
Soc213 Deviant Behavior Bogart Test 4A 12/12/02

Part 1: Text (Thio) Items

Chapter 12: Drinking and Alcoholism

01a. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Only a small minority of Americans view alcohol abuse as a serious problem. B. Alcohol is more widely used than all illegal drugs combined. C. Drunk driving is the number one cause of death among people ages 16 to 24. D. Homeless persons constitute the highest percentage of alcoholics in the U.S. E. Beer drinkers are more likely to become alcoholics than those who consume Scotch, gin, or other forms of “hard liquor.” (p. 300)

02a. _____ percent of crimes committed by students on college campuses are alcohol-related. A. less than 5 B. 10-15 C. 50 D. 75 E. over 90 (p. 304)

03a. As a group, _____ Americans have the lowest rate of alcoholism. A. Italian B. Irish C. Hispanic D. African E. Native (p. 307)

04a. Blackouts are characteristic of Jellinek’s _____ stage of alcoholism. A. psychologically addicted B. physically addicted C. social drinker D. excessive E. hitting bottom (p. 312)

05a. Which of the following tends to distinguish female alcoholics from their male counterparts? A. They are less likely to have a family history of alcoholism. B. Women have their first drink and first intoxication at an older age. C. They are less likely to experience a stressful event which precipitates drinking. D. Women are less likely to join their husbands/boyfriends in heavy drinking, although men often join their wives/girlfriends in becoming abusive drinkers. E. Women tend to drink more in restaurants and bars than at home. (pp. 313-314)

06a. In studies of alcoholism, the term A1 gene refers to _____. A. deprivation of pleasure B. a recessant gene in fraternal twins C. a recessant gene in identical twins D. a link between alcoholism and intelligence E. a flushing response to alcohol (p. 315)

07a. The process of frontloading refers to _____. A. smoking marijuana before getting high on alcohol B. attending an AA meeting prior to being at functions where alcohol will be served C. underage persons consuming alcoholic beverages in private before attending a social event D. a series of tricks to get one past a police roadblock E. being biologically predisposed to alcoholism (p. 321)

Chapter 13: White-Collar and Governmental Deviance

08a. The most common form of action taken by OSHA again offending corporations is _____. A. prison terms for upper management B. “warning” citations C. fines D. instituting new management E. negotiations (p. 329)

09a. At the heart of antitrust violations is/are _____. A. stale foods that are repackaged and resold to less affluent populations B. medical misconduct C. employee theft D. preventing competition E. tax violations (p. 332)

10a. The Superfund program is associated with _____. A. bank theft B. tax evasion C. environmental pollution D. securities violations E. species protection (p. 334)

11a. Which of the following is typically NOT associated with employee theft? A. large and impersonal corporations B. tax evasion C. union-management conflict D. job boredom E. noncriminal self-image (pp. 335-336)

12a. Which of the following statements CORRECTLY describes financial frauds? A. The most common form of financial fraud is insider trading. B. The cost per violation among all financial frauds is highest among those who fail to pay income tax. C. Over half of all taxpayers have been found to evade taxes to some extent. D. Violation of securities law is more common than failure to pay income tax. E. Low-income people are the most common culprits of income tax evasion. (pp. 337-338)

13a. What do the majority of white-collar offenders have in common? A. large families for whom they are unable to provide B. membership in the legal profession C. a fear of a long prison term D. police and other city officials who are accomplices to their crimes E. a respectable self-image (p. 340)

14a. The expression, “abusing the frank,” refers to _____. A. money laundering B. denial of voting rights C. fee splitting D. sending mail free of charge E. ambiguously worded laws (p. 346)

Chapter 14: Disreputable Economic Deviance

15a. Of the following, robberies are LEAST likely to occur in _____. A. banks B. gas stations C. commercial houses D. convenience stores E. residences (p. 358)

16a. The frustration that results from a conflict of expectation versus realization is the core of _____ theory. A. cluster B. relative deprivation C. economic abundance D. infiltration E. superabundance of ambiguity (pp. 360-361)

17a. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Less than 1 percent of the nation’s police force investigates auto theft. B. Auto theft is the fastest growing property crime. C. The majority of auto thefts do not involve violence against the victim. D. Since 1990, there has been a trend toward the use of violence to force drivers to give up their cars. E. The term, bump and run, refers to the act of joyriding. (p. 362)

18a. The opportunity for committing burglary comes primarily from _____. A. the tendency of law enforcement officers to “look the other way” B. the absence of capable guardians C. an increase in insurance fraud D. a desire to meet expressive needs E. a decline in the number of watchdogs and home alarm systems (p. 364)

19a. Professional criminals who shoplift for profit are known as _____. A. shrinks B. boosters C. thrill-seekers D. snitches E. sharks (p. 365)

20a. Which of the following does NOT belong with the other items? A. selling illegal goods and services B. engaging in large-scale theft and racketeering C. embezzlement D. corrupting public officials E. infiltrating legitimate businesses (p. 367-369)

