Integrated Financial Planning, PCFINANCIAL PLANNING AND CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENTAGREEMENT, made this day of , between the undersigned party,________________________________________________________ (the “Client”) whose mailing address is ___________________________________________________and Integrated Financial Planning, P.C., a registered investment adviser, whose principal mailing address is 1800 East 3rd Avenue, Suite 103, Durango, CO 81301 (the “Planner”).Services:Financial Planning/Consulting Services. The Planner shall provide Client with the financial planning and/or consulting services listed on Schedule “A”. Client may elect to accept or reject Planner’s recommendations (i.e. investments, estate planning, retirement planning, taxes, insurance, etc.) at their own sole discretion or upon consultation with their own professional advisers (i.e. broker, accountant, attorney, etc.). Regarding estate and tax planning, Planner may assist Client or Client’s professional advisers, but Planner is not an attorney, and Planner’s services should not be interpreted as legal advice. Upon completion of the services set forth on Schedule “A”, Planner’s initial engagement and corresponding responsibilities will end. In the event Client’s financial situation or objectives change, Client may engage Planner to review any previous recommendations or provide other consulting services. The aforementioned services do not include investment consulting or management services. Investment Consulting Services. If included in Schedule “A”, the Planner will provide the Client with portfolio review and non-discretionary investment consulting services. If so designated, the Planner shall review the Client’s existing investment portfolio, and provide investment recommendations and advice consistent with the Client’s designated investment objectives. Recommendations and advice shall be based on the information provided to the Planner by the Client. In the event that a Client’s financial situation or objectives change, the Client will be responsible for promptly notifying the Planner. Follow-up services may be subject to additional fees. The Client will maintain full discretion as to whether or not to accept any of the Planner’s recommendations. Planner’s investment consulting service is intended to provide limited investment advice to those individuals who do not wish to engage the Planner for more comprehensive ongoing investment advisory services under an Investment Management Agreement. The Planner’s investment consulting service, as detailed herein, does not include investment implementation, ongoing investment supervision, monitoring, or reporting services.Scope of EngagementThe Client agrees to provide all information and/or documentation requested by Planner related to Client’s situation and objectives, and to update Planner of changes. Planner shall not be required to verify any information obtained from the Client, Client’s attorney, accountant or other professionals, and is expressly authorized to rely thereon. The Client is free at all times to accept or reject any recommendation from Planner, and has the sole authority with regard to the implementation.Client authorizes Planner to respond to inquiries from, and communicate and share information with, Client’s attorney, accountant and other professionals.The Client is free at any time to obtain legal, accounting, and brokerage services from any professional source. Client will retain absolute discretion over all implementation decisions; 3.Planner CompensationThe Planner’s fee for planning services will be monthly in arrears in one of the two following manners:________ a) a Not to Exceed/Fixed-Fee basis with a total fee of $____________ for the services requested on the attached “Schedule A” or________ b) an Hourly Fee basis for the services requested on the attached “Schedule A” based on an hourly rate of $175-$225/hour for an advisor and $75/hour for an administrative assistant.In addition to Planner’s fee, the Client shall be responsible for reimbursement of all out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred by the Planner related to this agreement. Payments not received within thirty days from billing will incur a finance charge equal to eighteen (18%) percent per year. 4. Custody. Planner will not take or accept custody of any client assets. 5.Other Fees. The Client acknowledges that Client may also incur mutual fund expense charges, transaction fees, custodial fees, or other fees related to the their investments, and that such charges are paid to parties other than Planner and are in addition to Planner Compensation detailed above.6. Risk Acknowledgment. Planner does not guarantee the success of any recommendations. Client understands that recommendations are subject to various risks, including but not limited to, market, economic, political and business risks, and that recommendations will not always be profitable. 7. Planner Liability. The Planner, acting in good faith, shall not be liable for any action, omission, investment recommendation/decision, or loss in connection with this Agreement including, but not limited to, investments or the acts and/or omissions of other professionals or third party service providers used by Client. The Client acknowledges that past performance may not be indicative of future results, and understands that the future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy may not be profitable. In the event that the Planner is requested to provide consulting services with respect to a retirement plan sponsored by the Client’s employer, the Client acknowledges that the Planner’s recommendations shall be limited to the investment alternatives provided by the retirement plan.Nothing in this Client agreement however shall in any way constitute a waiver or limitation of any rights which the Client may have under any federal or state securities laws.8. Electronic Delivery. The Client authorizes the Planner to deliver all correspondence via electronic mail, and will provide Planner with a current email address.9. Amendments. The Planner may amend this agreement upon written notification to Client. Unless Client notifies Planner to the contrary, in writing, the amendment shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of mailing.10.Termination. This Agreement will continue in effect until terminated by either party by written notice to the other (email notice will not suffice). If the Client terminates this Agreement, Client shall be responsible for paying any balance due through the date of termination, or shall receive a refund of any unearned prepaid amounts paid in advance. Termination will not affect any obligations of the parties related to transactions initiated before termination or for Client’s obligation to pay planning or consulting fees through the date of termination. Upon the termination, Planner will have no obligation to recommend or take any action on behalf of Client. 