
Name of the Faculty: Dr. Uma R, MSc.,M.Phil.,M.Sc.,(B.I)., Ph.D,FSLSc

Designation: Head of the Department

Contact no: 8248492457  

E-mail id: uma@dgvaishnavcollege.edu.in

Specialization: Cancer Biology, Algal technology,Nano Biotechnology & Plant Biochemistry


•  Secured III Rank in MSc Biochemistry in University of Madras,1997  

• Awarded “YOUNG ALGOLOGIST AWARD”  for  bagging  the  First  prize  for  paper  presentation  in  National  Conference  on  Recent  Advances  in algal  Biotechnology NCRAAB 2012  entitled  “In Vitro  Anticancer activity  of  Micro  algae  Desmococcus olivaceous, Chlorococcum  humicola  on  HepG2, HT29  &  MCF7 cell lines”  conducted  by  Centre  for  Advanced  Studies in  Botany,  University of Madras, Chennai – 25  held on 16th & 17th February  2012

• Received FIRST prize  in the “International Seminar On Biochemistry For Tomorrows Medicine  entitled “Characterization Of Oral Microbial Flora In Controlled And Poorly Controlled Type-II Diabetes Mellitus” – D Anand and Uma Ramaswamy  held on 22nd& 23rd Feb 2012 organized by Dept.of Biochemistry, Justice Bhasheer Ahmed Sayeed College, Teynampet, Chennai,  

• Presented paper and won the Consolation prize in the National conference on “Traditional Medicine:The untapped Treasure in Modern Drug Discovery” entitled “Analysis of phytonutrients and antimicrobial activity of microalgae,Chlorococcum humicola “organized by the department of Biotechnology,Veltech Hitech Engineering College,Chennai on 30th & 31st January,2013

• Received Best Poster award  in the International conference on Advances in Algal Biotechnologyy entitled "Green Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles using aqueous extract of Microalgae Desmococcus olivaceus and its Biological activities"- Sangeetha K and Uma Ramaswamy   in the School of Biosciences and technology,VIT University, vellore on 10th- 12 th August 2016 with ISBN no.978-93-85777-88-2

• Received "BESTPAPER AWARD"  in the International Conference on Biotechnology and biological sciences BIOSPECTRUM 2017entitled  “Cytotoxicity and apoptosis of human colon carcinoma cell (HT29 cells) treated with methanolic extract of Chlorococcum humicola’’ organized by the University of  Engineering and Management, Kolkata, West Bengal on 25th - 26th August 2017

• Received "BESTPAPER AWARD" in the International Conference on Biotechnology and biological sciences BIOSPECTRUM 2017 entitled  “Synthesis of silver nanoparticles of aqueous extract of Allium fistulosum and its efficiency against bacterial contaminants from industrial waste water and its photocatalytic potential ’’organized by the University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata,West Bengal on 25th - 26 th August 2017

• Received "BEST PAPER AWARD "in oral presentation of International Conference on Novel antibiotic resistance breakers and diagnostic markers(ICARB 2017), entitled “Ecofriendly synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extracts of Portulaca quadrifida L. and its biological activities”- Poornima and Uma ramaswamy at School of life sciences, Crescent Institute of science and technology,Vandalur ,Chennai on 22 nd & 23 rd December 2017

•   Received I place in poster presentation in National Conference on Molecular basis of non-communicable diseases and therapeutic applications, entitled “ Invitro cytotoxic activity of ethyl acetate extract of Azolla pinnata (L) on A549  cells of human lung carcinoma cell line” Ahamed Anas and Uma Ramaswamy  at Vels University, Chennai on 15 & 16th  February  2018

•      Received II place  in oral presention in International Conference on Nutraceuticals- concepts and applications(ICNCAD) 2018,.“Evaluation of  invitro antioxidant and free radical scavenging potential of aquatic fern Azolla pinnata” Ahamed Anas and Uma Ramaswamy at Dept of Medical Biochemistry, Taramani, University of Madras, Chennai on 16 & 17th  February  2018  

• Received IInd prize in oral presentation International Conference on Nutraceuticals- concepts and applications(ICNCAD) 2018, “Invitro antifungal activity and molecular docking study of bioactive compounds of Imperata cylindrica as inhibitors of N -myristoyltransferase”Vickymani and Uma Ramaswamy at Dept of Medical Biochemistry,Taramani, University of Madras, Chennai on 16 & 17th  February  2018.

• Received I prize in Oral presentation in the National conference on Bioresources in human wellness” Biological syntheseis and characterization of Gold nano particles using Azollapinnata and its Antioxidant, Antibactieral & Antiproliferative activity against MCF7 cell lines” A. Vinothini and UmaRamaswamy at  VISTAS, Chennai held on 26 & 27th  February 2019.

