from arid mountainous pastoral areas), ground water resources amount is 2,419,600,000 m3 and the exploitable amount is 850,000,000m3.

According to GB3838-2002 Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water, the water quality of rivers in the whole city is evaluated in 2008. The water quality of main drain is subject to Grade Ⅴ, Ulansuhai Nur Grade Ⅴ and showing organic pollution. In terms of nourishment, the water body of Ulansuhai Nur is subject to heavy eutrophication. The total nitrogen reaches to heavy eutrophic level, and the total phosphorus to eutrophic level. The average annual salinity of ground water is 3.920g/l, 0.200g/l less than 2007.

According to the Allocation Plan of Yellow River Water Resources approved by No.(1987)67 document issued by General Office of the State Council and governor office meeting of autonomous region, the target of water amount diverted from Yellow River to Bayannur Hetao Irrigation District is determined to be 4,000,000,000m3 based on water-saving irrigation plant of Hetao Irrigation Area. Now Hetao Irrigation Area diverts more water from Yellow River than the planned quota per year, overusing 674,800,000m3. In addition, among the seven banners, counties and cities, Urad Front Banner, Wuyuan County and Urad Back Banner face problems of water quality and water amount. The domestic water demands of urban and rural inhabitants have been badly affected. The water head site of Urad Front Banner, Alaben region suffers sharp lowering of water level, having formed large cone of groundwater depression. Water for industrial production and urban and rural inhabitants is encountering crisis. Quality water that is suitable for human and animal drinking use within Wuyuan County is less. With much brackish water, water demands of urban and rural inhabitants faces difficulties. Saiwusu Town, the original locality of Urad Back Banner Government suffers serious shortage of ground water resource. Therefore, shortage of water resource has become an important factor restricting socio-economic development of Bayannur city.

1.1.3 Construction Significance of Project Needs for Comprehensive Treatment of Ulansuhai Nur

Located in Urad Front Banner, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, Ulansuhai Nur is are large multifunctional lake which is rare in semi-desert regions worldwide and has tremendous ecological benefit. It is the largest freshwater lake in China and the largest inland lake in northwestern China.

Ulansuhai Nur is an important component of water conservancy project in Hetao Area. It is the only receiving water and drainage channel of Hetao irrigation return flow, receiving more than 90% of drained water of the irrigation area. It plays an important role in developing industrial and agricultural production of Bayannur city.

Owing to the discharge of urban sewage, industrial waste water and agricultural return flow, Ulansuhai Nur has been one who boasts the fastest swamping speed in the world. If not treated promptly, it will vanish from the earth in 20~30 years. Then its hydrophyte resources, fishery resources, bird resources and tourist resources will no longer exist. Moreover, the drainage works of the 3,935m2 Hetao Irrigation District will not work normally either. Therefore, to improve the quality of water environment of Ulansuhai Nur, it is of imperative and great strategic significance to implement the comprehensive treatment project of Bayannur water environment. Needs for Comprehensive Allocation of Water Resources

Located in arid and semi-arid areas, Bayannur is typical of temperate and monsoonal climate. The water resources in this area are relatively poor. The average annual precipitation in the city is 150mm and the evaporation capacity is 2,200mm, the latter is 14 times as much as the former. Local surface water and ground water are relatively poor, too. Yellow River is the largest surface runoff across the city. Ground water resources here are mainly formed by recharge from irrigation by diverting water from Yellow River. Ground water resources, little available, is subject to complex and extremely heterogeneous distribution. The water quality is commonly bad, and resource shortage coexists with structural shortage.

According to the Allocation Plan of Yellow River Water Resources approved by No.(1987) 67 document issued by General Office of the State Council, water consumption allocated from Yellow River to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in its normal water income year is 5,860,000,000m3. However, according to Hetao Irrigation District Water-saving Project Planning, the governor office meeting of autonomous region in October 1999 preliminarily determined that the target of water amount diverted from Yellow River to Hetao Irrigation District is 4,000,000,000m3. This raises much higher requirements for comprehensive allocation of water resources.

With the socio-economic development, expanding urban size and increasing population, demand for water resources and water environment quality constantly rises. However, historically-formed allocation model of water resources is far from suitable to Bayannur planning objectives to realize the transformation of social and economic developmental pattern. Development of hydroelectric and hydropower resources is still of great potential. Besides, water use efficiency in both agriculture and industry is low and waste of water is extremely severe. Water consumption norm in service sector is high, having great potential for water saving. Thus, we must center on efficient use of water resources and reasonable allocation to promote construction of living system and protect comprehensive exploitation and utilization of water resources, and advance the socio-economic development of Bayannur.

1. Promote and Drive Regional Economic Cooperation and Development

Comprehensive allocation of water resources provides a favorable supporting guarantee of water resources for utilization of mineral recourses of coal and copper in Mongolia and promotion of regional economic cooperation in international community. Water is the major factor that restricts the development of industrial parks. To strengthen management and promote optimum allocation, strict policies to limit the use of groundwater, control the use of Yellow River water and encourage the use of treated industrial waste water and reclaimed water are made for enterprises in industrial parks. Therefore, building Bayannur reclaimed water supply works by World Bank loan is very essential, for it solves water use problems in industrial parks on one hand, and reduces pollutant discharge on the other.

2. Water for Ecological Needs in Ulansuhai Nur

Owing to the discharge of agricultural drainage, city living sewage and industrial waste water into Ulansuhai Nur, the water is deteriorated and produces serious eutrophication. The lake receives drainage with organic substances such as nitrogen and phosphorus from the irrigation area is close to 600,000,000 m3. As a result, fertilizer and other nutrient salt were flowed into the lake, providing a great force for its swamping progress and making it one of the lakes which has the fastest swamping speed. According to measurement, the gross productivity of aquatic macrophytes in Ulansuhai Nur has reached more than 2,300,000t/a (fresh weight). It is a world typical weedy lake of heavy eutrophication. Reed spread rapidly over the lake and weeds grow wild. The water surface is almost totally covered by sunken plants. The underwater parts of reeds and weeds root and sink down to the bottom, which produces intensive sedimentation promotion. The lake bottom is rising at a rate of 1-9mm/year. The sludge and sand are filling it, and worsen year by year. At that rate, Ulansuhai Nur will become reed marsh within 20~30 years, losing all ecological functions. To improve the water environment of Ulansuhai Nur, some effective measures must be taken to control exogenous pollution and reduce endogenous pollution.

3. Resolve Contradiction between Industrial and Agricultural Water

Over these years, as the water resources in Yellow River basin is in increasing short supply, the state place Yellow River water resources under unified control, allocating water to areas diverting from Yellow River based on the principle of “increase in high flow period and decrease in low flow period” in different time periods. Water supply for Hetao Irrigation District tends to become tenser day by day. Especially in the period of summer irrigation when water supply is most tense, the water quantity falls into bad shortage. In 2003, the water shortage gap in Hetao Irrigation District in irrigation period reached 55%. With the development of national economy in Bayannur and readjustment of industrial structure, as well as accelerating pace of urbanization and industrialization, a number of new industrial parks have risen up. Thus the demand of industrial development for water resources becomes much more urgent. To guarantee local industrial water, promote sustainable development of local industry, alleviate imbalance between supply and demand, water resources shall be allocated in a optimum way so as to realize reasonable exploitation and utilization in accordance with the distribution features of water resources in the city, current situation of development and use and the requirement of economic development and production pattern. Besides, more efforts shall be paid to developing and using non-traditional water resources. Needs to Protect Water Entironment of Yellow River

There are many high-pollution industrial enterprises of energy, heavy chemical, non-ferrous metal and paper-making on the banks of Yellow River in Ningxia and Inner Mongolia. As the pollution treatment lags far behind and the wastewater treatment rate is somewhat low, many enterprises failed to meet the discharge limits, wastewater and sewage quantity continuing increasing year by year. With the accelerated progress of Western Development, new high-pollution projects are launched while the ole ones are not thoroughly treated. This aggravates the pollution of Yellow River, making easy the water pollution emergency in years when water of Yellow River is not much and in periods when flood peak is caused by heavy rainfall.

The primary runoff source of Ulansuhai Nur is field irrigation return flow from Hetao Irrigation Area, and industrial and domestic sewage comes after. Irrigation return flow to Ulanushai Nur is dominant in the irrigation period while domestic sewage dominant in non-irrigation period. According to the law of return flow in Hetao Irrigation Area and the requirement of torrential flood storage and regulation in flood period, Ulanushai Nur need discharge water to Yellow River in June every year so as to lower the water level and reserve storage capacity for storage and regulation of torrential flood.

Based on the analysis of the operation mode of Ulanushai Nur, it satisfies the requirements to cause sudden water pollution incidents in trunk stream of Yellow River. First, it has practical requirements to discharge storage and regulation water into Yellow River; second, the water quality of it now is worse than Grade Ⅴ, giving it a pollution source which may cause sudden water pollution incidents; third, when torrential flood, once breaking out in northern mountain areas, exceeds the storage and regulation capacity, and Ulanushai Nur has to discharge flood, sudden water pollution incidents in trunk stream of Yellow River may be caused as well. Huajinagying, about 90km down from the estuary of Yellow River into which Ulanushai Nur returned flow debouches, is the water head site for Baotou city and Baotou Iron and Steel Company. Thus, sudden pollution incident of Yellow River trunk streak caused by pollution source of Ulanushai Nur will have a direct impact on the safe water supply for the largest city in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and China’s important industrial base. The hazard and influence will be significant.

Implementing comprehensive treatment project of Bayannur water environment by World Bank loan to improve Ulanushai Nur water environmental quality and establish better water quality early warning system is able to protect the safety of Yellow River water entironment.

1.1.4 Project Objectives

The comprehensive treatment works of Bayannur water environment is to mainly improve the quality of water environment in Bayannur city, make reasonable regulation and storage of water resources and promote the overall sustainable development of ecological environment and economic society through the construction of works to clean the water body of Yellow River Hetao Irrigation Area and Ulansuhai Nur.

This project mainly include the Processing Park Sewage Treatment and Reuse Works (Urad Back Banner Processing Park (Hohhot) Sewage Treat Works, Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park (Deling Mountain Town) Sewage Treatment and Reuse Works, Urad Front Banner Processing Park (Xianfeng Town) Sewage Treatment and Reuse Works), Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works (Urad Back Banner Processing Park, Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park, No. 3 and 7 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works) and Ulansuhai Nur Treatment Works (Ulansuhai Nur Grid Waterway Works, Ulansuhai Nur Ecotone Artificial Wetland Works and Area Source Pollution Control Demonstration and Promotion Program).

1) Sewage Treatment and Reuse and Reclaimed Water Supply Works

Efforts will be made in the construction of sewage treatment plants and reclaimed water supply Works to both ensure the industrial water of processing park and reduce the total pollutants of main drainage line so as to lower the pollution load from main drainage line to Ulansuhai Nur and improve the water quality of Ulansuhai Nur.

2) Comprehensive Treatment Works of Ulansuhai Nur

In order to improve the water environment quality and fully play the water regulation and storage functions of Ulansuhai Nur, a lot of works construction is required:

① Ulansuhai Nur Garden Grid Waterway Works

The excavation of sea zone grid waterway will be made to reinforce the water body circulation, control the internal pollution of Ulansuhai Nur, keep the spreading of sea area plants under limitation, harvest water plants and transfer nitrogen and phosphorus as well as effectively lower the nutrient salt content of sea area and release the eutrophication trend.

② Ulansuhai Nur Ecotone Artificial Wetland Works and Area Source Pollution Control Demonstration and Promotion Program

For This project, the ecotone artificial wetland works will be established in west Ulansuhai Nur and northwest small sea area to make the back water of main drainage line, No. 8 and 9 drainage lines and control the area source pollution from end of pipe.

The area source pollution control demonstration and promotion is made along with middle and later period promotion works based on the national water works. The area source pollution control in irrigation area is a drainage area source pollution control system works to be completed in phases and promoted to all irrigation area from pilot areas.

In order to improve the water environment quality of Bayannur, a lot of favorable engineering are under construction:

For urban domestic sewage and industrial waste water, banners and counties of Bayannur are organizing the construction of sewage treatment plants and reclaimed water works. The construction and running off sewage treatment facilities will greatly reduce the gross pollution of water environment and significantly improve the water quality of Ulansuhai Nur.

For rural domestic sewage and farming and breeding feces, the rural promotion of “Biogas Works” is being made under New Rural Construction to realize the resource, decrement and innocent treatment of sewage and rubbish and clean rural environment.

For water break pollution in irrigation area farms, the key technical works of state water pollution control, the water break pollution trench reconditioning and water infusion technologies and the treatment and key pollutant reduction and wetland reconditioning key technologies are undergone. Comprehensive test demonstration base is being established in irrigation area to demonstrate the key technologies of agricultural water break pollution treatment.

In order to ensure the ecological water utilization of Ulansuhai Nur, the conveyance canal expansion and dredging works will be made to ensure the water compensation for Ulansuhai Nur from Yellow River Ice Flood and the seawater rehabilitation work, bed mud dredging and ice flood compensation will be also implemented in Ulansuhai Nur to improve its water quality and prevent it from eutrophication and degeneration of wetland.

The above water pollution treatment works along with the implementation of The project will reduce the pollution load entering Ulansuhai Nur and significantly improve the water pollution condition of irrigation area and Ulansuhai Nur. Improving the Water Environment Condition of Bayannur City

The comprehensive treatment works of Ulansuhai Nur will be implemented to dredge water courses of lakes, construct artificial wetland, reduce the total amount of pollutants, reduce internal source pollution, make real-time monitoring on water quality and divert Yellow River ice flood water to improve the water quality of Ulansuhai Nur.

The processing park sewage treatment and reuse and reclaimed water supply works will be constructed to reduce the pollution load entering Ulansuhai Nur, prevent Ulansuhai Nur from becoming eutrophication and paludification and improve the water environment conditions of Ulansuhai Nur and protect Yellow River ecological environment. Comprehensive Allocation of Water Resources

The construction of processing park sewage treatment and reuse works and reclaimed water supply works and the industrial use of treatment water after irrigation area water break will be made to efficiently use water sources, save underground water resources and effectively release the water shortage caused by industrial and agricultural production in Hetao Irrigation Area.

Ulansuhai Nur will be built into an agricultural irrigation and regulation water source in Hetao Irrigation Area through the Comprehensive Treatment Works. When much water coming from the Yellow River or water resource is sufficient, the Yellow River water will be diverted into Ulansuhai Nur. And when water is shortage for agriculture, water will be diverted into Yellow River to meet the irrigation demand.

1.1.5 Relevant Policies and Regulations Chinese Relevant Policies and Regulations

The reclaimed water supply and sewage treatment and reuse works are the “brackish water, poor quality water and sea water exploitation and utilization works” and “three wastes” comprehensive utilization and treatment works under the environmental protection and resources-saving and comprehensive utilization categories encouraged by the catalogue for guidance of national industrial structure restructuring (2005 edition). Ulansuhai Nur is the natural reserve of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. According to the Regulations on the Nature Protection Regions of the People’s Republic of China, nobody is allowed to enter the core area and run tourism and production acuities in the buffer zone of the natural reserve. However, This project is of water environment treatment works aiming at improving the water environment quality and ecological conditions of Ulansuhai Nur, protecting and restoring its wetland functions. The project will avoid constructing in core area but in buffer zone and experimental area. According to the Circular of the of the General Office of the State Council on Intensifying Wetland Protection and Management (GBF [2004] No.50), importance shall be attached to the strengthening of wetland protection and restoring of function. Therefore, the Ulansuhai Nur treatment Works is in accordance with the national relevant laws and regulations. To sum up, This project meets the requirements of national relevant industrial policies, laws and regulations. World Bank Environmental Assessment Policy

The implementation of sewage treatment and reuse and reclaimed water supply works, especially the Ulansuhai Nur sea area treatment works may reduce the pollutant-intaking amount of Ulansuhai Nur, improve its water environment quality, improve and protect its aquatic environment and restore its nature reserve function. According to the World Bank environmental assessment policy (OP 4.01, 4.04), the project of world bank such as economic research, Project loan and policy dialogue are all favorable to protect, maintain and restore the natural habitat and its functions. The World Bank has been supporting and expecting the borrower to adopt defensive measures on natural resource management to ensure the sustainable development of environment. It has also initiated and supported the protection and land-improvement activities for natural habitat and provided funds for the natural habitat and ecological function protection programs which are favorable to the national and local development. The World Bank has also further initiated the restoring and reconstruction works on the deteriorative natural habitat. Therefore, this project meets the environmental assessment policies of World Bank for loaning program.

1.1.6 Relevant Planning of Environmental Protection Strategies

1) National Economic Development Program

During the “11th Five-Year” period, the overall requirements of Bayannur for economic and social development are to take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents" as guidance, lead economic and social development by scientific concept of development. make further reform and deepen opening-up policies, make further implementation of rejuvenating and prospering the market by science, technology and talents, accelerate economical transition, adjust economic structure, change economic growth methods, speed up industrialization and urbanization process, promote the construction of socialism new rural and pastoral areas, increase infrastructure and ecological environment construction, establish Chinese western green agricultural and animal products and non-ferrous metals industry production and opening-up to the North bases, establish important hinges linking North China and North west, insist on people-oriented, make overall development of social undertakings, improve community services, better social security and assistance mechanism, make all efforts to maintain social stability, accelerate the overall construction of affluent society and try hard to build a prosperous, civilized, ecological and harmonious Bayannur.

The macroeconomic development strategy of Bayannur is to aim at the ecological environment protection and sustainable development, take green agriculture and animal husbandry as basis, take the agricultural and animal products deep processing as guidance and selectively develop the new type industrialization of mining and smelting industries.

During the “11th Five-Year” period, one of the main objective of economic and social development of Bayannur is to make achievements in environmental protection and construction, including the further improved ecological environment, above 15% forest coverage rate, Class Ⅰ country level of atmospheric environment, qualified water environment, 90% qualified discharge standard of “Three Waste” and 40% comprehensive utilization rate.

The Plan has put forward an objective to build a resource-saving and environmental-friendly society by integrating water resources, making unified planning of Yellow River, surface water, underground water and rain water and trying hard to realize the cyclic utilization of water resources. It has also request the whole city to center on water resources optimal allocation, insist on broadening sources of incoming and reducing expenditure on reasonable utilization of water resources, deepen water right displacement, positively explore the water consumption modes of along-mountain industrial enterprise from Ulansuhai Nur and main drainage line, promote water saving in cities, make full use of the treated water and Yellow River ice flood and flood diversion water, make reasonable use of lake, sea, reservoir and running off water under the premise of un-destroying wetland ecological environment and attach importance to protect industrial water. On the other hand, the city is request to intensity water environment protection and treatment, plan drinking water protection area, strictly implement the water quality control standard for drinking-water source Carry out industrial discharge license system, achieve more than 90% pass rate of industrial waste water, attach importance to treat papermaking, brewing and smelting pollution, consolidating achievements, improve urban sewage treatment ratio, intensity comprehensive treatment of agricultural area source pollution, reduce application of fertilizer and pesticide, strengthen the construction of urban sewage treatment facilities and supporting pipelines, gradually reach the industrial and domestic sewage discharge standard, cut off pollution source of Yellow River and underground water, plan Ulansuhai Nur treatment Works, implement urban roads, pipelines, water supply and discharge, refuse treatment and sewage treatment programs taking all these as the important programs during the “11th Five-Year Plan” period.

To sum up, the construction of this project is an important part of Bayannur Municipal National Economic and Social Development Program, which is of great importance to the realization of planned environmental protection objectives and in accordance with the requirements for development.

2) Urban Master Planning

The general objective and strategy of the Bayannur master planning are: to speed up the process of urbanization, to enhance the core competitiveness of the city, to actively support by coordinated action the development strategy fit to the regional situation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and to build Bayannur City into a medium-sized city with increasingly integrated services, making it a Hetao garden city with continually developing economy, evolving society, and excellent maintaining environment.

The Bayannur master planning puts the protection of ecological environment at the first place, basically realizing ecologization and garden style. The green coverage of the city shall get up to more than 35%, and the urban per capita public green space 19m 2. These are the objectives and strategy of the environmental development of Bayannur City.

Development and construction activities aiming to non-agricultural nature under city regional planning of the outside of city proper in the Bayannur master plan divide the Bayannur space into three land use types, namely rigid control developing area, limited control developing area, and developing construction area. Rigid control developing area can be proximately regarded as non-allowable construction area, including: ①First-grade basic farmland protection areas and first-grade basic pasture designated in Overall Plan of Land Utilization; ② existing and planning natural reserves designated in Conservation Development Plan; ③ Water protection area specified in Over City Plan; ④ cultural heritages and historical and cultural sites under government protection, etc. designated by Cultural Relics Protection Department; ⑤ Other non-allowable construction control areas and important green areas for environmental protection, etc. along both sides of the nation highway or provincial highway; Developing construction area is mainly city(town) planning construction land scope confirmed by the general planning of various levels of city(or town), and the scope of use of land in construction like independent industrial and mining sites and major regional infrastructure, public social service facilities approved of the development and construction by the planning, land and other related administrative departments, non-agricultural development and construction activities approved by the law are allowed and encouraged in development construction areas; strictly control areas outside the development areas and the development construction areas as limited control development area, can do moderate village and town constructions and non-agricultural constructions under the control of strict policy and planning. Any non-agricultural development construction activities in limited control development areas are subject to careful legal procedures. The site selections of both resurgent water supply project and wastewater treatment and recycling project of this project are not in strict control development area, and The Ulansuhai Nur area treatment project is an environment treatment project aiming at improving the sea area water environment, not belongs to production construction development activity.

The water resources planning of Bayannur master planning regard adjusting water structure, developing water-saving agriculture, reducing agricultural water use to replenish industrial water use, actively developing wastewater treatment and reclaimed water recycling, relieving and avoiding the vicious cycle of scarcity of clean water as the planning principles. It also levies charge for water resources on agricultural exploitation of groundwater in irrigation areas, and maintains the balance of groundwater resources by the use of price leverage. The layout of industry should consider the actual situation of water resources. Meanwhile, large high-water-consumption industries are not encouraged to develop. Efforts shall be made to increase the recycling rate of industrial water use, so as to realize the harmony and sustainable development of industry and water resource. It puts forward active wastewater treatment and recycles wastewater, aiming to establish wastewater treatment factories in each county and each town and realizing wastewater reuse to replenish industrial water use and landscape water use, so as to release the increasingly tense water use conflict.

The environmental protection objectives of Bayannur master planning is to bring the environment pollution and ecological deterioration fully under control, completely realize the discharge standards of pollutants, and enter a virtuous cycles of ecological systems. Thereinto, the atmosphere quality should stay at the national secondary standard. Among the quality of surface water environment, the water quality of the Yellow River and its irrigation channels should reach the National Surface Water Standard Class III, Ulansuhai Nur, the main drain and arterial drainage should reach National Standard Grade IV, realizing the sustainable development of social economy and ecological environment. Such areas as Yellow River, Ulansuhai Nur, Ural Mountains National Forest Park, Nudengsuosuolin Natural Reserve, water and soil erosion area, prairie desertification and degradation area, Ulan Buh desertification area and Hetao secondary salinization area, the urban area and all counties shall be regarded as key areas of environment protection. Efforts shall be focused on the pollution prevention and ecological environment protection of the Yellow River and Ulansuhai Nur. Efforts shall be also made to speed up the construction of waste water treatment factories in each county, controlling industrial pollution sources along the banks and achieving standard discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater. Pollution shall be controlled in terms of sources. Comprehensive renovation shall be imposed on Ulansuhai Nur. Great efforts shall be made to plant trees and grass, make a good job in water and soil conservation and restore natural ecology. The regional pollution emission shall be subject to strict control. Long-term effective management measures among industrial enterprises shall be carried out. Water quality of irrigation channels from Yellow River and sewage discharged into Ulansuhai Nur shall be under strict control so as to make wastewater treatment rate to reach 100%, ensuring the water quality of Yellow River to reach National Surface Water Standard Class III.

In sum, the sites selection of all works of the comprehensive control project of the Bayannur water environment by World Bank loans is in accordance with the requirements of the urban master planning and city regional planning, and it is also an important measure to accomplish city goals, water resource allocation and environment protection goals of Bayannur master planning and city regional planning. Therefore, the project accords with the Bayannur master planning and the city regional plan.

3) Land Use Planning

The land use type of this project’s reclaimed water supply works and sewage treatment plant site is waste land, unused land and processing park construction land respectively, none of which is in the strictly controlled development area. Therefore, the works construction of this project meets the land use planning of Bayannur.

4) Environmental Protection Planning

Water environment protection objectives of Bayannur include: urban drinking water quality shall meet the sanitary standard for drinking water; water quality of the Yellow River Bayannur League section: water at the boundary section shall meet the class Ⅲ standard of the national Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water; water quality of Ulansuhai Nur shall meet the class Ⅲ standard of the national Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water; water quality of the main drain and other drainage lines shall meet the class Ⅳ standard of the national Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water;

The “11th Five-Year” planning objectives of environmental protection are determined as follows: by 2010, the development trend of environmental pollution and ecological damage shall reduce, urban lake water pollution and atmospheric environment pollution shall be reduced, urban environmental infrastructural construction shall be greatly improved; realize the total amount control objective of pollutants. The total amount control objective of water pollutants shall be as follows: COD shall be controlled within 40,000 t/a and the ammonia nitrogen within 2,000 t/a.

Water pollution control measures to be adopted during the period of “11th Five-Year Plan” are mainly as follows:

1) Establish and implement the water pollution control planning on each drainage line, main drain and Ulansuhai Nur with the focus on improving the water environmental quality of river reaches in key cities and towns. Slow down lake sedimentation and effectively control pollution and eutrophication trend. Build sewage treatment plant in 4 cities and towns to improve sewerage treatment rate and attainment rate, gradually realize the reclamation of sewage and reduce the discharge amount of pollutants and the pollution load of each drainage line and lake.

2) Perfect pollution monitoring network, pay attention to preventing the pollution damage of accidental toxic and hazardous chemicals. Implement pollutant discharging license and total amount control system, increase the monitoring efforts and accelerate the pollution source control. The control attainment rate of enterprises in the city with the daily discharge of wastewater more than 100t shall reach 90%; the city's two major paper mills shall build alkali recovery system and achieve discharge up to standard.

3) Establish the groundwater pollution control measures of Linhe District, unified planning, unified management and rational exploitation. Strictly control the pollution of industrial wastewater, toxic and hazardous substances and solid waste on groundwater.

4) Combining with industrial enterprise management and technological transformation, develop clean production technology in paper making, brewing, energy, metallurgy, chemical industry and other key industries and gradually realize circular economy. Meanwhile, in the introduction of new projects and new technologies, the energy saving, comprehensive utilization and pollutant discharge reduction shall be brought into business management and technological transformation. Actively carry out the certification of ISO14000 environmental management series standards and environmental labeling products, and improve the environmental management level of enterprises.

In addition, aiming at the water environmental pollution status of Ulansuhai Nur, based on the overall control and planning, it is planned to strengthen the control work form the following two aspects:

1) Control on farmland area source. According to the characteristics of agricultural area pollution in Hetao irrigated areas, propose agricultural area pollution prevention project planning; through the adjusting of agricultural structure, popularize the long-acting and sustained-release compound fertilizers and high-efficiency, low-toxic and less persistent pesticides, promote agricultural water-saving irrigation technology, introduce advanced and scientific technique of fertilization, control agricultural area pollution, effectively control and reduce the eutrophication of Ulansuhai Nur.

2) Works treatment measures: adopt various measures such as the setup of pre-setting reservoir in the front of lake, partial deepening at lake bottom, aquatic plant harvesting, diversion of water from the Yellow River to lake and resources development and utilization, etc. Promote the control of Ulansuhai Nur, restore its own beneficial cycle and maintain the sustainable development.

This project is an organic part of the environmental protection planning of Bayannur, which can effectively promote the comprehensive control of Bayannur water environment, especially the quality improvement of Ulansuhai Nur water environment.

1.2 Assessment Purposes

According to the regulations of China Environmental Influence Assessment Law, Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection and Notice on the Strengthening of Administration on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects Using Loans from International Financial Organizations and the requirements of World Bank’s Safeguard Policies, as well as domestic and World Bank’s environmental impact assessment procedure, the environmental impact assessment on this project shall reach the following main purposes:

(1) Through data analysis, field survey and monitoring, and necessary simulation experiment and analogy analysis, make a comprehensive assessment on the background situation of environment in the assessment areas, diagnose the main environmental problems existing in current situation, provide background information for the prediction and assessment of the environmental impact degree and range of the projects to be built as well as the future final acceptance of projects.

(2) Through field survey and analogy analysis, judge the environmental impact factors during the construction process and after the operation of projects, determine the parameters of primary pollution sources.

(3) Through the adopting of model simulation, analogy survey and other technical means, predict and assess the impact degree and range of the projects on the atmospheric environment, water environment, soil, ecological environment, noise and social environment in the assessment areas.

(4) In accordance with the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and technical specifications, combining with the characteristics of local natural and social environment, propose and stipulate the protective measures which shall be adopted to reduce environmental impact.

(5) Through the assessment of this project, propose targeted and effective mitigation measures and environmental management plan, provide basis for the independent assessment of the World Bank on this project, also provide scientific basis for the construction, operation, environmental management and environmental pollution prevention of water environment comprehensive control project, minimize the adverse impacts of project construction on surrounding environment, maximize the social environmental benefit, achieve the coordination and unification of economic, social and environmental benefits.

(6) This environmental impact assessment not only focuses on the analysis of water environment improvement of Ulansuhai Nur, but also considers the feasibility analysis on water resources allotment of the project; not only considers the impact of this project, but will consider the combined influence of the projects having been built, under construction and planned to be implemented in the next few years.

1.3 Assessment Grade and Key Points

1.3.1 Assessment Grade

According to the regulations of the Notice on the Strengthening of Administration on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects Using Loans from International Financial Organizations (HJ[1993] No. 324) of State Environmental Protection Administration of China and other ministries and commissions as well as the World Bank’s Safeguard Policies OP4.01 Environmental Assessment, combining with the identification and screening results of this project environmental assessment factors, the environmental assessment category of this project is determined as category A.

Carry out the assessment grade classification according to the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment (HJ/T2.1-93, HJ2.2-2008, HJ/T 2.3-93, HJ/T2.4-1995 and HJ/T19-1997). (Expressed in the form of table)

(1) Surface Water Environment

According to the surface water environmental impact assessment classification of HJ/T2.3-93 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment—Surface Water Environment, the assessment grade is determined by the following four factors: sewage discharge of the construction project, complexity of sewage quality, scale of surface water area and surface water quality requirements. The surface water environment assessment grades of this project are as follows: because there is no wastewater discharged in the processing park sewage treatment and reuse works of this project, only a brief analysis will be made on the water environmental impact of such works; the tail water discharge amount of reclaimed water supply works is small, the water quality is simple and the tail water is discharged into the class Ⅳwater body of surface water, the assessment grade is determined as Grade Ⅲ and qualitative assessment will be made on the water environmental impact of such works; the assessment grade of Ulansuhai Nur sea area control works is difficult to be directly judged according to the four factors alone. The pollutant source is mainly the pollutants discharge during the construction period. In view of the special properties of Ulansuhai Nur, the project scale is large and the involvement aspect is broad. Therefore, the assessment grade is determined as Grade Ⅱ of surface water environmental impact assessment.

(2) Ecology

The reclaimed water supply works and the processing park sewage treatment and reuse works of this project have very small range of influence, also very small impact on the ecological environment, therefore, only a brief analysis will be made on the ecological environment impact of these two types of works; the sea area control works of Ulansuhai Nur is environmental treatment works itself and its environmental impact is mainly the environmental impact during the construction period, which is temporary, short-term and will gradually disappear as the construction is completed. Therefore, the ecological environment assessment grade of this project is determined as Grade Ⅱ.

(3) Atmospheric Environment

The impacts of this project on atmospheric environment mainly include the dust emission during the construction period and the offensive odor during the operation period of the processing park sewage treatment and reuse works as well as the reclaimed water supply works. This project will adopt biological deodorization after the collection of the offensive odor caused during the operation period, which has small discharge amount; in addition, there are very few environmental objects around each works. Therefore, the atmospheric environment assessment grade of all works of this project is determined as Grade Ⅲ and only qualitative assessment will be made.

(4) Acoustic Environment

The impacts of this project on acoustic environment mainly include the construction machinery and traffic noises during the construction period of each works and the power equipment operating noise during the operation period of the processing park sewage treatment and reuse works as well as the reclaimed water supply works. Consider that the noise impact during the construction period is short-term behavior, and during the operation period, the site selection of the sewage treatment and reuse works as well as the reclaimed water supply works avoids the densely populated residential areas, hospitals, schools and other sensitive points. Therefore, the acoustic environment assessment grade of all works of this project is determined as Grade Ⅲ and only qualitative assessment will be made.

1.3.2 Assessment Key Points

The implementation of this project includes the construction period and operation period. The assessment key points of the construction period are as follows:

(1) Ulansuhai Nur bed mud and ecological environment impact;

(2) Environmental impact and mitigation measures of pollution during the construction period.

The assessment key points of the operation period are as follows:

(1) The quality improvement of Ulansuhai Nur water environment after the project is put into operation and the combined influence of tail water discharge on Ulansuhai Nur water quality. This part includes 3 main aspects:

① Combined influence on Ulansuhai Nur water quality after completion of the project;

② Impacts on the growing and reproduction condition changes of terrestrial life and aquatic life and the impacts on aquatic resources, breeding and fishery production before and after completion of the project;

③ Impacts of single subproject on Ulansuhai Nur water quality during the operation.

(2) Environmental impact mitigation measures and environmental management plan during the operation period of the project.

(3) The treatment impacts and mitigation measures of sludge in the processing park sewage treatment and reuse works, reclaimed water supply works and the excavated bed mud in grid waterway.

1.4 Scope of Evaluation, Time Interval of Evaluation and Environmental Protection Objectives

1.4.1 Scope of Evaluation

The scope of overall environmental evaluation of this project is:

(1)Under the requirements of Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment, and on the basis of formulated evaluation grades, the scope of evaluation of each subproject shall be regarded as the basic scope of evaluation of the overall environmental evaluation of this project;

(2)If there are environmental protection objectives or objectives concerned by the universal Security Policy proximate to the basic scope of evaluation, they should be included in the scope of evaluation;

(3)Elements and issues having direct relevance with or potential influence on this project should be included in the scope of evaluation as well;

(4) Other correlative similar projects (relating works) over the same period or regions possibly having an impact should be considered in the scope of evaluation.

The scope of environmental evaluation of all classes of subprojects can be seen in Table 1.4-1 and Figure1-1-Figure1-6.

Table 1.4-1 Scope of Environmental Evaluation of Subprojects

|Number |Project Category |Works Name |Scope of Evaluation |

| | | |Atmosphere |Water Environment |Acoustic |Ecological Environment |

| | | | | |Environment | |

|1 |Reclaimed water |Urad Back Banner |100m around the |3km off the upstream |200m around the |100m around the construction|

| |supply |processing zone |construction site; |and downstream of the|site; |site; |

| | |water-supply works |200m on both sides |main drain water |200m on both sides |20m on both sides of the |

| | | |of the |intake |of the |construction pipelines |

| | | |construction | |construction | |

| | | |pipelines; 2.5km | |pipelines | |

| | | |around the | | | |

| | | |operation site | | | |

| | |Ganqimaodu Port |100m around the |3km off the upstream | |200m around the construction|

| | |processing zone |construction site; |and downstream of the|200m around the |site; |

| | |water-supply works |300m on both sides |main drain water |site; |20m on both sides of the |

| | | |of the |intake and the |300m on both sides |construction pipelines |

| | | |construction |tail water discharge |of the | |

| | | |pipelines; 2.5km |outlet |construction | |

| | | |around the | |pipelines | |

| | | |operation site | | | |

| | |Tri-drainage |100m around the |3km off the upstream |200m around the |200m around the construction|

| | |reclaimed water supply |construction site; |and downstream of the|site; |site; |

| | |works |300m on both sides |tri-drainage water |300m on both sides |20m on both sides of the |

| | | |of the |intake and the |of the |construction pipelines |

| | | |construction |tail water discharge |construction | |

| | | |pipelines; 2.5km |outlet |pipelines | |

| | | |around the | | | |

| | | |operation site | | | |

| | |Hept-drainage |100m around the |3km off the upstream |200m around the |200m around the construction|

| | |Reclaimed water supply |construction site; |and downstream of the|site; |site; |

| | |works |300m on both sides |hept-drainage water |300m on both sides |20m on both sides of the |

| | | |of the |intake and the |of the |construction pipelines |

| | | |construction |tail water discharge |construction | |

| | | |pipelines; 2.5km |outlet |pipelines | |

| | | |around the | | | |

| | | |operation site | | | |

|2 |Processing zone |Urad Back Banner |100m around the |- |200m |100m around the site |

| |wastewater |processing zone (Huhe |construction site; | |200m around the | |

| |treatment and |Town) wastewater |2.5km around the | |site | |

| |reuse works |treatment and reuse |operation site. | | | |

| | |works | | | | |

| | |Ganqimaodu Port |100m around the |- |200m around the |100m around the site |

| | |processing zone (Deling|construction site; | |site | |

| | |Mount Town) wastewater|2.5km around the | | | |

| | |treatment and reuse |operation site. | | | |

| | |works | | | | |

| | |Urad Front Banner |100m around the |- |200m around the |100m around the site |

| | |processing zone |construction site; | |site | |

| | |(Xianfeng Town) |2.5km around the | | | |

| | |wastewater treatment |operation site | | | |

| | |and reuse works | | | | |

|3 |Ulansuhai Nur |Ulansuhai Nur | |Ulansuhai Nur |200m around the | |

| |sea area |gridding field |200m around the |Sea area |construction site |Ulansuhai Nur |

| |treatment works |waterway |construction site; | | |area and 1km around the sea |

| | |works |Sediment pile site | | |area |

| | | |500m | | | |

| | | |200m around the |Ulansuhai Nur |200m around the |Ulansuhai Nur |

| | |Ulansuhai Nur |construction site |area; ground water |construction site |area and 1km around the sea |

| | |biological transition | |evaluation scope is | |area |

| | |zone artificial | |500m around the | | |

| | |wetlands works | |artificial wetlands | | |

1.4.2 Time Interval of Environmental Evaluation

The overall report of this project environmental evaluation mainly analyses and evaluates two periods of construction and operation.

1.4.3 Environmental Protection Objectives

According to the regulations of domestic laws and regulations on environmental influence evaluation and universal security policy, the environmental protection objectives concerned by this project environmental evaluation can be seen in Table 1.4-2 and Figure 1-1-Figure 1-6

Figure 1.4-2 Environmental Protection Objectives of Subprojects

|Works Name |Environmental |Environmental protection |Location |Resident |Protection Requirements |

| |Elements |Objective | |Population | |

|Urad Back Banner |Ambient air, |Menglain Society 1 |SE,1.92km |260 |Secondary standard in Ambient Air |

|processing zone (Huhe |acoustical | | | |Quality Standard(GB3095-1996); |

|Town) wastewater |environment | | | |Maximum allowable concentration |

|treatment project and | | | | |standards of harmful substances in |

|Urad Back Banner | | | | |residential area atmosphere in Design |

|processing zone | | | | |of Industrial Enterprises hygiene |

|Reclaimed water supply| | | | |standards(TJ 36-79) |

|works | | | | | |

| | |Menglian Society 2 |S,1.82km |450 | |

| | |Menglian Society 3 |S,1.83km |270 | |

| | |Menglian Society 4 |S,2.48km |200 | |

| | |Livestock Society |SE,1.77km |140 | |

| | |Menglian Village |S,2.81km |300 | |

| | |Zhangdagebo |NE,1.60km |400 | |

| | |Xinhong Village 1 |NE,3.75km |210 | |

| |Surface water |Main drain |S,2.9km |—— |IV Class standard in Surface water |

| | | | | |quality standards(GB/T3838-2002) |

| |Ecology |200m Expansion off the |Extent 5.47ha |—— |Bring water and soil loss under |

| | |factory | | |control, not influence the ecology |

| | | | | |significantly |

|Tri-drainage |Ambient air, |Dashuncheng |E,0.71km |210 |Secondary standard in Ambient Air |

|Reclaimed water supply|acoustical |Group 4 | | |Quality Standard(GB3095-1996); |

|works |environment | | | |Maximum allowable concentration |

| | | | | |standards of harmful substances in |

| | | | | |residential area atmosphere in Design |

| | | | | |of Industrial Enterprises hygiene |

| | | | | |standards(TJ 36-79) |

| | |Shawan Village Cultivation|SW,0.5km |50 | |

| | |Society | | | |

| | |Zhangtiancaigedan |NW,0.69km |260 | |

| |Surface water |Tri-drainage |E,0.1km |—— |IV Class standard in Surface water |

| | |channel | | |quality standards(GB/T3838-2002) |

| |Ecology |200m expansion off the |Extent 3.52ha |—— |Bring water and soil loss under |

| | |factory | | |control, not influence the ecology |

| | | | | |significantly |

|Hept-drainage |Ambient air, |Five Star Team 1 |N,2.33km |1400 |Secondary standard in Ambient Air |

|Reclaimed water supply|acoustical | | | |Quality Standard(GB3095-1996); |

|works |environment | | | |Maximum allowable concentration |

| | | | | |standards of harmful substances in |

| | | | | |residential area atmosphere in Design |

| | | | | |of Industrial Enterprises hygiene |

| | | | | |standards(TJ 36-79) |

| | |Old City Society 1 |E,1.66km |500 | |

| | |Querhong Gedan |WN,1.68km |520 | |

| | |Weijia Gedan |W,1.79km |490 | |

| | |Liuwen Gedan |SE,1.24km |500 | |

| | |Wuyuan County brick yard |W,0.15km |60 | |

| | |Hept-drainage |S,0.1km |50 | |

| | |Wastewater Treatment | | | |

| | |Factory | | | |

| | |Hongzhu Environmental |SW,0.5km |1000 | |

| | |Protection | | | |

| | |Thermoelectricity CO., | | | |

| | |Ltd. | | | |

| |Surface water |Hept-drainage |E,0.1km |—— |IV Class standard in Surface water |

| | |channel | | |quality standards(GB/T3838-2002) |

| |Ecology |200m expansion off the | |—— |Bring water and soil loss under |

| | |factory |Extent 3.52ha | |control, not influence the ecology |

| | | | | |significantly |

|Ganqimaodu Port |Ambient air, |Muyanghai Farm Company 6 |SE,0.79km |270 |Secondary standard in Ambient Air |

|Processing zone |acoustical | | | |Quality Standard(GB3095-1996); |

|Reclaimed water supply|environment | | | |Maximum allowable concentration |

|works | | | | |standards of harmful substances in |

| | | | | |residential area atmosphere in Design |

| | | | | |of Industrial Enterprises hygiene |

| | | | | |standards(TJ 36-79) |

| | |Fodder Team |NE,0.81 km |315 | |

| | |Tractor Plowing Team |NE,1.39 km |280 | |

| | |Eryang Gedan |SW,2.35 km |340 | |

| |Surface water |Wangbahaizi |N,2.44km |—— |III Class standard in Surface water |

| | | | | |quality standards(GB/T3838-2002) |

| | |Main drain |S,1.68km |—— |IV Class standard in Surface water |

| | | | | |quality standards(GB/T3838-2002) |

| |Ecology |200m expansion off the |范围3.05ha |—— |Bring water and soil loss under |

| | |factory |Extent 3.05ha | |control, not influence the ecology |

| | | | | |significantly |

|Ganqimaodu Port |Ambient air, |East Siyitang |SW,1.90km |310 |Secondary standard in Ambient Air |

|Processing zone |acoustical | | | |Quality Standard(GB3095-1996); |

|(Deling Mount Village)|environment | | | |Maximum allowable concentration |

|wastewater | | | | |standards of harmful substances in |

|treatment and reuse | | | | |residential area atmosphere in Design |

|works | | | | |of Industrial Enterprises hygiene |

| | | | | |standards(TJ 36-79) |

| | |West Siyitang |SW,3.11km |350 | |

| | | |NE,1.58km |200 | |

| | |Ganqimaodu Port Processing| | | |

| | |zone | | | |

| |Ecology |200m expansion off the |Extent 2.55ha |—— |Bring water and soil loss under |

| | |factory | | |control, not influence the ecology |

| | | | | |significantly |

|Urad Front Banner |Ambient air, |Shagedan Village |S,0.33km |53 |Secondary standard in Ambient Air |

|processing zone |acoustical | | | |Quality Standard(GB3095-1996); |

|(Xianfeng Town) |environment | | | |Maximum allowable concentration |

|wastewater treatment | | | | |standards of harmful substances in |

|and reuse works | | | | |residential area atmosphere in Design |

| | | | | |of Industrial Enterprises hygiene |

| | | | | |standards(TJ 36-79) |

| | |Zhaoxiaoer Gedan |SW,0.79km |350 | |

| | |Shijia Gedu |S,1.23km |150 | |

| | |Fujia Gedu |SE,1.38km |510 | |

| | |Anweigedu |SW,1.44km |153 | |

| | |Gejia Gedan |N,1.26km |130 | |

| | |Wangyinwei Gedan |NW,1.35km |130 | |

| |Surface water |Quadri-drainage |S,0.33km |—— |IV Class standard in Surface water |

| | |Channel | | |quality standards(GB/T3838-2002) |

| |Ecology |200m expansion off the |Extent 11.16ha |—— |Bring water and soil loss under |

| | |factory | | |control, not influence the ecology |

| | | | | |significantly |

|Wuliangsu Sea |Ambient air, |Xinmin |SW,1.66 km |300 |Secondary standard in Ambient Air |

|Comprehensive |acoustical | | | |Quality Standard(GB3095-1996); |

|Treatment works |environment | | | |Maximum allowable concentration |

| | | | | |standards of harmful substances in |

| | | | | |residential area atmosphere in Design |

| | | | | |of Industrial Enterprises hygiene |

| | | | | |standards(TJ 36-79) |

| | |Xinhai |SW,1.96 km |450 | |

| | |Bailiukou |W,0.70 km |260 | |

| | |Wuhai Village |W,1.95 km |490 | |

| | |Lihonghao |W,0.98 km |330 | |

| | |Wangmanku |W,0.74 km |350 | |

| | |Babei Water Course |W,2.29 km |240 | |

| | |Banjie Channel |W,0.20 km |260 | |

| | |Xiaoquanzi |W,0.40 km |220 | |

| | |Honggebo |W,0.50 km |500 | |

| | |Huanchao Gedan |W,1.56 km |420 | |

| | |Guangyizhan |SW,1.35 km |280 | |

| | |Shilanli Village |NW,2.89 km |480 | |

| | |Zhaogetai Village |SW,2.38 km |270 | |

| | |Erfen Channel |W,1.28 km |200 | |

| | |Xinjian Village |NW,1.92 km |290 | |

| | |Wayaotan |N,1.45 km |1050 | |

| | |Diangedan |E,1.88 km |300 | |

| | |Mabozi |SE,2.35 km |220 | |

| | |Bawan |SE,1.48 km |400 | |

| | |Batou |SE,0.70 km |300 | |

| | |Xin’an Farm Banch 9 |W,0.2 km |210 | |

| | |Cachu Gedan |W,1.96 km |260 | |

| | |Xin’an Farm Branch 8 |W,0.7 km |200 | |

| | |Xin’an Farm Branch 7 |W,0.5 km |320 | |

| | |Yongfeng Village |NW,0.5 km |400 | |

| | |Ulansuhai Nur core area |E,0.2km |—— | |

| |Surface water |Ulansuhai Nur |Extent 293.2km2 |—— |III Class standard in Surface water |

| | | | | |quality standards |

| | | | | |(GB/T3838-2002) |

| |Ground water |Ulansuhai Nur artificial |500m outside |—— |III Class standard in Groundwater |

| | |wetland |project | |Quality Standard(GB/T 14848-93) |

| |Ecology |200m off Ulansuhai Nur |Extent 293.2 km2 |—— |Project construction does not affect |

| | |area | | |animals and plants in conservation |

| | | | | |districts |

1.5 Evaluative standards

1.5.1 Environmental quality standards

(1)Ambient air

On the basis of the approval letter on environmental assessment implement standard of Bayannaoer Environmental Protection Bureau, the zones where the sewage treatment and reuse engineerings as well as reclaimed water supply engineering are carried out in the Processing Industrial Park, shall all be the Class II environmental air quality functional zones, in which the Ambient Air Quality Standard ( GB3095-1996) and the secondary standard in modification notice shall be implemented for the environmental air assessment; the Wuliangsuhai Zone shall be the Class I environmental air quality functional zone, in which the Ambient Air Quality Standard ( GB3095-1996) and the primary standard in modification notice shall be implemented for the environmental air assessment; the maximum allowable concentration standard of harmful substances in the atmosphere of residential zone of Sanitary Standard for Design of Industrial Enterprises (GB3095-1996) shall be carried out for H2S and NH3; for standard values, see Table 1.5-1.

Table 1.5-1 Ambient air quality standards (mg/m3)

|Name of pollutants |Value time |Concentration limit |Remarks |

| | |Primary standard|Secondary standard | |

|SO2 |Average value for one hour |0.15 |0.50 |GB3095-1996 |

| |Daily average value |0.05 |0.15 | |

| |Annual average value |0.02 |0.06 | |

|TSP |Daily average value |0.12 |0.30 | |

| |Annual average value |0.08 |0.20 | |

|PM10 |Daily average value |0.05 |0.15 | |

| |Annual average value |0.04 |0.10 | |

|NO2 |Average value for one hour |0.12 |0.24 | |

| |Daily average value |0.08 |0.12 | |

| |Annual average value |0.04 |0.08 | |

|H2S |Once |0.01 |TJ 36-79 |

| | | |the maximum allowable concentration |

| | | |standard of harmful substances in the|

| | | |atmosphere of residential zones |

|NH3 |once |0.20 | |

(2)Environment of groundwater

The class III standards of Groundwater Quality Standards (GB/T14848-93) shall be implemented for the groundwater quality, see Table 1.5-2.

Table 1.5-2 Environmental Quality Standards for Groundwater

|No. |Name of projects |Unit |Standard values |Remarks |

|1 |pH |—— |6.5~8.5 |GB/T 14848-93 |

| | | | |Class III standards |

|2 |Total hardness |mg/l |≤450 | |

|3 |Nitrates |mg/l |≤20 | |

|4 |Nitrites |mg/l |≤0.02 | |

|5 |Ammonia nitrogen |mg/l |≤0.2 | |

|6 |Potassium permanganate |mg/l |≤3.0 | |

| |index | | | |

|7 |Prussiates |mg/l |≤0.05 | |

|8 |Fluoride |mg/l |≤1.0 | |

|9 |Cr6+ |mg/l |≤0.05 | |

|10 |Volatile phenols |mg/l |≤0.002 | |

|11 |Cu |mg/l |≤1.0 | |

|12 |Zn |mg/l |≤1.0 | |

|13 |Fe |mg/l |≤0.3 | |

|14 |Chlorides |mg/l |≤250 | |

|17 |Hg |mg/l |≤0.01 | |

|18 |Mineralization |mg/l |≤1000 | |

|19 |Total number of bacteria |个/L |≤100 | |

|20 |Total coliforms |个/L |≤3.0 | |

(3)Environmental quality standards for surface water

For the environmental quality of total and other draining water related to this project, the Class IV standards of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water(GB3838-2002)shall be implemented, while the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water shall be implemented for the water environmental quality of lakes "haiti" (meaning "little sea") and Wuliangsuhai Sea Area. For the specific limits, see Table 1.5-3.

Table 1.5-3 Environmental quality standards for surface water (mg/l)

|No. |Name of projects |Class III standard |Class IV standard values |Source of standards |

| | |values | | |

|1 |PH |6-9 |6-9 |GB3838-2002 |

|2 |CODcr ≤ |20 |30 | |

|3 |DO ≥ |5 |3 | |

|4 |BOD5 ≤ |4 |6 | |

|5 |NH3-N ≤ |1.0 |1.5 | |

|6 |Oils ≤ |0.05 |0. 5 | |

|7 |Chlorides (in term of CL) ≤ |250 |250 | |

|8 |Volatile phenols ≤ |0.005 |0.01 | |

|9 |Sulfides ≤ |0.2 |0.5 | |

|10 |Mercury ≤ |0.0001 |0.001 | |

|11 |Total phosphorus ≤ |0.2 |0.3 | |

|12 |Total nitrogen ≤ |1.0 |1.5 | |

(4)Environmental quality standards for noise

The sewage treatment and reuse engineerings are carried out in the Processing Industrial Park, in which the Class III standards of Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008) shall be implemented for the environmental quality for noise; the zones where the reclaimed water supply engineering is carried out shall be the functional zones for Class II sound environment, in which the Class II standards of Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008) shall be implemented for the environmental quality for noise; the zones where the comprehensive treatment engineering of Wuliangsuhai Sea Area is carried out shall be the functional zones for Class I sound environment, in which the Class I standards of Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008) shall be implemented for the environmental quality for noise. For the environmental quality standard values for noise, see Table 1.5-4.

Table 1.5-4 Environmental quality standards for noise

|Category |During the daytime [dB(A)] |At night [dB(A)] |

|1 |55 |45 |

|2 |60 |50 |

|3 |65 |55 |

1.5.2 Standards for the discharge of pollutants

(1)Standards for the discharge of water pollutants

For the wastewater discharge standards of reclaimed water supply engineering, the secondary standards of national Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB8978-1996) shall be implemented; for the wetland drainage engineering of artificial biological filter areas, the primary standards of national Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB8978-1996) shall be implemented. For the specific standard values of some pollutants, see Table 1.5-5.

Table 1.5-5 Integrated wastewater discharge standards (Unit: mg/l)

|Pollutant factors |COD |BOD5 |SS |Animal or vegetable |Oils |

| | | | |oils | |

|Primary standard |≤100 |≤30 |≤70 |≤20 |≤10 |

|Secondary standard |≤150 |≤60 |≤200 |≤20 |≤10 |

|Pollutant factors |Ammonia |Phosphorus |Chromaticity |pH |Anion active agent |

| |nitrogen | | | | |

|Primary standard |≤15 |≤0.1 |≤50 |6~9 |≤5.0 |

|Secondary standard |25 |0.3 |≤80 |6~9 |≤10 |

(2)Emission standards for environmental air pollutants

For the emission of atmospheric pollutants during construction, the Integrated Emission Standards of Atmospheric Pollutants (GB16297-1996) shall be implemented; for the inorganization emission monitoring concentration limits of particulate matters in the atmospheric pollutants from new pollutant sources, the standard value shall be 1.0mg/m3 hereof; for the emission of odor pollutants of sewage treatment and reuse engineerings in each Processing Industrial Park, the secondary (new) standards of the national Pollutant Emission Standards for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (GB18918-2002) shall be implemented; for the standard values, see Table 1.5-6; as the secondary (new) standards of Emission Standards of Odor Pollutants (GB14554-93) are implemented, for the standard values, see Table 1.5-7.

Table 1.5-6 The maximum allowable concentration of exhaust emission at the factory boundary (at edge of protection zone)

|No. |Control projects |Secondary standard(mg/m3) |

|1 |Ammonia |1.5 |

|2 |Sulfureted hydrogen |0.06 |

|3 |Odor concentration |20 |

Table 1.5-7 Factory boundary standard values of odor pollutants

|No. |Control projects |Primary standard(mg/m3) |

|1 |Ammonia |1.0 |

|2 |Sulfureted hydrogen |0.03 |

|3 |Odor concentration |10 |


For the factory boundary noise of sewage treatment and reuse engineerings in the Processing Industrial Park, the Class III standards of Standards of Noise at Boundary of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008)shall be implemented; for the factory boundary noise of reclaimed water supply engineering, the Class II standards of Standards of Noise at Boundary of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008)shall be implemented; for the comprehensive treatment engineering noise of Wuliangsuhai Sea Area, the Class I standards of Standards of Noise at Boundary of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008)shall be implemented; as the Noise Limits for Construction Site (GB12523-90) are implemented on construction site, for the standard limits, see Table 1.5-8 and 1.5-9.

Table 1.5-8 Standard limits of noise at boundary of industrial enterprises

|Period of time |In the daytime[dB(A)] |At night[dB(A)] |

|Category of noise functional areas | | |

|1 |55 |45 |

|2 |60 |50 |

|3 |65 |55 |

Table 1.5-9 Noise limits for construction site

|Construction stage |Chief noise source |In the daytime |At night |Unit |

|Cubic metre of earth|机Bulldozers, excavators and loaders |75 |55 |dB(A) |

|and stone | | | | |

|Piling |All kinds of piling machines |85 |It is forbidden for |dB(A) |

| | | |construction | |

|Structure |Concrete mixers, vibrators and electric saws |70 |55 |dB(A) |

|Decoration |Cranes and elevators |65 |55 |dB(A) |

(4)Solid wastes

For the pollutant emission of Wuliangsuhai grid channel excavation sediments, sewage treatment and reuse engineering sludge and reclaimed water supply engineering sludge in the Processing Industrial Park, the relevant standards of national Pollutant Emission Standards for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (GB18918-2002) shall be implemented, and the sludge should meet the provisions of Table 1.5-10 after the stabilization treatment; When the sludge after the treatment is used for agriculture, its pollutant concentration shall meet the requirements of Table 1.5-11, while the Control Standards for Pollutants in Sludges from Agricultural Use (GB4284-84) shall be implemented; when the sludge after the treatment is treated by a landfill method, the control standards for safety landfill shall be implemented; as the Identification Standards for Hazardous Wastes - Leaching Toxicity Identification (GB5085.3-1996) are implemented for the leaching toxicity identification of sludge, see Table 1.5-12.

Table 1.5-10 Control indexes for stabilization of sludge

|Method of stabilization |Control projects |Control indexes |

|Anaerobic digestion |Degradation ratio of organic substance(%) |>40 |

|Aerobic digestion |Degradation ratio of organic substance(%) |>40 |

|Aerobic compost |Rate of water content(%) |50 |

| |Death rate of worm eggs(%) |>95 |

| |Bacteria value of fecal coliforms |>0.01 |

Table 1.5-11 Control standard limits for pollutants in sludges from agricultural use

|No. |Control projects |Maximum permissible content(mg/kg dried sludge) |

| | |On acid soils(pH=6.5) |

|1 |Total cadmium |5 |20 |

|2 |Total mercury |5 |15 |

|3 |Total lead |300 |1000 |

|4 |Total chromium |600 |1000 |

|5 |Total arsenic |75 |75 |

|6 |Total nickel |100 |200 |

|7 |Total zinc |2000 |3000 |

|8 |Total copper |800 |1500 |

|9 |Boron |150 |150 |

|10 |Oils |3000 |3000 |

|11 |Benzo (a) pyrene |3 |3 |

|12 |Polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins / polychlorinated |100 |100 |

| |dibenzofurans (PCDD / PCDF unit: ng toxicity units / kg dried| | |

| |sludge) | | |

|13 |Adsorbable organic halogen compound (AOX) (in terms of Cl) |500 |500 |

|14 |Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) |0.2 |0.2 |

Table 1.5-12 Identification standards for leaching toxicity

|No. |Projects |Maximum allowable concentration of leaching liquor,mg/l |

|1 |Mercury and its compounds (in term of total mercury) |0.05 |

|2 |Lead (in term of total lead) |3 |

|3 |Cadmium (in term of total cadmium) |0.3 |

|4 |Total chromium |10 |

|5 |Hexavalent chromium |1.5 |

|6 |Copper and its compounds (in term of total copper) |50 |

|7 |Zinc and its compounds (in term of total zinc) |50 |

|8 |Beryllium and its compounds (in term of total beryllium) |0.1 |

|9 |Barium and its compounds (in term of total barium) |100 |

|10 |Nickel and its compounds (in term of total nickel) |10 |

|11 |Arsenic and its compounds (in term of total arsenic) |1.5 |

|12 |Inorganic fluoride (excluding calcium fluoride) |50 |

|13 |Cyanide (in term of CN) |1.0 |

(5)Sanitation protection distance

According to the requirements of Construction Standards for Municipal Sewage Treatment Engineering Projects of the Ministry of Construction, the treatment & production facilities of sewage & sludge resulting in odor shall be located in the downwind direction in summer in the auxiliary production areas of sewage treatment plant, far from residential zones outside the plant as much as possible, and in accordance with relevant national regulations. If not meet the requirements, the distance of odor arising from production facilities between the sewage treatment plant and residential zones outside the plant should not be less than 50 ~ 100 meters.

1.6 Environmental impact factors and evaluation factors

1.6.1 Identification of environmental impact factors

The implementation of this project will help to reduce the pollution load of Wuliangsuhai as well as improve its water environment, which is important not only for the promotion of comprehensive and sustainable development of Bayannaoer's environment and social economy, but also for the protection of water ecological environment security of the Yellow River. At the same time, during the construction and operation, the implementation of this project may also have some adverse environmental impacts on the social environment, ecological environment and environmental quality. On the design stage, the site selection, selection and comparison of technical schemes, feasibility studies and other works shall be carried out mainly, which won't directly have some adverse impacts on the environment in general.

The impacts during the construction and operation mainly include:

(1)Social and environmental impacts: The implementation of this project will inevitably bring the certain socio-economic impacts on the proposed areas, mainly including the impacts of land acquisition and demolition. This project will involve four administrative villages of four towns (streets) of five banners (counties) of Bayannaoer, a state-owned farm as well as a state-owned pasture, in which 22 rural residents of 5 families will be affected by land acquisition, who are the affected population not dismantled arising from land acquisition. This project does not involve the houses to be dismantled, with the collection and temporary acquisition of various land of 3597.25 mu, including 758.00 mu of collecting land, 2839.25 mu of temporary land and150 scattered fruit trees, in which the land with an area of about 50.5ha will be occupied for the project construction, and then about 22 people will be affected by the project construction.

The problems of land acquisition, demolition and resettlement caused by this would affect the daily lives of local residents, resulting in changing their possession quantity of means of production and subsistence; the construction for roads and sewage pipe networks would also affect the travel and security of residents along the line, as well as traffic conditions, etc..

(2)Impacts on ecological environment

As for the occupation of land for project construction, the local total arable land and vegetation quantity will be reduced, changing the nature of land use, causing the impact on the local agricultural ecology; destroying the vegetation on the project proposed site during the construction; easily resulting in the soil erosion due to inadequate protection on the high filled and deep excavated sections, earthwork filled and excavated sections as well as temporary piling sections, etc.; impacting on the Wuliangsuhai aquatic life due to the release of pollutants from bottom sludge during the construction for grid channel excavation engineering in Wuliangsuhai Sea Area.

(3)Impacts on environmental quality

During construction: The nearby water bodies may be polluted by the running, spilling, dripping and leaking grease/oil stains from construction machinery as well as domestic sewage caused by construction workers, and the release of pollutants from bottom sludge during the construction for grid channel excavation engineering in Wuliangsuhai Sea Area will impact on the water quality of Wuliangsuhai; the ambient air will be polluted by a great amount of dust generated in the material transport and mixing processes; the mechanical noise will also impact on the normal work and living of residents nearby construction site; the running frequently construction vehicles will impact on the existing traffic order.

During operation: To some extent, the surrounding environment will be polluted as well due to the odor waste gas giving out during the sewage treatment and reuse engineerings as well as the tail water discharged during the reclaimed water supply engineering in the Processing Industrial Park; for the drainage during the wetland engineering in artificial filter areas,due to the reduction of quantity of pollutants discharged into Wuliangsuhai, the water environmental quality of Wuliangsuhai will be significantly improved. Since the local engineering needs to be consolidated and maintained and the vegetation still needs some time to be recovered, the phenomenon of soil erosion will still exist for a period of time after the construction period.

To sum up, the main existing impact factors of this project during construction and operation include:

(1)Social environment: Land occupation, demolition, relocation and resettlement, road traffic as well as urban appearance and landscape, etc.;

(2)Ecological environment: Changing the impacts on the water ecological environment due to the land use condition, vegetation destruction, soil erosion and grid channel excavation, etc.;

(3)Water environment: The the release of pollutants from bottom sludge for grid excavation, domestic sewage and road runoff during construction; the production sewage and living sewage during operation, etc.;

(4);Noise environment: The traffic noise and machinery noise, etc.;

(5)Ambient air: Dust and exhaust pollutants arising from transport vehicles as well as odor produced by piling up and transporting the bottom sludge for grid excavation during construction; the foul gas generated from the sewage treatment and reuse engineerings in the Processing Industrial Park during operation, etc..

1.6.2 Selection of environmental impact and evaluation factors

Based on the above analysis, combining the engineering category and characteristics of this project, the environmental impact recognition matrix has been established, see Table 1.6-1.

