
Science: Inventions During the Civil War Time PeriodResearch Inventions: Day 1460 minute class periodIowa Core Curriculum Standards:Students understand and apply skills used in scientific inquiry.Students communicate scientific procedures and explanations.Objectives:Students will be aware of the rapid changes and improvements in technology during and since the Civil War.Students will consider the importance of creativity from a Christian perspective.Materials:“What Am I?” activityInventions Book Instructions Inventions Research Activity SheetComputer/internet accessPaperRubricIntroduction (10 minutes):Begin the lesson by engaging students in the “What Am I?” activity. The activity features a picture of the first invention of the telephone and a picture of the first invention of the computer as well as facts about each. On the back side of each page is a modern picture of each invention.Show students the picture on the first page of the handout and read them the facts about the picture shown. Students will guess which invention is pictured. Afterwards, show students the modern picture of the invention to show them how much these inventions have changed and improved over time. Students will take out their Inventions Book Instructions worksheet homework from the night before. Their assignment was to answer questions 2-3 on the worksheet. Students will be put into groups of four and will show one another before/now pictures of their chosen Civil War inventions. Lesson Procedures (40 minutes):Students will take their Inventions Research Activity Sheet, Invention Book Instructions handout, and a piece of paper to the computer lab to do further research on their chosen invention/inventor. They will refer to their completed Inventions Research Activity Sheets and to refresh their memories about their inventions. Using their completed Research Activity Sheets and the website, students will answer all components of question number one on a piece of paper. They should answer all questions in complete sentences. If students wish to access more information than what is listed on the website, they should ask a teacher or supervisor for guidance. After completing their research, before returning to the classroom, students will be instructed to utilize the paint program on their computers to design a title page for their chapter. Most students will not need help using the paint program. If they have questions about the program, they may ask one another or the teacher for guidance. The title page should include:The student’s nameThe invention’s nameThe inventor’s nameAny picture or design they would like to include Students should be creative and experiment with different fonts and colors.Students will print off their title pages and return to the classroom.Students will organize all of the materials for their chapter. They should organize papers in this order: title page, pictures of invention (before/now), information about their invention. Students will submit all papers. The teacher should compile (adding a front cover and table of contents) and bind the book to show to them and put on display in the classroom for tomorrow’s class. Conclusion (10 minutes):The class will be concluded with students journaling and handing in a quick response to the following questions:What new information did you learn about inventions? Do you have a new appreciation and respect for inventors? Why or why not?Why is creativity/using our imaginations so important?Does God want us to be creative? Emphasize the fact that creating the world required a lot of imagination and creativity.How can you put your imagination to good use in order to help others?Imagine what the world would be like if everyone helped one another. What would that look like? People might volunteer in community activities. Students might help out with school functions. Can you think of something this class could do to serve the school? Read books to the younger students? Help them write a story?Assignment: There will be no take-home assignment following this class period. The in-class research, chapter compilation, and journal are sufficient.Assessment:Students will be assessed on the quality and thoroughness of their invention chapters, which will be evaluated according to the invention book rubric. Use their journal responses to assess their understanding of the topic. ................

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