•  Received “Best paper award” in the International conference HORIZON 2019: The Epitome of  biomedical Research “ Biological syntheseis and characterization of Gold nano particles using Azollapinnata and its Antioxidant, Antibactieral & Antiproliferative activity against MCF7 cell lines” A. Vinothini and Uma Ramaswamy held  on 28th February and 1st March2019 at Saveetha Dental college, Chennai



•   Fellowship of the society of life sciences(F.S.L.Sc)

• Life member, Indian Academy of Environmental Sciences(IAES)

•   Life member,ISCA( Indian Science congress Association)





• Effect of pH in the synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using aqueous whole plant extract of Vernonia cinerea L ,  R.UMA, D.Mukundan,S.Ajish.,  Proceedings of DBT sponsored National Seminar on Recent advances in Biotechnology and applied Microbiology,  ISBN no.978-81-928100-3-4/Excellent publishers,Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu,india,  (2014), ) 47-54, 

• Synthesis of silver nanoparticles at different temperature using leaf extracts of Bauhinia tomentosa,  R.Uma, P.Vaidegi, D.Mukundan and R .Vasantha kumari,  International conference proceedings/ ISBN:978-93-81430-95-8,  Margham publications,chennai,  (2013), )

•    Evaluation of Lymphocytes markers in Type II Diabetes and arthritis – A Case control study was published by MARINA LABS ,  R.Uma, D.Anand,  Proceedings of National Conference on impact of biotechnology in health care and industry IBHI,  ISBN: 9788190-770262,  (2011), )


• "Synthesis of silver nanoparticles of aqueous extracts of Allium fistulosum and its efficiency against bacterial contaminants from industrial waste water  and its photocatalytic potential.", (Eds Rita kundu and Rajiv Narvel)© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2019,ISBN 978-981-13-6320-7/ ISBN 978-981-6321-4(ebook)         ,  Uma Ramaswamy and Vicky Mani.,  Advances in plant and microbial biotechnology,  Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd,  (2019), )

•   Evaluation of Phytonutrient, Phytochemical and Thin layer chromatography profiling of Sequential extracts of Alternanthera tenella colla  ,  R.UMA, P.T.Srinivasan, M. Vicky,S.Ajish,  Proceedings of DBT sponsored National Seminar on Recent advances in Biotechnology and applied Microbiology,  ISBN no.978-81-928100-3-4/Excellent publishers,Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu,india,  (2014), )

Journals (Total Journals: 15)


•  Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extract of Marsilea minuta linn and evaluation of its antioxidant and antibacterial activities,  Logaprakash Kulothungan, Uma Ramaswamy,,  Int J Pharma bio Sci,  9(1),  (2018),  73-78, 

• Invitro cytotoxic activity of aqueous extract of Chlorococcum humicola and ethylacetate extract of Desmococcus olivaceus on Hep2 cells of human lung cancer,  Uma Ramaswamy, V.Sivasubramanian and S. Niranjali Devaraj,,  World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences,  5(6),  (2016),  1374-1380, 

• Evaluation of Phytochemical,phytonutrient and thin layer chromatography profiling of sequential extracts of Vernonia cinerea,  Uma Ramaswamy,Vicky Mani.,  International journal of current research,  8 (5),  (2016),  31615-31618, 

• Evaluation of antioxidant,membrane stabilizing and anticoagulant activities of the whole plant extracts of Vernonia cinerea Linn,  R.Uma,M.Vicky,K.Sangeetha,  International journal of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences.,  4(7),  (2016),  357-361, 

• Evaluation of  phytonutrients and thin layer chromatography profiling of sequential extracts of Andrographis ecioides Nees,  UmaRamaswamy, Prisy Antony.,  Der Pharmacia letter,  8(14),  (2016),  31 -37, 

• Green Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aqueous whole plant extract of Vernonia cinerea L. and its biological activities.  ,  Uma Ramaswamy, D.Mukundan ,Ajish Sreekumar,Vicky Mani,  Materials today : Proceedings (Elsevier-Science direct),  2,  (2015),  4600- 4608, 

•   Evaluation of invitro anticoagulant activity of leaf extracts of Murraya koenigii(Linn) and Bauhinia tomentosa,  R.UMA, P.T.Srinivasan, A.Arivoli,M. Vicky.,  International Journal of Institutional pharmacy and Lifesciences,  4(6),  (2014),  121-126, 

• Analysis of phytonutrients and antimicrobial activity of microalgae,Chlorococcum humicola,  R. Uma, V.Sivasubramanian and S. Niranjali Devaraj,  International Journal of Applied Biology,  Spacial(1),  (2013),  45-48, 

•   Synthesis of silver nanoparticles at different temperature using stem and leaf extracts of Imperata cylindrica,  R.Uma, P.Vaidegi,P.T.Srinivasan,D.Mukundan and R .Vasantha kumari,  International Journal of Applied Biology,  special(1),  (2013),  12- 15, 

