
Additional Information for Environmental Assessments and Categorically Excluded Projects Section


HUD Guide to Environmental Compliance: NEPA-Related Statutes, Authorities and Requirements

24 CFR Part 58.5 – NEPA-Related Federal laws and authorities

|Environmental Issue/Impact |Applicable Activities |Threshold for Action |Source Documentation (Map/On-line |Action Required |Further Information |

|(Statute, Authority &/or | |(Analysis/Evaluation/ |Listing/ Agency Contacts) | | |

|Regulation) | |Consultation) | | | |

|1. Air Quality | Acquisition of undeveloped |Project is located in an |Designated non-attainment and |A determination of conformity with the|Conformity to SIP is made by: |

| |land |EPA-designated non-attainment |maintenance areas are listed on EPA |State Implementation Plan (SIP) is |Regional or Metropolitan |

|Clean Air Act of 1970, as |Change of land use |area or maintenance area for one |web site: |required with respect to the proposed |Planning Organization (MPO); |

|amended (42 U.S.C. 7401 et |Demolition |or more of six “criteria | |activity and the specific pollutant |or |

|seq.), particularly 7506 |Major rehabilitation |pollutants,” called National | |for which the area was designated a |EPA Regional Office. |

|(c) & (d). |New construction |Ambient Air Quality Standards | |non-attainment or maintenance area. | |

| | |(NAAQS). |County-level air quality data: | |Status of non-attainment areas|

|40 CFR parts 6, 51, and 93 | | | |and EPA policy questions are |

|(EPA) | |Criteria pollutants (NAAQS): |ultipol.html |Document that the activity does/does |addressed by EPA Regional |

| | | |not require SIP compliance. Contact |Office. |

|CAA of 1990, Sec. 112; 40 | |tml |Maps of non-attainment areas: |the MPO or EPA to determine if the | |

|CFR Part 61 (NESHAP) | | | |proposed activity is one that requires|EPA Region 7 SIPs, State and |

| | | | |a permit under the SIP. If yes, |local AQ contacts: |

| | | |obtain letter of consistency showing |

|title1.html | | | |that the project is consistent with |r/index.htm |

| | | | |the SIP. | |

| | | | | |HUD Q&A: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/qa/airpoll|

| | | | | |ution.cfm |

|2. Airport Hazards (Clear | Acquisition for construction |Project is located within 2,500 |Airport clear zone and accident |RCZ/CZ: New construction, major |Contact airport operator or |

|Zones & APZ) |Change in land use |feet of the end of a civil |potential zone (APZ) maps are |rehabilitation, and activities that |nearest FAA District office. |

| |Increase in density |airport runway or 15,000 feet of |available from airport operations |significantly prolong physical or | |

|24 CFR Part 51-D “Siting of|Major (‘substantial’) |the end of a military airfield |authority. |economic life of the property are |Airport locations: |

|HUD-Assisted Projects in |rehabilitation |runway. | |prohibited. |Civil NPIAS |

|Runway Clear Zones at Civil|New construction | |Civil airport: The Airport Layout Plan| |

|Airports and Clear Zones | |HUD policy is to promote |shows the Runway Clear Zone (RCZ), |APZ: HUD assistance in APZ is |anning_capacity/npias/reports/|

|and Accident Potential |Where airport is: |compatible land uses in |[a.k.a. Runway Protection Zone]. |discouraged, and project must be |and |

|Zones at Military |Civil airport designated in |RCZ/CZ/APZ. | |compatible with DOD land use |

|Airfields” (HUD) |Nat’l Plan of Integrated | |Military airfield: The AICUZ Study |guidelines for APZs. |/ |

| |Airport System (NPIAS): | |shows the CZ and APZ. | | |

| | | | | |Military Bases: |

| | | | |

| |nning_capacity/npias/reports/ | | | |military/facility/conus.htm |

| | | | | | |

| |All military air installations | | | |and |

| | | | | |

| |(Note: See also Clear Zone | | | |s.html |

| |notification requirement, page | | | | |

| |12.) | | | | |

| | | | | |HUD Q&A: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/qa/airport|

| | | | | |.cfm |

|3. Coastal Zone Management | Acquisition of undeveloped |Project is located in a state |CZM maps are on NOAA (Nat’l Oceanic & |State CZM agency (or its approved |NOAA: |

| |land |having a Coastal Zone Management |Atmospheric Administration) web site: |local designee) must concur with a |

|Coastal Zone Management Act|Change of land use |(CZM) Program. | (or issue permit) in evidence |gov/welcome.html |

|of 1972, as amended (16 |Major rehabilitation | |ate/welcome.html |that project is consistent with | |

|U.S.C. 1451 et. seq., |New construction | | |approved State CZM plan. | |

|particularly section | | | | |HUD Q&A: |

|1424(e)). | | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/qa/coastal|

| | | | | |.cfm |

|4. Contamination and Toxic | Acquisition |Project is located on or near |Documentation may consist of Phase I |Due diligence must be exercised to |EPA Envirofacts Data: |

