Core 2 - Weebly

Introduction to Art

Core 1120, Code 4527


This class explores the history of Western art from Prehistoric times until today. You will be expected to understand broad historical changes that affected the history of art, use art as a tool for learning about history, identify major works of art, and analyze works both in writing and in discussion by the end of this course.

Instructor: Mrs. Natalie Greenberg

E-mail: ngreenberg@


• 3 exams (one at the end of October, one at the end of November and one during finals week in January)

• All exams will include a multiple-choice and an essay section. The multiple-choice section will consists of two parts:

• You will be asked to identify works that have been discussed in class (author, title, date, and style/cultural context) and recognize their formal qualities and historical relevance;

• You will need to identify the main formal qualities of works that have not been discussed in class, relate them to studied works, and therefore identify their style/cultural context, approximate date, and author. In the essay section you will analyze one or more studied artworks, relate them to the assigned readings, and develop your own independent thought on the pieces and their cultural context.

• 1 Term paper

• Participation and attendance

• Attendance is required for class and will be worth 15% of your grade; you will be granted either an A or an F for this grade. More than three unexcused absences will result in a failing grade for attendance. Legitimate excuses include: illness, family emergencies, and other unforeseeable events. Please notify the instructor IN ADVANCE by e-mail if you need to miss a class.


You will be graded in the following areas:

Attendance-Homework- Participation: 15%

Term Paper: 25%

3 exams: 20% x 3


Most of what I show you in class can be accesses through this text:

Gardener’s Art through the Ages (I am using the 12th edition, but you can use any edition that you can get your hands on)

Several volumes are available in the MDYHS library – please ask Mrs. Weinstein.

The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy can be found at this site: . If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation.

Fall 2013 Curriculum

Week 1 - Intro and Paleolithic, Egypt

Week 2 - Greece, Rome

Week 3 - China, Islamic, European Medieval

Week 4 - Byzantine, Romanesque

Week 5 - Early Renaissance

Week 6 - High Renaissance

Week 7 - Baroque, Neo-classicism, Romanticism

Week 8 – Modernism and Impressionism

Week 9 - Post- Impressionism, Fauvism and Cubism

Week 10 -19th and 20th Century Architecture

Week 11 - Surrealism, Dada, Supremitism and Constructivism, Bauhaus, De Stijl

Week 12 –Early 20th century American Art, Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism

Week 13 - Pop Art and Environmental Art, Post Modernism

Week 14 – Contemporary Art


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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