• Determination of Bioactive components of green microalgae, Chlorococcum humicola using GC-MS,  R. Uma, V.Sivasubramanian and S. Niranjali Devaraj,  International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development,  4(12),  (2013), 

•   In vitro cyto toxicity of Marsilea quadrifolia Linn of MCF- 7 cells of Human breast cancer,  R. Uma, B.Pravin,  International Research Journal of Medical Sciences,  1(1),  (2013),  1-6, 



• Bioprogramming Molecular Modelling and Drug Designing, Vel’s University, Chennai.on 6th &7th January 2009

• Recent trends in the diagnosis of Malignant Diseases,conducted by Cancer Institute,Adyar , 27th November 2010

• organized by ITM- Business School, on 22nd March,2013

• seeking new knowledge (s) beyond frontiers: One day workshop on research methodology on Contemporary Research in Science on 5 th October 2017

• newer challenges in laboratory diagnosis for life style  diseases,Loyola college on December 17th &18 th 2007

•  "Maximal usage of foldscope to explore miniature objects in the world “on Jan 2nd 2019

• "Science awareness programme" for Govt school students in  the dept of Biochemistry under UGC shiksha scheme on January 23 & 24, 2018


• Traditional medicine in treating the diseases affecting nervous system in the National seminar on Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology in Health & Diseases,University of Madras on February 11th & 12th 2011.

• Participated & presented paper titled A simple tool to compute membrane action potential –HHsim in the National seminar on Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology in Health & Diseases,University of Madras on February 11th & 12th 2011.

•  Impact of  Biotechnology in Health care and Industry”entitled Evaluation of Lymphocyte Markers in Type II Diabetes and Arthritis- A Case control study, organized  by  Veltech Hitech Engineering  College  held  on  21st December 2011

•   4.      Participation and Presented a Paper in National conference on The role of free radicals in Health and disease,   entitled  “In Vitro  Antioxidant Potential  of  the  Green  Micro  algae  Desmococcus olivaceous, Chlorococcum  humicola”  conducted  by  Dept. of  Biochemistry,  University of Madras, Chennai – 25  held on 27th & 28th January 2012.

• Under my guidance two PG students have presented the paper entitledAntioxidant potential of the different extracts of fruits of Solanum xanthocarpum

• Evaluation of antioxidative activity of the leaves of Marsilea quadrifolia

• Participation and Presented a Paper in  National  Conference  on  Recent  Advances  in algal  Biotechnology NCRAAB 2012  entitled  “In Vitro  Anticancer activity  of  Micro  algae  Desmococcus olivaceus, Chlorococcum  humicola  on  HepG2, HT29  &  MCF7 cell lines”  conducted  by  Centre  for  Advanced  Studies in  Botany,  University of Madras, Chennai – 25  held on 16th & 17th February  2012

• Participation and Presented a Paper in Regional Science Congress on Science for shaping the future of India entitled  “In Vitro  Cytotoxic activity of Marsilea quadrifolia Linn of MCF- 7 cells of human Breast cancer”  organized by the Indian Science Congress Association, Coimbatore chapter & Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu held on 15 &16 th December, 2012

• Participation and Presented a Paper in National Seminar on Bioactive compounds and their imoact on Health & Environment.entitled  “Bioactive Compounds From Microalgae – Desmococcus olivaceous (Persoon ex Acharius)J.R.Laundon using UV-VIS,FTIR and GC-MS”  organized by the Department of Biochemistry,Meenakshi College For Women,Chennai.held on 24th January 2013

• Participation and Presented paper in the National conference on “Traditional Medicine:The untapped Treasure in Modern Drug Discovery” entitled “Analysis of phytonutrients and antimicrobial activity of microalgae,Chlorococcum humicola “organized by the department of Biotechnology,Veltech Hitech Engineering College,Chennai on 30th & 31st January,2013

• Participation and Presented paper in the National conference on “Traditional Medicine:The untapped Treasure in Modern Drug Discovery” entitled “Synthesis of silver nanoparticles at different temperature using stem and leaf extracts of Imperata cylindrica “organized by the department of Biotechnology,Veltech Hitech Engineering College,Chennai on 30th &31st January,2013

• Participation and Presented paper in the National conference on Herbal medicine – Back to the future entitled “Evaluation of invitro anticoagulant activity of Murraya koenigii and Bauhinia tomentosa leaf extract” organized by the department of Cellular and Molecular Biochemistry,Frontier  Mediville,Gummidipoondi. On 9th & 10th October 2013

• Participation and Presented paper in the State Level Seminar on Trends in Biochemistry past, present and future entitled “Analysis of expression of apoptotic proteins in HT29 cells, human colon carcinoma cell line treated with methanolic extract of Chlorococum humicola” organized by the department of Biochemistry, JBAS College for Women (autonomous) Chennai  on 8th January 2014