|Substances |Conversion from |site that contains hazardous |environmental site assessment (ASTM |ascertain the presence of | |

| |non-residential to residential.|materials or contaminants that |standard E1527-05, as amended) and, if|contamination. | |

|24 CFR Part 58.5 (i) (2) |Demolition |could affect the health and |applicable, Phase II assessment. | |EPA Toxic Release Inventory |

|(HUD). |Leasing |safety of occupants or that | |In many cases, a Phase I environmental|(TRI): |

| |New construction |conflict with the intended |Additional/alternative documentation |site assessment (ASTM standard |

| |Rehabilitation |utilization of the property. |may include: |E1527-05, as amended) must be |/toxic_releases.html |

| | | |Site inspection(s) by knowledgeable |performed. If the Phase I assessment | |

| | |Particular attention to be given |professional(s). |identifies recognized environmental |EPA Maps: |

| | |to any site located on or in |Search of EPA and other databases for |conditions or if the results are |

| | |general proximity to landfills, |sites and facilities posing real or |inconclusive, a Phase II environmental|4ef.home |

| | |dumps, industrial sites, gas |potential contamination concerns |site assessment will be required. | |

| | |stations or other locations that |(including NPL (Superfund), TRI, RCRA | |EPA CERCLIS/NPL – Superfund |

| | |contain hazardous wastes or |sites and facilities). |Based upon the Phase II results, |database |

| | |materials. |Analysis of past uses of the site and |remediation, mitigation and monitoring|

| | | |adjacent properties as documented by |measures may be required. |ites/query/basic.htm |

| | |HUD policy is to ensure that all |Sanborn Fire Insurance Rate Maps (or | | |

| | |property proposed for use in HUD |equivalent historic maps). |Such measures must be consistent with |ATSDR “ToxFAQs” summaries |

| | |programs be free of hazardous | |Federal, State and local laws and |about hazardous substances: |

| | |materials, contamination, toxic |ASTM Phase I and Phase II protocols |regulations, and must be implemented |

| | |chemicals and gasses, and |are available at: |by qualified professionals. |qs/index.asp |

| | |radioactive substances, where a | | |

| | |hazard could affect the health |xe/index.shtml?E+mystore |Specific forms of remediation are not |Right-To-Know Network: |

| | |and safety of occupants or | |prescribed by HUD and may vary |EPA databases, including TRI |

| | |conflict with the intended |Current ASTM Phase I standard |depending on the nature of the hazard.|(Toxic Release Inventory); NPL|

| | |utilization of the property. |(E1527-05): | |& CERCLIS; RCRA: |

| | | | | |

| | | |xe/DATABASE.CART/PAGES/E1527.htm?L+mys| | |

| | | |tore+iweh6695+1022889987 | |: |

| | | | | |Releases of toxic chemicals |

| | | |NOTE: A person may purchase property | |Cancer risks from hazardous |

| | | |with the knowledge that the property | |air pollutants |

| | | |is contaminated without being held | |Superfund sites |

| | | |potentially liable for the cleanup of | |Facilities emitting criteria |

| | | |the contamination. Conducting “all | |air pollutants |

| | | |appropriate inquiries” (AAI) into the | |

| | | |previous ownership and uses of a | |nity/ej-index.tcl |

| | | |property is one of the requirements | | |

| | | |for claiming CERCLA liability | |State voluntary cleanup |

| | | |protection. | |programs: |

| | | | | |Kansas Dept. Health & |

| | | |The federal (USEPA) standard for | |Environ’t (KDHE) |

| | | |performing AAI was effective 11/01/06.| |

| | | |The AAI final rule is found at 40 CFR | |/index.html |

| | | |312. | | |

| | | | |Missouri Dept. Natural |

| | | |ex.htm | |Resources (DNR) |

| | | | | |

| | | |The ASTM E1527-05 Phase I standard is | |index.html |

| | | |consistent and complaint with EPA’s | | |

| | | |final rule for AAI and may be used to | |Nebraska Dept. Environmental |

| | | |comply with the provisions of AAI. | |Quality (NDEQ) |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Iowa Dept. Natural Resources |

| | | | | |(DNR) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |nsites/index.html |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |FAQs about USTs: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |qs/index.htm |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |EPA Cleanup Guidance: |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|5. Endangered Species | Acquisition of undeveloped |Project is likely to affect, or |Contact the US Fish and Wildlife |If a listed species or habitat is |Section 7 consultation: |

| |land |may affect, any Federally listed |Service (USFWS) to determine if a |present, consultation is required |

|Endangered Species Act of |Conversion of land use |endangered or threatened species |listed species or habitat is present |under Section 7 of the Endangered |angered/section7/index.html |

|1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et |Demolition |or habitat. |in the project action area or may be |Species Act to determine if the | |

