Date: 21 May (Mon.) ? 24 May (Thur.), 2012 Venue: The Plaza Hotel, Seoul, Korea

Seventh in a series of annual international conferences jointly organized and principally sponsored by the Law of the Sea Institute, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, USA; and the Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Korea

Cooperating Sponsors: Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs (Korea) Sea Lanes of Communication (SLOC) Study Group in Korea (Korea)

Academia Sinica, Taipei (Taiwan)

Conference Organizing Committee Members: Harry N. SCHEIBER (UC Berkeley, USA) David D. CARON (UC Berkeley, USA) Moon-Sang KWON (KORDI, Korea)

Seoung-Yong HONG (Green-Growth Ocean Forum, Korea) Jin-Hyun PAIK (International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea)

Seokwoo LEE (Inha University, Korea)

Conference Organizers: Moon Sang KWON (KORDI, Korea) Seokwoo LEE (Inha University, Korea)

Conference Coordinators: Suk Jae KWON (KORDI, Korea) Seong Wook PARK (KORDI, Korea) Charity Mijin LEE (KORDI, Korea) Sun Young CHAE (KORDI, Korea)

1st Day: Monday, May 21

14:00-14:30 Opening Ceremony Harry N. SCHEIBER (Riesenfeld Chair Professor, School of Law; Co-Director, Law of the Sea Institute,

UC Berkeley, USA)

Jung-Keuk KANG (President, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Korea)

Seoung-Yong HONG (Vice Chairman, Presidential Advisory Council on Education, Science & Technology; Chairman, Green Growth Ocean Forum, Korea)

Do-Youp KWON (Minister, Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Korea)

Moderated by Seokwoo LEE (Professor of International Law, Inha University Law School, Korea)

14:30-15:00 Keynote Address Jin-Hyun PAIK (Judge (Korea), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea)

"International Dispute Settlement: Rise of Adjudication and Its Implication to International Dispute Settlement"

15:00-15:30 Coffee Break (Group Photo)


Panel One: Roundtable for Review of 30 Years after the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea

? Chair:

Albert J. HOFFMANN (Vice President (South Africa), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea)

? Panelists:

Julio A. BAEZ (Senior Legal Officer, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations Secretariat) "UNCLOS at 30: An Overview"

Tullio TREVES (Former Judge (Italy), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) "The Law of the Sea in the Post-Codification Era: Tasks to be Completed and Challenges for the Future"

Robert BECKMAN (Director, Centre for International Law (CIL) and Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore) and Tara DAVENPORT (Research Associate, Centre for International Law (CIL), Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore) "The EEZ Regime: Reflections after 30 Years"

David FREESTONE (Executive Director of the Sargasso Sea Alliance; Professor and Visiting Fellow, George Washington University Law School, USA; Editor, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law) "The Final Frontier: the Law of the Sea Convention and Areas beyond National Jurisdiction"

Keyuan ZOU (Harris Professor of International Law, University of Central Lancashire, UK) "Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea: Some Still Controversial Issues"

Yann-huei SONG (Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan) "Declarations or Statements Made by the Parties to the Law of the Sea Convention: 30 Years after Adoption"

*Short break (10 minutes) may be taken during session

19:00-21:00 Welcome Reception

2nd Day: Tuesday, May 22

09:00-10:40Panel Two: State Responsibility and International Cooperation for Marine Environmental Conservation

? Chair:

Vladimir GOLITSYN (Judge (Russian Federation), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea)

? Panelists:

Holly DOREMUS (Professor, School of Law, UC Berkeley, USA) "The Possibilities and Limits of Tradeable Permits for Ocean Biodiversity Management"

Stuart KAYE (Professor and Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia, Australia) "Enforcement Cooperation in Combating Illegal and Unauthorised Fishing: An Assessment of Contemporary Practice"

Chen-Ju CHEN (Assistant Professor, Department of Law and Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University, Taiwan) "Adopting the Polluters Pay Principle to Control Marine Pollution under International Law from an Aspect of International Cooperation"

Richard J. MCLAUGHLIN (Professor, Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, USA) "Understanding the Recent U.S. and Mexico Treaty on Shared Hydrocarbons: Moving towards Transboundary Marine Energy Security in the Gulf of Mexico"

10:40-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30Panel Three: Promoting Marine Scientific Research and Institutional Review

? Chair:

Harry N. SCHEIBER (Riesenfeld Chair Professor, School of Law; Co-Director, Law of the Sea Institute, UC Berkeley, USA)

? Panelists:

Steve PIOTROWICZ (Oceanographer, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA) "Ocean Observations: Building a Robust Operational System"

Hee Cheol YANG (Senior Research Scientist, KORDI, Korea) "China?Japan?Korea Marine Scientific Research: Friction and Cooperation"

Alexander PROELSS (Professor, University of Trier, Germany) "Current Challenges Concerning Marine Scientific Research in the Era of Climate Change"

12:30-14:00 Luncheon

14:00-16:00Panel Four: Fresh Perspectives (Panel for early career researchers)

? Chair:

Sherry P. BRODER (Attorney at Law, Hawaii, USA)

? Panelists:

Zhen SUN (Ph.D student (China), University of Cambridge, UK) "Conservation and Utilization of the Living Resources in the EEZ - How Far Can We Go?"