• Participation & presented  paper in  “National  Seminar  on  Lifestyle Diseases- Causes and prevention “organized  by  The  Dept. of Biochemistry,  D.G.Vaishnav College ,Chennai  on  22nd January 2014.   Under my guidance 3 students have presented the paper entitled  Evaluation of estrogen, Lipid profiles and minerals in pre, peri and post Menopausal women –A Case control Study

• Participation & presented  paper in  “National  Seminar  on  Lifestyle Diseases- Causes and prevention “organized  by  The  Dept. of Biochemistry,  D.G.Vaishnav College ,Chennai  on  22nd January 2014.   Under my guidance 3 students have presented the paper entitled  Synthesis, Characterisation, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of silver nanoparticles using Bauhinia tomentosa linn aqueous leaves extract

•   Participation & presented  paper in  “National  Seminar  on  Lifestyle Diseases- Causes and prevention “organized  by  The  Dept. of Biochemistry,  D.G.Vaishnav College ,Chennai  on  22nd January 2014.   Under my guidance 3 students have presented the paper entitled  Evaluation of Serum hepatic enzyme markers in Rheumatoid Arthritis –A Case Control Study.   and  the proceedings were published in the Journal of Biochemical Sciences with ISSN no. 2348-4810)

• Participation and Presented paper in the National Seminar Biosolutions 2K14 -Connecting Science and Career entitled “Evaluation Of Phytonutrient, Phytochemical And Thin Layer Chromatography Profiling Of Sequential Extracts Of Vernonia cinerea”organized by the department of Biochemistry,Valliammal College,Chennai On 15th February 2014.

•   Participation and Presented paper in the National Seminar on Recent advances in Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology entitled “Evaluation Of Phytonutrient, Phytochemical And Thin Layer Chromatography Profiling Of Sequential Extracts Of Alternanthera tenella Colla””organized by the department of Microbiology, Kanchi  Shri Krishna College of arts and Science,Kanchipuram, on 3rd & 4 th March 2014,with ISBN no ISBN no.978-81-928100-3-4.

•   Participation and Presented paper in the National Seminar on Recent advances in Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology entitled “Effect of pH in the Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using aqueous whole plant extract of Vernonia cinerea L. organized by the department of Microbiology, Kanchi  Shri Krishna College of arts and Science,Kanchipuram, on 3rd & 4 th March 2014. With ISBN no. ISBN no.978-81-928100-3-4.

• Participation and Presented paper in the National Conference on natural products as therapeutics,Medical microbiology,Nanotechnology and system biology: Current scenario and emerging trends entitled Green Synthesis And Characterization Of gold Nanoparticles Using Aqueous Whole Plant Extract of Alternanthera tenella colla and Its Biological Activities organized by the PG and Research department of Biochemistry,Biotechnology, Microbiology and Bioinformatics, Mohammed Sathak College of arts and science, on 18th &  19th September 2014. and  the proceedings were published in the American Journal of Biopharm Biochem and Life sciences ,2014, Sep,Vol 4(Suppl) P39. with ISSN no. 2166- 126XB

• Participation and Presented paper in the National Seminar on “Algal taxonomy and applications” entitled In Vitro Cytotoxic Activity of Aqueous Extract of Chlorococcum humicola And Ethylacetate Extract of Desmococcus olivaceus on Hep2 Cells of Human Lung Cancer organized by Krishnamurthy institute of algology and SDNB Vaishnav College for Women,Chrompet on 28 th November 2015.

•   Participation and Presented paper in the National Conference on “Recent advances in biological and chemical sciences” entitled  Invitro Anti oxidant, Anti Inflammatory  and Anticoagulant Activities of the Whole Plant Extracts of Vernonia cinerea Linnorganized by the department of Biochemistry and Chemistry ,Annai Violet College of arts and science,Chennai on 4 &5 th February 2016.

• Participation and Presented paper in the National Conference on “Recent advances in biological and chemical sciences” entitled Evaluation of Phytonutrients And Thinlayer Chromatography  Profiling of Sequential Extracts of Andrographis echioides Nees organized by the department of Biochemistry and Chemistry , Annai Violet College of arts and science,Chennai on 4 &5 th February 2016.

• Participation and Presented paper in the National Conference on Environmental protection and sustainability entitled In vitro antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of aerial parts of Imperata cylindrica organized by the Research department of Zoology, Sir Theagaraya College,Chennai -21, on December 31st  & January 1st 2017.

• Participation and Presented paper in the National Conference on Environmental protection and sustainability entitled Molecular docking studies on Bioactive compounds of Marsilea quadrifolia :An insight in to BRCA1-BRCT domain inhibitors  organized by the Research department of Zoology, Sir Theagaraya College,Chennai -21, on December 31st  & January 1st 2017

• Participation and Presented paper in the National Conference on Nutraceuticals in Disease Management  entitled Studies on phytonutrients and phytochemical analysis of Imperata cylindrica organized by the PG &Research department of  Biochemistry,Vels University,Pallavaram ,Chennai , on 2nd &3rd February 2017

• Participation and Presented paper in the National Conference on Nutraceuticals in Disease Management  entitled Evaluation of anticoagulant, anti inflammatory and antibacterial potentials of leaf extracts of Andrographis echioides Nees organized by the PG &Research department of  Biochemistry,Vels University,Pallavaram ,Chennai , on 2nd &3rd February 2017.