|seq.), particularly section|Major rehabilitation | |affected by the project. |proposed activity will adversely | |

|7 (16 U.S.C. 1536) |New construction | | |affect the subject species or habitat.|U.S. Fish & Wildlife |

| | | |General information on listed species | |Ecological Services Field |

|50 CFR Part 402 “Endangered| | |and habitats: | |offices: |

|Species Act” | | | consultation: | |

|(DOI & Commerce) | | |index.html | |

| | | | |section7/index.html |315 Houston St, Rm E; |

| | | |USFWS Critical Habitat online mapper: | |Manhattan, KS |

| | | | |When required, a biological assessment|66502-6172 |

| | | | |must be prepared by a qualified |(785-539-3474) |

| | | |Kansas listed species: |professional (e.g., biologist or | |

| | | |) explaining the likely effect|Missouri |

| | | |t/gov.doi.tess_public.servlets.RegionL|on the species or habitat. |101 Park DeVille Dr. |

| | | |ists?lead_region=6#KS | |Suite A |

| | | | | |Columbia, MO |

| | | |Missouri listed species: | |65203-0057 |

| | | | | |(573-234-2132) |

| | | |(USFWS & state Natural Heritage | | |

| | | |Database) | |Nebraska |

| | | | | |203 West 2nd St. |

| | | |Missouri species, by county: | |Second Floor |

| | | | |Grand Island, NE 68801 |

| | | |s/missouri-cty.html | |(308-382-6468) |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Nebraska listed species: | |Iowa |

| | | | |4469 48th Ave Court |

| | | |t/gov.doi.tess_public.servlets.RegionL| |Rock Island, IL 61201 |

| | | |ists?lead_region=6#NE | |(309-793-5800) |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Iowa species, by county: | |HUD Q&A: |

| | | | |

| | | |LISTS/iowa_cty.html | |/environment/review/qa/endange|

| | | | | |redspecies.cfm |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|6. Environmental Justice |Applies when an adverse impact |Project site or neighborhood |EPA’s “EJ View” Tool provides |Perform an EJ analysis using census, |EJ maps & analysis, by |

| |or condition occurs with |suffers from adverse health or |information relevant to EJ |geographic and other data to determine|location: |

|E.O. 12898, “Federal |respect to an environmental |environmental effects which |assessments: |if a low-income/minority population is|

|Actions to Address |issue; |disproportionately impact a | impacted. |nity/ej-index.tcl |

|Environmental Justice in | |minority or low-income population|ml | | |

|Minority Populations and |and, |relative to the community at | |If susceptible populations are |EPA Maps: |

|Low-Income Populations” | |large. |Census and geospatial data from local |impacted: |

| |When the activity is: | |and regional planning agencies. |Mitigation or avoidance of adverse |entry.html |

| |Acquisition |The potential for new or |Census data and maps also avail-able |impacts must be considered to the | |

| |Change of land use |continued adverse health or |at: |extent practicable; and, |CEQ guide to NEPA & EJ |

| |Demolition |environmental effects must be | participation processes must |

| |Major rehabilitation |considered. |/main.html |involve the affected population(s) in |gs/ej/justice.pdf |

| |New construction | | |the decision-making process. | |

| | | |and: | | |

| | | | | |Human Health & Toxicology: |

| | | | | |CDC (NIOSH) |

| | | |Tract-level data on race & income: | |

| | | | | |s/chemical.html |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |ATSDR |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |EPA (IRIS) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |/index.cfm |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |HUD Q&A: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/qa/environ|

| | | | | |mentaljustice.cfm |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|7. Explosive and Flammable |Residential project when the |Project is located within sight |Site inspection, aerial photo analysis|Calculate the acceptable separation |Contact HUD Field |

|Operations |activity is: |of or in proximity to a |and/or contact local fire protection |distance (ASD) per guidebook |Environmental Officer for |

| |New construction |stationary hazardous facility |or emergency management agencies as to|HUD-1060-CPD (1996), “Siting of |tanks having over 1 |

|Housing and Community |Rehabilitation, where unit |that stores, handles or processes|presence of hazardous industrial |HUD-Assisted Projects Near Hazardous |million-gallon capacity. |

|Development Act of 1974, as|density increased |chemicals or petrochemicals of an|operations in vicinity of project. |Facilities,” and apply appropriate | |

|amended. |Conversion of land use from |explosive or flammable nature, | |mitigation measures or reject the |HUD explosive/ flammable |

| |non-residential to residential |such as liquid propane, gasoline |Contact local operator of such |site. |hazard guidebook: |

|24 CFR Part 51 Subpart C |use |or other above-ground storage |facility to determine the type and | |

|“Siting of HUD-Assisted |Vacant building made habitable |tanks. |volume of fuels and chemicals of an |Electronic calculator of ASD: |/environment/training/guideboo|

|Projects Near Hazardous |or | |explosive or flammable nature. | |

|Operations Handling | |Mobile tanks (including railroad | |ment/asdcalculator.cfm | |

