| |Receiver Interface Push – PO_RECVPUSH |Purchasing > Receipts > |HIN_PROCESS_RECEIPTS |PO_RECVLOAD |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Process Receipts | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally, then rerun |

| | | | | |process. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |If process takes longer than 5 minutes to run, do not call; |

| | | | | |send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. Cancel job on |

| | | | | |Tidal, set to completed normally, then rerun process. |

| |IN Load Staged Items – INPSSTGE |Purchasing > Receipts > |HIN_PROCESS_RECEIPTS |PO_RECVPUSH |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(COBOL) |Process Receipts | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally, then rerun |

| | | | | |process. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |If process takes longer than 5 minutes to run, do not call; |

| | | | | |send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. Cancel job on |

| | | | | |Tidal, set to completed normally, then rerun process. |

| |IN Putaway Plan – INS3500 |Purchasing > Receipts > |HIN_PROCESS_RECEIPTS |INPSSTGE |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(SQR Report) |Process Receipts | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally, then rerun |

| | | | | |process. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |If process takes longer than 5 minutes to run, do not call; |

| | | | | |send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. Cancel job on |

| | | | | |Tidal, set to completed normally, then rerun process. |

| |IN Putaway – INPPPTWY |Purchasing > Receipts > |HIN_PROCESS_RECEIPTS |INS3500 |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(COBOL SQL) |Process Receipts | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally, then rerun |

| | | | | |process. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |If process takes longer than 5 minutes to run, do not call; |

| | | | | |send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. Cancel job on |

| | | | | |Tidal, set to completed normally, then rerun process. |

|Group |Receive_Load_7am | | | |Every 10 minutes |

| |_4:50pm_Daily | | | |7 am – 4:50 pm Mon-Sun |

| |Receiver Interface Push – PO_RECVPUSH |Purchasing > Receipts > |HIN_PROCESS_RECIEPTS |PO_RECVLOAD |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Process Receipts | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally, then rerun |

| | | | | |process. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |If process takes longer than 5 minutes to run, do not call; |

| | | | | |send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. Cancel job on |

| | | | | |Tidal, set to completed normally, then rerun process. |

| |IN Load Staged Items – INPSSTGE |Purchasing > Receipts > |HIN_PROCESS_RECIEPTS |PO_RECVPUSH |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(COBOL) |Process Receipts | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally, then rerun |

| | | | | |process. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |If process takes longer than 5 minutes to run, do not call; |

| | | | | |send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. Cancel job on |

| | | | | |Tidal, set to completed normally, then rerun process. |

| |IN Putaway Plan – INS3500 |Purchasing > Receipts > |HIN_PROCESS_RECIEPTS |INPSSTGE |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(SQR Report) |Process Receipts | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally, then rerun |

| | | | | |process. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |If process takes longer than 5 minutes to run, do not call; |

| | | | | |send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. Cancel job on |

| | | | | |Tidal, set to completed normally, then rerun process. |

| |IN Putaway – INPPPTWY |Purchasing > Receipts > |HIN_PROCESS_RECIEPTS |INS3500 |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(COBOL SQL) |Process Receipts | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally, then rerun |

| | | | | |process. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |If process takes longer than 5 minutes to run, do not call; |

| | | | | |send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. Cancel job on |

| | | | | |Tidal, set to completed normally, then rerun process. |

|Group |PO_AUTOSRC_DAILY_ | | | | |

| |6:45am | | | | |

|Group |PO_AUTOSRC_DAILY_ | | | | |

| |7:15am-5:15pm | | | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | |If Error occurs, send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. |

| |7am_Daily | | | |Set to completed normally. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Weekends/Holidays - If Error occurs, call Ken Dunn ASAP. |