• Seminar on Herbal drug Development entitled “Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from aqueous extract of  Imperata cylindrica and their invitro antioxidant potential’’organized by the PG & Research department of  Biochemistry, Sengamala Thayaar Educational trust Womens college,Mannargudi ,Thiruvarur dist on 22nd September 2017. Conference proceeding was published with ISBN no.978-9-384008-17-8.

• Molecular basis of non communicable diseases and therapeutic applications, entitled Invitro cytotoxic activity of ethylacetate extract of Azolla pinnata (L) on A549  cells of human lung carcinoma cell line” at Vels University, Chennai on 15 & 16th  February  2018

• Molecular basis of non communicable diseases and therapeutic applications,  entitled“Invitro antioxidant, free radical scavenging, anti inflammatory and anti arthritic activity of Portulaca quadrifida (L)” at Vels University, Chennai on 15 & 16th  February  2018

• Technical Update Seminar on Cutting Edge Molecular Techniques 20th December,2007

• Health and Herbs,organized by the department of Microbiology,DG Vaishnav college on 11th September 2012

• Molecular methods to study PKC inhibitors from marine resources –A  novel target for anti cancer drugs, organized by the dept of Lifesciences, Hindustan college of arts & science,Chennai from 22nd-24th August 2012

• Phycomarine – its Significance, organized by the department of Plant biology & plant biotechnology ,Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for women,Chennai on 12 th January 2016

• Prevention and management of iron deficiency anaemia in rural girls organized  in association with Indian Science Congress Association –chennai chapter and Ministry of Womens and child Development at Dept of Biochemistry, T S Narayanaswamy college,Chennai-130 on 27th February,2017

• Prevention and management of iron deficiency anaemia in rural girls organized  in association with Indian Science Congress Association –chennai chapter and Ministry of Womens and child Development at Dept of Biochemistry, T S Narayanaswamy college,Chennai-130 on 27th February,2017

• Molecular Basis of Disease – Current Perspecives and New Frontiers, University of Madras, Guindy.13th- 14th March 2006

• Mosquito Biodiversity and Challenges in control of Mosquito borne Diseases, Loyola College, Chennai on February 19th &20th 2007

• Biological Sciences, D.G. Vaishnav College, 5th March 2008

• the Role of Antioxidants in the Treatment of Diseases, University of Madras ,Taramani campus on 7th March 2009

• Impact of diabetes Mellitus on Human- Metabolic & Clinical facets-Role of Biochemists, D. G Vaishnav college, 0n 19th January,2011

• Recent Trends  in Basic  Sciences - “Translation  from  Bench  to  Bedside”  held  at Frontier  Mediville  on  21st January 2012

• Nanobiotechnology held at Womens Christian College on August10th -12th , 2011

• Research  Methodology  and  preparation Project  Proposal” organized  by  DG Vaishnav  College, Arumbakkam, Chennai  held  on  14th & 15th October 2011

• Emerging trends in Biotechnology,organized by the dept of Biotechnology,Alpha arts & science college, Chennai on 21st -22nd September 2012

• Developments, challenges and opportunities in Biosciences., conducted by Dept of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics and clinical Trial Management,Dr.MGR Janaki College of arts and science for Women ,Chennai 27th and 28th August 2014

• Molecular Basis Of Human Diseases, conducted by Dept of Biochemistry,Bharathi Womens College,Chennai on   08th and 09th January 2015

• Recent advances in biological and chemical sciences conducted by Dept of Biochemistry,Annai Violet college of arts and science ,Chennai on   04th and 05th February 2016

• Recent advancements in Biotechnology: opportunities & challenges conducted by Dept of Plant biology & Biotechnology,Loyola college of arts and science ,Chennai on   10th March 2016

• Challenges of Autism Spectrum Disorders-A Platform for Autism Awareness organized by Dept of Biochemistry,Bharathi Womens college,Chennai-108 on 28th November,2016

• Biomarkers: From research to clinical Practice organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Meenakshi College For Women ,Chennai, held on 30th  & 31stJanuary 2017

• Bio-resources in human wellness entitled “Biological syntheseis and characterization of Gold nano particles using Azollapinnata and its Antioxidant, Antibactieral & Antiproliferative activity against MCF7 cell lines” A. Vinothini and UmaRamaswamy at  VISTAS, Chennai held on 26 & 27th  February 2019

• Paper presentations (25 papers) National Seminar on Lifestyle Diseases  -Causes and Prevention  (NSLD- 2014)