|Petroleum Products or |Any project for industrial, |cars), buried tanks, residential | | |HUD Q&A: |

|Chemicals of an Explosive |commercial, institutional, or |tanks for 1-4 unit housing, and | |Mitigation may include construction of|

|or Flammable Nature” (HUD) |recreational use when the |tanks with less than 100-gallon | |a barrier of adequate size and |/environment/review/explosive.|

| |activity is: |capacity and having common fuels | |strength to protect the building and |cfm |

| |New construction |are excluded. | |occupants. |and |

| |Conversion of land use | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/qa/hazardf|

| | | | | |acilities.cfm |

|8. Farmland Protection |Acquisition of undeveloped land|Project is located in area that |NRCS soil maps (95% of nation’s |Site assessment by NRCS is required to|County offices for Natural |

| |Conversion of undeveloped land |includes prime farmland, unique |counties): |determine impact of the farmland |Resources Conservation |

|Farmland Protection Policy |New construction |farmland, or land of statewide or|. Form #AD-1006 rates 12 |Services (NRCS) listed at: |

|Act of 1981 (7 U.S.C. 4201 |Site clearance |local importance. Can include |/ |criteria. Sponsor must submit form to|

|et seq.), particularly | |forest land, pastureland or | |NRCS, which has 45 days to make a |v/locator/app |

|sections 1504(b) & 1541 | |cropland, but not water or |Alternatively, contact local Natural |determination. | |

| | |urbanized land. Urban land is |Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) | |NRCS and FPPA: |

|7 CFR Part 658, “Farmland | |exempt if the land is “already |office to determine the potential |Form AD-1006 and instructions: |

|Protection Policy” (USDA) | |in” or “committed” to urban |presence of protected farmland. | |

| | |development per 7 CFR 658.2(a). | |ad1006.pdf | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |HUD Q&A: |

| | | | |

| | | | |/pdf_files/AD_1026_Instruct.pdf |/environment/review/qa/farmlan|

| | | | | |dprotection.cfm |

|9. Floodplain Management | Acquisition for construction |Project is located within a |FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) |Avoid direct or indirect support of |FEMA: |

| |or for existing bldg >4 units |Special Flood Hazard Area |or Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM). |floodplain development wherever there |

|E.O. 11988, “Floodplain |Disposition >4 units |(100-year floodplain), or, if a | |is a practicable alternative. |fip/fmapinfo.shtm |

|Management”, particularly |Financing >4 units |critical action (e.g., nursing |FIRMETTE maps, which cover small areas| | |

|section 2(a). |Leasing >4 units |home; hospital; fire station) is |(approx. 1 sq. mile), can be obtained |Approval of project requires |State Floodplain Managers: |

| |New construction |located in a 500-year floodplain.|at no charge on-line: |compliance with the decision-making |

|24 CFR Part 55 “Floodplain |Substantial Rehabilitation >4 | | |provisions of §55.20, i.e., the |s/map.asp |

|Management” (HUD) |units housing | | |“eight-step” process. | |

| |(total rehab cost >50% | |For unmapped areas, FEMA Community | |HUD Q&A: |

| |pre-rehab value or >20% density| |Status Book can provide information on|Project may be approved only if there |

| |increase) | |flood hazards: |is no practicable alternative outside |/environment/review/floodplain|

| | | |fema/csb.shtm |the floodplain. Project must apply |.cfm |

| | | | |appropriate mitigation. | |

|10. Historic Preservation |Any undertaking having the |Project’s area of potential |Information on historic resources |Afford the Advisory Council on |Advisory Council: |

| |potential to cause effect, such|effects [see §800.16(d)] |available from National, State, Tribal|Historic Preservation a reasonable | |

|National Historic |as: |contains: |and local registers/sources: |opportunity to comment, consistent | |

|Preservation Act of 1966 | |A property listed in, or eligible|National Register |with the procedures of 36 CFR Part 800|State Historic Preservation |

|(16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.), |Acquisition |for listing in, the National | the Section 106 process. |Officers (SHPOs): |

|particularly sections 106 &|Demolition |Register of Historic Places; or, |o?searchtype=natreghome |Consultation with the SHPO is | |

|110. |Disposition |An historic district listed in, |State Historic Preservation Office |required. Consultation with THPO and | |

| |Ground disturbance |or eligible for listing in, the |(SHPO) |interested parties and public |Tribal Historic Preservation |

|36 CFR Part 800 “Protection|New construction |National Register of Historic |Tribal Historic Preservation Office |participation may be required. |Officers ( |

|of Historic Properties” |Rehabilitation |Places; or, |(THPO) | |THPOs): |

|(ACHP) | | |Certified Local Government (CLG) |The Section 106 process includes | |

