Manka M. Varghese, Ph.D.University of Washingtonmankav@u.washington.edu122 Miller Hall, Box 353600(206) 484 7870Seattle, WA. 98195-3600EDUCATION2000Ph.D., Educational Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, PA.Dissertation: Bilingual teachers-in-the-making: Advocates, ClassroomTeachers, and Transients (Professor Nancy H. Hornberger, Chairperson)Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Educational Research Association, Division K, Teaching and Teacher Education (2001)Distinction, Dissertation, Graduate School of EducationUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, PA. (2000)1997Masters of Science in Education, TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), University of Pennsylvania, PA.1990Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, Bristol University, EnglandAWARDS, HONORS, FELLOWSHIPS2014Outstanding Faculty Award, Office of Minority Recruitment and Retention, College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.2014Nominee, Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor AwardUniversity of Washington, Seattle, WA2013Nominee, Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor AwardUniversity of Washington, Seattle, WA2013-2015Distinguished Doctoral Research Award for Anna Van Windekens, University of Washington, College of Education, Seattle, WA.2012Mentor and Chair, Huckabay Fellowship Recipient, Emily Curtis, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.2011Nominee, Model Study Abroad Course (with Julie Villegas) “Youth Culture/Contemporary Youth: The making of a new Italy”, National Collegiate Honors Council Journal.2007Nominee, Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor AwardUniversity of Washington, Seattle, WA2006Nominee, Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor AwardUniversity of Washington, Seattle, WA.2001Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Educational Research Association, Division K, Teaching and Teacher EducationUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA University of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, PA Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, Bristol University, U.K.2000Distinction, Dissertation, Graduate School of EducationUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, PA.1999Best New ESL Program in Ohio for Greater Cincinnati ESL Consortium,Ohio Department of Education, Columbus, OH.1996Distinction, Dissertation Oral Proposal Hearing, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.1995 -1997Competitive Teaching Assistantship/Fellowship for Doctoral Studies, English Language Programs,University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.EMPLOYMENT & PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE2010 –2004 – 2010Associate Professor, Curriculum and instruction, Language, Literacy, and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.Assistant Professor, Curriculum and instruction, Language, Literacy,and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.2013-2014Consultant, Lake Washington Girls Middle School, Social JusticeInitiative, Seattle, WA.2013-20152013-20152008-2013ELL Consultant, Discovery K-12 Grant, National Science Foundation $750,000, Building Capacity for Science Standards Through Networked Improvement CommunitiesELL Consultant, Race to the Top, U.S. Dept of Education $440,000STEM AcademyELL Consultant, Discovery K-12 Grant, National Science Foundation No. DRL-0822016: $1,886,684, Tool Systems to Support Progress Toward Expert-Like Teaching by Early Career Science Educators. 2004 - 2005Facilitator support, National Board Professional Teaching Standards(NBPTS), University of Washington, Seattle, WA.2003 - 2004Developer, On-line modules, National Board Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), University of Washington, Seattle, WA.2002 - 2003Facilitator for candidates, National Board Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), University of Washington, Seattle, WA.2001 -2004Acting Assistant Professor, Curriculum and instruction, Language,Literacy, and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.2001Adjunct Faculty, (Antioch University, Seattle University, University of Washington), Seattle, WA.University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA University of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, PA Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, Bristol University, U.K.2001Lecturer, English Language Programs, University of Washington, Seattle, 1999 - 2000Instructor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.1998 - 2000Director, Greater Cincinnati ESL Consortium, University of Cincinnati, OH.1998Project Assistant, University of Cincinnati, OH.1996Project Assistant, Temple University and School District of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.1993 - 1995Instructor and Teaching Assistant, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.1993-1994Coordinator, International House Spoken English Program, Philadelphia, PA.1992 -1997Lecturer, English Language Programs, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.1990-1992Instructor, Inlingua Language School, Rome, ItalyGRANTS & STIPENDS2015-2017(under review). Principal Investigator. Project PIMSELA: Partnering to Investigate Math and Science English Learners’ Access and Achievement. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. $400,0002012 (Spring) Stipend recipient for study abroad program, Border(less) Destinies: Youth, Immigration and Education in Italy and Spain. Funded by Herbert H. Gowen Endowment for International Studies II. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. $2500. 