Conference Programme - Alzheimer's Disease …

[Pages:76]31st International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International

21-24 April 2016, Budapest Congress Center, Hungary

Conference Programme

Dementia: Global Perspective ? Local Solutions


@ADIConference / #ADI2016


Welcome from Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI)................................................................................. 04 Welcome from the Local Organising Committee (LOC)................................................................................ 05 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................... 06 Satellite Symposia ...................................................................................................................................... 08 About Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) ............................................................................................. 12 About Hungarian Alzheimer Society (HAS)................................................................................................... 12 General Conference Information.................................................................................................................. 14 Information for People Living with Dementia ............................................................................................... 16 Budapest Congress Center Layout ............................................................................................................. 18 Exhibition Layout and Information ............................................................................................................... 19 Poster Board Layout ................................................................................................................................... 22 Local Information ........................................................................................................................................ 24 Social Events and Activities ........................................................................................................................ 25 Keynote Speaker Biographies ..................................................................................................................... 26 Conference Committees ............................................................................................................................. 35 Scientific Programme .................................................................................................................................. 36 - Programme at a Glance ........................................................................................................................... 36 - Thursday 21 April 2016 ............................................................................................................................ 40 - Friday 22 April 2016 ................................................................................................................................. 40 - Saturday 23 April 2016 ............................................................................................................................. 45 - Sunday 24 April 2016 ............................................................................................................................... 50 NCD Dialogues ........................................................................................................................................... 53 NCD Dialogues - Speaker Biographies ....................................................................................................... 54 Poster Presentations .................................................................................................................................. 56 - Friday 22 April 2016 ................................................................................................................................. 56 - Saturday 23 April 2016 ............................................................................................................................. 60 Author's Index ............................................................................................................................................ 65 Notes ......................................................................................................................................................... 71


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Welcome Letters

31st International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International

21-24 April 2016

Welcome from Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) ? Chairman

Glenn Rees

Chairman, Alzheimer's Disease International

Dear friends, I am delighted to have this opportunity to join in welcoming you to the 31st International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International hosted with the Hungarian Alzheimer Society. The theme of this conference "Dementia: Global Perspective ? Local Solutions" captures what we need to do to be successful in promoting international and local action on dementia. The strength of ADI and the opportunity of this conference is to share the vision and strategies we have at the global and local level for achieving improved awareness of dementia, improved health and care services and social action that makes our communities inclusive of people with dementia and supportive of those caring for people living with dementia. To be successful in our advocacy to make dementia a health priority we need a good evidence base and this conference promises to break some new ground in respect of the global number of people living with dementia, the shared risk factors across dementia and other chronic diseases and the latest advances in treatment and prevention. I particularly welcome the opportunities for the involvement of people with dementia and the Richard Taylor Memorial Lecture - an acknowledgement of the contribution of a man whose voice continues to resonate on the compelling case for justice for people with dementia. I hope that people with dementia will be encouraged by the ADI workshop on Human Rights and Dementia including the use of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In addition, the ADI workshop on dementia friends will provide an opportunity to discuss the practical ways in which we can all promote awareness of dementia and respect for the rights of people with dementia. There will be much to share and learn at this conference about many aspects of dementia care including improving dementia care through research and specific issues ranging from sexuality to palliative care issues. I look forward to meeting many of you during the conference and to sharing thoughts about these priorities and others. I am confident that the Hungarian Alzheimer Society and the people of Budapest will do everything they can to make you feel welcome. My best wishes for a great conference.

Glenn Rees AM Chairman Alzheimer's Disease International

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@ADIConference / #ADI2016

Welcome from the Local Organising Committee Chair (LOC)

Welcome Letters

Eva Himmer

President, Hungarian Alzheimer Society Local Organising Committee Chair

Dear friends and colleagues,

It is the greatest pleasure for me that Budapest hosts the 31st International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International.

I am pleased to welcome our presenters, our invited guests, as well as all the organisers and volunteers. We have done a great job so far, and the task to organise a world conference is a real breakthrough for the Hungarian Alzheimer Society.

The first milestone of the existence of our society was marked by ADI's Honorary Vice President, Nori Graham's visit to Budapest in 2000. She guided and encouraged us and gave us all the necessary support for our organisational development as well as the work to be done within the international Alzheimer's community.

Another important stepping-stone in our history was our participation in the team for the Kilimanjaro expedition in 2006 organised by ADI. Apart from the honour, we also gained inspiration, strength, and power to continue our fight against dementia.

