SAMPLE C - University of Maryland School of Medicine

Paula Yellon Rosenblatt, M.D.

Assistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Department of Hematology and Oncology, University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center

Clinical Instructor, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine

Date: November 1, 2016

Contact Information

Address: 22 S Greene Street, S9D15, Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: 410-328-6373



1999-2003 B.S., Neurobiology and Physiology, University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD

2003-2007 M.D. (Cum Laude), University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

Post Doctoral Training

2007-2010 Internship and Residency, Department of Medicine University of Maryland

Medical Center

2011-2014 Hematology and Medical Oncology Fellowship, University of Maryland Marlene

and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD

Certification and Licensure

2010 Licensed by the Maryland Board of Physicians (valid through 2015)

2010 Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine (valid through 2020)

2014 Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine in Hematology (valid

through 2024)

2014 Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine in Medical Oncology

(valid through 2024)


2014-2016 Assistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine. Department of Medicine. Division of Hematology and Oncology, Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center

2011-2014 University of Maryland Medical Center - Hematology and Medical Oncology


2010-2011 Cancer Center Hospitalist, University of Maryland School of Medicine,

Department of Medicine

2007-2010 Internal Medicine Resident

Professional Society Membership

2012 American Society of Clinical Oncology

2012 American Society of Hematology

2007 Alpha Omega Alpha, Inducted into University of Maryland chapter

2007 Humanism Honor Society, University of Maryland School of Medicine

Honors and Awards

2014 Fellowship Award for Best Abstract

2012 Appointed to the Medical Ethics Advisory Board

2009 Recipient of National Lung Cancer Partnership Travel Grant

2007 Graduated Cum Laude from the University of Maryland School of Medicine

2007 Recipient of the Theodore E. Woodward Award in Physical Diagnosis, University

of Maryland School of Medicine

2005 Recipient of the End of Life Care Fellowship, American Medical Student


2003 Recipient of Gemstone and Honors Citation, University of Maryland

2002 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Research Fellowship Grant

Professional Experience and Clinical Activities

2016 Scientific officer for grant review for the Breast Cancer Research Program,

Department of Defense

2016 Clinical faculty for Development of the Maryland Cancer Survivorship Cohort


2016 Physican leader in survivorship care plan and education

2014-2016 Primary and Sub-investigator on multiple clinical trials at the University of

Maryland Stewart and Marlene Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center

2014-2016 Research on aromatase inhibitors and resistance.

2012-2014 Research in the use of heparin antibody testing at the University of Maryland with

emphasis on the safety and cost effectiveness of alternative anticoagulation. Mentor – Dr. Ann Zimrin.

2014. Research in the side effects related to aromatase inhibitors. Research in

Vitamin D deficiency, body mass index, and breast cancer pathology. Mentor – Dr. Saranya Chumsri

2013. Research the presentation and pathology characteristics of breast cancer in patients infected with HIV. Mentor – Dr. David Riedel

2013. Hematology and Medical Oncology Fellow. Worked in the inpatient and outpatient setting treating cancer and benign hematologic diseases at the University of Maryland and Veterans Administration Hospitals in Baltimore, MD.

2011. Medical hospitalist specializing in treating oncology patients at the University of Maryland. Managed the daily care of inpatients by serving as the primary physician and interface between the specialists, oncologists, and supportive staff. Served as team leader in the inaugural year of this hospitalist program, helping to shape the structure and scope of the service.

Administrative Service

2016 Physican member of the oral chemotherapy committee

2015-2016 Member Oncology Associates, PA Board

2014-2016 Reviewed articles for Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology

2014-2016 Member of the Cancer Research Committee

2014-2015 Member of the Solid Tumor Cost Reduction Working Group

2014-2015 Interviewer for School of Medicine, Internal Medicine Residency Program, and

Fellowship program

2014. Reviewed oncology based article submissions for Journal of Geriatrics and

Palliative Care

Teaching Service

2016 NSIP - Nathan Schnaper Intern Program – Instructor – Bret Hassel

2016 Guest Lecturer for St. Marys College Dr. Schech’s Advanced Chemistry – Translational Medicine and Clinical Trials

2015-2016 Introduction to Clinical Medicine I – Instructor – Taught 8 first year medical students history taking

2015-2016 Guest Lecturer for UMB GPILS 790 Cancer Biology

2014-2015 Introduction to Clinical Medicine II - Instructor – taught 4 second year medical

students physical diagnosis

2014-2015 Attending on the inpatient solid tumor service – medical resident and nurse


2014. Trained and managed residents rotating through hematology and oncology rotations. Taught and instructed medical students in pathophysiology small groups.

Publications – Peer Reviewed Journal

1. Schech, A.J., Shah, P., Yu, S., Sabnis, G.J., Goloubeva, O., Rosenblatt, P., Kazi, A., Chumsri, S. and Brodie, A., 2015. Histone deacetylase inhibitor entinostat in combination with a retinoid downregulates HER2 and reduces the tumor initiating cell population in aromatase inhibitor-resistant breast cancer. Breast cancer research and treatment, 152(3), pp.499-508.

2. Rosenblatt P, Chen Q, Koka R, Papadimitriou JC, Sausville EA, Emadi A. Schistocytes, echinocytes, iron deficiency anemia, and thrombocytopenia – hematologic manifestations of splenic angiosarcoma. Arch Iran Med. 2013 Oct;16(10):602-5

3. Edelman MJ, Hodgson L, Rosenblatt PY, Christenson RH, Vokes EE, Wang X, Kratzke R. CYFRA 21-1 as a prognostic and predictive marker in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer in a prospective trial: CALGB 150304. J Thorac Oncol. 2012 Apr; 7(4):649-54.