| | | |preservation staff. |initiation of the process [§800.3], | |

| | | | |identification of historic properties |Federally-recognized Indian |

| | | | |[§800.4], assessment of adverse |tribes: |

| | | | |effects [§800.5], and resolution of | |

| | | | |adverse effects [§800.6]. |and |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |A/OIS/TribalGovernmentServices|

| | | | |A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) |/TribalDirectory/index.htm |

| | | | |stipulates how adverse effects will be| |

| | | | |resolved. Guidance on writing MOAs: |National Register database: |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |HUD database of Section 106 agreements|National Register: |

| | |HigHigh Compelling evidence of | |(MOA & PA): |

| | |the high probability of | |

| | |archeological resources eligible | |ment/section106/index.cfm |e |

| | |for listing in the National | | | |

| | |Register of Historic Places. | | |Preservation staff of a CLG |

| | | | | |(Certified Local Govern’t) – |

| | | | | |contact the local government. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |NPS technical info: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |index.htm |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Other resource links: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |cpubs/preserve.html |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |HUD Q&A: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/qa/histori|

| | | | | |cproperties.cfm |

| | | | | | |

| | |National Register Eligibility | | | |

| | |Criteria: | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ml | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |HUD tribal database: | | | |

| | |offices/cpd/environme| | | |

| | |nt/tribal/ | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|11. Noise Abatement & |Residential and other |Project is located within: |Noise assessment data sources include:|Perform noise assessment in accordance|Traffic volumes - Road: |

|Control |noise-sensitive developments |1,000 feet of major/busy road, |local or state highway departments; |with the Noise Assessment Guidelines |Iowa |

| |(e.g., hospitals, nursing |3,000 feet of railway, |local or regional planning |(NAG) in guidebook HUD-953-CPD(1). |

|Noise Control Act of 1972, |homes, day care, community |15 miles of airport (civil or |departments; public works departments;|For airports, use the airport’s noise |/traffic/index.html |

|as amended by the Quiet |center, etc.) |military). |railroad dispatch offices; and airport|contour maps to determine noise levels| |

|Communities Act of 1978. | | |operators. |(the contour lines are expressed in |Kansas |

| |Required: |HUD interior noise goal is 45 | |DNL noise levels). |

|24 CFR Part 51 Subpart B |Acquisition for residential or |decibels (DNL) or lower. |Airport noise contour maps are shown | |lan/prodinfo/trafdata.asp |

|“Noise Abatement and |noise-sensitive use | |on Airport Layout Plan (civil airport)|Noise level calculator: | |

|Control” (HUD) |Conversion of land use from |HUD exterior noise goal is 55 |or AICUZ Study (military airfield). | |

| |non-residential to residential |decibels (DNL) or lower, although| |ment/dnlcalculator.cfm |

| |New construction |65 DNL is considered acceptable. |Civil airports subject to HUD noise | |/trafficvolumemaps.htm |

| | | |requirements are those designated in |Projected noise levels: | |

| |Encouraged: | |the FAA’s “National Plan of Integrated|65-75 DNL “Normally Unacceptable;” |Nebraska |

| |Rehabilitation | |Airport System” (NPIAS): |requires mitigation or attenuation. |

| | | | |>75 DNL “Unacceptable;” requires |maps/#traffvol |

| | | | in most cases unless | |

| | | |apacity/npias/reports/ |mitigated. |Rail information: |

| | | |Both Commercial Service (CS) and | | |

| | | |Primary (P) airports have noise |Noise barrier calculator: |Fed Rail Admin crossing |

| | | |contours maps available | |

| | | |General Aviation (GA) airports with |ment/mitigation.cfm |

| | | |less than 9000 enplanements may be | |OfficeofSafety/publicsite/cros|

| | | |assumed to not present a community |Building wall mitigation calculator - |sing/xingqryloc.aspx |

| | | |noise concern; otherwise, consult |Sound Transmission Classification | |

| | | |airport operator |Assessment Tool (STraCAT): |Iowa |

| | | | |

| | | | |CalcEntry.jsp |/pdf/Rail_Base.pdf |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Kansas |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |ail/default.asp |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Missouri |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |sportation/rail/documents/rail|

| | | | | |_freight_061809.pdf |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Nebraska |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |rpt/rail.htm |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Barrier guidance (FHWA): |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |nment/keepdown.htm |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |HUD noise guidebook: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/noise.cfm |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|12. Water Quality (Sole | Acquisition of undeveloped |Project is located within area of |Designated sole source aquifers are |Review of project by Regional EPA |EPA – ground water & drinking |

|Source Aquifers) |land |an EPA-designated sole source |listed on EPA web site: |Office of Ground Water is required if |water: |

| |Change of land use |aquifer, unless project utilizes | is of a type and size |

|Safe Drinking Water Act of |New construction |municipal water and sewer and has |ater/pubs/qrg_ssamap_reg7.pdf |specified in an agreement between EPA |sanp.html |

