ALABAMA DISTRICT NORTH JUNIOR CIVITAN OFFICERIntent to Run 2018-2019Running for the Office of ________________________________________________________________ Name________________________________________________________________________________Address_____________________________________________________________________________City__________________________________________ State ________ Zip Code __________________Email ________________________________________ Phone__________________________________Club _________________________________________________________________________________School _______________________________________________________________________________Age _____________ Grade ________________ Male/Female ______________________I hereby certify that I meet all the requirements of the office for which I am running. I further certify that I will comply with the guidelines and policies as set forth in the Junior Civitan International Policies Manual and the District and International Bylaws. Candidate Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _______________Elected Officers agree to attend Officers Training, District Meeting, District Convention and participate in the district project. There is no cost to the board members to attend any meeting, project and District Convention (providing they are a member in good standing: dues paid and participate in district meetings – not including hotel costs). They are, however, responsible for their own transportation to and from these events and ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. There will be board meetings quarterly, one district meeting, one district convention, one officer training that must be attended by all board members. Attendance at the Junior Civitan International Convention is mandatory for the incoming and outgoing Governor and the Public Relations Coordinator and is highly encouraged for all other elected board members.Description and Expectations of Elected Positions:Governor – must be at least a member of the rising junior class at the time of nomination and election. Shall have been an active member of a local club in good standing for a period of at least one academic year prior to such nomination or election.The Governor must be prepared to raise a minimum of $1800 and attend Sno-Do in January in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. (Passport required). The governor shall be the chief executive officer of the district. Along with the district chair (adult), the governor shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the district subject only to the Junior Civitan district board of directors, the delegates to the annual convention, the Alabama District North Civitan board of directors, Civitan International, and the board of directors of Junior Civitan International. The governor is to lead, i.e. inform, delegate authority, initiate programs and projects, preside at all district meetings and conventions, visit clubs when possible and, in general, oversee the complete operation of Alabama District North Junior Civitan. Deputy Governor – shall be at least a member of the rising sophomore class at the time of nomination and election. Shall have been an active member of a local club in good standing for a period of at least one academic year prior to such nomination or election.The deputy governor's prime responsibility is to work directly with the projects and programs of the district throughout the year. The deputy governor shall work directly with the lieutenant governors. The deputy governor shall work closely with the governor and district chair (adult) and shall preside at meetings and serve in place of the governor in the governor’s absence. If the governor is unable to serve for any reason, the deputy governor shall assume the governorship for the remainder of the term.Secretary - shall be at least a member of the rising sophomore class at the time of nomination and election. The secretary of the district shall be responsible for keeping all district records, i.e. minutes of the district board meetings, district-wide meetings, attendance figures at meetings, and shall furnish copies of the minutes to the district board of directors, each club president, and each club advisor.Public Relations Coordinator – shall be at least a member of the rising sophomore class at the time of nomination and election. The PRC must be prepared to raise a minimum of $1500 and attend Dance A Thon in Myrtle Beach SC in MarchThe public relations coordinator shall be in charge of a district newsletter to be sent to all clubs to keep the membership informed of district events. The public relations coordinator shall seek to publicize through social media and the local media all district projects, meetings, and conventions, and shall communicate with all club public relations coordinators to assist, educate, motivate, and involve.Historian- shall be at least a member of the rising sophomore class at the time of nomination and election. The Historian is responsible for documenting the year of the District through photos and scrapbooks. The Historian is also responsible for writing the award applications for the district at the end of the year and preparing them for submission to Junior Civitan International.Lt. Governor – Area One (North East)Lt. Governor – Area Two (South East)Lt. Governor – Area Five (North West)Lt. Governor – Area Six (South West)A Lt. Governor shall be at least a member of the rising sophomore class at the time of nomination and election. Each lieutenant governor shall be directly responsible and accountable to the governor and district chair (adult) for the proper operation of the clubs within the lieutenant governor's area. The lieutenant governor shall provide continual contact with clubs, consultation and assistance to clubs as needed and shall serve on the district board of directors. The lieutenant governor will complete lieutenant governor reports of club activity four times per year: Oct 15, Dec 15, Feb 15 and April 15Please encourage your fellow club members to run for a district office! All nominations and introductions will be presented at the district convention.This form including parental permission form is due postmarked by April 5, 2018 and must be mailed or emailed to:Dr. Nancy C. HortonAlabama District North Junior Civitan Co-Chair1567 County Road 606Hanceville, Alabama 35056nancy_horton@ (intent to run in the subject line)(nancy(underscore)horton)Candidate Parental PermissionMust be completed by Junior Civitan Alabama District North Officer Candidate's parent or guardian, and submitted with the Candidate Certification Form, *Candidate Name ___________________________________________________ *Parent / Guardian Name: ____________________________________________ *Contact Phone Number: _____________________________________________ email address: ______________________________________________________ I understand that my son/daughter is a candidate for a district officer positon for Junior Civitan Alabama District North. __________________________________________________________________ (name of the officer position)There will be a district board meeting every quarter, one district project, one District Meeting, one District Convention, and one International Convention. I understand that he/she is expected to attend all the district meetings, district board meetings, district projects and the district convention during the upcoming district year (July 1 to June 30) and fulfill the responsibilities of his/her office to the best of his/her ability. (Junior Civitan International Convention is only mandatory for Governor and Public Relations Coordinator, optional for other officers.) Note: There is no cost to the district officer for attending district meetings, projects, and board meetings. They are, however, responsible for their own transportation to and from the meetings and projects. Also, The Junior Civitan Alabama District North Governor is responsible for setting and reaching a personal fundraising goal of at least $1800 and attending Sno Do in Canada during the month of January. The District Public Relations Coordinator is responsible for setting and reaching a personal fund-raising goal of at least $1500 and attending Dance A Thon in March in Myrtle Beach, SC. I fully support my son /daughter in his /her candidacy, and if elected I will support him/ her in fulfilling the obligations of the office. ________________________________________________________________ (Parent/ Guardian Signature) (date) ................

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