August 16, 2010

The Alden Community School Board of Education met in regular session on August 16, 2010, in the Business Ed Room.

Board Members Present: Bob Ites, Brian Lauterbach, Greg Lascheid, John Wibholm, Kyle Janes

Board Members Absent: None

Others Present: Kim Nelson, Sheli Duit, Heather Richards, Clyde Tarrence, Dr. John Robbins, and Kim Sharar

President Bob Ites called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.. Kyle Janes made a motion to approve the agenda with the additional item under 8B, Personnel, a request to change lanes on the salary schedule. Brian Lauterbach seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.

Bob Ites welcomed visitors and welcomed new high school principal, Clyde Tarrence.

Communications were made by Kim Nelson regarding the Class of 1970 and their request to donate funds for a project at the school. Bob Ites passed around a thank you which was received from the Grayce Thompson family as well as a letter from the Iowa Association of School Boards.

The Consent Agenda was presented for approval which consisted of (A) Minutes of the July 19, 2010, board meeting; (B) Bills for payment; (C) Financial Reports. Greg Lascheid made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Kyle Janes seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.

Dr. Robbins reviewed the PPEL/SILO report. The board was updated on the completion of a majority of the summer projects including the restroom renovation at the bus barn, painting of the bus barn, fire-safety projects, carpet/vinyl installation, second floor ceiling tile/light replacement, first grade classroom water/odor issue, and fixing of the pre-school canopy. The removal of the fence along the North parking lot is still in progress and a bid has been approved to replace the sinks and vanities in the lunchroom restrooms.

Dr. Robbins recommended approval of the bid from American Fence to install the fence around the playground. This is a requirement of the pre-school grant. Brian Lauterbach made a motion to approve the bid from American Fence, in the amount of $3,804. John Wibholm seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.

Dr. Robbins presented information from two bids received on the replacement of the hallway ceiling tile in senior hallway. After much discussion, the board unanimously agreed to take no action on the bids at this time.

Dr. Robbins presented a bid from Storey Kenworthy to refurbish the principal’s outer office area and the adjoining mailroom/work area. After a lengthy discussion, the board decided to take no action on the bid from Storey Kenworthy. The board would like to see bids to open up the glass windows/wall leading into the principal’s office and also bids to replace the old heaters in the classrooms and replacement of the old windows in the East kindergarten room.

The board discussed whether to change to paperless board meetings, after Dr. Robbins presented information at last month’s meeting. Greg Lascheid made a motion to go to paperless board meetings. Brian Lauterbach seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1, with Bob Ites casting the no vote.

Dr. Robbins also discussed the Annual Progress Report to the community. The link to this report will be included in the Cadet Gazette and highlights will also be published in the Cadet Gazette throughout the 2010-11 school year.

Dr. Robbins asked for approval of an additional $6,000 early retirement stipend for Vicki Porter. The additional amount of the stipend will cover most health insurance costs until the age of 65. John Wibholm made a motion to approve the additional $6,000 early retirement stipend. Kyle Janes seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.

Dr. Robbins also had a request for a lane change from BA+15 to BA+30 for Jo Duncan. Kyle Janes made a motion to approve the lane change. John Wibholm seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.

Dr. Robbins reviewed the updated transportation plan.

Dr. Robbins recommended that Shelly Moore be approved as the Alden School representative for the Hardin County Empowerment Board. Greg Lascheid made a motion to approve Shelly Moore as our representative. Kyle Janes seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.

Dr. Robbins asked for the Board to approve the following School Improvement Advisory Committee members:

Staff Parents Students

Francie Off Jeff Remmenga Jace Ites

Sheli Duit Marcela Hoversten Memphis Remmenga

Jo Duncan Danae Ites Briar Hoversten

Kim Nelson Mark Arends

John Robbins

Brian Lauterbach made a motion to approve the recommendations as presented. Greg Lascheid seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.

Dr. Robbins asked that a board member be appointed to work with Shane Krukow, representative from the Iowa Falls School Board, on the 2010-11 Superintendent goals. Bob Ites appointed Greg Lascheid as the Alden School Board representative.

Dr. Robbins reviewed items for the September agenda.

Kim Nelson reported on (1) Student Enrollment; (2) Pre-School Enrollment; (3) AIW Kick Off; and (4) Technology purchases.

Kyle Janes made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 P.M. John Wibholm seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.

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