
Practice Unit 3 Practice Test1. It is the process of ________ that organizes and interprets incoming sensory information.A. perceptionB. sensationC. transductionD. inhibition2. Rachel is walking in the woods and feels a sharp prick on her neck. She feels pain and recognizes that she has been stung by a wasp. Which process allowed her to identify the source of her pain?A. sensationB. perceptionC. natureD. transduction3. ________ processing involves starting with a sense of what is happening and then applying that framework to information in the world.A. Logical B. Top-downC. ReferentialD. Bottom-up 4. You are studying in your dorm room. You gently request that your neighbor turn the volume of his television down until you cannot hear it. You are asking your neighbor to find your A. absolute threshold. B. difference threshold. C. transduction level. D. basilar level. 5. Jenny did not blink an eye when she paid an extra fifty cents for her favorite CD, but almost fell out of the car when her local gas station raised the price of gas by a dollar over night. What concept best explains her contradicting reactions?A. absolute thresholdB. just noticeable differenceC. subliminal perceptionD. Weber’s law6. You arrive at your friend’s apartment for a big party at the end of the semester. When you first arrive, the music is so loud that it almost hurts your ears. After a couple of hours, even though the music is still at the same volume, it doesn’t bother you anymore, and you like it. This change over time describes the process of A. perceptual constancy.B. sensory adaptation.C. transduction.D. saturation.7. In regards to light, wavelength is the ________ and amplitude is the ________.A. hue; brightnessB. brightness; hueC. hue; saturationD. brightness; saturation8. The ________ is filled with a gelatinous material that helps focus light.A. pupilB. lensC. irisD. fovea9. The major purpose of the iris is to A. protect the eye from injury. B. regulate the amount of light entering the eye. C. focus light on the retina. D. transform light energy. 10. The clear membrane just in front of the eye is the A. retina. B. lens. C. cornea. D. rod. 11. The fovea containsA. only rods.B. rods and cones.C. only cones.D. the blind spot, rods, and cones.12. Jane is having trouble sleeping. As she sits in bed looking around the darkened room, she notices that her peripheral vision seems to be better than her central vision. This is because vision in low light conditionsA. depends on the rods.B. depends on the cones.C. does not require the use of the pupil.D. does not involve the retina.13. The simultaneous distribution of sensory information across different neural pathways is referred to as A. binding.B. bottom up processing.C. transduction.D. parallel processing.14. If a student asks you why we can see colors and you want to provide an answer based on the opponent-process theory of color vision, you tell the student it is because there are ________ different types of cone receptors.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five15. Herman has the most common form of color blindness. The colors that he will have trouble distinguishing areA. red from blue and green.B. blue from red and green.C. orange from red and blue.D. green from blue and red.16. One way to think about how we process color images is that the ________ describes the events at the first level of neurons in the visual system, while the ________ best describes the activities of neurons in the rest of the visual system.A. camera theory; opponent-process theoryB. opponent-process theory; trichromatic theoryC. trichromatic theory; opponent-process theoryD. opponent-process theory; camera theory17. The tendency to mentally complete forms and figures that are actually incomplete is known asA. contouring. B. similarity. C. closure. D. convergence. 18. Gestalt psychologists emphasize thatA. perception is the same as sensation.B. we learn to perceive the world through experience.C. the whole is more than the sum of its parts.D. sensation has no effect on perception.19. Looking at a quarter in your hand casts a different image on your retina compared to looking at a quarter across the room, yet we know that the quarter is the same and retains the same dimensions. This phenomenon is known as A. size constancy.B. the figure-ground phenomenon.C. the Ponzo illusion.D. gestalt closure.20. The unit of measure for the amplitude of sound isA. pitch.B. saturation.C. timbre.D. decibel.21. What is the major function of the hammer, anvil, and stirrup?A. They soften the auditory tone of incoming