Table 1.6-1 Environmental impact recognition matrix

|Construction |Building activities |Impact factors |

|phase | | |

| | |Natural environment |Ecological environment |Social environment |

| | |Atmospheric environment |Water environment |Noise environment |

| | | | |Reclaimed water |Sewage treatment and |Comprehensive treatment |

| | | | |supply engineerings|reuse engineerings in |in Wuliangsuhai Sea Area|

| | | | | |the Processing | |

| | | | | |Industrial Park | |

|1、Environmental issues related to project location (site selection) |

|Impacts on production |Loss of production capacity |Occupied area |Changing the location of project | |√ | |

|systems (such as | |type of production/income of unit|(relocation) | | | |

|agriculture) | |ha |compensation measures | | | |

|Impacts on traffic |Changing the roads in fields or |Description of roads (width and |Changing the location of project |√ |√ | |

| |residential zones |length) |rehabilitation or replacement of | | | |

| | |area and service population |traffic | | | |

|Destruction of the existing|Loss of private buildings |Type, quantity, value, |Changing the location of project | | | |

|buildings | |removal population |properly arranging the removal | | | |

| | | |immigrants | | | |

| |Loss of infrastructure |Type, characteristics and |Changing the location of project |√ |√ | |

| | |estimating the value |compensation or substitution | | | |

|Destruction of areas with |Destruction of vegetation |Vegetation area/plant species |Changing the location of project |√ |√ | |

|ecological value | |value (financial and ecological) |restoring the vegetation | | | |

| |Destruction of biological diversity |List of species |Changing the location of project | | |√ |

| | |special areas |reducing the land area | | | |

| |Impacts on protected areas: National parks|Type and purpose of protection |Changing the location of project | | |√ |

| |and natural reserves |total area, area to be affected |reducing the land area | | | |

| |Impacts on the surface water environment |Hydrological parameters, |Changing the location of project |√ |√ |√ |

| |and flood risk |monitoring values of water |changing the location of outfall | | | |

| | |quality | | | | |

|Destruction of drainage |Floods, soil acidification |Main drainage patterns or line of|Changing the location of project |√ | | |

|channels and ditches | |channels and ditches (pipeline) |paying attention to the protection | | | |

| | | |of drainage channels and ditches | | | |

| | | |during construction | | | |

|Artificial infrastructure |Destruction of landscape and tourism value|Destructiveness and area of |Changing the location of project | | |√ |

|to be built in outdoor | |landscape value |carrying out the appropriate design | | | |

|scenic areas | | |to protect the scenic areas | | | |

|2、Environmental issues possibly existing during construction of project |

|Temporary occupied land for|Impacts on land use and production |Occupied area, use, location |Reducing the area of occupied land, |√ |√ |√ |

|work sheds and storage | | |requiring the contractor's | | | |

|areas, etc. | | |obligation | | | |

| | | |monitoring and supervising the | | | |

| | | |construction activities | | | |

|Clearing of vegetation |Destruction of woodland, orchard and |Type / area and economic value of|Clearing ways, monitoring the |√ |√ |√ |

| |farmland |vegetation to be damaged |clearing activities | | | |

| | | |division of area | | | |

|More accessible to arrive |There are risks, such as the risk of |Location of sensitive areas |Contractor's obligations | | |√ |

|in natural areas |poaching, etc. |threatened areas or species |monitoring and managing the | | | |

| | | |construction personnel | | | |

|Wastes generated from the |Loss of soil erosion and sediment |Location of earth and stone works|Contractor's obligations (drainage |√ |√ |√ |

|civil engineering | |for excavation, landfill and |and sedimentation pool) | | | |

| | |disposal, natural drainage |monitoring | | | |

| | |patterns | | | | |

| |Temporary occupation or destruction |Location, scope, purpose of |The contractor is obliged to submit |√ |√ |√ |

| | |occupied land |a Management Plan for Damaged and | | | |

| | | |Temporily Occupied Land. | | | |

| |Emission of dust and other particles |Location, distance and wind |Schedule of engineering construction|√ |√ |√ |

| | |direction in residential zones |contractor's obligations | | | |

| | | |(sprinkling) | | | |

| | | |monitoring the activities of the | | | |

| | | |civil engineering | | | |

|Excavation of grid channel |During the excavation and disposal of grid|Measurement of sampling analysis |Methods of excavation | | |√ |

|in Sea Area |channel in Sea Area, the sediments of |of sediments |disposal conditions (stacking or | | | |

| |bottom sludge can release some pollutants.|quantities of grid channel |processing), | | | |

| |If disposed inappropriately, they will |excavation |monitoring | | | |

| |pollute the environment. | | | | | |

| |Pollution caused by bottom sludge disposed|Yield, composition, trace and |Detailed management and disposal | | |√ |

| |inappropriately |disposal method of bottom sludge |plans for bottom sludge | | | |

| | | |monitoring | | | |

| |Impacts on aquatic life |List of species |Changin the construction methods | | |√ |

| | |special areas |developing the detailed and | | | |

| | | |effective mitigation measures | | | |

|Transportation of |Particulate matter and noise |Material volume, traffic volume |Contractor's obligations: |√ |√ |√ |

|construction materials and |transportation security |means of transportation through |maintaining the vehicles and road | | | |

|engineering equipment | |environmentally sensitive areas |signs, monitoring the means of | | | |

| | | |transportation | | | |

|Engagement of construction |If hiring the local labor, the direct |Predicting the number of |Contractor's obligations |√ |√ |√ |

|personnel |benefits can brought to the local |employees |(implementing in EMP) | | | |

| |residents and ethnic minorities. |estimating the number and |monitoring | | | |

| | |proportion of local staff to be | | | | |

| | |employed | | | | |

| |Health and safety impacts on the |Number of personnel to be |Contractor's obligations: Health and|√ |√ |√ |

| |construction personnel and surrounding |possibly affected |safety management | | | |

| |residents |health statistics (incidence |monitoring | | | |

| | |rate) | | | | |

| | |conditions on local infectious | | | | |

| | |and epidemic diseases | | | | |

| |Nearby surface water polluted by domestic |Quality of surface water, |Contractor's obligations: Managing |√ |√ |√ |

| |sewage |environmental quality standards, |and monitoring the wastes as well | | | |

| | |emission standards |as health and safety | | | |

| | |facilities for downstream water | | | | |

| | |conservancy works | | | | |

|Use of large construction |Noise and waste (exhaust) gas impacting on|Construction equipment required |Construction operations of |√ |√ |√ |

|equipment |the surrounding residents |for use, construction schedule |large-scale equipment prohibitted at| | | |

| | |distance from the nearest |night | | | |

| | |residential zones, its population|notifying the time of construction | | | |

| | |density |operations to the surrounding | | | |

| | |direction and velocity of wind |residents | | | |

| | |noise and waste gas emission |contractor's obligations | | | |

| | |standards |monitoring | | | |

|Production of solid wastes |Pollution of soil, rivers and groundwater |Number and type of wastes: |Waste management and disposal |√ |√ |√ |

| |aquifers |Domestic garbage, construction |program | | | |

| | |waste, spoil, chemical waste |contractor's obligations | | | |

| | | |monitoring | | | |

|Completion of construction |Not repairing or improperly repairing on |Location and area of temporary |The contractor is obligated to |√ |√ | |

| |site |land |prepare a Site Restoration Programme| | | |

| | |equipment to be possibly used and|after Completion for each project, | | | |

| | |wastes to be generated |in which the repair expenditure | | | |

| | | |shall be added. | | | |

|3、Environmental issues possibly existing during operation of project |

|1) Subprojects of reclaimed| | | | | | |

|water supply engineering | | | | | | |

|Operation of water |Noise |Noise standards |Procuring the low-noise equipment, |√ | | |

|reclamation plant | |distance to the nearest |strengthening the routine | | | |

| | |residential zones |maintenance | | | |

| | | |monitoring | | | |

| |Impacts on water sources |Average monthly output of |Ensuring the minimum storage |√ | | |

| | |supplying water from water |capacity from water sources | | | |

| | |sources |monitoring the water quality and | | | |

| | |intake ratio of total storage |quantity of underground water | | | |

| | |capacity |sources | | | |

| | |meeting the minimum water | | | | |

| | |requirements of other water | | | | |

| |Impacts on emission of tail water |Water quality of surface water, |Environmental quality standards, |√ | | |

| | |water quality of tail water, |emission standards, monitoring the | | | |

| | |quantity of water |water quality of tail water | | | |

| | | |water environmental protection plans| | | |

| | | |and emergency measures | | | |

|Production of sludge in |Impacts caused by the improper management |Estimated output and composition |Disposal measures of sludge |√ | | |

|water reclamation plant |of sludge |of sludge |detailed management plans of sludge | | | |

| | | |monitoring | | | |

|Pullution of raw water |Pollution status of water sources |Water quality of water sources |Monitoring the water quality of raw |√ | | |

| | |Type and quantity of surrounding |water | | | |

| | |main pollution sources |Protection plans for water sources | | | |

| | | |and emergency measures | | | |

|2) Subprojects of sewage | | | | | | |

|treatment and reuse | | | | | | |

|engineerings | | | | | | |

|Production of sludge in the|Pollution caused by the management and |Output and composition of sludge |监测Detailed management and disposal| |√ | |

|sewage treatment plant |improper treatment of sludge |trace and disposal methods of |plans for sludge | | | |

| | |sludge |monitoring | | | |

| |Impacts of agricultural sludge |Sludge purification / |Sludge reuse standards | |√ | |

| | |concentration of heavy metals |detailed disposal and utilization | | | |

| | | |plan for sludge | | | |

| | | |monitoring | | | |

| |Toxicity and corrosivity of sludge and |Category of toxic or corrosive |Storage and treatment of sludge and | |√ | |

| |waste residue |substances |waste residue | | | |

| | |distance to the nearest |control of toxic substances | | | |

| | |residential zones | | | | |

|Operation of sewage |Odor and noise |Location of pumping station/odor |Noise standards, foul gas emission | |√ | |

|treatment plants, sewage | |distribution sources, |standards | | | |

|networks and sewage pumping| |distance to residential zones |procuring the low-noise equipment, | | | |

|stations | | |strengthening the duties of | | | |

| | | |maintenance | | | |

| | | |monitoring | | | |

|3) Subprojects of | | | | | | |

|management in Wuliangsuhai | | | | | | |

|Sea Area | | | | | | |

|Operation of artificial |Impacts on the water environmental quality|Hydrological parameters, |Water quality standards for surface | | |√ |

|wetland |of Wuliangsuhai |monitoring values of water |water | | | |

| | |quality |emission standards | | | |

| | | |monitoring | | | |

| |Impacts on natural reserves |Type and purpose of protection |Biological diversity | | |√ |

| | |total area |monitoring the water quality | | | |

Table 1.6-3 Selection of environmental evaluation factors of various subprojects

|No. |Category of subprojects and content of|Environmental evaluation factors |Degree of possible impact |

| |major projects | | |

| | |Ecological environment |Ambient air |Surface water |Groundwater |

|1 |Supply of |Water Supply Project of|1) Water intake works: consist of the intake pump station, water pipeline and ancillary facilities, and |35,000 t/d |Hohwedor Town, Urat Rear |

| |Reclaimed Water |Urat Rear Banner |the water intake works shall utilize the existing intake pump station and water pipeline, and increase a | |Banner |

| | |Processing Park |standby water pump (Q=580m3,H=35m) and a ductile cast iron pressure pipe of DN500, with a design flow of | | |

| | | |255L/s for water piping network. | | |

| | | |2) One water reclamation plant shall be built at southeast of the processing park, including the buildings| | |

| | | |and structures such as, contact tank, chlorination-feeding chamber, clean water tank, pumping station, | | |

| | | |etc.; | | |

| | | |3) Water distribution network is laid out along the planned route toward the northwest, southwest and | | |

| | | |southeast of the processing park and PE pipes and ductile cast iron pipes of DN 200 are used. | | |

| | |Water Supply Project of|1) Water intake works: consist of the intake pump station, water pipeline and ancillary facilities, with |40,000t/d |Near Wangba Reservoir of |

| | |Ganqimaodu Port |an intake capacity of 6.25m3/d. Intake pump station belongs to the combined structure at bank and adopts 6| |Urat Middle Banner |

| | |Processing Park |horizontal centrifugal pumps. The water pipeline is connected from the intake pump station to the water | | |

| | | |reclamation plant along the pathway; | | |

| | | |2) One water reclamation plant shall be built near Wangba Reservoir, including the buildings and | | |

| | | |structures such as lift pump station, pre-aeration basin, flocculation tank, filter station, contact tank,| | |

| | | |sludge discharge tank and backwash tank, chlorination-feeding chamber, anti-seepage chamber and clean | | |

| | | |water tank and pumping station; | | |

| | | |3) Water distribution network: Double ductile cast iron pressure pipes of DN500 are laid out along the | | |

| | | |planned route to the clean water tank of sewage treatment & reuse of the park, totaling 28km, with a | | |

| | | |design flow of 509l/s. | | |

| | |Reclaimed Water Supply |1) Water intake works: its intake capacity is 33,000m³/d and it adopts the gravity pipe intake structure |20,000t/d |Shanba Town, Hanggin Rear|

| | |Project of Drainage |and the pumping station is built together with the suction well. Four horizontal centrifugal pumps are | |Banner |

| | |Canal 3 |used (Q=340m3). Double pipes are used for the water delivery pipeline and subject to the supporting | | |

| | | |construction with the water reclamation plant; | | |

| | | |2) One water reclamation plant shall be built in the north of sewage treatment plant of drainage canal 3, | | |

| | | |including the buildings and structures such as distributing well, pipeline mixer, one mesh reactor, one | | |

| | | |sloping plate sedimentation tank, one V-type filter tank, chlorination chamber, reflux tank, sludge | | |

| | | |equalization basin, anti-seepage chamber and pumping station, etc.; | | |

| | | |3) Water distribution network: two water pipelines are drawn out from pumping station of water reclamation| | |

| | | |plant to water supply piping network of Hanggin Rear Banner Industrial Park. | | |

| | |Reclaimed Water Supply |1) Water intake works: its intake capacity is 33,000m³/d and it adopts the gravity pipe intake structure |20,000t/d |Longxingchang Town, |

| | |Project of Drainage |and the pumping station is built together with the suction well (20m×16m). Four horizontal centrifugal | |Wuyuan County |

| | |Canal 7 |pumps are used (Q=340m3). Double pipes are used for the water delivery pipeline and two ductile cast iron | | |

| | | |pipes of DN400 are laid out, totaling 0.2km; | | |

| | | |2) One water reclamation plant shall be built, including the buildings and structures such as, one | | |

| | | |distributing well, one static mixer, one mesh reactor, one sloping plate sedimentation tank, one common | | |

| | | |filter tank, one reflux tank, one sludge equalization basin, one clean water tank, one | | |

| | | |chlorination-feeding or dosing chamber, one ultrafiltration & anti-seepage chamber, etc.; | | |

| | | |3) Water distribution network: two pipelines of DN400 are laid out, with a design flow of 20,000m3/d×1.1 | | |

| | | |=255l/s, and a length of 19km. | | |

|2 |Sewage Treatment &|Sewage Treatment |1) Sewage collection system: the sewer network shall be laid out as per the planning of the processing |20,000t/d |Hohwedor Town, Urat Rear |

| |Reuse Project of |Project of Urat Rear |park, and the sewage main pipes of DN400-DN700 are laid out from the north to the south along Jingyi Road,| |Banner |

| |Processing Park |Banner Processing Park |Jingsan Road, Jingwu Road and Jingqi Road, and the main trunk pipes are laid out at Jingwu Road, which are| | |

| | |(Hoh Town) |undertaken by the government. The construction commitment letter of sewage collection network of the | | |

| | | |processing park is shown in the attachment; | | |

| | | |2) The buildings and structures for the sewage treatment engineering include bar screen, intake pump | | |

| | | |station, aeration tank, equalization basin, primary sedimentation tank, biological tank, secondary | | |

| | | |sedimentation tank, flocculation tank, filter station, sludge thickening & dewatering house, blower room, | | |

| | | |chlorination chamber, odor-removing chamber, etc. | | |

| | |Sewage Treatment & |1) Sewage collection network: the sewage main pipes are built by the government and excluded in the |Sewage treatment |Delingshan Town, Urat |

| | |Reuse Project of |Project, and the construction commitment letter of sewage collection network of the processing park is |capacity::30,000t/d; Reclaimed |Middle Banner |

| | |Ganqimaodu Port |shown in the attachment; |water capacity:20,000t/d | |

| | |Processing Park |2) Process flow includes pre-treatment work stage, secondary bio-treatment work stage, reclaimed water | | |

| | | |deep-treatment stage, and sludge treatment stage. Main buildings and structures include equalization | | |

| | | |basin, bar screen, sewage pump room, grit chamber, biological tank, contact tank, distributing well, | | |

| | | |small-hole mesh reactor, sloping plate sedimentation tank, V-type filter tank, sludge pump room, sludge | | |

| | | |thickening & dewatering house, blower room, chlorination chamber, odor-removing chamber, etc.; | | |

| | | |3)Total length of water distribution network is 45.08km and the ductile cast iron pipes and PE pipes of | | |

| | | |DN 100-DN600 are used, with a maximum design flow of 902.7L/s. | | |

| | |Sewage Treatment & |1) Sewage collection network: the sewage main pipes are built by the government and excluded in the |Sewage treatment |Xianfeng Town, Urat Front|

| | |Reuse Project of Urat |Project, and the construction commitment letter of sewage collection network of the processing park is |capacity::30,000t/d; Reclaimed |Banner |

| | |Front Banner (Xianfeng |shown in the attachment; |water capacity:20,000t/d | |

| | |Town) Processing Park |2) Sewage treatment & reuse project: it covers a land area of 370m×300m, 11.0ha, and the main buildings | | |

| | | |and structures include equalization basin, bar screen, sewage pump room, grit chamber, biological tank, | | |

| | | |secondary sedimentation tank, flocculation tank, filter station, sludge pump room, sludge dewatering | | |

| | | |house, lift pump room, blower room, chlorination-feeding & dosing chamber, odor-removing chamber, etc. | | |

| | | |3) it is necessary to build the sewage main pipes of DN800-DN1400 from drainage main trunk to sewage | | |

| | | |treatment plant, totaling 9.00km, reclaimed water pipelines of 23.4km (DN500-DN300) and necessary | | |

| | | |supporting facilities. | | |

|3 |Harness Project of|Pastoral Grid Channel |The main drainage canal of grid channel system is 45m wide, 1.4m deep and 40.00km long, and the branch |Construction area 2.451×106m2, |Wuliangsu Lake, Urat |

| |Wuliangsu Lake |Project of Wuliangsu |canal is 10m wide, 2m deep and 100.00km long. Excavation works of main channels and branch channels. |excavated sediment 2.295×105m3 |Front Banner |

| | |Lake | | | |

| | |Artificial wetland |1) Biologic transition belt artificial wetland project in the west and northwest of Wuliangsu Lake, |7345.5ha |Wuliangsu Lake, Urat |

| | |project and Area-Source|including general drainage canal wetland area of 90514mu, with pumping station flow of 15 m3/s, the eighth| |Front Banner |

| | |Demonstration Project |drainage canal wetland area of 8569mu, with pumping station flow of 3 m3/s, and the ninth drainage canal | | |

| | |in Biologic Transition |wetland area of 11100mu, with pumping station flow of 3 m3/s. | | |

| | |Belt of Wuliangsu Lake |2) Area-source demonstration project is located in the Beichang Branch Ditch experimental area of drainage| | |

| | | |canal 9 at Qinghua Village Beichang Community and Dengcundian Village Tabu Community of Beiqidu Township, | | |

| | | |Urat Front Banner of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, with a total area of 3 km2. | | |

Table 3.1-2 Recommended Construction Sites for Various Subprojects

|No. |Type |Name of Project |Recommended Construction Site |

|1 |Supply of |Water Supply Project of Urat |Southeast of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park |

| |Reclaimed Water |Rear Banner Processing Park | |

| | |Water Supply Project of |Near Wangba Reservoir of Delingshan Town of Urat Middle Banner |

| | |Ganqimaodu Port Processing | |

| | |Park | |

| | |Water Supply Project of |North of Drainage Canal 3 Sewage Treatment Plant of Shaanba Town, |

| | |Reclaimed Water for Drainage |Hanggin Rear Banner |

| | |Canal 3 | |

| | |Water Supply Project of |North of Drainage Canal 7 Sewage Treatment Plant of Longxingchang |

| | |Reclaimed Water for Drainage |Town, Wuyuan County |

| | |Canal 7 | |

|2 |Sewage Treatment &|Sewage Treatment Project of |Southeast of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park |

| |Reuse Project of |Urat Rear Banner Processing | |

| |Processing Park |Park (Hoh Town) | |

| | |Sewage Treatment & Reuse |South of Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park (Delingshan Town), Urat |

| | |Project of Ganqimaodu Port |Middle Banner |

| | |Processing Park | |

| | |Sewage Treatment & Reuse |Southeast of Urat Front Banner (Xianfeng Town) Processing Park |

| | |Project of Urat Front Banner | |

| | |(Xianfeng Town) Processing | |

| | |Park | |

|3 |Harness Project of|Pastoral Grid Channel Project|Wuliangsu Lake |

| |Wuliangsu Lake |of Wuliangsu Lake | |

| | |Artificial wetland project |Biologic transition belt artificial wetland is built on the existing |

| | |and Area-Source Demonstration|reed marsh of lake area in the west and north of Wuliangsu Lake, and |

| | |Project in Biologic |area-source pollution control demonstration zone is built in Beichang |

| | |Transition Belt of Wuliangsu |Branch Ditch of Drainage Canal 9 near Wuliangsu Lake |

| | |Lake | |

3.1.5 Floor Area of the Project and Plane Layout of Factory Area

Floor area and plane layout of the Project are shown in Table 3.1-3 and the plane layout of various subprojects is shown in Fig. 3.1-2 – Fig. 3.1-12.


Fig. 3.1-2 Plane Layout of Reclaimed Water Supply Project for Urat Rear Banner Processing Park

Table 3.1-3 Floor Area of the Project and Plane Layout of Factory Area

|No. |Type |Name of Subproject |Floor Area |Overall Layout |

|1 |Supply of |Water Supply Project of |Permanent floor area of the project is |Structures are laid out as per the process flow and the vertical arrangement of structures is made rationally in |

| |Reclaimed |Urat Rear Banner |5.58ha, including the floor area of 5.51ha|combination with the vertical condition of the factory area to ensure the raw water can automatically flow into the |

| |Water |Processing Park |for water reclamation plant, floor area of|next structure; road width is identical to the structure. In the west of water reclamation plant from the south to |

| | | |0.06ha for roads out of the factory, and |the north are laid out warehouse repair workshop, comprehensive building, contact tank, clean water tank, intake pump|

| | | |floor area of 0.01ha for piping valve |room, chlorination-feeding chamber and switchgear room, and the east of the reclamation plant is for future |

| | | |well. Temporary floor area is 18.5ha. |expansion. The roads in the factory area are divided by functions and shall be circulated around the buildings and |

| | | | |structures, of which the width of main trunk roads is 7m and width of secondary trunk roads is 4m, and the width of |

| | | | |walkway is 1.5m. The width of workshop approach roads is identical to the door width and the road pavement shall be |

| | | | |concreted. |

| | |Water Supply Project of |Permanent floor area of the project is |Structures are laid out as per the process flow and the vertical arrangement of structures is made rationally in |

| | |Ganqimaodu Port |10.59ha, including the floor area of |combination with the vertical condition of the factory area to ensure the raw water can automatically flow into the |

| | |Processing Park |0.02ha for intake pump station, floor area|next structure; road width is identical to the structure. In the water reclamation plant from the south to the north |

| | | |of 10.5ha for water reclamation plant, |are laid out warehouse repair workshop, comprehensive building, sludge treatment tank, backwash tank, contact tank, |

| | | |floor area of 0.06ha for roads out of the |collecting well, intake pump room, distributing well, pre-aeration tank, sedimentation tank, filter station, clean |

| | | |factory, and floor area of 0.01ha for |water tank, pumping station, chlorination-feeding chamber, contact tank, RO workshop and switchgear room. |

| | | |piping valve well. Temporary floor area is|The roads in the factory area are divided by functions and shall be circulated around the buildings and structures, |

| | | |18.5ha. |of which the width of main trunk roads is 7m and width of secondary trunk roads is 4m, and the width of walkway is |

| | | | |1.5m. The width of workshop approach roads is identical to the door width and the road pavement shall be concreted. |

| | |Reclaimed Water Supply |The floor area of the project is 2.50ha, |According to the recommended process flow, selection of buildings & structures and land use condition and in full |

| | |Project of Drainage Canal|125m in length and 200m in width. |consideration of various factors, the factory area of water reclamation plant for drainage canal 3 is divided into |

| | |3 | |two function areas: one is production and management area, which is located in the west of the factory area, arranged|

| | | | |with reception room, comprehensive building, repair workshop, warehouse, switchgear room & auxiliary structures; the |

| | | | |other is the production structure area of water reclamation plant, located in the east of the factory area, and |

| | | | |arranged with from the south to the north small-hole mesh reactor, V-type filter tank, clean water tank, and pumping |

| | | | |station. The width of main trunk roads is 7m and the width of secondary trunk roads is 4m. The roads are built into |

| | | | |the screen traffic network in the factory area. Rain/sewage diversion system is applied to the drainage system of the|

| | | | |factory area. And the sewer will collect the domestic sewage and discharge them into the supporting sewer network of |

| | | | |sewage treatment plant in the south. There are rain pipelines in the factory area and the rain water will |

| | | | |automatically flow into the Drainage Canal 3. Water supply of the factory is from the underground water supply system|

| | | | |and the water distribution network shall be designed into the ring-like structure, and the fire hydrants shall be |

| | | | |equipped as per the fire-prevention requirement, with a protection radius of less than 60m. |

| | |Reclaimed Water Supply |The floor area of water reclamation plant |According to the recommended process flow, selection of buildings & structures and land use condition and in full |

| | |Project of Drainage Canal|of Drainage Canal 7 is 2.50ha, 100m in |consideration of various factors, the factory area of water reclamation plant for drainage canal 7 is divided into |

| | |7 |length and 250m in width. |two function areas: one is production and management area, which is located in the west of the factory area, arranged|

| | | | |with reception room, comprehensive building, repair workshop, warehouse, switchgear room & auxiliary structures; the |

| | | | |other is the production structure area of water reclamation plant, located in the east of the factory area, and |

| | | | |arranged with from the south to the north small-hole mesh reactor, common filter tank, ultrafiltration anti-seepage |

| | | | |chamber, ultrafiltration tank, backwash tank, wastewater neutralization pool, clean water tank, and pumping station. |

| | | | |The width of main trunk roads is 7m and the width of secondary trunk roads is 4m. The roads are built into the screen|

| | | | |traffic network in the factory area. Rain/sewage diversion system is applied to the drainage system of the factory |

| | | | |area. And the sewer will collect the domestic sewage and discharge them into the supporting sewer network of sewage |

| | | | |treatment plant in the south. There are rain pipelines in the factory area and the rain water will automatically flow|

| | | | |into the Drainage Canal 7. Water supply of the factory is from the underground water supply system and the water |

| | | | |distribution network shall be designed into the ring-like structure, and the fire hydrants shall be equipped as per |

| | | | |the fire-prevention requirement, with a protection radius of less than 60m. |

|2 |Sewage |Sewage Treatment Project |The project covers a land area of 7.0ha, |According to the characteristics of sewage treatment process and function partitioning principle, the project can be |

| |Treatment & |of Urat Rear Banner |and a building area of 1.13ha. Roads and |divided into the production area and front plant area. The production area is laid out as per the process flow; |

| |Reuse Project |Processing Park (Hoh |square cover a land area of 3.9ha, and the|coarse bar screen and intake pump house are arranged in the south of the factory area and the pipelines to the plant |

| |of Processing |Town) |greening area is 0.65453ha. |shall be unblocked and the selection tank and oxidation ditch and secondary sedimentation tank shall be laid out in |

| |Park | | |order, and the sewage shall be discharged into the water reclamation plant; the sludge system shall be convenient to |

| | | | |the sludge discharge and outward transportation, which shall be arranged in the middle of the factory area. |

| | | | |Switchgear room is located in the central load center of the factory area. The front plant area is located in the |

| | | | |north of the factory area and the leeward side with the minimum wind direction frequency in summer, complying with |

| | | | |the direction of pedestrian flow into the plant. Under the precondition of meeting the fire prevention and |

| | | | |transportation requirements, the roads in the plant shall adopt the feeder roads, with a width of 5m, and the turning|

| | | | |radius of road curb stones is 6m and the roads shall be the urban concreted pavement. |

| | |Sewage Treatment & Reuse |The project covers a land area of 11.1ha, |According to the characteristics of sewage treatment process and function partitioning principle, the project can be |

| | |Project of Ganqimaodu |and a building area of 1. 20ha. Roads and |divided into the production area and front plant area. The production area is laid out as per the process flow; |

| | |Port (Delingshan Town) |square cover a land area of 0.81ha, and |coarse bar screen and intake pump house are arranged in the south of the factory area and the pipelines to the plant |

| | |Processing Park |the greening area is 5.3ha. |shall be unblocked and the selection tank and oxidation ditch and secondary sedimentation tank shall be laid out in |

| | | | |order, and the sewage shall be reused upon the treatment; the sludge system shall be convenient to the sludge |

| | | | |discharge and outward transportation, which shall be arranged in the middle of the factory area. Switchgear room is |

| | | | |located in the central load center of the factory area. The front plant area is located in the north of the factory |

| | | | |area and the leeward side with the minimum wind direction frequency in summer, complying with the direction of |

| | | | |pedestrian flow into the plant. Under the precondition of meeting the fire prevention and transportation |

| | | | |requirements, the roads in the plant shall adopt the feeder roads, with a width of 7m, and the turning radius of road|

| | | | |curb stones is 6m and the roads shall be the urban concreted pavement. |

| | |Sewage Treatment & Reuse |The project covers a land area of 11.1ha, |According to the characteristics of sewage treatment process and function partitioning principle, the project can be |

| | |Project of Urat Front |and a building area of 1. 18ha. Roads and |divided into the production area and front plant area. The production area is laid out as per the process flow; |

| | |Banner (Xianfeng Town) |square cover a land area of 0.81ha, and |coarse bar screen and intake pump house are arranged in the south of the factory area and the selection tank and |

| | |Processing Park |the greening area is 5.3ha. |oxidation ditch and secondary sedimentation tank shall be laid out in order, and the sewage shall be reused upon the |

| | | | |treatment; the sludge system shall be convenient to the sludge discharge and outward transportation, which shall be |

| | | | |arranged in the middle of the factory area. Switchgear room is located in the central load center of the factory |

| | | | |area. The front plant area is located in the north of the factory area and the leeward side with the minimum wind |

| | | | |direction frequency in summer, complying with the direction of pedestrian flow into the plant. |

|3 |Harness |Pastoral Grid Channel | |Grid channels composed of the main drainage canals and branch canals out of the core area and buffer area within the |

| |Project of |Project of Wuliangsu Lake| |scope of 293km2 around Wuliangsu Lake. |

| |Wuliangsu Lake| | | |

| | |Artificial wetland |Area-source pollution control |Wetland of general drainage canal occupies the reed marshes No. 2, 3 and 4, with a total area of 6034.3ha, and the |

| | |project and Area-Source |demonstration area of Beichang Branch |water of the wetland is discharged into military farm reed marsh No.4 via Honggepu pumping station and into reed |

| | |Demonstration Project in |Ditch of Drainage Canal 9 is 3km. |marsh No.2 via the diversion dam set up in the reed marsh and then into reed marsh No.3, afterward flows into |

| | |Biologic Transition Belt |Artificial wetland includes the wetland of|hydrologic buffer zone of the Lake from three outlets and finally flows into the grid channels of the Lake. Drainage |

| | |of Wuliangsu Lake |General Drainage Canal, Drainage Canal 8 |canal 8 only uses the reed marsh No.5, with an area of 571.3ha; the water flows into the reed marsh and flows through|

| | | |and Drainage Canal 9, with a total area of|the wetland along the diversion dam; Drainage canal 9 only uses the reed marsh No.6, with an area of 740.0ha; the |

| | | |7345.5ha |water flows into the reed marsh and flows through the reed marsh from the south to the north and finally flows into |

| | | | |the catchment area from the north to the south after flowing through the diversion dam. |


Fig. 3.1-3 Plane Layout of Water Supply Project of Reclaimed Water for Drainage Canal 3


Fig. 3.1-4 Plane Layout of Water Supply Project of Reclaimed Water for Drainage Canal 7


Fig. 3.1-5 Plane Layout of Reclaimed Water Supply Project of Ganqimaodu Processing Park


Fig. 3.1-6 Plane Layout of Sewage Treatment Plant Project of Ganqimaodu Processing Park


Fig. 3.1-7 Plane Layout of Sewage Treatment Plant Project of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park


Fig. 3.1-8 Plane Layout of Sewage Treatment Plant Project of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park


Fig. 3.1-9 Plane Layout of Main Channels and Branch Channels of Wuliangsu Lake


Fig. 3.2-10 Plane Layout of Artificial Wetland Project for General Drainage Canal


Fig. 3.2-11 Plane Layout of Artificial Wetland Project for Drainage Canal 8


Fig. 3.2-12 Plane Layout of Artificial Wetland Project for Drainage Canal 9

3.1.6 Construction Progress Schedule and Staffing of the Project Construction Progress Schedule

(1) Design principle for total construction progress

The project has a bigger work quantity and scattered construction areas, and the construction shall be carried out as per the rational and orderly principle.

(2) Total Progress

The preliminary preparation of the project has been commenced since 2009 and the construction period of the project is from 2010 to 2012. Construction progress is shown in Table 3.1-4.

Table 3.1-4 Construction Progress Schedule of the Project

|No. |Activity |Time (Month) |Implementation Schedule |

|1 |Preliminary preparation |15 |2009.3-2010.5 |

|2 |Preparation Delegation of Experts from |2 |2009.8,2009.11 |

| |World’s Bank | | |

|3 |Evaluation Delegation of Experts from |2 |2010.1,2010.3 |

| |World’s Bank | | |

|4 |Executive Board |3 |2010.7-2010.9 |

|5 |Prepare and review bidding documents |6 |2010.4-2010.9 |

|6 |Enter into the purchase& contribution |1 |2010.10 |

| |agreement | | |

|7 |Submission of tender |3 |2010.11-2011.1 |

|8 |Drawing design |10 |2010.3-2010.12 |

|9 |Civil engineering |22 |2010.5-2012.5 |

|10 |Equipment installation |10 |2011.12-2012.9 |

|11 |Commissioning |6 |2012.5-2012.10 |

|12 |Trial run and final acceptance |6 |2010.8-2012.12 | Staffing of the Project

The staffing of the project is shown in Table 3.1-5.

Table 3.1-5 Staffing of the Project

|No. |Type |Name of Subproject |Personnel |Quantity (Person)|

|1 |Supply of Reclaimed |Water Supply Project of |Production staff |16 |

| |Water |Urat Rear Banner Processing| | |

| | |Park | | |

| | | |Management personnel |3 |

| | | |Auxiliary production staff |6 |

| | | |Subtotal |25 |

| | |Water Supply Project of |Production staff |18 |

| | |Ganqimaodu Port Processing | | |

| | |Park | | |

| | | |Management personnel |5 |

| | | |Auxiliary production staff |7 |

| | | |Subtotal |30 |

| | |Water Supply Project of |Administrative personnel |1 |

| | |Reclaimed Water for | | |

| | |Drainage Canal 3 | | |

| | | |Technical management personnel |1 |

| | | |Production staff |6 |

| | | |Auxiliary production staff |3 |

| | | |Rear service staff |3 |

| | | |Subtotal |14 |

| | |Water Supply Project of |Administrative personnel |1 |

| | |Reclaimed Water for | | |

| | |Drainage Canal 7 | | |

| | | |Technical management personnel |1 |

| | | |Production staff |6 |

| | | |Auxiliary production staff |3 |

| | | |Rear service staff |3 |

| | | |Subtotal |14 |

|2 |Sewage Treatment and |Sewage Treatment Project of|Production staff |15 |

| |Reuse |Urat Rear Banner(Hoh Town) | | |

| | |Processing Park | | |

| | | |Management personnel |3 |

| | | |Auxiliary production staff |2 |

| | | |Subtotal |20 |

| | |Sewage Treatment & Reuse |Production staff |25 |

| | |Project of Ganqimaodu Port | | |

| | |(Delingshan Town) | | |

| | |Processing Park | | |

| | | |Management personnel |5 |

| | | |Auxiliary production staff |2 |

| | | |Subtotal |32 |

| | |Sewage Treatment & Reuse |Production staff |5 |

| | |Project of Urat Front | | |

| | |Banner (Xianfeng Town) | | |

| | |Processing Park | | |

| | | |Management personnel |25 |

| | | |Auxiliary production staff |2 |

| | | |Subtotal |32 |

|3 |Comprehensive Harness Project of Wuliangsu Lake |Production staff |12 |

| | |Auxiliary production staff |3 |

| | |Subtotal |15 |

| |Total |182 |

3.1.7 Main Technical and Economic Indicators

Main technical and economic indicators of the Project are shown in Table 3.1-6.

Table 3.1-6 Main Technical and Economic Indicators of the Project

|No. |Type |Name of Subproject |Technical Indicator |Quantity |

|1 |Supply of |Water Supply Project of|Annual water selling volume |12,775.000 m3 |

| |Reclaimed Water |Urat Rear Banner | | |

| | |Processing Park | | |

| | | |Unit total cost |0.65Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Unit operation cost |0.42Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Suggested water price |0.86Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Internal rate of return (IRR) |6.95% |

| | | |Payback period |12.91 years |

| | | |Return on investment |5.24% |

| | | |Capital profit margin |7.76% |

| | |Water Supply Project of|Annual water selling volume |14,600,000m3 |

| | |Ganqimaodu Port | | |

| | |Processing Park | | |

| | | |Unit total cost |1.88Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Unit operation cost |1.27Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Suggested water price |2. 4Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Internal rate of return (IRR) |6.83% |

| | | |Payback period |13.17 years |

| | | |Return on investment |5.14% |

| | | |Capital profit margin |8.56% |

| | |Reclaimed Water Supply |Annual water selling volume |7,300,000 m3 |

| | |Project of Drainage | | |

| | |Canal 3 | | |

| | | |Unit total cost |1.38Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Unit operation cost |0.69Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Suggested water price |1.97Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Internal rate of return (IRR) |6.81% |

| | | |Payback period |13.32 years |

| | | |Return on investment |5.14% |

| | | |Capital profit margin |7.98% |

| | |Reclaimed Water Supply |Annual water selling volume |7,300,000 m3 |

| | |Project of Drainage | | |

| | |Canal 7 | | |

| | | |Unit total cost |1.98Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Unit operation cost |1.19Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Suggested water price |2.65Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Internal rate of return (IRR) |6.81% |

| | | |Payback period |14.24 years |

| | | |Return on investment |5.13% |

| | | |Capital profit margin |8.10% |

|2 |Sewage Treatment |Sewage Treatment |Annual Treatment Volume of Water |7,300,000 m3 |

| |and Reuse |Project of Urat Rear | | |

| | |Banner(Hoh Town) | | |

| | |Processing Park | | |

| | | |Unit Total Cost |1.54Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Unit operation cost |0.86Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Suggested unit charge |1.85Yuan/m3 |

| | | |IRR |6.25% |

| | | |Payback period |12.21 years |

| | | |Return on investment |3.84% |

| | | |Capital profit margin |8.12% |

| | |Sewage Treatment & |Annual Treatment Volume of Water |10,950,000 m3 |

| | |Reuse Project of | | |

| | |Ganqimaodu Port | | |

| | |(Delingshan Town) | | |

| | |Processing Park | | |

| | | |Annual water selling volume |7,300,000 m3 |

| | | |Unit total cost |1.51Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Unit operation cost |0.84Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Suggested unit charge |2.15Yuan/m3 |

| | | |IRR |6.16% |

| | | |Payback period |12.31 Years |

| | | |Return on investment |3.75% |

| | | |Capital profit margin |7.84% |

| | |Sewage Treatment & |Annual Treatment Volume of Water |10,950,000 m3 |

| | |Reuse Project of Urat | | |

| | |Front Banner (Xianfeng | | |

| | |Town) Processing Park | | |

| | | |Annual water selling volume |7,300,000 m3 |

| | | |Unit total cost |1.62Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Unit operation cost |0.88Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Suggested unit charge |2.34Yuan/m3 |

| | | |Suggested water price |1.55Yuan/m3 |

| | | |IRR |6.26% |

| | | |Payback period |12.20 Years |

| | | |Return on investment |3.85% |

| | | |Capital profit margin |7.86% |

|3 |Comprehensive Harness Project of Wuliangsu|Total investment |425.05million Yuan |

| |Lake | | |

| | |Annual operating cost |4.60 million Yuan |

| | |Income from tourism |14.00million Yuan |

| | |Income from reed industry |4.50 million Yuan |

| | |Income from fishery industry |15.00 million Yuan |

| | |Social discount rate |12% |

| | |Benefit-cost ratio |0.23 |

| | |IRR |16.0% |

3.2 Construction Proposal of the Project

3.2.1 Water Supply Subproject of Reclaimed Water

Water supply projects of reclaimed water use the water sources of general drainage canal, drainage canal 3 and drainage canal 7 and the reclaimed water serves as the industrial water of the related enterprises in the processing parks after the treatment. Water planning, water demand, water supply situation and existing water problems in the processing parks are shown in Table 3.2-1. Engineering Characteristics

Main steps of various subprojects of reclaimed water are as follows:

Determine the water source → build the water delivery network → construct the water plant → build the water distribution network → user.

Various subprojects of reclaimed water of the Project include reclaimed water supply project of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park, reclaimed water supply project of Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park, reclaimed water supply project of Drainage Canal 3, and reclaimed water supply project of Drainage Canal 7, and the main characteristics are shown in Table 3.2-2.

Table 3.2-1 Water Planning, Water Demand, Water Supply Situation and Existing Problems of Various Processing Parks

|No. |Name of Park |Park Planning and Status Quo |Water Demand |Water Supply Situation and Problems |

|1 |Urat Rear Banner|Urat Rear Banner Processing Park is about 8km in length and 2.5km in width, with a total area of about |The water demand of enterprises |1. Water Supply Situation: Water supply of the |

| |Processing Park |20km2. Relying on the solid mining and dressing basis of original charcoal kilns pyrite and local rich |in the park that put into |processing park mainly relies on existing intake|

| | |mineral resources, it tries the best to develop the three mainstay industries, namely, a. chemical |production recently is |and water delivery equipment. Water supply |

| | |industry supported by the mining& dressing and deep processing of sulfur iron ore; b. nonferrous metal |1,475,000t/a, the water demand of|company sets up a water intake pump station at |

| | |industry supported by the mining& dressing and deep processing of copper, lead, zinc and iron, and c. |enterprises in the park built and|Stake No. 31500 of general drainage canal and |

| | |high energy industry supported by the quartz stone and calcium carbide; including 13 subprojects: |under the construction is |the terminal of the water pipe is a circular |

| | |200,000t/a copper refining project, 50,000t/a lead refining project, 600,000t/a coal-based direct reduced|3,870,000 t/a, and the water |underground water tank, with a volume of 2000m3,|

| | |iron project, 2×135MW combined heat& power project, 3,000,000 t/a coking project, etc. |demand of enterprises that |for the water supply of Feishang Copper Industry|

| | |At pre sent, Urat Rear Banner Processing Park is of the annual production capacity of mining and dressing|entered into the access agreement|Company, with a water supply capacity of |

| | |1,600,000T of sulfur iron, lead, zinc and copper, with the sulfate processing capacity of 200,000 tons, |with the Park is 4,400,000t/a. |1,000,000t/a. Shuangli Corporation and Qihua |

| | |coarse copper smelting capacity of 10,000tons, lead smelting capacity of 30,000tons and zinc smelting |The total reclaimed water demand |Corporation all adopts the self-provided well |

| | |capacity of 50,000 -100,000 tons. Western Mining Group Corporation will build the project in the Park, |of industrial enterprises in the |for the water source, with a water supply |

| | |with annual production capacity of 1,000,000 tons of selected irons, 600,000 tons of pig irons and |park is 9,745,000t/a, namely, |capacity of 6,000,000t/a; other enterprises in |

| | |550,000 tons of molten steels and rolled steels, and meanwhile, a coking plant with an annual production |26,700t/d. Considering the water |the Park adopt the small self-provided wells for|

| | |capacity of 300,000 tons and a blast furnace gas energy conservation power plant with an annual |for roads and green land and fire|the water supply and there is no unified water |

| | |production capacity of 15,000KW/h will be built in the park. There are now 14 high energy enterprises, |prevention as well as the |supply network in the Park. |

| | |with a total construction scale of 16 12500KVA smelting furnaces of silicon iron and calcium carbide, of |unforeseeable water demand and |2. Existing Problems: Poor water supply |

| | |which, 12 smelting furnaces have been completed by August 2004, with annual production capacity of |penetrated water, the maximum |capacity, diffused water sources, bigger |

| | |300,000tons of calcium carbides and of 30,000 tons of crystal silicon. There was a power transmission and|water demand will be 35,000t/d. |exploration of underwater, lack of unified |

| | |transformer substation of 110KVA, with a total power transmission capacity of 576,000KVA in the park. | |management and coordination. |

|2 |Ganqimaodu Port |The Park is located in the south of Yinshan Mountain, with a short-term planned area of 20 km2 and |The water demand of enterprises |1. Water Supply Situation: Existing water |

| |Processing Park |long-term planned area of 50 km2. The base –large-scale- integration-park development mode is used to lay|in the park that put into |source of the processing park is Delingshan |

| | |the stress on the development of coal chemical industry so as to form the coking and tar processing |production recently is |Reservoir, Wubuliangkou Reservoir, general |

| | |industry chain; Part of coke oven gas is oxidized to generate the methanol to form the coal-chemical |5,230,000t/a, the water demand of|drainage canal and underwater. Delingshan |

| | |industry product chain; the copper is refined to generate the copper and meanwhile the local and |enterprises in the park built and|Reservoir will supply the industrial water of |

| | |surrounding coal, power, limestone and salt resources are used to generate polyvinyl chloride via the |under the construction is |3,000,000m3/year to the processing park, |

| | |calcium carbide method. According to the internal/external resources of the Park, it is proposed to |2,300,000 t/a, and the water |Wubuliangkou Reservoir under construction will |

| | |develop and construct the 12,000,000t/a coke refining project, 1,200,000t/a methanol (into DME and |demand of enterprises that |supply the living water of 5,000,000m3/year and |

| | |coal-chemical industrial product) processing project, 600,000t/a coal tar processing project, 200,000 t/a|entered into the access agreement|general drainage canal will provide some |

| | |benzene hydrogenation project, 400,000t/a PVC project and 200,000t/a copper refining project, etc. |with the Park is 8,670,000t/a. |industrial water, and the underwater shall be |

| | |At present, the park has introduced chromium chemical industry, coal coking industry and coal chemical |The total reclaimed water demand |exploited. At present, there is no unified water|

| | |industry projects and 17 enterprises such as Yuanxin Nickel Industry, Fubon Magnesium Industry, Hengde |of industrial enterprises in the |supply network in the Park. |

| | |Coking, Yongxing Mining, Ronghua Mining, Yintai Iron Alloy, Zhengxuan Chemical Industry, Silico Silicon |park is 16,700,000t/a, namely, |2. Existing Problem: Poor water supply capacity,|

| | |Material, Jinnuo Chemical Industry, etc. |45,800t/d. Considering the water |diffused water source and lack of unified |

| | | |for roads and green land and fire|management and coordination. |

| | | |prevention as well as the | |

| | | |unforeseeable water demand and | |

| | | |penetrated water, the maximum | |

| | | |water demand will be 60,000t/d or| |

| | | |so. | |

|3 |Hanggin Rear |The construction scale of Hanggin Rear Banner Industrial Park is now 179.60ha, with a short-term |Total water demand of the |1. Water Supply Situation: there is no water |

| |Banner |construction size of 319.96ha and long-term construction scale of 630.75ha. it is proposed to build the |enterprises in the Park will be |plant in the Park, and the industrial |

| |Processing Park |park into the layout structure of “one zone and two blocks”. |5,554,000t/a by year 2015, of |enterprises take the underwater for their living|

| | |The Park is divided into 11 industry zones, namely, wine brewing industry zone, including Hetao Liquor |which, the water consumption by |and production water via the self-dug wells, and|

| | |Industry Group, covering a land area of 52ha; Fresh-keeping dairy processing industry zone, including |production will be 705,000t/a, |they have built their own water supply pipeline |

| | |Yili Dairy Group Shanba Branch, covering a land area of 36.12ha; Tomato & fruits and vegetables |and the water consumption by |systems. |

| | |processing zone, including COFCO Tunhe Tomato Products Co., Ltd, covering a land area of 58.79ha; Meat |cooling and circulation will be |2. Existing problem: shortage of top-quality |

| | |food processing zone, including Prairie Xingfa Food Co., Ltd, covering a land area of 37.09ha; Roasted |4,849,000t/a. Considering the |water sources in the region, obvious |

| | |seeds and nuts processing Zone, including Dahaoda Food Company, covering a land area of 49.64ha; corn |water for roads and green land |contradiction of supply and demand, unbalanced |

| | |transformation processing industry zone, including Inner Mongolia Tiancheng Animal Husbandry Company, |and fire prevention as well as |and uncoordinated construction of water supply |

| | |covering a land area of 43.39ha; bread flour processing industry Zone, covering a land area of 46.26ha, |the unforeseeable water demand |facilities; |

| | |Refined oil processing industry zone, covering a land area of 28.14ha, wood processing industry zone, |and penetrated water, the maximum| |

| | |covering a land area of 39.22ha, Grass Wolfberry processing industry zone, covering a land area of |water demand will be 20,000m3/d | |

| | |30.95ha, biomass combined heat & power industry zone, covering a land area of 25.38ha, which is for the |or so. | |

| | |construction of 4×12MW biomass (straw) heat power project and supplies the power to the whole park. | | |

|4 |Wuyuan |Specific layout of Wuyuan Industry Park may be outlined as “one ring, two axes, two blocks, two centers |Total water demand of the |1. Water Supply Situation: there is no water |

| |Industrial Park |and multiple groups”. “One Ring” refers to the ring-like green belt from the peripheral roads of the |enterprises in the Park will be |plant in the Park, and the industrial |

| | |Park, serving as the ecologic buffer belt between the Park and surrounding region. “Two Axes” refers to |5,561,700t/a by year 2015, of |enterprises take the underwater for their living|

| | |the two important development axes along Xingyuan Road (S) and Jing’er Road, of which Xingyuan Road (S) |which, the water consumption by |and production water via the self-dug wells, and|

| | |is a south-north development axis connecting the urban area and the Park; Jing’er Road is the east-west |production will be 1,210,700t/a, |they have built their own water supply pipeline |

| | |development axis communicating the Park with the outside. “Two Blocks” refers to two blocks formed due to|and the water consumption by |systems. |

| | |the separation of road greening belt and the water system, of which, the north Jing’er Road is to develop|cooling and circulation will be |2. Existing problem: shortage of top-quality |

| | |the primary industry such as deep processing and auxiliary processing of agricultural and livestock |4,351,000t/a. Considering the |water sources in the region, obvious |

| | |products and the south of Binhe Road is to develop the secondary industry such as bio-chemical industry, |water for roads and green land |contradiction of supply and demand, unbalanced |

| | |bio-energy, etc. “Two Centers” refers to the two centers of providing the supporting services to the |and fire prevention as well as |and uncoordinated construction of water supply |

| | |enterprises in the Park: Comprehensive service center serves as the administrative center and supporting |the unforeseeable water demand |facilities; |

| | |business service center of the Park, and Business trade and logistics center will provide the services to|and penetrated water, the maximum| |

| | |the park and county urban area by relying on the regional business trade and logistic areas. “Multiple |water demand will be 20,000m3/d | |

| | |Groups” refers to multiple functional groups formed due to the separation of roads, greening belts and |or so. | |

| | |canals. Agricultural and livestock products deep processing group is divided into multiple subgroups | | |

| | |according to the category of processing products such as green food processing, grain processing, TCM | | |

| | |processing, livestock product processing, woods and fruits processing, etc.; Biochemical group is divided| | |

| | |into many subgroups as per the category of products such as bio-based material manufacture, microorganism| | |

| | |manufacture and biologic pesticide manufacture, etc.; Bio-energy group has two subgroups: one is to | | |

| | |develop the biomass power industry via the straw power generation, and the other is to lay stress on the | | |

| | |development of biologic fuels such as fuel ethanol, bio-diesel oil, etc.; Supporting processing group is | | |

| | |to develop the supporting processing industries related to the leading industry of the Park and it may | | |

| | |serve as the carrying space of downstream extension industry of Jinquan Industry Park in the future. | | |

Table 3.2-2 Main Characteristics of Various Reclaimed Water Supply Projects

|Item |Unit |Reclaimed Water Supply |Reclaimed Water Supply |Reclaimed Water |Reclaimed Water Supply|

| | |Project of Urat Rear Banner |Project of Ganqimaodu |Supply Project of |Project of Drainage |

| | |Processing Park |Port Processing Park |Drainage Canal 3 |Canal 7 |

|Treatment Facilities |

|Nature |—— |Newly built |Newly built |Newly built |Newly built |

|Scale |10,000m3/d |3.5 |4 |2 |2 |

|Service Scope |—— |Urat Rear Banner Processing |Ganqimaodu Port |Hanggin Rear Banner |Wuyuan Rongfeng |

| | |Park |Processing Park |Industrial Park |Industrial Park |

|Water Source |—— |General Drainage |General Drainage Canal |Drainage Canal 3 |Drainage Canal 7 |

| | |Canal/Underwater /Yongming | |sewage treatment |sewage treatment |

| | |Lake | |plant/ Drainage Canal|plant/ Drainage Canal |

| | | | |3 |7/ underwater |

|Delivery |Km |5.0 |3.0 |0.1 |0.1 |

|distance of raw | | | | | |

|water | | | | | |

|Pipe diameter |Mm |500 |600 |400 |400 |

|Piping Distribution |

|Piping Length |Km |Ductile cast iron pipe/PE |Ductile cast iron |Ductile cast iron |Ductile cast iron |

| | |pipe, 32.04 |pressure water pipe, 28.0|pressure water pipe, |pressure water pipe, |

| | | | |3.0 |19.0 |

|Quantity of pump|set |1 |1 |1 |1 |

|stations | | | | | |

|Construction Period |

|Construction |Year |4 |4 |4 |4 |

|Period | | | | | | Water Supply Project of Reclaimed Water for Urat Rear Banner Processing Park

(1) Inlet/Outlet Water Quality

The reclaimed water supply projects of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park have two water sources: one is from the sewage treatment plant and the other is from the general drainage canal. Furthermore, Yongming Reservoir and underwater serve as the standby water sources. In the wet seasons from May to November of following year, the reclaimed water will mainly use the drained water from the general drainage canal and the sewage treatment plant. From December to April, the water is diversified from Yongming Reservoir to general drainage canal to supplement the water of the general drainage canal, and in addition, some underwater shall be pumped to meet the water supply requirement. According to the water source quality of reclaimed water supply projects and in full consideration of the usage and standard requirements of reclaimed water, the inlet/outlet water quality of reclaimed water supply system is defined in combination with the use requirement on water quality, treatment degree and treatment cost, with more details in Table 3.2-3.

Table 3.2-3 Inlet/Outlet Water System of Reclaimed Water Supply Projects in Urat Rear Banner Processing Park

|No. |Indicator |Inlet (mg/L) |Outlet (mg/L) |

|1 |COD |40 |≤50 |

|2 |BOD |15 |≤10 |

|3 |Ammonia |3.5 |≤5 |

|4 |TP |0.6 |≤0.5 |

|5 |TN |5.0 |—— |

|6 |SS |70 |≤10 |

|7 |Cl- |200 |—— |

|8 |SO2-4 |180 |—— |

|9 |Ca2+ |60 |—— |

|10 |Mg2+ |50 |—— |

|11 |Total alkalinity |170 |—— |

|12 |Total hardness |280 |—— |

(2) Process Proposal

Through the comprehensive comparison of multiple proposals, the process flow of the reclaimed water treatment of the Project is as follows: contact tank – clean water tank – pumping station – water distribution network. Main buildings and structures for the reclaimed water supply projects of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park are shown in Table 3.2-4.

Table 3.2-4 Main Buildings and Structures for Reclaimed Water Supply Projects of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park

|No. |Buildings & |Process Description |Main Equipment and Design Parameters |

| |Structures | | |

|5 |Contact Tank |To make sure of a full contact of |1. Design Parameter |

| | |disinfectant with supply water to |Design flow: Qmax=0.45m3/s; tank quantity:2; effective volume: |

| | |realize the sterilization, contact |810m3; residence time:30min |

| | |tank is set up, and under the |2. Main Equipment: manual cast-iron square gate: two gates, |

| | |condition of designed chlorination |specification: 1000*1000; manual cast-iron round gate: one gate, |

| | |quantity, removal rate of |specification:Ф700 |

| | |escherichia coli may be over 99.9% | |

|8 |Chlorination |Chlorine dioxide is recommended for|1. Design parameter |

| |Chamber |the disinfection of supply water |Chlorination quantity for water supply treatment: 0.5mg/l |

| | |and the chlorination quantity may |2. Main equipment: Chlorine dioxide equipment system, 3sets (two |

| | |be automatically controlled or |sets for use and one for standby), and stand-alone output: 10kg/h,|

| | |manually adjusted. |automatic control; |

|10 |Clean Water Tank|Water quantity is adjusted to |1. Design parameter |

| | |ensure the safety of water supply. |Design water quantity: 35000m3/d. Clean water tank volume: 7000m3;|

| | | |tank quantity: 2tanks; size of single tank: LXBXH=29.4*29.4*5; |

| | | |2. Main equipment: one water level meter; one submersible pump, |

| | | |with a flow of 100m3/h, and pump lift of 9m, and electric motor |

| | | |power of 5.5kw. |

|11 |Pumping House | |1. Design Parameter |

| | | |Design scale: 35000m3/d |

| | | |2. Main equipment: six submersible pumps (4 for use and 2 for |

| | | |standby), with a flow of 350m3/h and pump lift of 25m, and |

| | | |electric motor power of 11kw. |

(3) Water Intake Works

Two water intake pumps were set up at Stake No.31500 of general drainage canal. The project will use the existing water intakes and one standby pump (Q=580m3/h, H=35m) will be increased to ensure the water intake safety.

(4) Water Conveyance Project

In order to ensure the requirement of 100% water supply for the processing park, the project will pave two pipelines, with a design flow of 255L/s. It is necessary to newly increase a water pipe of DN500 (length of 5000m) based on the existing pipelines. The minimum buried depth of water pipelines shall be 1.80-2.00m, and the exhaust valves are set up at the vertical extrusions of water pipelines and the related positions; Empty well shall be designed at the lowest position of the pipelines, and a valve well shall be provided at the origin and the destination of the water pipeline.

(5) Water Distribution Network

The water distribution network shall be laid out along the planned route of the processing park. After paved out from the pumping station, the water pipeline of reclaimed water is diversified into three lines and extended toward the northwest, southwest and southeast of the processing park, and water supply pipe network shall be designed into the ring-like structure along the existing and planning routes to ensure the water supply safety. The layout of reclaimed water distribution network is detailed in Fig. 3-1.

Design parameter of water distribution network: design flow of 35,000m3/d; hourly variation coefficient Kh=1.1; minimum service water head of the most unfavorable point is not less than 20m.

PE pipes and ductile cast-iron pipes are used for the water distribution network.

(6) Demonstration and Analysis of Water Source.

There are four available water sources in the processing park: a. the water from the sewage treatment plant; b. the water from the general drainage canal; c. the underwater of the processing park; d. the water from the Yongming Reservoir at the upper reach of General Drainage Canal.

According to the Feasibility Study Report of Sewage Treatment Project for Urat Rear Banner Processing Park of Bayan Nur City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the daily treatment capacity of the sewage treatment plant is 20,000m3/d. The outlet water of sewage treatment plant reaches the class-I B discharge standard and the drained water is relatively stable, which may serve as one of water sources of water reclamation plant.

General Drainage Canal is 5km away from the processing park and it has a better water quality and stable and abundant water quantity, and there exist the water intake pipelines from the general drainage canal to the processing park, with a convenient condition of using the water source, so it may serve as the water source of water reclamation plant.

The underwater of the region refers to the shallow underwater and is used for irrigation and living. The data of Comprehensive Planning Description of Water Resources of Bayan Nur City show that the exploitable underwater quantity of Urat Rear Banner is 9,100,000 m3 if the underwater salinity is less than 3g/L, and the exploitable underwater of Urat Rear Banner is 3,400,000 m3 if the underwater salinity is 3-5g/L. According to the provisions set forth in Report for the Definition of Underwater Over-drafting Area in Bayan Nur City, the processing park belongs to the serious underwater over-drafting area, and for this reason, the underwater cannot serve as the eternal water source of the project, but it may serve as the standby water source.

Yongming Reservoir is located at longitude 106°41′17″ and latitude 40°51′35″, and the eastern fringe of Wulanbuhe Desert and at 5km in the lower reach of Liushagou Trench. It is close to the general drainage canal and subject to the combined scheduling with Guanglin Flood Detention Area. It is a small-scale plain reservoir highlighting the flood prevention, and the operation mode of flood storage and staggering flood peak and facing the flood by empty reservoir is applied, with a total reservoir capacity of 2,602,000 m3. It may serve as the supplementary water source of the Project if the water quantity of general drainage canal is not enough in winter.

The water supply scale of water reclamation plant is 35,000m3/d, of which the water of 15,000m3/d is from the sewage treatment plant and the water of 20,000 m3/d is from the general drainage canal. Considering the self-consuming water quantity by the factory area, it is necessary to intake the water of 18,000 m3/d from the sewage treatment plant of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park and 24,000 m3/d from the general drainage canal, and the available water quantity of general drainage canal is calculated by 85%, and the water demand of general drainage canal shall be more than 850,000t/month and the insufficient water quantity in winter can be supplemented by the underwater and the water from Yongming Reservoir.

If the probability of water supply is calculated by 95%, the correlation between available water quantity of water sources and water intake quantity of the Project is shown in Table 3.2-5.

Table 3.2-5 Correlation between Available Water Quantity of Water Sources and Water Intake Quantity of the Project (10,000m3)

|Month |1 |2 |

|1 |CODcr |60 mg/l |

|2 |BOD5 |20 mg/l |

|3 |SS |20 mg/l |

|4 |Ammonia (metered by N) |8 mg/l |

|5 |TP (metered by P) |1 mg/l |

Table 3.2-7 Main Water Quality Index of Raw Water of General Drainage Canal

|Monitoring Item |2008.4 |2008.5 |2008.6 |

|1 |CODcr |70 mg/l |≤50 |

|2 |BOD5 |16 mg/l |≤10 |

|3 |SS |16 mg/l |≤5 |

|4 |TN (Metered by N) |15 mg/l |≤10 |

|5 |TP (Metered by P) |2.1mg/l |≤0.5 |

(2) Process Proposal

The treatment structures, production buildings and ancillary buildings in the water reclamation plant shall be built one-off as per the production capacity of 20,000m3/d, and the main buildings and structures for the water reclamation project of drainage canal 3 are shown in Table 3.2-9.

According to the analysis of raw water quality characteristics, analysis of main treatment processes, selection of purification structures and treatment proposal comparison of sludge water, the treatment process flow of reclaimed water for drainage canal 3 is shown in Fig. 3.2-1.


Fig. 3.2-1 Process Flow of Reclaimed Water Treatment of Drainage Canal 3

Table 3.2-9 Main Buildings and Structures of Water Reclamation Plant of Drainage Canal 3

|No. |Buildings & |Process Description |Main Equipment and Design Parameter |

| |Structures | | |

|1 |Distributing well |Incoming water is evenly distributed |One well, L×B×H=4m×4m×6m |

|2 |Piping mixer well |Mount the guide vanes in the piping to |Design parameter: one well; Design size: L×B×H=6m×3m×4m |

| | |diversify or guide the water flow to increase |Main equipment: one piping mixer |

| | |the mixing effect. | |

|3 |Small-hole mesh |Create certain hydrologic condition, enable all|Design parameter: one reactor; Design size: L×B×H=7m×7m×3m |

| |reactor |colloidal particles to complete the |(effective depth); Residence time: T=10min; |

| | |flocculation process in the shortest time to |Main equipment: one small-hole mesh reactor. |

| | |realize the optimal flocculation effect. | |

|4 |Sloping plate |Separate the bigger alum particles in the water|Design parameter: one tank; design size: |

| |sedimentation tank| |L×B×H=15.5m×8.5m×5m; |

| | | |Main equipment: four electric mud valves; two mud scrapers; |

| | | |two sloping plates, with an interval of 25mm and area of |

| | | |120m2. |

|5 |Filter station |Further remove the micro-particles from the |Design parameter: one filter station (four partitions), |

| | |water after the suspended liquid passes through|L×B×H=26m×20m×6m; |

| | |the porous media, so as to ensure the final |Main equipment: long-handle filter nob, 50nobs/m2 , totaling|

| | |outlet water quality. |7200nobs; quartz filter media, total volume: 175m3; three |

| | | |backwash pumps and three blowers, two air compressors (one |

| | | |for use and one for standby); two pneumatic inlet sluices |

| | | |and two pneumatic outlet sluices; two pneumatic wafer |

| | | |butterfly valves; one electric single-beam suspension crane.|

|6 |Reflux |The collected water is processed after |Design parameter: one basin, L×B×H=8m×8m×4m; |

| |equalization basin|returning to the front end of water reclamation|Main equipment: two centrifugal pumps, one submersible |

| | |plant |mixer. |

|7 |Sludge |Adjust the sludge quantity and flow the |Design parameter: one basin, L×B×H=8m×8m×4m; |

| |equalization basin|municipal sewer network |Main equipment: 2 centrifugal pumps and one submersible |

| | | |mixer. |

|8 |Chlorination |Chlorine dioxide is recommended for the |Design parameter: one chamber, L×B =12m×10m, chlorination |

| |chamber |disinfection of supply water and the |quantity: 0.5mg/l; |

| | |chlorination quantity may be automatically |Main equipment: 3 Chlorinators (two for use and one for |

| | |controlled or manually adjusted. |standby, Q=5kg/h), one chlorine dioxide generator, Q=10kg/h |

|9 |Dosing chamber |Provide the necessary and prepared flocculants |Design parameter: one dosing chamber, L×B =12m×10m |

| | |to the deep water treatment structures and the | |

| | |proper reserve quantity, to remove the | |

| | |phosphorus, turbidity and organism from the | |

| | |water. | |

|10 |Clean water tank |Control the water supply difference between |Design parameter: one clean water tank, adjustable volume |

| | |intake pump house and pumping house; if the |is calculated by 10% of maximum daily design water quantity,|

| | |supply is surplus, the water is stored in the |L×B×H =25m×16m×5m (ultrahigh 0.5m) |

| | |clean water tank, and if it is not enough, the | |

| | |water will be supplemented by the clean water | |

| | |tank. | |

|11 |Pumping house |Lift the reclaimed water to meet the |1. Design parameter: one pumping house, design pumping |

| | |requirement of the whole water reclamation |capacity: 20000m3/d |

| | |plant on vertical hydrologic flow |2. Main equipment: three suction pumps. |

|12 |Ultrafiltration |Remove the salt from the water via the |Two ultrafiltration tanks, L×B×H =12m×10m×5m; One |

| |anti-seepage |ultrafiltration and anti-seepage process |anti-seepage chamber, L×B×H =42m×27m×9m; |

| |chamber | | |

|13 |Backwash | |One tank, L×B×H =5m×5m×4m |

| |wastewater tank | | |

|14 |Neutralization | |One tank, L×B×H =5m×5m×4m |

| |tank | | |

|15 |Wastewater basin | |One basin, L×B×H =6m×5m×5m |

(3) Water Intake Works

One water intake pump station was built at drainage canal 3, with a design capacity of 33,000m3/d. Because the intake pump station is not far from the water reclamation plant, the construction of raw water pipelines shall be subject to the supporting construction with the water reclamation plant.

The suction well shall be built near the intake pump station, with a design size of 10m×8m and the center grill is set up; the intake pump house shall be built into the rectangle shape, with a plane size of 20m×16m. It shall adopt the underground reinforced concrete rectangle structure and the wellbore depth of pump house shall be 12m. Four horizontal centrifugal pumps shall be used.

(4) Water Conveyance Project

The raw water pipelines refer to the pipeline from the intake pump station to the water reclamation plant. Because the distance from the intake pump station to the water reclamation plant is only 100m, two PE pipes of DN300 will be paved from the intake pump station to the water reclamation plant.

(5) Water Distribution Network

After paved out from the pumping house of water reclamation plant, the water pipeline is diversified into two water lines to the water supply network of Hangjin Rear Banner Industrial Park. The terminal pressure of reclaimed water pipelines may not be less than 0.20MPa and the low-pressure fire-prevention system shall be applied. During the fire prevention, the free water head of water supply piping network at the most unfavorable point may not be less than 10m. The layout of reclaimed water piping network is detailed in Fig. 3-2.

(6) Demonstration and Analysis of Water Sources

There are three available water sources for the water reclamation project of drainage canal 3, namely, water from the sewage treatment plant of drainage canal 3, underwater and surface water.

The underwater mainly relies on the phreatic water. The source of phreatic water recharge is the leakage water of canals or channels and the irrigation leakage, and then the flood water and precipitation water. The change of phreatic water in the irrigation period mainly relies on the irrigation, and the underwater depth is 1.0-1.5m during the irrigation period and 0.5m or so during the fall irrigation period. The phreatic water is affected by the frozen soil during the freezing season, so the underwater depth may be 2.5m or so. At present, the domestic and industrial water of the main industrial enterprises in the Park are all the underwater.

There is no production area of surface water in Hanggjin Rear Banner. The surface water are all the water from the Yellow River except for a little of flood water in Urat Rear Banner. At 17km of the Yellow River in Hanggin Rear Banner, Wulahe River, Yangjiahe River and Huangji Canal averagely diversify the water quantity of 880,000,000m3 from the Yellow River, and the general drainage canal passes through the Hanggin Rear Banner in the north, with an annual water discharge of about 120,000,000 m3. The water-storing capacity of the lakes in the territory is about 5,000,000 m3. But these water sources are far away from the water reclamation plant of drainage canal 3 and they cannot serve as the water source of the reclaimed water.

Drainage canal 3 runs through the Park in the east. Since its establishment (in 1992), its average monthly water discharge is 8,538,000 m3, and it can also reach 1,055,000 m3 in the unfavorable month, which may function as the water source of water reclamation plant.

The treatment capacity of Hanggin Rear Banner Sewage Treatment Plant is 20,000m3/d, and the A2/O technology is used. The outlet water of sewage treatment plant has reached the class-II wastewater discharge standard of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (GB18918-2002), and the tail water quality of sewage treatment plant is stable, so it can function as the water source of water reclamation plant.

According to the said analysis of water source, the outlet water quality of Drainage Canal 3 sewage treatment plant is stable and is given the priority to function as the first water source of the water reclamation plant. The insufficient water quantity shall be supplemented or recharged by Drainage Canal 3 during the non-frozen season and by the underwater during the freezing season.

The water supply scale of water reclamation plant is 20,000m3/d, of which the water of 12,000m3/d is from the sewage treatment plant and the water of 8,000 m3/d is from the drainage canal 3. Considering the self-consuming water quantity by the factory area, it is necessary to intake the water of 21,000m3/d from the drainage canal 3. If the available water quantity of drainage canal 3 is calculated by 85%, the water demand of drainage canal 3 shall be more than 190,000t/d during the non-frozen season, which can meet the water-intake requirement of the project; the insufficient water quantity in winter can be supplemented or recharged by the underwater and the recharged water quantity is 21,000 m3/d.

According to the Demonstration Report of Water Reclamation Plant of Drainage Canal 3, the underwater supplement of Drainage Canal 3 is 8,792,000m3/a, and if the exploitable coefficient is 0.5, the exploitable underwater quantity will be 4,396,000m3/a. The correlation between available water quantity of water sources and water intake quantity of the Project is shown in Table 3.2-10.

Table 3.2-10 Correlation between Available Water Quantity of Water Sources and Water Intake Quantity of the Project (10,000m3)

|Month |1 |2 |

|1 |CODcr |120 mg/l |

|2 |BOD5 |30 mg/l |

|3 |SS |30 mg/l |

|4 |TN (Metered by N) |25 mg/l |

|5 |TP (Metered by P) |3 mg/l |

Table 3.2-12 Monitoring Statistics of Water Quality of Drainage Canal 3 (mg/L)

|Samplin|pH Value |COD |Ammonia |

|g Date | | | |

|1 |CODcr |120 mg/l |≤50 |

|2 |BOD5 |30 mg/l |≤10 |

|3 |SS |30 mg/l |≤5 |

|4 |TN (Metered by N) |25 mg/l |≤10 |

|5 |TP (Metered by P) |3 mg/l |≤0.5 |

(2) Process Proposal

The common treatment structures, production buildings and ancillary buildings in the water reclamation plant shall be built one-off as per the production capacity of 20,000m3/d, and the main buildings and structures for the water reclamation project of drainage canal 7 are shown in Table 3.2-14.

According to the analysis of raw water quality characteristics, analysis of main treatment processes, selection of purification structures and treatment proposal comparison of sludge water, the treatment process flow of reclaimed water for drainage canal 7 is shown in Fig. 3.2-2.


Fig. 3.2-2 Process Flow of Reclaimed Water Treatment of Drainage Canal 7

Table 3.2-14 Main Buildings and Structures of Water Reclamation Plant of Drainage Canal 7

|No. |Buildings & |Process Description |Main Equipment and Design Parameter |

| |Structures | | |

|1 |Distributing well |Incoming water is evenly |One well, L×B×H=4m×4m×6m |

| | |distributed | |

|2 |Piping mixer well |Mount the guide vanes in the |Design parameter: one well; Design size: L×B×H=6m×3m×4m |

| | |piping to diversify or guide the |Main equipment: one piping mixer |

| | |water flow to increase the mixing| |

| | |effect. | |

|3 |Small-hole mesh |Create certain hydrologic |Design parameter: one reactor; Design size: L×B×H=7m×7m×3m (effective |

| |reactor |condition, enable all colloidal |depth); Residence time: T=10min; |

| | |particles to complete the |Main equipment: one small-hole mesh reactor. |

| | |flocculation process in the | |

| | |shortest time to realize the | |

| | |optimal flocculation effect. | |

|4 |Sloping plate |Separate the bigger alum |Design parameter: one tank; design size: L×B×H=15.5m×8.5m×5m; |

| |sedimentation tank|particles in the water |Main equipment: four electric mud valves; two mud scrapers; two |

| | | |sloping plates, with an interval of 25mm and area of 120m2. |

|5 |Filter station |Further remove the |Design parameter: one filter station (four partitions), |

| | |micro-particles from the water |L×B×H=26m×20m×6m; |

| | |after the suspended liquid passes|Main equipment: long-handle filter nob, 50nobs/m2 , totaling 7200nobs;|

| | |through the porous media, so as |quartz filter media, total volume: 175m3; three backwash pumps and |

| | |to ensure the final outlet water |three blowers, two air compressors (one for use and one for standby); |

| | |quality. |two pneumatic inlet sluices and two pneumatic outlet sluices; two |

| | | |pneumatic wafer butterfly valves; one electric single-beam suspension |

| | | |crane. |

|6 |Reflux |The collected water is processed |Design parameter: one basin, L×B×H=8m×8m×4m; |

| |equalization basin|after returning to the front end |Main equipment: two centrifugal pumps, one submersible mixer. |

| | |of water reclamation plant | |

|7 |Sludge |Adjust the sludge quantity and |Design parameter: one basin, L×B×H=8m×8m×4m; |

| |equalization basin|flow the municipal sewer network |Main equipment: 2 centrifugal pumps and one submersible mixer. |

|8 |Chlorination |Chlorine dioxide is recommended |Design parameter: one chamber, L×B =12m×10m, chlorination quantity: |

| |chamber |for the disinfection of supply |0.5mg/l; |

| | |water and the chlorination |Main equipment: 3 chlorinators (two for use and one for standby, |

| | |quantity may be automatically |Q=5kg/h), one chlorine dioxide generator, Q=10kg/h |

| | |controlled or manually adjusted. | |

|9 |Dosing chamber |Provide the necessary and |Design parameter: one dosing chamber, L×B =12m×10m |

| | |prepared flocculants to the deep | |

| | |water treatment structures and | |

| | |the proper reserve quantity, to | |

| | |remove the phosphorus, turbidity | |

| | |and organism from the water. | |

|10 |Clean water tank |Control the water supply |Design parameter: one clean water tank, adjustable volume is |

| | |difference between intake pump |calculated by 10% of maximum daily design water quantity, L×B×H |

| | |house and pumping house; if the |=25m×16m×5m (ultrahigh 0.5m) |

| | |supply is surplus, the water is | |

| | |stored in the clean water tank, | |

| | |and if it is not enough, the | |

| | |water shall be supplemented by | |

| | |the clean water tank. | |

|11 |Pumping house |Lift the reclaimed water |1. Design parameter: one pumping house, design pumping capacity: |

| | | |20000m3/d |

| | | |2. Main equipment: three suction pumps. |

|12 |Ultrafiltration &| |One chamber, L×B×H =42m×27m×9m |

| |anti-seepage | | |

| |chamber | | |

|13 |Ultrafiltration | |Two tanks, L×B×H =12m×10m×5m |

| |tank | | |

|14 |Backwash | |One tank, L×B×H =5m×5m×4m |

| |wastewater tank | | |

|15 |Neutralization | |One tank, L×B×H =5m×5m×4m |

| |tank | | |

|16 |Wastewater basin | |One basin, L×B×H =6m×5m×5m |

(3) Water Intake Works

One water intake pump station was built one-off, with an intake capacity of 33,000m3/d. Because the intake pump station is not far from the water reclamation plant, the construction of raw water pipelines shall be subject to the supporting construction with the water reclamation plant.

The suction well shall be built near the intake pump station, with a design size of 10m×8m and the center grill is set up; the intake pump house shall be built into the rectangle shape, with a plane size of 20m×16m. It shall adopt the underground reinforced concrete rectangle structure and the wellbore depth of pump house shall be 12m. Four horizontal centrifugal pumps shall be used.

(4) Water Conveyance Project

The raw water pipelines refer to the pipelines from the intake pump station to the water reclamation plant. Because the distance from the intake pump station to the water reclamation plant is only 100m, two PE pipes of DN300 will be paved from the intake pump station to the water reclamation plant.

(5) Water Distribution Network

The reclaimed water is pumped from the pumping house into the reclaimed water distribution network of Wuyuan Industrial Park via two water pipelines. The terminal pressure of reclaimed water pipelines may not be less than 0.20MPa and the low-pressure fire-prevention system shall be applied. The water supply network adopts the piping system for production and fire control simultaneously. During the fire prevention, the free water head of water supply piping network at the most unfavorable point may not be less than 10m. The layout of reclaimed water piping network is detailed in Fig. 3-3.

(6) Demonstration and Analysis of Water Sources

There are three available water sources for the water reclamation project of drainage canal 7, namely, water from the sewage treatment plant of drainage canal 7, underwater and surface water.

The underwater mainly relies on the phreatic water. The source of phreatic water recharge is the leakage water of canals or channels and the irrigation leakage, and then the flood water and precipitation water. The change of phreatic water in the irrigation period mainly relies on the irrigation, and the underwater depth is 1.0-1.5m during the irrigation period and 0.5m or so during the fall irrigation period. The phreatic water is affected by the frozen soil during the freezing season, so the underwater depth may be 2.5m or so. At present, the domestic and industrial water of the main industrial enterprises in the Park are all the underwater.

Wuyuan County is rich in water resources. The Yellow River runs through Wuyuan County in the south, with a length of 60km in the territory and transit water quantity of 31,500,000,000m3. There are 1989 rivers in the County, with annual water diversion demand of 800,000,000 m3 - 1,160,000,000 m3, and the maximum water diversion demand of 1,230,000,000 m3. There are five drainage canals in the county, with a total length of 176.42km and annual water discharge of 110,000,000 m3. Drainage Canal 7 runs through Wuyuan Industrial Park in the west. The statistics of monthly water discharge of the pumping station of Drainage Canal 7 from 1997 to 2007 show that the mean annual runoff is 14,070,000 m3, the maximum runoff is 23,250,000m3, and the minimum runoff 6,950,000m3. Therefore, Drainage Canal 7 may function as the water source of water reclamation plant.

The treatment capacity of Drainage Canal 7 Sewage Treatment Plant is 22,000m3/d, and the A2/O technology is used. The outlet water of sewage treatment plant has reached the class-II wastewater discharge standard of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (GB18918-2002), and the outlet water quality of sewage treatment plant is stable, so it can function as the water source of water reclamation plant.

According to the said analysis of water sources, the outlet water quality of Drainage Canal 7 sewage treatment plant is given the priority to function as the first water source of the water reclamation plant. The insufficient water quantity shall be supplemented or recharged by Drainage Canal 7 during the non-frozen season and by the underwater during the freezing season.

The water supply scale of water reclamation plant is 20,000m3/d, of which the water of 13,200m3/d is from the sewage treatment plant and the water of 6,800 m3/d is from the drainage canal 7. Considering the self-consuming water quantity by the factory area, it is necessary to intake the water of 19,800m3/d from the drainage canal 7. If the available water quantity of drainage canal 7 is calculated by 85%, the water demand of drainage canal 7 shall be more than 48,900t/d during the non-frozen season, which can meet the water-intake requirement of the project; the insufficient water quantity in winter can be supplemented or recharged by the underwater and the recharged water quantity will be19,800 m3/d. According to the Demonstration Report of Water Reclamation Plant of Drainage Canal 7, the underwater supplement of Drainage Canal 7 is 9,532,000m3/a, and if the exploitable coefficient is 0.5, the exploitable underwater quantity will be 4,770,000m3/a. The correlation between available water quantity of water sources and water intake quantity of the Project is shown in Table 3.2-15.

Table 3.2-15 Correlation between Available Water Quantity of Water Sources and Water Intake Quantity of the Project (10,000m3)

|Month |1 |2 |

|1 |CODcr |120 mg/l |

|2 |BOD5 |30 mg/l |

|3 |SS |30 mg/l |

|4 |TN (Metered by N) |25 mg/l |

|5 |TP (Metered by P) |3 mg/l |

Table 3.2-17 Monitoring Statistics of Water Quality of Drainage Canal 7 (mg/L)

|Sampling Date |pH Value |COD |Ammonia |

|1 |COD |80 |≤50 |

|2 |BOD |60 |≤10 |

|3 |Ammonia |10 |≤5 |

|4 |TP |2 |≤0.5 |

|5 |TN |13 |—— |

|6 |SS |20 |≤10 |

|7 |Cl- |630 |—— |

|8 |SO2-4 |300 |—— |

|9 |Ca2+ |120 |—— |

|10 |Mg2+ |100 |—— |

|11 |Total alkalinity |390 |—— |

|12 |Total hardness |710 |—— |

(2) Process Proposal

Process flow of water reclamation plant of Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park: equalization basin – flocculation – sedimentation – filter tank/RO – clean water tank – pumping house – water distribution network. Main structures include grid flocculation tank, sloping-plate sedimentation tank, and common filter tank. The main buildings and structures of water reclamation plant for Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park are shown in Table 3.2-19.