Part 2: Lecture Items

Lviii: New Criminology

21a. According to Robert Quinney, in The Social Reality of Crime, the probability that a person will develop action patterns that have a high potential of being defined as criminal depends on the relative substance of all of the following factors EXCEPT what? A. interpersonal associations and identifications B. self-conceptions C. structured opportunities D. learning experiences E. procedural fairness of the criminal justice system

22a. According to Steven Spitzer, in Toward a Marxian Theory of Deviance, a problem in the search for a critical theory of deviance is the absence of a coherent theory of _____. A. power B. strain C. social learning D. control E. conflict

23a. Spitzer’s theory of deviance production discusses ____ laws that evolved in conjunction with the immigration of Chinese and Chicano laborers. A. drug B. housing C. voting D. hospitalization E. mental illness classification

24a. Spitzer maintains that “problem populations are...generated through contradictions which develop in the system of class rule;” he uses _____ as an example to support his argument. A. the priesthood B. police academies C. educational institutions D. political parties E. the criminal justice system

25a. In Spitzer’s discussion of monopoly capital and deviance production, he writes that simply stated, capitalism requires _____ to survive. A. increased productivity B. highly educated management officials C. a conservative political party in national office D. a disgruntled underclass E. four times the capital that the business is expected to realize during the first year

Part 3: Videos

Video 13A: How to Steal $500 Million

26a. Mickey Monus was able to open his first Phar-Mor store by using a technique called “_____.” A. product loyalty B. power buying C. parking the losses D. bait and switch E. bait a hook

27a. When Phar-Mor’s Chief Financial Officer, Pat Finn, was asked by Monus to “buy time” so the stores could make a profit, Finn _____. A. viewed this as a normal business maneuver B. went to the police C. alerted the local television station D. felt he was being a team player E. resigned in protest

28a. With an audit pending, the first thing that Phar-Mor’s executives did was _____. A. engage in insider trading in an effort to drive up their stocks B. claim cash assets that they didn’t have C. leave town temporarily D. claim that their inventory was worth more than it was E. engage in merger negotiations with Wal-Mart

29a. While Monus was encountering grave financial difficulties with Phar-Mor, he chose to invest in the _____ industry. A. sports B. restaurant C. motion picture production D. recording E. clothing

30a. Phar-Mor’s last official act before filing for bankruptcy was to _____. A. provide restitution to the investors B. divest themselves of all extraneous holdings C. bring suit against Wal-Mart D. try to merge with K-Mart E. sue the auditing firm of Coopers & Lybrand

Video 13C: High Crimes and Misdemeanors

31a. Prior to the Iran-Contra conflict, the last “presidential war” was fought in _____. A. Granada B. Vietnam C. Japan D. Korea E. Germany

32a. During the Iran-Contra cover-up, Lt. Col. Oliver North communicated primarily with _____. A. Ronald Reagan B. George Herbert Walker Bush C. John Poindexter D. George W. Bush E. congressional representatives

33a. Looking back on Iran-Contra after assuming the office of the presidency in 1989, George Herbert Walker Bush maintained that _____. A. the Constitution had been circumvented B. there had been no quid pro quo C. he had been unaware of the hostage situation D. Oliver North had been a scapegoat E. Ronald Reagan had been aware of Oliver North’s covert activities

34a. Congress passed _____ to outlaw the use of U.S. funds for military operations in Nicaragua. A. the Hyde Amendment B. the Equal Rights Amendment C. the Homeland Security Act D. the Boland Amendment E. the High Crimes and Misdemeanors Act

35a. The term, “high crimes and misdemeanors,” relates specifically to _____. A. the impeachment process of the President B. statutes involving foreign policy issues C. an arms-for-hostages agreement D. a category of crimes brought before the U.S. Supreme Court E. Reagan’s trickle-down theory of economics

Video 13D: Waco: The Untold Story

36a. While the situation in Waco was escalating, the FBI’s attention was focused on the _____. A. Oklahoma City bombing B. mass suicides of the members of The People’s Temple in Guyana C. OPEC crisis D. assassination attempt on the President E. World Trade Center bombing

37a. What was the bargaining chip between the ATF negotiators and David Koresh in exchange for the release of the children from the compound? A. a face-to-face meeting between Koresh and Janet Reno B. air time for Koresh’s sermons C. medical care for the children D. withdrawal of the FBI Hostage Rescue Team from the compound E. withdrawal of tanks from the compound

38a. At one point in the negotiations, the Branch Davidians were ready to surrender to the FBI; negotiations broke down when _____. A. Koresh received word from God that he should wait B. Janet Reno ordered that no more milk be sent into the compound C. additional tanks were sent into the compound D. the Branch Davidians voted to stay inside the compound E. some of the children inside the compound became ill

39a. According to Byron Sage, an FBI negotiations instructor, the last resort in a negotiation stand-off is _____. A. plea bargaining B. bartering for food and water C. covertly sending agents into the compound D. face-to-face negotiations E.evacuation of women and children

40a. In the 568-page plan for gassing the compound, the FBI failed to develop a(n) _____. A. fire plan B. after-care plan for the survivors C. negotiation strategy D. rationale E. chain of command


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