
Science: Inventions During the Civil War Time PeriodResearch Inventions: Day 1375 minute class periodIowa Core Curriculum Standards: Students recognize that scientists perform different types of investigations.Students use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, process, and analyze data.Objectives:Students will be able to use computers to research important inventors and inventions during the Civil War time period.Students will be able to understand why inventions during this time were important and how they have contributed to society today.Students will be able to understand and complete a project about an invention of their choice (during the Civil War time period).Materials:Paper, crayons, markers, or colored puter/internet access.“Create Your Own Invention” worksheet“Civil War Inventions Research Activity” sheet“Invention Book Instructions” handoutRubricIntroduction (25 minutes):Students will do a quick pair-and-share activity in which they respond to the following questions:What is an invention? A new device, method, or process generally used to simplify or accommodate certain tasks.Can you think of any famous inventors?Thomas Edison (light bulb), Alexander Graham Bell (telephone), George Washington Carver (peanut butter) Which inventions do you think are the most useful in everyday today? Why? Telephone, computer, light bulb, indoor plumbingWould it be difficult to invent something? Would it be time consuming?It might be difficult to come up with a totally new idea on your own. Planning and testing out various methods would take a very long time! Then, patenting an invention is a time-consuming process as well.What is your favorite invention? Why?Students will return to their seats, look over the “Create Your Own Invention” worksheet, and take several minutes to brainstorm individually. After thinking of some good ideas, students will complete the “Create Your Own Invention” worksheet. Encourage students to be creative, emphasizing that creativity is a gift from God. We see God’s creativity in creation, so we should also exercise our own creativity! After completing the worksheet, students will take out a piece of paper and draw a picture of their invention. They will use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to bring their invention to life on the page.Students will quickly get back into their pair-and-share groups and tell one another about their inventions. Students’ worksheets and inventions will be collected to be hung around the room.Lesson Procedures (40 minutes):Students will go to the computer lab to research inventions during the Civil War. They will use the website provided and follow the guidelines on their invention lab activity worksheet.After completing the lab activity, students will head back to the classroom and be instructed to:Focus on the one Civil War invention that they chose during their time in the lab. Quickly pair-and-share their findings about that invention.Conclusion (10 minutes):Students will be given a handout describing their assignment for the night and expectations for the class period the following day. They will also be handed a rubric, showing how their assignment will be evaluated. They will spend a couple of minutes looking over their assignment and asking any questions about the assignments that surface during that time.Students will conclude the lesson with a brief class discussion. What would life be like without all of the inventions that we have today? Life would be a lot different! TVs would still be in black and white. Or would we even have TVs? You would use the outhouse rather than the restroom. You would take a candle to your room for light. You would walk or ride a horse most places rather than hopping in the car. Can you think of any inventions that may be coming in the near future? Solar powered cars? Assignment:Students will be instructed to complete numbers 2-3 on the Invention Book Worksheet at home. They will be thinking about the kinds of facts and information that they will include in their chapter of the book as well as how they would like to organize that information.Assessment:Assess students by observing their work in the computer lab and their ability to navigate the webpage they are using for research. Check for understanding of inventions, inventors, and their significance by listening in on the pair-and-share activities and discussion. Use individual students’ chapters in the invention book and to assess understanding and achievement. Students’ chapters will be evaluated according to the rubric, and their grades will be recorded in the grade book. ................

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