Table 3.2-19 Main Buildings and Structures of Water Reclamation Plant for Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park

|No. |Buildings & |Process Description |Main Equipment and Design Parameter |

| |Structures | | |

|1 |Lift pump house |Lift the incoming water to meet the |1. Design parameter |

| | |requirement of follow-up treatment of |Design scale: 56800m3/d; Design flow: 62500m3/d; Pump house size: |

| | |vertical elevation linkage of buildings or |L×B=27m×18m |

| | |structures |2. Main equipment: 6 submersible pumps (four for use and two for |

| | | |standby). |

|2 |Pre-aeration Tank|Degrade a part of COD, Ammonia and TP from |Design parameter: design capacity : 56800m3/d; design flow: |

| | |the water via the pre-aeration tank in the |62500m3/d; design size: L×B×H有效=30×19×5.5m(ultrahigh 0.5m) |

| | |months with a poorer water quality. | |

|3 |Flocculation |Flocculation sedimentation tank is composed|1. Flocculation tank: design water quantity: 0.72m3/s; Response |

| |sedimentation |of flocculation tank and inclined-tube |time: 15min; 6 tanks, 14 grills for each tank; tank size: 7.5×5.5m;|

| |tank |sedimentation tank, integrated with the |perforated sludge discharge pipe of DN200 is laid at the bottom of |

| | |flocculation function and sedimentation |tank; |

| | |function, to remove the COD, SS, P, |2. Sedimentation tank: design water quantity: 0.72m3/s; six tanks, |

| | |chromaticity, germ, etc. |and tank size: 12.0×6.0m; Lifting velocity: 1.75mm/s. |

|4 |Filter tank |Further filtrate the outlet water of |1. Design parameter: common filter tank, design water quantity: |

| | |sedimentation tank. Common filter tank is |0.52m3/s; six filter tanks, with filtration velocity of 6.5m/h; |

| | |used and single-layer uniform quartzite |total filtration area: 288m2; Uniform quartzite media; controlled |

| | |media are used. Little resistance |by PLC. |

| | |underdrain system of long-handle filter |2. Main equipment: backwash pump, six single-step dual-suction |

| | |nobs and air/water backwash system are |pumps (four for use and two for standby); six backwash fans& Roots |

| | |used. |blowers (four for use and two for standby). 27648 long-handle |

| | | |filter nobs; 432 filter plates, and two cranes. |

|5 |Contact tank |To make sure of a full contact of |1. Design parameter: Design flow: 0.46m3/s; two tanks; effective |

| | |disinfectant with supply water to realize |volume: 350m3; residence time: 30min. |

| | |the sterilization, contact tank is set up, |2. Main equipment: two manual cast-iron square gates; one manual |

| | |and under the condition of designed |cast-iron round gate. |

| | |chlorination quantity, removal rate of | |

| | |escherichia coli may be over 99.9% | |

|6 |Sludge discharge |Collect the sludge from the flocculation |1.Design parameter: sludge quantity: 142m3/d; effective volume: |

| |tank |sedimentation tank and pump it by |260m3 |

| | |submersible sewage pump into sludge buffer |2. Main equipment: three submersible sewage pumps(two for use and |

| | |tank of sewage treatment plant to be mixed |one for standby) |

| | |with the surplus sludge in the sewage | |

| | |treatment plant | |

|7 |Backwash |Collect the backwash wastewater of filter |1.Design parameter: backwash flow: 0.8m3/s; effective volume: |

| |wastewater basin |station and pump it by submersible sewage |540m3; |

| | |pump into coarse screen chamber to avoid |2. Main equipment: three submersible sewage pumps (two for use and |

| | |the impact load against the treatment |one for standby); two submersible mixers and two cast-iron square |

| | |structures. Submersible mixer is set up to |gates. |

| | |prevent the settlement of sludge. | |

|8 |Chlorination |Chlorine dioxide is recommended for the |1. Design parameter: chlorination quantity: 0.5mg/l. |

| |chamber |disinfection of supply water and the |2. Main equipment: 3 chlorinators (two for use and one for standby,|

| | |chlorination quantity may be automatically |Q=5kg/h), one chlorine dioxide generator, Q=10kg/h |

| | |controlled or manually adjusted. | |

|9 |Dosing chamber |Provide the necessary and prepared |1. Design parameter: design water quantity: 0.72m3/s; feed the |

| | |flocculants to the deep water treatment |polyaluminium chloride and dosing quantity: 50mg/l. |

| | |structures and the proper reserve quantity,|2. Main equipment: four complete sets of flocculant mixers, volume |

| | |to remove the phosphorus, turbidity and |of solution tank: 3m3; four metering pumps and diaphragm metering |

| | |organism from the water. |pumps; two electric hoists, with hoisting capacity of 1.0t. |

|10 |Anti-seepage |Remove the salt from the water via the |Design water quantity: Q=0.516m3/s; Size: L×B×H=120m×36m×5m |

| |chamber |micro-filtration and anti-seepage process | |

|11 |Clean water tank |Adjust the water quantity to ensure the |1. Design parameter: design water quantity: 40000m3/d; clean water |

| | |safety of water supply |tank volume: 4000m3; one water tank, with tank size of |

| | | |LXBXH=29.4*29.4*5. |

| | | |2. Main equipment: one water level meter and one submersible pump. |

|12 |Pumping house |Supply the water to the enterprises in the |1. Design parameter: design capacity: 30000m3/d |

| | |Park |2. Main equipment: six submersible pumps (four for use and two for |

| | | |standby, Q=350m3/h and H=5.5m); electric motor power = 11kw. |

(3) Water Intake Works

The water intake capacity is 62,500m3/d and the intake pump house and the suction well are built together in a rectangle structure of 20m×6m. Fine screens are set up in the intake chamber of suction well, and six horizontal centrifugal pumps are provided (four for use and two for standby).

(4) Water Conveyance Project & Water Distribution Network

The water reclamation plant is to be built near Wangba Reservoir and the water pipelines are paved directly to the water reclamation plant along the pathway from the intake pump station.

Water distribution pipeline adopts dual-pipe structure and it is proposed to pave two ductile cast-iron pressure pipelines of DN600, with a design flow of 509 L/s and a length of 28km. they are paved from the water reclamation plant to the clean water tank of sewage treatment plant in the processing park.

The minimum buried depth of water pipelines shall be 1.80-2.00m, and the exhaust valves are set up at the vertical extrusions of water pipelines and the related positions; Empty well shall be designed at the lowest position of the pipelines, and a valve well shall be provided at the origin and the destination of the water pipeline.

(5) Demonstration and Analysis of Water Source

There are three available water sources in the industrial park: underwater, water from general drainage canal and water from Wangba Reservoir.

The underwater of this region mainly relies on the shallow underwater, which is used for irrigation and domestic water. The statistics of Comprehensive Planning Description of Water Resources in Bayan Nur City show that the exploitable underwater quantity of Urat Middle Banner is 83,100,000 m3 when the underwater salinity is less than 3g/L, and the exploitable underwater quantity of Urat Rear Banner is 30,900,000 m3 when the underwater salinity is 3-5g/L. Because the region belongs to the serious underwater over-drafting area, the underwater cannot serve as the eternal water source of the project.

Wangba Reservoir is located at longitude 106°41′17″ and latitude 40°51′35″, and in the pastureland of Muyang Lake of Urat Middle Banner, Bayan Nur, Inner Mongolia, with a total reservoir capacity of 4,540,000m3. It is a small-scale (class-I) plain reservoir highlighting the flood prevention, and serves as the emergent flood detention area of Heishi Lake.

General Drainage Canal is 14km away from the industrial park, with a better water quality and stable & abundant water quantity, and convenient condition of using the water sources, which may function as the eternal water source of the water reclamation plant.

The water reclamation plant of Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park is located at the lower reaches of General Drainage Canal, with an abundant water quantity. Because the water intake projects at the upper reaches of general drainage canal will exert certain impact on the water intake for the water reclamation plant of Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park, the monthly water flow at Bridge 6 in the lower reaches of general drainage canal shall not be less than 4,050,000 m3. If the available water quantity of general drainage canal is calculated by 85%, and the monthly water demand of general drainage canal shall be more than 4,7600,000t. Correlation between available water quantity of water sources and water intake quantity of the Project (an average of 21 years) is shown in Table 3.2-20.

Table 3.2-20 Correlation between Available Water Quantity of Water Sources and Water Intake Quantity of the Project (10,000m3)

|Month |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Building property |-- |Newly built |Newly built |Newly built |

|Location |-- |In Wulate Houqi Processing Park |In Ganqimaodu Port Processing |In Wulate Qianqi Processing Park |

| | | |Park | |

|Scale of sewage |10,000m3/d |2 |3 |3 |

|treatment | | | | |

|Scale of |10,000m3/d |-- |2.0 |2 |

|intermediate water | | | | |

|treatment | | | | |

|Service scope |-- |Wulate Houqi processing park |Ganqimaodu Port processing park|Wulate Qianqi processing park |

|Consumer of |-- |Water used for industrial |Water used for industrial |Water used for industrial |

|intermediate water | |production and afforestation in |production and afforestation in|production and afforestation in |

| | |the park |the park |the park |

|Length of sewage |km |45.08 |-- |9.0 |

|pipe network | | | | |

|Length of |km |-- |51.62 |65.03 |

|intermediate water | | | | |

|pipe network | | | | |

|Building period | |2 |2 |2 | Wulate Qianqi Processing Park (Xianfeng Town) Sewage Treatment and Reclamation Sub-project

(1) Design inflow water quality of sewage treatment plant

The inflow of sewage treatment plant will be the industrial sewage and domestic sewage from Wulate Qianqi Processing Park. According to the feasibility study report, the industrial wastewater flowing in the sewage collection system shall meet the requirements of Discharge Standard for Municipal Wastewater (CJ3082-1999). Referring to the data on water quality of sewage from processing park in similar area in the north, and in consideration of the uncertainties of enterprises in the future and instability of the water quality, the indexes of inflow water quality of sewage treatment plant are determined. See Table 3.2-34 for the details.

Table 3.2-23 Design inflow water quality of sewage treatment plant

|Index |CODCr |BOD5 |SS |NH3-N |Phosphate (P, mg/L) |pH |

| |(mg/L) |(mg/L) |(mg/L) |(mg/L) | | |

|Value |≤300 |≤150 |≤300 |≤25 |≤3 |6-9 |

Note: other contamination indexes shall meet the requirements of Discharge Standard for Municipal Wastewater (CJ3082-1999) for limit value.

(2) Design outflow water quality of sewage treatment and renovated water plant

The renovated water of this sub-project will mainly be used as industrial cooling water and process water. According to the feasibility study report, the main indexes of design outflow water quality of sewage treatment and renovated water plant are determined and listed in Table 3.2-24.

Table 3.2-24 Standard design outflow water quality of sewage treatment and renovated water plant

|SN |Item |Value |

|1 |CODCr |≤50mg/L |

|2 |BOD5 |≤10mg/L |

|3 |SS |≤10mg/L |

|4 |TN |≤15mg/L |

|5 |NH3-N |≤ (5)8mg/L |

|6 |Petroleum etc. |≤1.0mg/L |

|7 |Total phosphorus (calculated as per P) |≤0.5mg/L |

|8 |Number of coliform bacteria group |≤103 groups/L |

|9 |PH |6-9 |

Note: for the other indexes, please refer to Control Index of Water Quality of Renovated Water Used as Cooling Water.

(3) Processing plan on sewage treatment and renovated water

According to the requirements for inflow and outflow water quality of this sub-project, it is recommended that A/A/O process be selected for the secondary treatment, and for renovated water treatment, a three-stage process of coagulation – sedimentation – filtration shall be adopted.

See Figure 3.2-3 for the process flow of sewage treatment and renovated water.

(4) Other processes

① Chlorine dioxide sterilizing method is adopted for sterilization process. For pathogenic microbe, the extermination capacity of chlorine dioxide is higher than chlorine. As it does not react with ammonia, it can be provided with high sterilizing power even though under alkaline condition, and it can exterminate alga. Simultaneously, chlorine dioxide can cause high oxidization effect and can remove chroma in water favorably, and this enables the outflow water quality to be improved largely; furthermore, the removing effect can be improved further by combination use of chlorine dioxide and coagulant.

② Biological method is selected for deodorization process. By this method, contaminations including low concentration hydrogen disulfide, ammonia, and VOCS etc. can be removed effectively; the deodorization effects are well without secondary pollution, and the operating cost is very low.

③ Direct condensation and dehydration treatment is adopted for sludge treatment process. For direct condensation and dehydration treatment, no digestion tank need be built, and this can save a large number of capital construction investment and routine maintenance cost. Those forming machineries with high performances and simper operating method shall be selected for condensation and dehydration, so that floor area and unpleasant odor can be reduced. Before condensation and dehydration, polyacrylamide shall be added, so as to be easy for sludge condensation and dehydration. Wulate Houqi Processing Park (Huhe Town) Sewage Treatment Sub-project

(1) Design inflow water quality of sewage treatment plant

The inflow of sewage treatment plant will be the industrial sewage and domestic sewage from Wulate Houqi processing park. According to the feasibility study report, the main indexes of inflow water quality of sewage treatment plant of the sub-project are determined. See Table 3.2-25 for the details.

Table 3.2-25 Design inflow water quality of sewage treatment plant

|Index |CODCr |BOD5 |SS |NH3-N |Phosphate (P, mg/L) |pH |

| |(mg/L) |(mg/L) |(mg/L) |(mg/L) | | |

|Value |≤300 |≤150 |≤300 |≤25 |≤3 |6-9 |

Note: other contamination indexes shall meet the requirements of Discharge Standard for Municipal Wastewater (CJ3082-1999) for limit value.

(2) Design outflow water quality of sewage treatment plant

According to the feasibility study report, the outflow from sewage treatment plant shall be reclaimed as water resources. In combination with the requirements for sewage reclamation, the outflow discharge shall meet Class A requirements of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. See 3.2-37 for the detailed discharge standards.

Table 3.2-26 Class A requirements of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant

|SN |Water quality index |Design outflow water quality |

|1 |Chemical oxygen demand (CODcr) |≤50 mg/l |

|2 |Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) |≤10 mg/l |

|3 |SS |≤10 mg/l |

|4 |Ammonia nitrogen (以N计) |≤ (5)8 mg/l |

|5 |Total phosphorus (calculated as per P) |≤0.5 mg/l |

|6 |pH |6-9 |

(3) Processing plan on sewage treatment

The sewage treatment process of this sub-project is the same as that of Wulate Qianqi Processing Park Sewage Treatment and Reclamation Sub-project. Please see Section for the details.

(4) Other processes

It is the same as that of Wulate Qianqi Processing Park Sewage Treatment and Reclamation Sub-project. Please see Section for the details. Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park (Delingshan Town) Sewage Treatment and Reclamation Sub-project

(1) Design inflow water quality of sewage treatment plant

The inflow of sewage treatment plant will be the industrial sewage and domestic sewage from Ganqimaodu Port processing park. According to the feasibility study report, the main indexes of inflow water quality of sewage treatment plant of the sub-project are determined. See Table 3.2-27 for the details.

Table 3.2-27 Design inflow water quality of sewage treatment plant

|Index |CODCr |BOD5 |SS |NH3-N |Phosphate (P, mg/L) |pH |

| |(mg/L) |(mg/L) |(mg/L) |(mg/L) | | |

|Value |≤500 |≤300 |≤300 |≤25 |≤3 |6-9 |

Note: other contamination indexes shall meet the requirements of Discharge Standard for Municipal Wastewater (CJ3082-1999) for limit value.

(2) Design outflow water quality of sewage treatment and renovated water plant

The renovated water of this sub-project will mainly be used as industrial cooling water and process water. According to the feasibility study report, the main indexes of design outflow water quality of sewage treatment and renovated water plant are determined and listed in Table 3.2-28.

Table 3.2-28 Design outflow water quality of sewage treatment and renovated water plant

|SN |Item |Value |

|1 |CODCr: |≤50mg/L |

|2 |BOD5: |≤10mg/L |

|3 |SS: |≤10mg/L |

|4 |TN: |≤15mg/L |

|5 |NH3-N: |≤ (5)8mg/L |

|6 |Petroleum etc. |≤1.0mg/L |

|7 |Total phosphorus (calculated as per P): |≤0.5mg/L |

|8 |Number of coliform bacteria group: |≤103 groups/L |

|9 |PH: |6-9 |

Note: for the other indexes, please refer to Control Index of Water Quality of Renovated Water Used as Cooling Water

.(3) Processing plan on sewage treatment and renovated water

It is the same as that of Wulate Qianqi Processing Park Sewage Treatment and Reclamation Sub-project. Please see Section for the details.

(4) Other processes

It is the same as that of Wulate Qianqi Processing Park Sewage Treatment and Reclamation Sub-project. Please see Section for the details.

3.2.3 Wuliangsuhai Lake Area Treatment Sub-project Features

The steps and contents of Wuliangsuhai Lake Area Comprehensive Treatment Sub-projects are as follows:

Determination of treatment scope →comprehensive treatment (excavation of grid water channel, and construction of biological transition zone artificial wetland)→restoration of favorable ecological environment

The purposes of Wuliangsuhai Lake Area Comprehensive Treatment Sub-projects are to reduce surface source pollution load, restore ecological functions of the lake area, slow down the biological leveling up speed, and improve water circulation in the lake area.

For this project, there are totally 2 Wuliangsuhai Lake area comprehensive treatment sub-projects, i.e., Wuliangsuhai Lake Area Pastoral Grid Water Channel Sub-project, and Wuliangsuhai Lake Biological Transition Zone Artificial Wetland Sub-project.

(1) Wuliangsuhai Lake Area Pastoral Grid Water Channel Sub-project

(2) Wuliangsuhai Lake Biological Transition Zone Artificial Wetland Sub-project Grid water channel excavation in the lake area

1) Arrangement of construction activities

(1) Construction time

The non-irrigation period of Wuliangsuhai Lake is from December to the next April. During this period, water displacement is the lowest. Generally, the lake will ice up in the first Nov., and ice out in the next March. During this period, the water body is exchanged slowly, and the sediments are in static condition basically; the remains died alga and plankton are deposited on the surface layer of the substrate sludge, while for living alga, the sporinite is deposited at the interface between sludge and water due to low temperature and sunlight, and keeps a dormancy state. If construction is carried out in this period, some alga and sporinite can be removed. The thickness of ice layer in Wuliangsuhai Lake is 70-80cm; construction can be carried out in shallow area during the congelation period, e.g., more shallow than 80cm. For those deep areas, in consideration of excavation and the bearing capacity of transportation, construction shall be carried out after the lake surface is iced out, i.e. from Nov. to the next Apr., and under such weather conditions that the wind class is less than 6 and fog class is less than 2.

(2) Excavation work load

The sediments in the upper layer (as per a thickness of 40cm) are about 1,180,000m3, and the undisturbed soil in the lower layer is about 2,170,000m3, totally 3,350,000m3.

(3) Section of dredging equipment

Conventional dredgers include grab dredger, bucket dredger, dipper dredger, cutter-suction dredger, bucket wheel dredger, pump dredger, and multifunctional dredger etc. These dredgers are commonly used implement for dredging and are held by many dredging companies, so the selection scope is large. Additionally, there are also many environmental protection dredgers for selection, e.g., environmental protection type closed grab dredger, dipper dredger, cutter-suction dredger, bucket wheel dredger, pump dredger, and multifunctional dredger etc., which are newly built in accordance with the requirements for environmental protection or are modified based on the conventional dredgers. For these implements, the dredging precision is improved and the agitation effects to water body during dredging are reduced, but the operating cost is higher, the quantity and selection scope are smaller.



Figure 3.2-4 Density distribution of reed and float grass

According Figure 3.2-4, float grass at the bottom of Wuliangsuhai Lake is flourishing; especially the tough reed root system and developing float grass rootstalk will wind the cutter head and disturb the work, so that the work efficiency is reduced. Therefore, for water channel excavation in Wuliangsuhai Lake, cutter-suction dredger shall not be applicable. Grab dredger is also a kind of dredging equipment for substrate sludge. However, due to the flourishing reed and widely spreading root system in Wuliangsuhai Lake and according to the test results of dredging in Suzhou River of Shanghai, if there is garbage or float grass, it is very easy for cutter-suction dredger to be blocked up, and this usually causes shutdown and lower production efficiency. Therefore, in combination with the dredging effects and environment impact, for the area where reed and other float grass are flourishing, it is recommended that 0.8-1.2 m3 type hydraulic backhoe dredger be adopted, whereas for the sediments in the upper layer where there are less float grass, grab dredger shall be adopted. See Table 3.2-29 for the main specifications and parameters.

Table 3.2-29 Main specifications and parameters of selected dredger

|SN |Index |0.75 m3 grab dredger |0.8~.2 m3 backhoe dredger |

|1 |Main diesel engine |100 kW |118 kW |

|2 |Total length |22.3 m | |

|3 |Width |7.0 m | |

|4 |Maximum excavation depth |10 m |Maximum excavation depth6.5 m |

|5 |Sea gage |0.8 m |0.5 m |

|6 |Maximum excavation radius |8.50 m |8.50 m |

|7 |Bucket capacity |0.75 m3 |0.8~1.2 m3 |

|8 |Design production efficiency |80 m3/h |80~100 m3/h |

2) Technical proposals

(1) Grid water channel excavation work

① Environmental conditions for work in the lake

Environmental conditions for operation in Wuliangsuhai Lake are as follows: the lake is as shallow as 0.5-3.2m, and the substrate sludge is about 40cm thick; the lake bottom is flat, and this is easy for operation; the water flows slowly and the flow rate is mostly 1mm/s~1cm/s, and this is favorable for reducing pollution spreading due to disturbance of operation to the substrate sludge; the reed and float grass are flourishing, and this increases difficulties in construction.

② Excavation and transportation process

The process flow of water channel excavation is as follows:

Dredging →shipment →water carriage →loading/unloading at the pier →land carriage →substrate sludge dumping

The excavation sequence shall be:

Zone 1 and Zone 2 can be excavated simultaneously, and Zone 3 and 4 can be excavated simultaneously. As a whole, the excavation shall be from upper reaches to lower reaches, and can be commenced simultaneously in the whole lake area if the construction period is short.

Water channel plane positioning:

GPS positioning stake and guy rope shall be adopted for marking out the trend of outflow course. Longitudinal sign shall be arranged in the central line of dredged channel and designed upper opening boundary, and transverse sign shall be arranged at the construction boundary of the starting and stopping point of the dredged channel and in the straight reaches of curve bend.

Trend of the excavation line:

As shown in Figure 3.2-5, the whole lake area is divided into 4 zones, each of which is with a corresponding substrate sludge dumping site. The dredger shall commence the excavation along the water channel trend. As water in some areas is shallow, the dredger shall be driven along the excavated water channel when going in/out the sludge zone for operation. The overall sequence of water channel excavation shall be from the upper reaches to the lower reaches.


The dredger shall begin to work with support of tugboat. The bow shall be arranged in the direction of the lower reaches; a traverse anchor shall be provided on both sides and a stern retracting anchor is provided respectively, and totally 4 anchors to fix or move the ship position; cable length is less than 50m. Before trial excavation, measure the water depth at the bottom, and control the down letting depth of backhoe on the basis of the water level.

The sediments in the upper layer, which is about 40cm, and substrate sludge in the lower layer shall be excavated respectively, and they shall be transported and stored separately.

During operation, firstly insert 3 work piles into water and hold them down to the water bottom till the blow tilts to a height, so as to fix the hull; and then, start up the lifting, bulldozing, and turning devices of dipper machine to carry out shoveling and excavation jointly. The work pile at the end shall also be used for supporting the recoil caused by shoveling and excavation and controlling the direction to move forward the ship position. For the shoveled substrate sludge, use turning device to turn the dipper to be overhead the sludge barge, and use the dipper starting mechanism to open the rod bolt and buffer spring, so that the dipper bottom can be open under deadweight and the load, so as to discharge the sludge.

For the area with shallow water (e.g. less shallow than 80cm), construction may be carried out in winter, so that excavator can be operating directly on the ice surface, and transporter can be directly driven on the ice surface.


The dredged sludge shall be transferred and loaded onto the barge berthed beside. After a fleet (5 barges) is loaded orderly, use tugboat to drag to the dumping site.

Transportation method:

Use sludge barge and sludge carrier jointly to transport the substrate sludge. Use backhoe dredger to load the dredged substrate sludge directly into sludge barge berthed beside the dredger; and then, use sludge barge to transport the sediments from the upper layer and undisturbed soil form the lower layer separately. For this, the sediments from the upper layer shall be loaded into 5 barges and be dragged by a tugboat to the temporary pier nearby, and the barge can be berthed for discharge before the sludge is transferred to transporter and then be transported to the dumping site nearby; the undisturbed soil from the lower layer shall also be loaded into 5 barges but be dragged by a tugboat to the artificial island area as planned in the center of the lake. Finally, the tugboat shall drag the empty barge from the site back to the dredging working area and wait for loading again.

In winter, the transporter can directly be driven on the ice surface, so the transportation shall be easier.

Dumping and stacking:

Use the grab bucket of fixed type tower crane to grab and excavate the substrate sludge from the barge and unload to the dump truck in temporary pier, and then, transports the substrate sludge to the dumping site to fill the wide trench, without further special anhydration treatment.


Figure 3.2-5 Layout of water channel excavation and substrate sludge stacking

(2) Substrate sludge dumping site

The substrate sludge in the upper layer of the lake bottom is mainly sediments, and the area is about 1,180,000m3. After excavation, the substrate sludge from this part shall be transported to 4 dumping sites for temporary stacking.

The substrate sludge in the lower layer is mainly unpolluted soil, and the area is about 2,170,000m3. It shall mainly be used for stacking of artificial island in the lake area and shall not be transported outwards. According to the tourism plan on Wuliangsuhai Lake, many artificial islands will be built up in the lake area. see Figure 3.2-5 for the details of artificial islands.

① Location of substrate sludge dumping site

According to the space around Wuliangsuhai Lake area, earthwork of water channel in the lake area and the space distribution, 4 substrate sludge dumping sites shall be arranged. See Figure 3.2-5 and Table 3.2-30 for the details.

Table 3.2-30 Details of substrate sludge dumping sites

|SN OF dumping |Name |Location |Floor area (Mu) |Capacity (10,000m2) |

|site | | | | |

|1 |DawanggedanDumping |Near Dawanggedan (40°02’34’’N, 108°50’31”E) |150 |15 |

| |Site | | | |

|2 |Beilongtai Dumping |Near Beilongtai (40°57’39’’N, 108°50’19”E) |150 |15 |

| |Site | | | |

|3 |Huihuigou Dumping |On the south bank in the lake area, near Huihuigou (40°49’53’’N, |400 |40 |

| |Site |108°47’04”E) | | |

|4 |Yuchang Dumping site|In the northeast of Wuliangsuhai Lake (40°52’03’’N, 108°51’35”E) |500 |50 |

|Total |1200 |120 |

Dumping Site 1 is located in the space near Dawanggedan between Reed Field 4 (Military Farm) and the lake wall of the large lake, and the floor area is about 150Mu; Dumping Site 2 is located in the space between Sifenchang and Beilongtai, and the floor area is about 150Mu; Dumping Site 3 is located in the space on the south bank of Wuliangsuhai Lake and near Huihuigou, and the floor area is 400Mu; Dumping Site 4 is located in the space in the northeast of Wuliangsuhai Lake Fishing Ground, and the floor area is 500Mu. The total area is 1200Mu.

Around the 4 substrate sludge dumping sites, there are only a few residents, and little environment impact will be caused. Highways are provided towards the outside, so the traffic conditions are good.

② Design for substrate sludge dumping site

The sediments in the upper layer are with high water contents, and they shall be filled and leveled up in wide trench. See Figure 3.2-6 for profile design for the substrate sludge dumping site.

Dimensions of the wide trench:

The trench is 30m wide, and each is 60m long. It shall be excavated locally downwards, and the excavated earthwork shall be used for building dumping site embankment and isolation dam, and then be leveled up. The substrate sludge shall be stacked up to 2m high.

Dimensions of embankment and isolation dam:

For the embankment, the top width is 4m, outside slope is 1:2.0, and inside slope is 1:1.5; for the inside isolation dam of dumping site, the top width is 3m and slope is 1:1.5.

Anti-seepage system:

No drainage system shall be arranged in wide trench in the landfill area, and seepage interception ditch shall be excavated around the landfill area; ditch slope shall be provided; the ditch bottom is 1.0m wide, and excavation depth shall be 1.5m. After the filtering water is collected in the effusion well, it shall be pumped to the near reed field or the lake.

As the filtering water is actually interstitial water of the substrate sludge, we can analyze the content of dissolvable nutritive matter in the interstitial water. Select 10 points from the distribution map of monitoring points for substrate sludge in the lake area, and analyze the content of nutritive salt in the interstitial water of substrate sludge. See Table 3.2-31 for the analysis results.

Table 3.2-31 analysis of nutritive salt in interstitial water of substrate sludge in Wuliangsuhai Lake area

|Sampling point and location |Water body |TN |NH3-N |NO3- |TP |

| | |mg/L |

|1 |Interstitial water |24.15 |18.11 |0.30 |0.49 |

| |Overlying water |26.62 |18.28 |0.22 |0.54 |

|4 |Interstitial water |14.54 |10.78 |0.21 |0.29 |

| |Overlying water |13.33 |11.40 |0.12 |0.19 |

|5 |Interstitial water |79.65 |70.01 |0.42 |1.96 |

| |Overlying water |77.06 |68.13 |0.35 |3.82 |

|9 |Interstitial water |4.50 |2.00 |0.31 |0.23 |

| |Overlying water |4.97 |1.40 |0.16 |0.57 |

|10 |Interstitial water |50.95 |43.99 |0.26 |2.15 |

| |Overlying water |46.31 |39.99 |0.23 |1.95 |

|14 |Interstitial water |4.61 |2.66 |0.12 |0.14 |

| |Overlying water |4.86 |1.37 |0.16 |0.35 |

|16 |Interstitial water |3.25 |0.86 |0.25 |0.06 |

| |Overlying water |4.01 |1.16 |0.13 |0.11 |

|17 |Interstitial water |13.08 |8.03 |0.68 |0.18 |

| |Overlying water |13.60 |11.63 |0.13 |0.20 |

|18 |Interstitial water |5.27 |1.39 |0.41 |0.10 |

| |Overlying water |4.51 |3.25 |1.33 |0.28 |

From Table 3.2-31, it can be found that the difference of concentrations of total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, potassium nitrate, and total phosphorus in the interstitial water and overlying water of substrate sludge is not large, so the filtering water can be directly drained into the reed field nearby or into the lake and the effects on the water body will be small.

Design for road surface:

The major road in dumping site shall be clay bound macadam pavement, and the thickness shall be 30cm.

Safety enclosure:

In order to ensure safety of the landfill area, a 2.5m high fixed type wire mesh enclosure shall be provided around the landfill area.

Temporary auxiliary production and administration zone:

The operating time period of landfill and treatment of substrate sludge shall be 5 years. In order to ensure normal operation during sludge landfill and treatment, an auxiliary administration zone shall be provided beside the landfill area, so as to manage routine operation and store machineries, and provide back office service etc.

The area of temporary auxiliary production and administration zone is 250m2, mainly including temporary buildings adopting light steel structure. 2-3 persons are arranged for management of the site.

③ Landfill process

The substrate sludge landfill process shall include fix-point transportation, unloading along the ditch, and flattening out etc. The process flow is as follows: Every day, use transporter to transport the substrate sludge to the landfill area, and dump the sludge along both sides of the wide trench within the dumping site; for any area stacked too high, use excavator to flatten out, so that the substrate sludge can be distributed evenly in the wide trench, and the stacking thickness shall be about 0.5m. After a channel is filled, the next one shall be considered for landfill, in turn. Though the water content of substrate sludge is very high, it is unnecessary to compact and cover the sludge, but utilize the local strong sunlight and evaporation action for natural anhydration, and then commence the next stacking and filling. In order to prevent any propagation of fly and maggot in the landfill area, spray liquid medicine or lime onto the surface layer of substrate sludge for a few days, and provide labor safety protection for the employees, so as to avoid epidemic situation. After the substrate sludge is filled to the given height, a layer of 30cm undisturbed soil shall be paved for covering.

In consideration of the amount of substrate sludge treated every day and the effective operating distance of excavator, the quantity of work carried out in one day shall be taken as an operation unit. The treated substrate sludge shall be transported away in time, in which, the sludge in the upper layer shall be used for improving the saline alkali soil, and that in the lower layer shall be used for building the artificial island.

(3) Temporary pier work

① Location of temporary pier

4 temporary piers shall be provided and used for loading the dredged substrate sludge from the upper layer, which shall be transferred to 4 substrate sludge landfill areas. See Table 3.2-32 and Figure 3.2-5 for the details.

Table 3.2-32 Details of temporary piers

|SN |Location |Corresponding dumping site |Berth length (m) |Tonnage of berth (t)|

|1 |Near Dawanggedan (41°02’32’’N, 108°50’44”E) |Dawanggedan Dumping Site (Dumping |100 |200 |

| | |Site 1) | | |

|2 |Near Beilongtai (40°57’33’’N, 108°50’29”E) |Beilongtai Dumping Site (Dumping |100 |200 |

| | |Site 2) | | |

|3 |On the south bank in the lake area, near Huihuigou |Huihuigou Dumping Site (Dumping |100 |200 |

| |(40°50’06’’N, 108°47’01”E) |Site 3) | | |

|4 |In the northeast of Wuliangsuhai Lake (40°52’17’’N, |Yuchang Dumping Site (Dumping Site |100 |200 |

| |108°51’16”E) |4) | | |

② Design for temporary piers

Design elevation and water depth:

The design elevation of berthing face shall be the design high water level plus superelevation. The high water level is 1019.00 m and superelevation is taken as 0.5m, so the design elevation of berthing face is 1019.00+0.5=1019.50m; the design water level of pier is 1018.05m, so the bottom elevation of the berthing water area in front of the pier is 1018.05-1.60=1016.45m, and the design water depth in front of the pier is 1.6 m.

Length and width of the pier:

There are totally 3 freight berths at the pier, so the water front of the pier shall be long enough to enable 3 200t freight ships to berth simultaneously. The pier is 100m long and 20m wide.

③ Structural design of temporary pier

Take reinforced concrete buttress as main structure of the pier, of which the top surface elevation is 1019.5m, riser thickness is 300 mm, and a 300 mm broken-stone course is provided. Poured block stone is provided in front of the wall as washboard. For ship fender, D300×L2000 type is adopted; the space between berths is 3m, and 150KN single eave bollard is adopted. See Figure 3.2-7 for the detailed section.


Figure 3.2-7 Section of the pier structure Demonstrative project of agricultural non-point source pollution treatment

1) Significance of demonstration for non-point source pollution control

For treatment of aquatic environment in Bayannur City, many kinds of pollution shall be revolved, but mainly includes point source and non-point source pollution. Along with the gradual control over industrial and city point source pollution, agricultural source pollution is featured with much more potentiality, randomness、universality complexity, and posteriority, it will be more difficult to radically treat agricultural subsiding water pollution, and as a whole, non-point source pollution will become a confinement factor for improvement of aquatic environment of the irrigation area in the upper reaches of Huanghe River. Therefore, according to the basic agricultural production state of Hetao Irrigation Area in Bayannur City, and on the basis of Control over Farmland Subsiding Water Pollution in Irrigation Area in the Upper Reaches of Huanghe River and Research and Demonstration of Key Technologies for Wetland Restoration, which has been started for special national water project, in this project, local control and treatment for subsiding water pollution are expanded, and a combined treatment concept of “reducing the number of sources, controlling the process, and treating the terminals” is embodied. In the special demonstration plot in Hetao Irrigation Area in Bayannur City, the demonstration of nitrogen and phosphorus control shall be extended, so as to provide an action plan for further control over the subsiding water pollution in the irrigation area.

2) Location of demonstration plot

Inner Mongolia Drainage Field 9 Beichang Branch Ditch Demonstration Plot is located in Beichang Community of Xiangqinghua Village of Beigedu Township in Wulate Qianqi, Inner Mongolia, and Tabu Community of Dengcundian Village. It is in the northwest of Wulate Qianqi, and 30km away from Wulate Qianqi (108°33′47″E, 40°45′29″N). To the demonstration plot, the east is National Highway 110, the south is Tabu Trunk Canal of Hetao Irrigation Area, and the west is Branch Canal 4 and the north is Beigedu Township highway in Wulate Qianqi (Figure 3.4-1).


Figure 3.2-8 Demonstration plot of Beichang Branch Ditch in Drainage Field 9 of Hetao Irrigation Area in Inner Mongolia

3) Backgrounds

For Inner Mongolia Drainage Field 9 Beichang Branch Ditch Demonstration Plot, water is mainly diverted from Huanghe River for gravity irrigation; the farmland and ditch and road are planned normatively, and the landform is flat. Irrigation canal system mainly is comprised of Tabu Trunk Canal and Branch Canal 4; farmland subsiding water is mainly from open drainage, lateral seepage, and seepage, and then is drained into Beichang Branch Ditch and finally into the Trunk Canal 9. For the demonstration plot, there are 10 villager groups of Beichang Community in Beigedu Township and 6 villager groups of Tabu Community in Dengcundian Village involved, the cultivated area is about 4500Mu, 1100 farmer households, and the population is 3620.

In recent years, sunflower, corn, wheat, and oil sunflower are mainly planted in the Demonstration Plot. Calculated as per straight gash canal, the annual water consumption has been 2,000,000-2,500,000m3. According to the soil fertileness, the farmland has been provided with medium-high yield. The average yield of sunflower per Mu is 150kg, corn is 400kg, and wheat is 300kg. Pesticide and chemical fertilizer has been adopted at a high level, for which, the sunflower per Mu is RMB120 Yuan, corn is RMB100 Yuan, oil sunflower is RMB100 Yuan, and wheat is RMB360 Yuan.

This demonstration plot is very representative in the irrigation area in Inner Mongolia. For the demonstration plot, the supporting facilities for irrigation and drainage are provided at a high level, and investment in agricultural chemical fertilizer and production level are also high; supporting facilities for channels at lower levels are provided well, and the gradient ratio of channel is 1/6000. Therefore, the demonstration plot shall be an ideal site for research of the features of farmland subsiding water pollution.

4) Contents of non-point source control demonstration and promotion

Control over agricultural source pollution in the irrigation area is a non-point source control system project, which shall be carried out by stages and be promoted from experiment unit to the whole irrigation area. For the demonstration, the key contents include demonstration and promotion of key technologies for nitrogen and phosphorus control for the main crops on the basis of reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in farmland subsiding water, and that of the integrating technologies for wetland restoration polluted by farmland subsiding water in the irrigation area.

The promotion of controlling technologies for non-point source pollution in the demonstration plot shall be combined in the appropriation budget of World Bank project, and the main contents are as follows:

(1) Demonstration of promotion of water saving technologies to reduce running off of nitrogen and phosphorus

On the basis of the irrigation management technology optimizing water saving in the demonstration plot, utilize laser grader to level up and divide the farmland into blocks to optimize water saving technology, so as to reduce farmland subsiding water amount and reduce funning off of nitrogen and phosphorus contamination and farmland subsiding water pollution. The area is 4500Mu.

(2) Demonstration of fertilization technology

For the representative crops in the demonstration plot, under soil determination and fertilizing technologies, utilize advanced fertilizing machines for accurate fertilization and demonstration, so as to reduce the amount of applied fertilizer, improve utilization ratio of chemical fertilizer, and reduce farmland subsiding water pollution caused by running off of nitrogen and phosphorus. The area of accurate fertilization and demonstration by fertilizing machines is 1000Mu, and that artificial fertilization and demonstration for nitrogen and phosphorus control is 200Mu.

(3) Economic considerations for farmers

The farmers participating in the non-point source pollution in the irrigation area must change the former cultivation, fertilization, irrigation habits but put in more energy, labors, and financial power, so it is necessary for an amount of economic grant to be provided for the farmers. During execution of the project, random investigation should be carried out for the farmers, who are totally 150 households, and questionnaires of fertilization and feedback sheets of compounded fertilizing farmland plot management and record shall be prepared, which are totally 1200 sheets; additionally, sign board shall also be made to provide for the investigated farmer household. Furthermore, sample 50 households of farmers for evaluation of irrigation water consumption, fertilization, and effects of subsiding water reinjection and crop growing etc.

(4) Field investigation and testing

Provide field investigation for the demonstration plot, divide sampling units; investigate the basic properties of the sampled plots, production of foregoing crops, and fertilization state etc., and the surface water environment conditions in the demonstration plot; investigate and sample the background value of farmland subsiding water pollution state, and monitor, compare and test the effects data after demonstration.

(5) Propaganda and promotion

On the basis of doing well technical training, deploy fertilizer supply systematically, distribute the proposal card for fertilizing and subsiding water reinjection, and provide fertilization direction for the farmers, so as to change any unreasonable habit, such as blindly fertilizing, excessive fertilization, or preference for nitrogenous fertilizer, and improve the scientific fertilizing level. According to the farmer fertilization questionnaires, analysis result of soil, and fertilizer demand of crops, develop more than 40000 proposal cards for soil determination and compound fertilization, which shall be distributed by the agricultural technicians and village committees, and be signed by the householders for confirmation after receiving.

(6) Technical training

Firstly do well the technical training for the technicians. By improving the technical level of the technician team, enhance further the training for the peasants and related technicians. Secondly, by means of broadcasting, TV, newspapers and periodicals, technical information, teaching courses, and on-the-spot meeting, enhance propaganda and training work, and direct the peasants to execute subsiding water technologies, so as to improve the farmers' consciousness of fertilization and water saving, and popularize scientific fertilization technologies and knowledge. It is planned that there will be 75 training courses, more than 330 peasants and 40 technicians will be trained, and 750 banners will be prepared and hung up.

(7) Construction of software and hardware for database

On the basis of field investigation, farmers' fertilization state, field experiment, and analysis and test data, collect and work up the field experiment of fertilizer and soil monitoring data on the whole irrigation area in each year, by means of computer technologies, GIS, and GPS, establish databases at all levels for physical and chemical properties of soil, fertilizer efficiency, routine fertilization, irrigation water consumption, and subsiding water reinjection in different areas. Wuliangsuhai Lake biological transition zone artificial wetland

1) Arrangement of construction activities

① Work load

See Table 3.2-33 for plan layout work load of Main Trunk Canal Wetland, Table3.2-34 for plan layout work load of Trunk Canal 8 Wetland, and Table 3.2-35 for plan layout work load of Trunk Canal 9 Wetland.

Table 3.2-33 Work load of Main Trunk Canal Wetland

|Name |Work load |Unit |Remarks |

|1. Reinforcement of original lake wall |87500 |m3 |Including excavation, backfilling, |

| | | |and compaction |

|2. Reinforcement of original box dam |717000 |m3 |Including excavation, backfilling, |

| | | |and compaction |

|3. Newly built dike |90000 | |in the lake |

|4. Main Trunk Canal inflow rubber dam |1 |Set | |

|Earthwork excavation |25000 |m3 | |

|Earthwork backfilling |7000 |m3 | |

|Backing concrete C10 |350 |m3 | |

|Concrete C25W6F150 |6000 |m3 | |

|Rebar fabrication and installation |350 |t | |

|Base mat |1600 |m2 | |

|Dam bag |1000 |m2 | |

|Rubber sealing material, 651 type, and accessories |2 |Batch | |

|5. Wetland inflow rubber dam |1 |Set | |

|Earthwork excavation |13000 |m3 | |

|Earthwork backfilling |4000 |m3 | |

|Backing concrete C10 |170 |m3 | |

|Concrete C25W6F150 |3265 |m3 | |

|Rebar fabrication and installation |150 |t | |

|Base mat |700 |m2 | |

|Dam bag |900 |m2 | |

|Rubber sealing material, 651 type, and accessories |1 |Batch | |

|6. Water distribution canal | | | |

|Earthwork excavation and filling |75075.0 | | |

|Local concrete protective slope |5200 |m3 |Protective slope at canal crotch |

|7. Drainage lift pumping station | | | |

|Vertical axial flow pump |6 |Set |ZL5612-8 |

|Earthwork excavation and filling |150000 |m3 | |

|Reinforced concrete |5000 |m2 | |

|Concrete mat |210 |m3 | |

|Cement laid stone masonry |330 |m3 | |

|Filter material |260 |m3 | |

|Rebar |350 |Ton | |

|Power distribution and transmission line and |1 |Set | |

|transformer | | | |

|8. Diversion dam |458400 |m3 | |

|9. Stabilization pond | | | |

|Earthwork excavation and transportation |1262900 |m3 | |

|10. Air and water channel | | |宽20m, 深1m |

|Earthwork excavation and transportation |200000 |m3 | |

|11. Wetland outflow rubber dam |3 |Set | |

|Earthwork excavation |45000 |m3 | |

|Earthwork backfilling |7000 |m3 | |

|Backing concrete C10 |900 |m3 | |

|Concrete C25W6F150 |11000 |m3 | |

|Rebar fabrication and installation |900 |t | |

|Base mat |1500 |m2 | |

|Dam bag |2500 |m2 | |

|Rubber sealing material, 651 type, and accessories |2 |Batch | |

|12. Aeration pond | | | |

|Aeration hose |4000 |m | |

|Stay tube |3000 |m | |

|Oxygen increasing machine |20 |Set | |

|Earthwork excavation and transportation |37500 |m3 | |

|Concrete foundation pier |300 |Block | |

|Air compressor house (including heating and electric |800 |m2 | |

|facilities) | | | |

|13. Protective slope of soil biological works |6.8 |Km | |

|14. Vertical paving geomembrane |40 |Km | |

Table 3.2-34 Plan layout work load of Trunk Canal 8 Wetland

|Name |Work load |Unit |Remarks |

|1. Reinforcement of original lake wall |42500 |m3 |Including excavation, backfilling, and compaction|

|2. Reinforcement of original box dam |96000 |m3 |Including excavation, backfilling, and compaction|

|3. Diversion dam |55200 |m3 | |

|4. Alteration of afterbay of Trunk Canal 8 Lift Pumping | | | |

|Station | | | |

|Newly built sluice (including shutdown) |2 |座 |4 orifice plates per set,1.5m |

|Concrete |50 |m3 | |

|Fabrication of walkway slab |20 |m3 |10*0.6*0.15m |

|Earthwork excavation and filling |100 |m3 | |

|Exit channel earthwork excavation and filling |472.5 |m3 |Bottom 6m, 1.5m deep and 40m long |

|Exit channel concrete slab for protective slope |21 |m3 | |

|5. Water distribution canal | | | |

|Earthwork excavation and filling |4950.0 |km |An exit per 500m |

|Local concrete protective slope |42 |m2 |Protective slope at canal crotch |

|6. Stabilization pond | | | |

|Earthwork excavation and transportation |193700 |m3 | |

|7. Air and water channel | | | |

|Earthwork excavation and transportation |50000 |m3 | |

|8. Outflow rubber dam |1 |座 | |

|Earthwork excavation |12000 |m3 | |

|Earthwork backfilling |3000 |m3 | |

|Backing concrete C10 |150 |m3 | |

|Concrete C25W6F150 |3000 |m3 | |

|Rebar fabrication and installation |150 |t | |

|Base mat |800 |m2 | |

|Dam bag |700 |m2 | |

|Rubber sealing material, 651 type, and accessories |2 |批 | |

|9. Soil biological work protective slope |4 |km | |

|10. Vertical paving geomembrane |8.5 |km | |

Table 3.2-35 Plan layout work load of Trunk Canal 9 Wetland

|Name |Work load |Unit |Remarks |

|1. Reinforcement of original lake wall |137500 |m3 |Including excavation, |

| | | |backfilling, and compaction |

|2. |90000 |m3 |Including excavation, |

| | | |backfilling, and compaction |

|3. Alteration of afterbay of Trunk Canal 9 Lift | | | |

|Pumping Station | | | |

|Newly built sluice (including shutdown) |2 |Set |4 sluice boards per set,1.5m |

|Concrete |50 |m3 | |

|Fabrication of walkway slab |20 |m |10*0.6*0.15m |

|Earthwork excavation and filling |80 | | |

|Exit channel earthwork excavation and filling |472.5 |m3 |Bottom 6m, 1.5m deep and 40m |

| | | |long |

|Exit channel concrete slab for protective |21 |m3 | |

|4. Water distribution canal | | | |

|Earthwork excavation and filling |5625.0 | | |

|Local concrete protective slope |42 |m3 |Protective slope at canal crotch|

|5. Stabilization pond | | | |

|Earthwork excavation and transportation |227500 |m3 | |

|6. Air and water channel | | | |

|Earthwork excavation and transportation |60000 |m3 | |

|7. Outflow rubber dam |2 |Set | |

|Earthwork excavation |10000 |m3 | |

|Earthwork backfilling |3000 |m3 | |

|Backing concrete C10 |150 |m3 | |

|Concrete C25W6F150 |3000 |m3 | |

|Rebar fabrication and installation |140 |t | |

|Base mat |700 |m2 | |

|Dam bag |700 |m2 | |

|Rubber sealing material, 651 type, and accessories |1 |批 | |

|8. Soil biological works protective slope |5 |km | |

|9. Vertical paving geomembrane |6.5 |km | |

② Construction machinery

According organization and design for construction, the lake wall shall be constructed as a key line, and the total construction period shall be controlled within 2 years; other works shall be completed within the total construction period.

See Table 3.2-36 for the details of construction machinery.

Table 3.2-36 Main construction machineries

|SN |Name of machine |Unit |Quantity |Remarks |

|Earthwork machines|Bulldozer (103 kW) |Set |24 | |

| |Cutter-suction dredger |Set |6 | |

| |Excavator (1 m3) |Set |25 | |

| |Tractor (74 kW) |Set |15 | |

| |Frog kick tamper |Set |120 | |

|Concrete machines |Concrete mixer (0.8 m3) |Set |15 | |

| |Immersion vibrator |Set |39 | |

|Transportation |Truck (5 t) |辆 |26 | |

|machines | | | | |

| |Dump truck |辆 |35 | |

| |Diesel dumper |辆 |45 | |

| |Rubber wheel barrow |辆 |10 | |

|auxiliary machines|Truck crane (5 t) |Set |7 | |

| |Diesel-engine generator |Set |5 | |

| |Submersible pump |Set |20 | |

2) Engineering proposal

(1) Process flow

See Figure 3.2-9 for process flow of biological transition zone artificial wetland

Being lifted from the original lift pumping station, the sewage from Main Trunk Canal, Trunk Canal 8, and Trunk Canal 9 are sent into the time delay wetland system. The water canal from the afterbay of Main Trunk Canal to the large lake can be used as sedimentation canal and be cleaned up every 7 years, and aeration facilities shall be provided simultaneously. At the juncture between the water canal and the large lake, 2 sets of rubber dams shall be provided, one of which is used for controlling the sewage entering into the artificial wetland, and the other for temporary water release. After flowing into the wetland, the sewage flows through the crossed zone of reed zone and pond system (zone without reed and that excavated deeply); if necessary, aeration and oxygen increasing measures may be taken (mainly for improving removal ratio of contamination in congelation period of winter), so as to improve purification effects of wetland. After flowing through the circuitous wetland passage, the sewage flows into the large lake from the juncture between the small lake and large lake through 3 rubber dams, which bear 20%, 20%, and 60% of the outflow respectively. At the outlet, a set of 30m3/s drainage pumping station shall be built up to reduce the wetland water level and drain wetland sewage, so that reed yield can be improved on the one hand, and on the other hand, after the sewage is drained, it will be advantageous for oxidization of the substrate sediments, so as to improve the purification effects of wetland and reduce pollution release from the substrate sludge. The outflow rubber dam, pump location, and water distribution shall be determined by analog computation, and this will be more favorable for optimization of flow field.

For Trunk Canal 8 Wetland and Trunk Canal 9 Wetland, original lift pumping stations shall also be utilized. After the afterbay is altered, the sewage shall flow into the wetland. For Trunk Canal 8 Wetland, the outflow shall flow through a rubber dam and into the large lake, whereas for Trunk Canal 9 Wetland, through 2 rubber dams and into the large lake (each bear the 50% of the outflow respectively).

For the wetland, diversion dam shall be provided rationally according to water power construction principles. The staying time of water shall be delayed as long as possible, and driving flow type for the water flow shall be adopted; the wetland space shall be utilized, and the largest purification function of wetland shall be carried out. In order to ensure growing up of reed, the ventilation function of wetland shall be strengthened, and air and water channel in the wetland shall be provided.



排干退水 drainage of subsiding water

扬水泵站 lift pumping station

5-10年清泥 sludge removal for 5-10years

沉淀塘 sedimentation basin

芦苇带 reed zone

风能曝气 wind powered aeration

稳定塘 stabilization pond

出水位置和水量分配起到优化湖区动力条件作用 Outflow position and water distribution shall optimize the power conditions in the lake area

海区缓冲带 buffer zone in the lake area

海区网格水道 grid water channel in the lake area

湖区 lake area

延时湿地系统 time delay wetland system



反应机理 reaction mechanism

干沟排水 trunk canal drainage

生物过度带 biological transition zone

泥沙沉降 mud and sand sedimentation

植物吸收N、P plant absorption N, P

微生物降解 micro-biological degradation

植物吸收COD plant absorption COD

植物过滤 plant filtering

主海区 main lake area

Figure 3.2-9 Flow of artificial strengthening process in the wetland


Figure 3.2-10 Design for wetland works

(2) Original pumping station

For inflow of Main Trunk Canal Wetland, Trunk Canal 8 Wetland, and Trunk Canal 9, the original Honggebo Lift Pumping Station (new), Trunk Canal 8 Lift Pumping Station (new), and Trunk Canal 9 lift pumping station shall be adopted.

By model generalization of 3 wetlands and adopting MAKE 11 for analog computation, it is obtained that the total water head loss from inlet to the outlet of Main Trunk Canal Wetland is less than 30cm, the design water level of forebay of Honggebo Lift Pumping Station is 1017.5m, the highest lift is 2.97m, the design lift is 2.19m, and the water level after lifting can reach 1019.69m. Honggebo Lift Pumping Station can meet the inflow requirements of Main Trunk Canal Artificial Wetland. The design lift of the lift pumping station of Trunk Canal 8 and Trunk Canal 9 is 4.8m and 4.7m respectively.

① Honggebo Lift Pumping Station (new)

See Table 3.2-37 for the operating characteristics of Honggebo Lift Pumping Station (new).

Table 3.2-37 Operating characteristic of Honggebo Lift Pumping Station (new)

|SN |Name |Unit |Quantity |Remarks |

|1 |Pump |Set |6 |2500ISKM diagonal flow type axial flow pump |

| |Electric motor |Set |6 |TDXZ-630-36/2150 |

|2 |Transformer substation |kv |35 |S4-630/10 |

|3 |High voltage supply |kv |6 | |

|4 |Installed capacity |km |3780 | |

|5 |Design lift |m |2.19 | |

| |The highest lift |m |2.97 | |

| |The lowest lift |m |1.6 | |

|6 |Design flow rate |m3/s |100 | |

|7 |Design water level | | | |

| |Forebay water level |m |1017.50 | |

| |Afterbay water level |m | | |

② Trunk Canal 8 Lift Pumping Station (new)

See Table 3.2-38 for the operating characteristics of Trunk Canal 8 lift pumping station.

Table 3.2-38 Operating characteristics of Trunk Canal 8 lift pumping station

|SN |Name |Unit |Quantity |Remarks |

|1 |Pump |Set |5 |Type 700LB-125 |

| |Vertical electric motor |Set |6 |Y315-8, 90KW |

|2 |Transformer |Set |1 |S4-630/10 |

|3 |Total installed capacity |km |450 | |

|4 |Design lift |m |4.8 | |

| |The highest lift |m |4.9 | |

| |The lowest lift |m |1.1 | |

|5 |Design flow rate |m3/s |6.8 | |

|6 |Design water level | | | |

| |Forebay water level |m |1016.80 | |

| |Afterbay water level |m |1019.50 | |

③ Trunk Canal 9 Lift Pumping Station

See Table 3.2-39 for the operating characteristics of Trunk Canal 9 Lift Pumping Station.

Table 3.2-39 operating characteristics of Trunk Canal 9 Lift Pumping Station

|SN |Name |Unit |Quantity |Remarks |

|1 |Pump |Set |8 |Type 20ZLB-70 |

| |Electric motor |Set |6 |Y280M-6 |

|2 |Transformer |Set |1 |SJm560KV |

|3 |Total installed capacity |km |440 | |

|4 |Lift\ |m |4.7 | |

|5 |Design flow rate |m3/s |6.4 | |

|6 |Design water level | | | |

| |Forebay water level |m |1014.97 | |

| |Afterbay water level |m |1019.50 | |

(3) Water distribution canal in Main Trunk Canal Wetland

For the water distribution canal Main Trunk Canal Wetland, the top width shall be 40m, water depth shall be 1.5m, and gradient shall be 1:1 and length 1.3km. The high wall shall be precast concrete block protective slope. An outlet shall be provided every 200m.

(4) Lake wall, box dam, and diversion dam

The lake wall between reed field and the large lake shall be reinforced on the basis of the original lake wall, most of which has been 2.0-2.5m wide and 1019.0-1019.6m high, but some of which has disappeared. The old wall to be reinforced is 22km long. On the basis of a normal lake water level of 1018.5m, the lifted lake water level elevation shall be 1019.3m, and design lake wall elevation is determined as per 1020.0; for the width, in consideration of stability in water and traffic requirements, the top width shall be 5.0m, gradient 1:2.0, and height 2.5m. For the drainage pumping station, soil biological works protective slope shall be adopted.

For the box dam between reed field in artificial wetland and external outside or the space, reinforcement shall be carried out on the basis of the original dike; the top width shall be 5m, gradient 1:2 and height 2.5m. At the place where water conditions are changed largely, soil biological works protective slope shall be adopted.

When sewage flows from Reed Field 4 (Military Farm) to Reed Field 2, it shall be driven along the large lake to the inner side, so a 4km dike shall be newly built in the large lake, and it will form a passage for the flow with the original lake wall. The passage shall be 1000m wide and the lake wall shall be 4.0m wide, and gradient 1:2.0 and height 2.5m.

For the diversion dam in reed field, the top width shall be 2.0m, gradient 1:2, and height 2m. At the place where water conditions are changed largely, precast concrete block protective slope shall be adopted.

(5) Vertical paving geomembrane

Between the box dam of artificial wetland and external outside or the space, vertical paving geomembrane method shall be adopted for anti-seepage, and the buried depth shall be 8m. The geomembrane shall be paved along the outside of box dam of Main Trunk Canal Wetland, and that of Trunk Canal 8 Wetland and Trunk Canal 9 Wetland.

(6) Air and water channel

Air and water channel shall be provided for reed field. The top width shall be 20m, and excavation depth 1m and gradient 1:1. The purpose of air and water channel shall mainly be increase ventilation, and this is favorable for growing up of reed.

(7) Pond series

When reed field box dam, lake wall, and diversion dam are used in construction, the space or water ditch formed by earthwork excavation or the original space in reed field shall be used as stabilization pond system in wetland, and the earthwork excavation depth shall be controlled within about 1m; the total volume of the pond is equal to the volume of earthwork required by the structures, such as box dam, diversion dam, and lake wall, and the total is about 1,670,000m3. The earthwork shall be leveled up within the construction site and not transported to outside.

(8) Aeration pond

For aeration pond, water canal from the afterbay of Main Trunk Canal Lift Pumping Station to the large lake, and hose and micropore shall be adopted for aeration. The hose shall be 4km long, and there shall be 20 air compressors.

(9) Alteration of afterbay of Trunk Canal 8 and Trunk Canal 9 Lift Pumping Station

The current afterbay of Trunk Canal 8 and 9 shall be altered. According to the highest daily water displacement, it is designed that the outflow rate is 0.6m/s, and there are 2 outflow sluices, for each of which there are 2 sluice board of 1.5m width.

(10) Main Trunk Canal Wetland Drainage Pumping Station

Main Trunk Canal Wetland Lift Pumping Station is at the end of Main Trunk Canal Wetland, and the design drainage flow rate is 30m3/s.

The inflow part of the pumping station is composed of diversion canal, intake sluice (also as trash screen), forebay, and receiving basin. The forebay shall be in open style, similar to a rectangle, inflow in forward direction, and 25m long; for side wall, RC cantilever type retaining wall shall be adopted. In front of the intake sluice, cement laid stone masonry shall be adopted for covering. The receiving basin of pumping station shall be in rectangle style, the length in downstream flow direction shall be 10m; for the side wall, RC cantilever type wing wall shall be adopted. The intake sluice shall be in open style, and the top elevation of sluice bottom board 1019.00m. There are totally 4 sluice openings, for each of which, the net width shall be 5m. The length in downstream flow direction of the sluice chamber shall be 9m. For the front section, 4 control gates shall be provided, and for the rear section, 4 tilting trash screens be provided. Over the sluice, temporary bridge and starting up and shutdown machine room shall be provided.

The pump chamber shall be behind the dam and be wet type. The upper part shall be in RC framed structure, and the lower part RC pier wall structure. The top elevation of bottom board of the pump chamber shall be 1011.65m, the length in downstream flow direction 12m, and vertical 23.4m. The auxiliary plant shall be arranged beside the lower reach of the main pump room, and in parallel with the later.

The outflow part of the pumping station shall be composed of afterbay, an access bridge across the dam, and exit channel. In which, the afterbay shall be in RC structure, and the length in downstream flow direction shall be 16.6m. There are totally 3 openings for the access bridge, and the net width of each opening shall be 4.2m; the bottom elevation shall be 1015.80m, and the length in downstream flow direction shall be 5m; the exit channel shall be 15m long. The side wall shall be RC cantilever type retaining wall, and spread section shall be connected to the exit channel.

In the station, 6 sets of vertical axial flow pump shall be installed, in which 5 sets shall be used and 1 for standby. The type of axial flow pump shall be Zl5650-8, and the flow rate of single unit 6.00 m3/s. For each pump, 1 set of 6KV and 400kW vertical synchronous motor of type TL400-16-××× shall be provided, of which the installed capacity shall be 2000 KW.

For the intake sluice, 4X5mX3m plane fixed steel gate shall be provided.

(11) Rubber dam

For Main Trunk Canal Wetland, 3 outflow rubber dams shall be provided, which shall bear 20%, 20%, and 60% of the outflow. At the juncture between Honggebo Lift Pumping Station and the large lake, 2 rubber dams shall be provided; the one shall be used for controlling water entering into the artificial wetland, of which the water flow rate shall be 29m2/sec, and the other shall be drained directly into the large lake, and the water flow rate through rubber dam shall be 100m2/sec. For drainage of Trunk Canal 8 Wetland, one rubber dam shall be provided; for drainage of Trunk Canal 9, 2 rubber dams shall be provided, which shall bear 50% of the flow rate respectively.

After flowing through the artificial wetland, some of the sewage volume shall be lost due to the evaporation of plant in the wetland and that from water surface. According to the reed evaporation data from Zhalong Wetland Administration, the annual reed evaporation volume is 390mm; in consideration of evaporation from water surface and downward seepage, it is estimated that the water volume loss is up to 20%.

According to the calculation of water volume, the design flow rate of the 3 outflow rubber dam of Main Trunk Canal Wetland is 4.6m3/s, 4.6 m3/s, and 13.8 m3/s respectively; for the 2 rubber dams at the juncture between Honggebo Lift Pumping Station and the large lake, the design flow rate into the rubber dam is 29 m3/s and that into the large lake is 100 m3/s; for the 1 drainage rubber dam of Trunk Canal 8 Wetland, the design flow rate is 3.9 m3/s, and for the 2 drainage rubber dams of Trunk Canal 9 Wetland, the design flow rate is 1.55 m3/s. See Table 3.2-40 for the main parameters.

Table 3.2-40 Main parameters of the rubber dams

|Name |Design flow |Dam bag drainage mode |Dam height (m) |Dam length (m) |

| |rate | | | |

| |(m3/s) | | | |

|Outflow rubber dam of Main Trunk Canal Wetland |Dam 1 |11.10 |Drainage with dam bag |1.50 |120.0 |

| | | |filled | | |

| |Dam 2 |3.70 |Drainage with dam bag |1.50 |40.0 |

| | | |filled | | |

| |Dam 3 |3.70 |Drainage with dam bag |1.50 |40.0 |

| | | |filled | | |

|Rubber dam at juncture between Honggebo Lift Pumping |Dam 1 |100.00 |Drainage with dam bag |2.00 |90.0 |

|Station and the large lake | | |filled | | |

| |Dam 2 |29.00 |Drainage with dam bag |2.00 |30.0 |

| | | |filled | | |

|Drainage rubber dam of Trunk Canal 8 Wetland |Dam 1 |3.90 |Drainage with dam bag |1.50 |40.0 |

| | | |filled | | |

|Drainage rubber dam of Trunk Canal 9 Wetland |Dam 1 |1.55 |Drainage with dam bag |1.50 |20.0 |

| | | |filled | | |

| |Dam 2 |1.55 |Drainage with dam bag |1.50 |20.0 |

| | | |filled | | |

3.3 Pollution source analysis

3.3.1 Sub-project of reclaimed water supply Reclaimed water treating process and pollution factors analysis

Treating processes of reclaimed water supply projects are different because of water quality of their sources. Except for the project of Urat Rear Banner Manufacture Park where raw water is only treated by disinfection, the other projects add relative process units like the pre-aeration tank and the RO workshop based on conventional treatment such as coagulation, sedimentation and filtration to guarantee quality of reclaimed water. Refer to Fig. 3.3-1 for treating process of reclaimed water and discharge nodes.

Main positions generating and discharging pollutants during construction and operation of the project:

Construction period

The construction duration of this project is 4 year long, land and vegetation at site will be occupied and impacted, local ecological environment will be destroyed. In addition to plenty of excavation and filling, noise, dust emission and spoil, ambient environment will be impacted.

(1) Construction noise

Construction machinery including the excavator, crane, electric saw, electric welding machine, mixer and vehicles with sound source level 90-110dB (A) may impact sensitive objects around the site.

(2) Construction dust emission

Ambient air pollutant during construction is mainly dust emission from pipeline excavation, backfill, and building construction of the plant.

Since the site for pipeline construction is long and decentralized, if the weather is dry and windy, dust emission may impact sensitive objects around.

Construction waste water consists of sewage generated by the builders and production waste water from concrete mixing, earthwork spray, construction machinery oil leakage and cleaning, etc.

(4) Solid waste

Solid waste includes domestic garbage, building garbage and spoil.

(5) Land procurement and relocation

The permanent floor area of all reclaimed water engineerings in this project is 317.55mou totally (including the plants and pipelines), most currently used lands are undeveloped slopes in addition to some farmlands, and reserved expanding lands. The farmlands occupied by this project will lose the function of agricultural production completely, landscape there will be impacted during certain period, and vegetation on the temporary occupied lands for this project will be destroyed too, so local agricultural production will be impacted.

(6) Ecological environment

Land area vegetation is damaged by construction of the plant, pipeline laying and the earthwork yard, in addition to soil erosion caused by construction.

(7) Social environment

Pipeline construction impacts people’s trip; transportation of materials and earthwork increases vehicle flowrate thereby impacts traffic.


Fig. 3.3-1 Process flow and discharge nodes of the plant

Operation period:

(1) Waste gas

Waste gases of the reclaimed water supply project are chlorine dioxide G1 leaked from the chlorine dioxide generator that runs with fault; and fugitive emission odor G2 from the sludge pump house, the sludge thickener, sludge dewaterer house and the sludge yard;

In addition, the plant with pre-aeration process includes odor gas G3 from the pre-aeration unit.

(2) Waste water

Waste water of the planned project during operation comes from the reaction sedimentation tank for sludge thickening W1, filter backwashing W2, sludge dewatering and filter pressing W3 and sewage, containing main pollutants such as SS, CODcr and BOD5.

Otherwise, the plants with RO process also include saline tail water W4.

(3) Solid waste

Sludge S1 is generated by the flocculating tank, sedimentation, filtration sand cylinder, automatic valveless gravity filter and so on. Furthermore, a little domestic garbage.

(4) Noise

Noise comes from the intake pump house N1, intermediate lift pump house N2, back wash pump house N3, blower house N4, sludge pump house N5 and sludge dewaterer house N6. Pollution source analysis for the project

According to intake water quality of the project, dosage, and the principle of material balance, confirm pollution source intensity of each engineering.

(1) Waste gas pollution source intensity

H2S and NH3 are used as the characteristic pollutants of waste gas for environmental assessment of odor from the plant. The analogy method is used to determine fugitive emission odor pollution source intensity of each engineering, odor emission coefficient of each treating unit can be characterized by emission in unit duration and on unit area. Based on data of Tianjin Jizhuangzi WWTP, Hangzhou Sipu WWTP and Stage I of Shenzhen Baoan Gushu WWTP, determine odorant emission coefficient of each plant in this project, refer to Table 3.3-1. Waste gas source intensity can be estimated according to surface area of designed structures. The feasibility study report does not provide any deodorizing measures, so the bio-deodorization method is recommended to treat main odor pollution source. Refer to Table 3.3-2 for generation of odor pollution source and emission intensity of each plant.

Table 3.3-1 Emission coefficient of odor pollutant on unit area of structures at the plant

|Structure |NH3(mg/s.m2) |H2S(mg/s.m2) |

|Coarse grille and intake pump house, thin grille and aeration sand tank |0.30 |1.39×10-3 |

|Sludge tank, sludge bin and sludge thickening and dewatering house |0.10 |7.12×10-3 |

Table 3.3-2 Odor pollution source intensity of treating structures at each plant

|No. |Project |Structu|Area |Output of odor |Measures for |Efficiency of |

| | |re | |pollution source |deodorization |deodorization |

|1 |Intake pump N1 |6 |95 |Intake pump house |Measures such as |Noise reduction 25dB(A) |

| | | | | |silencing, damping, | |

| | | | | |indoor sound | |

| | | | | |insulation and so on.| |

|2 |Line lift pump N2 |4 |95 |Lift pump house | |Noise reduction 25dB(A) |

|3 |Filter back wash pump |2 |95 |Back wash | |Noise reduction 25dB(A) |

| |N3 | | |comprehensive house | | |

|4 |Filter back wash |2 |110 | | |Noise reduction 25dB(A) |

| |blower N4 | | | | | |

|5 |Sludge pump N5 |2 |95 |Sludge dewatering | |Noise reduction 25dB(A) |

| | | | |house | | |

|6 |Dewatering house press|2 |90 | | |Noise reduction 25dB(A) |

| |filter N6 | | | | | |

(4) Solid waste

In order to protect surface water bodies and use water resource reasonably, it is necessary to separate solid and liquid of sludge water during operation of the plant. Sludge water drained from the sedimentation should be collected in the balancing tank, and then transport sludge after thickening and dewatering. Filter back wash waste water is drained to the waste water tank and lifted to the front end for reusing by the pump. Solid waste from each plant of the project is mainly sludge after thickening and dewatering and domestic garbage. Sludge quantity of the reclaimed water project is calculated according to SS concentration of inlet water and consumption of flocculant. Sludge is treated by centrifugal dewatering with water content 75%. Since there is no hazard chemicals, no poison, which may be used as cover soil of landfills, backfill soil of municipal road construction and brickmaking. While domestic garbage from the reclaimed water supply projects is calculated as 1.16kg/d·person, which should be collected and delivered to the environmental sanitation administrations. Refer to Table 3.3-5 for solid waste of each reclaimed water supply project.

Table 3.3-5 Solid waste of each reclaimed water supply project

|No. |Project |Solid waste |Output |Compositions and |Water |Comprehensive |Treatment and |

| | | |(t/a) |characters |content(%) |utilization and |quantity (t/a) |

| | | | | | |quantity (t/a) | |

|1 |Reclaimed water supply project of Urat Rear |Sludge |

| |Banner Manufacture Park | |

|H2S |Max. |0.35 |0.046 |

|(mg/m3) | | | |

| |Average |0.27 |0.024 |

|NH3 |Max. |5.98 |0.134 |

|(mg/m3) | | | |

| |Average |3.01 |0.108 |

Since odor emission of WWTPs is not stable, which depends on many factors such as climate and weather conditions. In view of conservative engineering, the Max. monitoring values are used for analogy in this environmental assessment, refer to Table 3.3-7 for odor source intensity of each WWTP.

Table 3.3-7 Result of odor pollutant analogy

|Item |Sludge thickener and dewatering |Grille well |

| |house |(Pre-treatment area) |

| |(Strongest odor source) | |

|Waste water treatment and |H2S(mg/m3) |0.09 |0.012 |

|reclamation project of Urat Rear | | | |

|Banner Manufacture Park (Huhe | | | |

|Town) | | | |

| |NH3(mg/m3) |1.50 |0.034 |

|Waste water treatment project of |H2S(mg/m3) |0.13 |0.017 |

|Urat Front Banner Manufacture Park| | | |

|(Xianfeng Town) | | | |

| |NH3(mg/m3) |2.21 |0.05 |

|Waste water treatment and |H2S(mg/m3) |0.13 |0.017 |

|reclamation project of Ganqimaodu | | | |

|Port Manufacture Park (Delingshan | | | |

|Town) | | | |

| |NH3(mg/m3) |2.21 |0.05 |

Odor from pollution sources of each WWTP will be collected and sent to the bio-filter at the deodorization room and then exhausted through the exhaust mast. Efficiency of bio-deodorization is about 90%, design blower air delivery of each WWTP is 4500m3/h. After bio-deodorization, refer to Table 3.3-8 for odor exhaust rate of each WWTP.

Table 3.3-8 Odor exhaust rate

|Item |Exhaust rate (kg/h) |

|Waste water treatment project of Urat Rear Banner Manufacture Park |H2S |0.10×10-3 |

|(Huhe Town) | | |

| |NH3 |1.53×10-3 |

|Waste water treatment project of Urat Front Banner Manufacture Park |H2S |0.15×10-3 |

| |NH3 |2.26×10-3 |

|Waste water treatment and reclamation project of Ganqimaodu Port |H2S |0.15×10-3 |

|Manufacture Park (Delingshan Town) | | |

| |NH3 |2.26×10-3 |

② Area source intensity

According to relative source intensity data of Fuzhou Yangli WWTP (5×104m3/d), in consideration of intake water quality of the WWTP, because NH3-N balance relation in water forms non-ion free ammonia, estimate free ammonia concentration in the bio-aeration system and possible in-air NH3 in various pH and water temperature in the gross, and refer to Table 3.3-9 for average NH3 exhaust quantity of the bio-aeration system.

Table 3.3-9 Estimation of NH3 exhaust quantity of the aeration tank system

| |Water |Original waste water free ammonia |NH3 blow-off |Bio-aeration system average NH3 |

|PH |temperature |concentration mg/L |(Gas-water ratio 6.19) (mg/L) |exhaust quantity (mg/s) |

| |℃ | | | |

| | | |Not consider |Consider |Waste water quantity 5×104t/d |

| | | |nitrification |nitrificatio| |

| | | | |n | |

|7 |30 |0.14 |0.11 |0.03 |8.7 |

| |5 |0.06 |0.02 |0.01 |2.9 |

|8 |30 |2.24 |0.179 |0.054 |15.7 |

| |5 |0.28 |0.06 |0.02 |5.8 |

Based on relative experts’ experience, exhaust intensity of H2S can be estimated in the gross as about 10% of exhaust intensity of NH3. In view of conservative engineering, the Max. monitoring values are used for analogy in this environmental assessment, refer to Table 3.3-10 for odor source intensity of bio-aeration tank at each WWTP.

Table 3.3-10 Odor exhaust rate

|Item |Exhaust rate (kg/h) |

|Waste water treatment and reclamation project of Urat Rear Banner |H2S |2.26×10-3 |

|Manufacture Park (Huhe Town) | | |

| |NH3 |2.26×10-2 |

|Waste water treatment project of Urat Front Banner Manufacture Park |H2S |3.39×10-3 |

| |NH3 |3.39×10-2 |

|Waste water treatment and reclamation project of Ganqimaodu Port |H2S |3.39×10-3 |

|Manufacture Park (Delingshan Town) | | |

| |NH3 |3.39×10-2 |

(2) Water pollution source

No waste water drain outside in each WWTP of this project, waste water will be treated further and then used for production and planting in the parks. According to discharge nodes analysis of each WWTP, main nodes producing water are sludge thickening and dewatering, filter backwashing, sewage and equipment cleaning. Refer to Table 3.3-11 for quantity of waste water.

Table 3.3-11 Waste water output (m3/a)

|Item |Urat Rear Banner |Ganqimaodu Port |Urat front banner |Final treatment |

|Type | | | | |

|Sludge dewater |15×103 |22.5×103 |22.5×103 |Return to the front end of the WWTP |

|Backwash |-- |14.6×103 |14.6×103 |Return to the front end of the WWTP |

|Sewage |2100 |2100 |1140 |Return to the front end of the WWTP |

|Cleaning |730 |730 |730 |Return to the front end of the WWTP |

(3) Solid wastes

When the project starts operation, solid wastes mainly are the grille dreg, grit chamber sludge, excess sludge and domestic garbage.

① Grille dreg and sand

Most fine grille dregs are blocky solid materials, including both inorganic and organic substances, like domestic garbage. Stop diameter of a fine grille is substances with diameter more than 6mm; while grit is inorganic particles, such as argillaceous silt and carpolite. The rotational flow grit chamber removes oily substances and sand particles with specific gravity more than 2.65 and grain size more than 0.22mm mainly.

According to Code of outdoor drainage design, grit quantity of urban waste water can be calculated as 0.03kg/m3, while quantity of grille dreg can be calculated as 0.1 kg/m3, refer to Table 3.3-12 for the output.

Treatment of dreg and grit is performed by the grille machine, the belt conveyor, and the presser, which may avoid odor emission and vermination. After treatment, they can be landfilled as urban garbage.

② Sludge

Excess sludge in the sludge tank will be lifted to the combined thickening and dewatering machine with 0.5% high molecular organic flocculant PAM. Water content of sludge after dewatering should be less than 80%, refer to Table 3.3-12 for dewatering sludge quantity.

