Invention Night Talking PointsWelcomeFirst, make sure you have done the two-step download. This is absolutely critical for tonight. Each parent and child will need one phone with the instructions.Download the “littleBits App” (not littleBits Invent or Droid). Open the littleBits App, tap “Select a Kit,” and download the “Base Inventor kit” instructions. Go forward until you see the “Stage 01: Community” screen and click the download button in the right corner (don’t let your screen go blank/to sleep)This is first pilot of new National PTA and littleBits Invention Night!Thank you: Principal/school, National PTA STEM + Families team, littleBits and PTA volunteersSTEM skills are very much in demand and will help prepare your child for lifelong success in solving problems, thinking creatively, and inventing! We hope that tonight’s activity will spark an interest in your child and that both of you will continue to explore ways to engage in STEM activities together. So littleBits has joined the team. littleBits turns idea into inventions, transforming the way kids learn so they can grow up to be tomorrow’s changemakers -- no matter their age, gender, race, nationality, or ability. The Invention Kits are fun, hands-on ways to get families more excited about technology and STEM overall.Event OverviewWe’re going to build an Invention! We’re going to help you know when someone is near your room or your stuff . . . even when you are not there to see them! First we will eat (details)Then we will build an Invention (and maybe two!) – Your family can determine how you want to work together, but one suggestion might be having parents take the lead on building templates and kids take the lead on building the circuits with the Bits.At the end, we will have a raffle for a free Droid kit from littleBits and other fun prizes!And remember, our school is keeping the kits afterwards, so please be careful with them!Directions at the BeginningOnce you have the littleBits App downloaded, PTA volunteers will distribute the Base Inventor kits and you can get started building the Intruder Alarm - your first challenge. Please note: the Intruder Alarm must be completed first in order to unlock all of the other inventions; you can’t access any others in the app without doing this.Then, open the App, scroll over to “Stuff Protector” and click “Make This Invention” Use the App and work together (parent AND child involved) to build the Intruder Alarm. Once you build the Intruder Alarm, show it to [PTA volunteer] who will give you a raffle ticket.If you have time, you can build the Sea Cleaner (invention #7) ! Complete this and show it to [PTA volunteer] to get a second raffle ticket.After collecting all 50 kits, we will draw the winner of the Droid kit and our other prizes!Closing RemarksReflect: what else could you build with these pieces? How might your Inventions be used in the real world? What was the coolest part about building these?Thank you for coming!! Don’t forget to take pictures with your inventions!Clean up: Take apart your inventions carefully. Put all your kits and accessories (be sure not to miss any!) back in the box. Be careful refolding the templates.For more on littleBits, go to , and for more on STEM + Families, go to stem. ................

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