|1974 (42 U.S.C. 201, 300(f)| |appropriate local drainage. | |and HUD. | |

|et seq., and 21 U.S.C. | | | | |EPA – source water protection:|

|349), particularly section | | | |Project may require memorandum of |

|1424(e) | | | |understanding (MOU) with EPA |cture/drinkingwater/sourcewate|

| | | | |describing compliance to be followed. |r/protection/index.cfm |

|40 CFR Part 149 “Sole | | | | | |

|Source Aquifers” (EPA) | | | | |EPA – TDML maps: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |ndex.html |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |EPA – Septic Systems: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |cture/drinkingwater/sourcewate|

| | | | | |r/protection/sourcewaterprotec|

| | | | | |tion_septicsystems.cfm |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |HUD Q&A: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/qa/aquifer|

| | | | | |.cfm |

|13. Wetland Protection | Acquisition of undeveloped |Project is located within, or has |National Wetlands Inventory maps are|Avoid adverse impacts upon wetlands |U.S. Army Corp of Engineers: |

| |land |impact upon, a wetland. |listed on FWS site: |and direct or indirect support of new |

|E.O. 11990, “Protection of |Change of land use | | in wetlands wherever |/Pages/reg_faq.aspx |

|Wetlands,” particularly |New construction | |ex.html |there is practicable alternative. |and |

|sections 2 & 5. |Expansion of bldg footprint | | | |

| | | |NWI maps are useful as a preliminary|Approval of project requires |/Pages/cecwo_reg.aspx |

|Draft 24 CFR Part 55 | | |screen. Where site inspection or |compliance with the decision-making | |

|“Floodplain Management” (42| | |other information indicates |provisions of §55.20, i.e., the |U.S. Fish and Wildlife |

|FR 26961 – 5/25//97) | | |potential for a wetland, delineation|“eight-step” process. |Service: |

| | | |of a wetland by a qualified |Project may be approved only if there | |

| | | |professional should occur. |is no practicable alternative outside | |

| | | | |the wetland. |EPA: |

| | | |For wetlands delineations, contact | |

| | | |USACOE, USFWS, USDA- NRCS, USEPA | |ds/ |

| | | |and/or private consultants. | | |

| | | | | |HUD Q&A: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/wetland.cf|

| | | | | |m |

|14. Wild & Scenic Rivers | Acquisition of undeveloped |Project is located within one (1) |Designated wild and scenic rivers |For a Designated River or Study River,|National Park Service: |

| |land |mile of a designated Wild & Scenic|are listed on the National Park |determination from the National Park | |

|Wild and Scenic Rivers Act |Change of land use |River, or river being studied as a|Service: |Service (NPS) must be obtained, with |and |

|of 1968 (16 U.S.C. 1271 et |Major rehabilitation |potential component of the Wild & | that the project will not have|

|seq.), particularly |New construction |Scenic River system. |.html |a direct and adverse effect on the |ms/rtca/nri/auth.html |

|sections 5(d), 7(a), 7(b) &| | | |river nor invade or diminish values | |

|(c). | |Project is located upstream, |GIS shape files (maps) can also be |associated with such rivers. |NEPA /CEQ Guidance: |

| | |downstream, or on a tributary of |downloaded from this site. | |

|36 CFR Part 297 “Wild and | |river that is designated, studied | |For NRI rivers, consultation with NPS |ms/rtca/nri/hist.html |

|Scenic Rivers” (USDA) | |or has potential for listing on |Study Rivers (potential wild and |is recommended to identify and | |

| | |the system. |scenic rivers): |eliminate direct and adverse effects. |Publications: |

| | | | | |

| | |Protected rivers are: Designated, | | |ions.html#guidelines |

| | |Study and National River Inventory|National River Inventory (NRI) | | |

| | |(NRI) rivers. NRI rivers may be |listed rivers: | | |

| | |eligible for listing as a Wild & | | |

| | |Scenic River. |a/nri/ | | |

| | | | | | |

24 CFR Part 58.6 – Other Requirements

|Environmental Issue/Impact |Applicable Activities |Threshold for Action |Source Documentation (Map/On-line |Action Required |Further Information |

|(Statute, Authority &/or | |(Analysis/Evaluation/ |Listing/ Agency Contacts) | | |

|Regulation) | |Consultation) | | | |

|1. Airport Clear Zones | Purchase or sale of real |Project is located within 2,500 |Airport clear zone maps available |Purchase or sale of a property in a CZ|Contact airport operator or |

| |property |feet of the end of a civil airport|from airport operations authority. |requires notification to buyer per 24 |nearest FAA District office. |

|24 CFR Part 51 Subpart D | |runway or 15,000 feet of the end | |CFR Part 58.6(d). | |

|“Siting of HUD-Assisted | |of a military airfield runway. | | |Sample notice and |

|Projects in Clear Zones and| | | |The notice informs the prospective |HUD Q&A: |

|Accident Potential Zones” | | | |buyer of potential hazards from |

|(HUD) | | | |airplane accidents and the potential |/environment/review/qa/airport|