4. Lee CY, Clough EA, Yellon P, Teslovich TM, Stephan DA, Baehrecke EH. Genome-wide analysis of steroid and radiation triggered programmed cell death in Drosophila. Curr Biol. 2003 Feb 18; 13(4):350-7.

Publications – National Poster Presentations/Abstracts

1. Rosenblatt, Paula, et al. "Adjuvant aromatase inhibitor adherence based on the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale and identification of predictors to adherence." ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings. Vol. 33. No. 15_suppl. 2015.

2. Rosenblatt PY, Kesmodel SD, Bellavance E, Nichols EM, Feigenberg SJ, Tait N, Lewis J, Sivisailam SS, Couzi R, Goloubeva O, Tkaczuk KHR. Phase II study of trastuzumab and pertuzumab alone and in combination with hormonal therapy or chemotherapy with eribulin in women aged ≥60 with HER2/neu overexpressed locally advanced and/or metastatic breast cancer. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium: 2015 Dec 8-12; San Antonio, TX. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2016;76(4 Suppl):Abstract nr OT3-01-07.

3. Tkaczuk KHR, Campassi C, Kesmodel S, Bellavance E, Rosenblatt P, Nichols E, Feigenberg SJ, Coughlin P, Drogula C, Urban B, Galandak J, Dromi S, Kuo L, Yue B, Hicks D, Serrero G. A prospective study of glycoprotein 88 (GP-88) blood test in healthy women undergoing screening for breast cancer (BC) with mammography (MM). [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium: 2015 Dec 8-12; San Antonio, TX. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2016;76(4 Suppl):Abstract nr OT3-03-03.

4. Lin JY, Bluebond-Langner R, Choi E, Cheston SB, Nichols EM, Cohen RJ, Bentzen S, Drogula C, Kesmodel S, Bellavance EC, Rosenblatt P. What is the impact of reduction mammoplasty for women undergoing breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer?. InASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings 2015 Oct 1 (Vol. 33, No. 28_suppl, p. 49).

5. E. Nichols, S. J. Feigenberg, M. Morgan, W. Citron, S. Kesmodel, E. Bellavance, C. Drogula, K. H. Tkaczuk, P. Rosenblatt, G. S. Georgiade, E. S. Hwang, G. Broadwater, E. A. Duffy, R. Blitzblau, and J. K. Horton. Preoperative External Beam APBI: Report of Acute Toxicities From 2 Prospective Clinical Trials Using Two Different Fractionation Schemes. ASTRO 2015

6. E. M. Nichols, K. H. Tkaczuk, P. Rosenblatt, S. Kesmodel, E. Bellavance, M. Morgan, C. Drogula, P. Staats, W. Citron, R. J. Cohen, and S. J. Feigenberg. Favorable Proliferative Response Using Ki-67 in Patients Prospectively Treated With Preoperative Accelerated Partial-Breast Radiation Therapy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer. ASTRO 2015

7. D. Katz, K. Patel, E. M. Nichols, P. Rosenblatt, K. Tkaczuk, K. Baron, B. Heiss, J. Marshall, N. Tait, S. Gottlieb, and S. J. Feigenberg. The Use of Radiation Therapy Does Not Appear to Have an Impact on the Incidence of Heart Failure in Patients Receiving Targeted HER2 Based Systemic Therapy. ASTRO 2015.

8. Andrew Hanna, Goto Daisuke, Steven Feigenberg, Susan Kesmodel, Kate Tkaczuk, Paula Rosenblatt, Elizabeth Nichols, Daniel Mullins, Nader Hanna, and Emily Bellavance. Surgical Treatment of Paget Disease of the Breast: A Report from the National Cancer Data Base. Society of Surgical Oncology 2015

9. Rosenblatt, Paula, et al. "Adjuvant aromatase inhibitor adherence based on the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale and identification of predictors to adherence." ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings. Vol. 33. No. 15_suppl. 2015.

10. Chumsri S, Rosenblatt P, Mainor C, Sabnis G, Goloubeva O, Brodie AH. An association between obesity and more aggressive breast cancer subtype. P1-08-05. CTRC-AACR. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2014.

11. Rosenblatt P, Pajoumand M, Zimrin A. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia testing and anticoagulation use at a tertiary care center. Thrombosis and Hemostasis Summit. April 2014.

12. Kokh D, Rosenblatt P, Riedel D, Chumsri S, Ioffe O. Breast Cancer in HIV-Positive Women: Clinicopathologic Features and Comparison with General Population. United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology’s Annual Meeting. Abstract confirmation #3046.

13. Rosenblatt P, Singh SN, Goicochea L, Kesmodel S, Ioffe O, Chumsri S, Riedel D. Presentation and pathology of breast cancer in patients with HIV. Presented ASCO Breast Symposium 2013. J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl 26; abstr 39).

14. Rosenblatt P, Edelman M, Christenson R, Hodgson L, Kratzke R, Vokes E. CYFRA 21-1 as a prognostic and predictive marker in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: CALGB 150304. American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting. Orlando, May 2009. J Clin Oncol 27:15s, 2009 (suppl; abstr 11020).


1. Updates in Breast Cancer for the Family Medicine Physician. Resident Teaching Series. June 2015

2. Updates in Breast Cancer for the Internal Medicine Physician. University of Maryland Medical Grand Rounds. May 2015.

3. Adjuvant treatment of breast cancer – Fellow Lecture Series – March 2015.

4. Metastasis - Circulating tumor cells, Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition, and Microtentacles. University of Maryland Medical Oncology Grand Rounds. February 2015.

5. Neoadjuvant therapy for Her2+ breast cancer. University of Maryland Breast Symposium. October 2014.

6. Updates in Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia. University of Maryland Hematology and Oncology Grand Rounds. June 2014.


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