11:35:32 From S.Tech.Josiah Baker to Everyone : Not again Jade. Please stop!! lol11:36:09 From A.PoCoSchools.Joanna to Everyone : hahahha… Josiah, you are volunteering to DJ ALL future events, I hear??11:36:25 From S.Tech.Josiah Baker to Everyone : Yes for sure11:37:32 From S.MU.Ashlea to Everyone : Congratulations Everyone!11:49:56 From P.UC.AidaJimenez to Everyone : Wow! Powerful.11:50:20 From A.HighRocks..Samantha to Everyone : They bring me to tears every single time11:51:51 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : P for professor. A is for other adults. C is college adminS is student. Then your institution and your first name.12:00:47 From Ja-Rhonda Staples to Everyone : Thank you Keyzar!12:00:58 From S.MU.Ashlea to Everyone : Room 1: It was nice meeting you and talking about these issues.12:01:16 From A.PoCoSchools.Joanna to Everyone : love to hear from odd numbered rooms in the chat!12:01:17 From S.WVU.Keyzar to Everyone : It's no problem at all!12:01:20 From A.PoCoSchools.Joanna to Everyone : thanks, Ashlea!12:01:44 From C.Marshall.Kateryna Schray to Everyone : To participants in Room 8: thank you for being so kind.12:02:33 From A.HighRocks..Samantha to Everyone : I can tell you as Student Coordinator that it was way MORE than one person.12:02:45 From Ja-Rhonda Staples to Everyone : Students feel as though they are misguided and as staff/administrators sometimes we are guilty of not wanting students to know that we don't know!12:03:14 From S.WVU.Aubrey to Everyone : room 1 also said the housing issues resonated with us12:03:31 From S.WVU.Autumn to Everyone : Room 5 picked out the fact there is a huge disconnect in communication12:03:33 From C.WVSU.Alana to Everyone : Room 5: We discussed how many students didn't know that actually needed tutoring and how important it is for first-gen students to have a "go-to" person from day 1! That way even if they do not know who to go to, or how to ask, or what to ask- they still have a designated person to ask to start the process12:03:34 From S.UC.Jasmine to Everyone : Room 7 talked mainly about question 1. We focused on the idea that students did not know where to go for help in many cases, or who to ask. Our major wonder was how to chance this.12:03:37 From S.State.Maria to Everyone : Room 8: It was great talking to you all and listening to your all perspectives.12:04:36 From S.State.Maria to Everyone : It was great listening from you C.Marshall12:04:37 From S.MU.Ashlea to Everyone : It was truly touching that someone came out with their struggle for housing. I hope that whoever had to go through that experience knows that they are a strong, inspiring individual. Thank you for sharing your experience.12:05:36 From S.FSU.Amber to Everyone : Room 3: We also only had time to discuss the first question. Difficulties in advising really resonated with people, especially since college and college language is so challenging to understand. Cries for help from students really resonated as well. It was appreciated that students discussed things that worked and things that did not. It also resonated with people that the smallest of things, including special interpersonal relationships, could be so impactful for students.12:08:03 From Sarah Riley to Everyone : I wonder if high school seniors could take the major and career exploration class??!?12:08:24 From A. Green Bank Obs.SueAnn to Everyone : What kind of outreach do you do to reach students12:08:31 From C/P.FSU.Sherry to Everyone : @Sarah that's a great idea!12:08:45 From S.FSU.Gabby to Everyone : @Sarah that is such a good idea!12:08:58 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : @Dave - what fraction of your outreach and marketing goes to faculty (advisors and teachers)?12:09:53 From S.MU.Ashlea to Everyone : In 8th Grade, we took a class that simulated different careers each week. It helped me quite a lot..12:10:14 From A. Green Bank Obs.SueAnn to Everyone : love family member participation!12:10:23 From C.WVU.Rachael to Everyone : I work with Dave. We do a monthly faculty newsletter for all faculty and staff. We started it this past spring semester as we realized the disconnect given remote working conditions. Overall, a much smaller percentage than what goes out to students.12:10:24 From Lydia Peterson to Everyone : WVU career services have really helped me out in the past with questions about internships and career choices for my major!12:10:33 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : @ Sarah and @Dave - there was a great presentation yesterday afternoon by an Education Alliance program that might dovetail with those credit-bearing career courses. Those seem really cool!12:10:39 From S.UC.LydiaN to Everyone : I wish we had something like those career classes in our freshman classes at UC. Changing my major was so stressful for me12:10:54 From C/P.WVU.Rhonda to Everyone : @Sarh I'm interested in getting a college success course to high school students to help them prepare for a successful transition. 