| | | | |by airport or airfield operators who |.cfm |

| | | | |may wish to purchase the property at | |

| | | | |some point in the future. | |

|2. Coastal Barriers | All activities having a |Project is located in a community |CBRS maps on USFWS and FEMA |Federal funding is prohibited for |FEMA: |

| |physical impact |listed in the Coastal Barrier |websites: |projects located within a designated |

|Coastal Barrier Resources | |Resources System (CBRS). | barrier. |anual200505/18cbrs.pdf |

|Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. | | |on/coastal_barrier.html | | |

|3501) | | | | |HUD Q&A: |

| | | | |

| | | |state/welcome.html | |/environment/review/qa/coastal|

| | | | | |.cfm |

| | | |Coastal barriers also displayed on | | |

| | | |FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)| | |

|3. Flood Insurance |All HUD programs that provide |Project is located within Special |FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps |Property owner must purchase and |FEMA “Mandatory Purchase of |

| |assistance to buildings. |Flood Hazard Area (SFHA is the |(FIRM) or Flood Hazard Boundary Maps|maintain flood insurance protection. |Flood Insurance” Guidelines |

|Flood Disaster Protection | |100-year floodplain). |(FHBM). | |: |

|Act of 1973, as amended. |Exceptions: | | |Coverage is limited to the building |

|National Flood Insurance |Leasing without rehab, | |FIRMETTE maps, which cover small |and improvements only. No coverage is|ewRecord.do?id=2954 |

|Reform Act of 1994 (42 |acquisition or improvements | |areas (approx. 1 sq. mile), can be |available for land. | |

|U.S.C. sec 4001f) |Loans < $5,000 repaid within 1 | |obtained at no charge on-line: | |FEMA Nat’l Flood Insurance |

| |year | | |Coverage requirements: |Program (NFIP): |

|44 CFR Parts 59-77 |Maintenance | | | |

|“Regulations of the |State-administered formula | | |Grants – Term is for life of the |fip/index.shtm |

|National Flood Insurance |grants (i.e., CDBG, HOME & ESG | | |building, regardless of transfer of |and |

|Program” (FEMA) |programs) | | |ownership; and coverage amount is |FEMA “FloodSmart”: |

| | | | |equal to total project cost (up to |

| | | | |maximum coverage limit). |dsmart/pages/index.jsp |

| |Inapplicable: | | | | |

| |Improvements or repairs costing| | |Loans – Term equal to that of the |Community status of |

| |less than the deductible of a | | |loan; coverage amount equal to that of|participation in National |

| |standard flood insurance policy| | |the loan (up to maximum coverage |Flood Insurance Program: |

| |on a building (current FEMA | | |limit). |fema/csb.shtm |

| |deductible is $500). | | | | |

| | | | | |HUD Q&A: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/qa/floodin|

| | | | | |surance.cfm |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |/environment/review/qa/floodpl|

| | | | | |ainmgmt.cfm |

• ATEC – HUD Assessment Tools for Environmental Compliance:

• Glossary of Environmental Terms: OCEPAterms

IEDA Guide to Environmental Compliance: NEPA-Related Statutes, Authorities and Requirements (v1)

|Environmental Issue/Impact |State of Iowa Information |

|(Statute, Authority &/or Regulation) | |

|1. Air Quality |Iowa DNR Air Quality: |

| | |

|Clean Air Act of 1970, as amended (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.), particularly 7506 (c) & (d). | |

| | |

|40 CFR parts 6, 51, and 93 (EPA) | |

| | |

|CAA of 1990, Sec. 112; 40 CFR Part 61 (NESHAP) | |

| | |

| | |

|2. Airport Hazards (Clear Zones & APZ) |Civil/military airports listed by state: |

| | |

|24 CFR Part 51-D “Siting of HUD-Assisted Projects in Runway Clear Zones at Civil Airports and | |

|Clear Zones and Accident Potential Zones at Military Airfields” (HUD) | |

|4. Contamination and Toxic Substances |Underground Storage Tanks (UST): |

| | |

|24 CFR Part 58.5 (i) (2) (HUD). | |

| |Leaking Underground Storage Tanks: |

| | |

| |Anaerobic Digester Map: |

| | |

| |Hazardous Chemical Storage Reporting: |

| | |

| | |

| |Household Hazardous Materials : |

|5. Endangered Species |U.S. Fish & Wildlife Ecological Services |

| |Rock Island Field Office |

|Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), particularly section 7 (16 U.S.C. 1536) |Ecological Services: midwest/rockisland |

| | |

|50 CFR Part 402 “Endangered Species Act” |State and County Lists: |

|(DOI & Commerce) | |

| |Iowa's Threatened and Endangered Species Program: |

| | |

|6. Environmental Justice |Rural Development |

| |Environmental Justice (EJ) and Civil Rights Impact Analysis (CRIA) |

|E.O. 12898, “Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and |Certification: |

