MVMA In-Office Lab List ~ effective _________4/1/98

MVMA In-Office Lab List

Effective October 1, 2004

80048 Basic metabolic panel

80050 General health panel

80051 Electrolyte panel

80053 Comprehensive metabolic panel

80061 Lipid panel

80069 Renal function panel

80076 Hepatic function panel

80400 ACTH Stimulation Panel (endocrinology only)

80428 Growth Hormone Stimulation Panel (endocrinology only)

81000 Urinalysis, dipstick or reagent tablet; non-automated, with microscopy

81001 Urinalysis, automated, with microscopy

81002 Urinalysis, without microscopy

81015 Urinalysis, microscopic only

81025 Urine pregnancy test

82043 Urine microalbumin, quantitative

82044 Urine microalbumin, reagent strip assay

82247 Bilirubin, total

82248 Bilirubin, direct

82270 Blood, occult; feces(1-3 simultaneous determinations)

82310 Calcium

82378 CEA (hematology & oncology only)

82533 Cortisol, total (endocrinology only)

82550 CPK (CK), total (endocrinology only)

82570 Creatinine, source other than blood (endocrinology only)

82607 Vitamin B-12 (endocrinology only)

82627 DHEA-S (endocrinology only)

82670 Estradiol (endocrinology only)

82947 Glucose, quantitative

82948 Glucose, reagent strip

82962 Glucose, blood by glucose monitoring device cleared by FDA for home use

82985 Glycated protein

83001 FSH (endocrinology only)

83002 LH (reproductive endocrinology, endocrinology only)

83003 Growth hormone, human (endocrinology only)

83036 Glycated hemoglobin (Hemoglobin A1C)

83525 Insulin, total (endocrinology only)

83540 Iron (endocrinology only)

83550 Iron binding capacity (endocrinology only)

83735 Magnesium (endocrinology only)

83970 Parathyroid hormone (endocrinology only)

84100 Phosphorus inorganic, serum

84105 Phosphorus inorganic, urine

84146 Prolactin (endocrinology only)

84153 Prostate specific antigen (PSA)

84403 Testosterone (endocrinology only)

84432 Thyroglobulin (endocrinology only)

84436 Thyroxin; total (endocrinology only)

84439 Free thyroxin

84443 Thyroid stimulating hormone

84479 Thyroid hormone uptake (T3 or T4) or THBR (endocrinology only)

84480 Triiodothyronine T3; total (TT-3) (endocrinology only)

84481 Free triiodothyronine T3 (endocrinology only)

84550 Uric acid, serum (endocrinology only)

84681 C-peptide (endocrinology only)

84702 HCG, quantitative

85007 Blood count; manual differential

85013 Spun microhematocrit

85014 Hematocrit

85018 Hemoglobin

85025 CBC, automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC & platelet count), and automated differential WBC count

85027 CBC, automated (HGB, Hct, RBC, WBC, & platelet count)

85032 Manual cell count (erythrocyte, leukocyte, or platelet), each (hematology, oncology, rheumatology, pediatric & GYN oncology only)

85044 Reticulocyte, manual (hematology, oncology, pediatric & GYN oncology only)

85045 Reticulocyte, automated (hematology, oncology, pediatric & GYN oncology only)

85048 Leukocyte (WBC), automated

85060 Blood smear, peripheral, interpretation by physician with written report (hematology, oncology, pediatric & GYN oncology only)

85097 Bone marrow smear interpretation only (hematology, oncology, pediatric & GYN oncology only)

85610 Prothrombin time

85651 Sedimentation rate, erythrocyte, non-automated

86141 CRP, high sensitivity (endocrinology only)

86376 Microsomal antibodies; each (endocrinology only)

86403 Particle agglutination; screen, each antibody

86580 Intradermal TB

86585 TB tine test

86800 Thyroglobulin antibody (endocrinology only)

87070 Culture, any other source except urine, blood or stool, aerobic, with isolation and presumptive identification of isolates

87084 Culture, presumptive, pathogenic organisms, with colony estimation from density chart

87086 Culture, bacterial, urine; quantitative, colony count

87177 Ova and parasites, direct smears, concentration and identification

87184 Susceptibility studies, antimicrobial agent, disk method, per plate (12 or fewer agents)

87205 Smear, primary source, with interpretation; Gram or Giemsa stain for bacteria, fungi, or cell types

87207 Special stain for inclusion bodies or intracellular parasites (eg. malaria, coccidia, microsporidia, trypanosomes, herpes viruses)

87210 Wet mount for infectious agents (eg. saline, India ink, KOH preps)

87220 Tissue exam by KOH slide of samples from skin, hair or nails for fungi or ectoparasite ova or mites (eg, scabies) (dermatology only)

87804 Infectious agent, antigen detection by immunoassay with direct optical observation, influenza

87880 Streptococcus, group A (infectious agent detection by immunoassay with direct optical observation)

88305 Bone marrow biopsy interpretation ONLY (hematologists, oncologists, pediatric and GYN oncologists only)

88313 Special stains – for iron stains on bone marrow ONLY, with physician evaluation (hematologists, oncologists, pediatric & GYN oncologists

89051 Cell count, miscellaneous body fluids, except blood, with differential count (rheumatology only)

89060 Crystal identification by light microscopy, with or without polarizing lens analysis, any body fluid except urine (rheumatology only)

89190 Nasal smear for eosinophils (allergy specialty only)

89300 Semen analysis; presence and/or motility of sperm including Huhner test (post-coital)

89310 Semen analysis, motility and count, not including Huhner test (reproductive endocrinology only)

89320 Semen analysis, complete – volume, count, motility, and differential (urology only)

89330 Cervical mucus penetration test, with or without spinnbarkeit test (OBGYN only)


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