
Blog 12021: Where to Invest?As we all know, 2020 called for great adaptability and a pivot that investors were not immune to. The sudden shift in markets left many investors frazzled on where to turn. It’s no secret that investing in telehealth was a big trend this year. But there were other big winners this year as well. Many fast-food restaurants did fairly well, especially those that had the means for delivery. Virtual communications services like Zoom, saw great fortune as well. And of course you can’t forget The Big 5, that all saw a rise in market use. But as we’ve seen before, the only constant in business is that it is constantly changing. Therefore, 2021 will certainly call for new investment strategies. Thus, there are a few markets you should be keeping an eye out for.PharmaceuticalsIt’s not a surprise that a lot in the market is riding on this race for the most effective Covid-19 vaccine. And with the mass hysteria that was created around COVID, demand is pretty high for the vaccine. Not to mention, that the democrats in office, there will be an even greater push to scare the public into buying into the vaccine. In some cases, there have even been threats to force the hand of people who do not want to take the vaccine but taking away the freedom to travel, enforcing restrictions on reentering the workforce and radicals may even push for fines and/or jail time. Nonetheless, vaccines will be bought in the masses and bring in substantial revenue. Of course, those who made early investments into the Covid-19 vaccines will be the big winners, but it’s not too late for you to get in on the winnings too.?Travel and HospitalityWith taking a big hit this year, travel stocks will rise from the ashes with the introduction of this vaccine. With the increase in people that feel “safe” due to the vaccine, more people will begin to move around. After being locked down and away from others, there is a widespread urge to get back out into the world. Airlines, hotels, and even cruises will start to see increased activities following the implication of the Covid-19 vaccine. Airline stocks have already been slowly increasing and with 2021 just around the corners, now is a great time for you to hop in while the market value is still relatively low.?Oil and GasThis one is simple. With increase in travel and mobility, the oil industry will certainly make its come back. Since taking a hit this year due to the pandemic, the market value has been lowered. You may want to consider jumping in now before the market value shoots back up and stabilizes at a higher rate.?WFH Related StocksOne thing is clear, we will never return to “normal” and some of the things we have recently adapted will be here to stay. Remote working is one of those things. Even with vaccines, many companies will permanently keep this arrangement for a variety of reasons. It saves costs, it's a lot easier than transitioning out and there’s still big uncertainty around where this COVID rabbit hole will take us. These are stocks to really keep an eye on. They will be great long-term investments in the long run even though we may see a short-term decline with the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccine.All in all, the market will see some big changes in the year 2021 as we continue to try to adapt to a new normal. As an investor, it is important to not only examine current circumstances, but to look to where we are heading. Do your research, take advantage of certain market areas while they’re low and be smart about where you put your money. After a tough year for us all, there is room to look forward to big wins in 2021.Blog 2Let’s Put an End to This Bad JokeCongratulations, you made it through 2020, the start of the biggest hoax the world has ever seen. When will it end? Apparently, no time soon. The global pandemic or should I say “plandemic,” has been hyped up to cause mass hysteria all over the world and according to many experts, it has been all for nothing.During a conference call, top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told the Canadian government in Alberta that the coronavirus pandemic is "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public." Hodkinson, who is the CEO of a biotech company that makes COVID tests, says "There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians." We are seeing "politics playing healthcare, and that’s a very dangerous game."?Nonetheless, there is a lack of transparency about government officials’ involvement with the people who will benefit from all the chaos created amongst this pandemic. For instance, it’s known that Biden is in cahoots with Bill Gates, who just so happens to be back on of the major companies set to put out a COVID vaccine. Could it all be a plot to stimulate his pockets? We also know that the left side has been pushing a socialist agenda for the longest. Is this an attempt to gain world-wide control? What exactly is in this vaccine that they want to force us to put in our body and why such a strong push if it’s been proven by experts that this virus is not as dangerous as they are making it seem.Hodkinson mentioned that “positive test results do not mean a clinical infection. All testing should cease because the false numbers they produce are ‘driving public hysteria’." Hodkinson says the likelihood of death for people under the age of 65 is "one in three-hundred thousand" and it is "outrageous" to shut down society for what is merely "just another bad flu."Therefore if the Covid testing isn’t even an effective means of determining accurate Covid-19 rates, then why are we trying to force a vaccine on people. And I mean force. There have been threats of restricting travel if you don’t have this vaccine. After millions of people have lost their jobs over 2020, there has also been threats that people will be forced to get vaccinated before returning to the workforce. Oh and did I mention my personal favorite, there have even been threats to throw people in jail or fine them thousands for not taking the vaccine. All this over something similar to the flu? Yea, right!?It’s time for more people to wake up and realize you have been bamboozled. You were locked down, forced to wear masks, scammed out of your job and forced to rely on the government to support you all for nothing.? And the worst has yet to come. It’s time to put an end to this cruel joke and call out those who continue to perpetuate imminent danger. Let’s no longer allow ourselves to be tricked into thinking that this COVID virus is spreading rapidly when the facts say that Covid testing is not accurate. Let’s stop allowing them to instill fear in us when the facts say that this virus is not as deadly as they try to make it out to be. Let's stop allowing the government to force our hand, making us more and more dependent on them.?Time to wake up and put an end to this hoax once and for all. How? Stop listening to this media propaganda and start educating yourself to make the best decisions for you and your family. ................

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