
Al Jalila Foundation Use Received onRef. No.Award Al Jalila Foundation International Scholarship Program for UAE Nationals 2020/2021(Program of study to start in 2021)Application Form Applicant’s personal detailsFull name:Gender:Date of birth:Marital status:Emirate of residency:UAE passport number:UAE nationality document (Khulasat AlQayd) Number:Emirates ID number:Contact detailsMobile:E-mail:PO. Box & Emirate:Full home address: Details of the postgraduate program you are applying for:Academic Institution:Official acceptance: Yes NoCountry and City:Program start date:(month/year)Postgraduate Program Details: Master PhD Duration of study(in years):Have you obtained a Master’s degree or PhD in the field you are applying for in this form. If yes, please provide information on the name of the university, degree and name of the program of study, duration of program and year of graduation:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Education/training, and professional body membership (most recent first)Date (m/y)Degree (if applicable)University/InstitutionSpecialty/Area AGPA or percentage (if applicable)Country Details of Current Employment (If Applicable):Title of current position:Organization:Start date of your current employment:End date of employment contract (if applicable):Basic salary: Total Salary (basic and allowances):If salary is funded from more than one source, please specify the other sources: Would you be able to obtain a paid study leave from your employer for the proposed study period? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoIf yes, your salary from your employer will be paid in (Full/Basic) during your study leave? FORMCHECKBOX Full FORMCHECKBOX BasicIf you are unable to obtain study leave for the proposed study period, how would you finance your cost of living, during your study? Complete Employment History (Most Recent First):Date fromDate toPositionDepartmentOrganizationCountryClinical Status (if applicable)Are you clinically trained? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoAre you clinically active? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoWhat is your specialty? Summary of your academic/clinical/ career achievements and awards to date, including key achievements, prizes (state year of award) and any previous research experience (no more than 250 words. Calibri style, font size 12).Please list all your publications, including original research publications and other scholarly contributions (if applicable). Publications should be in chronological order with the most recent first. Please give citation in full, including title of paper and all authors.Please explain why you wish to pursue this postgraduate program and elaborate how this will further your career (no more than 500 words, Calibri style, font size 12).Professional Referees: NameOccupationOrganizationTelephoneEmailBriefly indicate how you know this personPlease provide all of the following documents to complete your application:Step 1 – Kindly submit to Al Jalila Foundation the below documents after you have officially applied at the university for the international postgraduate program: Completed Al Jalila Foundation international scholarship application form (this form) Curriculum VitaeCopy of valid Emirates IDCopy of valid passportCopy of valid UAE nationality document (Khulasat AlQayd)Copy of latest relevant academic degree (if obtained from a private academic institution, a copy of the attested degree is required)Official Academic Transcripts (with AGPA score on a 4.00 scale)TOEFL/ IELTS certificateEvidence of successful application for the international postgraduate program you have applied forDetailed cost of the program of study (obtained from the University that offers the program) ‘Certificate of Medical Fitness’ from the appropriate official authorities in UAEStep 2 – Kindly submit to Al Jalila Foundation the below documents after you have officially received your unconditional official academic acceptance letter from the university: Unconditional official academic acceptance letter from the university you applied for, for the international postgraduate programTwo recommendation letters from employer(s), preferably at least one letter from current employer Official study leave letter from current employer outlining if the study leave is paid or unpaid, type of leave, and duration of leave Certificate of completion/release/deferment from the National Service (this condition applied for male applicants).Kindly submit all the above mentioned documents to Al Jalila Foundation by following step 1 and then step 2 by email: Scholarships@aljalilafoundation.ae Signature (Applicant): __________________ Date of Submission: _____________________ For inquiries, please email us on Scholarships@aljalilafoundation.ae ................

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