③ Domestic garbage

According to the Stat. data of Bayannur garbage station, average garbage output per day per capita is about 0.8kg/d, it is reduced by half for employees. So garbage quantity can be calculation by employees during operation of each plant. Refer to Table 3.3-12 for details.

By calculation, refer to Table 3.3-12 for solid waste output of each waste water treatment and reclamation plant.

Table 3.3-12 Main solid waste output of each plant (t/a)

|Item |Urat Rear Banner |Ganqimaodu Port |Urat front banner |Final treatment |

|Type | | | | |

|Grille dreg and grit |949 |1265 |1265 |To the landfill |

|Sludge |1155 |1576 |1576 |To the landfill |

|Sewage |3 |5 |5 |To the landfill |

|Total |2107 |2846 |2846 | |

(4) Noise pollution source

Noise sources of all waste water treatment and reclamation plants during operation are same basically, main noise source comes from the pump house, the sludge thickening and dewatering equipments, and the blower house. Refer to Table 3.3-13 for equipment quantity and noise values of equipments.

Table 3.3-13 Main equipments with high noise at the plant

|Section |Equipment with high noise |Near-field sound level dB(A) |

|Water intake pump house |Waste water pump |90-95 |

|CAST tank or CASS tank |Reflux sludge pump |85-90 |

| |Excess sludge pump |80-85 |

|Blower house |Centrifugal blower |100-105 |

|Sludge thickening and dewatering house |Sludge thickening and dewatering machine |90-100 |

| |Flushing pump |90 |

| |Dosing pump |90 |

|Deodorization room |Blower house |100-105 |

| |Flushing pump |90 |

3.3.3 Project of Wuliangsu Lake area comprehensive treatment Pollution factor analysis of Wuliangsu Lake area comprehensive treatment

Portions producing and discharge pollutants of Wuliangsu Lake area comprehensive treatment sub-projects:

Construction period:

(1) Waste gas

Vehicle tail gas, odor from lake area network waterway dredge and bed mud stacking (H2S and NH3), and dust emission.

(2) Waste water

Construction sewage; water pollutants from dredging of Wuliangsu Lake network waterway, which may impact water quality of the lake, in addition, certain waste water will be produced during bed mud transportation and stacking.

(3) Solid waste

Lake area pastoral network waterway bed mud.

(4) Noise

Noise is emitted by the construction vehicles and machinery.

(5) Land procurement and relocation

Permanent floor area of the project is 7345.5ha, where the current lands are fish ponds, reed land and wild slope now.

Operation period:

Pollution factors during operation are mainly from operation of the Wuliangsu Lake artificial wetland.

(1) Waste water

(2) Noise

Noise mainly comes from the artificial wetland pump station with noise source intensity 80dB(A).

(3) Solid waste

Main solid wastes during operation of the artificial wetland are sludge in the sedimentation pond, which will be dredged about every 7-10 years, transporting outside to avoid secondary pollution. Pollution source and main pollutants discharge analysis

Refer to Chapter 5 of this report for pollution sources and pollutants discharge during construction of the project of Wuliangsu Lake area comprehensive treatment.

Main environmental impact during operation of the project of Wuliangsu Lake area comprehensive treatment is pollution source discharge of Wuliangsu Lake area artificial wetland.

1) Noise

Noise during operation comes from the pump station and the aeration pond mainly. Refer to Table 3.3-14 for noise source intensity.

2) Solid wastes

Solid waste during operation of the artificial wetland is mainly sludge in the sedimentation pond, which will be dredged about every 7-10 years; in addition, people for management and maintenance of the wetland will produce domestic garbage.

3) Pollution source intensity analysis

Refer to Table 3.3-14 for producing and estimated discharge of main pollutants of the project of Wuliangsu Lake area comprehensive treatment.

Table 3.3-14 Producing and discharge of main pollutants of the project

|Type |Emission source |Main pollutant |Concentration and |Remedy |

| | | |quantity before | |

| | | |treatment (Unit) | |

|Noise |Mixed-flow pump |Equipment noise |90-100dB (A) |Sound insulation and damping |

| |Air compressor |Equipment noise |90-100dB(A) |Sound insulation, silencing and damping |

|Solid waste|Stabilization pond |Bed mud |Dredging every 5 years |Use as fertilizer or send to the landfill |

| |and sedimentation | | | |

| |pond | | | |

| |Domestic garbage |Domestic garbage|6.4 t/a |Deliver to the environmental sanitation |

| | | | |administration to the landfill |

3.4 Relative projects

Recently, in order to improve aquatic environment quality in Bayannur, especially Wuliangsu Lake, aquatic environment treatment is reinforced continuously. A batch of water pollution control projects is planned and constructed according to relative water pollution control plans.

By now, there are 7 planned and constructed urban waste water treatment facilities, 1 rebuilding project in Bayannur during “The eleventh plan” with total investment RMB960,000,000. Refer to Table 3.4-1 for planned and constructed WWTPs in Bayannur.

Table 3.4-1 Planned and constructed WWTPs

|Project |Construction size |Investment (Ten |Construction unit |Construction situation |

| | |thousands) | | |

|Rebuilding of Linhe|100,000t/d |1795 for rebuilding|City water authority |The project has been finished, |

|WWTP | | | |now for test run |

|Urat Front Banner |20,000t/d in Stage|8900 |Baotou Hongdetai Environmental |Main part has been finished, now|

|WWTP |I | |Engineering Development Company |for equipment installation |

|Wuyuan WWTP |22,000t/d |8200 |Hongzhu Environmental Protection |Main part has been finished, now|

| | | |Waste Water Treatment Co., Ltd. |for equipment installation |

|Urat Middle Banner |10.000t/d |3000 |Urban Construction Investment Co.,|Now start construction |

|WWTP | | |Ltd. | |

|Urat Rear Banner |10,000t/d |4400 |Banner water authority |Now start construction |

|WWTP | | | | |

|Dengkou WWTP |30,000t/d |12000 |Inner Mongolia Yujie Bio-tech Co.,|Main part has been finished, now|

| | | |Ltd. |for equipment installation |

|Hangjin Rear Banner|20,000t/d |9000 for Stage I |Hanghou Yiyuan Water Co., Ltd. |Test run |

|WWTP | | | | |

|Lihe No. 2 WWTP |100,000t/d |—— |City water authority |Preparation has been finished, |

| | | | |now for commencement |

1) Rebuilding of WWTPs in Bayannur.

Lihe WWTP locates the north side of Xinhua Dong Street, Linhe City. The plant came into being in May 2000 with the processing of oxidation pond, there are three oxidation ponds designed. Since 2002, its treating capacity has been 100,000t/d. Now, it treats sewage and industrial waste water from Linhe urban area 53,000t/d, serves 32km2, 300,000 population, and total waste water treatment quantity is 19,300,000t/a.

In 2008, Hetao Water Company rebuild this WWTP with total investment RMB17,850,000. Now the rebuilding has been finished for test run. The rebuilding engineering separates the inlet system of the WWTP into two parts: the rebuilding engineering system treats industrial waste water of the park and then discharge in compliance with the standard; the power plant reclaimed water system treats sewage from the urban area, which should meet requirement of thermal power plant inlet water quality. After technological transformation, industrial waste water and sewage split flow is realized, which may be treated respectively. By this way, treating capacity and efficiency of the WWTP is improved, and outlet water can meet requirement of relative codes stably.

2) Dengkou WWTP

Total planned investment of the project is RMB120,000,000, where, investment for WWTP construction is RMB56,000,000, and for pipeline construction is RMB64,780,000. Now main parts of the project such as the office building, the employees living building, relative waste water treatment facilities are finished, equipment installation has been finished, the project has been complete and put into service.

Construction size of Dengkou WWTP is 30,000t/d. The plant adopts advanced “Mobile bed biofilm” processing is used there, which has not only advantages of traditional biofilm such as impact resistance, long sludge age and less excess sludge, but also advantage of active sludge such as high efficiency and free operation. The sludge concentration can reach 30~40g/L with little head loss, no blockage, not need back wash and reflux. In addition, it can remove P and N well. Construction of the WWTP can meet requirement of waste water treatment at Dengkou county now and in future, change the history that production waste water and sewage drain to Yellow River at Dengkou county, so water quality in Yellow River can be improved effectively, and drinking water safety and cleaning downstream can be guaranteed.

3) Wuyuan WWTP

The construction size of Wuyuan WWTP is 22,000t/d with total investment of RMB82,000,000. Now all civil works have been finished, in addition to 95% equipment installation. It will be put into service on September 15, 2010.

The WWTP adopt advanced Germany BIOLAK’s processing, which uses low load active sludge processing to make a wave type mixing oxidation effect by a mobile aeration chain, thereby create good habitat for all special microorganism with good effect of N and P removal. Construction of this WWTP enables sewage and part industrial waste water in Wuyuan to drain directly in compliance with national codes, or reusing to saving water resource.

4) Hangjin Rear Banner WWTP

The construction of Hangjin Rear Banner WWTP is 20,000t/d for Stage I, and 50,000t/d for Stage II. Total investment is RMB120,000,000, and RMB89,000,000 for Stage I, where, RMB32,000,000 for construction of WWTP, and RMB57,000,000 for pipeline. Now, the project has been complete, all equipments are installed, all pipelines are laid, road surface hardening and plant area afforestation are finished too. The project starts test running and will be put into service in October 2010.

The WWTP uses the advanced Germany BIOLAK’s processing too, with outlet water quality in Grade 1, B, which can be used for urban planting, farmland irrigation and industry after further reclamation treatment.

5) Urat Front Banner WWTP

The construction size of Urat Front Banner WWTP Stage I is 20,000t/d with total investment RMB85,500,000, where RMB39,850,000 for construction of the WWTP, and RMB45,650,000 for pipeline. The project commenced in May 2008, all civil works and installation have been finished, and started test run in September 2009 for three months, all operating indexes reach the standard, and it was put into service on November 30, 2009.

The WWTP uses the advanced Germany BIOLAK’s processing too, with outlet water quality in Grade 1, A, which can be used for farmland irrigation, urban planting, and industry, for water resource cyclic utilization .

6) Urat Middle Banner Hailiutu Town WWTP

Urat Middle Banner Hailiutu Town WWTP locates 2km south from Hailiutu town with design capacity of 10000t/d for sewage, and 29.65km pipelines. Total investment of the project is RMB50,180,000, and pipeline construction investment is RMB29,960,000. Now civil works is constructing, the oxidation ditch, oxidation pond, secondary sedimentation tank have excavated and rolled, in addition, 12km urban pipeline has been laid.

Carrousel oxidation ditch processing is used for treatment, which has simple process flow, less structures and civil work cost; advanced and proven technology and simple management and maintenance; reliable and stable operation, good treatment effect, good COD removal rate, stable N and P removal capacity; and better capacity of impact resistance. Construction of the project, can not only improve urban aquatic environment quality, but also provide good life and working environment to the towner. In addition, it may improve environment of investment, and promote healthy and fast development of economy and society.

7) Urat Rear Banner WWTP

The Stage I size of Urat Rear Banner WWTP is 6000t/d, while Stage II is 12,000t/d. Total investment of the project is RMB64,890,000, where RMB35,600,000 for the WWTP, and RMB29,290,000 for pipeline. Now, 25% civil works has been finished, including the office building, the machine repair shop, the garage. The distribution room and the anaerobic tank are under construction. Purchasing of production equipments has been finished, it will be put into service by November, 2010.

Urat Rear Banner WWTP adopts improved Orbal oxidation ditch process, which is applicable for conventional secondary bio-treatment, at the same time of carbon source pollution removal in waste water, bio-denitrogenation and bio-phosphorus removal are also available. The process has strong impact resistance, low energy consumption, simple management and operation and good effect of N and P removal. The project enable water quality after two-stage bio-chemical treatment to reach Discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant (GB 18918-2002), Grade 1, B.

8) Linhe No. 2 WWTP

Recent waste water treatment size of Linhe No. 2 WWTP is 100,000m3/d, and 60,000m3/d reclaimed water. Total investment is RMB623,697,000, where EUR35,000,000 is from the loan of German promotional bank, the rest is from China Development Bank and self-financing. The project will upgrade and rebuild more than 200km urban pipeline, and build 2 lift pump stations. Total floor area of the plant is 18.587ha, where recent floor area is 11.277ha.

The WWTP adopts the solution of hydrolysis acidification and A2O bio-treatment; water reclamation adopts the fiber disc filter solution; and sludge treatment adopts the mesophilic digestion solution. The project will treat industrial waste water from Bayannur Linhe Industrial Park, which may moderate situation that Linhe No. 1 WWTP lacks capacity effectively.

The above mentioned projects can add 222,000t/d waste water treatment capacity for Bayannur, reduce discharge of water pollutants, provide supplement each other with the project of Bayannur aquatic environment comprehensive treatment with WB loads. Combination of source control and terminal treatment can improve aquatic environment quality in Bayannur, which is very important for improving aquatic environment quality of the General Drainage Canal and Wuliangsu Lake, even pollution control and ecological environmental protection of Yellow River.

4. Environmental Baseline

4.1 Profile of Regional Environment

4.1.1 Environmental Profile of Bayannur City Natural Environment

1) Geographic Location

Bayannur is located in north China’s frontier in west of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region between 40°13′-42°28′N and 105°12′-109°53′E. It is bounded on the east by Baotou City and Ulanqab League, on the west by Alashan League and on the north by Mongolia and faces Ikchor League across Yellow River to the south. About 378km long from east to west and about 238km wide from north to south, it covers an area of 65,551km2, accounting for 5.46% of the total area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and ranking 7 among 8 leagues and 4 cities. The north part of the city, from north foot of Yinshan Mountains to national boundary, is gentle rolling high plain with altitude between 1,020m and 1,400m. This part is a vast natural pasture, which is commonly referred to as Urad Prairie. Urad Prairie, a desert or semi-desert grassland, covers an area of more than 30,600 km2, taking up 46.7% of total land area of the whole city. It is a base for development of animal husbandry of the city.

2) Geological Structure

Bayannur geological position steps astride two primary geotectonic elements, namely, Tianshan Mountain-Inner Mongolia-Hinggan Palaeozoic geosynclinal fold region to the north and Sino-Korean paraplatform to the south, which are bordered by Badain Jaran- Urad Back Banner-Kangbao- Chifeng- Changtu Major Fracture (close to about 42°N). According to different internal structural features, it can be further divided into four secondary and five tertiary tectonic elements. In the long geological age, these tectonic elements underwent different evolvement, showing distinct and different structural features. The complicated geotecture and active tectonic movement here exert a control action on age base, sedimentary formation, magmation and even formation of minerals in this area.

Sino-Korean Paraplatform: The south part of the area is component of Sino-Korean paraplatform. The platform itself is a relatively stable region, but its internal growth is not uniform, having long-term upwelling area and long-term downwarping area as well. According to different developing history and structural features, the platform can be further divided into two secondary tectonic elements: Inner Mongolia axis (Inner Mongolia platform uprise) and Langshan Mountain-Baiyunebo platform margin rifted depression. Located in the south side of Langshan Mountain-Baiyunebo platform margin rifted depression, Inner Mongolia axis spreads in an east-west strip land. The base of it is composed of Archaean Ural Mountains and late Algonkian. Located in the north side of Inner Mongolia axis, Langshan Mountain-Baiyunebo platform margin rifted depression is a long and narrow strip land, spreading from east to west. Bordered on the north by Badain Jaran- Urad Back Banner Major Fracture and Tianshan Mountain-Inner Mongolia-Hinggan Palaeozoic geosynclinal fold region, it is a relatively active zone in the northern margin of Sino-Korean paraplatform.

Tianshan Mountain-Inner Mongolia-Hinggan Palaeozoic geosynclinal fold region: it is subject to Hercynian geosynclines in the northern vast area in this region. This region went through complicated geological experience, showing the course of developing from geosynline to platform. The tectonic movement and magmation are so frequent that stratigraphic distribution of Paleozoic era and before is scattered. According to different developing history and structural features, it can be further divided into two secondary tectonic elements: Saihantala Late Hercynian geosynclinal fold belt and Beishan Mountain Late Hercynian geosynclinal fold belt. Located in most part of northern Badain Jaran- Urad Back Banner Major Fracture, Saihantala Late Hercynian geosynclinal fold belt spread from east to west and from north to east. To the north of Badain Jaran- Urad Back Banner Major Fracture, Beishan Mountain Late Hercynian geosynclinal fold belt runs across the northwest of the region and Saihantala Late Hercynian geosynclinal fold belt, spreading from east to west.

3) Landform

The landform in the whole city clearly falls into three categories: high plains in the north, hills in the middle and plains in the south.

1) Urad Plateau

Located in the north part of the city from hills at the foot of north Yinshan Mountain to the south to the national boundary to the north and covering an area of 30,600km2 with an elevation of 1,000-14,00m, it is a part of Inner Mongolian Plateau. It is mainly composed of tertiary river-lake red sandstone and sandy mudstone and quaternary glutenite. Due to strong dry denudation, stony monadnock and deflation hollow are formed. Owing to the lack of rain, wide and shallow riverbed has flows only in wet season to converge at the northern depression to form an interior drainage. To the north of the depression, in the region of frontier of China and Mongolia are sprinkled with dryly denuded monadnocks joining intermittently.

2) Hilly Area of Yinshan Mountains

Located in the south of Urad Plateau, it lies in the middle and southeast parts of Bayannur from east to west. In terms of the distribution position, it can be divided into three parts: Longshan Mountain, Serteng Mountain and Ural Mountain.

Langshan Mountain, also known as Hanalin Ural (black hill in meaning) at west side of Yinshan Mountains, about 280km long and 30-60km wide, east-west-trending to the east of 107°30′E and northeast-trending to the west of 107°30′E, encircles northern Houtao Plain, covering an area of 7,990km2 and standing at an elevation ranging from 1,500m to 2,200m. Most rocks of the mountains are hard Archaean metamorphites. Ridges and peaks rise one after another. Most of the peaks are of ridge shape or dentation. With so many cliffs and bare rocks, the vegetation is so sparse that only in the shady slopes grow low weed and shrub. Woods can be visible in the east section of Langshan Mountains and the west section has the elevation dropped down into the desert. The intermountain basin is at an elevation of 1,200-1,400m, with tertiary sedimentary formation covered with quaternary wind-blown sand formation. Those who boast large area are Hailiutu Basin and Hulusitai Basin. There are some strip depressions composed of Jurassic with coalfield embedded in.

Serteng Mountain, to the east of Langshan Mountain and bordered by Hailiutu Basin, covers an area of about 10,100km2. Approximately to the east of Hailiutu, the mountain spread out in three branches with the north and south in parallel. The northernmost one, called Hadate Mountain and located in the northeast of Hailiutu Basin, about 120km long and 1,600-1,800m above sea level, is gentle low hills and mounds. Most of the rocks are gneiss and granite. Rocks on top and adret are bare and on the shady slop grow sparse weeds.

Ural Mountain is located to the south of Ming’an River and the north of Yellow River. From Xishanzui to the west to the Kundulun River to the east, it shows a clear east-west trend. It, 94km long and 12-20km wide, takes an area of 1,100 km2. Standing at a height of about 2,000m above sea level, its relative height is 700-1,000m, with the prominent peak Dahuabei at an elevation of 2,324m. Most of the rocks are schist, gneiss, marble, quartzite, granite, sandstone, conglomerate and so on. With the strong upward axis which causes strong erosion, the ridge is narrow and rugged. The peaks are subject to indention. The rocks on adretto are bare so that the vegetation is sparse, while the shady slope, with thin cohesive soil, boasts thicker plants, forest coverage reaching 27.75%. Large gullies contain Dianlisitai Gully, Dalagai Gully and Daba Gully. The south slop of the mountain has obvious faults overhanging Yellow River. Proluvial fan groups and multilevel terraces at the foot of the mountain are particularly pronounced. On the north slopes, there are also proluvial fan groups and multilevel terraces, but not as obvious as the south slope.

3) Hetao Plain

Located in the south part of the city, it can be divided into four parts in terms of landform: Wulanbuhe Desert, Houtao Plain, Ming’an River and Sanhuhe Plain.

Wulanbuhe Desert: spreading out in the southwest of the city, between Langshan Mountain and Baotou-Lanzhou Railway, including most Dengkou County and southwest Hangjin Back Banner, it covers an area of 3,400km2. With an elevation between 1050m and 1030m, it gradually drops down from southeast to northwest, gradient ratio being 1/5000. Quaternary Yellow River alluvial deposit and proluvial deposit are covered with modern aeolian dune with complicated shapes, such as barchan chains, escarpment-shaped dunes, hill dunes and flat dene.

Houtao Plain: from Bayan Gol-Siba-Taiyangmiao to the west to Xishanzui, Ulansuhai Nur to the east and to 1200m contour of the south foot of Langshan Mountain to the north and to the Yellow River to the south, it, about 180km long from west to east and about 60km wide from north to south, is a fan with an area of 10,000km2 and average elevation of 1,050m. It forms a strip of depression belt between the alluvial plain high in the south and low in the north and the proluvial plain high in the north and low in the south, which now is the location of the general arterial drainage of Ugab River and the marsh. Yellow River alluvial plain is the principal part of Houtao Plain, taking up about 3/4 of the plain’s total area. Bordered by Ugab River, it is 40-50km wide from north to south. With flat terrain, the elevation is usually 1,020-1,040m. High in the west and low in the east, the gradient is 1/3,000-1/5,000; High in the south and low in the north, the gradient is 1/4,000-1/8,000; only local part shows gentle rolling. The constructional materials include fine sand, silt, sandy loam and loam interbed. The size distribution of sediment varies from north to south. Thick coarse materials are often seen in ancient riverway of Yellow River with sand sediments as mainstay; between the ancient riverways are loam and clay sediment.

Ming’an River is located in the intermountain basin to the south of Baiyunchahan Mountain and to the north of Ural Mountain. From the Ulansuhai Nur to the west to the 1200m contour to the east of Tailiang, it is about 50km long from east to west, taking an area of 1,800km2. The middle part of the basin is fluvial plain, and the north and south parts are fluvial-alluvial plain and piedmont proluvial inclined plain.

Sanhuhe Plain is located between Ural Mountain and Yellow River. From Xishanzui to the west to the boundary of Bayannur and Baotou, it is a narrow strip, about 70km long from east to west and 3-15km wide from north to south, taking an area of 700km2. The relief has two tilt directions, one inclining to Yellow River from mountain foot, and one consistent with Yellow River’s flow direction from west to east. The ground gradient averages about 1/7 000 with an elevation of 1,025-1,200m. The landform shows obvious zonation, divided into four zones of flood plain, Yellow River alluvial plain, piedmont fluvial-alluvial plain and torrential plain from Yellow River to Ural Mountain.

4) Hydrogeology

Ground water mainly comes from precipitation infiltration and little condensation recharge, its distribution regularities mainly having close relation with such factors as geological structure, lithology, terrain and weather. The distribution of ground water in the city features with gradual decrease from east to west and from south to north.

In terms of distributed burial and water conservation feature, ground water is divided into perched water, phreatic water and confined water (artesian water). In terms of the rock feature of water carrier, ground water in the city can be divided into bedrock fissure water, plateau red earth pore water, quaternary loose rock pore water, quaternary desert aeolian sand pore water, Hetao Plain aeolian quaternary alluvial-proluvial lacustrine formation pore phreatic water and confined water.

Bedrock fissure water is located in the Yinshan Mountain hydrogeology area. The terrain here is high in the west and low in the east, steep in the south and gentle in the north. Hill bedrock fissure water is widely distributed, mainly spreading to Langshan Mountain, Ural Mountain region and low hilly region in the China-Mongolia boundary in the north.The abundant and deficient situation of ground water is greatly different, the water inflow of single pore in water abundant zone reaching up to over 60t/h; such kind of area, however, takes a small area; the water inflow of single pore in zones with medium water is 10-30t/h; and the water inflow of single pore in water deficient zone is less than 1t/h. The water quality in most regions is better with salinity less than 3g/l.

Plateau red earth pore water is distributed in long-strip depression basin composed of red earth between hills of Yinshan Mountain and hillock of Dishan Mountain. The lithology of main water carrier is subject to glutinite of Cretaceous System. Water carrier is usually buried over 15m below the surface. Water in the central basin is abundant, maximum water inflow of single pore reaching over 70t/h; in the fringe region, water amount is small, inflow of single pore being 10-30t/h; the zone contacting the basin and surrounding rock is extreme water-poor belt, inflow of single pore being 1-5t/h, or less than 1t/h. The salinity of water often is less than 2g/l, but may exceed 2g/l in the central basin, dominated by HCO3-Cl-Na.

Quaternary loose rock pore water is mainly distributed among ravines of bedrock hills and alluvial-pluvial plains at the tail of river valley. The water carrier is composed of medium coarse sand, find sand, grit stone and sandy pebble. In the area of Langshan piedmont alluvial and pluvial plains, water carrier is often 5-25m thick, water inflow of single pore reaching more than 100t/h; in the area of medium water amount, water inflow of single pore is 10-30t/h; water deficient zone is mainly located in smaller ravines in hills and the upstream of large ravines, as well as alluvial and pluvial plains of plateau regions and developmental ravine in basins. As the ravines of such kind are shorter, the water yield property of water content is poor, water inflow of single pore being 1-5t/h or 1t/h or below. The salinity is often less than 2g/l. It is subject to HCO3 water, applicable to exploitation and utilization.

Quaternary desert aeolian sand pore water is mainly distributed in the desert region in Dengkou County in the west of the city. In such region, water buried depth is small, often less than 10m. The water carrier is composed of fine aeolian sand, medium-fine sand and sandstone, thickness being 5-30m and water inflow of single pore going up to 40-80t/h; in the area of medium water amount, water inflow of single pore is about 10t/h; in water deficient zone, water inflow of single pore is less than 1t/h. The salinity is often less than 2g/l. It is subject to HCO3. The salinity at the fringe of a tract of low lying land and oasis is larger than 2g/l.

Hetao Plain aeolian quaternary alluvial-proluvial lacustrine formation pore phreatic water is located in the plain area to the south of Yinshan Mountain area and to the north of Yellow River. This area is a fault basin, with water-content rock series including quaternary alluvial-proluvial grit pore phreatic water and confined water, quaternary alluvial lacustrine formation fine silt pore phreatic water and quaternary alluvial lacustrine formation fine silt pore confined water. The piedmont water yield is often larger than 100t/h. The salinity is often less than 2g/l. It is subject to HCO3, HCO3-SO4 and HCO3-Cl water. The salinity in the downstream section of Houtao Plain and the south of Ugab River is often larger than 3g/l, some up to above 10g/l, subject to Cl and Cl -SO4 water.

Ground water in hilly area of Yinshan Mountain and other hilly areas is mainly recharged by atmospheric water. Due to structural condition and weathering, rocks developed joint fissures in different degree, which is the condition to receiving precipitation infiltration. Some areas of Ural Mountain boast good vegetational cover, which is favorable to precipitation infiltration and water conservation. Precipitation, after infiltrating the ground, is stored and transported by rock fractures, creating good runoff conditions. Ground water discharge in hilly areas are mainly in the form of runoff, some discharged to valleys in the mountain to changed into river runoff, some flowing to riverbed deposit to form submerge flow and then discharged to mountainous depression and basin. Most of them are stored in water carriers of depressions and basins, some consumed for evaporation. In the juncture of hill and plain, ground water of hilly area is discharged to the water carrier of plain area in the form of lateral runoff.

The cycle conditions of ground water in plain terrain are complicated. They are subject to tremendous influence of human activities except natural factor. Apart from atmospheric precipitation infiltration, ground water is also compensated by lateral runoff in hilly area, seepage of plain rivers and return flow of irrigation. The recharge from return flow of irrigation of Hetao Plain takes up a large proportion. In piedmont alluvial- pluvial plain terrain, the terrain slope is relatively steep, lithological grain, mainly composed of sandy pebbles and coarse sand, is coarse, runoff conditions of water carrier being good and dominated by horizontal alternation. In alluvial lacustrine plain area, the land is flat, lithological grain in water carrier becoming fine. Except the smooth runoff in the upstream section, the general runoff conditions are poor. The horizontal discharge is slight, and is dominated by vertical evaporation.

Recharge of ground water in desert area mainly comes from rainfall and condensation water, which are stored in the depression in the confining bed under the desert bed. They form desert phreatic water and consumed by evaporation. Some of them can infiltrate into the lower water carrier.

The inland area, dominated by dry climate, has little precipitation and the source of ground water recharge is limited, thus the ground water is deficient. Only in some closed basins and depressions form accumulation areas of ground water, which will gain lateral recharge from surrounding except precipitation recharge. The discharge form is subject to local evaporation to maintain water balance.

5) Climate

Bayannur, far away from ocean, dwells on plateau in inland. The climatic characteristics: four distinct seasons, less snow in cold winter, much wind in dry spring, little rain in heated summary and mild and cool autumn. It is typically continental monsoon climate in medium temperate zone.

The annual average temperature in Bayannur is 3.7-7.6℃. The temperature decreases progressively from southwest to northeast, with the west higher than the east. The annual average temperature of Bayan Gol Township, Dengkou County at the southernmost side is 7.6℃, and that in Woodlands, Urad Middle Banner to the northernmost part is 3.7℃.

With many hills and hillocks in the city and complex terrain, the geographical distribution of precipitation varies wildly. The feature of it is that the precipitation decreases gradually from southeast to northwest, forming a situation that the east is more than the west and the hilly area is more than the plain. The average annual precipitation of the city is 188mm, and 177-285mm in the east and 99-184mm in the west.

Located in westerlies, and perennially affected by zonal circulation, Bayannur is long controlled by continental polar air. In addition, the ground is so higher that vegetation is sparse. Thus the wind speed is high and the wind period is longer. Markedly affected by monsoon, the city has its wind direction varied greatly with season in a year. Under control of Mongolia cyclone during October to the next March, the city is dominated by north wind or northwest wind.

In terms of general trend, the distribution of relative humidity within the city decreases from southeast to northwest. The average annual relative humidity is 42-54%, where that in Hetao area is 47-54%, and 42-48% to the north of Yinshan Mountain.

The evaporation in Bayannur increases gradually from southeast to northwest. The average annual evaporation is 2,032-3,179mm. Hailsu area has the maximum evaporation in Urad Back Banner, with average annual evaporation of 3,178.8mm. Chengguan Town, Wuyuan has the minimum evaporation, with average annual evaporation of 2,032.2mm.

Sunshine distribution in the city features with much sunlight in the north and west and less in the south and east. To the north of Yinshan Mountain, the average annual hours of sunshine is 3,215.1-3,401.8hrs, and in Hetao area, 3,184.6-3,221.0hrs.

The cloud cover in the city is slightly more in the north than the south, but the difference is indistinct. The total average annual cloud cover is 40%,-42% in Urad Front, Middle and Back Banner, and the rest areas 38-39%. The number of sunny day in the city in a year is 109-31, and cloudy day, 42-63. The cloud cover is maximum in summer and minimum in winter in a year, and much in day and less in night.

6) River and Hydrological Features

There are many rivers in Bayannur and are divided into two drainage systems by the divide of Yinshan Mountain: Yellow River system to the south and inland river system.


Yellow River system: originated from the north foot of Bayan Har Mountains, Qinghai Province, Yellow River flows through Gansu and Ningxia to the city.

Tributaries converging at north bank of Yellow River are gully rivers from Langshan Mountain and Ural Mountain. There are a total of 147 gullies, large or small, in Langshan Mountain, with a catchment area of 13,000 km2, where those whose catchment area is above 250 km2 number 15, taking up 90% of the total catchment area. Gullies in Ural Mountain totals 28, with a catchment area of 388 km2, where those whose catchmen area is above 10 km2 count up 11.

Inland river system: the inland river system in the city spread out over the pateau to the north of Yinshan Mountain. Its drainage area is 31,000 km2, including 34 inland rivers, of which, most are seasonal stream.

Lakes: there are 318 lakes taking an area of more than 2ha, with water area of 3,141,555mu. These lakes are scattered over Hetao Plain. To the north of Yinshang Mountain, there are only few seasonal lakes such as Sanggendalai Zhuoer and Chagantaoligai Nuoer. Ther are 21 lakes and reservoirs with an area over 1,500mu. Ulansuhai Nur, water surface of 44,985mu, the average depth 0.7m, and the storage capacity 209,930,000 m3, is the largest lake in the city, and is the drainage and mountain torrent receiver of Yellow River irrigation region in Hetao Plain as well.

(2)Hydological Features of Rivers

Except Yellow River, the hydrological features of Bayannur’s rivers depend on local conditions of precipitation, evaporation and geological geomorphology.

① Yellow River

Flowing from Ningxia to Bayannur, Yellow River’s average annual transit water quantity is 31,500,000,000m3. Inspite of many tributaries converging the city, most of them are seasonal rivers, supply water being less. Only torrential flood after flood seaon and rainstorm exerts some impact on water level. Yellowe River experiences two flood seasons, namely summer flood and ice flood.

In terms of cause of formation, floods occurred in Yellow River are mainly divided into ice flood and storm flood. Ice flood is a result of melting ice in riverway and release of stored water in river channel. It often occurs in March, also is called ice flood.

Storm foold often occurs from July to September. The flood may happen twice to three times a year, and even 5 times in few years. The average volume of flood is 3,000-4,000 m3/s.

Yellow River is a world-known sediment-laden river, containin much more sand in midstream and downstream. The sediment concentration in the stretch in Bayannur is about 6kg/m3.

② Other Rivers within the City

Brooks in the city are mountain stream, usually with extremely less volume of fresh water. Summer rainstorms result in outbreak of flash flood. With incoming water and flood under control of rainstorm, the brooks experience steep rise and drop in short time.

Based on Inner Mongolia Water Temperature Manual and investitaion information of water resource in Inner Mongolia and exiting data, annual average depth of runoff in the city is 3-10mm by statistical analysis. The distribution trend of annual runoff depth is basically consistent with the precipitation distribution, decreasing from southeat to northwest and higher in mountain area than in hilly area and plains.

The annual average runoff in the city is 331,000,000m3, where Yellow River system takes up 237,000,000 m3, 71.6% of the total runoff and the inland river system accounts for 94000,000 m3, 28.4% of the total.

(3)Hetao irrigation area

Hetao irrigation area in Bayannaoer has formed a pattern of having irrigation system, having water discharge route and having stable irrigation and discharging, it has become the largest large-scale gravity irrigation area.

Hetao irrigation area involves to all counties in the Bayannaoer, including 108 towns, farms and stations with a total area of 11195.4km2,the irrigation area is 5743.6km2.The drainage system in the Hetao irrigation area includes 7 levels, there are one general drainage ditch ,12 drainage ditches, 60 drainage sub-ditches, 225 branch ditches and about 22000 small ditches, the general drainage ditch is the main project of drainage system, the total length is 257.283km, the drainage area under control is 7583.7 km2,the mountain torrent area under control is 13313 km2 ,the drainage volume accounts for 93% of the total drainage volume in the irrigation area ,the remaining is directly drained into Yellow River through other drainage ditches. The water is flowed into the Ulansuhai at the end of truck, Ulansuhai is main part of irrigation works in Hetao area, it is the only acceptance water body and drainage channel for withdrawal of agriculture irrigation water in the Hetao area, it has accepted more than 90% drainage water in the irrigation area, the drainage water from the Bapaigan and Jiupaigan are directly run into the Ulansuhai ,which account for 14% of the drainage capacity of the general drainage ditch; the total length of export section is 24 km, the drainage area under control is 232.67km2,which account for 3% of the drainage area, the water is excluded into the Yellow River through the export section of general drainage ditch. Shipaigan is directly excluded into the export section, which account for 2% of the drainage capacity of the general drainage ditch.

7)Natural Resources

(1) Land Resources

The total land area of the city is 65,551.5 km2 (98,327,000 mou), which can be classified into seven main categories, including cultivated land, garden plot, wood land, grass land, non-agricultural land, water area and hard-to-use land.

The cultivated area of the city is 7,170,362 mou, totaling 7.3% of the gross land area, about 5.1 mou per capita, which is mainly distributed in Hetao Plain and Northeast Hilly Country. The fruit garden (inclusive of sprinkling garden fruit trees) is 26,471 mou, taking up 0.027% of gross land area, which is mainly distributed in Linhe City, Northwest of Hangjin Back Banner, Bayantela and Chengguan Villages of West Wuyuan County, and Siba, Baleng and Gongdi Villages of Dengkou County. The available forest land area is 1,338,554 mou, occupying 1.36% of gross land area. And the grassland area is 54,622,000 mou, taking up 55.55% of gross land area, among which 3,836,000 mou is agricultural grassland and 50,786,000 mou is pastoral grassland. Because of the difference of regional precipitation and water resources allocation, a varying of vegetation form from east to west is formed, making regularities of distribution of steppe-desertification steppe-steppe desert-desert. The land for urban residents and industrial and mining purposes is 1,059,000 mou, occupying 1.078% of gross land area. The water area is 3,141,500 mou, taking up 3.2%. The hard-to-use land is 30,212,500 mou, occupying 30.73%, which mainly includes 2,799,200 mou saline land, 3,973,500 mou flowing aeolian sandy soil, 23,243,200 mou bare rock and gravel, 1,535 mou marsh and 193,100 mou bare soil.

(2) Water Resources

The water resources of city are made up of surface, underground and cross-border water.

The surface water is from Continental River and Yellow River. The drainage area of Yellow River water system is 34,000 km2, taking up 52% of total city area. The normal runoff is 237 million m3, occupying 71.6% of that of the whole city. The endothermic river is 31,000 km2, taking up 48% of the whole city. And its normal runoff is 94 million m3, taking up 28.4% of the whole city.

The underground water comprehensive recharge capacity of the whole city is 3.21 billion m3 with 1.81 billion m3 workable reserves. The underground water is distributed from east to west and south to north. Along the lower course of Hetao Plain and south of Ugab River, the underground water mineralization degree is more than 3g/l with some area even above 10g/l. Therefore, the water is bad in quality and less in quantity. The hydration type of water is Cl—SO4.

The cross-border water is mainly from Yellow River with a normal runoff of 31.50 billion m3. The interannual and inter-monthly change of annual runoff of Yellow River is great with maximum 50.50 billion m3 and minimum 18.30 billion m3.

Since the establishment of China, Bayannur has constructed a lot of projects to make good use of water resources, including 1 Yellow River Sanshenggong Key Project, one 228.9 km general main cannel, 9 sectional projects, 13 main canals totaling 790.1 km, 43 sub-canals totaling 958.30 km and 249 branch canal totaling 1,750 km. Even the piping engineering under Dounong Canal has been provided with some supporting facilities becoming the largest irrigation area controlling canal in China. The existing irrigation area is 6 million mou, which is the foundation for Bayannur to develop agriculture. The drainage system has one main arterial drainage totaling 206 km, 13 main stream gullies totaling 508.5 km, 62 sub-main stream gullies totaling 1,032.3 km and 139 branch gullies totaling 206 km. Therefore, the drainage major projects have taken shape. For the sustainable and stable development of agricultural production in Hetao Irrigation Area, the water diversion irrigation from Yellow River is a major condition. Social Environment

1) Administrative Division

At present, Bayannur administrative division has 4 banners (Urad Front, Middle and Back and Hangjin Back), 2 counties (Wuyuan and Dengkou) and 1 district (Linhe), covering 106 villages and towns and offices, among which there are 19 sumu (villages), 32 villages, 45 towns (all 96) and 10 offices. The banners, counties and cities administer 18 towns, 82 villages, 23 sumu (villages), 795 villagers’ committees, 141 administrative villages, forming a town layout of one village in 30 Li (half of km) and one town in 50 Li.

2) Urban Population

The fertility rate, death rate and natural growth rate of Bayannur City are 5.68‰, 2.99‰ and 2.68‰. By the end of year, the gross population of domicile has reached 1,761,300, an increase of 1.15% over the previous year. According to the statistics of family planning departments, the average annual natural population growth is 5,000-6,000 persons with a low mechanical growth rate. According to the statistics of municipal public security bureau, the population growth rate, inclusive of floating population, in central city of Bayannur has exceeded 10,000/year.

3) Socioeconomic Development

The total output value of Bayannur area in 2005 was 21.70 billion Yuan, an increase of 1.1 over 2000 on comparable basis, among which the later two years’ average growth rate was more than 20% experiencing the highest level since the Reform and Open Up. The agricultural production continued to be rich harvest in successive years and service industry continued to expand in scale and gross amount at the time of industrial optimization and updating. The industrial output doubled in two years and increased by two times in three years becoming an active force to bring along the economic growth.

The municipal financial revenue in 2005 reached 2.123 billion Yuan, an increase of 2 times over 2000, which remained a relatively high growth rate under a condition of overall deductions and exemptions of agricultural tax, decline of non-tax revenue proportion and new projects under breeding. Now, the municipal economy has taken on a great-leap-forward development and stepped into a new phase of per capital GDP from USD 1,000 to 3,000. The industrial structure experienced profound changes making the structure of three industries change from 39:26:35 to 30.6:38.5:30.9, among which the primary industry went down 8.4% and secondary industry up 12.5%. The internal industrial structure continued to optimize. The strategic adjustment and industrialization operation of agriculture structure made a substantive progress. The industrial pillar industry developed in diversification. New industrial framework was forming. The development of urban and village structure experienced a significant change. The urbanization proportion was improved to 41% from 36.9%. Through reforming state-owned enterprises, national economy stepped out completive fields to some extent making a further-improved ownership structures. With the rapid growth of economy, the income of urban and rural residents was largely improved.

The per capita disposable income of urban residents reached 8,022 Yuan and per capita net income of farmers and herdsmen was 4,265 Yuan in 2005, an increase of 67% and 76.4% over 2000 respectively. The growth rate was higher than the national average level, especially a net growth of more than 500 Yuan for farmers for two years in a row. The growth was the third peak since the Reform and Open Up. The outstanding of deposits from urban and rural residents increased by 100% over 2000. The poverty-stricken population in agricultural and pastoral areas went down to 150,200 in 2005 toward 259,200 in 2000. Housing, education and tourism became new consumption points. More than 60,000 people entered the labor force. The payout ratio of pension was 100%. The registered unemployment rate of urban residents was controlled at 4.25%. And urban minimum living standard was completely and well implemented.

4.1.2 Environmental Profile of Subitem Location Urad Front Banner

1) Natural Environment

(1) Geographic Location

Urad Front Banner is located at the southeast of Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, whose geographical coordinates is E108° 12′ -109° 54′ and N40° 26′ -41° 16′ and east side is next to Baotou City, south next to Dalate Banner and Hangjin Banner of Erdos City across Yellow River, west close to Wuyuan County and North bordered on Urad Middle Banner. The banner location, Ural Mountain Town, is 288km from Hohhot City and 142km from the Bayannur Municipality.

(2) Landform and Physiognomy

The project area is a part of Hetao Plain located between Ural Mountain (west section of Yinshan Mountains) and Yellow River. Influenced by regional structure, the area extends in east-west. The plain terrain topography slopes from northwest to southeast, yet, is even and wide with slightly fluctuation at local parts. The topography in front of mountains is a dip plain high in north and low in south, which is formed by the Ural Mountain Front Flood Plain and Yellow River Alluvial Plain.

① Ural Mountain Front Flood Plain

The Ural mountain front proluvial fan plain has 201.7km2 area in the project area, which runs nearly from east to west and is banding distributed in front of Ural Mountain, 67km from east to west and 0.5~5.1km from south to south. The near piedmont belt has a relatively large ratio of slope, slightly flatting slope toward alluvial fan leading edge. Because of valley cutting, the land is of slightly fluctuation with gradient ratio between 0.006~0.017 and elevation between 979~1,142m. It is made of Epipleistocene~Holocene series sand, sandy gravel and clay sand.

② Yellow River Alluvial Plain

The yellow river alluvial plain has 468.09km2 area in the working area. The topography is even and wide running from west to east and lowering from north to south. The region of interest running from east to west is banding distributed between Yellow River and Ural Mountain Front Flood Plain, 63km from east to west, 2.3~13.5km from south to north, gradient ratio between 1/5,000~1/8,000 and elevation 972~1,014m from north to south. Because Yellow River changes its course for many times, the flood has formed some micro-geomorphology, such as Niu’e Lake, slot-form and butterfly soak and freely running cannels and trenches. It is a traditional irrigation area using water from Yellow River, yet, with shallow groundwater occurrence and serious water-logged soil, especially in the two sides of Sanhu River Main Cannel. It is made of Epipleistocene~Holocene series sand, lacustrine silty fine sand and clay sand.

(3) Geology

Urad Front Banner is complex in geological structure with fold, fracture and great block mountain developed by deep fracture. The basement rock is made up of Sangkan and Wutai groups of Archean Group and Zhaertai group of Proterozoic Group. Yanshan movement developed front deep fracture from original one. Because of the existence of deep fracture, three stair block mountains, Chashitai, Bayinchagan and Ural, from north to south were formed along with Ming’an, Large and Small Shetai Rivers and different table-top piedmont benchlands. Along the north side of Yellow River Irrigation Area, there is a deep fracture zone extending to Ural River and the new fracture cutting in front of Ural Mountain, which has enlarged and deepened Hetao fault depression. The north part rise relatively forming high mountains leaving the south part for Hetao Plain. The Ural Mountain Fault Depression is under the latency of Ural Mountain umbos from Xishan Mouth to Sanshenggong along railway. The geotectogene of Ulansuhai Nur and Sanhu River trough valley formed inland close-type fault basin.

From Tertiary to early Quaternary period, the original fracture was further developed into stair-type fracture and undergone the sedimentation of thick and alluviation lacustrine, and alluviation diluvium. The middle and lower Pleistocene Epoch is of successive gyttja and Epipleistocene is of recession of lake water. Yellow River began to develop and experienced gyttja and fluvial facies sedimentation. Later, the diluvial of Yellow River and Front Mountain alluviation formed Hetao Plain. Under the action of human productive activities and Yellow River water, the surface layer was coated with irrigation-warping horizon alluvium. The enclosed geological structure of long-term lacustrine action of Hetao Basin accumulated a very high saline matter in stratum. This gyttja geographical environment has been preventing the smooth running of groundwater runoff leaving an enriched water and soil salt and putting a great influence on the formation of saline soil.

(4) River Water System

① Surface Water

The main surface waters in Urad Front Banner are Ulansuhai Nur, Yellow River and waste cannels and ephemeral streams connecting Ulansuhai Nur and Yellow River.

Ulansuhai Nur: Ulansuhai Nur is located at the east end of Hetao Irrigation Area and north of Xishan Mouth Town of Urad Front Banner, which is south-narrow and north-wide and submarine-declining from north to south. It has a total area of 29,333×104m2 occupying 6l.35% of Urad Front Banner Water Area, which is the largest fresh water lake in west Inner Mongolia. It is celebrated for fish and reed and the raw material site of Urad Front Banner paper making enterprises. As a part of drainage works in Hetao Irrigation Area, Ulansuhai Nur mainly takes up agricultural drainage, flash flood water and upstream industrial water drainage, which are led into Yellow River through waste cannel.

Waste Cannel: The waste cannel is a main hydro junction to link Ulansuhai Nur and Yellow River, which not only plays an important function on Hetao Plain agricultural drainage, flash flood water discharge but drainage of along-line industrial enterprises. The mean annual flow is 6.34m3/s, average flow velocity 0.37m/s and average depth 1.4lm.

Table 4.1-1Statistical Table of Annual Depletion Rate from Waste Cannel of Ulansuhai Nur to Yellow River

|Year |Average flow |Depletion rate of |Year |Average flow |Depletion rate of |

| |m3/s |Yellow River | |m3/s |Yellow River |

| | |100 million m3 | | |100 million m3 |

|1984 |3.2 |1.01 |1996 |5.44 |1.72 |

|1985 |2.77 |0.87 |1997 |3.50 |1.11 |

|1986 |3.97 |1.25 |1998 |8.49 | |

| | | | |2.6849 | |

|1987 |8.53 |2.69 |1999 |10.8 |3.42 |

|1988 |7.44 |2.35 |2000 |6.63 |2.09 |

|1989 |8.07 |2.54 |2001 |6.68 |2.11 |

|1990 |6.63 |2.09 |2002 |3.99 |1.26 |

|1991 |10.00 |3.16 |2003 |2.37 |0.75 |

|1992 |10.50 |3.32 |2004 |1.41 |0.45 |

|1993 |9.30 |2.93 |2005 |1.27 |0.40 |

|1994 |7.96 |2.51 |2006 |1.41 |0.44 |

|1995 |4.53 |1.43 |2007 |0.85 |0.27 |

|Remark: The annual mean depletion rate of Yellow River in 24 years is 179 million m3 and average flow is 5.66m3/s. |

Yellow River: The Yellow River runs across the south of Urad Front Banner from west to east leaving a full length of 160km within Urad Front Banner territory. Yellow River is the boundary of Bayannur and Erdos City. According to the data from Sanhu River Mouth Yellow River hydrologic station, the annual mean water flow of Yellow River is 830.9m3/s; average flow velocity is 1.34m/s and average sediment concentration 5.26kg/m3, which is the main water source for agricultural water of region of interest.

Ephemeral Stream: The region of interest has 18 ephemeral streams with low water season flow about 46~115m3/h for the larger Wulanbulagean ditch and 25 m3/h for Huhebulagean ditch. In addition, the south of working region has irrigation ditches and canals.

In wet season, the region has flood from Ural Mountain, among which there are 9 main floods with a normal runoff over 400,000 m3 and other 9 small ones with a normal runoff less than 300,000 m3. The flood after running into Yellow River alluvial plain part affluxes into Sanhu River main cannel and part stays in the flood retarding basin formed by front proluvial fan and Yellow River alluvial plain and finally are consumed, infiltrated and evaporated.

(5) Hydrogeology

The region of interest is located at the east zone of Hetao Plain with the north for Ural Mountain Front Flood Plain and south for Yellow River alluvial plain. The Epipleistocene-Holocene Series water-bearing formation of region of interest (Q3 and Q4 water-bearing formation, No. 1 water-bearing formation for short) is well developed and abroad distributed with great thickness, rich water content, shallow bury and close relationship with surface water, which is the main water supply water-bearing formation. The underlying Pleistocene Series upper and lower water-bearing formation (Q2 water-bearing formation, No. 2 water-bearing formation for short) is gyttja pile. The Pleistocene Series upper group is mainly silt deposition. The middle Pleistocene Series lower group (Q21)aquifer is great in thickness, shallow in bury, fine in aquifer grain and small in water quantity. Therefore, it is of no consequence for total water supply and of exploitation value in some zone.

① Yellow River Alluvial Plain

The water-bearing formation of south Yellow River alluvial plain of region of interest is mainly of fine sand, which is fine in grain, rich in stratum salinity. The near mountain front flood plain contains rough sand along with some fine sand grit stone, which is fine sand phreatic water. Its main characteristics are of cycling for underground water upright alternation. Its hydrochemical type is HCO3-Ca·Na.

② Ural Mountain Front Flood Plain

The water-bearing formation of Ural Mountain Front Flood Plain of region of interest is mainly of diluvial deposits, which is rough in grain containing grit stone and partial paper clay, 20~50m in thickness. The Epipleistocene (Q3) of upper region of interest is mainly pluvial phase and lower is Lake Facies sand bed. The upper lithology is of yellow and sallow medium and fine sand and fine sand, which is rough in grain, great in thickness. The lower bench is narrow containing silt and clay sand bands and is of Lake Facies sedimentary deposit containing rich organic matter humus. Water is dissolved with H2S and CH4 bearing putrefactive odor. The aquifer is rough in grain and great in thickness, usually between 30~50m, which has rich water quantity, low mineralization of water, shallow bury between 70~90m, water level between 5~20m. It is a fine water supply aquifer.

(6) Water Resources

Deducting the double counting amount between the surface water and ground water, the multi-year average gross amount of self-produced water resources in the region of interest is 4183.34×104m3/a; under present situation, the utilizable amount of water resources is 5839.2×104m3/a, of which 2898.24×104m3/a is the utilizable amount supplied by the irrigation of the Yellow River; the amount of ground water resources in salt water area is 2610.25×104m3/a, the utilizable amount of the ground water in salt water area is 1957.69×104m3/a.

(7) Climate Features

Urad Front Banner has a temperate continental arid and semiarid climate. Scarce rainfall, strong evaporation, dry and windy, large daily temperature range and long sunshine duration are the main climate features. According to the data of Urad Front Banner weather station, the multi-year mean precipitation is 211.6mm. The annual maximum precipitation is 359.4mm in 1973; the minimum is 74.8mm in 1965. The multi-year average evaporation capacity is 2379.4mm, the maximum wind speed is 20.3m/s (in 1972) and the average wind speed is 3.10m/s; the multi-year mean temperature is 7.5°C (1960~2000), the extreme maximum temperature is 37.7°C and the extreme minimum temperature is -30.74°C. The maximum depth of frozen ground is 1.19m and the maximum snow depth is 18cm.

(8) Soil and Vegetation

Due to the complex topography, landform and geological structure as well as the differences in bio-climate, different soil parent materials are formed in arid mountain areas and Yellow River irrigation areas of Urad Front Banner. Soil parent materials are generally classified into sedentary, drift bed, pluvial, alluvial and aeolian loess or loess-like, laterite or laterite-like, salt silt loamy texture, sandy and bedrock differentiation crumb parent materials. Soil in Urad includes total 6 types, 18 subtypes, 49 soil genera and 395 soil species. The meadow irrigation-silting soil, saliniferous irrigation-silting soil, irrigation-silting chestnut soil and irrigation-silting light-colored meadow soil in Urad Front Banner are mainly the cultivated soils. Except the part of light chestnut soil and haplic kastanozems which are wastelands and pasture lands, the rests are dry cultivated lands. The gray cinnamonic soil is forest soil. The saline soil and aeolian sandy soil have sparse vegetation, most of which are wastelands. In addition, soil salinization within the territory is very serious with the trend of deteriorating year by year.

Due to the complex topography and landform, various soil types and significant differences in microclimate of Urad Front Banner, the distribution of plant communities has significant zonality and regionality.

Vertical distribution: Ural Mountains have xeric forest-type vegetation. It had dense virgin forests in ancient times, which has been replaced with natural secondary vegetation in modern times. The plant community includes the mixed coniferous forest and broadleaf forest and the symbiotic evergreen and deciduous trees, which has certain vertical distribution regularity and geographic distribution features. At the sunny slope and shady slope with the altitude above 1,700m, it mainly includes the trembling aspen, white birch, Chinese pine, arborvitae and other arbores accompanied by shrub and tussock. The vegetation coverage is 70-85%. The area with the altitude below 1,700m is the borderland of forest vegetation with very little forest area; most of arbores scatter with those at the shady slope more than those at the sunny slope; it mainly includes shrubs and herbal plant and the vegetation coverage is 50-70%. At the pluvial fan zone with the altitude of 1200-1400m, the main vegetation includes herbal plant and fruticeta, accompanied by scotch elm, Zizyphus jujube and other arbores at the foot of the hillside or ravine mouth. The vegetation coverage is 35-90% and the height of grass sward is 15-45cm. Soil salinization in the Yellow River irrigation areas is related to the ground water level and degree of mineralization.

Seerteng Mountain also had virgin forest vegetation in ancient times. Under the influences of dry and cold climatic conditions, it has already become the soil erosion area with sparse vegetation. There is only small area of alternate shrub light forest and tussock in the mountain area of Zhashitaishan Mountain.

Geographic distribution: in arid areas of the mountain back, the rainfall decreases significantly from east to west, the plant communities have significant directivity, accompanied by arid and semi-arid grassland vegetation. The grass coverage is 30-70% and the height of grass sward is 10-110cm.The irrigation-silting chestnut soil areas with irrigation conditions are covered with farm crops and various natural grasses. Under the influences of the ground water, salinization, irrigation and sandstorm, etc., different plant communities are formed in the Yellow River irrigation areas. Large area of irrigation-silting soil is covered with farm crops, man-made forests and various natural grasses. There is kalidium foliatum, Nitraria tangutorum, Chinese tamarisk and other halophilic vegetation growing in meadow saline soil and marsh saline soil; there is agriophyllum pungens, sand sagebrush, Nitraria tangutorum and other psammophilous vegetation growing in aeolian sandy soil; there is reed, stem or leaf of cattail, aquatic plant and other aquatic vegetation growing in sea moat; there is salix chaenomeloides Kimura, purple osier and other deciduous bushy shrubs as well as xeric herbaceous vegetation growing in the floodplain at the north bank of the Yellow River. Most of it is covered with man-made forests and farm crops.

(9) Natural Resources


The total land area in Urad Front Banner is 7,476 km2, equivalent to 11.214 million mu. In 1989, the land holding per capita was 36.5 mu and the arable land area was 3.45 million mu, accounting for 30.8% of the total area. The present arable area is 1.035 million mu, the grassland area is 6.3594 million mu, accounting for 56.7%, including part of the arable land and suitable land for forest. The existing forest area is 0.9635 million mu. The water area is 0.723 million mu, of which 0.163 million mu is covered by the Yellow River and 0.551 million mu is covered by Ulansuhai Nur. The non-agricultural land area is 0.9297 million mu, accounting for 8.3%, of which: 0.1907 million mu is the village and urban area, 0.25 million mu is the land for special use, 0.236 million mu is the land for transportation, 0.253 million mu is the trench area. The area of land difficult to be used is 0.43 million mu, accounting for 3.8%, of which: 15,000 mu is saline-alkali wasteland, 0.172 million mu is desert and 0.243 million mu is the exposed rock area.

②Wild Plants and Animals

There are total 19 families, 33 genera and 69 species of woody plants in the banner, of which there are natural forests such as Chinese pine, juniper, arborvitae, white birch, Morus mongolica and Tilia mongolica, etc.; there are total 75 families, 280 genera and 503 species of woody plants in the banner, of which the compositae, gramineae, leguminosae, rosaceae, and chenopodiaceae have the largest quantity ratio, accounting for 48.2%. There are 240 species of forage plants, of which more than 100 species have large quantity and high quality. There are 305 species of wild plant medicinal materials, of which more than 100 species are very important, most of which are produced in Ural Mountains. The phytoplankton mainly grows in Ulansuhai Nur, etc. and includes total 86 genera, of which there are 28 genera of chlorophyta, 25 genera of bacillariophyta, 18 genera of cyanophyta, 5 genera of euglenophyta, 4 genera of pyrrophyta, 3 genera of chrysophyta, 2 genera of cryptophyta and 1 genus of xanthophyta. The fungi include mushroom, puffball, long thread moss and nostoc commune, etc.

At present, wild animals living in Ural Mountains and other regions include Tuanyang, goral, roe deer, fox, badger, stoat, wild fox, hare, hedgehog and ground squirrel, etc., of which Tuanyang and goral are the national second class protection animals. There are a large number of birds in Ural Mountains and Ulansuhai Nur, which is one of China's important treasure houses for bird resources. It has been listed as the national bird sanctuary. Birds under the national protection include mute swans, whooper swan and spot-billed pelican the three kinds. There are 65 species of zooplankton in Ulansuhai Nur, including 14 species of protozoa, 33 species of rotifer and 10 species of cladocerans.

(3) Mineral Resources

There are abundant mineral resources in the banner. There are more than 30 kinds of minerals known, including iron ore, gold, coal, potash feldspar, mica, dolomite, bentonite, gypsum, fluorite and pyrite, etc. In addition, there is lead, zinc, niobium, tantalum, beryl, allanite, phosphate ore, marble, perlite, ore sand, swelling powder, salt, saltpetre, oxytetracycline dihydrate and other mineral reserves.

2) General Situation of Social Economy

In recent years, Urad Front Banner gives full play to its advantages in resources, accelerates the industrialization, urbanization and agriculture & livestock husbandry industrialization. Its economic development has stepped into the "fast track" and the comprehensive competitiveness continues increasing. The banner has continued to hold the title of China Western top 100 banners (counties) for four consecutive years. In 2007, the gross value of production of the whole banner reaches 5.5 billion Yuan, with an average annual growth of 19.2%; GDP per capita reaches 2,227 U.S. dollars. The financial revenue is doubled 1 year ahead, which was expected to reach 730 million Yuan last year. The per capita disposable income of urban residents and per capita net income of farmers and herdsmen are expected to reach 10,400 Yuan and 5,300 Yuan respectively. Fixed investment of 12.5 billion Yuan is achieved in four years, which is 2.4 times more than the gross investment in the previous five years.

(1) Industrial economy increases powerfully, economies of scale improve significantly

In 2007, the gross industrial output value of the whole banner reaches 5.77 billion Yuan and the five major pillar industries including chemical industry, electric power, mining building materials, paper making, and agricultural & livestock products processing are formed; the taxation of Urad Electric Power and Dazhong Mining Industry exceeds 1 billion Yuan respectively, Urad Chemical and Linhe Chemical rank among the top 100 industrial enterprises of Inner Mongolia, Wulashan Industrial Parks and Shadege Industrial Park begin to take shape, the clustering and bearing capacity is enhanced significantly. The development order of mineral resources becomes better and the taxation of small mining enterprises exceeds 80 million Yuan, which is becoming the important support for the new round of economic growth.

The economic foundation of agriculture and livestock husbandry becomes firmer and the new countryside construction is earnestly propelled

In 2007, the total livestock quantity of the whole banner is expected to reach 3.802 million heads, which is 2.043 million heads more than that in 2003. The gross output value of livestock breeding reaches 604 million Yuan. In 2006, it was awarded the "National Advanced Banner (County) in Food Production". The finely cultivated tomato, sunflower, medlar and other major economic crops achieved large-scale planting and the economic benefits improved significantly. The total investment in four years is 305 million Yuan and six stages of agricultural development, land reallocation, human and livestock drinking water, drain dredging, water-saving irrigation and other construction projects of water conservancy works have been successively completed. The auxiliary construction of farmland of 0.3 million mu is completed, the newly increased irrigation area is 0.568 million mu, which solves the drinking water safety problem of 61,000 persons and 196,000 heads of livestock. 984,000 mu of passage, market town and village greening as well as farmland shelter-forest is completed in four years with the forest coverage increased by 4%. Actively implement the projects of enriching the people by industry, strengthening farmers by foundation, home management, improving quality and transfer, and harmonizing the villages, which effectively alleviates the problems such as the "water expansion and water deficit" restricting the development of agricultural and pastoral areas.

(2) Urban construction is accelerated comprehensively, infrastructure is improved significantly

Urad Front Banner invests initiation fund of total 310 million Yuan in four years and drives the investment of 2.1 billion Yuan in urban construction through the method of city management. 13,000m of urban roads and 400,000m2 of greening area are constructed, 820,000m2 of residence is developed, 273,000m2 of public buildings is completed, the urbanization rate increases from 27.7% in 2003 to 31.7%. Five major function areas including commerce, administration, residence, public services and entertainment have been basically formed in Wulashan Town. Under the premise of "zero liability", achieve the asphalt pavement in each town and comprehensively carry out the project of extending asphalt pavement to each village. The asphalt pavement rate of administrative village and natural village has reached 72% and 35.5% respectively.

(3) Develop strategic strength, promote development and the vitality is enhanced significantly

The total paid-in investment in the four years of attracting investment is 6.28 billion Yuan, which is 4 times more than that of the previous five years. It has successively introduced many foreign and domestic famous enterprises such as APP, COFCO, Baotou Steel, ELION and Guoxi, etc. The expressway, tomato processing, Yellow River Bridge, sewerage treatment, coal logistics parks and other large number of key projects have been built in Urad Front Banner, which greatly enhances the economic strength and development vitality. Actively enlarge the financing platform, set up urban development investment company and get total 52 million Yuan of loans from China Development Bank and 60 million Yuan of loans from other financial institutions, which effectively alleviate the situation of no money for construction. Urad Middle Banner

1) Natural Environment

(1) Geographic Location

The project is located in Delingshan Town, Urad Middle Banner, Bayannur City of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Urad Middle Banner is located in the west of Inner Mongolia and the northeast of Bayannur City with the geographic coordinate of E107°16′~109°42′ and N41°07′~42°28′. It marches with Mongolia in north, neighbors Damao Banner of Ulanqab League and Guyang County of Baotou City in east, neighbors Urad Front Banner, Wuyuan County, Linhe City and Hanggin Rear Banner in south, adjacent to Urad Back Banner in west. The whole banner is 203.8km long from east to west, 148.9km wide from north to south, with a total area of 22,606 square kilometers.

(2) Geological Features

Urad Middle Banner has complex geological structure, including two first-level tectonic units, i.e. with the boundary of the south edge of Chuanjing—Sanggendalai Mesozoic depression, its north is Greater Khingan Mountains geosynclinal folded system and its south is North China Platform. Due to the influences of tectonic movements, plus the affects of several large-scale magmatic activities, the geological structure is seriously damaged and some strata has flaws, folds, bends or even upside down and breaking, which result in the generation and occurrence of various mineral deposits with industrial value. This project is located in the Wolf Mountain—Zhasitaishan Mountain Fold Belt with very complex geological structure, strata changes and sedimentary formation, strong topography cutting and large relative height difference. The rock constituents include: carbonaceous slate, limestone, mica-quartz schist, quartzite, sericite schist, phyllite as well as the granite, pegmatite, quartz veins and volcanic-sedimentary rock, etc. immersed in different periods.

Urad Middle Banner consists of 3 basic landforms: southern piedmont plain, central mountains and northern hilly plateau, with significant regional differences and transition changes. This project is located in the piedmont plain area of Urad Middle Banner. The piedmont plain area, a panhandle of 120km long from east to west and 2~10km wide from south to north, belongs to Hetao Plain. It consists of piedmont pluvial fan and Hetao alluvial plain with the south edge adjacent to the deposition plain of the Yellow River. The overall topography is high in the west and low in the east; in longitudinal direction, it is high in the south and north and low in the middle. Its altitude is 1,020~1,048 m.

(3) Meteorological Conditions

Urad Middle Banner is a strong monsoon region in western China and sub-arid region in mesothermal zone with significant continental monsoon climate, adequate sunlight, rich heat, small quantity of precipitation, large evaporation capacity, strong wind and much sand, short frost-free period, large temperature difference and four distinct seasons. The meteorological data of the area where the project is located is shown in Table 4.1-2.

Table 4.1-2 Meteorological Data of Urad Middle Banner

|No. |Content |Value |

|1 |Annual mean temperature |5.9 ℃ |

|2 |Mean temperature in the coldest month |-11 ℃ |

|3 |Mean temperature in the hottest month |22~24 ℃ |

|4 |Extreme minimum temperature |-27.5 ℃ |

|5 |Extreme maximum temperature |38.7 ℃ |

|6 |Annual mean atmospheric pressure |87.12 kPa |

|7 |Annual mean relative humidity |50% |

|8 |Annual mean sunshine duration |3102 h |

|9 |Mean annual precipitation |194.5 mm |

|10 |Annual average wind speed |3 m/s |

|11 |Predominant wind direction throughout the year |WN |

|12 |Maximum depth of frozen soil layer |1.7 m (below ground) |

|13 |Maximum snow depth |6 cm |

|14 |Annual mean thunderstorm days |22.2 d |

|15 |Maximum ice period |231 d |

|16 |Minimum ice period |197 d |

|17 |Mean ice period in 10 years |213.2 d |

(4) Hydrological Features

Urad Middle Banner is divided into two water systems with the watershed of the junction of Wolf Mountain hills with Ulanqab plateau. It is the Yellow River water system in the south of the mountain and the continental river water system in the north. Surface water resource is very poor in the banner and the total surface water resources in the whole banner are 258 million m3, including 220 million m3 of water from the Yellow River which is stable and reliable and used for the development of agriculture. The project location belongs to the alluvium and diluvium phreatic water of Hetao Plain, located in the piedmont alluvial-pluvial fan skirt area in the north of Delingshan Town. Due to the hydrodynamic differentiation of ravine flood, the distribution of the aquifer has obvious horizontal zonality from north to south, which finds expression in that from north to south, i.e. from the top of the fan skirt to the frontal zone, the aquifer particles change from coarse to thin and the aquifer thickness becomes thinner, changing from 50-80m to 20-40m. The clay courses become thicker and more and the water yield changes from large to small, from more than 1000m3/d to 500-1000m3/d. The water level changes from deep to shallow, from 20-40m to 3-5m; the water quality decreases with the degree of mineralization gradually changing from less than 1 g/L to 1-3 g/L. However, generally speaking, the piedmont alluvial fan aquifer, with coarse particles, large thickness, abundant water quantity, the buried depth of most water levels of 5-20m and good water quality, is a good aquifer for water supply.

River in the north of the project has three branch gullies, flowing across Hailiutu Basin from north to south and flowing into Delingshan reservoir in the south, with the drainage area of 1900km2. The upper main gully is intermittent river; there is clear water trickle at the downstream; the river valley becomes narrow in mountain area and becomes wide after flowing into Hailiutu Basin, generally 600~80 m and the widest reaching 2000m.

(5) Soil and Vegetation

Soil types of Urad Middle Banner include irrigation-silting soil, aeolian sandy soil, saline soil, meadow soil, chestnut soil and brown soil the 6 types. The irrigation-silting soil is the main soil type in the irrigated areas of Urad Middle Banner with the water diversion from the Yellow River and also the main soil type of the project location; the aeolian sandy soil mainly distributes in the zone along the outer edge of torrents alluvial fan in irrigated areas; the saline soil mainly distributes in the both sides of the low-lying terrain, poor drainage areas and drained gullies in piedmont plain; the meadow soil scatters in terraces along river and some saliferous wastelands; the chestnut soil mainly distributes in the southeastern hilly regions; the brown soil is the most major soil type of the whole banner and the main type of pastoral soil.

Urad Middle Banner is located in semi-desert zone with serious desertification, sparse vegetation, small quantity of arable land, large quantity of wasteland and the main body of desert steppe. The natural grassland has sparse and low vegetation, with the main body of perennial under-shrubs and perennial tufted grasses.

(6) Animal and Plant Resources

The wild seed plants in Urad Middle Banner include 67 families, 255 genera and 426 species, of which: the plants with feeding value include 42 families, 150 genera and 289 species with the pasture of grass family ranks top among the forage seed, 29 genera and 58 species; the secondary is compositae, 20 genera and 49 species; the plants with introduction value include 5 families, 7 genera and 12 species; the plants with medicinal value include 186 species, mainly including Ephedra, Rheum Rhaponticum, purslane, stellaria root, Vaccaria, Root of Erect Hypecoum, Prunus Mongolica, licorice, Bunge Corydalis Herb, Polygala, Cynomorium, dodder seed, anemarrhena, henbane, rehmannia root, plantain seed, root of straight ladybeel, oriental wormwood, dandelion, cocklebur, the stem or leaf of cattail, large-leaf gentian root, desert cistanche and gromwell, etc.

According to the preliminary survey, wild animals living in the whole banner include: wild ass, blue sheep, Mongolian gazelle, Tuanyang, goral, wolf, leopard, fox, pheasant, chukar, quail, wild duck, Difu, white stork, magpies, crow, eagle, owl, glede, common crane, swan, hare, Steppe Cat, badger, lynx, hedgehog, ground squirrel, squirrel, and snake, etc.

2) Brief Introduction to Social Environment

(1) Administrative Population

Urad Middle Banner includes 3 villages: Hongfeng, Shilanji and Wuliangsutai; 5 towns: Delingshan, Hailiutu, Shihahe, Wengeng and Wujiahe; 8 Sumu: Bayin, Bayinhatai, Bayinhanggai, Chuanjing, Hulesitai, Sanggendalai, Wulan and Xinhure. Till the end of 2004, the total population of the whole banner is 139,867, increasing by 1.12% comparing with the previous year. Among the total population, urban population is 29,851, increasing by 7.26%; non-urban population is 110,016, increasing by 0.42%. Among the non-urban population, rural population is 83, 615, reducing by 0.47%; pastoral population is 24,762, increasing by 0.11%.

(2)Economic and Industrial Structure

Urad Middle Banner has been adhering to the development strategies of "developing the banner with ecology, surviving the banner with opening, strengthening the banner with industry, enriching the people with livestock breeding and promoting the industrialization", which has brought about the steady growth of national economy. In 2006, GDP of 876.85 million Yuan was completed, 10.9% more than that of the previous year calculated according to comparable prices. Of which: the added value of the primary industry was 468.06 million Yuan, increasing by 3.4%; the added value of the secondary industry was 212.73 million Yuan, increasing by 33.6%; the added value of the tertiary industry was 196.06 million Yuan, increasing by 9.1%. The industrial structure has been further adjusted, from 56.8: 20.4: 22.8 of the previous year to 53.4: 24.3: 22.4.

(3) Enterprises and Industrial Park Economy

Jinquan Industrial Park is the heavy chemical industry base planned in Bayannur City, which was approved by the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2003. Its long-term planning area is 50km2 and the short-term planning area is 20km2; Jinquan Industrial Park has introduced 17 enterprises such as Yuanxin Nickel Industry, Fubang Magnesium Industry, Hengde Coking, Yongxing Mining, Ronghua Mining, Yintai Ferro Alloy, Zhengxuan Chemical Industry, Xilike Silicon Material and Jinnuo Chemical Industry, etc. developing coal chemical industry, chromium chemical industry and nickel smelting, with the fixed assets investment reaching 320 million Yuan and the employees more than 1,800.

(4) Port Economy

Urad Middle Banner owns the national category-1 seasonal landway port-Ganqimaodao Port. Its import and export growth is rapid. In 2006, the total volume of foreign trade of the whole banner achieved 36.26 million Yuan. Of which: the total import was 17.46 million Yuan and the total export was 18.8 million Yuan. Urad Back Banner

1) Natural environment

(1)Geographic location

This project is located at the Industrial Park of Urad Back Banner, which is in the northwest of the city of Bayannao'er in Inner Mongolia autonomous region at the north latitude of 40°40′~42°22′and the east latitude of 105°14′~107°36′, with the Yinshan Mountains crossing the region from west to east, next to Urad Front Banner and Urad Middle Banner at the east, abutting on Alxa Left Banner at the west, connecting with Hangjin Back Banner and Dengkou County, bordering the State of Mongolia at the north with a 195.25km borderline. With the length of 210km from east to west and the width of 130km from south to north, covering an area of 24925 km2, Urad Back Banner has the largest land area within Bayannao'er with its governmental office 50km away form the Linhe District of Bayannao'er.

(2)Topography and physiognomy

The topography and physiognomy in Urad Back Banner are complicated with the Yinshan Mountains crossing the southern area, forming a watershed between Hetao Plain and the Northern Plateau. The entire landform can be divided into mountainous region, by 15.1%, low mountains and hills, by 10.3%, sand gravel Gobi Plateau, by 52.9%, Gobi dunes and sands, by 20.4%, and piedmont alluvial plain, by 1.3%. There are six major runways within the region, featured by flash flood when heavy raining while in dry season, dried up. The physiognomy is higher in the southern part than that in the northern part of the region, averaging over 1500 meters above sea level with a peak at 2365 meters, belonging to high and cold zone. The major mountains are Erlangshan Mountain and Zagela Mountain.

(3)Meteorological conditions

Located at the desert zone of Inner Mongolia plateau, belonging to continental arid and semiarid region in temperature-tropic zone, Urad Back Banner is featured by continental climate, where the climate is arid, less but concentrated rainfall, high evaporation, dry and windy, great difference in temperature during day and night and plenty of sunshine, with the annual mean air temperature of 3.0-6.8℃, the yearly maximum mean air temperature of 37.4℃ and the yearly minimum mean air temperature of -37.1℃ according to yearly meteorological data. The annual freeze-up period is five months with a maximum depth of frozen ground by 1.8m. The yearly mean amount of precipitation is 115-250mm, asymmetrically concentrating on June to August, accounting for about 70% of the total rainfall in the year. The yearly mean evaporation is 2014mm, the annual mean sunshine duration is 3098-3250 hours and the yearly strong wind (wind velocity) is ≥17.0m/s.