|Low-Income Populations” | |

|8. Farmland Protection |Iowa NRCS: |

| | |

|Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981 (7 U.S.C. 4201 et seq.), particularly sections 1504(b) & | |

|1541 |USDA-NRCS: |

| | |

|7 CFR Part 658, “Farmland Protection Policy” (USDA) | |

|9. Floodplain Management |Additional Information for EA and CEST Projects Section |

| |F – Procedures for Making Determination on Floodplain and Wetland Management (Eight-Step Decision Making |

|E.O. 11988, “Floodplain Management”, particularly section 2(a). |Process, Appendix 2 of CDBG Management Guide |

| | |

|24 CFR Part 55 “Floodplain Management” (HUD) |State Floodplain Managers: |

| | |

| | |


|10. Historic Preservation |Tim Weitzel |

| |Historic Preservation Specialist, IEDA |

|National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.), particularly sections 106 & |Phone: 515-559-4401 tim.weitzel@ |

|110. | |

| |Iowa State Historic Preservation Office: |

|36 CFR Part 800 “Protection of Historic Properties” (ACHP) | |

| |PMOU between IDED and SHPO: |

| | |

| |SHPO R&C Web Site: |

| | |

| | |

| |SHPO User Manual: |

| | |

| | |

| |SHPO Architectural &Historical Resources: |

| | |

| | |

| |SHPO Archaeology: |

| | |

| | |

| |Request for SHPO Comment on HUD Project Form: |

| | |

| | |

| |Authorization for Alternate Signatories Form: |

| | |

| | |

| |Exempt from SHPO Review Form: |

| | |

| | |

| |Iowa Site Inventory Form: |

| |

| |orm.html |

| | |

| |Iowa Site Inventory Form Instructions: |

| | |

| | |

| |I-Sites Public Data: |

| | |

| |County Assessor and GIS: |

| | |

| |State Library of Iowa Sanborn Maps: |

| | |

| |HUD Section 106 Guidance: |

| | |

|11. Noise Abatement & Control |Additional Information for EA and CEST Projects Section |

| |C – Noise Assessment Guidelines, Appendix 2 of CDBG Management Guide |

|Noise Control Act of 1972, as amended by the Quiet Communities Act of 1978. | |

| | |

|24 CFR Part 51 Subpart B “Noise Abatement and Control” (HUD) | |

|12. Water Quality (Sole Source Aquifers) |Iowa Water Web: |

| | |

|Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 201, 300(f) et seq., and 21 U.S.C. 349), particularly |Source Water Mapping: |

|section 1424(e) | |

| |Water Monitoring Atlas: |

|40 CFR Part 149 “Sole Source Aquifers” (EPA) | |

| |Watershed Atlas: |

| |

| |111111100 |

| | |

| |National Watershed Network: |

| | |

|14. Wild & Scenic Rivers |Additional Information for EA and CEST Projects Section |

| |G – Iowa Protected Water Area Designation, Appendix 2 of CDBG Management Guide |

|Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.), particularly sections 5(d), 7(a), | |

|7(b) & (c). |Natural Areas Inventory: |

| | |

|36 CFR Part 297 “Wild and Scenic Rivers” (USDA) |Recreation Map: |


Noise Assessment Guidelines

Noise: The Quiet Communities Act (24 CFR Part 51, Subpart B):

The Act establishes specific noise control requirements for CDBG-funded projects. Grant Recipients must take into consideration the noise criteria and standards in the environmental review process and consider ameliorative actions when noise sensitive land development is proposed in noise exposed areas.

The prime concern of a CDBG environmental impact assessment for noise should be the effect of existing and projected noise levels on the proposed activities and facilities. An assessment will be needed if housing and other noise sensitive uses are proposed. If your project is not noise sensitive (e.g., water & sewer projects) then you can skip this assessment and note in the environmental review that the nature of the project, as described, is not noise sensitive. However, if a noise sensitive project is proposed and any of the following conditions are present:

- Existing or proposed commercial or military airports within 15 miles of the site.

- Roadways within 1,000 feet of the site with such characteristics (e.g., high traffic levels, high speed, heavy truck/bus usage, slope gradients, etc.) that would indicate high ambient vehicular noise levels.

- Railroads within 3,000 feet of the site.

- Other significant noise sources (e.g., industrial/manufacturing facilities, power generating stations, firing ranges) in proximity to the site.

Then, please contact IEDA for further information and instructions.


















Important: (1) Information contained herein is for general guidance only. Applicable authorities and regulations take precedence over guidance material and should be consulted as necessary to achieve full compliance. (2) IEDA cannot attest to the accuracy of information provided by web sites external to IEDA, and access to these sites does not constitute an endorsement by IEDA, or any of its employees, of the sponsors of the site or the products presented on the site. (3) Contact the IEDA Environmental Officer for information or assistance related to compliance with HUD environmental requirements.







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