| | | | | |Call Ben Canlas 30 minutes later if Ken Dunn hasn’t been |

| | | | | |located or responded.  Also send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | | | | |Support Team. |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |7:30am_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |8am_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |8:30am_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |9am_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |9:30am_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |10am_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |10:30am_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |11am_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |11:30am_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |12pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |12:30pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |1pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |1:30pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |2pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |2:30pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |3pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |3:30pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |4pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |4:30pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |5pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |Purchase_Orders_ | | | | |

| |5:30pm_Daily | | | | |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | | |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG – |SCM Integrations> |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |See Purchase_Orders_7am_Daily group for error instructions. |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | | |

|Group |EPROBUYER_Daily | | | | |

|Group |Verity_Build_11pm_Sat | | | |11 PM Saturday |

|Group |Inventory_Price_ | | | |10PM Monday thru Friday |

| |10pm_Mon_Fri | | | | |

| |PO Price Update – PO_PRICE_UPD (Application |Items > Define Items and|HPO_ITMPRIC_PM |INS4000 |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Attributes > Update PO | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Price | | |continue. |

| |PV Update – PV_IDX_DATA (Application Engine) |eProcurement > |HPO_VRTYUP_PM |PO_PRICE_UPD |Process normally takes 20 minutes to run. |

| | |Administer Procurement >| | | |

| | |Maintain Supplier |(This Run Control will soon be | |Process needs to finish running before 7 am tomorrow |

| | |Integration > Build |replaced by HPO_VRTYUP_WE) | |morning. |

| | |eProcurement Verity | | | |

| | |Collection | | |If Error occurs, call Ben Canlas. Send email to UM – PS, |

| | | | | |UMHC Support Team. |

| |SAC Update 1 – SAC_IDX_DATA1 (Application |Supplier Contracts > |UPO_VERITY_CONFIG |PV_IDX_DATA |If Error occurs, call Ben Canlas.  Send email to UM – PS, |

| |Engine) |Search Content > Build | | |UMHC Support Team.  Set to completed normally so processing |

| | |Search Index | | |can continue. |

| |SAC Update 2 – SAC_IDX_DATA2 |Supplier Contracts > |UPO_VERITY_DOCS |SAC_IDX_DATA1 |If Error occurs, call Ben Canlas.  Send email to UM – PS, |

| |(Application Engine) |Search Content > Build | | |UMHC Support Team.  Set to completed normally so processing |

| | |Search Index | | |can continue. |

| |SAC Update 3 – SAC_IDX_DATA3 (Application |Supplier Contracts > |UPO_VERITY_OBJECT |SAC_IDX_DATA2 |If Error occurs, call Ben Canlas.  Send email to UM – PS, |

| |Engine) |Search Content > Build | | |UMHC Support Team.  Set to completed normally so processing |

| | |Search Index | | |can continue. |

| |RTV Dispatch/Print – PORT001 (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Return To |HPO_RTVDSP_PM |SAC_IDX_DATA3 |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Vendor > Dispatch RTV’s | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | | | | |continue. |

| |Return to Vendor Recon – PO_RTVRECON |Purchasing > Return To |HPO_RTVRCN_PM |PORT001 |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Vendor > Reconcile RTV’s| | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | | | | |continue. |

| |Purge Stage Tables – PO_POSTGPRG (Application |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_POPRG_PM |PO_RTVRECON |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Purge Staging| | |continue. |

| | |Tables | | | |

|Need |Surginet Extract – UM_CERNER (Application Engine| | |PO_POSTGPRG |NOT SCHEDULED YET. |

|Group |Inventory_ | | | | |

| |Replenishment_Daily | | | | |

| |CRH01 Par Replenish – INPGCDMD_CRH01 (Cobol SQL)|Inventory > Replenish |HIN_PAR_REPLEN_CRH01 | |9:15 AM Monday thru Sunday |

| | |Par Locations > Create | | | |

| | |Par Replen Requests | | |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | | | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | | | | |continue. |