12:10:56 From Aida Jimenez to Everyone : ^yes!12:11:38 From S.UC.Jasmine to Everyone : I absolutely love that you mention to student if they are in 15 hours they should plan to spend 45 hours a week studying. For me, I underestimated how much time I would really have to spend studying and I did struggle with finding a rhythm.12:12:00 From C.WVU.Rachael to Everyone : @Green Bank Obs - We utilize email and social mainly right now.12:12:06 From A.Advisory Council to Everyone : I asked the question in my breakout group about what motivated them in HS to pursue a degree in STEM at one of our colleges or universities. In every case it was the connection with an individual teacher, but the HS counselors or general HS environment or home weren't really a factor. Do we need to work with HS's?12:12:08 From S.WVU.Autumn to Everyone : I definitely think reaching out to high schoolers is a great idea. A lot of the times high schoolers pick a major because they feel they have to chose but then are afraid to change it when it is too late because they feel that they will be behind to graduate in 4 years12:12:14 From S.WVU.Jordan to Everyone : What if college students helped write that college transition class, so we can share what we have learned @ Rhonda?12:12:30 From C/P.WVU.Rhonda to Everyone : Love that idea @ Jordan.12:12:38 From Aida Jimenez to Everyone : ^yes, great idea12:12:41 From S.WVU.Autumn to Everyone : Yes!12:12:46 From Lydia Peterson to Everyone : ^ that sounds really beneficial Jordan 12:12:48 From C/P.WVU.Rhonda to Everyone : @Jordan … let's connect12:12:49 From A. Green Bank Obs.SueAnn to Everyone : @Jordan: lightbulb!!12:12:52 From S.UC.Jasmine to Everyone : That is a fantastic idea @Jordan!12:12:57 From S.FSU.Gabby to Everyone : YAY SHERRY!12:13:00 From C/P.FSU.Brittany to Everyone : something Erica and I discussed was framing it as taking advantage of resources, rather than thinking of it as needing help12:13:16 From C/P.WVU.Rhonda to Everyone : @Jordan .. this is what I talked about in our breakout room. I need the student voice!12:13:27 From Sarah Riley to Everyone : I wish there was an incentive for students to do visit tutoring center, coaching, mental health services - thinking about systemic incentives. What could this look like?12:13:55 From Lydia Peterson to Everyone : yes Brittney it is hard to ask for help sometimes because we don't want to seem like we are behind and looked down upon 12:14:07 From C/P.FSU.Brittany to Everyone : @Sarah, I encourage faculty to require tutoring visits or provide bonus points. for our coaching programs, we are requiring it for a certain population.12:14:11 From C/P.WVU.Rhonda to Everyone : @Sarah we are working with our Wellness office to see how we can build these experiences into our First-Year Seminar.12:14:12 From A. Green Bank Obs.SueAnn to Everyone : Do the students know this statistic?12:14:23 From S.State.Maria to Everyone : Yes, I agree with that, Lydia.12:14:34 From C/P.WVU.Rhonda to Everyone : @sarah .. including engagement on campus. Not just wellness, but tutoring etc.12:14:42 From S.WVU.Jordan to Everyone : @ Rhonda, I would love to work on this if you need help! I have a lot of things I wish I would have known before freshman year I can share.12:14:48 From S.UC.Jasmine to Everyone : @Sarah I TA in a class where the professor gives one point extra credit on an exam if they visit a tutor and have a paper signed by that tutor. We have found they go once for the extra credit but they keep coming back because it was helpful.12:15:18 From C/P.WVU.Rhonda to Everyone : @Jordan .. let's connect. Rhonda.Black@mail.wvu.edu12:15:19 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : I would love to have specific guidance from Career SErvices about what to share with students and a recommended time frame to do it. It just doesn't stay on my radar all the time when I am focused on the chemistry curriculum but I know how important it is and would be happy to incorporate something every week.12:15:20 From S.WVU.Aubrey to Everyone : @Jasmine my intro bio prof does this too!12:15:27 From S.WVU.Autumn to Everyone : Another problem I see being a barrier is the busy schedules that students may have. For example, school may not always be enough for students to go to the next step in their career. They need club involvement, volunteer work, etc. I think students would like to take advantage of services more if