2010-201120102008 (Spring)Principal Investigator. An Investigation of Factors Influencing English Language Learners’ Selection of Post-High-School Pathways. Funded by Royalty Research Fund, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. $ 32, 366Principal Investigator. More than just good teaching: Research-to-practice perspectives. Funded by Teachers for a New Era, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. $15, 000Stipend recipient for Global Learning Seminar. Immigration, Education & Identity Exploration Seminar. Funded by Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity and the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. $1,5002007 (Fall)Grant recipient for Gowen International Support Endowment. Immigration, Education & Identity Exploration Seminar. Funded by Office of Global Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. $2,0002006 - 2007Co-Principal Investigator. Immigrant ESL Students’ Transitions from High School to University. Funded by the Diversity Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. $16, 000University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA University of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, PA Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, Bristol University, U.K.2005 - 2006Co-Principal Investigator. Social Justice in the Elementary Teacher Education Program. Funded by Teachers for a New Era, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. $49, 745 2002 - 2003Co-Principal Investigator. El primer a?o:? A study of language and literacy practices for Latino kindergarten/1st grade children across three program types. Funded by Center for Mind, Brain and Learning, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. $32, 182.1999 - 2000Primary Author. (P.I. Susan Jenkins, Ph.D., Lee Wilberschied, Ph.D.) Southwest Regional Professional Development Center Grant. Funded by Regional Professional Development Centers. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. $35,000.1998 - 2003Primary Author. (P.I. Susan Jenkins, Ph.D.) Bilingual Education: Teachers and Personnel Grant. Funded by U. S. Department of Education, Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language Affairs. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. $630,000.PUBLICATIONSBOOKBrutt-Griffler, J. & Varghese, M. (2004). (Eds.). Bilingualism and language pedagogy. Clevedon, England : Multilingual MattersSPECIAL ISSUEVarghese, M., Motha, S, Trent, J., Park, G. & Reeves, J. (Eds.). (accepted). Language teacher identity in multilingual education. Special Issue for TESOL Quarterly.JOURNAL ARTICLES*Huang, I. & Varghese, M. (in press). Towards a composite, personalized and institutionalized teacher identity for non-native speaker teachers in U.S. secondary ESL programs. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.*Varghese, M. (2014). Commentary: Special Issue on race and language learning in Canada. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.Varghese, M. M., Lucero, A., & Von Esch, K.S. (2014). Integrating English learner needs in an Elementary Teacher Education program: Moving forward and learning lessons. Education matters: The journal of teaching and learning.Tellez, K. & Varghese, M. (2013). Teachers as intellectuals and advocates: Professional development for bilingual education teachers. Theory Into Practice, Special Issue: Effective Practices of Professional Development for Teachers of CLD Students, 52(2), 1-8.*Love, S. & Varghese, M. (2012). The historical and contemporary role of race, language, and schooling in Italy’s immigrant policies, public discourses and pedagogies. International Journal of Multicultural Education, Special Issue: Challenging Ant-Immigration Discourses in School and Community Contexts 14(2).*Kanno, Y. & Varghese, M. (2010). Immigrant and refugee ESL students’challenges to accessing four-year college education: From language policy to educational policy. Journal of Language, Identity and Education 9 (5), 310-328. *Oropeza, M., Varghese, M. & Kanno, Y. (2010). Linguistic minority students in higher education: Using, resisting, and negotiating labels. Equity & Excellence in Education, 43(2), 216-231.*Varghese, M. M. & Park, C. (2010). Going global: Can dual language programs save bilingual education? Journal of Latinos and Education, 9(1), 72-80.*Varghese, M. (2008). Using cultural models to unravel how bilingual teachers enact language policies. Language and Education, 22(5), 289-306. *Varghese, M. & Johnston, B. (2007). Evangelical Christians and English language teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 41(1), 5-31. *Varghese, M. (2006). Bilingual teachers-in-the-making in Urbantown. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 27(3), 211-224. *Cahnmann, M. & Varghese, M. (2006). Critical advocacy and bilingual education in the United States. Linguistics and Education, 16(1), 59-73. *Varghese, M. & Jenkins, S. (2005). Challenges for ESL teacher professionalization in the United States:? A case study. Intercultural Education, 16(1), 85-95. *Varghese, M., Morgan, B., Johnston, B., & Johnson, K. (2005). Theorizing language teacher identity: Three perspectives and beyond. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 4(1), 21-44. *Varghese, M., & Stritikus, T. (2005). “Nadie me dijó [Nobody told me]”: Language policy negotiation and implications for teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 56(1), 73-87.Stone, J. & Varghese, M. (Eds.). (2005). Special Issue on Literacies. New Horizons for Learning, 11(2). Retrieved from, J. & Varghese, M. (2005). Special Issue on Literacies: Introduction. New Horizons for Learning 11(2). Retrieved from , M. (2004). An introduction for K-12 teachers in meeting the needs of English Language Learners. New Horizons for Learning 10 (4). Retrieved from *Varghese, M., & Wilberschied, L. (2002). Reconsidering the novice/expert dichotomy in the K12 mentormentee relationship. Journal of In-service Education.*Billmyer, K., & Varghese, M. (2000). Investigating instrument-based pragmatic variability: Effects of enhancing discourse completion tests. Applied Linguistics, 21(4), 517-552. Billmyer, K., & Varghese, M. (1996). Investigating the structure of discourse completion tests. Working Papers in Educational Linguistics. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. MANUSCRIPTS REVISE & RESUBMIT/ UNDER REVIEW*Motha, S. & Varghese, M. (revise and resubmit). Performing and producing new identities in the academy. Race and Ethnicity in EducationBOOK CHAPTERSVarghese, M. (2015). Language diversity and schooling. In J. A. Banks & C. A. M. Banks (Eds.), Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Varghese, M. M. & Huang, I. (2015). Language Teacher Research Methods. In Volume Ten (ed. K. King) of the Encyclopedia of Language and Education (3rd ed.) General editor, N. Hornberger. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Varghese, M. (in press). Forward. In J. Keengwe & G. Onchwari (Eds.), Cross-cultural considerations in the education of young, immigrant learners. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.Varghese, M. & Becerra, R. (2013). How do people use different languages differently? In R.E. Silver & S. M. Lwin (Eds.), Language, Education and Social Implications.Stritikus, T. & Varghese, M. (2012). Global movements in education and their impact on diverse students. In D. Urias,(Ed), The immigration & education nexus: A focus on the context & consequences of schooling. Boston, Massachusetts: Sense Publishing.Varghese, M. (2012). Getting tenured. In R. Kubota & Y. Sun (Eds.), Demystifyingcareer after graduate school: A guide for second language professionals in higher education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.Varghese, M. & Stritikus, T. (2012). Language diversity and schooling. In J. A. Banks & C. A. M. Banks (Eds.), Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Varghese, M. (2012). A linguistic minority student’s discursive framing of agency and structure. In Y. Kanno & L. Harklau (Eds.), Linguistic minority immigrants go to college: Preparation, access, and persistence. Routledge. Varghese, M. (2010). Language teacher education and teacher identity. In K. King & F. Hult, Applying the Local Globally and the Global Locally in Educational Linguistics: Essays in Honor of Nancy H. Hornberger’s Sixtieth Birthday. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.English, B. & Varghese, M. (2010). Enacting language policy through the facilitatormodel in a monolingual policy context in the United States. In K. Menken & O. Garcia (Eds.), Negotiating language policies in classrooms: Teachers as Change Agents.Stritikus, T. & Varghese, M. (2010). Language diversity and schooling. In J. A. Banks & C. A. M. Banks (Eds.), Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Varghese, M. M. (2009). Response 6: Caught between poststructuralist relativism and materialism or liberal and critical multiculturalism? In M. Wong & S. Canagarajah (Eds.), Christian Educators and Critical Practitioners in Dialogue: Ethical Dilemmas in English Language Teaching. Taylor & Francis. Varghese, M. M. (2007). Language Teacher Research Methods. In Volume Ten (ed. K. King) of the Encyclopedia of Language and Education (2nd ed.) General editor, N. Hornberger), pp. 287-298. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Stritikus, T. & Varghese, M. (2007). Language diversity and schooling. In J. A. Banks & C. A. M. Banks (Eds.), Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (6th ed.), pp. 297-326. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Johnston, B. & Varghese, M. (2006). Neo-imperialism, evangelism, and ELT: Modernist missions and a postmodern profession. In (Ed.) J. Edge, (Re-)Locating TESOL in an Age of Empire, pp. 195-207. Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.Brutt-Griffler, J., & Varghese, M. (2004). Introduction. In (Eds.), J. Brutt-Griffler, and M. Varghese, Bilingualism and Language Pedagogy, pp. 1-9. Clevedon, England : Multilingual Matters. Varghese, M. (2004) Professional development for bilingual teachers in the United States: Articulating and contesting professional roles. In (Eds.), J. Brutt-Griffler, and M. Varghese, Bilingualism and Language Pedagogy, pp. 130-145. Clevedon, England : Multilingual Matters. OTHER PUBLICATIONS: CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, BOOK REVIEWS, & REPORTSVarghese, M. (2009). [Review of the book Undergraduates in a Second Language:Challenges and Complexities of Academic Literacy Development]. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 12(5), 599-601.Varghese, M. (2008, Spring). [Review of the book (Ed.) Reclaiming the Local in Language Policy and Practice]. Journal of Linguistics and Education 19(1), 73-75.Varghese, M., Stone, J., DiAngelo, R., Jackson, C., Lindsay, J., Mah, J. & Microulis, Z.(2006). Social Justice Inquiry Project: Final Report of Findings and Recommendations. Seattle: University of Washington, Teachers for a New Era Project. Lenges, A., Edgar, G, Varghese, M. & Feldman, S. (2005). Issues concerning the preparation of teachers for diverse urban schools. Seattle: University of Washington, Diverse Urban Schools Project.Varghese, M. (2005). Teaching assistants’ perspectives of University of Washington College of Education Teacher Education Program and preparing teachers for urban, diverse, schools. Seattle: University of Washington, Diverse Urban Schools Project.Varghese, M. (2003). [Review of the book Language, Culture, and Teaching: Critical Perspectives for a New Century]. Language and Education, 17(3), 237-239. ?Varghese, M. (2002). Reflections on learning, identity, and community in second language teacher education. Teacher Education Interest Section Newsletter, TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages). Varghese, M. (2001). Professional development as a site for the conceptualization and negotiation of bilingual teacher identities. In B. Johnston & S. Irujo (Eds.), Research and practice in language teacher education: Voices from the field (pp.213-232). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Center for Advanced Research in Second Language Acquisition. Castaneda, I., Chappell, C. & Varghese, M. (1998). School to Work Region 5: Evaluation Report. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati, Evaluation Services Center. WORKS IN PROGRESSMonographs:Varghese, M. (in preparation). Language teacher identity: Research, Theory and Practice. Varghese, M., Park, C. & Maurer, S. (in preparation). Raising anti-racist children: A guide for parents and teachersVarghese, M. & Love, S. (in preparation). Migration, Schooling and Diversity Pedagogies in Contemporary Italy. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual MattersArticles:*Varghese, M. & Fuentes, R. (in preparation). Agentive Acts and CollegeCapital in Immigrant English Language Learners’ College Success. Teachers College Record.*Varghese, M., Stone, J. & Lindsay, J. (in preparation). The evolution and practice of social justice in an elementary teacher education program. *Varghese, M. Myers, J. & Gaeta, C. (in preparation). An investigation of factors influencing English language learners’ selection of post high school pathways.*Varghese, M & VonEsch, K. (in preparation). Centering Teacher Development in the Understanding of Teacher Preparation for Teaching English Learners*Varghese, M., Motha, S. & Morgan, B. (in preparation).Teaching teachers about and across difference in English Language Teaching. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTSUnderstanding the transitions from high school to college and college experiences for ELsExamining the experiences of immigrant students in Italian schools, and the overlaps between their racial, linguistic and immigrant identities.CONFERENCE PAPERS & PRESENTATIONSINVITED PRESENTATIONSVarghese, M. (2014). College access and readiness for English learners. GEAR UP EDI Professional Development Summer Institute: The Era of Rising Standards: Improving College Readiness for the 21st Century. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. June 25, 2014.Varghese, M. (2013). Language teacher education and teacher identity: Connecting the dots. Invited Speaker, Wenzao University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 21.Varghese, M. (2013). Issues and practices for integrating language and content for English learners. Invited Speaker, Wenzao University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 20.Varghese, M. (2013). Constraints and opportunities in language minority teacher identity and teacher education in the United States. Invited Speaker, TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo, March 20-23. Varghese, M. (2013). Invited Speaker, Academic session for Teacher Education Interest Section, TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo, March 20-23. Varghese, M. (2012, June). Teacher education for language minority teachers: Current issues in preparing teachers in the United States Invited plenary speaker for The MOSAIC Centre for Research on Multilingualism, School of Education, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K.Varghese, M. (2012, June 1). Understanding and improving the pipeline to higher education for English learners. Invited brown bag, English department, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.Varghese, M. (2009, March). Advocacy for Bilingual/Multilingual Learners. Invited presenter, Bilingual Education Interest Section, Special Academic Session at the meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Denver, Colorado.Varghese, M. (2007, May 11). Learning in and out of school in diverse learning environments: Life-long, life-wide, life-deep. Invited panelist for the LIFE Center Invitational Conference, Seattle, WA. Varghese, M. (2006, October). Invited panelist, Dilemmas in Language, Culture, and Identity Research for the meeting of the Second Language Research Forum, Seattle, WA. Varghese, M. (2003, November). Invited panelist, Multicultural Teacher Education Pedagogy Project conducted at the meeting of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Seattle, WA. PEER REVIEWED PAPERS & PRESENTATIONSVarghese, M. & Love, S. (accepted). Race, language and citizenship in the Italian nation state. Paper accepted as part of a colloquium entitled The National as Global, the Global as National: Citizenship Education in the Context of Migration and Globalization. Association of American Anthropology, Denver, CO.Varghese, M. (2015, March). Critical perspectives on theorizing language teacher identity. Paper presented as part of a colloquium entitled, Advancing the Teacher Identity Research Agenda: Theoretical and Methodological Innovations. American Association of Applied Linguistics, Toronto, CA.Varghese, M. (2013, December). Paper presented as part of colloquium entitled, New Research in Postsecondary Access, Readiness and Success: Informing Policies and Programs for Historically Underserved Students. Washington Educational Research Association. Seattle, WA. Varghese, M. (2013, April). The heterogeneous experiences of English Language Learners navigating high school. Paper presented as part of colloquium entitled, Language minority students and transitions to college: Insights from qualitative research, American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.Varghese, M. (2013, March). Getting tenure. Paper presented as part of colloquium, Demystifying academic career paths for nonnative graduate students and scholars, TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo, March 20-23, Dallas, TX.. Varghese, M. (2012, November). U.S. Spanish dual language programs, globalization, and inequalities in public education. Paper presented as part of colloquium entitled, The glorification or dorification of Spanish language programming in the U.S. Association of American Anthropology, San Francisco, CA. Varghese, M. (2012, June). A linguistic minority students’ discursive framing of agency and structure. 