| |Weekend Par Replenish – INPGCDMD_WKEND(Cobol |Inventory > Replenish |HIN_PAR_REPLEN_WKEND | |9:15 AM Wednesday, including holidays |

| |SQL) |Par Locations > Create | | | |

| | |Par Replen Requests | | |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | | | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | | | | |continue. |

| |Reserve Materials -IN_FUL_RSV_QDECK |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_QDECK |Tidal Resource IN_FUL_RSV |Every 15 minutes between 7:05 - 9:20 AM, every day. |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | | |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |IN_FUL_RSV_QDECK and IN_FUL_RSV_NON_QDECK are not dependent |

| | |Materials Process | | |on each other, but should not run at the same time. Tidal |

| | | | | |Resource IN_FUL_RSV will prevent this from happening. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Workdays - If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – |

| | | | | |PS, UMHC Support Team. Set to completed normally so |

| | | | | |processing can continue. If process fails on 2nd attempt, |

| | | | | |call Ben Canlas ASAP |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Weekends/Holidays - If Error occurs, call Ken Dunn ASAP, |

| | | | | |then Ben Canlas 30 minutes later if Ken Dunn hasn’t been |

| | | | | |located or responded. Send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support |

| | | | | |Team. |

| |Reserve Materials -IN_FUL_RSV_NON_QDECK |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |Tidal Resource IN_FUL_RSV |Every 15 minutes between 7:05 - 9:20 AM, every day. |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | | |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |IN_FUL_RSV_QDECK and IN_FUL_RSV_NON_QDECK are not dependent |

| | |Materials Process | | |on each other, but should not run at the same time. Tidal |

| | | | | |Resource IN_FUL_RSV will prevent this from happening. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Workdays - If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – |

| | | | | |PS, UMHC Support Team. Set to completed normally so |

| | | | | |processing can continue. If process fails on 2nd attempt, |

| | | | | |call Ben Canlas |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Weekends/Holidays - If Error occurs, call Ken Dunn ASAP, |

| | | | | |then Ben Canlas 30 minutes later if Ken Dunn hasn’t been |

| | | | | |located or responded. Send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support |

| | | | | |Team. |

| |Reserve Materials -IN_FUL_RSV_QDECK_9:30am |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_QDECK |Tidal Resource IN_FUL_RSV |Every 30 min between 9:30 AM thru 6:50 AM the following |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |morning – Sunday thru Friday |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | | |

| | |Materials Process | | |Workdays - If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – |

| | | | | |PS, UMHC Support Team. Set to completed normally so |

| | | | | |processing can continue. If process fails on 2nd attempt, |

| | | | | |call Ben Canlas |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Weekends/Holidays - If Error occurs, call Ken Dunn ASAP, |

| | | | | |then Ben Canlas 30 minutes later if Ken Dunn hasn’t been |

| | | | | |located or responded. Send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support |

| | | | | |Team. |

| |Reserve Materials -IN_FUL_RSV_QDECK_9:30am_Sat |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_QDECK |Tidal Resource IN_FUL_RSV |Every 30 min between 9:30 AM - 11:30 PM – Saturday |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | | |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |If Error occurs, call Ken Dunn ASAP, then Ben Canlas 30 |

| | |Materials Process | | |minutes later if Ken Dunn hasn’t been located or responded. |

| | | | | |Send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. |

| |Inventory Replenishment – IN_REPLEN_AE_FIX |Inventory > Replenish |HIN_QDECK_FIXED | |Every Hour – 7:45 AM thru 10:45 AM Monday thru Sunday |

| |(Fixed) (Application Engine) |Inventory > Create | | | |

| |Stopped 03/22/2010 per David Laaksonen |Replenishment Requests | | | |

| |Pick Confirm and Auto-Deplete – IN_FUL_CONF_12pm|Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_CONFIRM |12 PM Submit Time |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |– Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Picking >| | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Picking Confirmation | | |continue. |

