International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia


Tentative Program

11th International Conference on

Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia

May 24-25, 2018 Vienna, Austria

Theme: "Future of Dementia & Alzheimer: Innovations and Research Outlook"

Interactive Sessions

Keynote Lectures

Plenary Lectures





***For available speaker slots***


Euro Dementia 2018

11th International Conference on

Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia 11th International Conference on Alzheimer's DiseasMea&y 2MD4a-er2cmh52, 9e2-03n10t,82i0aV1i8enVniean,naA,uAsutsrtriiaa Program at a Glance

Day 1

Reception/ Registration



General Session

Morning Sessions


Inaugural Address

Least of 3 Keynote/Plenary Talks

09:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 10:45-11:30

Keynote/Plenary Talk 1 Keynote/Plenary Talk 2 Keynote/Plenary Talk 3

Panel Discussions/Group Photo

Coffee/Tea Break 11:30-11:45 (Networking)


Dementia-An underlying disease


Lunch Break 13:15-13:45

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Dementia

Alzheimer's Pathophysiology

Evening Sessions

Coffee/Tea Break 15:15-15:30 (Networking)


Dementia Care Practice & Awareness

Day 2


Session 1


Keynote Forum


Session 2 Vascular Dementia

Evening Sessions Morning Sessions

Coffee/Tea Break 11.40-12.55 (Networking)


Alzheimer's Diagnosis and Symptoms

Parkinson's disease


Lunch Break 13.35-14.25

Therapeutic Targets & Mechanisms for Treatment

Other Dementia Diseases

Coffee/Tea Break 15.30-15.45 (Networking)


Animal Models & Translational Medicine

Awards & Closing Ceremony

Poster Presentation

NOTE: Program Shedule is subject to change with final allotment of the speaker slots

Euro Dementia 2018

Glimpses of Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Conferences

Euro Dementia 2018

Glimpses of Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Conferences

Major Scientific Sessions

? Dementia-An underlying disease ? Symptoms and Diagnosis of Dementia ? Vascular Dementia ? Alzheimer's Diagnosis and Symptoms ? Alzheimer's Imaging and Clinical trials ? Alzheimer's Pathophysiology ? Parkinson's disease ? Dementia with Lewy bodies ? Frontotemporal dementia

? Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

? Neurocognitive Disorder

? Dementia Care Practice & Awareness

? Amyloid Protein in Dementia

? Mixed Dementia

? Therapeutic Targets & Mechanisms for Treatment

? Animal Models & Translational Medicine

Best Poster Award


You will be given about 5-7 minutes

to present your poster including questions and

answers. Judges may pose questions during the

evaluation of the poster


Judges will even evaluate the student's

enthusiasm towards their study, interest and knowledge

in the area of their research

? The winners will be announced at the closing ceremony of the conference. The decision of the winner will be withdrawn if the winner/winners is/are not present at the time of announcement

? Apart from the judging time you may also be present at the poster to share your research with interested delegates

Young Researchers Forum

? Present your research through oral presentations

? Learn about career development and the latest research tools and technologies in your field

? This forum will give pertinent and timely information to those who conduct research and those who use and benefit from research

? Develop a foundation for collaboration among young researchers

? The forum will provide an opportunity for collegial interaction with other young investigators and established senior investigators across the globe

? Interact and share ideas with both peers and mentors

General Queries dementiacongress@

Conference Venue

Vienna, Austria

Contact us America: Conference Series LLC

Euro Dementia 2018 Conference Series - America One Commerce Center-1201, Orange St. #600, Wilm-

ington, Zip 19899, Delaware, USA P: +1-702-508-5200, F: +1-650-618-1417 Email: dementiacongress@

Contact us Conference Series - UK

Euro Dementia 2018 Kemp House, 152 City Road, Vienna EC1V 2NX, UK

P: +1-702-508-5200, Toll Free: +1-800-014-8923 Email: dementiacongress@

Contact us Asia-Pacific: Conference Series LLC

Euro Dementia 2018 Divyasree Building, Raidurg

6th Floor, North Block Hyderabad 500032, INDIA

Tel: 040-33432309 Email: dementiacongress@

Euro Dementia 2018

Best Tourist Destinations in Vienna


Austrian National Library

Kunsthistorisches Museum

St. Stephen's Cathedral


Imperial Treasury

1319th Conference

Scientific Program

9th International Conference on

Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia

October 16-18, 2017 | Rome, Italy

Conference Series-America One Commerce Center-1201, Orange St. #600, Wilmington, Zip 19899, Delaware, USA

Toll Free: 1-888-843-8169, P: 702-508-5200, F: +1-650-618-1417

Conference Series-UK Kemp House, 152 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, UK

Toll Free: +0-800-014-8923


Day 1 October 16, 2017 @ Olimpica 1

Opening Ceremony

Keynote Forum


Title: APP intracellular domain supperess neuronal differentiation through transcriptional regulation of


Zhicheng Xiao, Monash University, Australia

Title: Masked hypertension is associated with cognitive decline in geriatric age

Mustafa Cankurtaran, Hacettepe University, Turkey

Networking and Refreshments Break

Title: The Dementia alliance for Culture and Ethnicity: A UK Call to Action on responding to the impact

of Dementia in Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities

David Truswell, PLIAS Resettlement, UK Sessions: Alzheimers: Causes, Prevention and Management of Dementia

Session Chair: Mustafa Cankurtaran, Hacettepe University, Turkey

Session Introduction

Title: Aromatherapy versus pharmaceutical interventions for Dementia related behaviors

Vanessa Veit, Massachusetts College of Pharmacology, USA Title: Memory is really not lost in Alzheimer's patients as memory is related to

the mind which is infinite, immortal and is not limited to the body or the brain.

Shyamala Mruthinti, Emory University, USA Title: GAPDH mRNA expression in blood of Moroccan AD cases

Nadia El Kadmiri, IBN ZOHR University, Morocco

Lunch Break

Title: Unified theory of Alzheimer's disease: Evolution is the key to Alzheimer's prevention and early


Jennie Ann Freiman, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA Title: Gender differences in persons with Dementia including Alzheimer's disease who go missing:

Implications for managing Dementia

Stephen J Morewitz, California State University, USA

Sessions:Alzheimers Disease Diagnosis, Imaging and Clinical Trails

Session Chair: Mustafa Cankurtaran, Hacettepe University, Turkey

Session Introduction

Title: Midlife insulin resistance increases the risk for brain amyloid accumulation in carriers and non-

carriers of APOE4 genotype ? A follow-up study of 15 years Laura Ekblad, University of Turku, Finland Title: Can musical or painting interventions reduce pain or improve mood, quality of life and cognition

in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease?

Isabelle ROUCH, Saint Etienne University Hospital, France

Networking and Refreshments Break

Page 8


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