International Journal of Instruction

Title (max 14 words)*

Author’s Name Surname

Affiliated Institution, (Valid e-mail of all authors should be written)

This paper provides a template for preparing papers for electronic production of the Anatolian Journal of Education (AJE). To use this template, just delete the unwanted text and start typing or cutting and pasting.


The abstract must be brief, informative and self-explanatory and should be written in past tense using Times News Roman 10 font size. It must not exceed 150-200 words in length and should concisely summarize all important results of the paper without excessive methodical and experimental details. Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided.

Key words: List (5-7) key words here (teachers, self-afficacy, attitude etc.)


The introduction should give a concise background and provide the rationale to the presented study. It should provide a clear statement of the problem and should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.

Paragraph indentation should not be done for the paragraphs that come after the titles. It should be done for the others.


This should give detailed and sufficient information of materials and procedures used to allow experiments to be reproduced. Previously published procedures and sources of laboratory procedures should be cited. Information on the equipment model, manufacturer’s name and address including the city, province/state and country should be provided. The procedures should be written in past tense and should consist of paragraphs with individual methods


This should describe the design of the experiment and the obtained results. All tables, figures, graphs, statistical analyses and sample calculations should be presented in this section.


In tables font size 9 must be used ans shpuld be formed according to APA 6th edition (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association). Number of the table and the title must be written above the table.

Table X

Proportion of Errors in Younger and Older Groups

|  |Younger |Older |

|Level of difficulty | | |

|n |M (SD) |%95 CI |n |M (SD) |%95 CI | |Low |12 |.05 (.08) |[.02, .11] |18 |.14 (.15) |[.08, .22] | |Moderate |15 |.05 (.07) |[.02, .10] |12 |.17 (.15) |[.08, .28] | |High |16 |.11 (.10) |[.07, .17] |14 |.26 (.21) |[.15, .39] | |Note. CI = confidence interval.


Writing a conclusion is the final part of the research paper, drawing everything together and tying it into initial research. Writing a conclusion involves summing up the paper and giving a very brief description of the results, although you should not go into too much detail about this. The discussion should relate the presented results to those of previous own or other studies, interprets them and draw conclusions. It can outline working hypotheses, theories, and applications. Some suggestions should be made for implementers, researchers, educators etc. in accordance with the findings of the study. Suggestions can also be given under a separate title.


The items on the reference list must be arranged according to APA 6th edition (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association). For more detail, please see: APA 6 PDF LINK VERİLECEK.

In-Text citations

Use the name of the author(s) followed by the year of publication when citing references within the text and page number. For example:

1 authors (Callan, 1998)

2 authors (Eggen & Kauchak, 2001)

3 or more authors (Ivanitskaya et al., 2002)

How to Create a Reference List

Single author:

Amer, A. (2006). Reflections on Bloom’s revised taxonumy. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 4(8), 213-230.

Bloom, B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives, the classification of educational goals, handbook I: Cognitive Domain. New York, NY: David McKay Company.

Callan, R. J. (1998). Circadian rhythm and the business person. International Journal of Value Based Management 11, 9–17.

Forehand, M. (2005). Bloom’s taxonomy: Orginal and revised. In Emerging Persceptives on Learning, Teaching, and Technology. Retrieved 29 March, 2010 from

Two authors:

Biggs, J. B., & Collis, K. (1982). Evaluating the quality of learning: the SOLO taxonomy. New York, NY: Academic Press.

Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. (2001). Educational psychology: Windows on classrooms. New Jersey, NJ: Merrill.

Erden, M., & Akman, Y. (1996). Egitim psikolojisi [Educational psychology]. Ankara, Türkiye: Arkadas Yayınevi.

Minogue, J., & Jones, G. (2009). Measuring the impact of haptic feedback using the SOLO taxonomy. International Journal of Science Education, 31(10), 1359–1378.

O’Neill, G., & Murphy, F. (2010). Guide to taxonomies of learning. UCD Teaching and Learning/Resources, Retrieved 01 November, 2010 from 

Three or more authors:

Ivanitskaya, L., Clark, D., Montgomery, G., & Primeau, R. (2002). Interdisciplinary learning: Process and outcomes. Innovative Higher Education, 27(2), 95-111.


The following writing and referencing rules are to be taken into consideration.

• The articles need to be not published elsewhere previously. If the article has been presented at any seminar or conference, the name of the conference, the institution where it has been presented and the date of the presentation needs to be mentioned.

• The languages of the manuscripts published in AJI are English and Turkish.

• The title of the article must be written in capital letters, using font size 11 and bold. One line space must be left after the title.

• The name and surname of the author(s), their title, and the institution they work for and its web site must be written under the title.

• Writing headings and subheadins are shown below. While writing subheadings, the first letter of each word must be capital letters.


Heading 2 – Subheading

Heading 3 – Subheading

• All the text must be written using single line spacing, including the reference list.

• The article should normally consist of the following parts: “introduction, method, findings, conclusion, discussion and suggestions.”

• The number of the pages of the article must not exceed 15, including abstract and reference list. (If reduction the page number of the manuscript effects the quality, the editör(s) or the referee may decide to publish more than 15 pages).

• The whole work, except main headings and tables, must be written in Times New Roman, font size 10. Main headings should be 11 and tables should be 9 font size.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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