| | |process | | |Monday thru Friday (include Holidays) |

| |Pick Confirm and Auto-Deplete – IN_FUL_CONF_6pm |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_CONFIRM |6 PM Submit Time |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |– Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Picking >| | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Picking Confirmation | | |continue. |

| | |process | | |Monday thru Friday (include Holidays) |

| |Pick Confirm and Auto-Deplete – IN_FUL_CONF_11pm|Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_CONFIRM |11 PM Submit Time |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |– Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Picking >| | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Picking Confirmation | | |continue. |

| | |process | | |Monday thru Friday (include Holidays) |

| |Pick Confirm and Auto-Deplete – |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_CONFIRM_MRCMM |6 PM Submit Time |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |IN_FUL_CONF_MRCMM_Tuesday_6pm – Application |Stock Orders > Picking >| | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| |Engine) |Picking Confirmation | | |continue. |

| | |process | | |Tuesday (include Holidays) |

| |Pick Confirm and Auto-Deplete – |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_CONFIRM_MRCMM |6 PM Submit Time |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |IN_FUL_CONF_MRCMM_Friday_6pm – Application |Stock Orders > Picking >| | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| |Engine) |Picking Confirmation | | |continue. |

| | |process | | |Friday (include Holidays) |

|Group |Inventory Demand_845am_Mon_Fri | | | |If Error occurs on any process in this group, do not |

| | | | | |continue processing until the problem has been fixed, except|

| | | | | |for the PO_REQLOAD jobs. Send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | | | | |Support Team. |

| |Post_PO_REQLOAD_CRH02 (ViewDirect-1- script) |No navigation – This job|N/A |IN_REPLEN_AE _NON_FIX_WEEKDAYS |Post_PO_REQLOAD_CRH02 is a script that sleeps 15 minutes |

| | |runs script on | | |before posting the PO_REQLOAD jobs to run |

| | |ViewDirect-1 | | | |

| |Requisition Loader – PO_REQLOAD_CRH02 |Purchasing > |HIN_CRH02_REQ_LOADER |Post_PO_REQLOAD_CRH02 |The PO_REQLOAD jobs can run in any order, but only one at a |

| |(Application Engine) |Requisitions > Load | |(script) |time. If one of these jobs fails, it shouldn't prevent any |

| | |Requistions | | |of the other ones from running. Tidal Resource PO_REQLOAD |

| | | | |and |will make sure that only one runs at a time. They can start |

| | | | | |running 15 minutes after IN_REPLEN_AE_NON_FIX runs |

| | | | |Tidal Resource PO_REQLOAD |successfully. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |If Error occurs, send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. |

| | | | | |Set to completed normally. Processing can continue if this |

| | | | | |job fails. |

| |Requisition Loader – PO_REQLOAD_CRHOR |Purchasing > |HIN_CRHOR_REQ_LOADER |Dependencies are same as for job|Error instructions are the same as for job PO_REQLOAD_CRH02 |

| |(Application Engine) |Requisitions > Load | |PO_REQLOAD_CRH02 | |

| | |Requistions | | | |

| |Requisition Budget Processor – FS_BP_RBP1 |Purchasing > |HIN_CRH02_CRHOR_BUS_ |All PO_REQLOAD jobs finished |Runs after all PO_REQLOAD jobs have finished (successfully |

| |(Application Engine) |Requisitions > Budget |REPLEN | |or not). |

| | |Check | | | |

| | | | | |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HIN_CRH02_CRHOR_BUS_ |FS_BP_RBP1 |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

| | |Orders > Stage/Source |REPLEN | | |

| | |Requests > Auto | | | |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HIN_CRH02_CRHOR_BUS_ |PO_REQSORC |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source |REPLEN | | |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | | |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick-IN_FUL_RSV_NON_QDECK |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_CRH02_CRHOR_BUS_ |PO_REQINVS |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock |REPLEN |Tidal Resource IN_FUL_RSV | |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | | |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory Demand_9am_Daily | | | |If Error occurs on any process in this group, do not |