11.Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by either the Client or the Planner without the prior written consent of the other party. 12. Disclosure Statement. Client acknowledges receipt of Planner’s Form ADV Part 2 Disclosure Brochure and Form ADV Part 3 Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS). If not delivered at least 48 hours prior to the Client entering into the agreement with the Planner, then the Client may terminate without penalty within five (5) business days after entering into this Agreement. 13. Severability. Any term or provision of this Agreement which is invalid or unenforceable shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any of the terms of this Agreement.14. Privacy Notice. The Client acknowledges prior receipt of the Planner’s Privacy Notice.15. Entire Agreement. This Agreement replaces all previous planning or consulting agreement(s) between the parties. 16.Venue/Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Colorado, and to the extent not inconsistent with applicable law, the venue for the resolution of any dispute shall be the County of La Plata, Colorado. 17. Authority. The Client acknowledges that he/she/they/it has (have) all requisite legal authority to execute this Agreement, and will notify the Planner, in writing, if this representation should change. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Client and Planner have each executed this Agreement on the day, month and year first above written.______________________________________________________ ________/________/_____________Client Date______________________________________________________ ________/________/_____________Client DateIntegrated Financial Planning, P.C. By:_____________________________________ ________/________/_____________ Paul A. Lemon, CPA, CFP, President DateSchedule “A” to the Financial Planning and Consulting Services AgreementbetweenIntegrated Financial Planning, P.C.and(Clients)Dated: _________________________Integrated Financial Planning, P.C. will provide Clients with services to include: (Clients are to initial services requested)_______Not to Exceed - Fixed Fee Initial “Complex Big Picture Financial Projection” report - $1,500. (For small business owners, public employees/retirees) Service includes initial phone consultation re: planning alternatives, base Financial Plan input from completed “Confidential Client Questionnaire”, financial projections, portfolio risk assessment, follow up meetings as needed, and recommendations._______Not to Exceed - Fixed Fee Initial “Basic Big Picture Financial Projection” report - $1000Service includes initial phone consultation re: planning alternatives, base Financial Plan input from completed “Confidential Client Questionnaire”, financial projections, portfolio risk assessment, follow up meetings as needed, and recommendations.Periodic/As Needed “Big Picture” Projection Plan Updates _______Not to Exceed -Fixed Fee Ongoing “Big Picture” Financial Report Monitoring - $500.Service includes Plan Update via Completed Plan Update Checklist to be completed by Client, follow up meetings as needed, and prehensive [C] or Segmented Financial Analysis Not to Exceed/Fixed Fee or Hourly Fee as Indicated Below:Not to Exceed HourlyFixed FeeFee_________________[C] Investment Policy Statement Creation._________________[C] Financial Plan Creation based on client completion of Confidential Client Questionnaire.________ ________ [C] Goals Identification and Clarification & Life Planning ________ ________[C] Financial Document Compilation and Organization.________ ________[C] Assistance in Setup and Use of: “My Documents Binder”“My Authentic Money Guide Binder”“My Financial Education Binder”Not to Exceed HourlyFixed FeeFee________ ________Quicken setup for Ongoing Personal Financial Management and Budgeting Purposes.________ ________[C] Computerized Financial Scenario Projections. ________ ________ Investment Portfolio Review and General Recommendations in accordance with current Investment Management Account options.________ ________ Portfolio Rebalance of all client investments to current non-managed investment options.________ ________ [C] Comprehensive Insurance Review.________ ________ [C] Cash Flow Budgeting Recommendations.________ ________ [C] Debt Management Review and Recommendations.________ ________ [C] Tax Planning Review and Recommendations.________ ________ College Fund Planning Recommendations.________ ________ [C] Estate Planning Review and Recommendations.________ ________ Financial Projection Update. Financial Education Seminars – Topics outlined below:________ ________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________ _______________________________________________________________ ________ ________ Financial planning services as specifically requested by me (the client), as detailed below. ________ ________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Initial year credit for assets under IFP Management - 1 hour per $100,000 of average annual assets managed by IFP, when pre-approved. $________ $ ________ TOTALThe addition of any other services is not included in this Advisory Agreement unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties. ................

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