The surface water within the region of Urad Back Banner is divided into two major water systems, south of the watershed is the external drainage on the Yellow River erosion basis, totally 13 runways, most of which are intermission rivers with less water; north of the watershed is the interior drainage, running from south to north, finally flowing into the Gobi and deserts areas within the Banner and Mongolia, almost no surface runoffs can be seen owing to less water amount. The underground water is mainly comprised of water from atmospheric condensation infiltration, leakage from irrigation channels and mountain lateral seepage. The total amount of the average water resource of the Banner is 21297m3,of which the annual surface runoff is 5427 m3,and the underground water is 15980 m3,with a total workable underground water resource of 8910 m3. In terms of geology, the formation lithology is mainly made up of loam soil, sandy loam and fine sand, under the stratum below 2m-50m is sandy loam and fine sand, below 50 meters is coarse sand, gravels and pebbly sand.

(5)Vegetation and creatures

Of abundant wildlife resources, there is Ovis ammon, bharal, wild ass, Mongolian gazelle, fox and wolf and there are 430 species in 63 families of wild plants, of which cynamorlum herba cistanches, known as the “Ginseng in desert”, is a precious medicinal herb with an annual output to 100000 kg. In addition, Cynomorium coccineum and black moss have long enjoyed a good reputation, selling all over the country. At present, the primitive ecosystem in this region does not exist any longer; the surface vegetation has been basically replaced by artificial vegetation due to severe desertization.


The soil in Urad Back Banner has 6 soil groups, 13 subgroups, 60 soil genus and 4 non-pedological features, totally in 16 soil mapping units. The distribution of agrotype from southeast to northwest in turn is brown soil, weak brown desert soil and gypsum brown desert soil and even a small quantity of mountain chestnut soil in the areas above 2000 meters. The mound meadow soil is formed along intermittent rivers, in flood plains and at the edges of mountain diluvia sectors under the influence of underground water. There is a small amount of swamp soil and meadow soil distributing over the low-lying wetlands, among which solonchak scatters. The grey-brown desert soil covers the largest area in the Banner, by 50%, and the brown oil, by 25% and non-pedological features, by 17% and other soil, by 1%.

2) Profile of social environment

(1)Posture of economic development

Since the reform and opening, the gross amount of GDP of Urad Back Banner has been hovering at the backward of Bayannao'er. Since 2000, especially since 2002, the gross amount of economy and per capita index of Urad Back Banner have presented the impetus of rapid growth.

In 2005, the gross amount of economy of Urad Back Banner increased from 0.44676 billion Yuan at the end of the Ninth Five-Year Plan to 1.5 billion Yuan, equal to the summation of the entire Ninth Five-Year Plan period, reaching 3400 dollars per capita, yearly increasing by 33%, with the proportion of the three industries reaching to 7.6:66.7:25.7, resulting in financial total revenue of two hundred and seventy five million Yuan, 9.3 times of that at the end of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, increasing by 74%,with the economic output leaping to fourth of the City.

In 2005, the urban per capita disposable income and the per capita net income of farmers and herdsmen of the Banner respectively reached 7283 Yuan and 2097 Yuan, keeping the double-digit growth. The growth rate of the five indexes of GDP, financial revenue, industrial added value, urban per capita disposable income and fixed asset investment for the third consecutive year ranked among the forefront of the city and in 2004, the Banner stepped into Top 100 of the national counties with countrywide economy fast increased,

(2)Urbanization development

During the period of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, one hundred and ten million Yuan was invested in traffic and road construction, newly, alterably and additionally constructing the road of 340 km with the total length of highways open to traffic throughout the Banner reaching 1000 km, initially shaping the “four-horizontal-three-vertical” traffic network. The Gu-Cha Line and Shan-Qing Line had been altered into Asphalt pavement while Chuan-Ao Highway, Sai-Na Highway and Border Protection Highway had been thoroughly refitted. The traffic conditions in farming and stockbreeding areas had been further improved with 16 rural roads of 340km been repaired. As of the end of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, there was one 220 kilovolt power transmission station with one under construction, two 110 kilovolt power transmission stations and 35 kilovolt power transmission stations within the Banner with the total mileage of distribution lines reaching 1100 km and the yearly total capability for load increasing to 350,000 KW.

(3)Economy in farming and stockbreeding areas

At the end of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the total cultivated area of the Banner reached 70,000 mu and the livestock population reached 727,200. 250 million Yuan had been accumulatively invested in the development and construction in farming and stockbreeding areas, focusing on the projects such as return grazing land to grassland, ecological migration, sand source control, ecological bond, natural forest protection, returning land for farming to forestry, agricultural comprehensive development, human and cattle drinking water, conservation of water and soil and irrigation and water conservancy construction, constructing 1360 standardized sheds, 560 silage pits, 80 drinking water projects, 214 electromechanical wells. The newly increased forest eco-construction area had been accumulatively reached to 1,312,000 mu in five years, of which afforestation is 36,000 mu, the enclosed area, 1,006,000 mu and the air seeding, 27,000 mu.

(4)Social undertakings

During the period of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the fiscal expenditure used for science and technology, education, culture, sanitation and sports reached 160 million Yuan, an average increase of 18% year by year. Based on the thinking of “integrated resources and centralized education”, after removing and incorporating nine schools, the government invested 11,100,000 Yuan in building up the Mongolian nationality Middle School, No.2 High School of the Banner and the teaching building of Huhe Central School and invested 3,100,000 Yuan in advanced teaching equipment for such schools. With further improvement of medical and health conditions, 11,900,000 Yuan was invested to strengthen the rural three-tertiary medical and preventive health care network, initially establishing the emergency mechanism for sudden attacks of public health events, effectively preventing the spread of SARS epidemic. With the health development of culture, sports, broadcasting and TV undertakings, 871 medium-waves broadcasting transmitting station had been restored and the cable TV network had been reformed with the coverage of broadcasting and TV respectively reaching 98% and 95%.

(5)People's Livelihood

During the period of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, 6801 urban employment positions had been added to in five years, the re-employment of the laid-off and unemployed person was 3030 persons (times), controlling the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns under 4.7%, accumulatively transferring 4363 surplus labor force in farming and stockbreeding areas. The standard of urban subsistence allowance program had been increased for three times during five years, effectively guaranteeing the basic living demands of 8371 person in 2982 households. The government took the lead in piloting the minimum living standard security system for farmers and herdsmen, including 671 persons in 200 households into the first coverage. The project of poverty-relief development subject to “village-based poverty-relief development” and “village-integration advance” achieved positive results, from which 10,600 persons benefited. And all the policies benefiting the people had been fully implemented.

(6)Cultural relics and historic sites

Cultural relics and historic sites include Yinshan rock paintings, stone-chambered tomb groups, the inner and outer city walls and wall barriers of the Great Wall in the Zhao, Qing and Han Dynasties as well as the fossils of Protoceratops and the fossils of Ceratopsian eggs in three places. Wuyuan County

1) Natural environment

(1)Geographic location

Wuyuan County is located o n the west of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, at the middle of Bayannao'er, on the north bank of the Yellow River and in the middle of Hetao Plain, at the east longitude of 107° 35′20〞-108° 37′50〞 and north latitude of 40° 46′30〞-41° 16′45〞, next to Urad Front Banner at the east, bordering Linhe District at the west, across the Yellow River from Hangjin Banner at the south, north of Yinshan Mountain, bordering Wujia River and connecting with Urad Middle Banner, covering an area of 2493km2 with the total population of 280,000 (2004), governing seven townships: Longxinchang Town, Taerhu Town, Xinzhonggong Town, Tianjitai Town, Shengfeng Town, Bayintaihai Town, Yindingtu Town and state-own Jianfeng Farm.


The territory of Wuyaun County belongs to the Yellow River alluvial plain since the Yellow River is running through the region from west to east at the south-southwest. The topography is featured by a slight slope, high southwest and low northeast, with a natural slope at 1/5000~1/7000 from west to east and 1/8000~1/10000 from south to north, and the ground level is 1 019~1 035.3 meters and the highest point above sea level is 1042 meters. The physiognomy can be divided into terrace, erosion accretion topography, the aeolian dune in accretion topography according to the cause of formation or alluvial plain, dunes, lake, high land and low-lying land according to conformation.

Plain land: shaped by deposition and erosion and warping irrigation from the Yellow River for a long time, covering 91.8% of the total land area of the county.

Highland: flood-plain bench formed by river beds and courses variance and the hillocks by wind deposition, distributing all over the county.

Dunes: developed over the alluvial plain piled up by aeolian deposit, alternating with lakes and deflation hollows. It can be divided into fixed, semi-fixed and flowing dunes according to the height and vegetation density, where the fixed dune is low, even and undulating, the semi-fixed one is often 1~1.5 meters at height with less vegetation and the flowing one is much higher at the height of 2~15 meters, taking shape of new moon with less vegetation but enclosed by artificial grass planting and afforestation in recent years. There are totally 222200 mu sandlot in the county, of which 120000 mu is unemployed, covering 3.33% of the total area, mainly distributing over Minzu village, Bayan village, Haiziyan village, Yindingtu village and Bashi village in the west and Jinqi village and Chengnan village in the south, also scattering over other villages.

Lakes: often formed in deflation hollow, residual sandpits and ancient riverbed by rising of underground water and irrigation impoundment, covering 1.4% of total area.

Low-lying land: often refers to the mounds and trenches, formed by vestiges of ancient riverbeds and deflation hollow, zigzagging and scattering, where the land was exploited in early time and now becomes wasted kaline soil and swampy land covered with salinization due to the reclamation of highland and the increase of water level.

The landform along the bank of the Yellow River in Jinqi village, Jingyanglin village belongs to floodplain, featured by narrow and long from west to east with width between 150~300 meters, higher than the water level in the Yellow River by about 3 meters. Outside the floodplain is terrace of the Yellow River, 0.5~1 meter higher than the floodplain, where the property line among the floodplain, terrace and the alluvial plain is confused due to the reclamation for many years.

The soil structure in Wuyuan is formed based on the development and variation of the alluvial deposits from the Yellow River, belonging to intrazonal soil, generally through the stages of deposition and erosion, meadow, salinization, paludification and irrigation slaking. According to the result of the second soil census in 1983, the soil can be divided into 5 soil groups of irrigation-silting soil, solonchak, alkali soil, aeolian sandy soil and meadow soil in 8 subgroups, 26 soil genus and 268 soil local types.

The bulk density of soil is between 1.32~1.51 with the scope of porosity by 41.6~49.81%, commonly in basicity. The soil nutrients comprise of rich kalium, medium phosphorus and lower OM and total nitrogen, where the equilibrium content of available K is 305.2ppm, exceeding the standard of Class I, the equilibrium content of available P is 11.26ppm, belonging to Class III, the equilibrium content of total nitrogen is 0.0732%, belonging to Class IV, the equilibrium content of OM is 1.109%, belonging to Class IV, according to the grading standards of national soil nutrient contents.

The soil texture and configuration is very complicated in terms of areal distribution, featured by: much sandiness soil covering 40.41% of the total area, over Minzu village, Fengyu village, Bayan village, Haiziyan village and Bashi village in the west or northwest area of the county; much red mud soil covering 40.87% of the total area, over Shengfeng, Hesheng, Chengguan and Meilin villages; the proportion of the mineral soil and loamy soil is much larger, respectively covering 38.5% and 38.2% of the total area, over Jinqi and Jingyanglin villages close to the Yellow River; the loamy soil is of the largest area covering 59.23 of the total area in the eight villages of Nairi, Yongli, Shanhe, Xiangyang, Fuxing, Taohai, Rongfeng, Chengnan in the middle of the county. With severe soil salinization, the salinization area is 249,500 mu, covering69.11% of the total area in the county.

(3)Engineering geology

As for geotectonic element, Wuyuan belongs to the latitudinal tectonic belt from Yinshan Mountain and Tianshan Mountain, and changes into inland downfaulted basin under the impact of Neocathaysian tectonic system, becoming part of Erdos platform depression, where the base is Archean metamorphic rocks. Depressed at the end of Mesozoic Era, the landform receives continental deposit; during the Himalayan orogeny in the Tertiary period, massive and thick deposits from the Tertiary period piles up since the piedmont depression begins to break and the Hetao Basin rapidly sinks due to heavily swelling of Yinshan Mountain, when the climate is dry and hot, the deposits are oxygenized into red stratum with higher salinity.

At the beginning of the Quaternary Period and Lower Pleistocene Epoch, the Hetao Basin sinks greatly, causing much flood infusion, where the all the tidewater stops at the basin due to poor drainage conditions, forming massive and thick lacustrine deposits that further develop in Medio-Pleistocene. After so many times of changes of depths, the chemical salty materials such as the lime concretion, gypsum and Glauber salt have been formed when the lake water move back, increasing the salinity in the stratum.

At the end of Medio-Pleistocene to Plio-Pleistocene (about two million years ago), the Hetao Depression gradually increases and the rivers at the edge of lake basin are eroded by headwater, so the Hetao Basin, Wulanbuhe Basin and the basins outside the region are gradually connecting with each other, forming the beads-shaped river course during the Yellow River infancy, which corrodes heavily without any accumulations. Till Holocene Epoch, (about 500,000 years ago), the Yellow River began to deposit, generally covering the lacustrine formation with the alluvial deposits from Yellow River, mainly comprising of clayey loam, subclay, and interbedding of silt and medium and fine sand. During this period, piedmont proluvial deposits develop rapidly to form lacustrine formation sector groups and gradually forming piedmont aggraded flood plain due to dry and hot climate. During the development of piedmont aggraded flood plain and the Yellow River alluvial plain, the two gradually connects with each other to form Hetao Plain.

The entire territory belongs to Hetao Plain, covered with loose stratum of the Quaternary Period, depositing thicker lake facies stratum, where the upper is the alleviation and aeolian deposits with the main lithology of interbedding of fine sand, silt and sand clay, featured by clear sand bedding by 10-70m of thickness; the middle is the alternating layer between lake and river, with the main lithology of interbedding of sludge fine sand and clay; the bottom is the massive and thick lacustrine deposits layer from the Quaternary Period, with the main lithology of sludge and sand clay.

The base landform belongs to Yellow River alluvial plain and the engineering geology is basically the same as that at the county seat, where the surface layer is mainly comprised of Yellow River alluvial deposits, with the lithology of fine sand, silt and clay, under which is the lacustrine deposits, with the lithology of sub-clay and clay with gravel layer among them. The base holding capacity: it is 10-14t/m2 for sub-clay with maximum frozen depth of 1.23m and the underground water of 1-2m, from the overall perspective, the base engineering site is very good without obvious unfavorable geology, basically suitable for use of land in construction.

(4)Gydrologic condition

There are so many deflation hollows formed by Yellow River aluvial deposit under the impact of aeolian erosion for a long time and the natural moats formed by erosion of Yellow River’s change its course, which gradually form into various lakes (locally called Boer Holes) due to water accumulation all year around. There are 171 lakes with the area more than three mu, covering a total area of 54,500 mu, of which there are five lakes with the area more than 1000 mu, covering an total area of 10,600 mu, 37 lakes with the area more than 100 mu, covering a total area of 13,300 mu. There are 116 lakes with the depth mare than 1.5m, covering a total area of 27,100 mu. In 1986, the used lake area was 38,000 mu, accounting for 70%. Most of the lakes distribute over the towns of Taerhu, Yindingtu and Xingongzhong in the west and Taohai town in the south and occasionally scattering in Shengfeng town and Longzhen town in the east of the county.

(5)Hydrogeological condition

The underground water distribution is broad and abundant, comprising of phreatic water, shallow confined groundwater and deep confined water. The shallow water and phreatic aquifer from the Quaternary aquifer have an average thickness of 60m with the peak at 120m, where the embedding depth of phreatic water is relatively shallow and the LWL is 2~3m away from the surface with an annual variation of 1~2.7m, deeper in higher land and shallower in low-lying land and irrigated area. The monthly variation of the embedding depth changes greatly due to the leakage of irrigation channels and irrigation water, featured by the underground water level rises during irrigation and decreases when irrigation is stopped.

The deep confined water in the settled layer of Lower Pleistocene at the mid-Mesozoic Quaternary is mostly buried under the stable dirt bed, where the semi-confined aquifer (Q+4 aquifer in short) has the most thickness. Under the impact of tectogenesis, the county can be divided into three hydrogeological zones: the latent uplift zone in the south along the Yellow River where the base is latent uplifting and the buried depth of aquifer plate is 50~130m and the thickness is 30~100m and the specific capacity per well is 5~10m2/h; the deep depression zone centered on Yongsheng at Yongli village and Liansheng at Yindingtu village in the middle of the county, where the buried depth of aquifer plate is 130~210m and the thickness is 100~160m and the specific capacity per well is 10~20m2/h; and the shallow depression zone in the north and east areas of the county, where the buried depth of aquifer plate is 160m and the thickness is 90~100m and the specific capacity per well is 5~10m2/h. According to the distribution of phreatic water, the county can be divided into bittern zone, salt water zone, upper-fresh-bottom-salt water zone and fresh water zone.

Bittern zone: mainly distribute the south and southwest uplifts , including Fuxing, Jingyanglin and Jinqi villages, taking the shape from east to west, with the scope of 6~10km, the thickness of 30.53~166.68m, the total dissolved solid of 10g/l and the hydrochemical type is Cl-Na brine with higher salinity in the soil. According to the analysis on the soluble salt drilled from Nianfang, Gedan in Jinqi village, the salinity in the earth layer from 0~20m is 0.25~0.50%, and 0.42~0.57% from 30~50m, more than 0.5~0.75% in the deeper part and 0.25~0.5% at the lowest part, where the salinity in water is the same as that in soil. The salt source is caused by deep brine contamination under the influence of subsidence tectogenesis, where the mineralization of groundwater is up to 50~76g/l, mainly comprised of CaCl2 and MgCl2 , including bromine, iodine and boron. The severe soil salinization leads to salt lake and benches.

Salt water zone: distribute from south to north, taking the shape of a standing cup, covering an area of 2~9km, including Meilin, Shahe, Hongwei in Xiangyang village, Fnegle in Yindingtu village and Heping and Heyi in Hesheng village, with mineralization of water of 5~10g/l, and the hydrochemical type is Cl-Na ,Cl-Na·Mg and Cl·HCO3-Na·Mg and the thickness of salt water is 85.88m.

Upper-fresh-bottom-salt water zone: distribute from Chengnan village stretching from east to west to Yongsheng in Xiangyang village and then turning to west to Qingfeng in Fuxing village in the form of a strip, including Jianfeng Farm in the east, with mineralization of water of 1-3g/l, and the hydrochemical type is Cl-Na, Cl-Na·Mg and Cl·HCO3-Na·Mg and the interface of salt and fresh water is averagely 65m and the mean aquifer thickness is 54.5m.

Fresh water zone: distribute in Nairi and Yongli villages and in the east of the county seat, with mineralization of water of 0.54~2.99g/l, most of 1g/l and 2.99g/l in local areas. The thickest fresh water layer is 166.68m with the base plated buried in 212.94m at Yonglian in Yongli village and the thickness of the aquifer centered on Changfeng village is about 78.33m and the hydrochemical type is HCO3-Na·Mg, Cl·HCO3-Na·Mg and HCO3·Cl-Na·Mg·Ca with a lower content of soluble salt in the soil.

Replenishment runoffs and drainage conditions: the supply of underground water is mainly from irrigation water, annual average of 669.5 million m3/h, and then annual average of 111 million m3/h from infiltration of atmospheric precipitation, and the comprehensive replenishment of annual average of 780.5 million m3/h. the inflow and outflow of groundwater runoff is basically the same, featured by seeping when the Yellow River water level is high and regressing when the level is lower with a less difference.

Located at the lower reaches of Hetao, Wuyuan is the borderland of the collection area of underground water, where the groundwater is flat and slow and inadequate drainage that is mainly by vertical transpiration, crop evaporation and then by open drainage so as to reduce leakage of irrigation water.

Dynamic variation of groundwater: the dynamic variation of groundwater is the result of the comprehensive integration of various elements, mainly affected by irrigation and rainfall evaporation, the annual variation of the water level is basically equal to the variation of irrigation water. During the autumn irrigation period from the late of Oct to the beginning of Nov when the water demand is the largest while the temperature is declining and the evaporation is weaker, the groundwater level is the highest with 0.5~1m to the ground surface. After that, the soil is frozen and irrigation stops, the groundwater level gradually decreases to the lowest during Feb to March with 2~3m. From the beginning of April to the beginning of May, the temperature is gradually increasing and the frozen layer is melted, so the groundwater level is gradually increasing to 1.5~2.5m. At the middle of May when irrigation begins, the groundwater level increases greatly to1~1.5m from the ground surface in June to Oct, which indicates the cyclic variation of the embedding depth of phreatic water.

(6)Climate and weather

Wuyan County has four distinct seasons with fine weather more than rainy weather and the transmittance of light of the air is very good with abundant light, the intension of solar radiation is very strong with plentiful light energy resources and heavy evaporation capacity; the total annual average sunshine hours are 3230.9 and the percentage of sunshine in an average is 73%, the total solar radiation averaged for many years is 153.439 kcal /cm2 and daily mean radiation amount is 420.4 cal /cm2 and the total amount of the annual physiological radiation is 75.185 kcal /cm2.

The annual mean temperature is 6.1℃ and the extreme maximum temperature, 36.4℃, extreme minimum temperature, -36.7℃; the amplitude of annual extreme air temperature is 73.1℃, the annual amplitude is 35.9℃, daily amplitude is 14.2℃; the annual evaporation is 2039.2mm; annual mean frost-free period is 158 days, of which the shortest is 99 days and the longest is 220 days; the average annual thickness of frozen soil layer is 100~120cm, where the plow layer is frozen in late Oct and melted in late April with a frozen period of 180 days; the annual accumulated temperature greater than or equal to 10℃ of daily mean temperature is 2 896.3℃, averagely for years; the general trend of air temperature in the county is the higher in west part than that in east part, descending from southwest to northeast with a difference of 0.8℃; the past years’ average surface temperature is 8.7℃; located at inland, under the mild influence of warm-moist current, the rainfall in Wuyuan County is less but concentrated with an annual total amount of precipitation of 177mm; belonging to arid area, the annual mean extreme absolute humidity of Wuyuan County is 0.16 HPA and the relative humidity is 54%; being windy, the annual mean wind velocity of Wuyan is 2.7 m/s.

The prevailing wind is northeaster in the year with frequency of 31%, most in winter while southeaster is prevailing in summer and autumn. The orderliness of wind velocity in a day is featured by gradually increasing after sunrise to maximum from 12~15 o’clock, and then deceasing gradually to minimum at 2~3 o’clock at night.

(7)Natural disasters

Flood: located in the arid desert area of the north temperate zone, Wuyuan has less rainfall but greater evaporation with an annual mean rainfall of 177mm, accounting for 8.7% of the annual evaporation amount of 2 039.2mm. All the water needed by agriculture, herd and forest is from the Yellow River, belonging to Hetao Irrigation Area where irrigation from Yellow River has adopted in earlier time. But due to poor channel engineering and the variation of water level in Yellow River, the flux in spring is the minimum of 148 cubic meters per second and the maximum in autumn of 5100 cubic meters per second with a difference of 34 times, which causes either the advantages or the disadvantages, resulting in floods, especially before liberation.

Hailstone: one of the major natural disasters in this county, severer in west part than in east part; severer in autumn than in summer; severer in the area with less forests than that with more forests with an annual mean times of 7.2, the maximum of 18 times, concentrating on June to Sept, accounting for 81.7% of the total occurrences.

Frosting: featured by longer cold period and shorter frost-free period, calculated by 80% of the assurance rate, the frost-free period is 113 days, frosting year occurs sometimes in Wuyuan County.

Rainstorm: though less rainfall, the rainfall concentrates on July to Sept, together with low temperature and hails, causing the crops suffering from waterlog, which can be divided into rainstorm, low temperature long range rainfall and crop-rotten rain according to the difference seasons of crop seeding, growth and harvest.

Insects: the major pests of crops in Wuyuan include locust, wheat stem maggot, cutworm, armyworm, weevil, mole criket, wireworm, ant cow, heart-eating worm, spider mite and cabbage caterpillar, which are hard on agricultural production, causing insect attack every year in Wuyuan County.

Earthquake: located at the Hetao fault, the geological structure of Wuyuan County belongs to east-west direction fold and compressive zone of pressure fracture with active tectogenesis, in a major earthquake zone.

Other natural disasters include rust disease (locally called jaundice), rodent, snow damage, wind damage and dry-hot wind.

(8)Land resource

The total area of various land classifications within the Territory of Wuyuan County is 3,739,300 mu, converting into 2492.9 km2, which can be classified into 39 kinds in 8 classifications according to the classification standards in national Technological Rules of Survey About The Present Situation of Land Use.

The arable land is 1,607,600 mu, accounting for 42.99% of the total land area, of which acreage planted is 1,561,500 mu, alternate field, 16,100 mu, reclaimed but not planted field, 25,900 mu, flood land 600 mu, dry farmland (without irrigation) 2,300 mu and vegetable plot (arable land for vegetables including land used for greenhouse and plastic tunnel), 1,100 mu.

Garden plot is 1000 mu, accounting for 0.03% of the total land area, of which orchard is 550 mu and other garden plot is 460 mu;

Woodland is 128,200 mu, accounting for 3.43% of the total land area, of which forest land is 90,000 mu, shrub land, 240 mu, open forest land, 17,900 mu, young afforestation land, 14,500 mu, slash, 1000 mu, nursery, 4,600 mu;

Meadowland is 297,500 mu, accounting for 7.95% of the total land area, of which natural meadow is 281,000 mu, amended meadow, 6,000 mu, artificial meadow, 10,500 mu;

Residential, industrial and mining land is 144,600 mu, accounting for 3.87% of the total land area, of which urban land is 10,200 mu, rural residential land, 129,900 mu, independent industrial and mining land, 1,300 mu, land for special use(graveyard, cemetery and national defense), 3,200 mu;

Lands used for transportation is 24,100 mu, accounting for 0.64% of the total land area, of which railway is 1,400 mu, highway, 5,800 mu and rural road, 16,800 mu;

Water area is 350,000 mu, accounting for 9.37% of the total land area, of which river surface is 33,100 mu, lake surface, 25,400 mu, pool, 29,600 mu, unused pool, 14,200 mu, aquatic breeding pool, 15,300 mu, reed wetland, 100 mu, flood plain, 72,400 mu, canal and channels, 186,800 mu, moisture and soil construction, 2,700 mu.

Unused land (including the land hard to use) is 1,186,400 mu, accounting for 31.27% of the total land area, of which uneven ground is 11,700 mu, saline-alkali land, 999,800 mu, swampland, 1,300 mu, sandlot, 120,700 mu, naked land(hardened surface) 19,400 mu, ridge of field under two meters, 33,400 mu.


At the beginning of [reclamation, the wild plants are luxuriate in here, as reflected by the famous poetry of “Between the vast sky and the boundless earth, flocks and herds appear as grass bends to wind”, where the natural vegetations include Cacumen Tamaricis, dryland willow, precarious, reeds, Chinese wildrye, Tribulus terrestris and wormwood. Since the reclamations from the Qing Dynasty, the population has been gradually increasing together with the frequent reclaiming and cultivating the wasteland, thus incurring to the declining of original vegetation predominance. With the expansion of arable and irrigated area, the rising of groundwater level and the aggravation of soil salinization, the vegetation communities have been superseded by artificial vegetations.

According to census, there are more than 200 wild plants in 99 species of 15 families in the county with a vegetation coverage rate of 30~50%, where the artificial vegetation is mainly comprised of farm crops and forest plantation. In 1994, the area for farm crops was 1,019,900 mu, the forest land area was 254,500 mu, which accounts for 33.8% of the territory.

There are six kinds of natural vegetations at present, respectively including: the sand vegetation distributing over aeolian sandy soil and sandlot (such as white Tribulus terrestris, caltrop, Agriophyllum aranarium, Artemisia desertorum and liquorice); the drought-resistance meadow vegetation distributing over relatively highland (such as Peganum harmala, Sophora alopecuroides and celery wormwood); the wetland meadow vegetation distributing over the low-lying places under the high mounds (such as Chinese wildrye, Melilotus officinalis (L. ) Pallas, chickling, reeds, Xanthium sibiricum Patrin, Cirsium segetum Bunge, dandelion, China ixeris, semen plantaginis, Herba Polygoni Avicularis, Johnson evening primrose and sedge); the aquatic meadow vegetation distributing over the flat bogs with perennial or seasonal water (such as reeds, polboschoenus sp, and Typha angustifolia); the salt-resistance vegetation(such as Cacumen Tamaricis, Achnatherum splendens, white Tribulus terrestris, narrow-leaved oleaster, and crawling reeds); the halophytic vegetation distributing over the solonchak (such as Kalidium foliatum, Suaeda and Halimocnemis).


According to census, except the vanished Mongolian gazelle and wolf, the wildlife in Wuyuan County includes fox, badger, rabbit, Pallas cat and hedgehog and there are more than 200 wild plants, belonging to 146 species in 99 genuses of 35 families.

Where the wildlife includes rodents, birds, migrators, fish and frogs, of which the fish belongs to two orders of Cyprinus-type and silurids-type and three families of Cyprinidate, loach and silurids in 12 species of 11 families. Frog has the most quantity with fewer turtle, mussel and shrimp.

Hydrocole animals include 12 species of hexapeopoda, 13 species of Cladoceran, 16 species of copepod and 16 species of protozoan. The benthonic animals belong to three phyla of (mollusks, Annelida and arthropods) in four classes, mainly including lake snails, Planorbis, Tubificidae, Black Tiger Shrimp and chironomus larva, which are the natural baits for fish.

Wild plants mainly include purslane, Hippochaete ramosissimum, Iris ensata Thunb, Cynanchum chinense, Lycopus lucidus Turcz, henbane, stramonium and snakeweed, of which there are over 80 medicinal plants, including dandelion, liquorice, cynomorium songaricum, Asiatic plantain seed and dodder; four species of aquatic plants, including phytoplankton(such as frog spawn, diatom, Scenedesmus, blue green algae, chlorella and Tetraedron spp); emergent aquatic plants (such as Typha angustfolis L, Dysophylla yatabeana, reeds and scirpus maritimus); floating plants (such as Myriophyllum spicatum, Umbrella plant, hornwort); submerged plants (such as Potamogeton pectinatus, P.Malalanus and ottelia alismotdes). (Details in attached Wild Plants Table)

2)Social environment

Wuyuan County is situated at the middle of Hetao Plain in Bayannao'er League, close to Yellow River at south and next to Yinshan Mountain at north, neighboring Urad Front Banner at east and bordering Linhe City at west, where the landform belongs to Yellow River developing alluvial land, taking the shape of higher southwest and slight low northeast with an average altitude of 1035m, covering an area of 2492.9 km2. The total population is 297,872, of which urban population is 40,623, rural population, 257,249; including nonagricultural population of 86,364 and agricultural population of 211,508; consisting of 19 nationalities, of which the Han Nationality is 287,321, the Mongolian nationality, 6,417, the Hui nationality, 3,321, Mandchous, 671 and others, 142.

In 2008, the total output value in Wuyuan achieved 4.659 billion Yuan, a growth of 21.3 percent year-on-year, higher than the average level of Bayannao'er, of which the primary industry achieved 1.498 billion Yuan, increasing 9.8% year-on-year; the second industry achieved 1.769 billion Yuan, increasing 28.1% year-on-year; the tertiary industry achieved 1.393 billion Yuan, increasing 25.1% year-on-year; the structure of the three industries was adjusted from 35.9∶36.1∶28 of the last year to 32.2∶38∶29.8. The investment in fixed assets reached 3.5 billion Yuan, increasing 15% year-on-year; the financial revenue reached 200,640,000 Yuan according to new standard. The urban per capita disposable income reached 11,954 Yuan, increasing 22.2% year-on-year; the rural per capita net income reached 7,189 Yuan, increasing 33.7% year-on-year. The energy consumption per 10000 Yuan GDP decreased by 5.1%, the sulfur dioxide emissions decrease by 917t, the emission of chemical oxygen demand decreased by 5029t and various indexes concerning energy conservation and emission reduction were controlled within the scope of the requirements by the City of Bayannao'er.

As the county seat of Wuyuan, Longxingchang Town, an important town of commerce and trade at rural-urban fringe, is the political, economic and cultural center in Wuyuan County with the most population, located at the northeast part of the county, next to Hesheng village at east, Shengfeng village at the southeast; bordering Shahe and Xaingyang villages; adjoining to Rongfeng village at south and close to Meilin village at north, taking the general trunk canal as the border with Urad Middle Banner. With State Highway 110 through the town and Bao-Lan Railway setting a station in Wuyuan, Longxingchang Town governs 31 villages, 187 communities, 5 sub-district offices, 30 neighborhood committees with a total population of 118,000, of which the agricultural population is 46,358 in 11624 households, employing 26,090, covering an area of 504km2 , of which the arable land is 282km2,the urban area is 11.8km2. Hangjin Back Banner

1) Outlines of natural environment

(1)Geographic location

Located at the west of the City of Bayannao'er, Hangjin Back Banner is situated in the Hetao Plain, bordering Linhe Town at east, close to Wulanbuhe Desert and Dengkou County at west, opposite to Hangjin Banner in Erdos City at south, backing to Yinshan Mountain at north close to Urad Back Banner, with geographical coordinates of east longitude 106°34′to 107°34′, north latitude 40°26′to 41°13′, covering an area of 1644km2, and 87km in length from the south to the north and 52km in width from west to east.

Located at the middle-east part of Hangjin Back Banner, Shanba Town, the seat of Banner government, is the political, economic, scientific, educational, cultural center of the whole Banner, bordering Linhe Town at east, adjoining to Sandaoqiao and Shahai towns at west, connecting to Erdaoqiao Town at south and close to Manhui Town at north, with geographical coordinates of east longitude 107°02′to 107°14′, north latitude 40°48′to 40°59, covering an area of 206km2, and 20km in length from the south to the north and 18km in width from west to east, of which the arable land is 9363ha. The town governs 8 towns, 107 villages, 27 neighborhood committees with a total population of 308,324, of which there are minority groups of the Mongolias, Hui nationalities, Manchu and Daur, accounting for 1.6% of the total population.

(2)Topography and physiognomy

The landform of Hangjin Back Banner is mainly comprised of three forms of alluvial plain,aggraded flood plain and floodplain, taking the shape of higher southwest and lower northeast, slightly declining from southwest to northeast with an altitude of 1032-1050m.

(3)Characteristic of the climate

Located above north latitude 40°, Hangjin Back Banner belongs to continental climate in temperate zone, featuring with desiccation, longer sunlight, strong diurnal amplitude, the annual mean air temperature of 8.5℃, the annual mean rainfall of 138.2mm, the evaporation capacity of 2096.4mm, the day-night average temperature difference of 8.2℃, the annual mean frost-free period of about 130 days, the average wind velocity of 2.3m/s and the annual mean bold wind days of 19.9; in general, it is featured by larger temperature difference between day and night, longer frost-free period and the prevailing southwester and northeaster; the annual sunshine duration is more than 3220 hour and the accumulated temperature is more than 3520℃,with a sunlight rate of 73%, it is one of the areas with the most abundant light energy resource in the country; it is one of the eight major gravity irrigation areas of the country with 17 km of Yellow River flowing through the Banner, resulting in an annual flow to cross the border of 22.6 billion m3.

(4)Land resource

The land area of the whole Banner is 2,650,000 mu, of which farming land is 1,750,000 mu, land for construction is 185,000 mu, land for residents and industry and mining is 173,000 mu, traffic land is 12,000 mu, the unused land is 714,000 mu and the reserve land for other projects industry is 2000ha, converted about 30,000 mu.

(5)Water resources

The Yellow River flows through the Banner for 17 km, where Wula River, Yangjiahe River and Huang-ji Channel can averagely channel water amount of 0.88 billion m3; the general trunk draining canal flows through the north part of the Banner, discharging an annual delivery volume of 0.12 m3,and the pondage of the lakes and pools within the territory reaches 5,000,000 m3.

The groundwater resource is very rich with the annual gross amount of water resources reaching 265,000,000 m3, of which the groundwater available yield is 45,100,000 m3,the groundwater resource with the mineralization of water less than 2g/L is 55,730,000 m3. At present, the annual groundwater available yield is 9,000,000 m3,buried at a mean depth of 1.93m, differing from mean 1.11m during high flow period to mean 2.5m during low flow period with an annual mean variation of 1.89m.

2) Outlines of social environment

The industrial economy in Hangjin Back Banner develops very rapidly and industries such as wine and liquor manufacturing, tomato and vegetable, high-preserved dairying, Strong flour and paper making form wood have gradually became systematic, building up series leading enterprises represented by Hetao Liquor Industry Group, including Yili, Tunhe, Hetao wood industry, Fumeng, Dahaoda, Temier, Dahoutao and Mingxing. In 2007, the GDP of the Banner reached 5.788 billion Yuanand the financial revenue reached 372,000,000 Yuan.

Hangjin Back Banner is one of the important production bases for grain and oil in our country, where the soil is fertile, featuring with favorable irrigation, strong diurnal amplitude and full sunlight with unique conditions for development of agriculture and animal husbandry, rich in producing high quality agricultural products such as wheat, corn, apple and pear, tomato, honeydew melon, medlar, black and white melon seeds with annual grain output of 400,000 t, of which wheat is 167,000 t, corn, 228,000 t; vegetables, 300,000 t, oil materials, 25,000 t, tree mallow, 85,000 t, melons, 88,000 t, medicinal materials 5,500 t; annual crop straw productivity reaches 1.6 billion jin, high quality pasturage is 200,000 y; the forest coverage of the Banner is 27.7% and the total reserve amount of the vivid stumpage is 950,000 m3; the livestock population of the Banner is 1,820,000, of which cattle is 44200, sheep, 1,580,000 and live pig, 170,000, annually producing 15,330,000 kg of mutton, 14,200,000 kg of pork, 90000 t of milk, which are the green and special products with high quality. The Banner has great potential in the deep utilization process of grains and oils, fruit series development, meat-packing, wood working, green food series development and preserved warehousing and transportation.

With highways connected, transportation in Hangjin Back Banner is very convenient, totally with three highways of Huang-Tuan, Lu-Ha and Bie-Deng from south to north and Wu-Wu highway from west to east, reaching the mileage of 1700km, of which the black road surface is 410km, actualizing asphalt road connecting to every town and the highway density of 1.03km per km2 . Ha-Deng Expressway, State highway 110 and Jing-Lan Railway run through the territory and Lin-Se Railway traverses through the Banner.

The education and medical treatment and sanitation undertakings in Hangjin Back Banner are flourishing, having 13 middle schools, 3 vocational middle schools, 84 primary schools, 2 county-level hospitals, 8 health clinics in towns and townships and Fendou Middle School is one of Top 100 in the country and the key school of the autonomous region; the enrolled students in the Banner is 6330; Hangjin Back Banner Hospital is the sole hospital of Class II, Grade A at the Banner or County level within the city, with 280 beds.

The built-up urban area of Shanba Town, the seat of Banner government, is 7.74 km2 with an urban population of 105,000 and the population urbanization by 35%, where the black topped road is 36 km in total, covering an area of 410,000 m2, 6.8m2 per capita, accounting for 97% of the total road area of the built-up urban area, forming four-horizontal-and-four-vertical black topped road network. The green shade coverage rate of the urban area is 25%, the public green land per capita is 5.3m2. The underground drainage pipe is 64km in length, of which the drainage pine in backstreets and lanes is 33 km, with a daily drainage capacity of 17,200 t; the benefiting area from drainage in the build-up area is 90%. The popularizing rate of urban tap water is 100%, with a daily water supply capacity of 14,000 t. The area of centralized heat supply is 900000 m2 with a popularizing rate of heat supply by 65%. The power supply lines have been alternated by 24 km with power supply assurance by 100%. Pipe-lines of telecom communications have been alternated by 25km with the popularizing rate of telephone by 50%. 2100 street lights have been installed, achieving lighting engineering.

4.2 Evaluation on the situation of regional environment quality

4.2.1 Evaluation on the situation of air environment quality Monitoring items

According to the characteristics of the pollution source of the items and the surrounding environment outlines, the monitoring items for the present situation of the air and environment quality include conventional factors of TSP, SO2, NO2 and H2S and NH3. At the same time, the observation of the meteorological elements such as surface wind direction, wind velocity, air temperature and total cloud cover as well as weather conditions and unusual circumstances have been recorded. Monitoring spots

The monitoring sampling points for this situation monitoring have been set up at the up wind and down wind directions of the proposed sites of the sewage disposal project and recycled water supply project within the industrial zone as well as the nearby residential settlements. Specific monitoring spots are shown in Fig. 4.2-1-4.2-5.


Fig. 4.2.1: Monitoring spots for air environment within Urad Back Banner Industrial Zone


Fig. 4.2.2: Monitoring spots for air environment within Ganqimaodao Industrial Zone


Fig. 4.2.3: Monitoring spots for air environment for water supply engineering of recycled water of the third drainage canal


Fig. 4.2.43: Monitoring spots for air environment for water supply engineering of recycled water of the seventh drainage canal


Fig. 4.2.5: Monitoring spots for air environment for the sewage disposal project within Urad Front Banner

Totally six monitoring spots have been set up, respectively two at the place one km away from the up wind direction of the prevailing wind at the proposed site of the treatment project of Ulansuhai Nur lake, two at the construction area and two at two km away from the down wind direction of the construction site. (See Fig. 4.2-6)


Fig. 4.2.6: Monitoring spots for air environment for Ulansuhai Nur lake area Monitoring time and frequency

At least seven days have been monitored during the whole period with a frequency of four times per day and the sampling time is 08:00-09:00,11:00-12:00,14:00-15:00 and 16:30-17:30, which is conducted in accordance with relevant national norms. Analysis method

The national standard methods have been adopted for monitoring of environmental air quality and the analysis method for TSP, SO2 and NO2 is carried out according to Table 2 of Ambient Air Quality Standard(GB3095-1996)and the analysis method for,H2S and NH3 is carried out according to Table 8 of Discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant(GB18918-2002). Monitoring results

The results of ambient air quality monitoring for each sub-project of this project are shown in Table 4.2-1-4.2-6。

Table.4.2-1 Monitoring results of the sewage disposal project and water supply engineering of recycled water within the Industrial Zone of Urad Front Banner

|Pollutants |SO2 |NO2 |H2S |NH3 |TSP |PM10 |

|Items | | | | | | |

|SO2 |Hour mean |0.022-0.102 |0.016-0.1 |0.026-0.102 |0.006-0.108 |0.02-0.13 |0.022-0.062 |

|PM10 |Daily mean |0.52-1.04 |0.333-1.093 |0.547-1.413 |0.5-1.093 |0.64-1.1 |0.353-1.133 |

|H2S |Hour mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

|NH3 |Daily mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

Table 4.2-8 the evaluation results of air environment quality of the sewage disposal project and water supply engineering of recycled water within the Industrial Zone of Ganqimaodao

|Monitoring spots |Mabulangkou |Office area of the |Reservoir control |Siyitang |No.1 split field, |

|Evaluation factor | |Zone |office | |Muyanghai |

|SO2 |Hour mean |0.024-0.058 |0.036-0.084 |0.028-0.066 |0.024-0.112 |0.028-0.112 |

| |Daily mean |0.053-0.127 |0.111-0.178 |0.03-0.2 |0.109-0.224 |0.027-0.12 |

|NO2 |Hour mean |0.025-0.092 |0.025-0.105 |0.017-0.1 |0.021-0.133 |0.021-0.117 |

| |Daily mean |0.05-0.108 |0.083-0.158 |0.042-0.1 |0.042-0.133 |0.042-0.125 |

|TSP |Hour mean |0.657-1.037 |0.417-1.37 |0.417-0.787 |0.703-1.32 |0.59-1.047 |

|PM10 |Daily mean |0.907-1.127 |0.573-1.24 |0.353-0.673 |0.567-1.373 |0.627-1.173 |

|H2S |Hour mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

|NH3 |Daily mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

Table 4.2-9 the evaluation results of air environment quality of the water supply engineering of recycled water of third drainage canal

|Monitoring spots |Traffic team 6 |Proposed site |Unity team 3 |Dasong village |Shawan village |

|Evaluation factor | | | | | |

|SO2 |Hour mean |0.032-0.124 |0.044-0.354 |0.044-0.114 |0.032-0.102 |0.05-0.124 |

| |Daily mean |0.107-0.207 |0.18-0.427 |0.113-0.193 |0.107-0.193 |0.087-0.207 |

|NO2 |Hour mean |0.046-0.125 |0.046-0.183 |0.029-0.121 |0.021-0.113 |0.021-0.133 |

| |Daily mean |0.058-0.142 |0.092-0.242 |0.058-0.125 |0.075-0.2 |0.033-0.125 |

|TSP |Hour mean |0.517-0.927 |0.77-0.99 |0.73-0.927 |0.38-0.857 |0.653-0.947 |

|PM10 |Daily mean |0.413-1.007 |0.48-1.38 |0.613-0.96 |0.073-0.9 |0.513-0.913 |

|H2S |Hour mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

|NH3 |Daily mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

Table 4.2-10 the evaluation results of air environment quality of the water supply engineering of recycled water of the seventh drainage canal

| Monitoring spots |Liuwengedan |Liyue Society 4 |Proposed site |Wuxin team 2 |Old city team 1 |

|Evaluation factor | | | | | |

|SO2 |Hour mean |0.028-0.05 |0.022-0.062 |0.03-0.082 |0.022-0.056 |0.018-0.066 |

| |Daily mean |0.073-0.207 |0.073-0.113 |0.113-0.167 |0.08-0.133 |0.073-0.14 |

|NO2 |Hour mean |0.029-0.075 |0.025-0.075 |0.042-0.1 |0.017-0.079 |0.017-0.088 |

| |Daily mean |0.042-0.133 |0.033-0.083 |0.075-0.125 |0.075-0.108 |0.033-0.117 |

|TSP |Hour mean |0.63-0.977 |0.707-0.927 |0.723-1.07 |0.687-1.00 |0.723-1.013 |

|PM10 |Daily mean |0.653-0.96 |0.66-1.00 |0.753-0.913 |0.633-1.24 |0.653-1.127 |

|H2S |Hour mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

|NH3 |Daily mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

Table 4.2-11 the evaluation results of air environment quality of the sewage disposal project and water supply engineering of recycled water within the Industrial Zone of Urad Front Banner

| Monitoring spots |Lihuiquan village |Zhongtan Farm |Proposed site |Shagedan village |

|Evaluation factor | | | | |

|SO2 |Hour mean |0.022-0.062 |0.034-0.074 |0.032-0.082 |0.064-0.198 |

| |Daily mean |0.087-0.147 |0.073-0.207 |0.12-0.147 |0.16-0.253 |

|NO2 |Hour mean |0.025-0.075 |0.025-0.121 |0.033-0.163 |0.046-0.121 |

| |Daily mean |0.025-0.117 |0.033-0.15 |0.083-0.133 |0.067-0.15 |

|TSP |Hour mean |0.493-0.963 |0.7-1.137 |0.78-0.99 |0.62-1.16 |

|PM10 |Daily mean |0.633-0.9 |0.647-0.94 |0.76-1.293 |0.633-1.013 |

|H2S |Hour mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

|NH3 |Daily mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

Table 4.2-12 the evaluation results of air environment quality of the treatment project of Ulansuhai Nur Lake

| Monitoring spots |15th Branch |5th Branch |9th Branch |12th Branch |

|Evaluation factor | | | | |

|SO2 |Hour mean |0.06-0.3 |0.12-0.27 |0.13-0.15 |0.09-0.41 |

| |Daily mean |0.22-0.62 |0.28-0.48 |0.22-0.42 |0.24-0.56 |

|NO2 |Hour mean |Undetected-0.26 |Undetected-0.27 |Undetected-0.23 |Undetected-0.33 |

| |Daily mean |0.19-0.34 |0.19-0.36 |0.13-0.38 |0.24-0.33 |

|TSP |Hour mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

|PM10 |Daily mean |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |Undetected |

|H2S |Hour mean |1.64-3.5 |1.86-3.18 |1.46-3.66 |1.74-3.64 |

|NH3 |Daily mean |1.62-2.98 |2.01-2.6 |1.52-2.58 |1.67-2.57 |

According to the monitoring results tables from 4.2-1 to 4.2-6, and the evaluation results tables from 4.2-7 to 4.2-12 for various sub-projects, the hour mean and daily mean of SO2, NO2 at each sub-project monitoring spot can meet relevant requirements of the standards; except that some of the monitoring spots at Lihuiquan village nearer to the sewage disposal project and water supply engineering of recycled water within the Industrial Zone of Urad Front Banner, Liuwengedan of the water supply engineering of recycled water of the seventh drainage canal, Reservoir control office of the sewage disposal project and water supply engineering of recycled water within the Industrial Zone of Ganqimaodao, Unity team 3, Dasong village and Shawan village of the water supply engineering of recycled water of the third drainage canal don’t exceed the standards, the daily mean of TSP, PM10 at the sub-project monitoring spots in most areas exceed the standards, of which the over-limit ratio of the treatment project of Ulansuhai Nur Lake reaches 100%. The evaluation results indicate that the proposed sites of the sewage disposal project and water supply engineering of recycled water within every Industrial Zone suffer from the particle's pollution at a certain extent, especially the Ulansuhai Nur Lake area has suffered from severe particle's pollution. The particle and PM10 exceed the standards, on the one hand, because the construction area of the project belongs to aria area in the north, dry and windy all through the year, with sparse vegetation and more naked soil surface, on the other hand, the winter of the construction area of the project is cold and long, resulting in longer heating period and more coal consumption, which is the main cause. This monitoring of air environment quality has been conducted in the cols and arid winter, directly resulting in the particles over the sub-project construction area exceeding the standards and especially when the Ulansuhai Nur Lake area is at the reeds harvesting season, the particles over Ulansuhai Nur Lake exceed the standards seriously. With the gradual improvement of the regional eco-environment and the implantation of centralized heat supply, the particle pollution in the region will be reduced.

The character pollutants such as NH3 and H2S relating to this project can meet the requirement of environmental quality standard and no index is detected.

As stated previously, the air environment quality over the construction area of each sub-project is just so so, suffered from the particle pollution at a certain extent; and greater efforts should be made to restore the vegetation around the area of the sub-project plants.

4.2.2 Current surface water environmental quality assessment The water environmental quality assessment in Sanpaigan, Qipaigan and Zongpaigan

The environmental monitoring station in Bayannaoer City has conventional monitoring points in Sanpaigan, Qipaigan and Zongpaigan. This environmental assessment has taken the water quality monitoring results from 2004 to 2008 to be assessed, the details of which refer to Table 4.2-13~Table 4.2-15.

Table 4.2-13 The water quality monitoring results in Sanpaigan from 2004 to 2008

|Year | |pH |DO |COD |BOD |

| |Pollutants | | | | |

| |Items | | | | |

|Well depth m |12 |60 |20 |— |— |

|pH |7.60 |7.31 |7.74 |7.25 |8.03 |

|Ammonia-N |1.24 |0.044 |0.23 |0.199 |0.296 |

|Nitrate-N |(0.0015) |1.86 |1.41 |0.86 |0.298 |

|NOz-N |(0.0015) |(0.0015) |(0.0015) |(0.0015) |(0.0015) |

|Sulfate |334.1 |293 |317 |596 |196 |

|CODMn |2.25 |1.21 |0.48 |1.54 |1.86 |

|As |2.43E-03 |2.70E-04 |2.55E-04 |1.09E-04 |6.96E-04 |

|Cd |0.002L |0.002L |0.002L |0.002L |0.002L |

|Cr VI |0.004L |0.004L |0.004L |0.004L |0.004L |

|Cu |0.01L |0.01L |0.01L |0.01L |0.01L |

|Pb |0.05L |0.05L |0.05L |0.05L |0.05L |

|Zn |0.032 |0.056 |0.041 |0.035 |0.05 |

|Total hardness |509 |430 |378 |859 |657 |

|Fluoride |0.375 |1.01 |1.510 |0.272 |0.23 |

|Chloride |233 |222 |127 |296 |1090 |

|Total coliform |<3 |<3 |<3 |<3 |<3 |

Table 4.2-22 Groundwater quality monitoring index value in Ulansuhai Nur sea area

|Sampling | Eighth field |Motor-pumped well in |Pressurized water well in |Pressurized |Pressurized water well|

|point | |Geerdengbulagesumu |twelfth field |water well in |in first field |

|position | | | |ninth field | |

|pH |0.4 |0.21 |0.49 |0.17 |0.69 |

|Ammonia-N |6.2 |0.22 |1.15 |0.99 |1.48 |

|Nitrate-N |—— |0.093 |0.071 |0.043 |0.015 |

|NOz-N |—— |—— |—— |—— |—— |

|Sulfate |1.34 |1.17 |1.27 |2.38 |0.78 |

|CODMn |0.75 |0.40 |0.16 |0.51 |0.62 |

|As |4.86E-02 |5.40E-03 |5.10E-03 |2.18E-03 |1.39E-02 |

|Cd |—— |—— |—— |—— |—— |

|Cr VI |—— |—— |—— |—— |—— |

|Cu |—— |—— |—— |—— |—— |

|Pb |—— |—— |—— |—— |—— |

|Zn |0.032 |0.056 |0.041 |0.035 |0.05 |

|Total |1.13 |0.96 |0.84 |1.91 |1.46 |

|hardness | | | | | |

|Fluoride |0.38 |1.01 |1.51 |0.27 |0.23 |

|Chloride |0.93 |0.89 |0.51 |1.18 |4.36 |

|Total |<1 |<1 |<1 |<1 |<1 |

|coliform | | | | | |

Table 4.2-24 Groundwater standard index value in Ulansuhai Nur sea area

|Sampling point position | Eighth field |Motor-pumped well in |Pressurized water well in twelfth|

| | |Geerdengbulagesumu |field |

| | |Nov. 19th, 2009 |Nov. 20th, 2009 |Nov. 19th, 2009 |Nov. 20th, 2009 |

|Delingshan water supply project site |East Plant Bound |42.9 |42.2 |34.2 |33.6 |

| |South Plant Bound |41.7 |42.8 |35.3 |35.9 |

| |West Plant Bound |43.2 |42.4 |38.1 |38.8 |

| |North Plant Bound |40.9 |41.2 |34.2 |33.8 |

|Shanba town water supply project site |East Plant Bound |54.7 |55.4 |47.7 |48.6 |

| |South Plant Bound |51.2 |50.6 |42.1 |42.5 |

| |West Plant Bound |50.2 |49.8 |40.9 |41.6 |

| |North Plant Bound |53.9 |54.6 |45.8 |46.2 |

|Huhe town water supply project site |East Plant Bound |39.3 |38.3 |34.6 |35.4 |

| |South Plant Bound |46.1 |46.9 |38.7 |37.8 |

| |West Plant Bound |46.5 |47.4 |42.2 |41.7 |

| |North Plant Bound |41.7 |41.3 |35.0 |35.4 |

|Longxingchang town water supply project |East Plant Bound |53.1 |52.6 |49.2 |48.9 |

|site | | | | | |

| |South Plant Bound |50.9 |50.5 |45.8 |46.3 |

| |West Plant Bound |49.7 |49.4 |45.9 |46.1 |

| |North Plant Bound |51.8 |52.3 |48.7 |49.2 |

|Xianfeng town water supply project site |East Plant Bound |51.6 |51.8 |50.0 |50.4 |

| |South Plant Bound |53.1 |52.9 |38.9 |39.5 |

| |West Plant Bound |45.2 |44.3 |41.5 |42.8 |

| |North Plant Bound |44.7 |45.6 |42.8 |42.4 |

Table 4.2-26 Sound environment monitoring results in Ulansuhai Nur sea are

|No. |Test Site No. |Daytime dB(A) |Night dB(A) |

| | |Nov. 19th, 2009 |Nov. 20th, 2009 |Nov. 19th, 2009 |Nov. 20th, 2009 |

|1 |Third field |50.6 |50.4 |47.0 |46.5 |

|2 |Xinmin |45.4 |46.5 |35.9 |37.3 |

|3 |Seventh field |45.8 |44.6 |32.6 |32.0 |

|4 |Beilongtai |49.3 |49.3 |39.6 |40.0 |

|5 |Fourth field |45.3 |45.4 |42.1 |41.2 |

|6 |Fifteenth field |46.4 |47.7 |39.8 |41.6 |

|7 |Fifth field |49.3 |49.7 |39.6 |40.4 |

|8 |Sixth field |39.6 |40.6 |31.6 |30.8 |

|9 |First field |45.3 |47.9 |36.5 |34.5 |

It can be seen from Table 4.2-25 that, acoustic environment quality at the proposed site of wastewater treatment and renovated water supply project in Industrial Area was better, only the noise at night of East Plant Bound of wastwater treatment and reuse project in Urad Front Banner Industrial Area was 50.4 dB (A), and the noise of other monitoring sites did not exceed the standard limit of Class 2 in accordance with “Standard for Acoustic Environmental Quality”.

It can be seen from Table 4.2-26 that, in the lake shore village of Ulansuhai Nur area, the equivalent sound level in daytime was 39.6~50.6dB(A), and 30.8~47.0 dB(A) at night, excepted for Third field noise at night, other monitoring sites all met the acoustic environment function requirements of Class 1 district in accordance with “Standard for Acoustic Environmental Quality” (GB3096-2008).

4.2.5 Sediment Monitoring Monitoring project

The Sediment Monitoring Project including H2S、NH3、As、Hg、Chromium (VI)、Cd、Pb、Bulk density、pH、Moisture content、TN、TP、NH3-N、NO3-N、NO2-N、Organic carbon、Organic content. Sampling location layout

In accordance with the provisions of GB3838-2002, for sampling distribution, refer to Figure 4.2-11.


Figure 4.2-11 Monitoring sites of current sediment Sampling analysis methods

The analysis methods should be implemented according to “Agricultural Sludge Monitoring and Analysis”. Monitoring Results

For the analysis result of lake sediment sampling in Ulansuhai Nur, refer to Table 4.2-27.

Table 4.2-27 Sediment analysis of Ulansuhai Nur sea area

|Sampling point position |Ammonia-N |TN |TP |Hg |

|1 |113.59 |2.6 |639.6 |

|Spermatophyte |Angiosperm |Dicotyledon |71 |296 |712 |

| | |Monocotyledon |13 |70 |185 |

| |Gymnosperm |3 |5 |9 |

| |Subtotal |87 |371 |906 |

|Pteridophyte |7 |7 |12 |

|Total |94 |378 |918 |

The total number of wild plants in Bayannaoer is not rich, but there are more families and genera. The total number of wild plants there is 40.2% of that of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, while the number of sepecies there is 73.4% of the total number of families. Thus increases the complexity of plantage, and plant species are more concentrated in a small number of plant families and genera, which led to a lot of single, few species, genera and families. The wild plantage in the city contains 49 single subjects, which account for 52% of the total number of the subjects, in which, there are 28 single species, more than 20 species of 12-family, in total of 643 species of plants, which account for 67.4% of the total number of wild plants in the city, of which, there are 430 species of plants in Compositae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, Rosaceae and Chenopodiaceae, accounting for 45% of the total number of wild plants in the city. There are 196 genera of single species, while only 9 species of genera more than 10, of which, there are 26 species of Artemisia which is the most, and secondly, there are 23 species of Astragalus and 22 species of Wilt Potentilla, Carex, Allium, Polygonum, Oxytropis and Saussurea are remained.

Hetao plain is located in the southern border city, the vegetation type there is the steppe desert, and there are about 200 species of wild plants, mainly are farmland weed, and aquatic, salt and sand plants, most of wild xylophyta are distributed in shoaly land along the Yellow River, depression before the hill and depression of ancient river, where there mainly are Populus euphratica, Elaeagnus angustifolia L., Elm, Chinese tamarisk, a variety of shrub willow, Myricaria germanica, Nitraria tangutorum, Caragana intermedia, Kalidium foliatum, etc.. In the plain farmland, there are Alopecuroides L, Taraxacum, Chenopodium album L., Xanthium Fructus, Lactuca chinensis and Eragrostis poaeoides; in the waters, there are Reed, Typha, Bolboschoenus maritimus, Duckweed, etc.; in the alkaline land, there are a variety of grasses as Salsola ruthenica and so on. There are more than 150 species of resources plants, of which, more than 130 species can be feed and more than 100 species can be used medicinally. The common species include Taraxacum, Patrinia villosa, Plantain Seed, Semen Cuscutae, Cirsium setosum, Kochia scoparia, Xanthium Fructus, Capillary artemisia, Alopecuroides L, etc.

4) Wild animals

The climate of Bayannaoer is dry and cold, and the vegetation there is dominated by low vegetation and shrubs, and there is with high proportion of sandy and gavel surface, so the natural condions there is harsh, and there belongs to the Palaearctic in Asia and Asia's new Mongolian border area based on geographical divisions on the animal. Due to the limit of natural condition, the wild animal species there are lacking. According to incomplete statistics, there are 7 orders, 15 families and 49 species of animals within the city, which is 43% of the total number of animals in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; there are 17 orders, 44 families and 199 species of birds, which is 55% the total number of birds in the Autonomous Region; There are 13 species of reptiles; 4 species of batrachia; and many other insects.

Due to the effect of the long-term human activities, wild animals in Hetao plain had disappeared, only over ten kinds of rodents existed in this plain, such as hamster, jerboa, gerbil, field mouse, etc., as well as rabbit, pika and so on. Many kinds of lizards can be found everywhere on isolated sand, as well as snakes and hedgehogs, and dozens of species of birds, such as swallows, warblers, sparrows, crows, upupa epops, long tailed shrikes, pigeons, woodpeckers, cuckoo, quail, bustard, eagle, etc. There are also muskrat living in every waterspace.

Ulansuhai Nur, at the eastern end of Hetao plain, is an important place in western Inner Mongolia for migratory birds to stop for a rest, for waterfow to moult and to reproduce. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 150 species of birds in this area, which include Whooper Swan, Mute Swan and other birds under State protection( category II), and 97 species under “Sino-Japanese agreement on protection of migratory birds and thier habitats”. The most birds in this area are migratory birds or passing migrant birds with going in winter and coming in summer everyyear, and due to the protection of bird resources, Municipal Government issued a Notice in 1984 to protect bird resources of Ulansuhai Nur, and this area was designated as a suspended hunting area.

5) Soil erosion

The soil ersion areas of Bayannaoer are distributed within Urad Front Banner, Urad Middle Banner, Urad Back Banner and Dengkou County, which belongs to Yellow River basin and inland river basin. There are 35 townships and Sumu in this area, the total population there is 192 610, and the population density is 9/ km2.

The natural features of soil ersion area are divided into rocky mountain area and windy and sandy area. The rocky mountain area is used to call arid mountain area, and its total area is 18687 km2, all of which are soil ersion area, this area is located between 106°08’—109°45’E. Longitude and 40°26’—42°20’N. Latitude. The windy and sandy area mainly refers to Ulan Buh Desert within Dengkou County, and its total area is 2747.2 km2, which is located between 106°11’—107°06’E. Longitude and 40°46’—40°08’N. Latitude. The soil ersion mainly are wind erowion, which is more in winter, and water erosion, which is more in June and July. The annual erosion modulus is 2527-6075t/ km2. Existing condition analysis of biological diversity in Lake Wuliangsuhai

1) Zooplankton

(1) Role of zooplankton

Zooplankton play a key role in the material cycling and energy flow of the aquatic ecosystem. It has a significant impact on carrying capacity and biological resource recruitment in the aquatic ecosystem as follows: ①Zooplankton feed on phytoplankton and micro-organisms, therefore, they can purifiy water. ②Zooplankton dominant species are used to assess water quality, therefore, zooplankton can be used as indicators for humification of the aquatic environment. ③ Zooplankton are also food sources for fish fry and mature fish. ④ Fish productivity of aquatic ecosystem is determined by the zooplankton species diversity, abundance and biomass.

(2) Zooplankton survey in 2004-2005


1. Zooplankton community composition and dominant species

A, Zooplankton community composition in the whole lake and features of dominant species

There are totally 4 categories and 62 species of zooplankton in Lake Wuliangsuhai and there are 33 species of rotifers at most, 16 species of protozoa, 9 species of copepods and 4 species of cladocerans. (See Table 4.2-29)

Table 4.2-29 Lists of zooplankton and benthonic animals in Lake Wuliangsuhai

|动物名称(Name of the|门类(Phylum) |纲/科(Class/family) |种类(Species) |

|animal) | | | |

|浮游动物(zooplankton|原生动物 (Protozoa) |肉足虫(Sarcodina) |盘表壳虫 (Arcella discoides) |

|) | | | |

| | | |圆滑表壳虫 (A. rotundata) |

| | | |盘状匣壳虫 (C. discodides) |

| | | |巧砂壳虫 (Difflugia elegam) |

| | | |瓶砂壳虫 (D. urceolata) |

| | | |大变形虫 (Amoeba proteus Leidy) |

| | | |蛞蝓变形虫 (A. 1imaz) |

| | | |放射太阳虫 (Actinophrys sol) |

| | |纤毛虫(ciliate) |团焰毛虫 (Askenasia volvox) |

| | | |圆缨球虫 (Cyclotrichium sphacricum) |

| | | |毛板壳虫(Coleps hirus Hitzsch) |

| | | |沟钟虫 (Vorticella convallaria) |

| | | |小口钟虫 (V. microstoma) |

| | | |大弹跳虫 (Halteria grandinella) |

| | | |湖累枝虫 (Epistylis lacustrls) |

| |轮虫 (Rotifera) |颤动疣毛轮虫 (Synchaeta trernula) |

| | |尖尾疣毛轮虫 (S. stylata) |

| | |角突臂尾轮虫 (Brachionus angularis Cosse) |

| | |萼花臂尾轮虫 (B.calyciflorus Pallas) |

| | |壶状臂尾轮虫 (B. urceus) |

| | |蒲达臂尾轮虫 (B. budapestiensis) |

| | |花箧臂尾轮虫 (B. capsuliflorus) |

| | |螺形龟甲轮虫 (Keratella cochlearis) |

| | |曲腿龟甲轮虫 (K. valga) |

| | |矩形龟甲轮虫(K. quadrata) |

| | |尖削叶轮虫 (Notholca acuminata) |

| | |囊形单趾轮虫 (Monostyla bulla) |

| | |精致单趾轮虫 (M. elachis) |

| | |盘镜轮虫 (Testudinella patina) |

| | |微凸镜轮虫 (T. mucronata) |

| | |长三肢轮虫 (Filinia longiseta) |

| | |针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla) |

| | |钩状狭甲轮虫 (Colurella uncinata) |

| | |钝角狭甲轮虫 (C. obtusa) |

| | |卵形鞍甲轮虫 (Lepadella ovalis) |

| | |裂足轮虫 (Schizocerca diversicornis) |

| | |月形腔轮虫 (Lecane luna) |

| | |没尾无柄轮虫 (Ascomorpha ecaudis) |

| | |团藻无柄轮虫 (A. volvocicola) |

| | |大肚须足轮虫 (Euchlanis dilatata) |

| | |三翼须足轮虫 (E. triquetra) |

| | |小须足轮虫 (E. parva) |

| | |卜氏晶囊轮虫(Asplanchna brightwelli) |

| | |暗小异尾轮虫 (Trichocerca pusilla) |

| | |鼠异尾轮虫 (T. rattus) |

| | |冠饰异尾轮虫 (T. lophoessa) |

| | |环顶巨腕轮虫 (Pedalia fennica) |

| | |尖尾环顶巨腕轮虫尖 (P. fennica) |

| |枝角类 (Cladcera) |长肢秀体溞 (Diaphnosoma leuchtebergianum) |

| | |蚤状溞 (Daphnia pulex) |

| | |长额象鼻溞 (Bosmina longiroustris) |

| |桡足类 (Copepode) |圆形盘肠汪(Chydorus sphaericus) |

| | |英勇剑水蚤(Cyclops strennus) |

| | |近邻剑水蚤 (C. vicinus) |

| | |角突刺剑水蚤 (Acanthocyclops thomasi) |

| | |大尾真剑水蚤(Eucyclops macraroides) |

| | |如愿真剑水蚤 (E. speratus) |

| | |锯齿真剑水蚤 (E. macruroides) |

| | |台湾温剑水蚤 (Thermocyclops taohokuensis) |

| | |直刺北镖水蚤 (Arctodiaptomus rectispinosus) |

| | |咸水北镖水蚤(A.salinus) |

B, Zooplankton community composition in small sea and features of dominant species

The small sea areas occupy 36km2. There is about 10km2 shallow in the northeast. The areas where small sea connects with lake are marshlands and reedlands. There are 20km2 of reedlands and 6km2 of marshlands. Water exchange takes a long time between small sea and the lake. Therefore, the water is relatively stable. The average water depth is 0.5m, not deep. According to the survay at site 1 and site 2, there are totally 4 categories and 60 species in small sea. Among these, there are 32 species of rotifers at most, 16 species of protozoa, 8 species of copepods and 4 species of cladocerans.


C, Nature Reserve - zooplankton community composition in core areas and features of dominant species

There are 16 km2 of core areas and average water depth is 1.2m. Most of the areas are open waters in core areas. There are a small number of reeds in the northwest and south. According to the survay at site 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, There are 4 categories and 49 species in core areas. Among these, there are 26 species of rotifers at most, 10 species of protozoa, 9 species of copepods and 4 species of cladocerans.

2. Zooplankton abundance and biomass

There are high zooplankton abundance and biomass in Lake Wuliangsuhai. Since some of zooplankton are large and some are very small, therefore, they are divided into 2 parts when counted: large zooplankton (including cladocerans, copepods, nauplii and rotifers) and protozoa. The annual average abundance of large zooplankton and protozoa are respectively 687 L-1 and 2.508×l04 L-1. The annual zooplankton biomass is 3.624 0 mg L-1 on average. See Table 4.2-13 for zooplankton abundance and biomass:

[pic] [pic]

Fig. 4.2-13 Abundance and biomass of large zooplankton

Zooplankton biomass and abundance in small sea is higher than that in the whole lake, while zooplankton biomass and abundance in the core area is lower than that of the whole lake. See details in Fig. 4.2-14.


Fig. 4.2-14 Zooplankton abundance in small sea and core area


Fig. 4.2-15 Zooplankton biomasses in small sea and core area

③ Seasonal changes of zooplankton abundance and biomass

Abundance of protozoa and large zooplankton in Lake Wuliangsuhai reaches the highest level in summer with an average abundance of 1 874.05 and 3.978 × 10 4L-1 respectively. And the second highest abundance appears in spring, respectively 809.83 and 3.881×10 4 L -1. Lowest abundance of protozoa appears in autumn with an abundance of only 0.693 3 × 104L-1, while the lowest abundance of large zooplankton appears in winter with an abundance of 12.21 L-1. The zooplankton abundance and biological changes in samll sea and core area are of the same trend with that in the whole lake.

Table 4.2-30 Seasonal changes of zooplankton abundance

| |Spring |Summer |Autumn |Winter |

| |mg L-1 |

|Protozoa |0.36 |0.37 |0.06 |0.09 |

|Cladocera |0.43 |0.64 |0.3 |0.016 |

|Copepods |5.3 |6.40 |0.48 |0.21 |

|Nauplius |1.2 |1.20 |0.12 |0.05 |

|Rotifer |0.6 |1.10 |0.12 |0.4 |


Fig. 4.2-16 Seasonal changes of zooplankton biomass

3) Evaluation methods

It has significantly valuable to take advantage of zooplankton community structure, biomass changes and distribution of dominant species to monitor and evaluate water environment. This method has been used for long both at home and abroad. It is more objective to evaluate the eutrophication and pollution states by zooplankton species, density and diversity. After a comprehensive survey of 211 inland waters in China, Zhihui He has discussed in detail the nutritional type classification of Chinese lakes and reservoirs. He put forward a standard to evaluate the water trophic level by zooplankton biomass. The standard are as follows: 0.16-2 .19 mg/L (average 0.96 mg/L) for the poor trophic level; 0.28-17.60mg/L (average 2.10 mg/L) for the medium trophic level; 0.59-9.52mg/L (average 3.59mg/L) for trophic level; According to the investigation at the Yuqiao reservoir, Mingde Li concluded the annual average zooplankton biomass in non-ice period: 8.0 mg / L for the super trophic level.

(3) Evaluation results

According to the above evaluation standard, annual average zooplankton biomass of Lake Wuliangsuhai is 3.624 0 mg / L, changing in the range of 0.220 7-7.809 9 mg / L, Water in Lake Wuliangsuhai is in trophic level. The annual average biomass of small sea and core area are 4.424 0 mg / L and 3.224 0 mg / L. It is obvious that the trophic level of small sea is higher than that of core area.

The number of zooplankton species in Lake Wuliangsuhai are rotifers > protozoa> Cladocera> copepod. The number of average zooplankton biomass are copepods> nauplii> rotifers> Cladocera> protozoa. Zooplankton abundance and biomass are at its highest level in summer and spring, but decline sharply in autumn and reach to lowest level in winter (except protozoa). The main reason is that local temperature declines sharply. Then there comes the cold winter.

2) Benthonic animals

(1) Role of benthonic animals

Benthonic animals are one important composition of freshwater ecosystem. It is theoretical significant to learn the structure and function of the ecosystem. Benthonic animals can also be used as natural food for economic aquatic life, such as fish. Some of the benthonic animals are of high economic value themselves (such as river crab and etc.). In addition, the benthonic animals are also often used as biological indicators for environmental monitoring. With this method, not only the water quality can be reflected over a period, but also synergic and antagonistic effects of the pollutants can be reflected in the water and namely the comprehensive toxicity of each pollutant. Therefore, benthonic animals can provide valuable reference to prevent pollution and protect biodiversity.

(2) Survey of benthonic animals

① Community composition and dominant species of benthonic animals

2 sampling surveys are carried out in August and October. Total 11 species of benthonic animals are found. They belong to 3 phylum, 3 classes and 4 families. Among them, there are 8 chironomidaes of arthropoda, 1 lymnaeidae and 1 planorbidae of mollusca, 1 tubificidae of annelida (See Table 4.2-31). The community composition of benthonic animals in small sea and core area are the same.

Table 4.2-31 Composition of benthonic animals in Lake Wuliangsuhai

|动物名称(Name of the|门类(Phylum) |纲/科(Class/family) |种类(Species) |

|animals) | | | |

|底息动物(Benthonic |节肢动物门 |摇蚊科 |隐摇蚊 (Cryptochironomus sp.) |

|animals) |(Arthropods) |(Chironomidae) | |

| | | |拟长跗摇蚊 (Paratanytarsus spl) |

| | | |羽摇蚊 (Chironomus plumosus) |

| | | |塞氏摇蚊 (Tendipes gr.) |

| | | |大红羽摇蚊 (Tendipes gr. Reductus) |

| | | |梯形摇蚊 (Polupedilum scalaenum) |

| | | |花翅前突摇蚊 (Procladius chorens) |

| | | |雕翅摇蚊 (Glyptotendipus) |

| |软体动物门 |椎实螺科 |萝卜螺 (Radix) |

| |(Mollusca) |(Lymnaeidae) | |

| | | |旋螺 (Gyraulus) |

| |环节动物(Annelida) |颤蚓科(Tubifcidae) |霍莆水丝蚓 (L. hoffmeisteri) |

1. Abundance and biomass of benthonic animals

According to the surveys in August and October, 2004, the average abundance of benthonic animals in Lake Wuliangsuhai is 3 031.4 m2, among which the abundance of chironomidae is the highest, occupying 93.58% of the total. The next is the mollusca with 6.07% and there are very few oligochaeta, only 0.35%. The average biomass of benthonic animals is 71.672 g m2. The biomass of chironomidae is at most with 50.30% of the total. The biomass of mollusca takes up 49.64% and there are almost no oligochaeta, only 0.06%of the total.