they felt like had the time12:15:28 From Lydia Peterson to Everyone : I like that idea jasmine 12:15:44 From S.MU.Ashlea to Everyone : If college students would facilitate the college transition class, it would be easier for the high school seniors to relate to the instructor. Thus, it would promote participation and improve retention rate.12:15:45 From C/P.FSU.Brittany to Everyone : @Lydia,Maria: I worked on renaming our tutoring center to LEAD Center, students could think of themselves as LEADers instead :) and it does seem Erica hit on something with how to frame it! glad to hear from you guys that we may have discovered something12:16:07 From S.MU.Ethan.E to Everyone : A professor of mine has an assignment every semester to work on your resume with career services for a grade12:16:22 From S.FSU.Amber to Everyone : I agree, Autumn.12:16:40 From Lydia Peterson to Everyone : You definitely have. The real struggle would be reframing it in the students minds. 12:16:41 From S.State.Maria to Everyone : Brittany, that sounds great.12:16:42 From Aida Jimenez to Everyone : @Sarah: I feel busy schedules is a huge barrier. So how to make things embedded in coursework itself so students do not have to take extra time to do them???? I dunno. Just a thought.12:16:54 From S.FSU.Gabby to Everyone : I love this idea, wish more colleges had this!12:17:04 From A. Green Bank Obs.SueAnn to Everyone : Education Alliance talked about this career exploration even earlier at high school level.12:17:23 From C/P.FSU.Brittany to Everyone : @lydia true. sometimes a pig is still a pig and no amount of lipstick will help :)12:17:44 From S. WVU. Natalie W to Everyone : I love the idea of “test-driving” a career through shadowing! Is there something similar to this on other campuses across the state?12:17:47 From S.WVSU.MaeLynn to Everyone : One thing I will say is states peer tutoring services have exceeded my expectations last semester! Through covid and having to do social distancing they remained strong and never let me now when I needed help. 12:17:53 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : Shout out to our new Provost, Dianna Phillips, for a suggested alternative framing as taking smart advantage of resources.12:18:05 From C/P.FSU.Brittany to Everyone : very true, credit to the original author!12:18:24 From Lydia Peterson to Everyone : @brittney the only thing I can see that would REALLY make a difference is framing it different in K-12 12:18:44 From C/P.FSU.Brittany to Everyone : @lydia gosh isn't that true about SO MANY of the issues we're facing.12:19:01 From S.UC.Jasmine to Everyone : @Lydia I completely agree. I think we would need to start reframing it in the minds of students BEFORE they are in college.12:19:05 From A. Green Bank Obs.SueAnn to Everyone : Love this take what can I do with my major!12:19:14 From C.WVSU.Alana to Everyone : @MaeLynn THANK YOU!! You and I need to connect to see how we can work together to get more students into the tutoring center12:19:14 From C.WVU.Rachael to Everyone : @Natalie W. - WVU Career Services has a program to help students gain job shadowing opportunities.12:19:19 From Sarah Riley to Everyone : what's the link to the marshall career exploration?12:19:20 From A.HighRocks..Samantha to Everyone : It seems like one of the ways we're finding success reframing that in student minds is to have near peer/slightly older students modeling that for the freshmen12:19:30 From A.HighRocks.Fatima Irfan to Everyone : WVU: : : : Tech: : Campuses: From S.State.Maria to Everyone : Alana, it was great hearing from you and you explained well.12:20:37 From A.HighRocks.Fatima Irfan to Everyone : WVU: : : : Tech: : Campuses: From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : What a great overview of powerful ideas!12:20:37 From C.WVSU.Alana to Everyone : Maria!! Thank you :) We all need to connect after this conference to see what State can do better!12:21:09 From Sarah Riley to Everyone : Also love to have the practices and suggestions from this session summarized in a good take-away connection point on the First2 website.12:21:29 From Dianna Phillips, FSU to Everyone : Thanks for the invitation to attend. It's been a wonderful session for me! Have a great day.12:21:35 From A.HighRocks.Fatima Irfan to Everyone : WVU: : : : Tech: : Campuses: From S.State.Maria to Everyone : Yes, Alana!12:22:18 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : How long do we have?12:22:27 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : It helps us structure the discussion better to know12:23:50 From Ja-Rhonda Staples to Everyone : Ja-Rhonda is Fairmont State. Thank you.12:32:46 From A.HEPC.Jade to A.HighRocks..Samantha(Direct