
CALDWELL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHGAMBRELL SOCIAL JUSTICE INTERNSHIP INFORMATION*Internship begins on May 29, 2020, and ends on July 26, 2020; interns are expected to stay the full 2 months*5 internships available*Must live in Charlotte, NC, during the term of the internship (housing provided)*Stipend is $3500 (meals, gas/transportation costs, and other expenses are paid by the intern)*Commitment is 35 hours per week (24 hours in on-site placement with a non-profit organization (Monday through Wednesday), 5 hours in Thursday morning reflection/discussion time and lunch, and 6 hours in Sunday morning worship, Sunday night dinners, and other activities)*Requirements:*Complete reading assignments and actively participate in Thursday reflection/discussion time*Participate in Caldwell’s ministries and events (opportunities will be provided in advance)*Meet with assigned Caldwell Companions on a regular basis*Attend dinner on Sunday nights provided by Caldwell members/friends*Provide own personal transportation*Application timeline:*Completed application is due by midnight Eastern time on February 29, 2020. Please send to Rev. Dr. John Cleghorn, Pastor of Caldwell Presbyterian Church, at jcleghorn@ and Lisa Raymaker, Chairperson of Caldwell’s Hope Committee, at lnr114@ *Telephone or in-person interviews will be conducted in March and internship offers will be made by the end of that month*Caldwell’s commitment to and affirmation of diversity as seen in its mission statement:We seek to build?a diverse, intentional, affirming community animated by joyful worship and called forth into social action for service to the greater good.We seek to hear?God’s call not only as individuals but also as a progressive, missional community striving to reflect the Kingdom of God in the here and now.We embrace the rich history?of the Reformed Tradition and the storied past of our center-city church, as we welcome a diverse community of seekers – ALL ages, races and ethnicities, sexual orientations, cultural and economic backgrounds, gender identities, and family structures – ALL people.We are called?into a meaningful, transformative community that values the unique blessings and perspectives of each member and offers a place of welcome and healing to weary souls.We seek dynamic servant leaders?who serve humbly, embrace change, and boldly challenge injustices in the wider community.Most importantly, we seek to proclaim?the Gospel in both word and deed, following the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.CALDWELL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHGAMBRELL SOCIAL JUSTICE INTERNSHIP APPLICATIONName:Date of Birth:Gender identity:Pronouns:Current Address:Permanent Address:Telephone Number:Email Address:Emergency contact (name, relationship, phone number):Siblings (list their ages, if any):College/University Name:Major:Rising Status (Sophomore, Junior, Senior):Expected Graduation Date (month, year):School internship supervisor information (name, title, department, phone number, email address):Will you receive academic credit for this internship? (Y/N)Are you fluent in languages other than English? (Y/N) If Y, which language(s)?List all relevant courses, completed or in process, that have prepared you for this internship:List all relevant extracurricular activities, work experience, and/or previous internships that have prepared you for this internship:Identify the learning you expect will take place in your internship, discuss skills you will develop, theories you will apply, and/or knowledge you hope to gain:Please list any skills or interests you have that may surprise us (car repair, sewing, landscaping, baking, etc.):How does your faith or spirituality fit or not fit into your perspective of social justice? (Max 450 words)What does social justice mean to you? (Max 450 words)Tell us about a social justice issue that is important to you and why. (Max 450 words)Describe a time when you were challenged and/or very tired and yet needed to push on. What was the situation? How did you overcome it?References (name, relationship, phone number, email address):Academic referencePastor/spiritual referencePersonal reference (no family members please)By signing this application, if I am accepted to this internship program, I commit to the full 2 months of the internship, and I understand and agree to fulfill all of the stated requirements.Signature:Date: ................

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