• State Level Workshop- "Hands on Training on Computational Biology", September 23rd and  24th, 2010


• Impact  of  Physical  sciences  and biology  entitled “Preliminary  phyco chemical analysis  and  invitro antibacterial  screening  of  green  micro algae of  Desmococcus olivaceus, Chlorococcum  humicola and  Chlorella vulgaris” conducted by Queen  Marys  college ( autonomous) Chennai held on 7th  -  9 thJuly  2011

•    Participation and Presented a Paper in  International  Conference  on  Impact  of  Physical  sciences  and biology  entitled “Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant  activities  and  anitproliferative  activity of  green  micro algae of  Desmococcus olivaceous and Chlorococcum  humicola” conducted by Queen  Marys  college ( autonomous) Chennai held on 7th  -  9th July  2011

• Participation and Presented paper in International Conference on Biosciences,Trends in Molecular Medicine (ICBTMM-2012)  proceedings was published in American Journal of Biopharmacology, Biochemistry & Life Sciences, 2012 March Vol.I (Suppl I). ISSN: 2166- 126XB.Priyadarshni, R.Uma, Biomarkers in saliva of Type I Diabetes for Diagnostic  and prognostic significance

• Participation and Presented paper in International Conference on Biosciences,Trends in Molecular Medicine(ICBTMM- 2012)  proceedings was published in American Journal of Biopharmacology , Biochemistry & Life Sciences, 2012 March Vol.I(Suppl I).ISSN: 2166- 126X Meenakshi sundari,S.Revathee.R,Uma R,Evaluation of Lipid preoxidation and antioxidant status in saliva of cancer

•   Participated and presented paper  in  “International  seminar  on  Biochemistry  for  Tomorrow’s  Medicine”  organized  by  The  Dept. of Biochemistry,  JBAS college for Women (autonomous) Chennai  on  22nd & 23rd January 2012. paper entitled  Evaluation of Oxidative stress Biomarkers in saliva of Type II Diabetes mellitus.

•    Participated and presented paper  in  “International  seminar  on  Biochemistry  for  Tomorrow’s  Medicine”  organized  by  The  Dept. of Biochemistry,  JBAS college for Women (autonomous) Chennai  on  22nd & 23rd January 2012. Paper entitled Evaluation of prevalent nutritional based disorders among adolescent girls

• Participated and presented paper  in  “International  seminar  on  Biochemistry  for  Tomorrow’s  Medicine”  organized  by  The  Dept. of Biochemistry,  JBAS college for Women (autonomous) Chennai  on  22nd & 23rd January 2012 paper entitled characterisation of oral microbial flora in controlled and poorly controlled Type II Diabetes mellitus. 

• Participation and Presented paper in the International conference on Emerging trends & challenges in Science & Technologyy” entitled “Synthesis of silver nanoparticles at different temperature using leaf extracts of Bauhinia tomentosa“organized by the department of Life Sciences, Bhaktavatchalam College of Arts &Science,Korattur,Chennai,on 1st &2nd March,2013

• R.UMA, D.Mukundan,S.Ajish,M.Vicky. Green Synthesis  And Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Using Aqueous Whole plant extract of Vernonia cinerea L. and its Biological activities.was published in the proceedings of International Conference on Nanoscience and engineering applications(ICONSEA) in JNTUH, Hyderabad on 26,27 & 28 June, 2014 with ISBN no.978-81-924726-2-1

•   Participation and Presented paper in the International conference on Advances in Algal Biotechnologyy” entitled Green Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles using aqueous extract of Microalgae Desmococcus olivaceus and its Biological activities,by the School of biosciences and technology,VIT University, vellore on 10th- 12 th August 2016 with ISBN no.978-93-85777-88-2

• Participation and Presented paper in the International Conference on Biotechnology and biological sciences BIOSPECTRUM 2017entitled  “Synthesis of silver nanoparticles of aqueous extract of Allium fistulosum and its efficiency against bacterial contaminants from industrial waste water and its photocatalytic potential ’’organized by the University of Engineering and Management,Kolkata,West Bengal on 25th - 26 th August 2017.  

•   Participation and Presented paper in the International Conference on Biotechnology and biological sciences BIOSPECTRUM 2017entitled  “Cytotoxicity and apoptosis of human colon carcinoma cell (HT29 cells) treated with methanolic extract of Chlorococcum humicola’’ organized by the University of  Engineering and Management, Kolkata, West Bengal on 25th - 26th August 2017.