Message) : From A.HEPC.Jade to A.PoCoSchools.Joanna(Direct Message) : From A.HighRocks..Samantha to Everyone : Zoom officially says that there is no way to extend breakout rooms once they're open12:36:14 From S.MU.Ethan.E to Everyone : Nice meeting everyone in the breakout room, if you'd like to continue communicating please send a me a message at: endres9@live.marshall.edu12:36:22 From C.WVSU.Alana to Everyone : MaeLynn, Maria, Fatima- we will continue this convo!!12:36:49 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : Loved the enthusiastic breakout room for Fairmont State! Loved seeing all the ideas from different institutions also.12:37:06 From S.WVU.Jordan to Everyone : I loved getting to network with individuals from WVU, and hope to invite them to a club meeting to continue this conversation!12:37:16 From S.WVU.Autumn to Everyone : Yes definitely!12:37:18 From A.HighRocks.Fatima Irfan to Everyone : Yes, I'm excited for it @Alana12:37:20 From S.WVU.Oscar to Everyone : ^12:37:22 From C/P.FSU.Brittany to Everyone : more FSU breakout rooms ;)12:37:28 From S. WVU. Natalie W to Everyone : Me too Jordan!12:37:33 From C.WVU.Rachael to Everyone : Agree Rhonda.12:37:36 From S.FSU.Gabby to Everyone : Hey fairmont group! Here is a link to sign up to the slack group chat where we are going to have all of our information. If you would like to join to keep in touch with meetings, updates, etc: From C.WVU.Lauren to Everyone : Thanks to the students for their input! My next step is to discuss what I've learned with my fellow advisors and think about what we can do to better serve our students. 12:37:43 From S.MU.Alisha to Everyone : It was nice to meet some more of the faculty on our Campus . I hope to stay in contact with you all in the future !!12:37:56 From S.MU.Tanner to Everyone : I love how excited everyone is about making positive change at our institution and all of the institutions.12:38:02 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : We need another gold trophy for First Gen Supporters!12:38:09 From S.WVSU.MaeLynn to Everyone : @Alana Looking forward in speaking with you again! Pleasure meeting you and Mr. Robinson! :) 12:38:19 From C. Marshall. Chuck to Everyone : Welcome, Alisha!12:38:25 From Sarah Riley to Everyone : Yes, gold trophy for first-gen champions we should totally do!12:38:32 From S.FSU.Nicole to Everyone : I thought we had really great energy and ideas in the FSU room. I'd love to keep it going and make our ideas a reality!12:38:51 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : So great to have you as part of the Fairmont community, Nicole!!!12:38:58 From A. Green Bank Obs.SueAnn to Everyone : I am impressed with the statistic on how much tutoring helps. Can we reimagine it? Our students do informally tutor each other in club meetings...12:39:01 From C.WVU.Dave to Everyone : I believe that WVU needs to have an anonymous/confidential process for students to report rude, unhelpful or degrading faculty/advisors...12:39:04 From S.MU.Ethan Niebergall to Everyone : I enjoyed hearing from everyone in the breakout room. I am willing to help bridge the gap between students and student services. I would like to work this summer regarding the summer immersion program with career services and other offices of support so that our students can be more connected with these services.12:39:04 From A.GBO.Madge Vosteen to Everyone : Thanks UC for letting me listen. I can tell that being virtual has made a huge impact on the Biology classes and the labs.12:39:08 From C.WVU.Rachael to Everyone : @Jordan - Career Services would be happy to join any meetings your group had12:39:18 From Sarah Riley to Everyone : Maybe the campus clubs could host faculty/student/support services forums to continue the conversations12:39:42 From S.FSU.Alyssa to Everyone : I truly love to see the adultier adults and us students working together to create change!12:39:42 From S.FSU.Amber to Everyone : I really enjoyed meeting with Joy as well. I don't have many connections in student services, and I'm sure many students can relate. So nice to build relationships in such essential facets of the university.12:40:00 From P. Michelle Richards-Babb to Everyone : @Dave Durham...good idea!12:40:22 From A.HEPC.Jade to Everyone : Way to go State!!!12:40:28 From Aida Jimenez to Everyone : To help reduce that feeling that students are overloaded and overwhelmed my next step is to figure out a way to give less extra work (outside of class time) to remediate and make it part of my course.12:40:52 From S.MU.Ashlea to Everyone : Marshall Group: do you utilize a group on First2 Network's website? Or, do you have an email group? I'd love to become more familiar