Chapter One: Intro/Methods Learning Objectives & Essay ...

Unit IV Essay Questions

Note: I expect all essays in this class to be at LEAST 1 page long typed, double spaced (12 pt TNR font) or equivalent. For some questions you may need significantly more space.

Question One

1. Here is a situation that is somewhat similar to Kohlberg's dilemmas for moral reasoning. Three weeks before their developmental psychology term papers are due, students visit the campus library to conduct on-line literature searches on their topics. After 30 minutes of surfing the Web, Blake announces that he's found a Web site that offers inexpensive term papers on a variety of subjects, including the topic of his paper. He is going to cheat. Sharon, who is appalled by Blake's intention to cheat, vows that she will report Blake to their professor. She is not going to cheat, AND she is going to tell on Blake.

In choosing their selected course of action, Blake and Sharon each made a moral decision. Behavior alone does not indicate moral thinking, however. Your job is to write justifications explaining each student's actions at each of Kohlberg's three levels of moral reasoning: preconventional (self-centered, based on personal reward and punishment), conventional (socially centered, based on societies approval and laws) and postconventional (ideal centered, the good of the many/universal truths). You should have 6 justifications total (each of the two courses of action by each of the three levels of moral reasoning).

Note: it should be difficult, but not impossible, to come up with a level 3 justification of cheating.

Question Two

1. The text discusses five functions of families, and in class we compared these functions to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. In an essay, discuss specific things that your parents did (or failed to do) to support your development at each of those five levels AND how those things effected you positively or negatively.




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