[pic] [pic]

Fig. 4.2-17 The abundance and biomass of benthonic animals

Abundance of benthonic animals in small sea is much higher than that in core area, 1474.2L-1 of chironomidae, 188L-1 of mollusca and of 10.9L-1 oligochaeta more, nearly 10 times.


Fig. 4.2-18 Abundance of benthonic animals

Biomasses of benthonic animals in small sea is also much higher than that in core area, 13.6mg L-1 of chironomidae, 112.7mg L-1 of mollusca and 0.128mg L-1 of oligochaeta more, nearly 12 times.


Fig. 4.2-19 Biomasses of benthonic animals

(3) Evaluation methods of benthonic animals

Benthonic animals are one of the important compositions of freshwater ecosystems. They are very sensitive to pollution and can reflect change of water quality more directly; therefore, they are often used as biological indicator of water conditions. According to the classification of Carlander in 1952, if biomass of benthonic fauna in reservoir are between 0.20-1.70 g/m2, the water are classified as poor trophic type, 2.50-6.25 g/m2 as medium trophic type and 10.00-25.00 g/m2 as trophic type. In 1980, Russian scholar A.H. Sayyaf classified the reservoir eutrophication in Soviet Union into 5 types as follows : 12.0 g/m2.

(4) Evaluation results of benthonic animals

The average biomass of benthonic animals in summer and autumn are up to 71.672 g/m2 in Lake Wuliangsuhai. Water in Lake Wuliangsuhai during the two seasons is in trophic level. The biomass in small sea and core area are 84.4237 g/m2 and 62.2432 g/m2 respectively. The trophic level of core area is lower than that of small sea. The sequences of average benthonic animal biomass are: chironomidae > mollusc> oligochaetes.


(1) Role of phytoplankton

Phytoplankton is autotrophic plankton. They have chlorophyll or other chromatophore, which can absorb sunlight energy (solar radiation) and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis to synthesize organism (mainly carbohydrates). Therefore, phytoplankton is the main productivity in water and also the basis for food chain and trophic structure. Some phytoplankton can also be used as indicator for environmental monitoring. Comparing with the physiochemical conditions, trophic level can better reflected by the density, biomass, species composition and diversity of phytoplankton.

(2) Phytoplankton survey

① Phytoplankton community composition and dominant species

With sampling in spring, summer, autumn and winter, it is preliminary known that there are 7 phylum and 58 genera in Lake Wuliangsuhai. There are 22 genera of chlorophyta at most, accounting for 37.9%of total. Bacillariophyta comes the next with 14 genera, accounting for 24.1%. There are 13 genera of cyanophyta, accounting for 22.4%. The numbers of chrysophyta, cryptophyta and euglenophyta are small, 4 genera, 2 genera and 2 genera respectively, accounting for 6.9%, 3.4% and 3.4%. There are only 1 genera of pyrrophyta at least, accounting for 1.7% of the total (Table 4.2-20). All above phytoplankton communities can be found in small sea and core area.

Table 4.2-32 Phytoplankton composition

|门类(Phylum) |属类 (Genera) |百分比 Percentage (%) |

|绿藻门 (Chlorphyta) |22 |37.9 |

|硅藻门 (Bacillariophyta) |14 |24.1 |

|蓝藻门 (Cyanophyta) |13 |22.4 |

|裸藻门 (Euglenophyta) |4 |6.9 |

|隐藻门 (Cryptophyta) |2 |3.4 |

|金藻门 (Chrysophyta) |2 |3.4 |

|甲藻门 (Pyrrophyta) |1 |1.7 |

|总计 (Total) |58 |100 |

②Phytoplankton density and biomass

The annual average density and biomass of the phytoplankton in Lake Wuliangsuhai is 33.01×106ind L-1 and 26.33 mg L-1. See Table 5.6-8 and 5.6-9 for the all algae density and biomass percentage.

[pic] [pic]

Fig. 4.2-20 Algae biomass in Lake Wuliangsuhai

Annual average abundance of phytoplankton in small sea and core area are 53.4×106 ind L-1 and 29.84×106ind L-1. The abundance of phytoplankton in small sea are 24.56×106ind L-1 more than that in core area.


Fig. 4.2-21 Abundance of all kinds of algae

Average phytoplankton biomass in small sea and core area are 40.14mg L-1 and 20.04mgL-1. The biomass of phytoplankton in small sea is 20.1mgL-1 more than that in core area.

[pic] [pic]

Fig. 4.2-21 Biomasses of different types of algae

③ Seasonal changes of phytoplankton density and biomass

It is known from Fig. 5.6-11 that seasonal density changes of cyanobacteria, chlorophyta and diatom chrysophyta are the same. The density is relatively high in spring and reaches its highest level in summer and falls to the lowest level in autumn and begins to increase again in winter. The density of chrysophyta, cryptophyta and euglenophyta are up to its highest level in spring and then decrease gradually to its lowest level in winter, almost zero. (Density of chrysophyta increase a little bit) There are only a few pyrrophyta found in summer and winter. Almost no pyrrophyta can be found in spring and autumn. In addition, chrysophyta is the dominant one in spring with the largest density. But summer is overwhelmingly dominated by cyanobacteria and the situation continues until winter comes. It is known from Fig. 5.6-12 that the seasonal changes of biomass and density are basically the same. Chlorophyta and diatom chrysophyta are the only ones, of which the seasonal changes of biomass and density are different in spring and summer. In additional, euglenophyta has the largest biomass due to its large number and body. In summer, cyanobacteria increase rapidly to its highest level and take place of euglenophyta and cryptophyta. In autumn and winter, most of other algae will die and biomass of diatom chrysophyta is the largest of all. Throughout the year, diatom chrysophyta has the smallest changes in biomass and density, while changes of the other 6 algae are large.


Fig. 4.2-23 Seasonal changes in algae density


Fig. 4.2-24 Seasonal changes of algae biomass

(3) Evaluation method of phytoplankton

Since different waters are suitable for different algae, the algae species can be used as the indicator to evaluate water trophic level. In 1949, Nygaard put forward the theory PCQ (phytoplankton compound quotient) and it was used to reflect the ecological status of the lakes and have achieved good results. Ott & Laugaste (1996) further developed the formula for the evaluation of lakes in Estonia. The evaluation accuracy has been further improved. The formula is as follows:


In the formula:* represents number of different kinds. See table 4.2-33 for its eutrophication state classification.

Table 4.2-33 Classification of lake ecological status by PCQ

|营养状况 (Eutrophication state) |PCQ |

|贫营养型 (Poor trophic state) |7 |

(4) Evaluation results of phytoplankton

This formula is used in the article to evaluate the trophic level in Lake Wuliangsuhai and it is calculated that PCQ value of the lake is 6.6, which means Lake Wuliangsuhai is in eutrophic state. The PCQ value in small sea is 7.3, which means water in small sea are in ultra-eutrophic state. The PCQ value in core area is 5.7 and the water is in eutrophic state.

1. According to the research results, phytoplankton density throughout the year are: cyanobacteria> chlorophyta > chrysophyta > diatom chrysophyta > cryptophyta > euglenophyta> pyrrophyt. The biomass of dominant species are euglenophyta > chlorophyta > cyanobacteria > diatom chrysophyta.

② Lake Wuliangsuhai is located in the North China, the weather of which has following features: dry and cold, large difference of annual temperature, high temperature in summer, long and cold in winter. Therefore, algae density and biomass change greatly, high in spring and summer, but low in autumn and winter. In addition, seasonal change of diatom chrysophyta is relatively stable, which may be because diatom chrysophyta is not very sensitive to climate impact.

③ According to the PCQ formula results, it is known that water in Lake

Wuliangsuhai is in eutrophic state, which is caused by the following 4 reasons:

Irrigation return flow from Hetao irrigation region: as of now, there are 43.7×104 t fertilizer used in Hetao irrigation region, but the utilization rate is only about 35%. About 28.4×104 t nutrients flow into Lake Wuliangsuhai every year, which has caused the increasing primary productivity of the lake. According to water quality monitoring results in estuary, total average nitrogen content is 1.74 mg/L, 8 times of common international standard. The total average phosphorus content is 0.07mg/L, which is 3.5 times of common international standard.

Industrial wastewater: Pollution in Hetao region is very serious due to industrial structure. Paper making and chemical industries are the leading industries in Hetao region, but these industries cause serious pollution. There are a very small proportion of high-tech and low polluting industries in this region. A large number of untreated wastewater flows into Lake Wuliangsuhai through irrigation drainages every year, which greatly accelerate the degree of its eutrophication.

Domestic sewerage: A large number of high phosphorus domestic sewerage is discharged directly into Lake Wuliangsuhai from Hetao irrigation region.

Pollution from rural areas in Hetao region: every year a large number of human and animal feces and straw putrilage flow into Lake Wuliangsuhai with the rainfall. This also contributes to the pollution.


(1) Species of fish and its faunal features

According to fish survey and samples collected in 2000 – 2002 and " China fish retrieval system", it is preliminarily known that the number of fish in Lake Wuliangsuhai are not large, about 8-10 species, belonging to 2 orders, 3 families. There are mainly cyprinid, 5 species, accounting for 62.5%. 2 species of cobitidae and 1 species of catfish exist in Lake Wuliangsuhai, accounting respectively 25% and 12.5% of the total. See Table 4.2-34 for fish survey details in Lake Wuliangsuhai.

Table 4.2-34 Fish composition in Lake Wuliangsuhai

|调查时间 ( Survey time) |调查时间(survey time) |

|序号 (No) |中文名 (Chinese Name) |1960 |1980 |1981-1983 |2000-2002 |

|1 |青鱼(Catfish) |+ | | | |

|2 |草鱼(grass carp) |+ |+ |+ | |

|3 |瓦氏雅罗鱼(Leuciscus waleckii) |+ |+ |+ | |

|4 |赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus) |+ |+ |+ | |

|5 |鲦(hemiculeer leucisculus) | |+ |+ | |

|6 |团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala) | |+ |+ |+ |

|7 |长春鳊(Parabramis pekinensis) | |+ | | |

|8 |麦穗鱼(Rajah Cichlasoma) | |+ |+ |+ |

|9 |似鱼句(Pseudogobio vaillanti | |+ |+ | |

| |(Sauvage)) | | | | |

|10 |棒花鱼(Abbottina) | | |+ | |

|11 |中化鲚自 (Zhonghuajizi) | |+ |+ | |

|12 |鲤鱼 (carp) |+ |+ |+ |+ |

|13 |鲫鱼(crucian carp) |+ |+ |+ |+ |

|14 |鳙(aristichthys nobilis) |+ |+ |+ | |

|15 |鲢(chub) |+ |+ |+ |+ |

|16 |花鳅(loaches) |+ | |+ |+ |

|17 |泥鳅(loach) |+ |+ |+ |+ |

|18 |后鳍巴鳅(Nemachilus |+ |+ |+ |+ |

| |posteroventralis.) | | | | |

|19 |董氏须鳅(Dongshixuqiu) | | |+ | |

|20 |鲶(silurid) |+ |+ |+ |+ |

|21 |黄鱼囊 (Yellow Croaker) | | |+ | |

|22 |青懿(Qingyi) | |+ |+ | |

|23 |黄鳓(Chinese herring) | |+ |+ | |

|24 |克氏童段虎鱼(Keshitongduanhu Fish | | |+ | |

| |) | | | | |

|总计 (Total) |12 |18 |21 |8 |

(2) Fish stocks changes

Lake Wuliangsuhai has a history of more than 100 years. The lake has been in natural state till 1958 and the fish stocks during that period are mainly carp, crucian carp, catfish and etc. The number of carp is the most. There are no fishery production, but only individual fish men and seasonal fishing later on. Fishery production started in 1954. With the expansion of fishery production, people begin to cultivate black carp, grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp and blunt head bream in Lake Wuliangsuhai. But for various reasons, none of the 5 fish stocks have produced stable biomass. As the water environment in Lake Wuliangsuhai changes, the biomass of fish stocks also changes. According to survey, there are 90% carp of the fish catch before 1955, but 50-60% in 1960. After 1960, the percentage of carp in the fish catches decreases year by year. On the contrary, the percentage of crucian carp increases year by year, from 50-60% in 1983 to 78% in 1999. Meanwhile, some other fish stocks gradually disappear or only account for a very small percentage. This change has to do with over-fishing and water environment changes.

(3) Evaluation results of fish

Comparing with former surveys, the species and numbers decease significantly according to this fish survey. Some of the fish has even disappeared. As of now, there are just a few species of fish in the lake. Most fish is crucian carp, accounting for more than 80% of total. Numbers of all other fish are small and actually not many fish species. Numbers of the crucian carp are much larger than others.


According to information collected and field study, there are 181 species and 4 subspecies of birds, belonging to 16 orders, 45 families and 103 genera. In the year 2000, there are 197 species and 4 subspecies of birds, belonging to 17 orders, 47 families and 110 genera in record, while in 2005, the record changes to 221 species and 4 subspecies of birds, belonging to 17 orders, 47 families and 116 genera. Based on previous data and field study, a preliminary analysis is conducted for wetland bird fauna evolution in Lake Wuliangsuhai. Due to the impact of weather and human being, the wetland environment is deteriorating year by year. Species of birds, which likes to live on marsh, increase these years, but species of birds, which prefer living on vast waters, decrease on the contrary. Large numbers of panurus biarmicus used to be resident birds on Lake Wuliangsuhai. But now they are rarely found in field studies.

1. Composition of bird fauna

There are totally 1 order, 2 families, 13 genera and 40 species increased from 1995 to 2005. The number of charadriiformes increases 14 species at most and the next is passeriformes increasing 11 species and third is falconiformes increasing 7 species. See Table 4.2-35 for bird composition

Table 4.2 -35 Birds composition in Lake Wuliangsuhai

|目(Order) |1995年 (year) |2000年(year) |2005年(year) |

| |科(family) |种(species) |% |科(family) |种(species) |% |科(family) |

|2002 |50.947 |26.235 |60.278 |49.688 |50.562 |35.196 |9.716 |

|2003 |42.126 |24.546 |51.987 |41.011 |45.409 |31.849 |6.578 |

|2004 |46.270 |24.344 |54.763 |45.312 |48.130 |33.547 |6.633 |

|2005 |50.184 |22.474 |55.396 |49.662 |51.274 |35.722 |4.122 |

|2006 |49.518 |23.917 |56.525 |48.790 |49.985 |34.639 |6.54 |

|2007 |49.245 |23.285 |55.967 |48.114 |49.192 |34.188 |6.775 |

|2008 |46.244 |24.568 |55.277 |44.661 |48.888 |33.934 |6.389 |

|Average |47.791 |24.196 |55.742 |46.748 |49.054 |34.154 |6.688 |

2)Utilization and drainage

The water resources in the Bayannaoer are mainly used for industrial and agricultural production, resident living in the urban and rural area and ecological water. Take the normal year 2008 as an example, the total usage water capacity in the whole year is 4,888,800,000 m3,where the total water consumption in the agriculture is 4,714,400,000m3,which account for 96.4% of the total water consumption; the total water consumption in industry is 95 800 000 m3,which account for 2.0%the total water consumption; the water consumption for living is 78 600 000m3,which account for 1.6% of the total water consumption. The total water consumption volume of the whole city in 2008 is 3,381,200,000 m3,the comprehensive water consumption rate is 69.2%;The water consumption in agriculture, industry and living are respectively: 3,276,900,000 m3, 48, 200, 000 m3 and 56, 100, 000 m3.

The total discharge volume of waste water of the whole city in 2008 is 70,090,700 t, the discharge volume of waste water is 22,564,000 t. The discharging volume of main pollutants COD is 58525.39t, which has reduced 3366.43t compared with 2007,where the discharging volume of COD in industry is 48506.85t,the discharging volume of COD in living is 10018.54t;the discharging volume of ammonia nitrogen is 1902.49t,which has reduced 669.51t compared with 2007, where the discharging volume of ammonia nitrogen in industry is 564.87t,the discharging volume of ammonia nitrogen in living is 1337.62t.

3)Water quality of water resource

Carry out assessment on the water quality of rivers of the whole city in 2008 according to the GB3838-2002 Surface Water Quality Standards, the water quality of water run into the Ulansuhai from the general drainage ditch can reach Class V, the main items that exceed the standard are permanganate index, COD, ammonia nitrogen, fluoride and mercury, the average annual mineralization degree is 1.700g/l,which has increased 0.08g/l compared with 2007;the water quality in Ulansuhai is Class V and belong to organic contamination, the main items that exceed the standard are COD, permanganate index,BOD5,TP, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen etc.. Carry out evaluation according to the class V water quality of surface water, the exceeding standard rate of BOD5 in the whole year is 66.7%,the exceeding standard rate of COD is 50%,the exceeding standard rate of total nitrogen is 33.3%,the exceeding standard rate of total phosphorus is 16.7%. On the aspect of nutrition, the water body of Ulansuhai is heavy eutrophication, where the total nitrogen has reached heavy eutrophication level; the total phosphorus has reached heavy eutrophication level.

The average annual mineralization degree of underground water in the Hetao area in 2008 is 3.920 g/l, which has reduced 0.200 g/l compared with 2007.The freshwater area that the mineralization degree of underground water of irrigation area in the drought period of 2008 is less than 3g/l is 5956.6 km2,which account for 56.7% of the total irrigation area;the freshwater area of underground water during the wet season is 5848.8 km2,which account for 55.7% of the total irrigation area, the freshwater area during the drought period is a little larger than those in 2007, the freshwater area during the wet season has a little reduction compared with those in 2007.

4)The existing problems of water resources

In recent years, along with the rapid economic development and the rapid increasing of urban population, the resident living water in the urban and rural area over the whole city in 2008 has reached 78, 600, 000m3.Until now, the water quality existing problems in 3 counties of the total 7 counties ,including Urad Front Banner , Wuyuan county and Urad Back Banner ,the water for living in the urban and rural area has been significantly affected. Where the water level in the Allah Ben region that is the water source area of Urad Front Banner, a relatively large groundwater extraction funnel has been formed, the water for industrial production and living of residents in the urban and rural area has existed crisis;good water that meet the drinking water standard for human and animal is lacking in the Wuyuan county, most of the water are brackish water ,the water for living of residents in the urban and rural area has already existed difficulties;for the Dishaiwusu town where the government of Urad Back Banner is located, the main reason of removing the government of town is due to the extremely lacking of groundwater. So that the shortage of water resources has became the main factor of restricting the city's economic and social development currently.

According to the Yellow River water allocation plan approved by GBF (1987)No.61 issued by state council, the water capacity allocated to the autonomous region in the normal water supply year of Yellow River is 5,860,000,000m3.In October,1999,the president conference office in the autonomous region has initially determined that the water capacity from Yellow River is 4,000,000,000 m3 after the implementation year of water-saving project in the Hetao irrigation area of Bayannaoer according to the water-saving project plan in the Hetao irrigation area. Due to the historical reasons and the actual situation of agriculture water usage in the Hetao irrigation area, the average amount of water from Yellow River in several years is 4,674,800,000m3, based on the water allocation program approved by the country and autonomous region ,now the Hetao irrigation area has introduced 674 800 000 m3 water from Yellow River in each year of which has exceeded the plan.

5)Balance analysis on the water capacity supply and demand

Due to the water demand prediction calculation zone in the first industry agriculture is five irrigation zones, but the water demand calculation zones for secondary industry, tertiary industry, living and ecological environment are administrative divisions in all counties. After conversion, carry out summary on the prediction results of water demand in the first industry, secondary industry, tertiary industry, living and ecological environment respectively according to the irrigation area and administrative division, for results please see table 4.3-2(water resource evaluation on the water source comprehensive management project in Bayannaoer ,Beijing University of Technology ,2010)

Table 4.3-2 Water demand and water supply prediction in all administrative divisions


4.3.2 Water capacity balance in Ulansuhai

1) Annual changes of water capacity in or out of Ulansuhai

The table 4.3-3 is the incoming and outgoing water capacity statistics for Ulansuhai in 1988-2008,it can be seen from the table that the drainage water capacity from the general drainage ditch ,Bapaigan , Jiupaigan and four truck channels to the Ulansuhai are respectively 0.307 billion-0.627 billion m3 ,0.025-0.062billion m3,0.005-0.036 billion m3 and 0.023-0.103 billion m3 ,the average value respectively are 0.461 billion m3,0.042 billion m3,0.022 billion m3 and 0.044 billion m3,where the general drainage ditch is the truck ditch for drainage, the drainage capacity accounts for 81% of the total water drainage capacity. Average water capacity run from Ulansuhai into Yellow River is 154 000 000 m3 in every year, the net water capacity run from the drainage ditch and truck channel to the Ulansuhai is 415 million m3.

The drainage water in the general drainage ditch, Bapaigan and Jiupaigan are polluted by the urban sewage and industrial and agricultural wastewater, these water should be discharged into Ulansuhai before carrying out purification through constructed wetland in the biological transition zone. Due to the replenishing water of the four truck channels are relatively clean water from Yellow River, they can be directly flow into the Ulansuhai area without treatment in the biological transition zone.

Table 4.3-3 The incoming and outgoing water capacity of Ulansuhai during 1988-2008(billion m3)

|Year |General drainage |Bapaigan to |Jiupaigan |Replenishing water |Water capacity|Total capacity |Net capacity |

| |ditch to |Ulansuhai |to Ulansuhai | | |run |run into |

| |Ulansuhai | | |from 4 |run into |into Ulansuhai |Ulansuhai |

| | | | |truck channels |Yellow River | | |

|1988 |5.44 |0.25 |0.1 |0.52 |3.30 |6.31 |3.01 |

|1989 |5.51 |0.30 |0.15 |0.51 |2.88 |6.47 |3.59 |

|1990 |5.20 |0.40 |0.16 |0.6 |2.51 |6.36 |3.85 |

|1991 |3.75 |0.43 |0.16 |0.32 |1.43 |4.66 |3.23 |

|1992 |4.16 |0.54 |0.12 |0.34 |1.72 |5.16 |3.44 |

|1993 |4.40 |0.40 |0.05 |0.42 |1.10 |5.27 |4.16 |

|1994 |6.10 |0.43 |0.16 |0.41 |2.68 |7.10 |4.43 |

|1995 |6.80 |0.58 |0.36 |0.44 |3.42 |8.18 |4.76 |

|1996 |6.27 |0.42 |0.33 |0.29 |3.28 |7.31 |4.03 |

|1997 |5.39 |0.40 |0.29 |0.35 |2.07 |6.43 |4.35 |

|1998 |5.08 |0.41 |0.3 |0.32 |1.31 |6.11 |4.80 |

|1999 |4.19 |0.50 |0.28 |0.33 |0.76 |5.30 |4.54 |

|2000 |4.09 |0.49 |0.28 |0.33 |0.45 |5.19 |4.74 |

|2001 |3.79 |0.47 |0.31 |0.39 |0.37 |4.96 |4.60 |

|2002 |4.19 |0.37 |0.22 |1.03 |0.43 |5.81 |5.38 |

|2003 |3.08 |0.27 |0.19 |0.43 |0.08 |3.97 |3.89 |

|2004 |3.97 |0.38 |0.24 |0.38 |0.74 |4.97 |4.24 |

|2005 |2.86 |0.33 |0.18 |0.32 |0.11 |3.69 |3.58 |

|2006 |3.49 |0.32 |0.16 |0.49 |0.41 |4.46 |4.05 |

|2007 |4.00 |0.59 |0.29 |0.74 |1.31 |5.62 |4.31 |

|2008 |5.09 |0.62 |0.29 |0.23 |2.03 |6.23 |4.19 |

|Average |4.61 |0.42 |0.22 |0.44 |1.54 |5.69 |4.15 |

2)Water capacity balance in Ulansuhai

Under the premise of ignore the storage capacity changes caused by other reasons in Ulansuhai area, the changes of water capacity in Ulansuhai can be expressed by following formula:


Where:[pic]—— water capacity of general drainage ditch;[pic]—— water capacity of Bapaigan;[pic]——water capacity of Jiupaigan;[pic]—— replenishing water capacity of truck channel;[pic]——water capacity run into Yellow River;[pic]——infiltration capacity on the bottom of lake;[pic]—— Evaporation water capacity;[pic]——precipitation on the water surface;[pic]—— runoff capacity on the ground surface;[pic]—— replenishing of groundwater

Without calculating the changes of storage capacity, the current water level operates on the place of 1018.5 m, i.e. [Dv/dt]=0.

(1)Incoming water capacity

According to the incoming and outgoing water capacity statistics for Ulansuhai during 1988-2008,the average annual drainage water capacity from the general drainage ditch ,Bapaigan , Jiupaigan and four truck channels to the Ulansuhai are respectively 0.461 billion m3 ,0.042 billion m3,0.022 billion m3 and 0.044 billion m3 ,the total annual drainage capacity to the Ulansuhai is 0.569 billion m3.

(2)Water capacity run into Yellow River

According to the incoming and outgoing water capacity statistics for Ulansuhai during 1988-2008,the average annual water drainage capacity from the Ulansuhai to the Yellow River is 154 000 000m3 .

(3)Evaporation capacity

The annual evaporation capacity of Ulansuhai is 1234 mm, the estimated annual total evaporation capacity is about 361 million m3(data from Inner Mongolia Water Resources Design Institute ).


The precipitation adopts the average value in several years from Xi Shanzui weather station during 1968~1997,the annual precipitation is 244 mm, the total precipitation capacity is about 66 000 000 m3.

(5)Seepage amount

The annual seepage amount is about 66 000 000 m3.

(6)Surface runoff

The annual surface runoff is about 52 000 000 m3

(7)Groundwater replenishing

According to the measured data in the 1980s of last century, the replenishing groundwater capacity is about 18 000 000m3.

In addition to the incoming and outgoing water, the multi-year changes of other hydrologic processes such as water, surface runoff, groundwater replenishing, seepage , evaporation and other processes are not very large. The water capacity balance of Ulansuhai can be seen from figure 1.1-1.


Figure 4.3-1 Water capacity balance in Ulansuhai

According to the analysis on the water capacity balance in Ulansuhai, it can maintain the current ecological water and water surface area of Ulansuhai when the net water capacity entering the Ulansuhai is larger than 515 million m³ .If the net water capacity is reduced, under the premise of maintain evaporation and precipitation, it may cause the reduction of water level and reduction of water surface area in Ulansuhai.

According to the conclusion of Comprehensive Planning Report On Water Resources In Bayannaoer Of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(Wu Han University,2006):when the net water capacity from the irrigation area to the Ulansuhai is 0.36~0.39billion m³ ,it can basically maintain the current water surface level of Ulansuhai at 1018.5m.the conclusion of Lake Recovery And Management Project In Inner Mongolia-Comprehensive Treatment Study In Ulansuhai (Environmental Science Research Institute of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Norwegian Institute for Water Environment):the water capacity coming into the Ulansuhai can not be less than 400 000 000 m³.Only can maintain the water level of lake at 1018.5m.According to the figure 1.1-1 Water Resource Balance Condition And Analysis In Ulansuhai, it maintains 515 million m³ ecological water demand in Ulansuhai after the comprehensive analysis (pay more attention on the safety),the water level of lake should be maintained at 1018.5m.

4.4 The pollution source in the project area and its treatment overview

4.4.1The water supply and consumption in the project area and the sewage pollution source

The total water source capacity of Bayannaoer in 2007 is 5,596,700,000m3,the total utilization capacity of water source in administrative divisions is 4919200000 m3,where, the water from Yellow River is 4236800000m3,other surface water capacity is 57 500 000m3,the groundwater used is 624 900 000 m3;In the total water utilization capacity, the water capacity in agriculture is 4744700000m3,which accounts for 96.5% of the total utilization water capacity, the water capacity in industry is 96 500 000m3,which accounts for 2.0% of the total utilization water capacity, the utilization water capacity for living is 78 000 000m3,which accounts for 1.5% of the total utilization water capacity .The total water consumption volume is 3418800000 m3,the comprehensive water consumption rate is 69.5%;the water consumption in agriculture, industry and living are respectively :3,295,900,000 m3, 60 ,900 ,000 m3 and 62 ,000, 000 m3.

The sewage drainage volume of Bayannaoer in 2007 is 51,497,000 t, which has reduced 1,399,900 t compared with those in 2006.Where the sewage drainage capacity in industry is 35,575,300 t, which has reduced 1,691,500 t compared with those in 2006,Qualified drainage capacity is 24,866,600t,the standard rate is 69.90%;the drainage capacity from living and other sewage is 15,921,700 t, which accounts for 30.92% of the total sewage drainage capacity .

There are 128 enterprises in the Bayannaoer, there are 75 sets of wastewater treatment facilities, the wastewater discharged into Sewage Treatment Plant is 3,531,800t,which only accounts for 9.93% of the total wastewater drainage capacity. The main pollutants in the wastewater are COD, ammonia nitrogen and suspended solids.

4.4.2 Industrial solid waste

The production capacity of industrial solid waste in Bayannaoer is 5,525,100t,which has increased 1,110,400 t, where the comprehensive utilization capacity is 1,778,300 t, which has increased 812, 700 t,the comprehensive utilization capacity is 32.19%;The storage capacity is 23,100 t, the disposal capacity is 3,812,600 t.


5 Comprehensive Environment Impact Assessment

5.1 Analysis on Environment Impact during Construction

The project to be constructed includes civil works, pipe laying, and installation, debugging and trial run of M&I equipment, etc. During construction, various construction activities, transport and equipment debugging will inevitably generate waste gases, wastewater, noises, solid wastes, etc. and the surrounding environment will be surely impacted, especially the impact of construction noises and dust are the most. The chapter will analyze the pollutions and their environmental impacts.

5.1.1 Ambient Air Impact Analysis

Main ambient air pollution sources during construction of the project include odor, dust and vehicle exhausts. Odor Impact Analysis

Odors emitted during grid excavation and sediment transport of Wuliangsu Lake will impact the surrounding environment.

(1) Odor Intensity Level

Odor intensity is classified based on odor threshold value. Odor intensity is classified into six levels (see Table 5-1-1) in China. The limitation criteria are generally equivalent to class 2.5-3.5 of odor intensity. If beyond the intensity range, odor pollution will be identified and corresponding measures shall be taken.

Table 5.1-1 6-class Classification of Odor Intensity

|Classification of Intensity |Sensory Intensity of Odor |

|0 |No Odor |

|1 |Vary Faint Oder (Detect threshold concentration) |

|2 |Weak odor which can determine the property of gas (Confirm threshold concentration) |

|3 |Significant odor to smell easily |

|4 |Strong Odor |

|5 |Strong Odor |

(2) Odor Impact Analysis

The project adopts analogy method to analyze the class of odor pollution intensity.

① Refer to Mudanjiang Nanpaozi Dredging Project (dry excavation in summer) and the investigation analysis of pollution source odor class is referred to Table 5-1-2.

Table 5.1-2 Odor Intensity of Mudanjiang Nanpaozi Sediment Dredging (Dry Excavation of Dry Pond)

|Distance |Sensory Intensity of Odor |Class |

|Shore |Apparent Odor |Class 3 |

|30m away from shore |Slight |Class 2 |

|80m away from shore |Slight |Class 1 |

|Above 100m away from shore |N/A |Class 0 |

② Nanning Nanhu Lake Treatment Project adopts wet dredging, only slight odor can be smelled around the lake and no odor beyond 50m.

③ Conclusion

Through analogy analysis, there will be apparent odor in the lake area during dredging; the odor intensity reaches class 2 with slight odor beyond 30m, lower than limitation criteria (class 2.5-3.5) of odor intensity; and there is basically no odor beyond 50m.

There are many residential areas around Wuliangmei Lake, however, all the sensitive point distribution is relatively scattered and beyond 100m, so the grid excavation and dredging process in Wuliangmei Lake area will not impact surrounding residents.

In order to avoid odor impact caused by grid excavation and dredging in Wuliangmei Lake area, the removed sediments and trashes shall be transported to local refuse landfills for landfill treatment timely. If sediments be cannot removed and transported timely, load them to straw bags for storage, thus reducing dust and odorous gas emission, avoid impact on the living quality of nearby residents. Furthermore, transport sediments in closed tank wagons to prevent scattering along the way and impacting urban landscaping. Dust Impact Analysis

Construction dust mainly includes dust generated by construction vehicle driving, dust in laydown area and stirring dust, etc.

(1) Dust Generated by Vehicle Driving

According to the introduction of related references, dust generated by vehicle driving covers above 60% of total dust during construction. Dust generated by vehicle driving can be calculated according to the empirical formula below under absolutely dry condition:



Q ——Dust generated by vehicle driving, kg/km·Vehicle;

V ——Vehicle driving speed, km/h;

W ——Vehicle load weight, t;

P ——Road surface dust, kg/m2.

Road dust generated by vehicles are related to many factors like vehicle speed, vehicle model, vehicle flow, wind velocity, road surface dust volume and others. Table 5.1-3 gives dust volume generated when a 10t truck passes across a 1km road surface according to different road cleanness and driving speed. We can see from Table 5.1-3 that under the same condition of road cleanness, the faster the driving speed, the more the dust volume; under the same driving speed, the more the road dust volume, the more the dust. Therefore, limiting construction vehicle speed and maintaining road surface cleanness is an effective means to reduce dust.

Table 5.1-3 Dust Volume Generated by 10t Truck at different speeds

| Dust Volume Vehicle|0.1kg/m2 |0.2kg/m2 |0.3kg/m2 |0.4kg/m2 |0.5kg/m2 |1.0kg/m2 |

|Speed | | | | | | |

|5km/h |0.0511 |0.0859 |0.1164 |0.1444 |0.1707 |0.2871 |

|10km/h |0.1021 |0.1717 |0.2328 |0.2888 |0.3414 |0.5742 |

|15km/h |0.1532 |0.2576 |0.3491 |0.4332 |0.5121 |0.8613 |

|25km/h |0.2553 |0.4293 |0.5819 |0.7220 |0.8536 |1.4355 |

According to preliminary estimate, road dust on construction site within 80-120m range of downwind exceeds Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996) Level II Standard, and road dust of transportation spoil within 30-60m range of downwind exceeds GB3095-1996 Level II Standard.

(2) Laydown Area Dust

Another source of dust during construction stage is wind dust in open laydown area and open site. Due to the construction needs, some building materials and excavated earthwork shall be temporarily piled up. Under the condition of dry and windy climate, dust will be generated and dust volume can be calculated according to the empirical formula of dust in laydown area:



Q ——Dust volume, kg/t·a;

V50 ——Wind velocity at height where is 50m away from ground, m/s;

V0 ——Dusting wind velocity, m/s;

W——Moisture content of dust particle, %.

Dusting wind velocity is related to particle size and moisture content, so reducing open laydown area, ensuring certain moisture content, and reducing open ground are effective means to reduce dust caused by wind. The diffusion and dilution of dust in air is related to wind velocity and other climate conditions and related to the sediment velocity of dust as well. The sediment velocity of different particle sizes is referred to Table 5.1-4. We can see from the Table, the sediment velocity of dust increases rapidly along with the increase of particle size. When particle size is larger than 250μm, the main impact range is within the close distance range of downwind of dust generation point, while some tiny particle size of dust has big impact on ambient environment.

Table 5.1-4 Sedimentation Velocity of Different Particle Sizes

|Dust Particle Size (μm) |10 |20 |30 |40 |50 |60 |70 |

|Sedimentation Velocity (m/s) |0.003 |0.012 |0.027 |0.048 |0.075 |0.108 |0.147 |

|Dust Particle Size (μm) |80 |90 |100 |150 |200 |250 |350 |

|Sedimentation Velocity (m/s) |0.158 |0.170 |0.182 |0.239 |0.804 |1.005 |1.829 |

Preliminarily estimated according to related data, the dust in dump laydown area exceeds GB3095-1996 level II standard within range of 100-150m downwind.

(3) Stirring Dust

Through analogy analysis on dust monitoring data on the construction lime stirring site, near the lime stirring station, the concentration at 50m downwind at TSP hour is 8.10 mg/m3, the concentration at 100m downwind at TSP hour is 1.65 mg/m3, and there is basically no impact at places 150m far away.

(4) Construction Dust Impact

According to above analysis and preliminary estimate, road dust on construction site within 80-120m range of downwind exceeds Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996) Level II Standard, road dust of transportation spoil within 30-60m range of downwind exceeds GB3095-1996 Level II Standard; dust on spool laydown area within 100-150m range of downwind exceeds GB3095-1996 Level II Standard; Through analogy analysis on dust monitoring data on the construction lime stirring site, near the lime stirring station, the concentration at 50m downwind at TSP hour is 8.10 mg/m3, the concentration at 100m downwind at TSP hour is 1.65 mg/m3, and daily average value concentration of GB3095-1996 level II standard are basically met at places 150m far away.

According to related test results, if spray water frequently (4-5 times/day) onto car driving road surface during construction, the dust volume can be reduced by 70% or so and get good dust sediment effects. Table 5.1-5 gives the actual test results of sprinkler dust on construction site.

Table 5.1-5 Sprinkler Dust Test Result

|Distance from Construction Source/m |5 |20 |50 |100 |

|TSP Concentration Value |No Sprinkler |10.14 |2.89 |1.15 |0.86 |

|(Hour Average )/mg·m-3 | | | | | |

| |Spraying Water |2.01 |1.40 |0.67 |0.60 |

| |GB3095-1996 Ambient Air Quality Standard Level II Standard |0.9 |

We can see from data given in Table 6.1-5, after the sprinkler dust measure (sprinkler 4-5 times per day) is taken, the dust concentration (calculated in TSP) is reduced greatly, and the impact range is also reduced from 5-100m to 5-50m. Within the range of 50-100m, the TSP concentration value of ambient air reaches level II standard of GB3095-1996 Ambient Air Quality Standard (suitable for residential area, commerce, transport and resident mixed area).

In a word, construction dust will have certain impact on residents, schools, enterprises and public institutions and construction personnel around the construction boundary, among which, construction personnel are affected the most. As the pipe network construction involves a wide range and the range affected by construction dust is wide, construction dust is mainly concentrated on both ends of pipe works and the roads where construction and transport vehicles drive across, however, the distance between project pipe network construction point and residential area and enterprises and public institutions is above 100m. So though construction dust has certain impact on ambient environment, by taking necessary measures, the impact of construction dust will be reduced greatly. And the impact is temporary, along with the execution of landscaping and rehabilitation, the impact will be reduced greatly and even disappear after the completion of construction. Vehicle Emissions

Construction machinery and equipment for the project includes face shovel, back shovel, bulldozer, dump truck, pile driver, and stirrer, etc. The construction machinery uses diesel and gasoline and exhaust emissions by fuel oil mainly includes SO2, NOx, CO and hydrocarbons, etc. Exhaust emissions during construction are referred to Table 5.1-6.

Table 5.1-6 Exhaust Emissions during Construction

|Fuel Name |Fuel Consumption (t)|Pollutants |Emission Factor |Emission (t) |Total Exhaust Emissions of Construction Machinery |

| | | |(kg/t) | |(t) |

|Gasoline |649 |SO2 |0.40 |0.260 |SO2: 22.233 |

| | | | | |NOx: 323.547 |

| | | | | |CO: 331.844 |

| | | | | |CnHm: 59.088 |

| | |NOx |28.13 |18.256 | |

| | |CO |225.33 |146.239 | |

| | |CnHm |44.40 |28.816 | |

|Diesel |5844 |SO2 |3.76 |21.973 | |

| | |NOx |52.24 |305.291 | |

| | |CO |31.76 |185.605 | |

| | |CnHm |5.18 |30.272 | |

As smaller intensity of exhaust emissions and flat terrain which are favorable to waste gas dilution and diffusion, tail gases generated by construction machineries, transport vehicles have small impact on ambient atmospheric environment.

5.1.2 Water Environment Impact Analysis and Assessment Construction Wastewater Environment Impact Analysis

During construction, as the execution of site cleaning, pipe laying, concrete mixture, building and installation, etc. a certain amount of construction remained water and spools will be brought. In addition, as a large number of construction personnel will be needed during construction, a certain amount of sanitary sewage will be generated.

(1) Construction Wastewater

Main pollutants in construction remained water and spools are COD, SS and petroleum. The analogy data show that the concentration of COD and petroleum are both lower than 150 mg/L for COD and 10 mg/L for petroleum required by level II standard in Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996), but cause SS increased in short time. According to analogy investigation, the concentration of wastewater suspended matters during construction is 500-1300 mg/L, after preliminary treatment of sediment and others, the concentration of suspended matter is greatly reduced and can reach discharge standard after holding for above 2h and will not cause remarkably unfavorable impact on water body.

(2) Sanitary Sewage

The calculation formula of sanitary sewage on construction site is as below:

Q = (k × q × n) /1000

Where, Q——Sanitary sewage volume, t/d;

k——Sewage emission coefficient, the project takes 0.8;

q——Per capital sanitary household water consumption, L/cap·d;

n——Number of daily construction site personnel, cap.

According to analogy data, the COD concentration in sanitary sewage on construction site is around 300 mg/m3, BOD5 concentration is around 150 mg/m3, and SS is 150mg/l. Water consumption takes 50 L/cap·d for calculation and the calculation results are shown in table. According to the requirements of construction scale and construction period of each pollution project, estimate the construction personnel required and sanitary sewage emissions, refer to Table 5.1-7.

Table 5.1-7 Sanitary Sewage Emissions during Construction

|S/N |Project Name |Number of |Water Consumption|Sanitary Sewage Emissions |

| | |Construction |(t/d) |(t/d) |

| | |People | | |

|1 |Urat Rear Banner Processing Park Regenerated Water Supply Project |90 |4.5 |3.6 |

|2 |Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park Regenerated Water Supply Project |100 |5.0 |4.0 |

|3 |Drainage Canal 3 Regenerated Water Supply Project |80 |4.0 |3.2 |

|4 |Drainage Canal 7 Regenerated Water Supply Project |80 |4.0 |3.2 |

|5 |Urat Rear Banner Processing Park (Huhe Town) Sewage Treatment and |90 |4.5 |3.6 |

| |Reuse Project | | | |

|6 |Ganqimaodu Port processing Park (Delingshan Town) Disposal |100 |5.0 |4.0 |

| |Treatment and Reuse Project | | | |

|7 |Urat Front Banner Processing Park (Xianfeng Town) Sewage Treatment|120 |6.0 |4.8 |

| |and Reuse Project | | | |

|8 |Wuliangsu Lake Idyllic Grid Waterway Project |50 |2.5 |3.0 |

|9 |Wuliangsu Lake Biological Transition Zone Constructed Wetland |70 |3.5 |2.8 |

| |Project and Area Source Demonstration and Promotion Project | | | |

As all itemized works of the project are not developed simultaneously, actual sanitary sewage emissions are not the sum of simple addition of figures in above table. From above table, it can be reflected that sanitary sewage emissions during construction are not big.

The existing living facilities near the construction site shall be used for sanitary sewage emissions during construction as far as possible. The unconditioned area shall be set up with temporary toilets and cesspool on site to collect stools which shall be transported by pumping tumbrel provided by construction companies or consigned sanitation department to sewage treatment plant for treatment periodically. Assessment of Impact on Water Environment of Grid Excavation and Sediment Release in Lake Area

Environment-friendly dredging machineries are used for this work to dredge grid waterways in Wuliangsu Lake. Disturbance brought by the dredging will facilitate the mix and exchange between mud and water, causing the increase of pollutants and SS content in water body, as well as the increase of organic matters and nutrients, also interfering the living environment for benthic organism to a certain degree. Backhole dredgers and grab dredgers will be used for this dredging operation that can effectively reduce the second pollution caused by the diffusion of pollutants and SS around water body. Dredgers will conduct stationary operation, so that they won’t disturb bed mud in the Lake are too much, and there will be less bed mud leakage during the dredging operation. Construction impact on water environment will be within the range of 50-60m that it won’t affect water environment significantly.

(1)Analysis on Suspended Matter Diffusion Impact

Factors like comprehensive dredging effects and impact on environment. It’s recommended to deploy 0.8~1.2 m3 hydraulic backhole dredgers. For sediments excavation at the upper layer in the area having less aquatic weeds, grab dredgers can be used.

Basically, hydraulic backhole dredgers and grab dredgers will conduct stationary operation during the construction. Diffusion mechanism of suspended dredged materials is similar to the diffusion of continuous point source. This environmental evaluation will refer to the forecast results of impact on suspended matters diffusion in dredging operation in relevant lake area of Meiliang Lake under the Report on the Impact on Polluted Bed Mud Dredging Test Work Environment in Tai Lake, where the construction process is similar to that of this work, and the forecast results in which can reflect the impact range of this work. The forecast results indicate that at 50m of excavation circumference, the impact values of suspended matters content in water body are all below 10mg/L. And such impact mainly works on dredging. About one hour after dredging, the content of suspended matters increased artificially will fall off under 1mg/L quickly. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that the operation of hydraulic backhole dredgers and grab dredgers won’t disturb bed mud too much, and basically there is no bed mud leakage during dredging operation. Bed mud dredged will be transferred above the dredging barge with the slewer. Then the device for opening the bucket will pull the latch off and compress the buffer spring. Bucket bottom will be opened under deadweight and loading force to unload the mud. Mud excavated will be transferred directly into the barges calling beside. Then a barge train (including five barges filled with mud in turn) will be towed to material discharge area by a towboat.

The excavation and dredging can facilitate the mix and exchange between mud and wter in the system effectively, enhance the release of organic matter, TP and TN in bed mud, and cause the increase of contents of COD, TP, and TN in the water body. According to the test data of bed mud resuspension in relevant water body, the disturbance brought by mud excavation will increase the contents of aerobic organic matters, TP and TN by around 10%. Short after mud excavation, due to the effects caused by oxide and hydroxide, the contents of aerobic organic matter, TP and TN will decline gradually to the background level, which will not affect the water body in area being excavated too much.

(2)Analysis on Impact of Remained Water at Laydown Area

Pollutants in remained water from waterway excavation operation mainly refer to the pollutants contained in the water body of construction area, as well as nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavy metal pollutants enriched in bed mud particles. Controlling the discharge content of suspended matters in waters during construction will control the discharge contents of other pollutants effectively.

According to the results of simulation test on silt in Caohai, Dianchi in Table 51-8: Pollutant content in remained water declines as the time of slurry sedimentation increases, but the content of suspended matters might not meet the requirements under Standard-I. If stationary time is shorter than 48h, pollutant content in remained water will exceed Standard-I under Slurry Comprehensive Discharge Standard. According to laydown area design for this work, slurry sedimentation time is normally longer than 48h.

Table 5.1-8 Components of Remained Water from Bed Mud Dredging in Caohai (simulation test results) (mg/L)

|Test Conditions |pH |SS |

|1 |Air compressor |110 |

|2 |Crusher |97 |

|3 |Excavator |79~83 |

|4 |Bulldozer |85 |

|5 |Loader |85 |

|6 |Lifter |72 |

|7 |Winder |97 |

|8 |Truck (above 10t) |79~83 |

|9 |Crane |76 |

|10 |Electric saw |90 |

|11 |Welding machine |78 |

|12 |Grafter |80 |

|13 |Pavement roller |84 |

|14 |Pile driver |110 |

|15 |Vibrator |105 |

|16 |Concrete pump |85 |

|17 |Dredger |92 |

(2) Analysis of environmental impact of noise on construction site

The analysis of engineering pollution sources shows that the noise sources on construction site are machineries with high noise and during construction, and a lot of machineries are operated on site, and therefore the intensity of single unit equipment source is between 76 dB(A) and 110 dB(A). The construction equipment can not be prevented, because they are used outdoor. The attenuation of noise with the distance increase is as follows:

L2 =L1- 20log( r2/r1)


L2、L1——noise level at r1 and r2 away from the noise source;

r1、r2——the distance away from the noise source;

In calculation, r1=1m.

Refer to table 5.1-10 for attenuation of equipment noise with the distance increase.

Table 5.1-10 Attenuation of Equipment Noise with the Distance Increase

|No. |Name of Noise |Noise |Noise level at different location from the noise source |

| |Source |Intensity | |

| | | |20m |

|1 |Urat Rear Banner Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works |35.5(500) |14066.88 |

|2 |Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works |28.0(600) |14632.8 |

|3 |No. 3 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works |11.6(300) |2211.54 |

|4 |No. 7 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works |11.8(700) |7842.87 |

|5 |Urat Rear Banner Processing Park (Huhe Town) Sewage Treatment Reuse |67.6(400) |19306.56 |

| |Works | | |

|6 |Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park (Delingshan Town) Sewage Treatment |45.08(400) |12874.85 |

| |Reuse Works | | |

|7 |Urat Front Banner Processing Park (Xianfeng Town) Sewage Treatment |32.4(530) |14013.21 |

| |Reuse Works | | |

|8 |Wuliangsu Lake Ruralized Grid Watercourse Works |—— |—— |

|9 |Wuliangsu Lake Bio-transition Zone Artificial Wetland and Non-point |—— |1118223 |

| |Source Pollution Control Demonstration Promotion Works | | |

(3) Construction Waste

The construction waste will be generated due to consumption and desertion of stones, clinkers and building materials during construction of all works. If the construction waste is not be handled promptly, it is not only unsightly and influence the landscape of the city, but also be blown to generate the dust raise phenomenon in gale and dry weather.

The soil and construction waste of the works transported outward is common solid waste without the toxic and harmful content. The waste can be used for filling the foundation of construction works specified by the municipal and planning departments, filling the swag or greening along the river for disposal. Rest waste can be delivered to local landfill site. Generally, disposal of the discard will not take the adverse impact on environment.

(4) Domestic Waste

In accordance with that the construction period is 36 months and the waste is 1.16kg/person·d, the domestic waste volume during construction period of all works is as shown in table 5.1-12. The total domestic waste output during construction is 977.4t which is delivered to the site specified by Environmental Sanitation Administration for disposal.

Table 5.1-12 Domestic Waste Volume during Construction of All Works

|No. |Works name |Number of |Domestic waste |Total domestic waste|

| | |constructor |volume (t/d) |volume (t) |

|1 |Urat Rear Banner Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works |90 |0.10 |108.0 |

|2 |Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works |100 |0.12 |129.6 |

|3 |No. 3 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works |80 |0.093 |100.44 |

|4 |No. 7 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works |80 |0.093 |100.44 |

|5 |Urat Rear Banner Processing Park (Huhe Town) Sewage Treatment Reuse |90 |0.10 |108 |

| |Works | | | |

|6 |Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park (Delingshan Town) Sewage Treatment |100 |0.12 |129.6 |

| |Reuse Works | | | |

|7 |Urat Front Banner Processing Park (Xianfeng Town) Sewage Treatment |120 |0.14 |151.2 |

| |Reuse Works | | | |

|8 |Wuliangsu Lake Ruralized Grid Watercourse Works |50 |0.058 |62.64 |

|9 |Wuliangsu Lake Bio-transition Zone Artificial Wetland and Non-point |70 |0.081 |87.48 |

| |Source Pollution Control Demonstration Promotion Works | | | |

|Total | | |977.4 |

During construction, daily life of the constructors will generate domestic waste at certain quantity. If the waste is not disposed promptly, at proper temperature, it will breed mosquitoes and insects, generate fetidity and transmit diseases, resulting in adverse impact on ambient environment. Therefore, the domestic waste shall be promptly delivered to the site specified by Environmental Sanitation Administration for disposal to avoid the impact on ambient environment.

5.1.5 Analysis of Ecological Impact Project Construction

Impact of this project on ecological environment mainly refers to the damage of soil and natural vegetation caused by works construction and pipe-laying.

(1) Impact of Permanent Land Occupation

The construction the reclaimed water treatment facilities, the sewage treatment reuse facilities and the Wuliangsu Lake artificial wetland belongs to the permanent land occupation. The vegetation shall be rooted up for construction of the reclaimed water treatment facilities and the sewage treatment reuse facilities, resulting in reduction of vegetation coverage rate, which easily causes soil and water loss at little quantity. Besides, the earth excavation and filling change the soil structure, reduce the soil maturation degree, impact the productivity of soil after reclaim, but will not change the land utilization type. The permanent land occupation of the reclaimed water treatment facilities and the sewage treatment reuse facilities mainly is the wasteland and some is the agricultural land, which will reduce the farm land at certain degree. The construction method of Wuliangsu Lake artificial wetland is artificial intensification of the existing reed field without changing the original utilization features of the land. The permanent land occupation of this works takes little ecological impact.

(2) Impact of Temporary Land Occupation

Construction of the pipeline network belongs to the temporary land occupation. The vegetation within 1-8m of the pipe trench is severely impacted. The crops will be recovered in a short time, but the trees and other vegetation will be recovered in a long time. During the temporary land occupation construction, strict topsoil protective measures shall be carried out to avoid unrecoverable impact. During excavation, the top soil (suggested thickness 30~50cm) shall be collected and stacked separately and the soil and water loss control measures shall be adopted. After construction, firstly fill the subsurface soil back, and then cover the top soil on the surface, and level up the site so as to reduce the impact on soil quality. As long as there is rational planning during construction, timely site cleaning and greening after construction, the adverse impact can be effectively controlled.

The disturbance of pipe-laying is low frequent and linear. Its impact is partial, temporary and recoverable after construction.

(3) Impact on Landscape Ecology

The coverage of this project is large. During the construction of pipeline network and lake area treatment works, the excavation and soil stacking will make the pipeline network laying area in disorder. Although there is the disclosure, the construction site will make the disorder impression; the spill of discarded soil during outward transportation will not only dirty the roads and but also raise the dusts, which will take adverse impact on surrounding landscape. Therefore, the cleaning work on construction site is very important. The impact on landscape during construction is short-term and recoverable. Analysis of Soil and Water Loss

The impact of general project on soil and water loss mainly includes the following two aspects: vegetation damage during excavation of ground surface, resulting in soil and water loss in rainfall; damage of original vegetation caused by the temporary land occupation, resulting in increase of soil and water loss. If the raw material yard and discarded soil temporary stacking yard are not properly managed, soil and water loss phenomenon in form of sheet erosion and shallow ditch erosion etc. may easily happen.

The construction stages of this project in which the soil and water loss may happen mainly refer to ground excavation during pipe-laying, construction of reclaimed water facilities, sewage treatment reuse facilities and Wuliangsu Lake artificial wetland and earthwork excavation.

In accordance with the soil and water conservation scheme of all works, the predicted results of soil and water loss are as follows:

1) Urat Rear Banner Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works

Area of original topography and ground vegetation damaged during the construction of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works is 41.31hm2, total area of soil and water conservation facilities damaged is 41.31hm2, total possible soil and water loss is 29,300 t and the newly increased soil and water loss is 20,200 t.

2) Urat Rear Banner Processing Park Sewage Treatment Reuse Works

Area of original topography and ground vegetation damaged during the construction of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park Sewage Treatment Reuse Works is 13.47hm2, total area of soil and water conservation facilities damaged is 13.36hm2, soil erosion caused by disturbance of the works is 50180t including 49084.96t soil and water loss during construction (including preparation period) and the newly increased soil and water loss is 24192.1 t.

3) No. 3 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works

Area of original topography and ground vegetation damaged during the construction of No. 3 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works is 19.66hm2, total area of soil and water conservation facilities damaged is 17.21hm2, soil erosion caused by disturbance of the works is 2208.89t (including spontaneous recovery period) and the newly increased soil and water loss is 826.81t.

4) No. 7 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works

Area of original topography and ground vegetation damaged during the construction of No. 7 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works is 42.39hm2, total area of soil and water conservation facilities damaged is 39.89hm2, soil erosion caused by disturbance of the works is 5062.26t (including spontaneous recovery period) and the newly increased soil and water loss is 2160.89t.

5) Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works

The soil and water loss type of Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works during construction is complex erosion by wind and water (mainly the wind). The important predicted stage of the soil and water loss is the construction period and the operation period. The total disturbed ground area during construction is 62.93hm2, total area of soil and water conservation facilities damaged is 51.77hm2, total possible soil and water loss is 17810.25t, and the newly increased soil and water loss is 12660.02t.

6) Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park Sewage Treatment Reuse Works

Area of original topography and ground vegetation damaged during the construction of Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park Sewage Treatment Reuse Works is 55.76hm2, total area of soil and water conservation facilities damaged is 55.76hm2, soil erosion caused by disturbance of the works is 12976.20t and the newly increased soil and water loss is 5131.45t.

7) Urat Front Banner Processing Park Sewage Treatment Reuse Works

The soil and water loss type of Urat Front Banner Processing Park Sewage Treatment Reuse Works during construction is complex erosion by wind and water (mainly the wind). The important predicted stage of the soil and water loss is the construction period. The total disturbed ground area during construction is 13.85hm2, soil and water loss area during construction (including preparation period) is 13.85hm2, and that during spontaneous recovery is 7.94hm2. Total possible soil and water loss is 1354.39t, increased by 556.69t; soil and water loss during construction is 586.60t, increased by 312.94t and during spontaneous recovery is 767.79t, increased by 243.75t.

8) Wuliangsu Lake Bio-transition Zone Artificial Wetland and Non-point Source Pollution Control Demonstration Promotion Works

Area of disturbed original topography and damaged ground vegetation is 6680.27hm2. During prediction, total soil and water loss caused by the works is 6239.80t including 4161.50t during construction and 2078.30t during spontaneous recovery, and the newly increased soil and water loss is 2312.80t.

9) Wuliangsu Lake Grid Watercourse Works

In accordance with the prediction, area of original topography and ground vegetation damaged during the construction of this works is 688.47hm2, total area of soil and water conservation facilities damaged is 3.87hm2, soil erosion caused by disturbance of the works is 58016.64t including 20152.84t during preparation and construction and 37863.8t during spontaneous recovery; the newly increased soil and water loss is 33760.27t including 14127.17t during preparation and construction and 19633.1t during recovery.

The soil and water loss of all works is as shown in table 5.1-13.

Table 5.1-13 The Soil and Water Loss of All Works

|No. |Works name |Soil and water loss volume (104t) |

|1 |Urat Rear Banner Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works |2.93 |

|2 |Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park Reclaimed Water Supply Works |1.78 |

|3 |No. 3 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works |0.22 |

|4 |No. 7 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water Supply Works |0.51 |

|5 |Urat Rear Banner Processing Park (Huhe Town) Sewage Treatment Reuse Works |4.91 |

|6 |Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park (Delingshan Town) Sewage Treatment Reuse Works |1.3 |

|7 |Urat Front Banner Processing Park (Xianfeng Town) Sewage Treatment Reuse Works |0.14 |

|8 |Wuliangsu Lake Bio-transition Zone Artificial Wetland and Non-point Source |0.62 |

| |Pollution Control Demonstration Promotion Works | |

|9 |Wuliangsu Lake Grid Watercourse Works |1.41 | Impact of Wuliangsu Lake Treatment Works

1) Wuliangsu Lake Grid Watercourse Excavation Works

Suspended matters generated during grid watercourse construction will form a high density distributed zone around the construction site, resulting in species and quantity reduction of plankton and zooplankton. However, this impact is reversible. After completion of the works, the impact will eliminate soon. The disturbance of construction of grid watercourse on benthonic habitat will cause damage of habitat for zoobenthos, resulting in stable reduction of biocoenosis structure. Noise and air pollution generated by the construction of grid watercourse will take impact on birds and reduce the species and quantity of plankton and zooplankton, resulting in impact on wading birds. The mud yard and hydraulic fill works will damage original terrestrial vegetation, resulting in the loss of vegetation in species and quantity.

2) Wuliangsu Lake Artificial Wetland Works

Impact of the works on vegetation mainly refers to the damage of reed caused by land occupation. During construction, channel dredge and trench excavation excavate the subsoil out, which totally change the soil mass structure. During construction, vegetation on the excavation area is all damaged, and the vegetation at both sides of the trench is damaged and impacted at different degree; in the area with severe damage, not only the vegetation but also the soil is damaged, which will impact the further growth of vegetation; in moderate impacted area, during excavation, rolling and trample of machinery, vehicles and personnel and stack of excavated soil will cause severe damage of the plants and also slightly impact the soil; in slightly impacted area, activities of machinery, vehicles and personnel reduce and the corresponding impact is slight.

The wetland restoration works is at least 5km away from the core area of Wuliangsu Lake Waterfowl Natural Reserve. The construction area is outside the buffer zone of the natural reserve and will not directly impact the birds and their habitat, but during construction, there will be many machineries and constructors entering peripheral region of the reserve. If the protection is not strengthened, increase of noise of machineries and activities of constructors will indirectly impact the normal foraging and habitat of birds and the reserve.

Suspended matters generated during construction of stabilization and sedimentation pond will form a high density distributed zone around the construction site, resulting in species and quantity reduction of plankton and zooplankton. However, this impact is reversible. After completion of the works, the impact will eliminate soon. The disturbance of construction on benthonic habitat will cause damage of habitat for zoobenthos, resulting in stable reduction of biocoenosis structure. Noise and air pollution generated by the construction will take impact on birds and reduce the species and quantity of plankton and zooplankton, resulting in impact on wading birds.

5.1.6 Social Environmental Impact Analysis Impact on Traffic

Impact on traffic during construction mainly includes the following three aspects: ① road break for pipeline network holds up the traffic; ② stacking of soil and road excavation hold up the traffic; ③ transportation vehicles increase the traffic flow.

Main impact of construction on traffic is on road traffic, detailed in table 5.1-14.

Table 5.1-14 Impact of Construction on Traffic

|Construction Item |Works with Impact |Impact on Traffic |Mitigation Measures |

|Material |All works |①Increase the traffic flow of city proper |①Strengthen the traffic dispatch and |

|transportation | |and impact the traffic smooth. |control to avoid peak traffic. |

| | |②Spill of soil, stones and sands during |②Strengthen the education of drivers, |

| | |transportation impacts the safety of traffic|prohibit to over load, promptly clean |

| | |and damage the pavement. |the spilled material. |

|Pipeline |Reclaimed water supply and |Damage pavement, soil is stacked, impact the|①Construct in stages, and try to |

|construction |processing park sewage treatment|traffic |complete excavation and backfill in a |

| |reuse works | |short period. |

| | | |②Set up temporary road and warning marks|

| | | |and appoint special person to relieve |

| | | |the traffic |

Impact of construction of pipeline network on traffic is obvious. Although the staged construction method can be adopted, during construction, there is always some soil to be stacked temporarily, which will impact the traffic along the pipeline and plant area. When pipelines cross the roads, if adopt the trenching method, it may block the vehicles, resulting in great impact on traffic. Therefore, if the geology and soil conditions are applicable, pipe jacking construction method will reduce the impact of road excavation during construction. During this period, bearing force (supporting capacity) of the roads will reduce, and therefore the truck shall be prohibited in a short period, which will impact the traffic. According to estimation, 20 days are needed for pipeline crossing every road, and thus the impact on traffic of this road will last 20 days. Therefore, detailed planning and speed-up construction shall be needed, try to adopt the pipe jacking construction method, work out the temporary route with the local traffic administration before construction, inform the residents in impacted area in advance, set up warning plates on construction site and appoint special person to relieve the traffic. Beside, adopt management strengthening during construction and construction period shortening and other measures to avoid traffic jam.

The transportation of raw material (sandstones, cement etc.) and discarded soil will increase the traffic flow in a short period. Therefore, the transportation shall not be carried out in traffic peak, especially the morning and evening peak. Health and Safety

This works includes many works, such as reclaimed water supply works, sewage treatment reuse works and Wuliangsu Lake comprehensive treatment works. The construction sites are in different banners and counties. The works not only includes reclaimed water treatment facilities and sewage treatment reuse facilities, but also includes pipelines of rainwater, sewage and reclaimed water, water fetching and supply pump stations, and excavation of Wuliangsu Lake grid and artificial wetland construction. Therefore, there are many constructors from all corners of the land and the mobility is strong. Because the construction places and construction sites of all works are not centralized. Living and sanitary conditions are poor and labor intensity is strong, and therefore diseases may be easily transmitted. In order to guarantee the construction safety, complete physical examination shall be carried out for all constructors. Constructors with infectious diseases are prohibited to enter the construction site. Regular physical examination shall be carried out for the personnel in canteen of all works. If the personnel has the infectious disease, the personnel shall be promptly cured and not work in the canteen to prevent the disease transmission. The centralized water supply facilities shall be equipped in each construction site. The water source shall be sterilized and monitored. The construction site shall be provided with the medical facilities. Labor protection measures shall be carried out for constructors to protect their health and safety so as to make the construction smooth.

5.2 Environmental Impact Analysis of Operation Period

5.2.1 Reclaimed Water Supply Works Impacts on Water Resources

The water sources of the reclaimed water supply works are consist of sewage treatment plant effluent, drainage ditch drainage and underground water. See table 5.2-1 for the water source and consumption of reclaimed water supply works.

Table 5.2-1 Water Source and Intaking Amount of Reclaimed Water Supply Works

|SN. |Works Name |Water Source |Water Intaking Amount |

| | | |(10,000m3/a) |

|1 |Urat Rear Banner Processing Park |Urat Rear Banner Processing Park Sewage|658.8 |

| |Reclaimed Water Supply Works |Treatment Works | |

| | |Main Drainage Ditch |597.4 |

| | |Yongmingmeizi |70.0 |

| | |Underground Water |211.0 |

| | |Total |1537.2 |

|2 |No. 3 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water |No. 3 Drainage Line Sewage Treatment |439.2 |

| |Supply Works |Plant | |

| | |No. 3 Drainage Ditch |512.4 |

| | |Underground Water |256.2 |

| | |Total |1207.8 |

|3 |No. 7 Drainage Line Reclaimed Water |No.7 Drainage Line Sewage Treatment |481.7 |

| |Supply Works |Plant | |

| | |No. 7 Drainage Ditch |483.12 |

| | |Underground Water |242.98 |

| | |Total |1207.8 |

|4 |Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park |Main Drainage Ditch |2067.6 |

| |Reclaimed Water Supply Works | | |

| | |Total |2067.6 |

The water intaking amount of this project of reclaimed water supply works using effluent of sewage treatment plants as source is 15.797 million m3/a, which will not only save a great amount of water resources, improve the utilization but reduce emission of pollutants.

The water intaking amount of Urat Rear Banner and Ganqimaodu port processing park reclaimed water supply works from the main drainage ditch is 26.65 million m3/a and that of No. 3 and 7 reclaimed water supply works from No. 3 and 7 drainage ditches are 512.4 and 48.312 million m3/a. The water intaking amount of reclaimed water supply works in winter is 7.1018 million m3/a.

According to the research report on the reasonable allocation of Bayannur City water resources, the available water resources of Bayannur in normal years is 6.23 billion m3, among which the normal average annual water taking from Yellow River is 5.2 billion m3, the degree of mineralization of industrial, agricultural and urban populous area is 2g/l and exportable groundwater is 0.85 billion m3. In 2002, the practical exportable groundwater for industrial and agricultural purposes reached 0.58 billion m3. In 2003, because of water shortage of Yellow River and fighting for drought, the production volume in Hetao Area and along-mountain region was 0.78 billion m3, which was very close to the available volume. Some areas have become overdraft hopper zone. By 2010, except over-intaking water from Yellow River for agriculture, the ecological water shortage is 0.303 billion m3. And the demand of underground water will increase to 1.118 million m3 from 0.58 million m3. The gap of underground water with mineralization less than 2g/l will reach 0.268 billion m3. The gap will also reach 35 million m3 even using the water with mineralization between 2-5g/l. The water shortage problem will be the principal contradiction that restricts the economic and social development of Bayannur city.

Therefore, the implementation of this project may reduce a groundwater exploitation of 52.4022 million m3 protecting underground water, releasing the shortage of water resources and promoting the economic and social development of Bayannur. Environmental Impact Analysis of Surface Water

The effluent discharge of the reclaimed water supply works are consist of sedimentation tank muddy water, back flushing water of filter tank, filter-pressing waste water of sludge and domestic sewage. In addition, the effluent discharge of Ganqimaodu port processing park and No. 7 drainage line reclaimed water supply works also include ultra-filtration reverse osmosis tail water because of reverse osmosis workshop.

(1) The muddy water from sedimentation tank and back flushing water from filter tank of the reclaimed water supply works are discharged into plant sludge pool for sedimentation concentration, dewatered by the filter press in dewatering room and carried out in form of mud cake, leaving the supernatant solution back flow into flocculating setting tank along with new water for treatment. The filter-pressed waste water from dewatered room makes back-flow into front distribution well along with new water for treatment after settlement.

(2) The ultra filtration reverse osmosis tail water of No. 3 and 7 drainage lines and Ganqimaodu port processing park reclaimed water supply works are all treated by coagulating sedimentation and then piped into front distribution well along with new water for restoration process, leaving the waste water un-discharged.

(3) The domestic water of this reclaimed water supply works is treated with different methods and ways based on the surrounding infrastructure conditions. The domestic water from Urat Rear Banner processing park reclaimed water supply works will be diverted to its sewage treatment works for treatment and that of No. 3 and 7 drainage lines are diverted to their corresponding Hangjin Rear Banner and Wuyuan County Sewage Treatment Plants, leaving that of Ganqimaodu Port to be treated by the plant ground-embedded biochemical treatment equipment in accordance with the requirements of The Reuse of Urban Recycling Water.—Water Quality Standard for Miscellaneous Water Consumption (GB/T18920-2002)without drainage.

Therefore, this project has no effluent discharge making no impact on the surface water environment. Environmental Impact Analysis of Waste Gas

The reclaimed water supply works will not bear any odor, yet, produce slight odor in the sludge tank, thickener tank and sludge thickening dewatering room. In addition, the reclaimed water supply works of pr-eaeration unit also produces odor. Since the water source of this reclaimed water supply works are inevitable in bringing slight pollution of water. Therefore, the odor is too slight to making environmental hazard. And since the sludge treatment area of this reclaimed water supply works is equally distributed at the down-wind direction of water treatment plant along with green isolated area to separate production and living areas, therefore, waste gas will not have any impact on the plant production and living. Acoustic Environmental Impact Assessment

According to the property and environmental characteristics of sound, the corresponding computation schema shall be used to calculate the sound level of sound source for future position. Efforts shall be also made to estimate the acoustic environmental impact of the project after completion.

(1)Acoustic Environment Quality Forecast Mode

The forecast mode selected based on requirements of acoustic environment assessment guide rules shall be simplified according to concrete conditions.

① Octave band pressure level of outdoor point sound source for future position

a. Octave band pressure level of one point sound source for future position


Among which:Loct(r)——Octave band pressure level of point sound source for future position;

Loct(r0)——Octave band pressure level of reference position r0;

r——Distance from future position to sound source,m;

r0——Distance from reference position to sound source,m;

ΔLoct——Decrement caused by all kinds of factors, including acoustic barrier, air absorption and ground effect.

b. If the octave band pressure level (Lw cot) of sound source is known and considering source is above ground, then


c.Caculaitng the sound level A (LA) of this sound source by all octave band pressure levels:


Among the formula, Δli stand for the correction value of weighing networks A.

d. Synthesis of sound level of sound sources for future position


② Prediction of indoor point sound source

a. Octave band pressure level of sound source for near building enclosure:


Among the formula:r1 is the distance from indoors sound source point to building enclosure;

R is room constant;

Q is directional factor.

b. Total octave band pressure level of outdoors sound source for near building enclosure:


c. Total sound pressure level of outdoors near building enclosure:


d. Conversing the outdoor sound pressure level into equivalent outdoors sound source:

Lw oct=Loct,2(T)+10lgS

Among the formula:S is area of acoustic permeability.

e. Since the equivalent outdoors sound source is the position of building enclosure and its octave band sound power level is Lw oct, the sound level of outdoors equivalent sound source for future position is calculated according to outdoors sound source method.

③ Superposition of Sound Level



The noise equipment of proposed works is all indoors. The above forecast mode shall be used to calculate the noise level of plant boundaries and predicate the acoustic environmental impact upon the superposition with current noise value. See table 5.2-2 for the results.

Table 5.2-2 Predictions of Acoustic Environment Quality at Test Points of Plant Boundary (dB (A))

|Works Name |Test Points |Days and Nights |Night |

| | |Current Situation |

| |Predicted concentration downwind Ci1(μg/|Predicted concentration downwind Ci1(μg/|

| |m3) |m3) |

|10 |0.2688E-17 |0.1792E-18 |

|100 |0.07 |0.005 |

|200 |0.09 |0.006 |

|300 |0.10 |0.007 |

|500 |0.08 |0.006 |

|1000 |0.05 |0.004 |

|1500 |0.06 |0.004 |

|2000 |0.05 |0.003 |

Table 5.2-4 Predictions under Area Source estimation model

|downwind Distance from the source center D |Pollution Source 1: NH3 |Pollution Source 2: H2S |

|(m) | | |

| |Predicted concentration downwind |Predicted concentration downwind |

| |Ci1(μg/m3) |Ci1(μg/m3) |

|10 |1.143 |0.114 |

|100 |11.37 |1.137 |

|200 |10.54 |1.054 |

|300 |9.911 |0.991 |

|500 |9.266 |0.926 |

|1000 |4.826 |0.482 |

|1500 |2.883 |0.288 |

|2000 |1.943 |0.194 |

According to Table 5.2-3 and Table 5.2-4, the largest point source concentration of NH3 and H2S is 0.10 × 10-3mg/m3 and 0.007 × 10-3mg/m3, accounting for 0.05% and 0.07% of the maximum allowable emission of the harmful substances in “ health standards Industrial Enterprises Design”(TJ36-1979 ). The largest area source concentration of NH3 and H2S is 0.011g/m3 0.001mg/m3, accounting for 5.5% and 10% of the maximum allowable emission of harmful substances in atmosphere in " health standards Industrial Enterprises Design " (TJ36-1979 ).

In Totalmary, the concentration of NH3 and H2S emissions of the sewage treatment plants is low, thus have little influence on the surrounding atmosphere.

(2) Health protection distance

According to "Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Pollutant Emission Standards" (GB18918-2002), the new site (including reform, expansion) of urban Sewage treatment plant should be consistent with the overall planning requirements of local urban and rural construction. Green belt should be built around urban sewage treatment plants, and certain protective distance should be kept, the size of which is determined by the environmental impact assessment.

The evaluation is to calculate the Health Protection distance based on the example of sewage treatment plant in Urat Front Banner. The scale of pollution Source of the other two plants is the same, so the health protection distance is applied accordingly. The calculation method, which is about unorganized harmful gas emissions of health protection distance given in" local technical methods of air pollutant emission standards (GB/T3840-91) ", is adopted, and it is as follows:


The meaning of symbols and units are shown in Table 5.2-5.

Table 5.2-5 List of symbols

|NO |Symbol |Meaning |Unit |

|1 |Qc |control level of non-organization emissions standards |kg/h |

|2 |Cm |Standard concentration limits |mg/Nm3 |

|3 |L |Required Health Protection distance of industrial enterprises |m |

|4 |R |Equivalent radius of emission sources in production unit |m |

|5 |A 、B、C、D |Calculation parameters of Health Protection distance | |

Table 5.2-6 List of source concentration parameter

| |NH3 |H2S |

|Qc |0.15kg/h |3.39×10-3kg/h |

|Cm |0.20mg/Nm3 |0.01mg/Nm3 |

|L |15 |35 |

|S |800 |

|A 、B、C、D |A=350、B=0.021、C=1.85、D=0.84 |

According to the prediction, health protection distance of NH3 and H2S is calculated as 15m and 35m. According to the relevant provisions of technical methods of development of local air pollution emission standard (GB/T3840-91), health protection distance of the sewage treatment plant is 50m.