with this campus and its constituents before the Fall.12:41:06 From C/P.FSU.Brittany to Everyone : when we help those in need, we help everyone :)12:41:10 From S.UC.Jasmine to Everyone : Completely agree Dr. J, our next steps are definitely to find a way to not overwhelm already overwhelmed students!12:41:12 From Lydia Peterson to Everyone : AMAZING idea @Dave Durham 12:41:18 From S.WVU.Jordan to Everyone : Agree @ Dave12:41:24 From S.FSU.Gabby to Everyone : Completely agree Brittany!12:41:25 From S. WVU. Natalie W to Everyone : Agreed @Dave12:41:31 From S.WVU.Aubrey to Everyone : ^^ agreed @Dave12:41:42 From A. Green Bank Obs.SueAnn to Everyone : All colleges should have groups on the website! If not let's make one and let's use them!12:41:44 From S.MU.Alisha to Everyone : Ashlea I’ll get you connected with our group12:41:45 From S.State.Maria to Everyone : It was great connecting with people from my own institution. We planned to do another personal session within our members to improve our institution.12:41:53 From S.MU.Ethan.E to Everyone : We have a discord Ashlea, we could work on getting you invited to that after this, can you send one of us your email?12:42:09 From S.MU.Ashlea to Everyone : Thank you @S.MU.Alisha.12:42:51 From S.FSU.Amber to Everyone : That's so important.12:43:12 From A.HEPC.Jade to Everyone : Yes to Sue Ann!12:43:37 From P. Michelle Richards-Babb to Everyone : Would like to hear from the students if they like online tutoring relative to in-person? Is online tutoring more accessible? I have also thought that it might be good for tutoring groups to have a subject faculty "on call" during high demand tutoring hours. Then, if the student tutors were having difficulty in answering a question, they could call a prof to ask questions so that they can better help students when the help is needed and not leave them hanging.12:43:59 From A.HEPC.Jade to Everyone : Please take this brief survey before leaving this session: From S.UC.LydiaN to Everyone : Online tutoring is more accessible but so much less effective in my opinion12:44:31 From A.HighRocks..Samantha to Everyone : The on-call professor idea is amazing Michelle.12:44:48 From A. Green Bank Obs.SueAnn to Everyone : I like that idea too Michelle!12:44:49 From S.FSU.Alyssa to Everyone : I agree Lydia12:44:54 From S.WVU.Aubrey to Everyone : My roommate is an engineering tutor at WVU, and their online tutoring had a professor on call to answer questions. It seemed to work really well for them12:45:09 From A.HighRocks..Samantha to Everyone : Peer tutors shouldn't be expected to be experts in their field12:45:12 From S. WVU. Natalie W to Everyone : I personally like online tutoring in case I do not have access to go to campus since I live off-campus. I would be in favor of on call tutoring especially during exam weeks. I ran into issues with student tutors not being able to help during exam weeks which was stressful12:45:18 From P. Michelle Richards-Babb to Everyone : New faculty orientation - perhaps should include a session on important student resources (e.g., tutoring, TLC, student services, office of accessibility services, etc.). New faculty orientation may have some of this but it is a small part of the 1-2 day orientation.12:45:24 From S. WVU. Natalie W to Everyone : Agreed Samantha!12:45:25 From A.HEPC.Jade to Everyone : Please take this brief survey before leaving this session: From S.UC.Jasmine to Everyone : @Samantha! that is such an important thing that so many don't understand!12:45:43 From S.FSU.Amber to Everyone : I believe online tutoring is less effective as well, but would do good in a pinch. I also believe having a professor "on call" would be wonderful and beyond helpful for high demand hours to ensure students receive the correct answers.12:45:47 From A.HEPC.Jade to Everyone : Please take this brief survey before leaving this session: From Ja-Rhonda Staples to Everyone : Great job Josiah in representing WV Tech!12:46:11 From A.PoCoSchools.Joanna to Everyone : students, please take this survey12:46:21 From C/P.WVU.Rhonda to Everyone : Thank you everyone! I am interested in connecting with students about their experience. How can I help?12:46:28 From A.PoCoSchools.Joanna to Everyone : meet you on our closing meeting on our student agenda!12:46:30 From P.MU.Mike Norton to Everyone : maybe all faculty are new faculty since things change12:46:40 From P.Fairmont State.Erica to Everyone : Agree, MIke!12:46:56 From Aida Jimenez to Everyone : Thanks12:47:33 From Ja-Rhonda Staples to Everyone : Thank you Jade and to everyone! A pleasure meeting you and being a part of this wonderful initiative! ................

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