Introduction to Business

Introduction to Business

IBP 069 B

Fall Quarter 2014

Room C155

9:30-10:20 M-F

Instructor: Fiona Jackson

Office Hours: Before class, and by appointment

Phone: 206-300-1283 (leave messages)

Required Textbook: Nickels, 10th edition Understanding Business, McGraw-Hill.

Course Objectives:

With the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Understand Modern Business Management

• Understand the role of Ethics and Social Responsibility in business

• Assess and contrast the options for organizing a business

• Define the importance of organization, teamwork and communication

• Understand the different aspects of business management, Human Resources, marketing, operations management and planning

• Demonstrate a basic knowledge of accounting systems and financial statements

• Understand the impact of managing Change, Culture and Diversity

• Demonstrate enhanced critical thinking, communication, interpretation, decision making, reading, writing, comprehension and speaking skills


Grades will be based on several factors. Class attendance and participation are very important. We will have 3 midterms and a final team assignment.

You earn your grade, based on performance and participation.

General Expectations

1. Student Absence

If you miss more than 10% of the total hours in any single class during a quarter, you will receive a Warning Letter from the IBP Program. If you are absent more than 15% of the total hours in a single class, YOU MAY BE DISMISSED FROM THE PROGRAM.

3 tardies of 5 minutes or more (per hour) = 1 absence

Missing 10 minutes or more of any hour of class = 1 absence (in a 2 hr. class = ½ absence)

2. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or ideas as your own in both writing and oral presentations. It is not acceptable in American classes.

Examples of plagiarism are:

a. Copying from a Web page, book or article

b. Buying papers

c. Copying from another student

d. Using a friend’s paper from a previous quarter

If you plagiarize:

a. First time: your teacher will work with you so that you understand what not to do

b. Second time: Fail the assignment

c. Third time: Fail the class and be reported to the Associate

Dean of Student Services. Possibly be asked to leave the school

3. Special Needs

If you require accommodation based on a documented disability, have emergency medical information to share, or need special arrangements in case of emergency evacuation, please make an appointment with DRC (Disability Resource Center.) If you would like to inquire about becoming a DRC student, you may call 564-2498 or go in person to the DRC program office in The Library Media Center.

4. Other

Please refer to the Arts and Humanities Student Procedures and Expectations for all other information.

Should you have concerns about any aspect of the class, I encourage you to come to me with them. If for any reason you don’t feel comfortable raising your concerns with me, the usual next step would be to speak with the program chair, Ivan Breen .  You can refer concerns about this class to the Arts and Humanities Division Dean, Maggie Harada ( or the Assistant Dean, Scott Bessho ( in the Arts and Humanities division office (R230).   An additional resource for concerns you find aren’t being addressed by faculty or administration is the Ombuds Office ().


This schedule is a guide and might be changed to more fully and imaginatively facilitate the learning process. Reading material needs to be completed by each MONDAY.

Week 1 Sept 22nd Introductions and Course Overview

Ch1&2 Intro to Business and Economics

Week 2 Sept 29th International Business

Ch 3 &4 International Business

Ethics and Social Responsibility

Week 3 Oct 6th Exam #1

Ch 5 Forms of Business ownership

Week 4 Oct 13th Ch 7 management and leadership

Ch 9 Operations management

Week 5 Oct 20th Ch 11 Human Resources

Exam #2

No class October 22nd

Week 6 Oct 27th Marketing Ch 13& 14

Week 7 Nov 3rd Marketing


Week 8 Nov 10th Exam # 3

Financial Statements Ch 17

No class Nov 11th

Week 9 Nov 17th Financial Statements Con’t

Ch 17, 18 and 19

Week 10 Nov 24th Financial statements con’t

No class 11/27 and 11/28

Week 11 Dec 1st Final presentations

Last day 12/5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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