All the sewage treatment plant sites selected in the project are 500m away from residents, so the impact of the project on the surrounding residents is within the permission of the state. According to forecasts and integrated analysis of analog, the project has little effect on the regional air environment and will not have a significant impact on the neighborhood. Water environment impact analysis

(1) Surface water environment impact analysis

The water process link of various sewage treatment and recycled water is water sedimentation, sludge thickening, filter backwash water and cleaning life water and water for equipment. The wastewater of this part goes from the sewage pipes in the plant and then will be collected and processed in the sewage treatment without discharging and have no impact on surface water.

In addition, the scale of sewage treatment and water recycling project in Ganqimaodu Port processing park is 30,000 m3 / d, the scale of renewable water treatment is 2.4 m3/ d, and the remaining 6,000 m3 / d water discharge into the main channel as a landscape of water; Urat Front Banner sewage treatment and reuse of the wastewater capacity is 30,000 m3 / d, and the scale of renewable water treatment is 2 m3 / d, and the remaining 10,000 m3/ d water discharge into the fourth channel as a landscape. The above two sewage treatment plants is implemented according to standard A of "Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Pollutant Emission Standards," and also meet the need of landscape water requirements. It will not be drained totally and has little impact on the water quality of the fourth channel. The treated wastewater of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park goes into sewage treatment plants of Urat Rear Banner to be recycled without discharging.

Meanwhile, due to the sewage treatment and the construction project of regenerated water cycling, it enhances the industrial wastewater treatment, increases water reuse rate, reduce pollutants load from processing parks effectively and decrease the quantity of pollutant discharged into rivers and benefit water quality improvement in the project area. After the project of wastewater treatment and recycling is completed, according to sewage treatment capacity of 80,000 m3/ d, reuse water of 64 000 t / d, it can save water 22.63 million m3/ a, reduce water pollutants CODcr 14271t / a, BOD8694t / a, ammonia 697t / a. It is of great importance to reduce regional water pollutants discharge load. In Totalmary, after the project of the sewage treatment and reclaimed water reuse project is completed and operated, it can effectively reduce the regional emissions, and can promote regional water environment with little impact on surface water bodies.

(2) Analysis of groundwater environmental impact

After the completion and operation of sewage treatment plants, domestic sewage and industrial sewage of all processing parks will be discharged into the sewage treatment plant. The construction of pipe network collection and harmless treatment of sewage reduces the bad effect of water infiltration on underground water pollution in processing parks. Therefore, the implementation of the project has a positive influence on regional groundwater environment. However, in the course of operation of the project, strict measures should be taken to prevent leakage of sewage pipes and sewage treatment facilities and avoid leachate into the groundwater in the course of dumping sludge. Seepage coefficient is less than 10-7 cm / s, the sludge generated by the project will be removed periodically, and sludge-dumping ground will be seepage proofing to ensure the effective protection of groundwater sources. Acoustic Environmental Impact Prediction and Analysis

(1) Prediction model

In accordance with HJ/T2.3-95 “environmental impact assessment technology guidance Acoustic Environment”, the noise source is regarded as a state of semi-free point source. It is tested in noise source coordinate system and floor plan to identify noise sources position, forecast positions, the distance between forecast position and sound source according to forecasts point. Equivalent sound level of sound pressure at any point LeqdB (A) is calculated with accordance of air attenuation model of acoustic energy in the environment.

1. the effect of single point sound source on predicted position, the mode of calculation is as follows:

LA (r) = LA (r0)-20lg (r/r0)

The formula: LA (r) - sound level value from sound source r, dB (A);

LA (r0) - sound level value from reference position r0, dB (A);

r - distance between predicted point and sound source, m; distance between reference position and sound source, 1m.

2. noise sound level of more than one sound source to a certain predicted position on the T-time, the mode of calculation is as follows:

The formula: Leq (T) - the total sound level of predicted position, dB (A);

n - the number of outdoor sound source.

(2) Environmental noise prediction of sewage treatment plant

Judged from the distribution of noise source, noise source are all in the plant. Blowers and all kinds of pumps are fixed in a separate device room, and the after the room acoustic shielding, green noise and distance attenuation effects, noise made by the equipment can be attenuated. Noise prediction results of various projects can be seen in Table 5.2-7.

Table 5.2-7 Noise Prediction of Sewage Treatment Plant and surrounding Area

|Project |Measuring point |Daytime |Night |

| | |Noise at boundary |Noise at boundary |

|Urat Urat Banner Processing Park (Huhe |East boundary |53.4 |53.4 |

|Township) | | | |

|Sewage treatment project | | | |

| |South boundary |54.2 |54.2 |

| |West boundary |52.4 |52.4 |

| |North boundary |53.6 |53.6 |

|Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park(Delingshan|East boundary |52.7 |52.7 |

|Township)sewage treatment and recycling | | | |

|project | | | |

| |South boundary |53.4 |53.4 |

| |West boundary |54.6 |54.6 |

| |North boundary |54.2 |54.2 |

|Urat Front Banner Processing Park |East boundary |52.8 |52.8 |

|(Xianfeng Township)sewage treatment | | | |

|recycling project | | | |

| |South boundary |53.4 |53.4 |

| |West boundary |52.4 |52.4 |

| |North boundary |52.7 |52.7 |

According to the above table, noise at plant boundary of the sewage treatment plants confirm to three functional areas standard criteria of daytime and night: 65dB (A ) and 55dB (A) provided by “Industrial enterprises plant boundary noise emission standard” (GB12348-2008). Moreover, no people live within 500 meters around the sewage treatment plants and there is little noise impact on the surrounding environment. Analysis of Solid Waste Environmental Impact

1) Impact of sludge dewatering process on the environment

Before dewatered, generally speaking, sludge should be concentrated. Concentration tank often exudes stench, especially in the hot Totalmer months, there are floating mud on the pool surface, and it is easy to infest mosquitoes.

When concentrated sludge is dewatered, the dewatering room will emit foul smell; in case of spilling in the process of dewatering sludge, environment will be polluted.

2) Impact of sludge dumping on the environment

Dewatered sludge should be timely removed. The sludge, which cannot be transported in time, should be put in temporary stacking areas. Dewatered sludge is easy to turn into slurry with water, which is of good fluidity and wash away easily; when it rains, water integrates with a large number of pollutants, polluting surface and groundwater. Therefore, the dehydrated sludge can not be cluttered, but should be treated with the impermeable layer of the temporary dumping place specially, and then stamp rain-shelter; In addition, the dehydrated sludge is not completely stable, long-term stacking will produce sludge anaerobic digestion. H2S odor produced by such substances will affect air quality; dehydrated sludge stack place is the breeding ground for mosquitoes, and have an undesirable effect on environmental health. For these reasons, sludge should be removed after dewatering time to avoid piling up in the factory.

3) Impact of sludge transportation on the environment

Although the sludge in the plant have been treated to various extend, the sludge still has some harmful pollutants. The sludge of the project in various sewage treatment plant is only concentrated and dehydrated and fail to meet the requirement of sludge stabilization and harmless condition. The sludge contains large amounts of perishable organic matter and coli, ascaris eggs and other pathogens microorganisms. Therefore, transportation process of sludge is a very important environmental issue.

At present, the main transportation of sludge is trucks. If the sludge hangs on the body and wheels of trucks in the handling process, or the vehicles are poor sealed, the trucks will spill sludge around sewage treatment plant and along the road, which cause pollution along the road. Muddy water flowing and malodorous spreading should be prevented in the process of sludge transportation. Sewage Treatment Plant should use special closed vehicles to prevent water leakage, mud leakage and scattering. Meanwhile, the sludge transportation time should be strictly controlled, trying to avoid heavy traffic times. In short, the sludge transportation is a very important problem to be taken seriously.

4) Sludge treatment program of sewage treatment plant

Sludge is the product of the sewage process and it is an important component of the sewage treatment. Sludge treatment aims to decrease the sludge moisture content and sludge volume to stabilize its nature and then create conditions for further disposal and comprehensive utilization. The general process includes “concentration - Dehydration –Disposal” or “concentration- digestion - Dehydration – Disposal”.

According to feasibility study report, due to biological nutrient removal technology adopted by the sewage treatment, sludge age is a little longer and the sludge is relatively stable, so there is no need to carry out nitrification. In the case of nitrification, a digestion pool, heating, stirring and a series of gas treatment and utilization structures and equipment are needed while investment increases. However, land area in the sewage treatment park is limited, so sludge nitrification system cannot be built.

According to analog data, sludge components of the sewage treatment plant relate with water quality of sewage. Generally, excess sludge of industrial waste water in sewage treatment plant contain high amount of heavy metals, far beyond the agricultural sludge standard, therefore it should be safely landfill ed instead of being used as agricultural fertilizer.

5) Disposal of bar screen material and sediment

Bar screen material and sediment in grit chamber are rubbish of the sewage treatment plant, and they should be properly collected, stored, and shipped. They are suggested to be transported to the reuse landfill together with domestic garbage. Specific stacking, packaging, and transportation process should be strictly enforced in accordance with relevant provisions. Although its output is not large, it will be harmful to the environment if it is neglected. Light plastic bags and other packaging waste will scatter by the wind to the wastewater treatment plant; sediment or scum should be removed promptly, otherwise it will smell bad, and breed mosquitoes and odor.

6) Impact of domestic garbage on the environment

The proposed sewage treatment plant produce less domestic garbage, so it can be cleared and transported with bar screen material and grit chamber sediment with no need to treat separately. However, clearance and transport must be done timely or garbage-piling stacking will become mosquito breeding grounds and have adverse effects on plant sanitation. In the process of clearance and transportation, strict health and safety procedures should be taken to avoid spilling along the road and releasing into the atmosphere, causing environmental pollution. Ecological environmental impact analysis

(1) Land use and soil restoration

Since the original crops, natural vegetation are replaced by various types of buildings, roads, green belt and other land. The function of land-use changes greatly.

After completion of the project, discarded soil can be reused to build green belt of the plant. At the same time, ground hardening and green belt building can hold the soil, reduce soil erosion; and it can also be used to cover soil in reuse landfill.

(2) Vegetation cover

After completion, the plant’s green area with trees on both sides of the road, the total green vegetation coverage rate will be higher than before. It keeps soil and water as well as beautifies the environment. The greening rates of all projects are seen in Table 5.2-8.

Table 5.2-8 Green rates of the projects

|NO. |Project |Plant area |Green coverage |Green rate |

| | |(m2) |(m2) |(%) |

|1 |Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park(Delingshan Township)sewage |111000 |53125.6 |47 |

| |treatment and recycling project | | | |

|2 |Urat Rear Banner Processing park (Huhe Township) |70000 |39074.5 |55 |

| |Sewage treatment project | | | |

|3 |Urat Front Banner Processing Park (Xianfeng Township)sewage |111000 |53380 |46 |

| |treatment recycling project | | | |

(3) Landscape Ecological Analysis

Before project construction, landscape patterns are simple, the degree of connectivity is poor, and the degree of heterogeneity is low. After completion of the project, there are various types of buildings, roads, green belt, and other kinds of combination. As there are more tree species, species diversity increased, correspondingly landscape heterogeneity increases. However, trees introduced by manual work require a certain process of selection and adaptation to the environment. When the project has just completed, the variability of trees is large and anti-interference ability is poor, but all of these will greatly improve over time.

5.2.3 Wuliangsu Lake Lake Administration Project

The project is non-polluting eco-projects. There is non-permanent structures existing and operating during the project operation period. Environmental impact of project operation is mainly reflected in Wuliangsu Lake Lake flow and improvement of water quality. Wuliangsu Lake biological transition zone manmade wetland project

1) Impact on Atmospheric Environment

The proposed project emissions are mainly produced by microbial decomposition of CO2, as well as stench of decaying animal and plant and other microbial life. The quantity is small, and the concentration produced can reach the maximum allowable concentration of secondary standards given by “municipal wastewater treatment plant emission standards” (GB18918-2002) factory sector.

2) Noise

Noise generated by the project is mainly from mechanical noise made by pumping equipment. Source intensity noise value is about 80dB (A). By status monitoring and predicting (predicting model: use HJ/T2.4-1995 “Environmental Impact Assessment Technical Guide: sound environment” indoor point source model and outdoor plane source model are recommended), Sound Pressure Level prediction of different distance pumping equipment is shown in table 5.2-9

Table 5.2-9 List of sound pressure level projections at different distance of running pumping equipment

|Distance (m) |100 |200 |

| |CODCr |TN |TP |CODCr |TN |TP |

|General Drainage Canal |78 |70 |83 |30 |15 |10 |

|Drainage Canal 8 |71 |65 |76 |- |- |- |

|Drainage Canal 9 |75 |70 |80 |- |- |- |

Inlet load of General Drainage Canal, Drainage Canal 8, Drainage Canal 9 and predicted reductions of biological transition zone after treatment is shown in Table 5.2-11-Table 5.2-13. Data of General Drainage Canal come from May 2008 ~ April 2009. Due to lack of information of Drainage Canal 8 and Drainage Canal 9, averaged data in July 2008, November 2008 and March 2009 are used and water outlet data are taken the average value from 1988 to 2008.

Table 5.2-11 Pollutants Reduction situation of General drainage after artificial wetland sewage treatment

|Time |Inlet load (t) |Outlet water reduction(t) |

| |CODCr |TN |TP |CODCr |TN |TP |

|08/5 |2283.50 |513.79 |64.70 |1141.75 |456.7 |60.89 |

|08/6 |1286.72 |168.26 |36.13 |296.94 |94.03 |31.18 |

|08/7 |3268.51 |212.71 |25.42 |1712.08 |134.89 |20.23 |

|08/8 |2813.38 |148.34 |11.77 |1278.81 |71.61 |6.65 |

|08/9 |2027.64 |279.22 |33.24 |33.24 |179.50 |26.59 |

|08/10 |539.56 |31.58 |4.08 |144.76 |11.84 |2.76 |

|08/11 |4159.31 |380.28 |39.22 |594.19 |202.02 |27.33 |

|08/12 |2881.89 |411.46 |80.63 |864.57 |61.72 |8.06 |

|09/1 |1910.58 |297.66 |62.30 |573.17 |44.65 |6.23 |

|09/2 |1670.00 |381.39 |79.55 |501.00 |57.21 |7.96 |

|09/3 |2047.38 |484.28 |65.75 |614.21 |72.64 |6.58 |

|09/4 |1959.28 |353.47 |27.01 |587.78 |53.02 |2.70 |

|Total |26847.75 |3662.45 |529.79 |8342.50 |1439.84 |207.17 |

Table 5.2-12 Pollutants Reduction situation of Drainage Canal 8 and Drainage Canal 9 after artificial wetland sewage treatment

|Drainage |Inlet load t/a |Outlet water reduction t/a |

| |CODCr |TN |TP |CODCr |TN |TP |

|Drainage Canal 8 |2283.50 |513.79 |64.70 |1141.75 |456.7 |60.89 |

|Drainage Canal 9 |1286.72 |168.26 |36.13 |296.94 |94.03 |31.18 |

According to data in the table, it is expected to bring CODCr, TN, TP of about 29102.42 t / a, 3816.8 t/a and 541.92 t/a by annual draining of water, and after biological transition zone-manmade wetland treatment it can be cut down to about 9781.19 t/a, 1990.57t/a and 299.24 t /a respectively. It can be seen from data in the table, as Drainage Canal 8 and Drainage Canal 9 have small amount of water quantity as well as small pollutant concentration, the main pollutant reduction pressure lies on the General Drainage wetlands.

After wetland ecotone is completed, water quality of non-frozen season can reach Grade Ⅳ standard (on average) of national “Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard GB3838-2002” predicted by the model, that is, the concentration of pollutants in water status can be reduced to CODCr 30mg / l, TP 1.5mg / l and TP 0.1mg / l.

4) Biological diversity

After construction, improvement of water quality in Wuliangsu Lake makes water body clear. Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthic fauna, which tend to live freely in clear water, are likely to increase, changing from dirt resistance type to clear water type. Changes of plankton have an influence on population structure and distribution of fish bait, shifting from a single type (crucian) to multi-species succession. The increasing quantity of fish, which favor to live in clear water and feed on phytoplankton, brings out positive development of Wuliangsu Lake aquatic ecosystems and ecosystem stability in the region. Structural changes of fish stocks and increasing quantity lead to population change of birds, which feed on fish. It is favorable to promote birds’ reproduction and feeding in nature reserves, enriching biodiversity of Wuliangsu Lake. Wuliangsu Lake Grid waterway project

1) Improvement of flow field in Wuliangsu Lake

Simulation analysis adopts one-dimensional river model (MIKE11) two-dimensional lake model (MIKE21) and one-dimensional and two-dimensional coupled hydrodynamic and water quality model (MIKE FLOOD) developed by Danish Hydraulic Institute.

Simulation analysis of flow and lake water quality adopts two-dimensional hydrodynamic model MIKE21 and sea waterways grid design adopts MIKE FLOOD.

Wuliangsu Lake flow field change before and after construction is shown in Figure 5.2-2.



(a)no canal design; (b) drainage canal design; (c) drainage canal + branch canal design

Figure 5.2-2 Lakes flow field simulation results (no wind in Totalmer)

(1) It can be seen from the simulation graph: compared with the current flow field situation, implementation of the project improves flow field of the reservoir area obviously. Stagnant water areas of East Beach and other large areas of water are eliminated. In the case of no wind, stagnant water area is reduced by about 30-40 km2;

(2) Flow rate of southern main Lake District increases slightly after implementation of the canal dredging extension. It has a little effect on flow condition of northern and western lake. overall improvement of the lake is limited;

(3) In reed field of Lake District, the mainstream flow field becomes more smooth and overall flow pattern of the Lake improves greatly, as channels are connected, main canal and branch canal are excavated, and water stagnation area is reduced by more than 10 km2.

2) Effect of grid waterway project on improvement of water quality of Wuliangsu Lake

Wetland water quality concentration of inlet and outlet in non-frozen season and frozen season is shown in Table 5.2-14. The simulation pictures of 5.2-3 and 5.2-4 show water quality of two seasons.

Table 5.2-14 water quality concentration of inlet and outlet: Wetland project

|Drainage |Non-frozen season |Frozen season |

| |CODCr |TN |TP |CODCr |TN |TP |

| |inlet |outlet |inlet |

| |Status quo |simulation |Status quo |

| |Concentration(mg/L) |Grade |Concentration(mg/L) |Grade |Concentration (mg/L)|Grade |

|Status quo0 |39.73 |Grade V |2.78 |Inferior Grade V |0.021 |Grade II |

|Program 2-2 |31.77 |Grade V |1.93 |Grade V |0.013 |Grade II |

|Program |Frozen season COD |Frozen season TN |Frozen season TP |

| |Concentration (mg/L)|Grade |Concentration (mg/L)|Grade |Concentration (mg/L)|Grade |

|Status quo 0 |35.68 |Grade V |1.64 |Grade V |0.007 |Grade I |

|Program 2-2 |23.15 |Grade IV |1.21 |Grade IV |0.004 |Grade I |

The followings can be known from water quality prediction results:

(1) Compared with the status quo, in non-frozen season, outlet COD concentration of the program falls down to 31.77 mg / L with a decrease of 7.96 mg / L, and is equal to Grade V of water quality. In frozen season, it falls down 12.53 mg / L, and the overall water quality improves and reaches Grade IV of water quality stably.

(2) Compared with the status quo, in non-frozen season, TN concentration of water outlet of the program falls by 0.85 mg / L, maintaining Grade V of water quality, and the overall of water quality improves a grade. In frozen season, it declines about 0.43 mg / L and reaches Grade IV of water quality stably.

(3) Compared with the status quo, in non-frozen season, water outlet TP concentration of the program falls 8 ug / L, maintaining Grade II of water quality, and water quality improves. In frozen season it falls down 3 ug / L, remaining Grade I of water quality;

3) Ecological landscape pattern analysis of Lake District channel system

Landscape spatial pattern is arrangement of landscape patches of different sizes and shapes in space, and it is an important manifestation of landscape heterogeneity. Meanwhile it is also the result of a variety of ecological processes at different scales. Landscape spatial pattern analysis of wetland landscape is significant to the wetland landscape study of spreading species, flowing energy and transporting material.

Based on latest topography data of Wuliangsu Lake(2009), supported by GIS spatial analysis function, we analyze landscape pattern status of Wuliangsu Lake, landscape change after channel excavation and its ecological impacts. Since the excavation of Wuliangsu Lake waterways (especially the newly added waterway) may interfere with Wuliangsu Lake landscape pattern, and then may lead to a series of ecological problems. Therefore, focus should be placed on landscape pattern changes before and after channel excavation.

(1) Technical methods

According to the latest topographic maps of Wuliangsu Lake, landscape distribution vector diagram is got by coordinate registering, digitization in mapinfo 7.5, as is shown in Figure 5.2-5. By using geographic information system software Arcgis 9.0, vector files are analyzed in term of topology and spatial database of various landscape types and its associated attribute database are generated. All polygons corresponding with landscape type are assigned certain property values, generating basic database, which is needed to meet the characteristic indicators for calculation. Based on Arcgis 9.0 platform, the Spatial Analysis extension transforms vector diagram into raster charts, and then it uses analysis software Fragstats3.3 of landscape pattern to compute the landscape metrics.


Left: before excavation; right: after excavation

Table 5.2-5 Lake district landscape pattern chart of Wuliangsu Lake

(2) Ecological landscape pattern analysis of channel excavation

① Landscape analysis of type

Calculated by Fragstats software, the main types of landscape indices (class metrics) (Table 5.2-17) are obtained. Analysis of the landscape index shows that:

I. Reed land and open water, two types of landscape, take up 54.9% and 45.1% respectively. After channel excavation, open water will increase by 0.7%, while reed land will decrease slightly.

Ⅱ.After waterway excavation, some waterways will be split by reed land, and the number of reed land plaque will increase to 40 from the present 25 and the maximum plaque index will drop from 7 to 5.8; the open water connects through watercourse, and the number of plaques reduces significantly, and the largest patch index rise to 45.8 from 45.1. It is beneficial to maintain the integrity of the ecosystem and reduce swamp formation due to expansion of the reed.

III. Through the newly added branch waterways, both numbers of Total Edges and Edge Density of reed land and open water landscape have significantly increased, indicating the effect increased obviously. It is beneficial to material exchange, energy flow, purifying the entire water in Lake District, and increase habitat diversity in Wuliangsu Lake.

IV. Landscape shape index refers to shape index of perimeter and reflects the complexity of patch boundaries. After channel excavation, two types of landscape shape index and average fractal dimension increases significantly, especially the status quo value of 3.45, the average fractal dimension value of open water, will raise to 7.7, increasing the acting surface and acting time of lake and reed land. It is favorable to help water purification.

V. Plaques contiguity index (contiguity index), clumpy index (CLUMPY), plaque cohesion degree (COHESION), division (DIVISION), and degree of polymerization (AI) calculations show that the two kinds of reed land and open water landscape have high degree of connection and low degree of fragmentation. Compared with the status quo landscape pattern, landscape indices after waterway excavation will not change significantly. It is indicated that although waterway excavation splits part of the reed land, the internal space pattern of two types of landscape does not change greatly.

Table 5.2-17 landscape index of type

|Type index |Reed land |Open water |

| |Status quo|After excavation|Status quo|After excavation|

|Percentage of landscape /(%)(PLAND) |54.9 |54.2 |45.1 |45.8 |

|Number of plaque(NP) |25 |40 |8 |3 |

|Plaque Density (PD) |0.18 |0.29 |0.07 |0.03 |

|Largest Plaque index (LPI) |7 |5.8 |45.1 |45.8 |

|Total Edges(TE) |46.3 |53.7 |32.8 |40.2 |

|Edge Density(ED) |0.33 |0.38 |0.29 |0.35 |

|Landscape Shape Index(LSI) |9.47 |11.1 |7.39 |9.0 |

|Fractal number(FRAC_MN ) |0.53 |0.7 |3.45 |7.7 |

|Area weighted mean plaque shape index (SHAPE-AM(SHAPE-AM) |1.97 |1.80 |1.79 |3.67 |

|Plaque contiguity index(contiguity index) |0.83 |0.89 |0.29 |0.47 |

3. Pattern analysis of landscape standard

Analyze landscape pattern change of Wuliangsu Lake before and after excavation from the view of landscape standard. Landscape index can be seen in Table 5.2-18, and the analysis shows:

I. The number of landscape plaque of status quo is 33, and the number of plaques increases to 43 after excavation, which mainly results in waterways’ splitting of reed land. Accordingly plaque density rises from 0.13 / km2 to 0.17 / km2. Compared with other lakes of the similar area, the plaque density is higher. The number of total landscape edge rises from the current 47.8 to 55.5, which is beneficial to internal exchange of landscape material and energy flow. The increase of plaque number and edge number may have a negative effect on spatial distribution of reed. However, it is significant to slow down the swamp formation trend.

Ⅱ. Sea district landscape shape index after waterway excavation was 8.41, which is significantly higher than the status quo of 7.25. It indicates that landscape complexity has increased significantly after excavation and it is beneficial to help increase habitat diversity.

III. Perimeter area of the score dimension is another measure of landscape shape index, and it mainly analyzes plaque type and the entire landscape fragmentation before and after channel excavation. Perimeter fractional landscape area of the score dimension (PAFRAC) is small, indicating landscape fragmentation of the entire sea area is of a low degree, and the overall integrity of the landscape will not be affected deeply.

IV. Contag (CONTAG) and division (DIVISION) are used to characterize the degree of landscape fragmentation. Contag (CONTAG) of more than 50% shows a low degree of fragmentation and more large plaques; division (DIVISION) value is low and it shows that the distance between plaques is short. Currently landscape cantag of Wuliangsu Lake is more than 66% and division is 0.77. It indicates that sea district landscape type is relatively gathered and it has good connectivity and the degree of overall landscape fragmentation is relatively low. After channel excavation, landscape cantag will only decreased from 66.6% to 66.2%, and it will not affect the overall landscape greatly.

V. From the aspect of landscape diversity, landscape before and after the watercourse excavation has no significant difference, Shannon diversity index is 0.98-0.99, Simpson evenness index is 0.99, and it indicates high uniformity of landscape before and after excavation. However, landscape diversity is low. Largest plaque index increases slightly because the watercourse connects with the isolated watercourse.

Table 5.2-18 Landscape index of landscape standard

|Landscape index |Status quo |Added watercourse |

|Total Area /( km2) (TA) |254 |254 |

|Number of Plaque(NP) |33 |43 |

|Plaque Density(PD) |0.13 |0.17 |

|Largest Plaque Index(LPI) |45.1 |45.8 |

|Total Edges(TE) |47.8 |55.5 |

|Edges Density(ED) |0.19 |0.22 |

|Landscape Shape Index (LSI) |7.25 |8.41 |

|Shape Mean Number(SHAPE_MN) |1.93 |1.93 |

|Landscape Cohesion Index(COHESION) |99.90 |99.90 |

|Contag(CONTAG)% |66.6 |66.2 |

|Division(DIVISION) |0.77 |0.77 |

|AI(AI) |99.4 |99.2 |

|Shannon Diversity Index(SHDI) |0.98 |0.99 |

|Simpson IEI(SIEI) |0.99 |0.99 |

(3) Impact of waterway system on ecological landscape pattern of Wuliangsu Lake

Fragstats (analysis particle size is 10 m) analyzes landscape type and index of landscape standard of ecological landscape systems in Wuliangsu Lake, and it makes analysis and evaluation of Wuliangsu Lake landscape from a quantitative and macro point of view. The results shows:

①Open water area increases after channel excavation, forms habitat landscape type with open water and narrow channels to meet the habitat choice of different groups of waterfowl.

② Although part of reed land is segmented by channel excavation, the number of plaques and edges increased significantly, landscape spatial pattern in Wuliangsu Lake (aggregation, connectivity, etc.) has not changed greatly, and it will not increase the degree of landscape fragmentation significantly.

4. After waterway excavation, the acting surface of reed land and open water surface increases significantly, which is beneficial to internal exchange of landscape material and energy flow in Wuliangsu Lake. It is also favorable to help water purification and increase biodiversity.

5. New added branch channel will split the local landscape. The increasing plaque density and edge density have a negative impact on the spatial expansion of reed, but it will help retard swamp formation of sea area.

5.2.4 Analysis of the sewage treatment plant and recycling plant after completion

1) The quantity of inlet water in recycling plant

Water Environment Improvement Project of Bayannur City includes sewage treatment plant and recycling water plant project. Among them, all outlet water of sewage treatment plant will be recycled, with no water discharging into the drain. Water recycling plant intakes water from general drainage canal, drainage canal 3 and drainage canal 7, and water of drainage canal 3 and drainage canal 7 eventually flows into general drainage canal. Table 5.2-19 shows monthly quantity of water of recycling plant from general drainage canal, drainage canal 3 and drainage canal 7.

Table 5.2-19 Monthly quantity of water of recycling plant from general drainage canal, drainage canal 3 and drainage canal 7(ten thousand m3)

|Month |1 |2 |3 |

| |(ten thousand t/d) |COD |

| |CODCr |TN |TP |

| |CODCr |TN |TP |

|1 |Regulation tank |L×B×H =6m×5m×5m | |

|2 |Coagulation Tank |L×B×H=5m×5m×3m |Chemicals adding device 2 sets, speed reducing mixing |

| | | |device 1 set |

|3 |Settling Tank |L×B×H=13m×6m×5m |Mud scraper 2 sets, sludge discharge valve 4 sets |

|4 |Reservoir |L×B×H=10m×8m×5m |Clean water pump 3 sets |

③The domestic wastewater of this reclaimed water supply project will be sent to Urat Rear Banner Processing Park Wastewater Treatment Plant together with domestic wastewater from water supply project of Urat Rear Banner Processing Park. The domestic wastewater of Drainage Cannel 3 reclaimed water supply project will be sent to Hangjin Rear Banner Wastewater Treatment Plant. The domestic wasterwater of Drainage Cannel 7 reclaimed water supply project will be sent to Wuyuan Country Wastewater Treatment Plant. The domestic wastewater of Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park reclaimed water supply project will be treated in underground treatment equipments in factory to meet standard of Reuse of urban recycling water--Water quality standard for urban miscellaneous water conTotalption (GB/T18920-2002), be used as miscellaneous water for factory but shall not be discharged outside.

(2)Feasibilities Analysis of Water Pollution Control Measures of Reclaimed Water Supply Project

①The pollutants components of settling tank sludge water, filter backwashing water and pressure-filtered water from sludge dewatering chamber of this reclaimed water supply project are rather simple and main of them are SS. So, after settling, the water quality will be improved greatly, meanwhile rather little sewage will be generated. This will take a small proportion of the scale of the whole reclaimed water supply project; also, this will have little effect on inlet water quality of reclaimed water plant but will not cause shocks to normal operation of reclaimed water supply facilities.

②In consideration of brine wastewater caused by ultra-filtered and reverse-osmosis technologies applied in reclaimed water supply project of Drainage Cannel 3, Drainage Cannel 7 and Ganqimaodu Port Processing Park, the wastewater will be coagulated settled then sent to front distribution and be reclaimed together with source water of reclaimed water plant; such wastewater will not drained outside.

Suspended matter and salt content of tail water after reverse-osmosis treatment are rather high, but after neutralization, coagulation and settling treatment, not only the suspended matter but also the salt content will be reduced. After treatment, such wastewater will be reclaimed together with resource water to fully utilize and save water resources. So, this method is feasible to treat brine water.

③The Urat Rear Banner Processing Park wastewater treatment plant, which is related to this project, is also a project benefit from the World Bank loan; now this plant is under construction and the designed scale is 20,000 m3/d (recent-term); ICEAS process is applied and the construction will be performed from May, 2010 to Feb 2010. Drainage Cannel 3 wastewater treatment plant is located at the south of the Drainage Cannel 3 reclaimed water supply project; A2/O process is applied and this plant is completed and in trial operation, the designed scale is 20,000 m3/d. Drainage Cannel 7 reclaimed water treatment plant is located at the south of the Drainage Cannel 3 reclaimed water supply project; this plant is under construction and the designed scale is 22,000 m3/d in recent term and 44,000 m3/d in future term; active sludge Biolak wastewater treatment process is applied. The domestic wastewater drained quantity of Urat Rear Banner reclaimed water supply project, Drainage Cannel 3 reclaimed water supply project and Drainage Cannel 7 reclaimed water supply project take a rather small proportion of the quantity. Meanwhile the pollutant of such domestic wastewater is single and the content is rather low. When the water flows to the plant, it will take little effect on designed inlet water quantity and quality of the wastewater treatment plant.

Therefore, it is feasible that the domestic wastewater caused by reclaimed water supply project engineering and operation is sent to wastewater via network treatment plant nearby and to be treated

(3)Proposal for Water Pollution Control Measures of Reclaimed Water Supply Project

①People shall strengthen management to ensure normal operation of equipments in design, construction and operation. Standby equipments shall be set. Accident prevention program shall be prepared to prevent serious consequences caused by problems.

②People shall strengthen management of project construction and operation to ensure the sewage treatment facilities and the efficiency meet the design standard and requirement, also to ensure long-term, stable and normal operation and qualified tail water discharge.

③People shall set up sound environmental management rules & regulations and fully implement staff training program.

④People shall maintain and keep the equipments in good conditions to reduce abnormal running to avoid unqualified discharge and accident discharge risk.

2) Measures of Noise Pollution Control

The noises of this project when running may come from the water intake pump chamber, lift pump chamber of reclaimed water plant, sludge dewater system and clean water lift pump station. Noise elimination, vibration elimination and noise isolation measures will be applied to control noise, like low-noise equipments, vibration-reduce method and noise isolated buildings, etc.

There are no residents in 50m around the reclaimed water project. Silencers and bumpers are applied in this water in-take pump chamber. The pump chambers are sealed; also double-layer silence doors & windows are equipped. Measures such as installing silencers, bumpers and isolation booth on the noise sources of reclaimed water plant to ensure the noise level in the plant is qualified and meet 2 class as per Standard of noise at boundary of industrial enterprises, ie. 60dB(A)in day and 50dB(A) in night.

If lift pumps are added, to reduce noises, it is required that:

(1)Sound isolation test shall be performed in the plant to ensure that the sound isolation performance shall not be lower than 25dB(A).

(2)Low power and low noise type pumps and ventilators shall be selected. Flexible joints shall be applied to connect the equipments and pipes to avoid vibration. Low noise and low vibration equipments shall be selected in procurement.

(3)Make a good layout in consideration of the direction of sound, the shielding function of building and noise-absorbs ion of green plants to reduce noise hazard to staff.

(4)Double-layer windows and wall materials with good sound absorption performance shall be applied in the Central Control Room. In structure, dumper ceiling, damper wall and damper floor shall be selected to avoid transmission of noises.

(5)Bumper cushions shall be installed in equipments with serious noises as noise-reduce treatment: All pumps and ventilators shall be equipped with bumper base and connected with pipes with flexible joints. All machines and pumps shall be installed on independent bases to avoid noises caused by resonance.

(6)Vibration-proof and shock-proof shall be considered in arranging, designing pipes and selecting brackets to abate noises to environment

(7)Install silencers to reduce noises of ventilators.

(8)Make a good and reasonable layout of the plant. Pay high attention of noise distance; arrange the noise sources centralized and away from office area.

(9)Pay high attention to greening work. Make a three-dimensional isolation belt near the reclaimed water plant and pump chamber with flowers, grasslands, woodlands and trees. Grow more high and dense trees to abate noises to circumstances.

Noises from equipments can be abated effectively to meet concerned national standard by above methods.

3) Solid Wastes Control Measures

(1)Solid wastes control measures of reclaimed water supply project

Solid wastes caused by this reclaimed water supply water project mainly means reclaimed water sludge and domestic wastes.

Reclaimed water sludge will be centralized and dewatered till the water content is less than 80%. Then the sludge will be comprehensively utilized as landfill soil, municipal engineering filling soil or brick manufacturing.

Domestic wastes will be collected and loaded by environmental sanitation department as per the agreement with such department to ensure domestics wastes are removed and treated timely and effectively and to prevent secondary pollution.

(2)Proposal for reclaimed water project solid waste control

①Solid wastage of wastewater treatment plant, especially the sludge shall not disposed casually but be collected and stored properly, and be sent to an agreeable domestic waste landfill site periodically.

②It is forbidden to discharge sludge of reclaimed water plant to any ground waters, valleys, depressed land, caves or farmland but not exclusive discharge site.

③In temporary sludge deposit site of reclaimed water plant, foundation anti-seepage, rain proof, odor concentrating and emission and secondary pollution control measures shall be taken.

④Sludge shelter shall be rain-proof; the ground to deposit sludge shall be hardened. Coffer wall, draining and collection well shall be arranged near the shelter. The collected sewage from the deposit sludge shall be fed back to reclaimed water treatment system.

⑤The dewatered sludge and solid waste of wastewater treatment plant shall be loaded and removed timely. Sludge shall be transported by closed tank trucks.

⑥The sludge shall be transported punctually and when the traffic is not so heavy if possible.

⑦The advance concentrating and dewatering equipments shall be used to reduce the water content to 75~80%, so as to reduce the quantity of sludge and facilitate utilization. It is suggested that the sludge shall be comprehensively utilized after dewatering process (water content less than 10%).

⑧The sludge attached on the trucks and wheels shall be removed when the solid waste storage and transportation vehicles leave the plant (pump station). Also, please check if the vehicle can be well closed or not to avoid pollution to roads.

⑨It is suggested that the construction enterprises shall cooperate with agriculture and landscape department to study the sludge serving as greening fertilizer so as to realized recycling of solid waste.

4)Safety measures of Chlorination Room

Chlorine leakage accident is the biggest potential pollutant. The leakage will cause hazard to production stuff member and even some influence to circumstances outside the plant.

Natural ventilation conditions shall be utilized, if natural ventilation is not practical, mechanical ventilation shall be applied. The ventilation frequency shall be 8~12 times per hour as per standard to ensure fresh air in the room. Meanwhile, the chlorine leakage alarm and absorption systems are equipped. As soon as leakage is happen, the chlorine detecting gauges will detect. If the detected leakage is higher up to preset value, the fan of leakage absorption system and alkaline liquid pumps will run to neutralize the leaked chlorine.

Installation of chlorine leakage detecting and alarming devices, layout, quantities and installation method shall comply with concerned regulations in Specification for the Design of Combustible Gas and Toxic Gas Detection and Alarm for Petrochemical Enterprises (SH3063-1999). The auto-alarm system shall act when chlorine content in air is up to 2~3ppm.

The chlorination room shall equip with protection devices such as gas mask for staff members in case of accidents.

To avoid chlorine accident caused by wrong operation, the chlorination staff shall be strictly trained; they can work only if they are aware of safety in using chlorine and detailed chlorination operation. All possible measures shall be taken to avoid bursting, oozing, dripping, leaking chlorine. Only operation staff members are allowed to enter chlorination room

Check the equipments periodically to ensure they are in good conditions.

Chlorination chamber shall open externally and equip with easy-handle locks to ensure quick escape in emergency situation.

5) Greening

To ensure a graceful environment in the reclaimed water supply project plant, double-layer greening program around building and beside roads shall be implemented to increase greening area maximally, while the green-cover percentage shall be higher than 30%. Select good tree species combined with flowers & grasses, fountain, the sculpture & artistic creation and flower beds to make a good layout and graceful environment. Arrange the tree species reasonably and three-dimensional tree belt organically combined with trees & shrubs, grasses and flowers to form a multi-layer greening environment and seasonal beauty of color. Make use of tanks, which are higher than ground, to let climbing plants climb up. Expand the flower bed to make a three-dimensional greening to form an all-season, graceful and beautiful garden-like factory.

Set up sanitary protection isolation belt in each reclaimed water supply plants. Use the isolation odor & protection function of greening belt, and especially isolate the living & administration area (front factory area) from production area by greening belt to create a good environment. Grow high and evergreen arbors around the production area and sludge treatment area to make the environment better.

6) List of “Three Simultaneousness” Environment Protection Measures Acceptance

“Three Simultaneousness” measures, results and investment estimation are indicated in diagram 5.3-1

5.3-1 List of “Three Simultaneousness” Environment Protection Measure Acceptance

|Item |Measures and equipments to control |Investment(10,000 RMB)|

|Wastewater |neutralization、coagulation、settling buildings and facilities |80 |

|Sludge |Sludge treatment facilities |1300 |

|Noise |Noise isolation, vibration and noise abatement |List and get from |

| | |equipments |

|Greening |Trees, flowers & grasses |560 |

|Detector |Pollutant detectors, sign board of sewage discharge port and solid waste site, |100 |

| |.etc. | |

|Net work construction|Clean & waste water network |25 |

|Chlorine leakage |Set up chlorine leakage detect & alarm device and chlorine absorption device in |800 |

|accident |chlorine chamber. Set up chlorine leakage detect & alarm device in chlorination | |

| |room | |

|Construction |Control and management measures for wastewater, odor and ecology during |200 |

|period |construction period | |

|Total |4115 | Mitigation Measures of Wastewater Treatment and Re-use Project in Processing Park

1)Measures to Mitigate Air pollution to Circumstances

The wastewater treatment plants have effects on environments, mainly it means odor, but odor is insufferable for people. So, control measures must be taken to reduce the effect of odor. In this project, biological de-odor device is designed to remove odor, so as to control generated odor effectively, therefore, following supplementary measures are represented in this EIR report:

(1)Strengthen greening construction in factory area. Green coverage in factory shall not be less than 30%. Greening shall be executed mainly around the grid, sludge treatment system and factory boundary. Generally, high arbors shall be mainly selected as greening trees; also, low shrubs can be supplementary. The green belt around the factory boundary shall be bigger than 5m.

(2)加Strengthen management of each treatment system of wastewater treatment plant and remove deposited sludge. When the sewage tanks are stopped to maintenance, the sludge will be emerged, so that the odor will come out. The sludge shall be removed timely to reduce odor.

(3)The sanitary protection distance of this project is 50m. The sources of odor are 10m or farther to factory boundary. It is recommended that 40m distance away from the boundary shall be arranged as plan control area, in this area, no civil building or other sensitive permanent buildings are allowed to be built.

2) Measures to Mitigate Water Pollution

After this project is completed, the water quality of general drainage cannel in Hetao District will be improved tremendously. To ensure normal operation of wastewater treatment plant, following measures shall be taken during plant operation:

(1)Reform the heavy pollution enterprises on-site. Close, stop, merge, change or shift unqualified enterprises.

(2)To ensure normal operation and qualified tail water to be discharged as per national standard, enterprises in the Park shall discharge their wastewater to network before their wastewater is treated respectively as well as the industrial feature pollutants are removed. The wastewater to be discharged shall meet Discharge standard for municipal wastewater (CJ3082-1999). The sewage from sludge de-water chamber and domestic wastewater shall be collected in wastewater network and then be send to treatment process.

(3)The wastewater from heavy pollutant enterprises shall be pretreated in their factories before being discharged. An accident reservoir shall be built to void high load shock to wastewater treatment plant so that the treatment efficiency and tail water quality being affected.

(4)To prevent risk of accidents, starting from design and management, practicable measures shall be taken and accident emergency disposal system shall be established.

(5)Strengthen water pollution monitoring. Install online monitoring devices, which are linked with local environment protection department, in inlet and outlet of wastewater treatment plant. All wastewater treatment plant shall equipped with accident emergency reservoir.

(6)Operation management and operation responsibility system shall be well established; Staff members shall be well trained and technical evaluation files shall be set up for them. The unqualified staff shall not work.

3)Measures to Mitigate Noise Pollution

The noises of wastewater treatment project mainly come from the equipments, which include mechanical equipments like sewage pump and ventilators, in wastewater treatment plant and sewage lift pump station. Following measures can be applied to control noise pollution.

(1)To select low-noise ventilator, sewage pump.

(2)Compound impedance silences are applied in the inlet and outlet.

(3)Use Isolation booth to control noises.

(4)Take measures like vibration elimination, noise isolation and underground channel ventilation for aeration tank ventilator room.

(5)The ventilator room control can be realized in Central Control Room so that the operators are not required to work in the ventilator room.

(6)A greening belt with certain width is required in the factory boundary. Arrange tri-layer arbor-shrub-arbor green belt and grassland under trees to eliminate the noises.

4)Measures to Mitigate Solid Waste Pollution


There are several methods to treat sludge, major of them are landfill, compost and incineration.

①Sanitary Landfill

Landfill treatment is one of the normal ways and it is commonly used in many large-scale wastewater treatment plants. The procedure requirement of sludge landfill is similar to solid waste landfill. The sludge without dry & incineration treatment shall be filled in different layers and in small scale. The thickness of raw sludge layer shall be less than 0.5m while the thickness of digested sludge layer shall be less than or equal to 3m. A layer of sand soil with thickness 0.5m shall be put on sludge layer. Both kinds of layers are interlaced. Ventilation units are required. The seeped liquid from landfill site is highly concentrated sewage; it shall be centralized and treated. Guardrail shall be set and concerned measure shall be taken to control insects.

A lot of lands are required for landfill. Odor may be generated in the landfill site; meanwhile, if anti-seepage methods do not work well, the ground water may be polluted. In another aspect, there are a lot of organic matters, which will act and digest and lead to marsh gas, in sludge. In case that the pressure of marsh gas is too high to release or the marsh gas is fired, explosion will happen. Therefore, the disadvantages of sanitary landfill method are too much land occupation, difficult site selection and potential secondary pollution.

②Agricultural Compost

Sludge compost can be performed singly or combined with other solid waste. The solid waste to be composted with sludge may be domestic waste, straw and sew powder. The combined compost method is popularly used because it will reduce time. The weight proportion of sludge and domestic waste normally is 1:2; the two kinds of materials are put in a pile in different layers. The height of pile can be 1.5~2.0m, and the surface of pile shall be smoothened via coating or pressing. Ventilation conditions shall be realized in a compost pile. The composting time is normally 3~6 weeks; after composting, mix the materials and pile again. After at least 3 month, they will be mature and become to effective fertilizer. To realize quicker and better control, mechanical composting equipments, which include vertical and horizontal stirring and oxygen supply system, can be applied. The fermentation process may be completed in 5~6 days, the temperature during fermentation may be up to about 65℃.

Agricultural disposal is an ideal method to dispose sludge. There are a lot of elements like NPK, microelement and humic substances which are essential for growing. The nitrogen in sludge can help the growth of leaves and stems; the nitrate nitrogen can be uptaken by plants directly, while ammonia nitrogen is uptaken by plants after being converted to nitrate nitrogen in soil. The organic nitrogen will be utilized only after being destroyed and oxidized in soil. The tests indicate that, certain quantity of municipal domestic sludge will improve the organic matters, humic substances and soil structure. Fertility of soil may be improved if reasonable qualified sludge is used. For agricultural use of sludge, the conditions shall meet standards in Control standards for pollutants in sludge from agricultural use (GB4284—84), in this standard, the maximal limits of 11 pollutant contents are regulated. Also, there are 6 principles listed in GB4284-84. Therefore, the sludge shall be composted to kill germs and parasitic ova before agricultural use, meanwhile the harmful substances shall be removed.

③Incineration Treatment

Incineration is one of the most popular ways used in oversea countries. By means of incineration, the volume of sludge will reduce to minimum (about 5% of before). Sludge incineration is a high temperature treatment technology. Excess air and sludge to be treated act in oven, so that all organic matters and pathogens can be destroyed by oxidization and pyrolysis in 800~1200℃ high temperature. Meanwhile, the heavy metal in sludge will be oxidized to stable oxide, which is good raw material for haydite and ceramic brick manufacturing, and to be comprehensively utilized. But, the incineration system have problem or the incineration is not completed and the s waste gas, noises, heat and radiation may cause secondary pollution. If the incineration system is well controlled to realize complete incineration and the overheat is well utilized, this is a rather good method to realized harmless, quality-reducing, and recourse-recovery treatment.

Ashes come from incineration are water-absorbing and solidifiable, so they can be used for soil improving or road building. Also the ashes can be served as fine fillings of concrete. A kind of granular fuel made from the sludge can be burned well, and of which the heat value is equal to brown coal; meanwhile the harmful gas generated will be lower than incineration process. The remains can be used in construction industry.

Over energy in exhaust gas can be obtained to generate power when incineration. Compound fuel made from de-watered sludge, along with additives, like detonator, catalyst, loosening agent and sulfur-fix agent. This kind of fuels can be used in industrial and domestic boilers. With stable combustion, excellent thermal and environmental test, this is an ideal way to realized effective sludge utilization.

(2)Analysis of Sludge Treatment Method

There is no available final disposal method stipulated clearly. But according to analog data, the components of sludge of wastewater treatment plant are related to the properties of wastewater to be treated. Normally, the sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, which mainly take up industrial wastewater, contains high level heavy metal content which is much higher than standard for agricultural sludge. Therefore, the sludge from processing park shall not be utilized as agricultural fertilizer. Instead, it shall be disposed by means of safety landfill. Inner Mongolia Baotou (Mid-west area of Inner Mongolia) Hazardous Waster Disposal Center will be assigned to treat such sludge.

 Inner Mongolia Baotou (Mid-west area of Inner Mongolia) Hazardous Waster Disposal Center is according to National Construction Planning of Hazardous Waste and Medical Waste Disposal Facilities, which is authorized by national State Council, issued in 2003 by State Environmental Protection Department and National Develop and State Commission of Development and Reform. The overall investment is 198 million RMB and the site is located in the west of Hatamen Valley, Agarusutaimu, Jiuyuan District, Baotou City. The hazardous substances from eight cities and leagues, including Baotou City, Hohhot City, Erdos City, Wuhai City, Xilin Gol City, Ulan Qab City, Bayannur City, Alashan League, and medical waste disposal facilities of Baotou City will be disposed safely here. This center (1st stage) takes coverage of 36 thousand m3 and the overall capacity is 203367m3 The annual landfill quantity is 28760m3/a. The disposing capacities include: incineration 10,800t/a, waste acid 30,000t/a, physical & chemical disposing 5,000t/a and curing process 15,500t/a. Because that sludge produced in this processing park wastewater treatment plant is only 4,307t/a, Inner Mongolia Baotou (Mid-west area of Inner Mongolia) Hazardous Waster Disposal Center is capable to treat sludge from this processing park wastewater treatment plant. This disposal method is feasible. See hazardous and waste treatment agreement of this project in attachment

(3)Scum from Screenings

Scum halted by coarse screens and fine screenings are solid blocks, including both inorganic and organic substance. The properties of scum is similar to domestic solid waste, so it can be treated, pressed and transported with sands from setting tank.

(4)Domestic Waste

All domestic waste will be bagged and collected by special people, then sent to waste pot appointed by Bayannur City Government. Then the waste collecting truck will send the waste to solid waste disposal center to treat timely. The waste shall be well sealed during transportation to ensure daily removal.

5) Measure to Protect Ecological Environment

The green coverage may reduce owing to construction. Greening in factory, including greening belt around the factory, grassland in factory and trees beside the roads, shall be performed as compensation. Following measures are recommended to take during greening construction:

(1)Pay Attention to Proportion of Arbors, shrubs and grasslands.

Keep a certain hierarchical structure. As per greening equivalence defined by ecological service function, an arbor or shrub is equal to 1.5m2 of dense grassland. So, if we enhance the proportion of arbors and shrubs in certain area, the ecological service function will be improved. Meanwhile, a plant community structure including three layer arbor—shrubs—grasses has higher anti-interference abilities. Normally, the green projected area of arbors shall take a proportion higher than 50%, while shrubs 30% at least and grassland 50%(overlapped percentage 130%)

(2)Select Mixed Forest Instead of Single-specie Forest

Multiple tree species formed by coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest may be applied in greening. Do not use single-specie forest. Economic tree species like poplar, willow and elm are suitable trees to be grown in factory.

(3)Use Indigenous Species As Possible

The indigenous species fit with local circumstances better and the survival rate is higher. With stronger adaptabilities and capabilities for resisting natural disasters, the indigenous species are preferred tree (grass) species for greening. Local shrubs and grass species shall be selected with sand fixation function..

(4)Strengthen Management

The factory people shall appoint special people for greening and management, also, concerned rules and regulations shall be stipulated to protect grassland and ecological circumstances. Mitigation Measures of Wuliangsu Lake Project

The operation stage of Wuliangsu Lake regulation project is focusing on noise of man-made wetland engineering and solid waste.

1)Measures to Mitigate Noise Pollution

The noises of this project mainly come from the pumps of water lift station and compressor of aeration tank. Following measures may be taken to control noise pollution.

(1)Double-layer windows and wall material with good sound absorption performance shall be applied in the pump chamber and compressor chamber. In structure, dumper ceiling, damper wall and damper floor shall be selected to avoid transmission of noises. The sound isolation performance shall not be lower than 25dB(A).

(2)Low power and low noise type pumps and ventilators shall be selected.

(3)All pumps and ventilators shall be equipped with bumper base and connected with pipes with flexible joints. All machines and pumps shall be installed on independent bases to avoid noises caused by resonance.

(4)Install silencers to reduce noises of ventilators

(5)Make a good layout as per the direction of sound, the shielding function of building and noise-absorbs ion of green plants to reduce noise hazard to staff.

(4)Vibration-proof and shock-proof shall be considered in arranging, designing pipes and selecting brackets to abate noises to environment.

(5)Pay high attention to greening work. Make a three-dimensional isolation belt near the reclaimed water plant and pump chamber with flowers, grasslands, woodlands and trees. Grow more high and dense trees to abate noises to circumstances.

Noises from equipments can be abated effectively to meet concerned national standard by above methods.

2)Measures to Mitigate Solid Waste Pollution

Solid wastes produced in lake area regulation project operation mainly include sludge in settling tank and domestic solid waste.

Solid wastes produced in man-made wetland mainly include sludge in settling tank. The sludge shall be removed every 5-10 years and it can be served as fertilizer for farmland. In transportation, some measures shall be taken to prevent secondary pollution caused by leakage.

Domestic wastes will be collected and loaded by environmental sanitation department as per the agreement with such department to ensure domestics wastes are removed and treated timely and effectively and to avoid secondary pollution.

6. Environmental Risk Analysis and Relief Measures

6.1 Environmental Risk Analysis and Relief Measures of Reclaimed Water Supply Works

6.1.1 Environmental Risk Analysis of Reclaimed Water Supply Works

The failure of individual equipment of the planned reclaimed water supply works will have no impact on the reclaimed water disposal system by and large; two-way power supply can prevent power cut-off accident and in case of failure of power supply, standby electric generators will timely discharge the untreated reclaimed water into surrounding surface water system for ensuring the safety of reclaimed water supply works while the surrounding surface water system is to be influenced to some extent. Therefore, we’d strengthen the management and maintenance of reclaimed water supply works, and compile an emergency handling proposal for preventing pollution accident of water environment.

Chlorine dioxide is used in the planned reclaimed water supply works for disinfection. Sodium chlorate and muriatic acid are purchased for producing chlorine dioxide, with a little chlorine gas as the by-product. Moreover, another key environmental risk of reclaimed water supply works is accident caused by the failure of chlorine dioxide generator in the disinfection. On the basis of the analysis on the damage of the accident, reasonable and feasible prevention measures are put forward for minimizing accident rate, loss and environmental damage of the construction project.

Chlorine dioxide, a yellowish red gas with irritative smell can scatter on the ground and is usually diluted to a solution with lower than 10% concentration in use and storage; and with high oxidizability, it may have an explosion reaction with many chemical substance, is extremely sensitive to heat, shock, hit and friction and tends to decompose and explode.

Chlorine gas, a yellowish green poisonous gas with irritative smell has a relative density 1.47(0℃, 369.77kPa), melting point -101℃ and boiling point -34.5℃, and is dissolved in water and lye. It produces hypochlorous acid and muriatic acid with water, where the hypochlorous acid is then decomposed into muriatic acid nascent chlorine, oxygen, chlorine gas density 2.49, and vapor pressure 506.62kPa (5atm10.3℃) and acid. Chlorine and carbon monoxide produces phosgene in intensively heat case. Chlorine gas is non-combustible gas while can support combustion, and explode in mixing with combustible gas in daylight and cause inflammation and explosion with many substances.

The chlorine dioxide generator of the project has extremely low output of chlorine dioxide & chlorine gas in abnormal working status. Moreover, chlorine adding workshop is equipped with a lye spraying and absorbing device with processing efficiency of over 98%. Therefore, the accident of the project has a small scope, and in case of accident, timely measures will alleviate the impact rapidly in a short period.

In sum, perfect accident handling measures can minimize environmental risk of this project.

6.1.2 Environmental Risk Relief Measures of Reclaimed Water Supply Works Environmental Risk Counter-measures

(1) Prevention Measures against Environmental Risk and Accident taken in Design

① Strictly define the production danger area of reclaimed water plant, set up the plan under the principle of safety and sanitation, take into account wind direction, safe protection distance and other factors, and select corresponding flameproof electric equipment.

② Set up relevant fire-prevention, explosion-proof, poison prevention, and monitoring, and alarming and other safety facilities for the equipments and pipelines in use according to the properties of chlorine dioxide and chlorine gas.

③ Chemical adding room should be set up with lye spraying system as well as automatic chlorine gas monitoring alarm system.

④ Chemical adding room should be set up with a closed operating cabin of the accident disposal system and waste gas alkaline collecting device in handling accident.

(2) Risk & Accident Prevention Measures in Operation and Management

① Sophisticated automation system should be used for chemical adding device for effectively controlling production process, timely feeding back the information and shutting down the device in case of accident, so as to reduce the leakage of chlorine dioxide and chlorine gas caused by the accident.

② Strictly implement the operating regulations, keep to the post, closely monitor the change of process parameters of the equipment, timely report and take effective measures in case of any failure.

③ Chlorine adding room should be provided with forced ventilating equipments.

④ Strictly put an end to the leakage of pipeline system, especially the joint between the valve and pipe, as well as flexible hose and equipment; and carry out regular inspection over pressurized vessel and pressurized component and material.

⑤ Set up lightning-proof system and fire prevention system;

⑥ Set up cofferdam around the muriatic acid tank with switching device, and build up one accident collection basin with more than 2m3 volume. In case of leakage accident of muriatic acid, the accident should stay in empty status as usual.

⑦ The reclaimed water plant should be set up with emergency accident rescue system covering monitoring, early-warning communication, command, first-aide repair and rescue; Relief Measures of Risk Accident

(1) Emergency Handling Measures

Evacuate the people in leakage polluted area to higher windward position, and close off till the gas completely disappears. Cut off the sources of fire and gas, spray water for diluting, carry out forced ventilation (indoor) or ventilation (outdoor). Gas leaking vessel cannot be reused, for which technical treatment is required for eliminating the remaining gas.

(2) Protective Measures

Protection of respiratory system: gas mask is required in case of high concentration in the air. In emergency rescue or withdrawal, positive-pressure self-supported respirator is recommended.

Protection of eyes: chemical safety protective glasses are required.

Protection of body: working clothes required.

Protection of hand: chemical gloves are required for possible touch with poisonous substance.

Others: no smoking on the working site. Bath and re-dressing after work, and good sanitation habits are required.

(3) First-aide Measures

Skin touch: put off the polluted clothes, and rinse with much flowing fresh water for at least 15min. See a doctor.

Eye touch: open the upper & lower eyelids, rinse with much flowing fresh water or physiological salt solution for at least 15min. See a doctor.

Inhalation: rapidly leave the site and move to the area with fresh air. Keep smooth breath. Have oxygen therapy in case of difficult breath. See a doctor.

6.2 Environmental Risk Analysis and Relief Measures of Sewage Treatment and Recycling Works

The operation of sewage disposal plant is usually stable. To minimize the failure, some emergency measure should be defined for sewage disposal plant and operating management should be strengthened. Several possible cases are analyzed as follows.

6.2.1 Potential Environmental Risk and Accident

(1) Emergency Accident

Quality problem or improper maintenance of sewage treatment equipment and facility will cause failure of the equipment and facility. As a result, sewage treatment efficiency declines and sewage may be directly discharged instead of any treatment; or some force majeure, such as power shutdown and sudden natural disaster may interrupt the operation of sewage treatment facility, and a lot of untreated sewage is directly discharged. This case is extremely abnormal emission of sewage disposal plant. In case of abnormal operation of sewage treatment facility caused by electric power failure, sewage can only be directly discharged into and pollute the surface water system through overflow pipes.

(2) Equipment Failure

The failure of sewage or sludge treatment system lowers the treatment capacity of sewage. The indicators of outlet water quality fail to comply with the design or sludge fails to timely shrink and dehydrate. As a result, sludge is fermented, and the storage tank is completely packed and smells unfavorably.

(3) Impact on Inlet Water Quality

The treatment effect of sewage disposal plant is greatly subject to the inlet sewage capacity, water quality and other parameters of the plant. According to the State’s statutes on the environmental protection, the emission of industrial wastewater of various enterprises must comply with the standards and the requirements of sewage disposal plant. In case of sudden accident of sewage disposal plant of enterprises e.g. power cut-off, its sewage may be discharged into the sewage pipeline of the processing area with no treatment and enter a sewage disposal plant of newly built processing area. In case that inlet waste water causes excessively high impact load, pH value exceeding the scope of 6-9 and the non-decomposable organic poisonous substance higher than the criteria, biochemical and microbe activity of sewage disposal plant will decline. More seriously, biota is damaged, and sludge is swollen. Finally, outlet water quality deteriorates and exceeds emission standards of the State, and causes decisive unfavorable impact upon water environment and ecological system.

(4) Risk and Accident in Normal Operation

Due to the suddenness of risk and accident of sewage treatment system, it may bring vital damage to the personnel maintaining the system and even endanger their lives. In case of environmental risk and accident, the health and safety of the working personnel in sewage disposal plant are firstly influenced. In case of accident of one construction of sewage system, the accident must be immediately eliminated. In this case, repair workers should enter sewage pipe, inlet well or sewage basin, where poisonous H2S gas tends to exist and accumulate and with no protective measures, repair personnel may breathe in poisonous gas due to bad ventilation and suffer from symptoms such as swirl, unsmooth breath and death in serious case. The sewage or sludge contains various pathogeny bacteria and helminth eggs. In direct touch with sewage or sludge, operators may suffer from some intestines diseases and verminosis if sanitation conditions are terrible.

6.2.2 Prevention Countermeasure and Measures of Risk and Accident Prevention Countermeasure of Source Accident

Source accident means if the production of enterprise producing sewage is consecutive, outlet water quality is stable and pretreatment device on the site runs smoothly. The abnormal emission of individual enterprise may cause sharp increase of relevant sewage concentration and finally influence stable operation of sewage disposal plant. Therefore, source enterprise should notify sewage disposal plant timely in the construction start, in order to take some measures. Production limit or shutdown proposal should be implemented for a plant with accident if necessary, for reducing the load and environment risk of sewage disposal plant.

(1) Carry out technical treatment for the reason of abnormal emission, add nutritional substance to aerobiosis basin in case of swelling trend of sludge for improving the properties of the sludge, and strictly control the air quantity of van so as to resolve the swelling problem of sludge on very start.

(2) Control the quality of the wastewater of the pipe-connected enterprises, and carry out strict inspection and monitoring of the quality of wastewater, and control water quality in anaerobic hydrolysis basin according to the load design, and ensure the normal operation of anaerobic hydrolysis basin.

(3) Clean production should be taken for reducing the arbitrary emission of stench. Production source of stench is to be regularly eliminated. Strengthen the adjustment of gas capacity of aeration basin for reducing arbitrary emission of stench. Accident Countermeasure & Measure of Sewage Disposal Plant Itself

The accident of sewage disposal plant itself comes from equipment failure, overhaul or change of process parameter, which deteriorates the efficiency of treatment. With serious water pollution, an accident should be prevented and some emergency measures be prepared.

(1) To enable sewage disposal plant to restore production in the accident status rapidly, main buildings should be provided with relevant buffer capacity and the equipment (e.g. backflow pump, backflow pipe, valve and instrument).

(2) Top quality equipments are selected. Top-quality products with low failure rate and easy maintenance should be selected as various machines, instruments and other equipments of sewage disposal plant. Key equipments should run with one in standby. Wearing parts should be prepared for timely renewal in case of accident.

(3) Strengthen the monitoring and control of accident symptom, carry out regular patrol inspection, adjustment, maintenance and repair. Timely find out the symptoms that may cause accident, and eliminate potential accident.

(4) Strictly control the process parameters of various disposal units such as water quantity, water quality, residence time and load strength, and ensure the stability of treatment effect. Provide some automatic water flow and quality analyzing and monitoring instruments, and carry out regular sampling and determination. The operators should timely adjust and keep the equipment in good status.

(5) To strengthen technical management work of sewage disposal plant, and improve the treatment efficiency of different process segments are main items of the work for ensuring qualified emission. Sewage disposal plant shall try to import talents proficient in sewage treatment technique and management, and meet technical demand of the plant and realize scientific and regularized management. The managerial staff of sewage disposal plant should have high technical level and management capability. Main operators should have strict trainings on theory and practical operation before work start.

(6) Strengthen the operating management and the monitoring of inlet and outlet water. Prohibit any discharge of unqualified sewage before treatment.

(7) Rainwater pipeline outlet and sewage outlet should be equipped with cut-off control valve. Turn off the valve in case of accident so as to timely hold back the sewage and prevent the direct entrance of sewage into water system. Emergency Handling Proposal for Risk and Accident

(1) Classification and Organizational Structure of Emergency Handling Proposal

In case of accidental emission of the sewage, the leadership group of the plant for emergency rescue should make judgment on the impact and damage of the accident according to the accident information from the duty room of the emergency rescue command center. For an average accident, only Class-III emergency rescue can be actuated. The head of plant on duty, the person on duty on the site and technical operator should establish a Class-III emergency team for carrying out the rescue action. For large-scale accident with serious damage, the leadership group of the plant for emergency rescue should rapidly set up a field emergency rescue command center comprising the director and deputy director of the sewage plant and technical, instrument and equipment engineers. According to the demands of rescue on the site of the accident, on the basis of part-time rescue workers of the plant, special teams e.g. rescue, medical service, security guard, communication & information release should be set up and mobilized for emergency rescue action.

According to the harm of an accident and emergency rescue required, the emergency rescue actions are divided into three classes: Class-III emergency (early warning emergency, for average accident), Class-II emergency (field emergency, for big accident) and Class-I emergency (overall emergency, for major accident).

1. Class-III emergency: in case of controllable abnormal event or sudden event to be easily controlled e.g. small-size sewage leakage, and equipment failure, sewage plant carries out emergency actions such as leakage stopping, medical service, repair and rescue according to the preset procedures;

2. Class-II emergency: in case of any large-size sewage leakage, sharp increase of pollutant concentration of inlet water and power cut-off of sewage plant, the harm and impact of the accident exceed the handling capability of Class-III emergency rescue and need the whole emergency rescue force of the plant for disposal;

3. Class-I emergency: the impact of an accident goes outside the bound of sewage plant and requires the leadership institution of the plant for emergency rescue to coordinate surrounding enterprise or surrounding emergency rescue authorities for obtaining the support of social rescue force and organizing the traffic control, and withdrawal and evacuation of the pedestrians nearby and the support of rescue team, for the purpose of minimizing the personal death, economic loss and social impact of the accident.

The organizational institutions of emergency handling for Class I, II & III are included in Figure 6.2-1-6.2-3.


Figure 6.2-1 Organizational Institution of Emergency Handling for Class III


Figure 6.2-2 Organizational Institution of Emergency Handling for Class II


Figure 6.2-3 Organizational Institution of Emergency Handling for Class I

(2) Alarm and Communication

① Alarm and Communication

The whole plant area runs in a mode of integrated manual and telephone alarm system.

In case of emergency or accident, alarming personnel can start the alarm button for giving alarm to the central control room. The plant area is equipped with one central control room presenting centralized monitoring & managing for the plant area itself and sewage disposal facilities.

② Communication Facility

The telecom cable lines of the plant area include speaker talk-back lines and wireless talk-back lines, in which cables of different systems are separate and make up independent systems. The communication facilities in plant area including: two sets of speaker talk-back telephones, and two pairs of wireless talk-back telephones.

③ Alarm Procedure

In case of accident or dangerous condition, the first finder should give an alarm to the duty room of emergency rescue command center (in the central control room) as soon as possible, and report the accident to the head of the shift in charge of the production on the day. Alarm mode including: ① press the alarm button near to the accident site, and notify the central control room; and ② notify the duty room.

After receiving an alarm, the emergency rescue personnel should rapidly prepare for response. The on-duty personnel of emergency rescue command center should report to the leadership group of the plant for emergency rescue in combination with a field report on the accident and the information of safety monitoring system. The leadership for emergency rescue should determine the actuation of emergency handling proposal according to the scale of accident.

In case of grave sudden environment pollution accident in the plant area, the emergency rescue command center will directly contact local government, environmental protection department and fire prevention authorities for alarm, and request information and technical supports.

(3) Emergency Handling Measures

Both rainwater pipeline outlet and sewage discharge outlet are equipped with cut-off control valves. Immediately turn off the valve, and timely cut off the sewage and prevent the sewage from directly flowing into the water system in case of accident.

In case that the sewage flows into reception water system i.e. Xibei Canal due to the untimely cut-off of the valve, local governments and environmental protection authorities at district or municipal level should be timely notified. The government will run as temporary rescue headquarters and command the production shutdown of various sewage pipe-connected enterprises; and the environmental protection authorities will set up emergency rescue team and build up cofferdam for blocking up outlet of sewage disposal plant immediately. Moreover, monitoring personnel should be sent out for immediate monitoring of pollution belt from the outlet of tail water to 2km lower reach of Xibei Canal and analyzing the water quality parameters of the water system according to the standards.

6.3 Sea Area Treatment Works of Wuliangsu Lake

6.3.1 Winter Wetland Operation Analysis Extended Wetland System in High and Cold Conditions

The inlet water of Wuliangsu Lake has the features as follows: big water volume, low organic substance content, terrible biochemical properties and high nutritional salt content. Such inlet water makes traditional anaerobic pond and facultative pond hardly realize their functions in respect of no matter land occupation, construction costs or eliminating effect of hydrogen and phosphor. Especially in cold area in winter with frozen conditions, traditional stabilization pond usually doesn’t run and only plays the role of water storage (such as the stabilization pond of Kelamayi Municipality, Xinjiang). Wuliangsu Lake features high inlet water capacity in winter. It’s calculated that present wetland area isn’t adequate in storage. Moreover, in frozen period, inlet water pollutant especially nutritional nitrogen & phosphor salt is huge in quantity. Objectively, eliminating efficiency of wetland in winter should be guaranteed.

The survey of the departments of US on best management performance (BMPs) of wetland in cold climate reveals that some special considerations are required for the design and operation of wetland in frozen and snow blanket conditions. This is because: in frozen condition, the depth and volume of water system will decline at least by half, and the frozen earth layer of the surface of wetland is nearly water resistant; water forcedly flows through water system and erodes substrate sludge; DO declines, and water quality problem appears; and processing efficiency declines sharply. Moreover, the initial thawed water of wetland features terrible water quality and requires special treatment. Figure 5.1 includes the change of water flow and substrate sludge in frozen condition.


Figure 9.1-1 Change of Water Flow and Substrate Sludge in Frozen Conditions

For shallow-water wetland (swamp), the ice layer of Wuliangsu Lake can reach the thickness of 0.6-1.0 m, and is frozen by and large, where water is unable to flow. Therefore, the cold condition is inapplicable. Pond and wetland system can be applicable after renovation. In light of frozen condition in winter, extended pool expands its depth and volume. Adequate flowing water layer is available under the ice cover. The sewage treatment in ice cover condition is applicable. Generally, the minimum extended storage capacity is no less than 25%, and extended pool should have 50% storage capacity at least. Moreover, ice cover makes extremely low content of dissolved oxygen in lower layer of water system. Aeration & re-oxygenation measures can be taken for promoting the biological decomposing and transformation of microbes. The comparison of different wetland systems is included in Table 6.3-1.

Table 6.3-1 Comparison of Different Wetland Systems in Cold Condition

|Wetland system |Over-wintering performance |Schematic diagram of wetland system |

|Shallow water swamp |Hard use in cold area |[pic] |

|Pool +wetland system|Renovation required for used in cold |[pic] |

| |area | |

|extended wetland |Good use in ice cover condition |[pic] |

|system | | |

With expanded water depth & storage volume, the extended pool system has the characteristics of anaerobic pond and facultative pond. Moreover, the aeration and re-oxygenation in proper areas can not only improve eliminating efficiency of organic substance but also facilitate nitration and anti-nitration of nitrogen and phosphor dilution and absorption. Extended pool in cold area has the advantages as follows: (1) good head preservation, lower layer with good over-wintering capability under the impact of ice cover; (2) long residence time of water force, good pollutant eliminating capability; (3) deep facultative pond is able to reduce the movement of oxygen; (4) the multi-level small while deep ponds has low SS concentration of outlet water; (5) deep pond facilitates the substrate sludge to become denser; and, (6) flexible operation.

Wuliangsu Lake ices in November and thaws in March of next year with ice cover period of over four months. In this period, total emission of pollutants is huge. The calculation results of water quality and quantity data in May 2008- April 2009 reveal that in five months from December to April, the emissions of organic substance, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus are 0.6, 2.4, 1.1 and 1.5 times of the total in other months respectively. “Ice Layer-Air Layer” Thermal Insulation Technique

Artificial wetland usually has terrible treatment effect in winter. To improve the pollutant eliminating efficiency in low temperature conditions, “ice layer-air layer” thermal insulation technique can be used. For example, in Figure 9.1.2, when ice layer takes shape in some thickness in winter, the water lifting pump station is started, and the operating water level of wetland declines by about 10-20cm for realizing the purpose of preventing the heat dissipation of water system and improving the velocity of biochemical reaction of microbes. Oxygen Adding Technique under Ice

The study proves that the aeration in front or back of wetland system can obviously improve dissolved oxygen concentration in wetland, impact resisting load capability of the system and eliminating efficiency of organic substance by over 10%. The eliminating efficiency of NH4+-N and TN is obviously improved along the direction of elevation and reaches up to about 60%. Relevant studies prove that artificial aeration measures play obvious role in improving sewage treatment effect in winter. J. Nivala holds that in winter, aeration measure and thermal insulating measure can realize best treatment effect if applied together, where the eliminating rate of BOD, COD and NH4+-N reaches up to 88%, 44% and 93% respectively.

An under-ice aeration device can be set up in Wuliangsu Lake wetland for improving the eliminating efficiency of pollutants especially in frozen period in winter. Under-ice aeration technique can be used according to local condition.


Figure 6.3.2 Schematic Diagram of Ice Layer-Air Layer Thermal Insulation and Under-ice Aeration Wetland Plant Configuration

In small sea-area land of Wuliangsu Lake, reed is outstanding variety and plays a dominant role. Existing reed can be directly used as the wetland plant, instead of more expenses for new plant. To improve the tourism value of local from the angle of landscape, a series of landscape plants can be configured.