•   Participation and Presented paper in the International Conference on Biotechnology and biological sciences BIOSPECTRUM 2017entitled  “Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extract of micro algae Desmococcus olivaceus and its biological activity’’organized by the University of Engineering and Management,Kolkata,West Bengal on 25th - 26 th August 2017  

•   Participation and Presented paper in the International Conference on Molecular signature –GenNxt’’ entitled  “Cytotoxic activity of ethanolic extracts of Imperata cylindrica (L) on HepG2 cells of human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line’’organized by the Department of Microbiology,Biochemistry and Bioinformatics & Clinical Trial Management on 13th & 14 th September 2017. Conference proceeding was published in IJCRAR journal,Vol-5 supplement-1,September 2017

• Participation and Presented paper in the International Conference on Molecular signature –GenNxt’’ entitled  “Ecofriendly synthesis and characterization of copper nanoparticles of aqueous extracts of Marsilea minuta Linn and its biological activities’’organized by the Department of Microbiology,Biochemistry and Bioinformatics & Clinical Trial Management on 13th & 14 th September 2017 .Conference proceeding was published in IJCRAR journal,Vol-5 supplement-1,September 2017

• Molecular signature –GenNxt’’ entitled  “Invitro anticoagulant,anti inflammatory and antibacterial activity of various extracts of Imperata cylindrica(L)’’organized by the Department of Microbiology,Biochemistry and Bioinformatics & Clinical Trial Management on 13th & 14 th September 2017. Conference proceeding was published in IJCRAR journal,Vol-5 supplement-1,September 2017

• Novel antibiotic resistance breakers and diagnostic markers (ICARB) 2017, entitled “Ecofriendly synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extracts of Portulaca quadrifida L. and its biological activities” at School of life sciences, crescent Institute of science and technology,vandalur ,Chennai on 22 nd & 23 rd December 2017.

• Nutraceuticals- concepts and applications(ICNCAD) 2018, entitled “Evaluation of  invitro antioxidant and free radical scavenging potential of aquatic fern Azolla pinnata” at Dept of Medical Biochemistry,Taramani, University of Madras, Chennai on 16 & 17th  February  2018 

• Biosciences ‘Trends in Molecular Medicine by dept of Biochemistry, by  DG Vaishnav  College, Arumbakkam, Chennai  held  on  7th & 8th February 2012

• Emerging trends in diagnosis and therapy,organized by the dept of Biochemistry, Ethiraj College for women. Chennai on 2nd August 2012

• The need for a National Genetic Resource of Technologically important Fungi conducted by Vivekananda Institute of Tropical Mycology(VINSTROM),Chennai-4 College, on   20th February 2015

• Modern Diagnostic tools in health Science conducted by the dept of Microbiology ,Biochemistry & Bioinformatics ,Dr.MGR Janaki College of arts & science,Chennai-28 , on   22nd & 23rd August 2016

• Nutraceuticals- concepts and applications(ICNCAD) 2018, entitled “Invitro antifungal activity and molecular docking study of bioactive compounds of Imperata cylindrica as inhibitors of N -myristoyltransferase” at Dept of Medical Biochemistry,Taramani, University of Madras, Chennai on 16 & 17th  February  2018

• HORIZON 2019: The Epitome of  biomedical Research entitled  “Biological syntheseis and characterization of Gold nano particles using Azollapinnata and its Antioxidant, Antibactieral & Antiproliferative activity against MCF7 cell lines” A. Vinothini and UmaRamaswamy at  held  on 28th February and 1st March2019 at Saveetha Dental college, Chennai VISTAS, Chennai held on 26 & 27th  February 2019  

• Paper presentations(57papers) in  the International conference on Biosciences-Trends in Molecular Medicine,( ICBTMM-2012)


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|Ph.D Awarded | |

|Ph.D Students | |

|M.Phil Awarded |13 |

|M.Phil Students | |



• Organized Certificate Course In Computational Biology for UG & PG  students of Biochemistry 50 hours (Nov 2011-Jan 2012 / Dec 2012- Feb 2013).


• National Workshop on "'Basic Molecular Techniques in Biotechnology"(NWMTB-2019) in the department of Biotechnology on September 3rd and 4th 2019


• Madras University (M.Phil - Biochemistry)

1. Anticarcinogenic effect  of ethanol extract of Imperata cylindrica Linn against HepG2,  Hepatocellular carcinoma cell line- Invitro and Insilico studies - 2017

2.Fabrication of silver nanoparticle/polyvinyl alcohol hybrid nanofibre of Imperata cylindrica and its antimicrobial and catalytic activity-2


Bharthidasan University (M.Phil - Biochemistry)

1. Biochemical studies on Liver enzymes in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Nov 2005.

2. Comparative biochemical studies on serum and salivary enzymes in Type-II Diabetes Feb 2006

3. Analysis of mineral elements in serum and saliva of Type II Diabetes mellitus, Mar 2006

4. Biochemical alterations during Stress(Working women),April 2006

5. Biochemical evaluation on Antioxidant status in different age related groups, Jan 2007

6. Toxic stress of Cadmium on catfish,Mar 2007

7. Studies on age related biochemical changes during ageing, Apr 2007.

8. Biochemical studies on oxidative stress in pre, post menopausal women, Dec 2007

9. Biochemical evaluation of salivary lipid peroxidation product and antioxidant status in oral cancer, Dec 2007

10. Biochemical studies on microalbuminaria in prediabatic and hypertensive type II diabetes mellitus, Jan 2008

11. Evaluation of mineral status in prostate cancer subjects before and after treatment(Orchidectomy), Apr 2008



·                 Chairperson for setting  and   scrutinizing  committee for UG , PG &  MPhil Biotechnology   in Thiruvallur University,Vellore.