Vasco BECKER-WEINBERG (Ph.D student (Portugal), University of Hamburg, Germany) "The Asia Pacific Region - A Case Study for the Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment in Disputed Maritime Areas"

Leonardo BERNARD (Research Associate (Indonesia), National University of Singapore, Singapore) "The Effect of Fisheries in Maritime Boundary Delimitation"

Lowell BAUTISTA (Research Fellow (Philippines), ACNORS, University of Wollongong, Australia) "Ensuring the Preservation of Submerged Treasures for the Next Generation - The Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in International Law"

16:30-18:30 Visit to KORDI

18:30-21:00 Dinner Reception at KORDI

3rd Day: Wednesday, May 23

09:00-10:40Panel Five: The Peaceful Use of the Ocean and the Role of International Organizations

? Chair:

David FREESTONE (Executive Director of the Sargasso Sea Alliance; Professor and Visiting Fellow, George Washington University Law School, USA; Editor, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law)

? Panelists:

Michael LODGE (Deputy to the Secretary-General and Legal Counsel (UK), International Seabed Authority) "What is the Future of the Common Heritage of Mankind?"

Betsy BAKER (Associate Professor, Vermont Law School, USA) "Marine Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Law of the Sea"

Chang-Hoon SHIN (Research Fellow, ASAN Institute for Policy Studies (AIPS), Korea) "New Developments in Regulating Ocean Dumping under the London Convention and Protocol Regime"

Justin ROSE (Environmental Law Legal Consultant (Australia), Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme; Environmental Law Adviser, Office of Environment and Emergency Management, Federated States of Micronesia; Senior Lecturer, University of the South Pacific, Fiji) "The Role of Regional Organizations in Promoting Sustainable Ocean Governance in the Pacific Island Region"

10:40-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30Panel Six: Securing the Rights of Land-Locked and Geographically Disadvantaged States

? Chair:

James L. KATEKA (Judge (Tanzania), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea)

? Panelists:

Damir ARNAUT (Ambassador (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canberra, Australia) "To Sea or Not to Sea : The Rights of the Landlocked and Geographically Disadvantaged States under the International Law of the Sea "

Ian TOWNSEND-GAULT (Professor and Director of Southeast Asian Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, Canada) "From Idealism to Access: The Role of Landlocked and Geographically Disadvantaged States in Realising their Rights under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea"

Anastasia TELESETSKY (Associate Professor, College of Law, University of Idaho, USA) "Equitable Sharing of Marine Living Resources on the High Seas: A Proposal for Fair International Allocation of High Seas, Straddling and Migratory Stocks as Part of an UNCLOS Implementing Agreement on High Seas Conservation"

12:30-14:00 Luncheon


Panel Seven: Seabed Resources and the Prospect for Developing Technology

? Chair:

Michael LODGE (Deputy to the Secretary-General and Legal Counsel (UK), International Seabed Authority)

? Panelists:

Clive SCHOFIELD (Professor and Director of Research, ANCORS, University of Wollongong, Australia) "Securing the Resources of the Deep: Dividing and Governing the Extended Continental Shelf "

Yoshitaka HOSOI (Visiting Professor of Akita University, and Senior Advisor for Natural Resources of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan) "Recent News in Japan for Exploration and Development for Seabed Resources"

Kiseong HYEONG (Principal Research Scientist, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Korea) "Korea Activities for the Development of Deep Seabed Mineral Resources in the Area"

Seong Wook PARK (Director, Ocean Policy Research Department, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Korea) "Key Issues on the Commercial Development of Deep Seabed Mineral Resources"

Galo CARRERA (Member (Mexico) and Chairman, Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS)/UN) "The Work of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf 1997-2012: Achievements and Challenges Ahead"

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-18:00Panel Eight: Northeast Asian Prospective on the Law of the Sea and Ocean Policy

? Chair:

Keyuan ZOU (Harris Professor of International Law, University of Central Lancashire, UK)

? Panelists:

Suk-Kyoon KIM (Director General, Planning and Coordination Bureau, Korean Coast Guard, Korea) "A Perspective on the Yellow Sea Illegal Fishery Issue"

Jian Jun GAO (Professor, China University of Political Sciences and Law, China) "The Equidistance/Relevant Circumstances Approach in Maritime Delimitation"

Seokwoo LEE (Professor of International Law, Inha University Law School, Korea) "The ITLOS' Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal Judgment and Its Effect on East Asian Maritime Delimitation"

18:00-18:30Closing Reflections Harry N. SCHEIBER (Riesenfeld Chair Professor, School of Law; Co-Director, Law of the Sea Institute, UC Berkeley, USA)

Moon Sang KWON (Principal Research Scientist, Ocean Policy Research Department, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Korea)

Jin-Hyun PAIK (Judge (Korea), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea)

Presided over by Seokwoo LEE (Professor of International Law, Inha University Law School, Korea)

19:00-21:30 Reception and Closing Banquet

Day trip to Yeosu Expo

4th Day: Thursday, May 24


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