11th Nordic Conference on Bilingualism, Copenhagen, Denmark.Varghese, M., Myers, J. & Gaeta, C. (2012, April). An investigation of factors influencingEnglish Language Learners’ selection of post-high-School pathways. American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC. Varghese, M. (2012, April). (Discussant). Race and language learning in multicultural Canada. Colloquium accepted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC. Love, S. & Varghese, M. (2011, April). The construction and contestation of Italian national identity: Race, language and schooling. Paper presented at the Intercultural vs. Critical Education conference, Stockholm, Sweden.Varghese, M. (2009, April). English language learners and access to higher education.Chair: V. Louie. Colloquium co-organized and co-conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Kanno, Y. & Varghese, M. (2009, April). Immigrant English Language Learners’ accessto higher education and individual agency. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Varghese, M. (2009, April). Social Justice in Elementary Teacher Education Programs:Across Time, Contexts, and Content Areas. Chair: M. Cochran-Smith. Colloquium co-organized and co-conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Varghese, M. & Stone, J. (2009, April). The Evolution of Social Justice in an Elementary Teacher Education Program. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Stone, J. & Varghese, M. (2009, April). Rethinking the relationship between social justiceand content area learning in teacher education. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Varghese, M. (2009, March). English language learners and access to higher education.Colloquium co-organized and co-conducted at the meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Denver, CO.Kanno, Y. & Varghese, M. (2009, March). Immigrant English Language Learners’ Accessto Higher Education and Individual Agency. Paper presented at the meeting o the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Denver, CO.Kanno, Y. & Varghese, M. (2008, March). Immigrant English language learners’ transitions from high school to university. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C.Kanno, Y. & Varghese, M. (2008, March). The ELL factor in Higher Education. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. Varghese, M. (2006, June). Researching and documenting language teacher identities: From structuralist to poststructuralist perspectives. Colloquium presented at the meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Montreal, Canada. Varghese, M. (2006, April). Multicultural education in second language education: Furthering dialogue across two academic disciplines. Colloquium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.Varghese, M. & Johnston, B. (2006, April). Evangelical Christians and English language teaching. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.Varghese, M. & Lenges, A. (2006, April). What matters in preparing teachers for urban, diverse schools? Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. Varghese, M. & Johnston, B. (2005, July). The pedagogy of teaching about difference in English language teaching. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquee (AILA), Wisconsin, MA.Varghese, M., Stritikus, T. & Park, C. (2005, April). Los primeros a?os: The educational experiences of Latino children in a dual language immersion program. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.Varghese, M. & Morgan, B. (2005, March). Teaching teachers about race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual identity. Discussion group presentation presented at the meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, San Antonio, TX. Varghese, M. (2005, March) Asking critical questions about community-oriented research. Symposium presented at the meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, San Antonio, TX. Varghese, M., & Johnston, B. (2004, May). “Planting seeds”: Dilemmas in religious beliefs and English language teaching. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR. Varghese, M., Anderson, K., Martin, C., Hamilton, J. & Wollan, A. (2004, March). Teacher professional development using sheltered instruction. Paper presented at the meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Long Beach, CA. Johnston, B., & Varghese, M. (2003, May). Religious values in English Language Teaching. Colloquium conducted at the Third International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Minneapolis, MN. Cahnmann, M., & Varghese, M. (2003, February). By any other name: Critical ethnographies of Spanish-English bilingual education. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Ethnography Forum in Education Research, Philadelphia, PA. Johnston, B., Johnson, K., Morgan, B., & Varghese, M. (2002, May). Teacher identities in language teaching. Paper presented at the Second International Language Teacher Education Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Varghese, M., & Stritikus, T. (2002, April). Towards a sociocultural perspective of teacher learning. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LO. Varghese, M., & Wilberschied, L. (2001, April). Reconsidering the Expert/Novice Dichotomy in K-12 Mentor-Mentee Relationships. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA. Varghese, M. (2001, February). Applying situated learning to understanding bilingual teacher identities. Colloquium conducted at the meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, St. Louis, MO. Varghese, M., Jenkins, S. & Wilberschied, L. (2001, February). K-12 ESOL teachers learning through action research. Paper presented at the meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, St. Louis, MO. Varghese, M. (2001, February). "La lengua es el espiritu del alma": Bilingual teachers as language planners. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, St. Louis, MO.Varghese, M., Wilberschied, L., Pare, J. & Carlson, C. (1999, October ). Implementing an ESL K-12 summer program: Multiple perspectives on learning. Paper presented at the meeting of Ohio Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Columbus, OH. Mohamud, A., & Varghese, M. (1999, October). Grants for Ohio ESL programs. Paper presented at the meeting of Ohio Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Columbus, OH. Varghese, M. (1999, May). Content and form in bilingual teacher professional development. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Minneapolis, MN.Varghese, M., & Jenkins, S. (1999, May). ESL teacher professionalization: Creating and mediating links through a systemic approach. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Minneapolis, MN. Varghese, M. (1999, April). Ways of learning to be a bilingual teacher and ways of being a bilingual teacher. Paper presented at the meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, CA.Varghese, M. (1999, April). Forming and enacting occupational identities: In-service and classroom experiences of bilingual teachers. Paper presented at the meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, CA.Varghese, M. (1999, March). Language, sociocultural theory, and situated learning: A study of bilingual teachers’ professional identity formation. Paper presented at the meeting of American Association for Applied Linguistics, Stamford, CT.Varghese, M. (1999, January). The process of bilingual teacher occupational identities: Co-construction of discourses and contexts. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association for Bilingual Education, Denver, CO.Varghese, M. (1998, April). La lengua es el espiritu del alma: Bilingual teacher perspectives in a Puerto Rican community. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, San Juan, Puerto Rico.Billmyer, K., & Varghese, M. (1997, March). Enhancing discourse completion tests: Effects and implications. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Orlando, FL. Varghese, M. (1996, October). My name is Maria Elisabeta: Personal experiences in teacher education. Paper presented at the meeting of PennTESOL-East, University of West Chester, PA. Billmyer, K., & Varghese, M. (1995, March). Investigating the structure of discourse completion tests. Paper presented at the meeting of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Long Beach, CA.PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT, TEACHING & ADVISING PROGRAM DEVELOPMENTESL (English as a Second Language) Masters and Ph.D. program within Language, Literacy & Culture 2001 - presentCo-developer/Co-chair. Masters and Ph.D. courses (Specialized doctoral seminar for doctoral students), pathway, and program for students interested in ESL and Multilingualism. Teacher Education Program & ESL emphasis for practicing and future teachers2009-presentELL Endorsement Summer Program, Elementary Teacher Education Program2007 - presentCo-developer. ESL overview and courses in Differentiated Instruction Strand for renewal of Elementary Teacher Education Program 2004 - 2006Co-developed (with T. Stritikus) ESL endorsement program for Bellevue and Kent school districts2007 - presentCo-developer. ESL endorsement classes and pathway to match Washington state competencies for practicing and future teachersStudy Abroad Programs2014 (Spring)Youth, Identity and Education in Italy2012 (Summer)Education class in Rome, Italy & Leon, Spain: “Border(less) destinies: Youth, immigration and education in Italy and Spain”2011 (Winter)Education & Honors class in Rome, Italy: “Youth Culture/Contemporary Youth: The Making of a New Italy”2008 (August – September)Exploration seminar, “Immigration, Education & Identity” in Rome, Italy for undergraduate studentsCOURSES DEVELOPED & TAUGHT at UWSpring 2008 (with R. Hudson), Winter 2009, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2012, Winter 2014EDTEP 544: Differentiated instruction for Elementary TeacherEducation (with R. Hudson, A. Lucero & K. VonEsch)Winter 2002, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Summer 2009, Winter 2010, Fall 2012, Fall 2013EDC&I 495/EDC&I 496: Second Language Acquisition/EDC&I 545: Multilingual Socialization and DevelopmentWinter 2002, Winter 2003, Winter 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 2009EDC&I 505/EDC&I 542/EDCI 547: SociolinguisticsWinter 2008, Winter 2010, Spring 2012EDC&I 505: Second Language Teacher Education and IdentityWinter 2003, Winter 2004, Spring 2005, Winter 2006, Spring 2008EDC&I 495; EDC&I 458: Content-based ESLFall 2001, Spring 2003, EDC&I 457: Methods in ESLUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA University of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, PA Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, Bristol University, U.K.2005-2006 (with T. Stritikus);2006-2007;2007-2008; 2009-2010; 2011; 2012; 2013EDC&I 505: Doctoral Seminar in Cultural and Linguistic DiversitySpring 2006 (With J. Stone);Spring 2009; Spring 2011; Spring 2013EDC&I 505: Sociocultural Approaches to Language and Literacy Fall 2007EDLPS 598: Seminar for International Graduate Students (with M. Nerad)Winter 2004, Winter 2005EDTEP 551: Multicultural Teaching for Elementary StudentsFall 2001, Fall 2002, Fall 2003EDTEP 551: Multicultural Teaching for Secondary StudentsSpring 2002EDC&I 494: Assessment of LEP studentsSummer 2001, Summer 2002EDC&I 495: Second Language Development StrategiesCOURSES TAUGHT at UWFall 2006, Summer 2008, Spring 2012, Spring 2013EDC&I 453: Teaching the bilingual bicultural studentCOURSES TAUGHT & DEVELOPED ELSEWHERESummer 2001Supporting English Language Learners (Antioch University)Spring 2001Teaching English for Academic Purposes (Seattle University)1999-2000Assessment and Testing, ESL Methods, Action Research (University ofCincinnati)1993-1995TESOL