• ·                    

o External Examiner in PG Biochemistry, University of Madras 

o  Chairperson for setting & scrutinizing  committee for UG , PG & MPhil Biotechnology   in Thiruvallur University,Vellore.

o  External Examiner in Pondicherry Central University

o Research guide for MPhil Biochemistry in Bharathidasan University (Distance education) 

o Board  of studies member  in Bharathi Womens college

o External Examiner (Question paper setter & practical Examiner) in Autonomous Colleges : 

a.       Bharathi Womens College,Chennai- 108

b.      Queen Marys College,Chennai-5

c.       Ethiraj College,Chennai

d.      Meenakshi Womens College, Chennai

e.       SIET,Teynampet,Chennai

f.       Stella Marys college,Chennai

g.      Sacred Heart College,Thirupathur

h.      Sri Sankara college of arts & Science,Kancheepuram

i.        KS Rangasamy college of arts and Science.,Thiruchengode

j.        Vellalar College, Erode



• 1.Lipid & lipoprotein profile during Pregnancy ,2007

parative study of Glutamate dehydrogenase in pumpkincotyledons,2007

parative biochemical studies on serum and salivary enzymes in type II Diabetes,2007

4.Characterisation of oral microbial flora in controlled and poorly controlled type II Diabetes,2007 

5.Effect of Gestation and Lactation on minerals,2008

6.Biochemical studies on salivary antioxidant & enzymes in type I&II Diabetes mellitus,2008.

7.Extraction ,purification and identification of lipids using TLC,GLC in Diatoms,2009

8.Evaluation of prevalent nutritional based disorders among adolescent girls,2009.

9.Evaluation of glucose metabolizing enzymes in lymphocytes of Diabetic and Arthritic        subjects,2010

parative biochemical studies in green microalgae Desmococcus olivaceus and  Chlorococcum humicola.-2010

11.Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant  activities  and  atiproliferative  activity of  green  micro algae of  Desmococcus olivaceus and Chlorococcum  humicola 2011

12.Preliminary  phyco chemical analysis  and  invitro antibacterial  screening  of  green  micro algae of  Desmococcus olivaceus, Chlorococcum  humicola and  Chlorella vulgaris 2011

13.Biotreatment of coconut & gingely oil by lipase producing green microalgae-Desmococcus olivaceous,Chlorococcum infusionum,Chlorella vulgaris & Scenedesmus obstus,2011

14.Invitro antioxidant, antihelminthic and cytotoxic activity of  Marsilea quadrifolia linn on MCF 7cells ofhuman breast cancer,2012

15.Evaluation of antioxidant and antifungal activity of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris,2012.

16.Synthesis, Characterisation, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of silver nanoparticles using Bauhinia tomentosa linn aqueous leaves extract- 2013

17.Bioactivity, Green Synthesis And Characterization Of Silver Nanoparticles using Vernonia cinerea Linn Aqueous Extract And Its Antimicrobial Activities- 2014

18.Phytochemical Extraction and Characterization of Bioactive Compounds of Andrographis echioides Nees for its Antioxidant, Anticoagulant ,Anti Inflammatory and Antibacterial activities-2015

19.Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using green microalgae Desmococcus olivaceus aqueous extract and evaluation of its antioxidant,antibacterial and antiproliferative activities-2016

20.Molecular docking studies on bioactive compounds of Marsilea quadrifolia:An insight in to BRCA1- BRCT domain inhibitors-2016

21.Green synthesis and characterization of bioactive compounds of Imperata cylindrical(L) for its antioxidant scavenging, anticoagulant ,anti inflammatory and antibacterial activities-2016

22.Green synthesis and characterization of silver  and copper nanoparticles using  aqueous extract of  Marsilea minuta and evaluation of its antioxidant ,antibacterial and photocatalytic potential -2017

23.Invitro antioxidant ,radical scavenging ,antihemolytic and cytotoxic activity of aquatic fern Azolla pinnata against A549 cells of human lung cancer-2018

24.Ecofriendlly green synthesis of silver nanoparticle of aqueous extract of Portulaca quadrifida and its antioxidant and antimicrobial activities-2018

25. Biological synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles using Azolla pinnata and its antioxidant, antibacterial and antiproliferative activities against MCF7 cell line, breast cell carcinoma-2019

26.Ecofriendly synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extract of Azolla pinnata and evaluation of its antioxidant, antidiabetic and antibacterial activities- 2019


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