Wetland renovation needs higher water level in operation. The water level should be controlled for realizing optimal pollutant eliminating water depth and maintaining the growth rule of reed. According to the results of observations on three sampling points of Wuliangsu Lake at 37 times, the distribution of reed at water depth of 0-0.5m, 0.5-1.0m and 1-1.5m is 19%, 35% & 36% respectively, with an average of 0.91+0.13 m (95% reliable scope). It proves that reed isn’t fit for the area with 0-0.5m water depth, and most reeds are fit for water depth of 0.5-1.0m. Therefore, the water depth of wetland should be controlled at 0.5-1.0m. Workflow of Extended Wetland System

The schematic diagram of the section of compound wetland is included in Figure 6.3-.3.


Figure 6.3-3 Schematic Diagram of the Section of Compound Wetland System

6.3.2 Inlet Water Quantity of Wetland in Winter and Water Quality Analysis Water Quantity Analysis

In winter, among three wetlands, only the general trunk ditch wetland runs. Figure 6.3-4 presents the monthly quantity change of water that Liufenqiao of general trunk ditch discharged into Wuliangsu Lake in 1996-2005. Figure 6.3-5 presents monthly quantity change of water that Honggebo Water Lifting Station of general trunk ditch discharged into Wuliangsu Lake in May 2008-April 2009. Due to the impact of irrigation water consumption of Hetao Irrigation Area, the water quantity of the general trunk ditch features obvious monthly change. The statistics on water quantity in the following two charts reveals that the change of water quantity can be roughly divided into three stages. In irrigation period of May-September, the quantity of water discharge is huge. From June 2008 to September 2009, the quantity of discharge remains at 49.50-66.48 million m3 monthly by and large; it’s highest in October (less in October 2008) and November, and reaches up to 119 million m3 in November 2008, accounting for nearly 24% of the total discharge of general trunk ditch; and in non-irrigation period from December to April, the quantity of discharge is least and about 10 million m3 monthly.


Figure 6.3-4 Monthly Quantity Change of Water that Liufenqiao of General Trunk Ditch discharged into Wuliangsu Lake in 1996-2005

(The data in the figure is average value of the same months in one decade)


Figure 6.3-5 Monthly Quantity Change of Water that Honggebo Water Lifting Station of General Trunk Ditch discharged into Wuliangsu Lake in May 2008-April 2009 Water Quality Analysis

Pollutant concentration of wastewater that general trunk ditch discharged into Wuliangsu Lake in July, 2008-June 2009 is included in Table 6.3-2. The table proves that pollutant concentration of the water has obvious seasonal change. The months with obvious concentration increase are December to April of next year mainly (where December is the transitional month from low pollutant concentration to high): CODCr concentration is 86.5-186 mg·L-1, with an average of 135.3 mg·L-1; ammonia nitrogen concentration is 8.7-35.6 mg·L-1, with an average of 22.5 mg·L-1; TN concentration is 12.35-36.9 mg·L-1, with an average of 26.25 mg·L-1; TP concentration is 2.04-7.05 mg·L-1, with an average of 4.2 mg·L-1. The change of pollutant concentration in other months is stable: CODCr, TN and TP are 26-72 mg·L-1, 2.4-13.6 mg·L-1 and 0.23-1.7 mg·L-1 respectively, with average value of 44.4 mg·L-1, 4.81 mg·L-1 and 0.61 mg·L-1 respectively.

Table 6.3-2 Quality of Water that General Trunk Ditch discharged into Wuliangsu Lake from April 2008 to August 2009 (mg/L)

|Month |COD |ammonia nitrogen |TN |TP |

|2008.4 |186 |18.2 | |6.15 |

|2008.5 |60 |1.20 |13.5 |1.70 |

|2008.6 |26 |1 |3.4 |0.73 |

|2008.7 |63 |1.75 |4.10 |0.49 |

|2008.8 |55 |1.60 |2.90 |0.23 |

|2008.9 |30.5 |1.60 |4.20 |0.5 |

|2008.10 |41 |0.80 |2.40 |0.31 |

|2008.11 |35 |2.4 |3.20 |0.33 |

|2008.12 |86.5 |8.7 |12.35 |2.42 |

|2009.1 |138 |15 |21.5 |4.50 |

|2009.2 |148 |32.8 |33.8 |7.05 |

|2009.3 |156 |35.6 |36.9 |5.01 |

|2009.4 |148 |20.4 |26.7 |2.04 |

|2009.5 |52 |1.6 |5.09 |0.72 |

|2009.6 |37 |1.6 |8.29 |0.67 |

|2009.7 |72 |8.3 |13.6 |1.13 |

|2009.8 |57 |12.2 |16 |0.61 |

The calculation results of water quality and quantity data in May 2008- April 2009 reveal that in five months from December to April, the emissions of organic substance, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus are 0.6, 2.4, 1.1 and 1.5 times of the total in other months respectively.

6.3.3 Accident analysis on Abnormal Operation Risk Accident Simulation

According to the identification of risk source of this project, inlet water is directly discharged with no treatment when wetland doesn’t run. According to the inlet water quantity and quality analysis of wetland, there’re two cases: the 1st is non-freezing period, and the 2nd is freezing period.

1)Risk Analysis Model

Hydraulic mathematical model has 0D, 1D, 2D & 3D equations. 0D model is used for water quality prediction in most simple and ideal status. 1D model is used in average flow parameter of a section, takes into account the change of parameters along the vertical direction. 2D model not only has the features of 1D model but also considers the change of parameters along the horizontal direction. 3D model using “point” flow parameter takes into account the change of parameters not only along the vertical and horizontal directions but also the perpendicular direction. Obviously, 3D model is much more complicated than other models.

When the ratio between sewage and clean water is 1:10 or over 1:20, only dilution instead of decomposing is considered. Completely uniform mixture is realized within the section. In this case, the issue is 0D. The daily inlet water of wetland is 0.333-2.116 million m3, much less than water quantity of the whole sea area. Therefore, 0D hydraulic mathematical model is selected.

2) 0D Basic Hydraulic Equation

If we treats one water body such as one river, one reservoir, lake or water area as complete system, various water masses in the system are completely mixed evenly. The substance flowing into the system is immediately scattered in the whole system. This closed consecutive flow & completely mixed reaction system is an ideal status. The following mass balance relationship under the mass conservation principle is (Figure 6.3-6)


Figure 6.3-6 Calculation Cell of 0D Model



V—volume of the system, m3;

C0, C—pollutant concentration of the system and inside the system, mg L-1;

S—Other source and loss of the system, mg d-1;

k—Reaction rate constant of pollutant in the system, d-1.

The equation (9.3-1) is the basic equation of hydraulic 0D model. With no other source and loss in the system, S=0, and the equation formula becomes:

Formula 1 becomes:


Where Q is flow amount, m3 s-1.

After sewage enters the river, pollutants are completely uniformly mixed on the section when inlet water from upper reach isn’t equal to zero. Pollutant indicator value no matter dissolved status, particle status or total concentration can be derived under node balance principle. The node balance principle includes node mass balance and water quantity balance i.e. the sum of inlet water quantity and mass of the node equal to the sum of outlet water quantity and mass of the node.

For point source, the dilution & mixing equation of river water and sewage is:


Where: C—water quality concentration of complete mixture (mg L-1);

Qp, Cp, —upper-reach inlet water quantity and quality concentration (m3 s-1, mg L-1);

Qe, Ce, —sewage discharge flow amount and discharge concentration (m3 s-1, mg L-1).

Due to linear overlay of pollution source functions, the emission impact of more than one pollution source on node is equal to a sum of individual impacts of various pollution sources. This complies with the linear overlay relationship. Predictions on the Result of Risk and Accident

1) Prediction on the Result of Risk and Accident in Winter

The wetland system of general trunk ditch annually discharges 424 million m3 water into Wuliangsu Lake, including 63.6 million m3 in winter, accounting for 15% of the total. In case of risk and accident, untreated sewage is directly discharged into Wuliangsu Lake through rubber dam, with discharge amount of 5 million m3, with CODCr concentration of 112.7mg/L, NH3-N concentration of 18.9mg/L, TN concentration of 21.6 mg/L and TP concentration of 3.86 mg/L(9.2-1). The water storage capacity of Wuliangsu Lake is 360 million m3, with CODCr concentration of 67.1mg/L, NH3-N concentration of 15.9mg/L, TN concentration of 19.9 mg/L, TP concentration of 0.77 mg/L (5.2-1). If the above-said values are used in the formula 9.3-3, the concentrations of CODCr, NH3-N, TN and TP are 67.7 mg/L, 15.94mg/L, 19.92 mg/L and 0.81 mg/L respectively. Obviously, leakage has no decisive impact upon the water quality of sea area.

2) Prediction on the Result of Risk and Accident in Summer

The wetland system of general trunk ditch annually discharges 424 million m3 water into Wuliangsu Lake including 2756 million m3 in summer, accounting for 65% of the total. In case of risk and accident, untreated sewage is directly discharged into Wuliangsu Lake through rubber dam, with discharge amount of 10 million m3 with CODCr concentration of 73.2mg/L, NH3-N concentration of 8.82mg/L, TN concentration of 13.94 mg/L and TP concentration of 1.034 mg/L(9.2-1) . The water storage capacity of Wuliangsu Lake is 560 million m3, with CODCr concentration of 38.1mg/L, NH3-N concentration of 0.955mg/L, TN concentration of 2.83 mg/L, and TP concentration of 0.098 mg/L (5.2-1) . If the above-said values are used in the formula 9.3-3, the concentrations of CODCr, NH3, TN & TP are 38.4 mg/L, 1.06mg/L, 2.94 mg/L & 0.106 mg/L respectively. Obviously, leakage has no decisive impact upon the water quality of sea area.

7 Comparison, selection and analysis of substitute plans

7.1 Content and principle of comparison, selection and analysis

Comparison, selection and analysis of substitute plan of this project shall mainly be done by three aspects: (1) Comparison, selection and analysis of zero plan; (2) Comparison, selection and analysis on construction site of plant; (3) Comparison, selection and analysis on technical plans.

The general principles of comparison, selection and analysis of substitute plans are:

(1) Quantized comparison and selection principles: As to each substitute plan, the impact of project execution to environment shall be quantized to the greatest extent.

(2) Integrated comparison and selection principle: The integrated comparison and analysis shall be carried out from the aspects of environment, technology, economy, society, etc.;

(3) Consistency comparison and selection principle: The selected plan shall meet the related plan and standard requirements, and meet local conditions.

7.2 Comparison, selection and analysis on zero plan

(1) Plan 1: Integrated treatment plan of water environment.

(2) Plan 2: No action and no project plan.

Advantages and disadvantages of above two plans are shown in Table 7.2-1.

Table 7.2-1 Comparison on execution of project and no execution of project

|Advantages and |Plan 1 |Plan 2 |

|disadvantages | | |

|Advantages |1. Improve water environment, ecological |Maintain the water resource utilization current |

| |environment and investment environment of |situation, and waste water treatment current |

| |Bayannur City, improve living environment quality|situation and land utilization current situation |

| |of people, and promote the sustainable |of processing zone, and avoid various impacts of |

| |development of Bayannur City; |construction period and operation period in plan |

| |2. Promote the improvement of waste water |1. |

| |treatment rate of Bayannur City, reach the | |

| |requirement of “notice on strengthening urban | |

| |water supply, water saving and water pollution | |

| |prevention and protection work”; improve water | |

| |environment quality of Wuliansu Lake, and protect| |

| |the water environment of Huanghe River; | |

| |3. Comprehensively dispatch and distribute the | |

| |water resource, improve the utilization rate of | |

| |water resource, and improve the investment | |

| |environment; | |

| |4. Meeting general planning requirement of | |

| |Bayannur City is one of the main measures to | |

| |control the water pollution; | |

| |5. Increase the investment of capital | |

| |construction, boost the demand of related | |

| |industry, provide more employment opportunities, | |

| |and promote the economic development; | |

| |6. Most responder common people support | |

| |construction of this project, and construction of| |

| |project meets the requirement of common people. | |

|Disadvantages |1. Minor dust, waste water, noise, and solid |1. With the industrial development of Bayannur |

| |waste, etc., generated during construction period|City, the sewage quantity is increasing, a large |

| |shall destroy the ground surface vegetation and |number of sewage without treatment shall be |

| |incur soil erosion; it temporarily increases the |directly discharged into the ground surface water |

| |transport pressure and destroys the landscape of |system, the pollution of water system shall be |

| |construction site; |worsened continually, and it shall impact the |

| |2. Water reclamation plant, waste water treatment|living quality of residents and sustainable |

| |plant and pump room, etc. permanently occupy part|development of economy. |

| |land, and change the utilization mode for such |2. The treatment rate of industrial sewage is far |

| |land. The pollutant as waste water, noise, |below the environment protection requirement of |

| |offensive odor and sludge, etc., during run of |China, and this seriously restricts the economic |

| |intended project construction shall incur certain|development of Bayannur City; |

| |impact to environment in the circumference; |3. The groundwater is exploited greatly, the level|

| |2. Improve the treatment cost of water supply and|of groundwater is continually decreased, forming |

| |sewage, increase the outlay of water consumption |underground funnel. If this situation is continued|

| |of enterprise; |for a long term, in the future there shall have no|

| | |water for exploitation, water environment quality |

| | |shall be further worsened, and this shall impact |

| | |the residential environment of residents in the |

| | |circumference of drainage area. |

| | |4. The worsening of water quality of water |

| | |environment of Wuliansu Lake is speeded up, |

| | |paludification process is speeded up, wetland |

| | |function disappears, and destruction speed of |

| | |ecological environment is speeded up, and this |

| | |threats the safety of water environment of Huanghe|

| | |River. |

| | |5. It does not meet the requirement of general |

| | |planning. |

According to table 7.2-1, after execution of plan 1, although it shall incur certain environmental impact during construction and operation of this project, these impacts are limited by time and space aspects, through various measures the impact can be eliminated or reduced to the greatest extent, and shall not incur unfavorable impact of large area to regional environment, furthermore, execution of plan 1 can change the current situation of pollution of water environment of Bayannur City, comprehensively dispatch and distribute the water resource, improve regional ecological environment, improve the living environment quality of people, promote the sustainable development of Bayannur City, and this also meets the requirement of vast common people. Thus plan 1 is deemed as reasonable during this appraisal.

7.3 Comparison, selection and analysis on substitute plan of reclaimed water supply project

7.3.1 Comparison, selection and analysis on zero plan of reclaimed water supply project

The key point of analysis of this plan is to compare the impact degree of execution/non-execution of this project to the environment according to viewpoint of improvement of environment.

Plan 1: Plan of reclaimed water supply project

Plan 2: No action and no project plan

The advantages/disadvantages of above two plans are shown in Table 7.3-1.

Table 7.3-1 Comparison on plans of execution/non-execution of project

|S/N |Plan 1 |Plan 2 |

|1 |Build up the reclaimed water supply project, reduce the |The groundwater is exploited in large number, |

| |mining quantity of groundwater, ensure the water consumption |forming underground funnel, if this situation is |

| |of industry, and promote the development of each processing |continued for a long time, it shall have no water |

| |zone. |for exploitation. |

|2 |Improve the situation of gradual drop of groundwater level, |When economy is developed, the groundwater level |

| |reduce discharge of pollutant, improve water environment |gradually drops, quality of water environment is |

| |quality of Wuliansu Lake, and improve living environment of |further worsened, and this shall impact the living|

| |drainage area in the circumference. |environment of residents in the circumference of |

| | |drainage area. |

|3 |It meets the general planning requirement of Bayannur City, |Maintain the current situation, in the development|

| |the water resource is generally dispatched and distributed to|of next step it shall impact the local investment |

| |improve the utilization of water resource and improve the |environment. |

| |investment environment. | |

|4 |Improve the industrial water supply issue, promote the |Maintain the current situation, if it is continued|

| |economic development of Bayannur City, improve the living |for a long term it may impact the local economic |

| |quality of local resident, and this shall be in favor of good|development, and not be in favor of social |

| |development of social relationship. |development and progress. |

|5 |Minor dust, waste water, noise, and solid waste, etc., |No |

| |generated during construction period shall destroy the ground| |

| |surface vegetation and incur soil erosion; it temporarily | |

| |increases the transport pressure and destroys the landscape | |

| |of construction site; | |

|6 |The new building structure permanently occupies part land, |No |

| |and change the utilization mode of such land. | |

According to Table 7.3-1 it can be seen that, after execution of plan 1, it may incur certain environmental impact to project construction and operation, but these impacts are limited by time or space, through various measures the impacts can be eliminated or reduced to the greatest extent, and shall not incur unfavorable impact to large area of regional environment. Furthermore, execution of plan1 shall reduce the exploitation of groundwater resource by 51.024 m3 and avoid the further drop of groundwater level, reduce the funnel of groundwater. The water resource shall be generally dispatched and distributed to ensure the water consumption of industry. Furthermore, execution of plan 1 can improve the water environment current situation of Bayannur City, after completion of project, it can reduce the discharge to drainage area by CODcr 2847.0t/a、BOD 1335.9 t/a,ammonia nitrogen 491.29t/a, and improve the regional ecological environment; Improve quality of living environment of people, promote sustainable development of Bayannur City, and this also meets the requirement of vast common people. Thus in this appraisal, this project is deemed as reasonable.

7.3.2 Comparison, selection and analysis on restoration process of reclaimed water supply project

The process of reclaimed water is generally fairly matured.

Under precondition of ensuring quality of effluent water, following two water treatment process plans are selected to carry out comparison, selection and analysis thereof:

Plan 1. General treatment process flow:

Raw water→ coagulating→ settling→ filtering→ sterilization

Plan 2. Membrane treatment process flow:

Raw water→ micro pore filtering→ sterilization

According to process flow charts of two plans it can be seen that, the difference of two plans is that, the selection of main process is different. In plan 1 it adopts the three section treatment process of flocculation, settling, filtering, and sterilization, while in plan 2, it adopts the membrane technology. The following is comparison on difference of two processes. Comparison on technology

The flocculation, settling and filtering process can ensure the supply of qualified treating water in the whole year, since the settling basin relieve the burden of filtering basin, even the water quality is worst in winter, the filtering basin can also be of normal run, the filtering period is over 10 hours, and the quality of treating water can reach the stated water quality requirement.

The process is also the main reclaimed water treatment process widely utilized in domestic and abroad, considering of low temperature of winter in local region, the treatment effects of flocculation, settling, filtering and sterilization (old three sections) are compared, and the details are shown in Table 7.3-2.

Table 7.3-2 Treatment efficiency of coagulating, settling and filtering

|Item |Treatment efficiency (%) |Effluent water quality |

| | |(mg/l) |

| |Coagulating and settling |Filtering |Add up | |

|Turbidity |50~60 |30~50 |70~80 |3~5NTU |

|SS |40~60 |40~60 |70~80 |5~10 |

|BOD5 |30~50 |25~50 |60~70 |5~10 |

|CODcr |25~35 |15~25 |35~45 |40~75 |

|Total nitrogen |5~15 |5~15 |10~20 |- |

|Total phosphorus |40~60 |30~40 |60~80 |0.5 |

|Fe |40~60 |40~60 |60~80 |0.3 |

In recent years, membrane technology (plan 2) application is wider and wider, and the membrane for water treatment contains following types osmosis membrane (RO), nanometer membrane (NF), ultrafiltration membrane (UF) and micro-filtration membrane (MF).


Fig. 7.3-1 Sketch of membrane treatment technology

CMF membrane is one of the micro filtration membranes; it is the hollow fiber with outer diameter of 550μ and inner diameter of 300μ. The wall of hollow fiber is composed of multi-pore materials, the pore size is all below 0.2μ, and area of pore accounts for over 70% of fiber wall. The water without containing foreign substance can easily penetrate the CMF fiber wall, and it only needs the work pressure of 20kPa (2m water head). When the water containing foreign substance runs through the MF hollow fiber membrane from outside to inside, the particle over 0.2μ is 100% captured in the outer surface of membrane, and the one less than 0.2μ is also captured by different proportions, and its work pressure is between 40~100KPa.

During work of CMF membrane, the captured foreign substance particles shall gradually accumulate on the outer surface of hollow fiber, the pore is also gradually covered, the resistance over the water gradually rises. In order to timely eliminate the foreign substances captured, and reduce the resistance over the water, the hollow fiber needs to be timely back flushed by cleaned air. The work status and back flush status are shown in Fig. 7.3-2.

Water after filtration

Water before filtration Air

Captured foreign substance Eliminated foreign substance

Fig. 7.3-2 Work status and back flush status sketch

After each time back flush of air, the work pressure of membrane shall not completely restore to its original status, and work pressure shall gradually rise. The rising of this pressure is caused by the organic matter and scale formation attached on the membrane surface, when pressure rises to certain value, it needs to carry out chemical purge to surface of membrane, so as to eliminate the organic matter, Fe and calcium scaling.

The indicators as strong bacteria elimination, water quality perception, and hygiene, etc., of this process are superior to traditional process. Nevertheless, it has a lot of one time investment with fairly high run cost, and it shall basically not improve the indicators as soluble total solid, total hardness, total alkalinity, etc. Generally it is reused for residential quarters or pretreatment of reverse osmosis and it is the rising and new technology of China at present. Comparison on economy

Economies of plan 1 and plan 2 are compared, details refer to table 7.3-3.

Table 7.3-3 Comparison on economies of plans

| process |Plan 1 |Plan 2 |

|Item | | |

|Total investment (ten thousand Yuan) |1573.13 |3883.61 |

|Total cost (ten thousand Yuan) |355 |654.6 |

|Unit treatment cost (Yuan/m³· water) |0.468 |0.897 |

|Operation cost (ten thousand Yuan) |275 |434.36 |

|Unit operation cost (Yuan/m³· water) |0.377 |0.595 |

|Power consumption (kwh/ m³· water) |0.19 |0.24 |

According to comparison on technology and economy as above mentioned, it is know that in plan 1 it has fairly good treatment effect, it can ensure the water quality of reclaimed water with a little higher investment, in plan 2 the treating water quality is good, but the investment and operation cost are both too high. According to requirement of effluent water of reclaimed water supply work of this project, mainly applying the process flow of plan 1 can meet the requirement. As above mentioned, the process flow of plan 1 is to adopt the process of coagulating, settling, filtering and sterilization as the main treatment of reclaimed water supply works. According to water consumption requirements of enterprises of the processing zone, the reverse osmosis process unit may be added appropriately. This process is featured by stable and reliable treatment effect, appropriate investment and fairly low cost, and the process flow of this project finally determined is shown in 7.3-3.

Fig. 7.3-3 Sketch of reclaimed water treatment process

7.3.3 Comparison, selection and analysis on process plans of reclaimed water supply project

(1) Flocculation basin

Grid flocculation basin is the new type system developed in recent years with application of turbulent flow theory, its plane layout is similar to perforated swirling flow flocculation basin and is in series connected by multiple grids of vertical shafts. The flocculation basin is divided to square grids with same or similar areas. The flow sequence of influent water is from the first grid to the next one, and the flow is alternated from up to down opposite angles up to the outlet. In the grids accounting for 2/3 of the whole basin, the grid is setup via the vertical water flow direction, when it passes through the grid pore, the water current is narrowed, after passing through the mesh the water current is enlarged, constituting good flocculation condition, and thus it can decrease the addition quantity of flocculation reagent and shorten the flocculation time. The grid flocculation basin has good effect and little loss of water head, flocculation time is fairly short. The disadvantage is that, it has the sludge accumulated in the end basin bottom.

Bent plate flocculation basin is a new type and high efficiency flocculation facilities developed in 1980s. The bent plate flocculation basin is to adopt the bent plate placed in the flocculation basin, thus water current flows up and down between the bent plates in-series connection. Relying on the partial eddy flow generated by turning, narrowing and enlargement, the collision opportunity of particles in the water current is increased, thus the fairly even energy consumption can be obtained along the way, so as to constitute fairly ideal flocculation process. The bent plate flocculation basin has the high utilization efficiency of energy, and short flocculation time, nevertheless its availability to raw water with fairly great change of water quality and water quantity shall be fairly bad.

After comparison on advantages/disadvantages of above two basin types, the grid flocculation basin is finally selected as the design basin type of reclaimed water supply works of this project.

(2) Settling basin

Horizontal flow settling basin has fairly wide application, and is especially utilized in the water plant of urban area. The horizontal flow settling basin is the rectangular one, the upper part is settling area and the lower part is sludge area, the front area of basin is influent water area, and the rear part of the basin is the effluent water area, after coagulating, the raw water flows into the settling basin, and is then evenly distributed in the whole section of influent water area, it enters the settling area and slowly flows into the outlet area. The particle in the water settles in the basin bottom, the accumulated sludge is continually or periodically discharged outside the basin. It has the advantages of simple structure, shallow basin depth, convenient operation and maintenance, and strong adaptability to water quality and water quantity of raw water, low consumption of drug and energy, and convenience of sludge discharge, etc., in the big and middle level water plants it is widely utilized. The disadvantage is that, the land occupancy is too great.

The slope plate settling basin is the one developed on the basis of shallow basin theory. Various slope plates forming certain angle with horizontal plane are placed in the settling basin, the water flows from downward to upward, and the particles settle in the bottom of slope plate. When particles accumulated reach certain level, they shall automatically slide down. The advantage of slope plate settling basin is that, the settling efficiency is high, the volume is small, and the land occupancy area is small. The disadvantage is that, the anti-impact capacity is inferior to that of horizontal flow settling basin, with more material consumption and higher cost.

After comparison on advantages/disadvantages of above two basin types, the slope plate settling basin is finally selected as the design basin type of this project.

(3) Filtration basin

The four valves filtration basin is the traditional one of filtering process of water cleaning plant, till now it has over 100 years history, nevertheless it is also one of the basin types with widest application till now. Its characteristic is that, it has stable work status, good quality of effluent water, matured run experience, its operation is stable and reliable, and it adopts the programmable controller to realize the one-step operation; The shortcoming of the four valves filtration basin is that, the basin volume is fairly great, the back flush water consumption is fairly great with more inlet and outlet water valves and great work volume of maintenance. Adopting electrical valve can realize the one-step automatic operation, but it cannot finely adjust the openness of outlet water valve and control the filtering speed of filtration basin.

V type filtration basin is a new type one, and its advantage is that, the filtering period is long, the fairly coarse and thick filtering material layer has high utilization rate, the filtering speed is fairly high, and the water quality after filtering is good, with the utilization of air-water back wash, the back wash effect is good with minor water consumption. According to variation of water level of filtration basin, the openness of outlet water valve can be finely adjusted, so as to reach the purpose of controlling filtering speed of filtration basin. V filtration basin also has the advantages of good quality of effluent water and fairly small volume of filtration basin. Its shortcoming is that, it has fairly high automatic control requirement, with more back wash equipments and fairly higher cost.

After comparing the advantages and disadvantages of above two basin types, finally the V type filtration basin is selected for this design of this project.

7.3.4 Selection of sterilization mode

The microorganisms in the water are mostly attached on the suspended particles, after treatment of coagulating, settling and filtering, the bacteria and virus in the water can be greatly eliminated. Nevertheless, in order to ensure the bacteriology indicator of drinking water, the sterilization process is necessary.

The sterilization treatment of water is usually the last work sequence of drinking water treatment. The purpose of sterilization is to eliminate the hazard pathogenic microbe (pathogenic bacteria, virus, etc.) in the water, and prevent from the hazard of waterborne infection. It consists of chemical method and physical method, the chemical method is to add chemical agent in the water, such as chlorine, ozone, heavy metal and other oxidizing agent, etc. The physical method is to carry out heating sterilization and ultraviolet ray sterilization, etc., instead of adding drug agent in the water. The comparison on properties of various disinfectants is shown in Table 7.3-4.

Table 7.3-4 Comparison on property of disinfectant

|Disinfectant |Chlorine, and |Chloramines |chlorine dioxide |Ozone |Ultraviolet |

|Property |bleaching powder| | | |radiation |

|Sterilization and |Excellent |Middle level, |Excellent |Excellent |Good |

|bacteria | |inferior to | | | |

|elimination | |chlorine | | | |

|Germ elimination |Excellent |Bad |Excellent |Excellent |Good |

|Inactivation |3rd level |4th level |2nd level |1st level | |

|effect of | | | | | |

|microorganism | | | | | |

|Residual |Some |The residual |It has longer |No, it needs to be added by |No, it needs to be |

|sterilization | |chlorine quantity |residual |chlorine |added by chlorine |

|effect in the | |can be kept for a |sterilization time | | |

|water distribution| |fairly long term |than chlorine | | |

|pipe network | | | | | |

|Generation of |It can be |not probably |not probably |not probably |not probably |

|byproduct THM |generated | | | | |

|Situation of |Wide application|With minor |With minor |With minor application |With minor |

|domestic | |application |application | |application |

|application | | | | | |

|Appropriate |Most water |When it has a lot |It is appropriate |The water treatment cost is |In the pipeline it |

|condition |plants adopt |of organic |for organic |high, and it is appropriate |does not have |

| |chlorine |substances in the |substance, for |for the serious pollution of |continual |

| |sterilization, |raw water, and the|example, when the |organic substance. Since it |sterilization |

| |and bleaching |water supply |phenol pollution is|does not have continual |effect. It is |

| |powder is only |pipeline is fairly|serious, it shall |sterilization effect, in the |appropriate for |

| |applicable to |long, it is |be prepared at |water of inlet pipe network, |water treatment of |

| |small water |appropriate to |site, and directly |minor chlorine shall be added|centralized users as|

| |plant. |adopt chloramines |utilized. |for sterilization. |industrial and |

| | |sterilization. | | |mining enterprises, |

| | | | | |etc. |

According to above comparison and analysis, and considering of economy, practicality and environmental impact, etc., the reclaimed water supply works of this project adopt the chlorine dioxide for sterilization.

7.3.5 Comparison and selection on sludge treatment plans of reclaimed water supply works

1) Selection on thickening and dehydration of sludge

Solid content of discharged sludge water of the settling basin of water plant is usually only 0.2~1.0%, the sludge volume shall be reduced after thickening thereof, and then the thickened sludge shall be sent to subsequent process to carry out dehydration of sludge. Usually it is required that solid content of thickened sludge shall be over 3%, so as to meet the requirement of the dehydrator for high efficiency dehydration of sludge.

The general sludge thickening and dehydration contains two modes of gravity thickening/mechanical thickening, and mechanical thickening/ mechanical hydration. The gravity thickening is essentially a settling process and belongs to compression settling. Prior to thickening, concentration of sludge is fairly high with mutual contact and support among the particles. After thickening process is started, under the gravity effect of the particles of upper layer, the water in the clearance of the particles of lower layer is extruded from the interface, and congestion of particles is closer. Through the congestion and compression process, the concentration of sludge is further improved, so as to realize the sludge thickening. The advantage of the gravity thickening and mechanical dehydration mode is that, the thickening basin greatly reduces the volume of the sludge in need of hydration, and effectively decreases the number of dehydrators, the equipment investment is greatly saved, the power consumption is lowered, the concentration of dehydrated sludge is fairly even, and dehydrator operation is stable. Its shortcoming is that, it needs to build up the thickening basin, the civil cost is fairly high, and land occupancy area is fairly great. While the mechanical thickening and mechanical dehydration mode is just the other way, the thickening basin can be cancelled to save the land utilization area, reduce civil cost, nevertheless, since the sludge number in need of dehydration is great with low and uneven concentrations, the treatment capacities of thickening and dehydration equipments are decreased, the number is increased, and thus the equipment cost is greatly increased, with increase of power consumption, and the solid content of the sludge cake is not stable.

As above mentioned, the technology of gravity thickening and mechanical dehydration is superior to mechanical thickening and mechanical dehydration mode. Civil cost of gravity thickening and mechanical dehydration is fairly high but equipment cost fairly low, its total cost is lower than that of the mechanical thickening and mechanical dehydration, although gravity thickening increases the land occupancy area, in this project the high concentration thickening basin is adopted to improve the effective settling area of the thickening basin, this saves the land utilization without additional requisition of land. In this project, it intends to adopt the gravity thickening and mechanical dehydration mode to carry out thickening and dehydration treatment of sludge.

2) Basic structure and characteristic of sludge dehydration equipment

At present it mainly adopts three types of sludge dehydration machines as plate-and-frame press filter, centrifugal dehydrator and Band type press filter. The basic characteristics of three types of sludge dehydration equipments are respectively briefed as below:

a. Plate-and-frame press filter

Plate-and-frame press filter is the pressurization and filtering equipment of clearance operation and is widely utilized in the sectors of sugar making, pharmacy, chemical industry, dyeing, metallurgy, coal washing, food and water treatment, the solid and liquid are separated via the filtering mode, and this is a large/middle separator with fairly wide adaptability for materials.

Box type press filter has fairly low requirement to solid content of the incoming sludge, and 2%-3% shall usually be appropriate, while the solid content of outgoing sludge is higher than that of band type press filter and centrifugal dehydrator, the run process is the intermittent process of periodic operation of pump-in, pressing and filtering of sludge, and elimination of sludge. Its shortcoming is that, the continual operation is not available, according to blocking situation of filtering board, the filter cloth needs to be washed by one time after certain run period, the filtering board or rubber diaphragm are easy of damage and need to be frequently replaced, and the equipment volume is large with high price.

b. Centrifugal dehydrator

Horizontal spiral sludge dehydrator is a complete set of unit consisting of principal machine and auxiliaries. The unit is full closeness structure without leakage and is available for continual run of 24 hours, its main structure characteristic is that, it adopts fairly large length-to-diameter factor to extend the staying time of material and improve the elimination rate of solid substance. It adopts the exclusive spiral structure to reinforce the extrusion strength of spire upon the sludge cake, and improve the solid content of solid cake. It adopts the advanced dynamic balance technology to reduce the vibration; it adopts the unique differential rotation speed regulation technology to increase the discharge torsion moment of spire and load capacity.

The centrifugal equipment has high efficiency, small land occupancy, the environment of machine room is clean, the complete set of unit adopts the advanced automatic integration and control technology, the rotation speed and differential rotation speed are stepless and adjustable. It has the safety protection and automatic alarm devices, and its run is stable and reliable. The main shortcoming is that, the noise is great, power consumption is high, the rotation blade, etc., has high requirement of wearing resistance, the requirement for quality of manufacturing material and processing accuracy is rigid, and the price is expensive.

c. Band type press filter

Band type press filter is a high efficiency solid and liquid separation equipment, and its theory is that, the sludge after flocculation is repeatedly extruded and compressed through the varied-direction bend between the roller systems, and tension effect of filter band, shear force is generated accordingly and thus there is a relative displacement for the sludge particles, and the free water and capillary water in the sludge are separated to obtain the sludge cake with fairly high solid content, so as to realize the dehydration of sludge. Its characteristic is that, it has high dehydration efficiency, great treatment capacity, continual filtering, stable property, simple operation, small volume, and small area of land occupancy.

The treatment capacity of band press filter is determined by the band speed and filter band tension of dehydrator, and dehydration property of sludge, while the band speed tension is also determined by the dehydrating effect required. Its disadvantage is that, when the incoming sludge quantity is too great, or solid load is too high, it shall lower the dehydrating effect. The homemade band dehydrator usually has fairly small treatment capacity, sludge solid load is only 150~250kg/m·h, and treatment capacity of imported high quality band dehydrator can be up to 250~400kg/m·h.

3) Type selection of sludge dehydration equipment

The above three sludge dehydrators have their own advantages and disadvantages, during type selection it shall combine with project scale, site condition, management level, and capital condition, etc., and mainly take into account the reliability of equipment run, automatic degree of system, dehydrating effect of sludge, building investment and treatment cost, etc., for reasonable selection of equipment type.

Comparison on property of several common dehydrators is shown in Table 7.3-5.

Table 7.3-5 Comparison on properties of general dehydrators

|Model |Plate-and-frame press filter |Band type press filter |centrifugal dehydrator |

|Item | | | |

|Dehydrating theory |Pressure filtering |Gravity filtering and pressurized|Solid and liquid separation is |

| | |filtering |caused by centrifugal force |

|Work status |Intermittent |Continual type |Continual type |

|Adjustment method |Regulate the pressurization time and |Regulate the tension of filter |Regulate the rotating drum and |

| |pressure size |cloth and travel speed, as well |spiral conveyor rotation speed |

| | |as the sludge layer thickness |difference, and regulate the |

| | |entering pressure area. |depth of liquid ring. |

|Difficulty of |It is fairly complicated (the filter |It is fairly convenient (the |It is convenient (the blade of |

|management |cloth shall be replaced periodically) |filter cloth shall be |spiral conveyor is easy of |

| | |periodically replaced) |wearing) |

|Environment and |The hygienic condition is relatively bad|Open type, and hygienic condition|The full closeness hygienic |

|hygiene condition | |is bad |condition is good |

|Noise |Small |Small |Large (since the rotation speed|

| | | |is high) |

|Land occupancy area|Since its own volume is large with a lot|Compared with plate-and-frame |Equipment is compact, and land |

|and civil |of auxiliaries, it has large area of |press filter, the land occupancy |occupancy area is small |

|requirement |land occupancy, and the civil |area is fairly small | |

| |requirement is high. | | |

|Auxiliary equipment|Air compressor system, filter cloth |Air compressor system, filter |It does not need the |

| |flush high pressure flushing pump system|cloth flush high pressure |auxiliaries |

| | |flushing pump system | |

|Automatic degree |It has certain difficulty to realize |It has certain difficulty to |It is easy to realize full |

| |full automatization |realize automatization |automatization |

|Solid content of |30%-35% |About 20% |About 25% |

|sludge cake | | | |

|Solid content of |Small (only about 0.02%) |High (>0.05%) |Fairly high (about 0.05%) |

|filtered liquor | | | |

|Stability of sludge|Good |Fairly bad |Fairly good |

|cake | | | |

|Energy consumption |20-40 |10-25 |30-60 (fairly high) |

|(kwh/tDS) | | | |

|flocculating agent |20%~30%CaO/SS |Polyelectrolyte 3~4kg/tDS |Polyelectrolyte 2~3kg/tDS |

|consumption | | | |

The efficiency of sludge dehydration is directly related to selection of dehydrating equipment, etc., the detailed selection of dehydrator type shall be reasonably made after generally analyzing and determining the factors of technology, economy, environment and management, etc., according to characteristics of sludge and site condition.

The result of comparison and analysis on part configuration of dehydrator equipment, solid content requirement of incoming sludge, solid content concentration of dehydrated sludge, run status, operation environment, land occupancy of dehydrator, flush water quantity, and replacement of wearing parts during actual run of equipment, etc., shows that the discharged sludge of water plant has the characteristics of relatively low solid content of compressed and dense sludge, and fairly fine particle size of sludge, etc., among three machine types, price for plate and frame machine is highest, and in turn is centrifugal dehydrator and band dehydrator. According to treatment situation of sludge of water plant of China at present, and due to the consideration of economic power of Bayannur City, band dehydrator is herein recommended.

7.3.6 Comparison and selection of pipe material

Selection of pipe material has great impact to water supply quality, project cost and water supply safety, thus it is very critical to select the pipe material, hereinafter is the comparison on characteristics and properties of various pipe materials.

At present, the transportation and distribution water pipes generally utilized in domestic and abroad mainly consist of steel pipe (SP), ductile iron pipe(DIP), glass-reinforced plastic pipe(RPMP), prestressed steel concrete pipe(PCP), prestressed concrete cylinder pipe(PCCP), etc. Various pipe materials have different characteristics:

(1) spiral-seam submerged-arc steel pipe (SP)

SP has fairly good mechanical strength, and has great advantage in the aspects of anti-bend, anti-tension, toughness, impact resistance, and anti-vibration, etc., and can withstand the fairly high internal pressure and appropriate external pressure. According to operation requirement it can be machined to different sizes, different bores and different wall thicknesses, the joint forms are diversified, the holding and jointing are convenient with great flexibility, and the construction is easy. Nevertheless, its inner wall is easy of incurring scaling and impacts the water quality. The internal insulation must be done well, such as cement liner. The biggest shortcoming of SP is its bad anti-corrosion property, if the internal and external insulation and electrochemistry protection is not perfect, the service life shall be fairly short (20 years). The toughness of steel pipe is fairly great, at present, after general cement coating and lining, the n value of roughness coefficient is usually considered as 0.013 (manning formula) for design.

SP pipe has good mechanical strength and is available for machining, thus it has great advantage when the geological condition is bad and when passing through obstacles, and it is especially used for sunken pipe, pipe bridge (crossing over river) and jacking of pipe (crossing over the road).

(2) Ductile iron pipe(DIP)

Raw material of DIP is also pig iron with carbon constituent of 3.5-4.0%. Through spheroidization and annealing treatment after molding of pipe casting, the stable and even fine texture is obtained with fairly high specific elongation. According to standard of ISO2531, its specific elongation, tensile strength and water pressure test, etc., are all equivalent to steel pipe, and its anticorrosion is superior to that of steel pipe. The burying service life can be up to 50 years. DIP wall thickness is fairly thin and is only about 55% of that of the grey cast iron pipe. Inner wall is coated and sealed by cement. The roughness coefficient n is considered as 0.013(manning formula) for this design. At present, the diameter of DIP pipe produced in domestic is DN100~2600, it adopts the T form slide-in interface with water stop rubber ring, in general foundation condition the base shall not be treated, the mechanical and machining property is good, it can be welded, cut and bored.

(3) glass-reinforced plastic pipe(RPMP)

RPMP is a composite material pipe consisting of unsaturated polyester resin, glass fiber and quartz sand filler. The pipe wall is divided to external protection layer, reinforced layer, structure layer and liner layer according to different roles. The mechanical strength can be sorted according to design requirement, and its nominal rigidity is 2500~20000N/m2 and work pressure 0.4~2.5MPa. RPMP has small specific gravity (only 1700~2200kg/m3) since the weight is light it is relatively convenient for transportation and construction. The layer of inner wall contacting with water is polyester resin, it has fairly small roughness, and n value is 0.0095~0.01 for this design. Thus it can greatly lower the loss of water head and is not easy of scaling and corrosion, it has no impact to water quality, and has no need of internal and external insulation treatment. According to introduction, its service life shall be over 50 years. Joint of RPMP is usually socket connected or sleeve connected, with rubber ring or reversely grouted by rubber for water-stop, it is not easy of incurring water leakage and pipe explosion. Since the weight is light, it is more in favor of pipe laying and installation, in most foundation condition, it has no need to make base, and it is one of the ideal pipe materials for long distance water transportation.

RPMP consists of two processes of short fiber outer formwork centrifugal manufacturing and long fiber inner formwork winding manufacturing, the rigidity of the previous one is superior to the latter one, while the uneven settling resistance of the latter is superior to the previous one. Both of them can meet the general operation requirement of rigidity and withstanding of internal pressure, while the uneven settling of pipe foundation is usually one of the main causes of pipe accident, at present, the long fiber inner formwork winding manufacturing of RMPM has more utilization in domestic.

(4) Prestressed steel concrete pipe(PCP)

PCP is composed of longitudinal and loop prestressed steel wire (reinforcement) and coagulating earth, and its wall thickness is usually fairly large. Although its mechanical strength is inferior to SP, it can withstand fairly great internal pressure, at present, the common internal work pressure is below 1.0MPa, during ex-factory test, the external pressure (bending) can be over 1000MPa. PCP has best anticorrosion property without internal and external insulation, the service life is long and can be over 50 years. According to report, the PCP with good manufacturing shall seldom have the phenomenon of pipe explosion; hydraulic roughness of PCP is relatively small, at present the designed flow speed coefficient C is 130 (Hazen-Williams formula). In addition to corrosion resistance, the pipe is also not easy of incurring scaling, and has no impact to water quality. The joint usually adopts the socket connected type, with rubber ring water stop and convenient pipe laying, nevertheless weight of PCP is great and not in favor of transportation and hoisting. Under general foundation condition it may not be set by base.

PCP pipe price is fairly cheap, when the pipe diameter is less than or equivalent to DN1000 and pipe work pressure less than 0.5MPa, it is an available pipe material.

(6) Prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP)

PCCP manufacturing is similar to PCP, and its difference is that, it adopts the integrated steel sleeve (fairly thin) to substitute the longitudinal prestressed reinforcement of PCP, thus it has better watertightness and is mostly of pipe of large diameter, such as DN1400-DN4000; usually the wall thickness is fairly large, as above mentioned, the wall thickness is respectively 100 and 270mm. the large diameter PCCP adopts the double rubber ring for water stop, and this is greatly in favor of water pump test. Other physical and chemical characteristics and construction requirements of PCCP are similar to that of PCP.

Price of PCCP pipe is fairly cheap, with simple laying at site. It is a pipe material with fairly good application for large diameter pressure water transportation pipe works.

According to characteristics, anticorrosion and construction conditions, etc., of above pipes, safety and reliability of water supply, water transmission pipe diameter and laying condition for this project, the comparison on property of spiral-seam submerged-arc steel pipe (SP), ductile iron pipe(DIP), glass-reinforced plastic pipe(RPMP) and prestressed concrete cylinder pipe are shown in Table 7.3-6.

Table 7.3-6 Comparison on properties of various pipe materials

| Item |spiral-seam |Centrifugal ductile |Prestressed concrete cylinder|Fiberglass |

|Pipe material |submerged-arc steel |iron pipe |pipe |reinforced plastics |

| |pipe | | |sand pipe |

|Water stop property |Good |Good |Good |Good |

|Construction site |Small |Large |Fairly large |Larger |

|Quality guarantee |Good |Good |Good |Fairly good |

|Construction progress |Fast |Slow |Fairly fast |Fairly fast |

|Acceptance test |Easy |Easy |Easy |Fairly easy |

|Service life |Long |Long |Long |Long |

|Friction resistance |Fairly small |Fairly small |Fairly small |Small |

|coefficient | | | | |

|Pipe material |Convenient |Difficult |Fairly difficult |Convenient |

|transportation | | | | |

According to comparison and selection on properties and prices as above mentioned, the centrifugal ductile iron pipe has the highest integrated cost, and in turn is the spiral-seam submerged-arc steel pipe, and price of prestressed concrete cylinder pipe and glass reinforced plastics sand pipe is cheapest. Considering of the safety and reliability of water supply main pipe, ductile ion pipe is recommended for use.

7.3.7 Comparison, selection and analysis on plant site plan of reclaimed water supply plant

Requirement and basic principle of plant site selection

(1) It shall to the greatest extent meet the requirement of near term planning and development of the zone.

(2) It shall to the greatest extent shorten the distance between the intake pump room and water supply area, thus the water supply layout is reasonable, this is in favor of saving investment, lowering energy consumption and improving economic benefit.

(3) It has fairly good waste water discharge condition and meets the environmental protection and ecological balance requirement.

(4) It has good engineering geological condition with minor relocation and does not occupy or occupy less farmland.

(5) On the basis of convenience of construction and production, it shall to the greatest extent take into account the convenience of work and living of employee.

(6) It is near to external power supply and this is in favor of saving the cost of external power supply line. Reclaimed water supply works of processing zone of Urat Rear Banner

According to industrial development and industrial water supply planning of processing zone of Urat Rear Banner, at present there are two locations for selection of reclaimed water supply plant, and general situation of two plant sites are described as below:

(1) Near the pile No. 1800 of water transmission pipeline from general drainage canal to processing zone (Plant site 1)

The plant site is about 3km away from the processing zone, in the circumference it is all waste land, thus it shall not occupy the basic farmland, the landform is smooth, and the relief condition is fairly simple. At the side of the selected plant site is a road with convenient transportation condition.

(2) South east side of processing zone (Plant site 2)

The plant site is located in the south east side of processing zone, and is closely adjacent to the planned sewage treatment works of the processing zone of Urat Rear Banner, and is the planned land of sewage treatment of the processing zone, the landform is fairly smooth, relief condition is fairly simple, it is closely adjacent to processing zone with convenient transportation condition.

Two plant sites are analyzed by factors of technology, economy and environment, etc.

Table 7.3-7 Comparison on advantage/disadvantage of intended plant sites

|advantage/disadvantage Plant |Advantage |Disadvantage |

|site plan | | |

|Plant site 1 |①It is fairly near to water intake point, and the |①It is far away from the processing |

| |turbid water transmission pipeline is short; ②The site |zone, and the water distribution |

| |is open and can meet the requirement of extension of |pipeline is long; ②It is fairly far |

| |water plant in the future; ③ The transportation is |away from the power plant, |

| |fairly convenient. |transmission and distribution line is|

| | |long and cost is high; ③In the |

| | |circumference there is no water |

| | |channel and water ditch nearby, and |

| | |this is not in favor of discharge of |

| | |waste water of plant site. |

|Plant site 2 |①The site is open without obstacle or relocation; ②It |①Its distance apart from intake point|

| |is closely adjacent to planned road with convenient |is farther than that of plant site 1,|

| |transportation; ③It is closely adjacent to processing |and turbid water transmission |

| |zone, and the water distribution pipeline is short; ④It|pipeline is long. |

| |is closely adjacent to planned sewage treatment plant, | |

| |and this is in favor of discharge and treatment of | |

| |waste water of plant area; ⑤It is fairly nearer to | |

| |substation, transmission and distribution line is | |

| |short, and this saves the investment. | |

According to comparison on plant site 1 and plant site 2, it can be seen that advantage of plant site 2 is apparent, and the selection of plant site of this project is located in the south east side of processing area, and is in the side of the planned sewage treatment plant. Reclaimed water supply works of drainage canal 3

Whether selection of water plant site is proper involves the reasonableness of the whole water supply system, and shall directly impact the project investment, construction period, operation and maintenance, etc.

According to site survey, the plant site of water reclamation plant of drainage canal 3 is located in the downstream of the sewage treatment plant of drainage canal 3 and is adjacent to drainage canal 3. It is 800mm away from Shan-Qing Highway. The plant site has following apparent advantages:

(1) The water quantity can be guaranteed, plant site does not suffer the threat of flood, rainwater discharge inside the plant area is smooth. Plant site is closely adjacent to drainage canal 3 and can contain the tail water of sewage treatment plant of drainage canal 3, water quantity of water reclamation plant can be guaranteed, it is close to industrial zone, and this is in favor of containing water for pipe network of reclaimed water.

(2) The land utilization condition is good, the intended plant site is open and is appropriate for long term development.

(3) The engineering geological condition is good.

(4) The hygienic and environment condition is fairly good and is in favor of set up protection and prevention area. The planning in the circumference is mainly of greening work, and it is forbidden to build up the project with fairly great pollution.

(5) It does not occupy the good farm land, the land utilization is basically of waste land, land requisition and foundation treatment cost is relatively low, and it also meets the national policies.

(6) The transportation is convenient, and construction, run and maintenance are convenient. Reclaimed water supply works of drainage canal 7

According to site survey, in this feasibility research report, the site of water reclamation plant of drainage canal 7 is located in the downstream of sewage treatment plant of Wuyuan County and is adjacent to drainage canal 7. The plant site has the following apparent advantages:

(1) Water quantity can be guaranteed, the plant site does not suffer the threat of flood. Plant site is closely adjacent to drainage canal 7 and can quickly contain the tail water of sewage treatment plant of Wuyuan County, water quantity of water reclamation plant can be guaranteed,

(2) The land utilization condition is good, the intended plant site is open and is appropriate for long term development.

(3) The engineering geological condition is good.

(4) The hygienic and environment condition is fairly good and is in favor of set up protection and prevention area. The planning in the circumference is mainly of greening work, and it is forbidden to build up the project with fairly great pollution.

(5) It does not occupy the farm land, the land utilization is basically of waste land, land requisition and foundation treatment cost is relatively low, and it also meets the national policies.

(6) The transportation is convenient, and construction, run and maintenance are convenient.

Thus in the environmental appraisal report, it is deemed as the better selection of plant site for water reclamation plant of drainage canal 7. Reclaimed water supply works of processing zone of Ganqimaodu port

According to industrial development and industrial water supply planning of processing zone of Ganqimaodu port, at present there are two locations for selection of reclaimed water supply plant, and general situation of two plant sites are described as below:

(1) Near Wangba reservoir (Plant site 1 )

The plant site is about 14km away from the processing zone, in the circumference it is all waste land, thus it shall not occupy the basic farmland, the landform is smooth, and the relief condition is fairly simple. At the side of the selected plant site is a road with convenient transportation condition.

(2) Within the processing zone (Plant site 2)

The plant site is located in the south east side of processing zone, and is closely adjacent to the planned sewage treatment and reuse works of the processing zone of Ganqimaodu Port, the landform is fairly smooth, relief condition is fairly simple, it is closely adjacent to processing zone with convenient transportation condition.

Two plant sites are analyzed by factors of technology, economy and environment, etc. as below:

Table 7.3-8 Comparison on advantage/disadvantage of intended plant sites

|Advantage/disadvantage Plant site|Advantage |Disadvantage |

|plan | | |

|Plant site 1 |①It is fairly near to water intake point, and the |①It is far away from the processing |

| |turbid water transmission pipeline is short; ②The site|zone, and the water distribution |

| |is open and can meet the requirement of extension of |pipeline is long. |

| |water plant in the future; ③ The transportation is | |

| |fairly convenient; ④There are a lot of waste lands in | |

| |the circumference, and this is in favor of building up| |

| |evaporation pond and lower the cost thereof. | |

|Plant site 2 |①It is closely adjacent to processing zone, and the |①Its distance apart from intake point|

| |water distribution pipeline is short; ②It is closely |is farther than that of plant site 1,|

| |adjacent to planned sewage treatment plant, and this |and turbid water transmission |

| |is in favor of discharge and treatment of waste water |pipeline is long.②The land |

| |of plant area. |requisition cost is more than that of|

| | |plant site 1. |

As above mentioned, when compared with plant site 2, the advantage of plant site 1 is apparent, and the plant site of the project is located in the circumference of Wangba reservoir.

7.4 Comparison, selection and analysis on substitute plan of sewage treatment and reuse item

7.4.1 Comparison and selection on zero plan

In this plan, the key point is to compare the impact degree of execution/non-execution of this project to the environment according to viewpoint for improving environment.

(1) Plan 1: Sewage treatment plant and reuse works plan

(2) Plan 2: No action and no project plan.

Comparison on advantages/disadvantages of above two plans is shown in Table 7.4-1.

Table 7.4-1 Comparison on plans of execution/non-execution of this project

|S/N |Plan 1 |Plan 2 |

|1 |Perfect drainage network of zone, relieve the short supply|The sewage is directly discharged without treatment, and |

| |of local water resource, and ensure the standard discharge|this is far below the national environmental protection |

| |of urban sewage. |requirement. |

|2 |Improve the water quality of each drainage and irrigation |Maintain the current situation and impact the living |

| |channel of Hetao Region. |environment of residents of the drainage area. |

|3 |Minor dust, waste water, noise, and solid waste, etc., |No |

| |generated during construction period shall destroy the | |

| |ground surface vegetation and impact the ecological | |

| |environment as well as destroy the landscape of | |

| |construction site; | |

|4 |The project construction permanently occupies part land, |No |

| |and changes the utilization mode for such land. | |

According to table 7.4-1, after execution of plan 1, although it shall incur certain environmental impact during construction and operation of this project, these impacts are limited by time and space aspects, through various measures the impact can be eliminated or reduced to the greatest extent, and shall not incur unfavorable impact of large area to regional environment, furthermore, execution of plan 1 can reduce the discharge of pollutant of drainage area by CODcr 10950.0t/a, BODcr6022.5t/a, and ammonia nitrogen 730.0t/a, it is in favor of improving regional water environment and investment environment of urban area, extending the business invitation and investment attraction, and sustainable and stable development of economy. According to viewpoint for promoting social and economic development and protection of environment, plan 1 is superior to plan 2, and the construction of project is necessary.

7.4.2 Comparison and selection on sewage treatment process plan

According to feasibility research report, the discharge of effluent water of sewage treatment plant conforms to A standard of grade 1 of “pollutant discharge standard of sewage treatment plant of urban area”, after grade2 treatment of the sewage, it needs to be further treated to meet the discharge standard of standard A of grade 1. Effluent water quality indicator of sewage treatment plant is compared with indicator of reclaimed water, and effluent water after further treatment can meet the reuse standard of reclaimed water. Comparison and selection on grade 2 biological treatment process

According to the predicted influent water quality of sewage treatment plant of this project in feasibility research report, and the discharge standard requirement of effluent water, in this project it adopts the grade2 biological treatment process with functions of eliminating organic pollutant and suspended solid, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus elimination.

According to development of sewage treatment technology in abroad and abroad, the various processes of A2O process, oxidation ditch process, and SBR process, etc., not only have the function of eliminating organic pollutant, but also have different nitrogen elimination effect. In the “urban sewage treatment and pollution protection and prevention technical policy” printed and issued by construction ministry, national administration of environmental protection, and science and technology ministry, it is recommended that A2O process, oxidation ditch process, and SBR process shall be used for grade2 biological treatment process aiming at sewage treatment plant with scale of sewage quantity below 100000m³/d.

According to various technical properties of processes, construction scale of this project, influent water characteristics, treatment requirement and local situation, in this appraisal it intends to select the SBR series CAST process and composite A/A/O process as the comparison and selection plan for sewage grade 2 treatment of this project.

(1) CAST process (Plan 1)

Periodic circle type activated sludge method (CAST process) is a transformation of intermittent activated sludge method. The biological degradation and sludge water separation processes are completed in one or multiple ponds with parallel run and variable reaction volume. Thus in this process it does not need to set the separate settling basin. In this system, activated sludge is continually repeated by “aeration—non-aeration”. In the stage of aeration it is mainly to complete the biological degeneration process, in the non-aeration stage, although it has part biological effect, it is mainly to complete the sludge water separation process. In circulated activated sludge method process, the treatment process is completed as per sequence of “water filling— discharge” and “aeration—non-aeration”, it belongs to sequencing batch activated sludge method.

Each operation circulation of this process is composed of influent water/aeration stage, settling stage, decantion stage and idle stage, each state constitutes a circulation and is continually repeated. When the circulation is started, the incoming of sewage enables the water level in the pond start to rise from the lowest level. After some time’s aeration and mixing, the system stops the aeration so that the activated sludge in the reactor carries out flocculation settling, and activated sludge shall settle in the static environment. After completion of settling stage, the supernatant at the upper part of the pond is discharged outside the system by decanter, at the same time the level shall drop to initial depth. Then the system shall repeat the above processes.

Main advantages of CAST process:

①The process is advanced and simple; the treatment building structure is small and equipment number is small. Compared with A/A/O process it does not have secondary settling basin, the SBR process sludge adopting delay aeration is relatively aerobic and stable, and has no need to carry out treatment of anaerobic digestion, thus it has no need to set up building structures of anaerobic digestion system for sludge, etc., the operation management is convenient; it has very high phosphorus and nitrogen elimination effect, the process run is stable, and effluent water quality is good.

②It does not have expansion of sludge, and growth of filamentous bacteria can be restricted.

③It has the double advantage of complete mixing type and plug flow aeration basin, and can bear the fairly great impact load of water quantity and water quality change, and the treatment effect is stable.

④The output of sewage is small, the sludge can be gradually aerobic and stable, the number of sewage treatment building structure is small, and the sludge only needs to be thickened and dehydrated.

Main disadvantage of CAST process:

①In the periodic circular activated sludge method, the reaction basin has fairly high requirement of automatic control, and high requirement of reliability of equipment.

② The run effect in the low temperature is not stable.

③Idle rate of equipment is high.

(2) A/A/O process (Plan 2)

A/A/O process is anaerobe—oxygen deficient—aerobic activated sludge method. In front of aerobic area it is designed by oxygen deficient area and anaerobe area which shall respectively realize the anti-nitration nitrogen elimination and phosphorus elimination function. When the sewage passes through three different function areas, under the effect of different microorganism bacteria group, the pollutants in the sewage as organic substance, nitrogen and phosphorus, etc., are eliminated.

When it has sufficient sludge age condition, BOD5 in the sewage shall at first be degenerated in the aerobic basin, and at the same time the nitration is completed, the sewage after nitration is lifted by reflux pump into the oxygen deficient basin to carry out anti-nitration and nitrogen elimination. Through the effect of backflow sludge for greatly absorbing phosphorus, the element of phosphorus is eliminate. The integral process includes following processes:

Assimilation process, some part of ammonia and nitrogen in the sewage are assimilated into new cell substance, and eliminated via the form of residual sludge. The assimilation works is the process to eliminate the organic substance, and some part of nitrogen can be eliminated even there is no specific biological nitrogen elimination measure.

Nitration process; The nitrifying bacteria shall oxidize the ammonia and nitrogen in the sewage into nitrate nitrogen.

Anti-nitration process, in the oxygen deficient environment and with participation of denitrify bacteria, the nitrate is deoxidized to nitrogen and emitted to atmosphere. The nitrogen effect of anti-nitration design is determined by the reflux ratio of activated sludge, usually 100%~150% can meet the requirement.

At the same time under the anaerobic condition, the phosphorous accumulating bacteria in the sludge is activated to release the phosphate in its body, so as to generate the energy to absorb the organic substance which can be quickly degenerated, and then it shall be converted to PHB for storage. After entering the aerobic area and when the oxygen is sufficient, the phosphorous accumulating bacteria consumes the PHB stored in its body to generate the energy, which shall be used for cell synthesis and phosphorus absorption, the sludge containing high concentration of phosphorus is generated, and shall be discharged outside the system together with the residual sludge, so as to reach the purpose of biological elimination of phosphorus.

Since the treatment of sewage is mainly of industrial waste water, it has bad biological and chemical treatment ability, sometimes it may have the deficiency of carbon and nitrogen source and has great impact load. During early stage the water quantity is small, water quality is low, according to local climate condition and on the basis of A/A/O, part filler and chemical auxiliaries are added to meet the high treatment effect, stable and low energy consumption status under different conditions.

(3) Integrated comparison

For the convenience of comparison on two plans, it is compared and analyzed by two aspects as technology and economy, details refer to Table 7.4-2.

7.4-2 Integrated comparison on technology and economy

|S/N |Comparison on items |CAST process |A/A/O process (Plan 2) |

| | |(Plan 1) | |

|Economic indicators |Total investment of project (ten thousand Yuan) |13782 |13492 |

| |Employment fixed number (person) |32 |32 |

| |Tonnage water and power consumption (KWH/m³) |0.39 |0.37 |

| |Land occupation (hectare) |11 |11 |

| |Annual production cost (ten thousand Yuan) |1690 |1654 |

| |Production cost (Yuan/ m³) |1.83 |1.79 |

| |Annual operation cost (ten thousand Yuan) |937 |917 |

| |Unit water quantity production cost (Yuan/ m³) |1.01 |0.99 |

|Technical indicator |Process flow |Simple |Simple |

| |Treatment effect |Stable |Stable |

| |Effluent water quality |Good |Good |

| |Phosphorus and nitrogen elimination effect |Good |Good |

| |Impact load resistance capacity |Strong |Strong |

| |Operation management |Fairly complicated |Simple |

| |Requirement to technical level of operation |Fairly high |Fairly low |

| |personnel | | |

| |Building structure |Small |More |

| |Machine and equipment |Fairly small |Fairly small |

According to above analysis it is know that, two processes can both meet the effluent water quality requirement of sewage treatment plant, nevertheless, A/A/O process has strong impact load resistance capacity, adapts to cold climate of project area, and has low technical requirement to operation personnel, furthermore, when compared with CAST process, A/A/O process has lower total investment of project, and lower annual operation cost and annual run cost, etc., thus in this project, it is recommended that A/A/O process of plan 2 is utilized for each sewage treatment works of processing zone. Comparison and selection on plans of reclaimed water treatment process

In this project, the sewage treatment works of processing zone adopts the three section process (coagulating, settling, filtering) for reclaimed water treatment, each section of process can be selected, and comparison on each section of process is below:

(1) Coagulating

Coagulating process contains mixing and reaction.


Mixing is the precondition to obtain the good coagulating effect, and also the key to save the agent quantity. It usually adopted the mechanical fast mixing and hydraulic mixing, in recent years it mostly adopts the tubular static mixer which is a equipment with small land occupation and good mixing effect, and is widely utilized in domestic. The engineering practices prove that, this mixing unit has a lot of advantages, and thus the tubular static mixer is herein recommended.


The reaction and flocculation process is the most critical link of water supply treatment, and effect of flocculation shall directly impact the settling effect, gas flotation effect and quality of effluent water. In this project it adopts the vertical mechanical reaction basin, bent plate reaction basin, small mesh grid reaction basin to carry out comparison on plans, details refer to 7.4-3.

7.4-3 Comparison on plans of reaction basin

|Basin type |Vertical mechanical |Bent plate reaction basin |Small mesh grid reaction basin |

|Item |reaction basin | | |

|Technical |Main advantages |1. It has very |1. It has wide application, |1. It is featured by new type, high |

|comparison | |strong adaptability |and is featured by new type, |efficiency, small land occupancy, low |

| | |to change of raw |high efficiency, small land |investment, low agent consumption, and |

| | |water |occupancy, appropriate |potential. |

| | | |investment, and fairly high |2. It has strong anti-impact capacity, |

| | | |consumption of reagent. |and the appropriate scope of water |

| | | |2. It adopts the fixed type |quality is wide. |

| | | |ABS product with fairly long |3. It does not need the mechanical |

| | | |service life and convenient |equipment, and the maintenance and |

| | | |installation. |management are convenient. |

| | | |3. It does not need to be |4. It adopts the ethylene-propylene |

| | | |added by equipment, and the |copolymers plastics grid board with same|

| | | |maintenance and management are|specs in favor of installation and |

| | | |convenient. |maintenance. |

| | | |4. It has strong anti-impact |5. The reaction basin already has the |

| | | |capacity, and the appropriate |matured design, installation and run |

| | | |scope of water quality is |experience. |

| | | |wide. | |

| |Main |1. land occupancy is|1. The construction and |1. The application time of this |

| |disadvantages |great. |installation are troublesome. |technology is relatively short. |

| | |2. The power | | |

| | |consumption is | | |

| | |higher than that of | | |

| | |other basin types. | | |

| | |3. It has mechanical| | |

| | |equipments, and the | | |

| | |maintenance work | | |

| | |volume and run cost | | |

| | |are added. | | |

| | |4. The investment | | |

| | |cost is high. | | |

According to above comparison it is know that, the advantage of vertical mechanical reaction basin is not apparent in this project, in addition to high total investment and great power consumption, it is added by a lot of maintenance and management work, and its land occupancy is great, thus it is not recommended. The mesh grid reaction basin has the advantages of new type, high efficiency, potential, small land occupancy, low investment and low reagent consumption, furthermore, this system has been successfully run in the north regions of Moudanjiang City, Daqing City, and Dalian City, etc., thus in this project, the small mesh grid reaction basin is recommended.

(2) Settling

The settling means the process to eliminate the solid particle in the suspension liquid via the precipitating action of gravity. In the water cleaning process, in order to reach the purpose it usually adopts the treatment building structures as horizontal flow settling basin, slope tube settling basin, slope plate settling basin, and comparison on plans of three basin types are shown in Table 7.4-4.

7.4-4 Comparison on plans of settling basin.

|Basin type |Horizontal flow |Slope tube settling basin |Slope plate settling basin |

|Item |settling basin | | |

|Technical |Main advantages |1. The treatment |1. The treatment effect is |1. It has very good treatment effect, |

|comparison | |effect is stable, |good and the land occupancy is|settling time is short, land occupancy |

| | |and the adaptability|small. |is small, and hydraulic condition is |

| | |to raw water is |2. It is placed in indoor |good. |

| | |strong. |conditions, and the investment|2. The water id distributed at the short|

| | |2. The run |is lower than horizontal flow |side, and the water is collected at tail|

| | |experience is rich |settling basin. |end by same process and same resistance,|

| | |and the management | |and the collection tank in the basin can|

| | |is convenient. | |be cancelled. |

| | |3. It is easy of | |3. The settling basin has matured |

| | |arrangement in the | |experiences of design, installation, and|

| | |narrow and long | |run. |

| | |plant site. | | |

| |Main |1. It has great land|1. Its adaptability to raw |1. The application time of this |

| |disadvantages |occupancy, and great|water is inferior to that of |technology is relatively short. |

| | |basin body as well |horizontal flow settling | |

| | |as high investment |basin. | |

| | |cost. |2. It has high requirement to | |

| | |2. The open basin |reaction effect, and evenness | |

| | |shall be frozen |of water distribution. | |

| | |during winter, when |3. The plastic slope pipe has | |

| | |it is placed in |the problem of replacement for| |

| | |indoor condition, |aging. | |

| | |the investment cost | | |

| | |shall be greatly | | |

| | |increased. | | |

According to above comparison it can be seen that, slope plate settling basin has more advantages of economy and other aspects when compared with horizontal flow settling basin and slope tube settling basin. The slope plate settling basin is the new type and high efficiency one developed in 1990s, and its characteristics are: effluent water quality is good and stable, it has strong adaptability to change of raw water temperature and quality, hydraulic condition is good, settling time is short, land occupancy is small, potential of output water is great, and slope plate settling basin has been widely utilized in the north regions as Moudanjiang City, Daqing City and Dalian City with very good effect of operation, thus slope plate settling basin is recommended for this project.

(3) Filtering

Filtering is the most critical work sequence of water supply treatment, at present it usually adopts the fast filtering basin to eliminate the residual flocculants and foreign substances after coagulating and settling of raw water. According to different structure forms of the filtering basin, at present it usually adopts the general fast filtering basin, double valve filtering basin, siphon filtering basin, movable hood backwash filter basin, and V type filtering basin, etc. In this project it intends to select the general fast filtering basin and V type filtering basin. Comparison on plans is shown in Table 7.4-5.

7.4-5 Comparison on plans of filtering basins

| Basin type |V type filtering basin |General fast filtering basin |

|Item | | |

|Main advantages |1. The filtering speed is high, basin body is |1. The run is stable and reliable and has matured |

| |small and land occupancy is small. |operation experience. |

| |2. The waste water discharge quantity is low, |2. It adopts the sand filtering material, the |

| |energy consumption is low and investment cost is |material can be easily obtained and the price is |

| |low. |cheap. |

| |3. The effluent water gate is controlled by level |3. It adopts the large resistance water |

| |of filtering basin liquid, so as to control the |distribution system, the single basin area can be |

| |filtering speed. |fairly great, and basin depth is appropriate. |

| | |4. It adopts the decelerated filtering and water |

| | |quality is fairly good. |

|Main disadvantages |1. It is added by water supply equipment, and this|1. It has a lot of valves with expensive price and |

| |increases the infrastructure construction |valve can be easily damaged. |

| |investment and increases the work volume of |2. It must be set by complete set of flushing |

| |maintenance. |equipments. |

| |2. The basin structure is complicated, especially | |

| |it has high accuracy requirement to water | |

| |distribution and gas distribution system, and this| |

| |adds the difficulty of construction. | |

| |3. The area if single basin is averagely greater | |

| |than unit basin area of general filtering basin, | |

| |but it is not comprehensively utilized, because | |

| |the discharge tank in the middle position occupies| |

| |a part of area, and in fact, the actual filtering | |

| |area is smaller than single basin area. | |

| |4. The back flush operation is complicated | |

| |especially in case of manual operation. | |

According to above comparison it is know that, the general fast filtering basin has more stable and reliable operation than V filtering basin, its process is simple with low technical requirement to operation personnel, and can meet the actual situation of local area of this project located. Furthermore, the general fast filtering basin has been widely utilized in the deep processing works of sewage of China. Thus in this project, the general fast filtering basin is recommended.

7.4.4 Comparison and selection on sludge treatment processes

During sewage treatment process it shall generate a large number of sludge containing various hazard and toxic substances, thus it shall be timely treated and disposed. It usually has the following processes of sludge treatment: anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion and direct thickening and dehydration.

When anaerobic digestion is adopted, it can recover the energy, but its capital cost is fairly high, with operation and maintenance problem, great land occupancy, and safety hidden trouble, furthermore, it shall decrease the effect of biological elimination of phosphorus and increases the quantity of reagent addition.

According to statement of “503 Standard of Sewage and Sludge Treatment ” of EPA of U.S.A., the treatment effect of aerobic digestion for sludge with staying time of 60 days in 15℃, and 40 days in 20℃ is only equivalent to the anaerobic digestion treatment effect of 35℃ and 15 days of moderate temperature. Apparently, it is not economic to realize the stable aerobic digestion in the large and middle urban sewage treatment plant, the data shows that, sludge aerobic stabilization technology is only utilized for the sewage treatment plant below the capacity of 20000 m³/d.

Since the sludge age of sewage treatment is fairly long, and has aerobic stabilization for some extent, the generated sludge quantity is fairly small. The biological nitrogen and phosphorus elimination process has been utilized for many completed sewage treatment plants in domestic and abroad, the generated sludge is directly thickened and dehydrated, the operation is stable, and this proves that, the direct thickening and dehydration are feasible.

As above mentioned, in this project, it is recommended to adopt the direct thickening and dehydration for sludge treatment.

7.5 Comparison, selection and analysis on substitute plan of treatment works of Wuliansu Lake

7.5.1 Comparison, selection and analysis on constructed wetland Regional location of constructed wetland

Constructed wetland is located in the west part and north part of Wuliangsuhai lake area, which shall respectively treat the lake influent water of general drainage canal , drainage canal 8 and drainage canal 9, the regional location is shown in Fig. 7.5-1. No.2, No.3, and No.4 areas are respectively located in the north west area of Wuliangsuhai and mainly for treatment of drainage water of general drainage canal. No.5, No.6 and No.7 areas are located between drainage canal 8 and drainage canal 9, and in the south side of drainage canal 9, which are used for treating drainage water of drainage canal 8 and drainage canal 9.


Fig. 7.5-1 Construction location of constructed wetland Selection of wetland model

With PREWET model, waste water cleaning effect of constructed wetland is simulated and computed. All parameters of model are inputted via “input data” module of main menu, in this module it consists of four sub-modules of system parameter, constituent selection, constituent parameter, influent concentration. According to characteristics of wetland of Wuliangsuhai, constructed wetland system is divided to three subsystems: Stabilization pond subsystem and surface flow reed area subsystem. Finally two wetlands are regarded as integrity for simulation (Fig. 7.5-2).


Fig. 7.5-2 Input interface of model parameter Main design parameter

(1) Design of water quantity and water quality

Waste water treated by constructed wetland is the drainage of drainage canal 8 and drainage canal 9, according to water quantity statistics for years (1998-2008), total drainage water into the lake is 460million m3, considering of impact to water quantity after completion of waste water plant and reuse water in the upper reaches, it is predicted that total drainage quantity into the lake is 424million m3, after completion of waste water treatment plant and reuse water plant, it shall not be discharged to general drainage canal, thus it does not have impact to water quality of total drainage.

Annual mean discharge water quantity is 42million m3 for Drainage canal 8 and 22million m3 for Drainage canal 9, totally 64million m3, after completion of waste water plant and reuse water plant at upper reaches, it shall not take water from or discharge water into Drainage canal 8 and Drainage canal 9, thus it shall not impact water quality and water quantity of No.8 and Drainage canal 9.

The Design flow of delay wetland system adopts the annual mean daily flow, wherein, pump and water gate, etc., in the wetland system are computed as per maximum monthly flow.

Water quality of general drainage canal shall adopt the mean value from Dec., to Apr. of next year, nevertheless, considering of influent water quality and quantity of Wuliansu Lake, specific local climate condition and specific condition of wetland, the design water quality shall be subject to maximum concentration of non-icebound season from May to Nov., as shown in Table 7.5-1.

Table 7.5-1 Designed water quality of influent water of constructed wetland

|Indicator |CODCr |BOD5 |NH3-N |TN |TP |

|Value (mg/L) |60 |- |2.4 |13.5 |1.7 |

Note: BOD5 lacks measured data.

(2) Elimination rate

In the wetland, elimination of biochemical oxygen demand can be described by following order 1 reaction dynamics, with apparent correlation (P ................

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