Workshop (University of Pennsylvania)1992-1997; 2000-2001EFL & ESL classes (Inlingua Language School, University ofPennsylvania, University of Washington)ADVISINGDoctoral Student Committees as ChairI-Chen Huang, Graduated: March 2009“Theorizing non/native dichotomy: Non/native teachers of English in secondary ESL classrooms “Ellen Kaje, Graduated: August 2009“More than just good teaching: Two exemplary teachers developingacademic discourse with culturally and linguistically diverse learners”Amber Bader, Graduated:March 2011“The Beliefs and Practices of Foreign Language Teaching Assistants”Maria Oropeza, Graduated:August 2011“Graduating from College: What Does this Capital Allow Latinas to Accomplish: A Multi-Method Study”Chin-Wen Chien, Graduated:June 2011“The Influence of ELL Teachers’ Professional Development on Classroom Practice”Emily Curtis, Graduated:Dec 2013“Toward linguistically inclusive teaching: A curriculum for teacher education and a case study of secondary teachers’ learning”Shun-Jen Hsiao, Graduated:June 2014“Investment and Challenges: ESL Learning among Older Adult Chinese Speaking Immigrants”Pei Chia Liao: March 2015Non-native speaker English language teacher identityJitpicha JarayapunReligious and pedagogical beliefs of Thai teachers in a Buddhist templeRukmini Becerra LubiesChilean teachers’ perspectives on indigenous language teachingCristina GaetaProfessional development for GEAR-UP coordinatorsMichel A. RiquelmeEFL teacher education in ChileYoungmin SeoMultilingual socialization in linguistically diverse familiesJulia DanielsWhiteness and teacher educationAnna Van WindekensEL policy and teacher practiceTram DangHigh school to college pathways for EL studentsDoctoral Student Committees as MemberNot graduatedGrace Blum, John Boehner, Kerri Wingert, Renee Shank, David Barillas, Somin Yeo, Amber Hyen Kim, Aliza Fones, Angeline Yeo, Susanna Eng, Leonard Alvarez, Lauri Conner, Alain Sykes, Sasha Lotas, Jessica Salvador, Thad Williams, Texeira ClarkGraduatedJasmin Niedo Jones, Nikum Pon, Kerry Soo Von Esch, Cate Samuelson, Marian Lyles, Bonnie English, Max Savashinsky, Sharon Chang,Talya Kemper, Hui-Ching Yang, Hongyan Zhang, Caryn Park, Jennifer Lindsay, Yuhshi Lee, Julie Kang, Steve Camicia, Takahashi Furuhata , Ron Fuentes, Hee Seung LeeGraduate Student RepresentativeDerek Greenfield, Xuan Zeng, Christian Stuart, Norah Fahim, Ron Fuentes Masters Student Committees as ChairGraduatedRuxin Cheng, Jamal Hussein, Hui Li, Kara Schoonmaker, Tabitha Lim, Fang Shi, Yang Zhao, Chencen Cai, Yuan Cheng, Kevin Curtis, Kira Geselowitz, Robin Rieddy, Amy Bourneof, Saki Ukaji, Hao Yu, Jennifer Kim, Gurpreet Erickson, Maren Hassenger, Thad Williams, Markane Sirpraseuth, Adrienne Wicklund, Stephanie Love , Noell Bernard, Felicia Sagnella, Tamara Yackel, Haunnah Sorensen, LaDawn Ishman, Desiree Prewitt, Kathleen Cykler, Lauren Emrich, Margaret Haney, Deanna Pardini, Erik Gimness, Bethann Pflugeisen, Christina Evangelista, Rebecca Friedman, Rebecca Goodin, Allyson Lyndsley, Yiran HuangNot graduatedChun-ru Lin, Can Peng, Ang Li, Sara Stuart, Shannon Bolton, Kristine BlatterMasters Student Committees as MemberGraduatedKate Morrison, Miquel Riquelme, Emma Elliot, Emily Mack, Kris Hoag, Kara Braun, Carol Stern, Erin Howell, Kimberly Eshelman, Maggie Fox, Elizabeth Wattula, Barbara Sue Kelly, Carley Houlahan, Rod Kov, Dana Arviso, Melanie Schotfeldt, Yilan Zhao, Julie Hamilton, Angela Wollan, Shi Yu Chang, Hisako Tanaka, Chikako Sadamatsu, Cristina Cavanaugh, Debra O’LoughlinSERVICE NATIONALEditorial Board2009-2012; 2013-2016Anthropology & Education QuarterlyJournal manuscript reviewer2004-presentAmerican Educational Research Journal (AERJ), Language Policy, Modern Language Journal, Teaching and Teacher Education, Teaching Education, TESOL Quarterly, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Applied Linguistics, Research in the Teaching of English, Issues in Applied Linguistics, Journal of Teacher Education, Comparative Education Review, International Journal of Multicultural Education, Language and Education, Journal of Language, Identity and Education, Anthropology and Education QuarterlyAcademic Press manuscripts and chapters reviewer2004-presentMultilingual Matters, Clevedon, U.K.Spring 2008The Routledge International Companion to Multicultural Education, Taylor & Francis, London, U.K.Conference, Dissertation, Tenure & Grant reviewer2011-presentTenure file reviewer (4 completed so far)July, 2011University of Melbourne, Dissertation External Examiner2011-2012Grant reviewer, Standard Research Grants program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)2008Second Language Research Forum2003, 2005, 2011American Educational Research Association2003, 2012, 2013, 2014American Association for Applied Linguistics2001, 2003International Language Teacher Education ConferenceCommittees2012AERA Division G Mentoring Award Committee2011Bilingual Sig (AERA) Dissertation Award Committee2005-2006American Association for Applied Linguistics Resolutions Committee 2004-2005Planning committee, Fourth International Language Teacher Education Conference,K-12 SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITYCommittee and Partnership2014-2015Member, OSPI Seal of Biliteracy Advisory Committee2011-presentMember, ELL Work Group, Road Map Project2009-2010Member, Puget Sound ELL Consortium2003-2006Bellevue school district and College of Education partnership for ESL endorsement, WA.2004-2005Advisory committee, Bilingual Review Committee, Seattle Public Schools, WA.2004-2005Advisory editorial committee member, New Horizons for Learning Online Journal, WA.2004-2005Member, ELL Task Force, Northshore School district, WA.2001Member, Committee for adoption of WLPT: Washington state-wide assessment instrument for English Language Learners, WA.2001-2002Consultant, John Stanford International School end of year oral language assessment training, WA.1997-2000Volunteer