
North America FactsOur North America Facts for Kids bring you lots of interesting and fun facts on the North American continent.North America is the third largest continent in size and the fourth largest when we consider population. The North American continent houses 23 countries. The continent is located in the Northern Hemisphere and the Western 20 North America Facts?1.?There are?23 countries in North America.More than 579 million people?living on the continent.Vancouver in Canada2. Largest Country: Canada. The country is covering almost half the North American continent's land area. Canada is slightly bigger than the USA and about as big as China.3. Largest City: Mexico City, which is the capital city of Mexico with a population of about 9 million. With more than 20 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area, this is one of the largest cities in the world.?4. Smallest Country: St Kitts and Nevis with only about 54,000 inhabitants. This island country is located in the Caribbean Sea. The least populated dependency is Montserrat, a British Overseas Territory, with less than 6,000 inhabitants.5. Biggest Island: Greenland. This is also the world's largest island that is not a continent! Greenland is located in the North Atlantic Ocean. - Australia is also an island, but considered a continent.6. Longest River of North America: Missouri River/USA (3,767 metres/2,341 miles). The Missouri River flows through seven states of the USA: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri. Together with the Mississippi River, it forms one of the largest river systems in the world.St Louis on the Mississippi River - which the Missouri joins just north of the city7. North America Facts:?Highest Mountain:?Denali in Alasaka/USA. The mountain (6,190 metres/20,310 ft) is located in the Alaska mountain range. Until 2015, this mountain was referred to as Mount McKinley.Denali is considered the third most isolated mountain peak in the world of the world's Seven Summits after Mount Everest (in?Asia) and Aconcagua (in?South America). The Seven Summits are the highest mountain peaks or summits of each continent.Mount Denali in Alaska8. Biggest Lake: Lake Superior. This is the largest of the Great Lakes in the USA. This lake is as big as South Carolina/USA or Austria! Lake Superior is shared by Canada (to the north) and the United States (to the east, south and west). Lake Superior is also considered the largest freshwater lake by area in the world.Lake Superior's Thunder Bay as seen from the Sleeping Giant9. Lowest Point: Death Valley. In the Death Valley National Park you will not only find the lowest point in North America with 86 m/282 ft. below sea level, but this is also the hottest and the driest national park in the USA.?Death Valley in California10.?North America Facts: There is no?landlocked country?in North America.More North America Facts11.?History:?North America was first populated about 10 000 years ago when people moved across the Bering Sea between Siberia and Alaska. First records are found on the island of Greenland from about 980.Indigenous people lived in various clusters from small family groups to large empires across the whole continent.?Women in Panama - image by Anton IvanovThe European explorers arrived in larger numbers only after Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. There were power struggles between the colonisers from England, France and Spain as well as revolutions of the local indigenous people which later led to the creation of the different independent states.12. People of North America: Before the Europeans arrived in North America, the indigenous and native Americans were the people who lived on the continent. Today, the biggest groups of native Americans are the Cherokee, Navajo and Iroquois people. Only 2% of all US Americans consider themselves as Native Americans.?Native Americans dancing - image by Avi DroriIn Canada, among the indigenous people are First Nations people, the Inuit and the Métis.In Mexico, the largest indigenous minority groups belong to the modern Mayan people such as the Yucatan or Campeche people. Mayan or mixed Mayan people are also among the largest ethnic groups in other countries. Many of the decedents of the Maya people live also in Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and Honduras.Mayan women weaving - image by Lena Wurm13. Languages in North America: English is most widely spoken in North America. Spanish and French are spoken by many as second language in the USA. While Spanish is the most common first language in the Caribbean, French is the first language of 20% of the Canadian population. ................

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