
Name: ______________________ Date: _____________________ Period: ________________Internet TestAnswer the following questions by circling the correct answer.The Soviet Union’s release of a satellite in outer space sparked the US interest in creating theNuclear bombFloppy diskInternetSatelliteAll are examples of search engines exceptBingBangGoogleYahooURL is short forUniform Resource LocatorUndefined Reference LibraryUniform Reframed LobbyUneducated Resource LocatorThe military uses this extension on its URL:a. .armyb. .milc. .fleetd. .osamaEach time you open a web browser, your _______________ pops up.Video gameProtocolHome pageHyperlink___________________ connect you to a different website by clicking on an image or underlined link.HyperlinksSearch enginesTool barsHome pagesBefore the __________________ was invented, people actually went to the library to do research.CarLibraryCandy storeInternetYou can use the Internet to do all of the following exceptPlay gamesPay billsFacebookGo fishingUse __________________ when searching for information in a search engine.NotesKeywordsSpy equipmentProtocolsFile, View, Favorites, and Tools are all located on theTool BarMenu BarBar StoolKeyboardTrue or False: Answer the questions below by placing a T or F beside the question._____ The Internet is very useful, but it can lead to identity theft, harassment, and useless information._____ Search engines produce lists called hits._____ Hot spots should be avoided at all times because of the radiation it provides._____ The address bar allows you to search for information on the Internet._____ Internet Explorer is the best and only web browser.Fill in the blank using the correct answers.List two web browsers______________________________________________________________________List three search engines_________________________________________________________________________________________________________List three URL extensions and who uses them.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WWW stands for____________________________________________________________Label the parts of this URL: ................

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