stimuli.B. They collect sound and channel it into the middle of the ear.C. They transmit sound waves to the fluid-filled inner ear.D. Their vibrations clean the external auditory canal.22. One critique of place theory is that it does not explainA. linear perspective.B. low-frequency sounds.C. findings from split-brain research.D. the different functions of rods and cones.23. We are able to taste due to approximately ________ taste buds on our tongue.A. 10,000B. 100,000C. 1,000,000D. 1,00024. What part of the body is most responsible for kinesthetic senses?A. spinal cordB. thalamusC. muscle fibers and jointsD. small bones in the inner ear25. The ________ sense gives you information about balance and movement.A. vestibularB. kinestheticC. visualD. olfactory26. An individual’s awareness of external events and internal sensations under a condition of arousal is calledA. perception.B. a stream of consciousness.C. consciousness.D. the sub-conscious.27. States of consciousness that require little attention and do not interfere with other activities are calledA. controlled processes.B. automatic processes.C. altered state of consciousness.D. awareness.28. Kathy says that when she meditates, she feels like she becomes one with the universe. Kathy experiences ________ during her meditative sessions. A. an altered state of consciousnessB. latent mesmerismC. a peak experienceD. a period of divided consciousness29. The 24 hour biological cycle that regulates our pattern of sleep is referred to asA. circadian rhythm.B. lunar rotational effects.C. non-REM sequencing.D. the range of consciousness.30. You participate in a sleep study at a university clinic. The researchers measure your body chemistry while you are sleeping. Which hormone do they find follows a circadian rhythm and peaks just before you wake? A. melatonin B. growth C. cortisol D. prolactin 31. Sleep deprivation has been shown toA. increase the inability to sustain attention.B. impair the storage and maintenance of memories.C. increase the difficulty in making moral decisions.D. All of these.32. At first the subject had difficulty falling asleep in the sleep lab, but finally drifted into sleep and was not awakened when a student researcher knocked a can of soda off of the desk.?The EEG is displaying a slow regular pattern with occasional sleep spindles. The researchers feel confident that the subject isA. about to wake up. B. now in stage 2 of the sleep cycle. C. dreaming.D. in REM sleep. 33. Moesha is always tired.?She falls into bed about 10:30 every evening and is asleep in seconds, but she wakes up frequently throughout the night.?She is most likely suffering from A. night terrors.B. sleep apnea.C. narcolepsy.D. insomnia.34. Sleepwalking is A. usually due to the use of sleeping pills.B. related to mental illness.C. not really that abnormal.D. a symptom of sleep apnea.35. Narcolepsy is a disorder involvingA. the temporary cessation of breathing during sleep.B. sudden uncontrollable seizures.C. periodic attacks of uncontrollable sleep attacks.D. difficulty staying and going to sleep.36. Which of the following disorders is characterized by the temporary cessation of breathing while asleep?A. narcolepsyB. sleep apneaC. night terrorD. insomnia37. Gary turned to his wife when he woke up and said you won’t believe this dream I had. “I was being chased by men in suits who were riding horses. They had long narrow briefcases and they were trying to run me down!” If Gary related his dream to a psychodynamic therapist, they would tell him that what he was really dreaming about was his fear concerning financial issues and not being able to pay all his bills. Which element in this scenario represents the latent content of the dream?A. the briefcases the men were carryingB. Gary’s concern over monthly billsC. the horsesD. the therapist’s plan to help Gary38. A criticism of activation-synthesis theory is thatA. neural activity begins with the brain.B. dreams are random.C. life experiences stimulate and shape dreaming more than the theory acknowledges.D. dreams are caused by fluctuating levels of neurotransmitters.39. What is the most common neurotransmitter activated by psychoactive drugs and thought to be related to addiction?A. serotoninB. dopamineC. norepinephrineD. acetylcholine40. The ________ view describes hypnosis as a normal state in which the hypnotized person behaves the way he or she believes a hypnotized person should behave.A. social cognitive behaviorB. divided consciousnessC. psychodynamicD. hidden observer ................

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