University of Phoenix MaterialVague Statements Worksheet** Read and highlight whether each statement is vague or if clarity in language is present. If the statement is vague, rewrite the statement so it is clear. **1.?Advertisement: “The Aquaclear water filter—it really will improve the taste and odor of your water.”?Choose your answer: vague or clarity in language is presentIf the statement is vague, rewrite it so it is clear. 2.?Property owner, showing his property to a potential buyer: “The lot extends back to about where that large oak tree stands.”?Choose your answer: vague or clarity in language is presentIf the statement is vague, rewrite it so it is clear. 3.?“Renaissance music simply lulls me to sleep.”?Choose your answer: vague or clarity in language is presentIf the statement is vague, rewrite is so it is clear. 4.?“It seems clear that within the next ten years, they’ll have produced a machine that can really think.”Choose your answer: vague or clarity in language?is presentIf the statement is vague, rewrite it so it is clear. 5.?“The president has determined that tax reform will be his first priority during his second term in office.”?Choose your answer: vague or clarity in language is presentIf the statement is vague, rewrite it so it is clear. 6.?“Watch out for the boss; he’s grumpy today.”Choose your answer: vague or clarity in language is presentIf the statement is vague, rewrite it so it is clear. 7.?Doctor: “The arrhythmia you are experiencing indicates you should lay off jogging for a while.”?Choose your answer: vague or clarity in language is presentIf the statement is vague, rewrite it so it is clear. 8.?“Well, let’s see. To get to the Woodward Mall, go down this street a couple of blocks and then turn right. Go through several stoplights, turn left, and go just a short way. You can’t miss it.”?Choose your answer: vague or clarity in language is presentIf the statement is vague, rewrite it so it is clear. 9.?Said at a party: “What did I think of the concert? I thought it was pretty good. You should have been there.”?Choose your answer: vague or clarity in language is presentIf the statement is vague, rewrite it so it is clear. 10.?During his first news conference of the year, the president said today that his administration was going to crack down even harder on international terrorism.?Choose your answer: vague or clarity in language is presentIf the statement is vague, rewrite it so it is clear. ................

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