
|Ch. 6: |Leader: |Emily |

|Sec. 6.1-6.3 | | |

|Supplemental Instruction | | |

|Iowa State University | | |

| |Course: |Chem 177 |

| |Instructor: |Appy |

| |Date: |2/26/15 |

1. Arrange the following regions of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of increasing frequency: IR, UV, radio wave, and visible.

2. A string of Christmas lights includes bulbs with wavelengths of 480, 530, 580, and 700 nm. What are the frequencies of the lights and what colors are in the set?

3. For photons with the following energies, calculate the wavelength and identify the region of the spectrum they are from:

a. 8.7 x 10-26 J

b. 7.1 x 10-17 J

c. 5.5 x 10-27 J

4. Various optical disk drives rely on lasers operating at different wavelengths, with shorter wavelengths allowing a higher density of data storage. For each of the following drive types, find the energy of a single photon at the specified wavelength

a. CD = 780 nm

b. DVD = 650 nm

5. A Mercury atom emits light at many wavelengths, two of which are at 435.8 nm and 546.1 nm. Both of these transitions are to the same final state.

a. What is the energy difference between the two states for each transition?

b. If a transition between the two higher energy states could be observed, what would be the frequency of the light?

6. The photochemical reaction that initiate the production of smog involves the decomposition of NO molecules, and the wavelength of light needed to break the

N-O bond is 191 nm.

a. What is the energy per photon needed to break the bond?

b. How many photons are needed to decompose 0.32 mg of NO?

c. How much total energy is needed to decompose 0.32 mg of NO?

7. TRUE or FALSE: In the Bohr model of the atoms, electrons move between allowed orbits when an atom emits or absorbs light.


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