| | | | | |continue processing until the problem has been fixed, except|

| | | | | |for the PO_REQLOAD jobs. Send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | | | | |Support Team. |

| |Inventory Replenishment – IN_REPLEN_AE |Inventory > Replenish |HIN_UHDST_BUS_REPLEN |9am |9 AM Sat-Sun. Process should be finished by 9:15 am, Tidal |

| |_NON_FIX_WEEKENDS (Application Engine) |Inventory > Create | | |will notify Production Support if it isn't |

| | |Replen Requests | | | |

| | | | | |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Send e-mail to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team after process runs|

| | | | | |successfully |

| |Post_PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 (ViewDirect-1- script) |No navigation – This job|N/A |IN_REPLEN_AE _NON_FIX_WEEKDAYS |Post_PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 is a script that sleeps 30 minutes |

| | |runs script on | |-OR- |before posting the PO_REQLOAD jobs to run |

| | |ViewDirect-1 | |IN_REPLEN_AE _NON_FIX_WEEKENDS | |

| |Requisition Loader – PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 |Purchasing > |HIN_CRH01_REQ_LOADER |Post_PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 |The PO_REQLOAD jobs can run in any order, but only one at a |

| |(Application Engine) |Requisitions > Load | |(script) |time. If one of these jobs fails, it shouldn't prevent any |

| | |Requistions | | |of the other ones from running. Tidal Resource PO_REQLOAD |

| | | | |and |will make sure that only one runs at a time. They can start |

| | | | | |running 30 minutes after IN_REPLEN_AE_NON_FIX runs |

| | | | |Tidal Resource PO_REQLOAD |successfully. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |If Error occurs, send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. |

| | | | | |Set to completed normally. Processing can continue if this |

| | | | | |job fails. |

| |Requisition Loader – PO_REQLOAD_MRCCS |Purchasing > |HIN_MRCCS_REQ_LOADER |Dependencies are same as for job|Error instructions are the same as for job PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 |

| |(Application Engine) |Requisitions > Load | |PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 | |

| | |Requistions | | | |

| |Requisition Loader – PO_REQLOAD_MRCMM |Purchasing > |HIN_MRCMM_REQ_LOADER |Dependencies are same as for job|Error instructions are the same as for job PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 |

| |(Application Engine) |Requisitions > Load | |PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 | |

| | |Requistions | | | |

| |Requisition Loader – PO_REQLOAD_QCHEM |Purchasing > |HIN_QCHEM_REQ_LOADER |Dependencies are same as for job|Error instructions are the same as for job PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 |

| |(Application Engine) |Requisitions > Load | |PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 | |

| | |Requistions | | | |

| |Requisition Loader – PO_REQLOAD_UHDST |Purchasing > |HIN_UHDST_REQ_LOADER |Dependencies are same as for job|Error instructions are the same as for job PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 |

| |(Application Engine) |Requisitions > Load | |PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 | |

| | |Requistions | | | |

| |Requisition Loader – PO_REQLOAD_UHOR1 |Purchasing > |HIN_UHOR1_REQ_LOADER |Dependencies are same as for job|Error instructions are the same as for job PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 |

| |(Application Engine) |Requisitions > Load | |PO_REQLOAD_CRH01 | |

| | |Requistions | | | |

| |Requisition Budget Processor – FS_BP_RBP1 |Purchasing > |HIN_NON_QDECK_BUS_REPLEN |All PO_REQLOAD jobs finished |Runs after all PO_REQLOAD jobs have finished (successfully |

| |(Application Engine) |Requisitions > Budget | | |or not). |

| | |Check | | | |

| | | | | |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HIN_NON_QDECK_BUS_REPLEN |FS_BP_RBP1 |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | | |

| | |Requests > Auto | | | |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HIN_NON_QDECK_BUS_REPLEN |PO_REQSORC |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | | |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | | |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick-IN_FUL_RSV_NON_QDECK |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_NON_QDECK_BUS_REPLEN |PO_REQINVS |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | |Tidal Resource IN_FUL_RSV | |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | | |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

| |Inventory Replenishment – IN_REPLEN_AE |Inventory > Replenish |HIN_QDECK_REPLEN |IN_FUL_RSV_NON_QDECK |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

| |(Application Engine) |Inventory > Create | | | |

| | |Replen Requests | | |Send e-mail to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team after process runs|

| | | | | |successfully |

| |Post_PO_REQLOAD (ViewDirect-1- script) |No navigation – This job|N/A |IN_REPLEN_AE |Post_PO_REQLOAD is a script that sleeps 30 minutes before |

| | |runs script on | | |posting the PO_REQLOAD jobs to run |

| | |ViewDirect-1 | | | |

| |Requisition Loader – PO_REQLOAD (Application |Purchasing > |HIN_QDECK_REQ_LOADER |IN_REPLEN_AE |Needs to run 30 after IN_REPLEN_AE finishes. |

| |Engine) |Requisitions > Load | |and |Post_PO_REQLOAD is a script that sleeps 30 minutes before |

| | |Requistions | |Post_PO_REQLOAD(script) |posting PO_REQLOAD to run. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |See Inventory Demand_9am_Daily group for error instructions.|

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |Every 30 Minutes |Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_9:00am | | |9:45 AM (Monday thru Sunday) |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) and we run the first|

| | | | | |group at 9AM per user request |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | |Tidal Resource IN_FUL_RSV |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |10:15 AM (Monday thru Sunday) |Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_10:15am | | |and Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_9:00am group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | |Tidal Resource IN_FUL_RSV |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |10:45 AM (Monday thru Sunday) |Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_10:45am | | |and Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_10:15am group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

| |Run PO Calculations – PO_POCALC (PO-POCALC) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_POCLC_2HR |IN_FUL_RSV_RP |If Error occurs, do not call, send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team.  Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > PO | | |continue. |

| | |Calculations | | | |

| |Run PO Create – PO_POCREATE(PO-POCREATE) |Run PO Create – |HPO_POCRT_2HR |PO_POCALC |If Error occurs, do not call, send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |PO_POCREATE(PO-POCREATE)| | |Support Team.  Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |(Application Engine) | | |continue. |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |11:15 AM (Monday thru Sunday) |Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_11:15am | | |and Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_10:45am group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |11:45 AM (Monday thru Sunday) |Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_11:45am | | |and Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_11:15am group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |12:15 PM (Monday thru Sunday) |Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_12:15pm | | |and Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_11:45am group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |12:45 AM (Monday thru Sunday) |Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_12:45pm | | |and Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_12:15pm group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |1:15 PM (Monday thru Sunday) and|Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_1:15pm | | |Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_12:45pm group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |1:45 AM (Monday thru Sunday) and|Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_1:45pm | | |Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_1:15pm group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |2:15 PM (Monday thru Sunday) and|Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_2:15pm | | |Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_1:45pm group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |2:45 AM (Monday thru Sunday) and|Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_2:45pm | | |Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_2:15pm group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |3:15 PM (Monday thru Sunday) and|Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_3:15pm | | |Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_2:45pm group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Inventory_Demand_2 | | |3:45 PM (Monday thru Sunday) and|Inventory_Demand_2 groups run every 30 minutes from 10:15 AM|

| |_3:45pm | | |Inventory_Demand_2 |thru 4 PM (last group start at 3:45 PM) |

| | | | |_3:15pm group | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_HLFHR |FS_BP_RBP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Build Inventory Demand – PO_REQINVS (Application|Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_BID_HLFHR |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Inventory | | |continue. |

| | |Demand | | | |

| |Reservations/ Pick - IN_FUL_RSV_RP |Inventory > Fulfill |HIN_RESV_NON_QDECK |PO_REQINVS |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Stock Orders > Stock | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Reserve | | |continue. |