It is the first time that ADI's International Conference is held in the Eastern European region. From numerous countries on several continents experts and people affected by dementia share their valuable research results and best practices in both medicine and dementia patient care.

We all believe that each country can teach something unique about dementia and we trust that Hungary also has a particular role. We are pleased to see that several Hungarian experts have been given an opportunity to present medical research that has been happening in our country as well as the positive results in care.

We believe that this conference will promote connections, and within the framework of joint research projects, scientific cooperation and vocational training, international researchers, experts and civil organisations ? including Hungarian researchers and civil organisations ? will be able to work more closely with higher education institutions on an international scale.

We are confident that such a prestigious event will direct the region's decision-makers' attention to deficiencies in the field of dementia and will significantly change the attitude of both decision-makers and societies.

Experts and NGOs, we all know that our global effort to develop National Dementia Strategies points far beyond current political interests. The mental well-being of future generations can only be ensured through more organised and efficient common frameworks. We trust that this conference is the first strong step towards a National Alzheimer Strategy in Hungary.

More than a hundred years have passed since Alois Alzheimer described the disease named after him, but we will probably have to wait many years for Alzheimer's disease, which is a huge challenge for neuroscientists, to become curable and preventable thanks to neuroscience research.

In the meantime, we all have to face new challenges in treatment and care every day, and over and over again we have to climb our Kilimanjaro.

Please accept our warm welcome to an important, productive and valuable conference.

Please enjoy the conference and Budapest.

Eva Himmer President, Hungarian Alzheimer Society Local Organising Committee Chair


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31st International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International

21-24 April 2016


Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor


Advanced Medical Nutrition


Alzheimer's Research and Therapy (Biomed)

Supporters of NCD Dialogues

See page 10.

Sponsored Satellite Symposia

Friday 22 April 2016, 12:45 ? 13:45

Saturday 23 April 2016, 07:30 ? 08:30

Saturday 23 April 2016, 12:45 ? 13:45

Sunday 24 April 2016, 07:45 ? 08:45

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@ADIConference / #ADI2016


Sponsor to Support the Attendance of People with Dementia at the Conference

Sponsor of the Family Carer of the Year Award


? Alzheimer's Disease International ? Axovant Sciences ? Dementia Alliance International ? dementia- App ? Dombi Banila ? HealthCare Interactive, Inc. ? INDUCT-ITN University of Nottingham ? Jiminy Wicket ? MEDICA Compression Stockings ? Neuronix ? ReminiScent ? Wisepress ? World Young Leaders in Dementia (WYLD)


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Satellite Symposia

31st International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International

21-24 April 2016

Satellite Symposia programme

Friday 22 April 2016

12:45 ? 13:45

Advancement in Alzheimer's Research: Industry, Government and Perspectives of People Living with Dementia Room: Liszt room Lunchbags will be handed out at the entrance of the meeting room.

Tom Wallace Alzheimer's Disease Environment: Industry Challenges in Alzheimer's Research

Lorraine Jackson How Government is Preparing for the Dementia Challenge

United States United Kingdom

Kate Swaffer Advancement of Alzheimer's Research: Hopes and Perspective of People with Dementia

Marc Wortmann Engaging Consumers in Alzheimer's Research

Australia United Kingdom

Saturday 23 April 2016

07:30 ? 08:30

Breaking Down Boundaries: Working in Partnership to Create Dementia Inclusive Societies Room: Liszt room Chairperson(s): Dr Fiona Adshead, Chief Wellbeing and Public Health Officer, Bupa (UK) Breakfast bags will be set-up in the meeting room.

Prof. Graham Stokes Global Director of Dementia Care, Bupa

United Kingdom

Janhvi Patel Strategy and Business Development Lead, IBM Watson Health

United States

Tommy Dunne Person Living with Dementia

United Kingdom

Johan Vos Deputy Executive Director, ADI

United Kingdom

12:45 ? 13:45

Alzheimer's Community Call to Action: Developing New Treatments Through Clinical Trial Participation Room: Liszt room Lunchbags will be handed out at the entrance of the meeting room.

Prof. Dr. Harald Hampel

Germany / France

AXA-UPMC Chair on Alzheimer's Disease, Universit? Pierre et Marie Curie

Marc Wortmann Executive Director, Alzheimer's Disease International

United Kingdom

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