ESL tutor, Cincinnati Public Schools, Cincinnati, OH.1997-1998Secretary, Greater Cincinnati ESL Consortium, Cincinnati, OH.1992-1997Volunteer ESL tutor, Philadelphia Public Schools, Philadelphia, PA.Individual eventsOctober 3, 2014Professional Standards Board, Training for English Language Proficiency StandardsOctober 2, 2013Meeting with Governor Jay Inslee, Refugee Concerns in WashingtonMarch 7, 2011National English Learner ConversationMarch 24, 2011Poster presentation, Highline ELL Research SymposiumFall 2008Walk-throughs with ELL staff in schools, Seattle Public Schools, WA.March 19, 2008Participant, Highline Schools Secondary English Language Learners Program Review, WA.February 7, 2008Presenter, Professional Education Advisory Board, WA.October 12, 2007Presenter, Ackerley Partnership, University of Washington, WA.October, 2004Guest lecturer, Bellevue school districtDecember 2001Co-convener, Seattle area ESL school district administrators’ needs-assessment meetingNovember 2001Consultant, Edmonds school district workshopUNIVERSITYCommittee/Groups/PartnershipsWinter-Spring 2015Member, CTL Hiring CommitteeWinter 2015Member, FLAS CommitteeFall 2013-Spring 2015Member, Royalty Research Fund, Arts Review CommitteeFall 2013- presentUniversity of Washington Language Immersion CommitteeFall 2012-Spring 2014Member, University of Washington Diversity CouncilSpring, 2013-Fall 2013Co-facilitator, Tri-campus English learner policy working groupSpring 2012Go! And Fritz Scholarship committee2010-2011Mentor, McNair Scholar2010-2011Member, Diversity Pedagogy Fellows2009-presentRoyalty Research Fund Reviewer2009-2010Member, Focus group for University of Washington, Educational Outreach International Teacher Training Program2007-presentMember, WIRED (Women Investigating Race, Ethnicity, Diversity) & Research sub-committee (2013-present)2007-2011Education, Learning and Society (ELS) Minor Committee2006-2007Member, Untenured minority faculty group (CORD)2004-2005Member, Faculty/Staff Advisory Board, Graduate Opportunities & Minority Achievement Program in The Graduate School (GOMAP)Seminars/Courses/WorkshopsSeptember 10, 2013Facilitator, Faculty Fellows Mentoring2006-2007LCVI/Advance Leadership Workshop SeriesDecember 6, 2005Academic Job Search PanelFebruary, 2003Guest lecturer, UW, Simpson Humanities center classCOLLEGECommittee/Program development & renewalSpring 2015Faculty Lead, Common bookFall 2014-Spring 2015Faculty Vice PresidentFall 2013- Spring 2014Co Chair, Student Support and Advancement CommitteeFall 2012- presentMember, Faculty CouncilFaculty Co-Lead, Education, Equity and Society (EES) group2007-Member, Elementary Teacher Education Program2001-Co-chair, EL/BL programFall 2012-Spring 2013Co-chair, Diversity CommitteeFaculty Lead, Common bookSpring –Fall 2013Member, tenure committee, Clayton CookSpring 2011Member, Gordon C. Lee Dissertation Award Committee2010-2011Member, ELL/BL faculty search committee2009-2010Member, ELL/BL faculty search committee2007-2008Member, Elementary Teacher Education Program (TEP) renewal2007-2008Member, Diversity Task Force2007-2008Member, ELL/BL faculty search committee2005-2006Member, Futures Committee2005-2007C&I representative, Cultural and linguistic diversity search committee2005-2006Member, ELL Study Group, Teachers for a New Era (TNE)2004-2005Member, School Psychology faculty search committee2004-2005Member, Zespaugh undergraduate scholarship committee2004-2005Member, Diversity scholarship committee for TEP2004-2005Member, Elementary Evidence of Learning Team for TNE/TEP2004-2005Facilitator, College of Education International Students Group2001-2002Member, University of Washington and John Stanford International School Partnership CommitteeIndividual eventsApril, 2008/ April, 2011/ September 2013Guest panelist, Faculty of color and international studentsSeptember 2009, September 2013Guest panelist, International studentsJanuary, 2008Presenter, College of Education Research Conference, 2008March 21, 2008Co-presenter, TNE and TEP presentation, The evolution and practice of social justice in an Elementary Teacher Education ProgramFebruary 28, 2008Presenter, Diversity in TNE, Meeting with Frank MurraySeptember 17, 2007Presenter, TEP Retreat September 25, 2007Guest panelist, Students of color and international students panelMay 4, 2006Guest panelist, Diversity summit2004-2006Interviewer, Elementary TEP applicantsFebruary 2, 2006Guest lecturer, Conference proposal workshop, International Students’ Group2002-2005Curriculum & Instruction welcome potluck co-organizer, College of Education2004-2005Ken Sirotnik Scholarship CommitteeDecember 8, 2004Member, Panel on college climateGuest lecturer, 2004-presentJoe Jenkins, Robin DiAngelo, Carolyn Jackson, Geneva Gay, Maresi NeradProfessional development2007GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Development) Workshop, Seattle, WA. : 1 day2003Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Certificate. NCS Pearson, Inc. Dallas, TX. : 2 days1999Pathwise Classroom Observation System Training Certificate. Educational Testing Services, Princeton, NJ. : 1 day1997ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) English Rater Training Session: 2 days 1993Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certificate. Royal School of Arts, London, U.K. : 1 monthLanguagesEnglish (Fluent)Italian (Fluent.) – Use this to be program director for study abroad programs.Spanish (Working knowledge.) – Used this in dissertation research with Puerto Rican community and bilingual teachers & current research.French (Working knowledge.)Malayalam (Working knowledge.)Professional AffiliationsTeachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)American Educational Research Association (AERA)American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)American Association of Anthropology (AAA) ................

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