| | |Materials Process | | | |

|Group |Voucher Build_Mon_Fri | | |eProcurement_Nightly group |Nightly – Monday thru Friday excluding holidays – starts |

| | | | | |after eProcurement Nightly stream |

| |Voucher Build – AP_VCHRBLD (Application Engine) |Accounts Payable > Batch|HAP_VCHRBLD |eProcurement_Nightly group |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Processes > Vouchers > | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Voucher Build | | |continue. |

| |Voucher Budget Check – FS_BP_VBC (Application |Accounts Payable > Batch|HAP_VCHRBP |AP_VCHRBLD |If Error occurs, call Ben Canlas ASAP. Do not continue |

| |Engine) |Processes > Vouchers > | | |processing until the problem has been fixed. Also send |

| | |Budget Check | | |email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. |

| |Run Voucher Approvals – UM_VCHR_APPR |UM Applications > |UAP_VCHR_APPROVALS |FS_BP_VBC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Accounts Payable > | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Process > UM Voucher | | |continue. |

| | |Approvers Populate | | | |

| |Landed Cost Extraction – LC_EXTRACT (Application|Accounts Payable > Batch|HAP_LC_EXTRACT |UM_VCHR_APPR |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Processes > Extracts and| | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Loads > Extract Landed | | |continue. |

| | |Cost > Landed Cost | | | |

| | |Extract | | | |

| |Cost Accounting Creation – CM_CSTACCTG |Cost Accounting > |HIN_COSTING |LC_EXTRACT |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Inventory and MFG | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Accounting > Cost | | |continue. |

| | |Accounting Entries > | | | |

| | |Cost Accounting Creation| | | |

| |Journal Generate – FS_ JGEN_VB (Application |General Ledger > |HIN_JOURNAL_GENERATE |CM_CSTACCTG |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Journals > Subsystem | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Journals | | |continue. |

|Group |ePro_6AM_Daily | | | | |

| |PO Sourcing - PO_REQSORC (Application Engine) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_RQSRC_AM |FS_BP |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| | |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > Auto | | |continue. |

| | |Requisition Selection | | | |

| |Stage Contract PO’s – PO_POCNTRCT (PO-POCNTRCT) |Supplier Contracts > |UPO_POCTRCT |PO_REQSORC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Contract Release | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Processes > Stage | | |continue. |

| | |Contract PO’s | | | |

| |Run PO Calculations – PO_POCALC (PO-POCALC) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_POCLC_AM |PO_POCNTRCT |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > PO | | |continue. |

| | |Calculations | | | |

| |Run PO Create – PO_POCREATE(PO-POCREATE) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_POCRT_AM |PO_POCALC |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Orders > Stage/Source | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Requests > PO Creation | | |continue. |

| |Run Purchase Order Budget Check – |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_POBP_AM |PO_POCREATE |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |FS_BP_HOSPT (Application Engine) |Orders > Budget Check > | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | |continue. |

| |Run PO Batch Dispatch – POPO005 – (SQR Report) |Purchasing > Purchase |HPO_PVDSP_AM |FS_BP_HOSPT |If Error occurs, send email to UM – PS, UMHC Support Team. |

| | |Orders > Dispatch POs > | | |Set to completed normally. |

| | |Find an Existing Value | | | |

| |Publish Outbound Message – IN_PUB_MSG |SCM Integrations > |HPO_GHXPUBLISH_AM |POPO005 |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |(Application Engine) |Publish Outbound Message| | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | | | | |continue. |

| |Receive Load Process - PO_RECV_LOAD (Application|Purchasing > Receipts > |HPO_RCV_AM |IN_PUB_MSG |If Error occurs, do not call; send email to UM – PS, UMHC |

| |Engine) |Load Receipts | | |Support Team. Set to completed normally so processing can |

| | | | | |continue. |

|Group |Inventory_Monthly | | | | |


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