ONCERead the answer below, what is the question? “I think it’s ‘Once’. I love that film. It is about an Irish man from Dublin. It came out in around 2006 or 7 and it won loads of awards. It’s a romantic film, which I usually hate, but this was different because it was really funny as well. The main character loves playing music but hates working in his dad’s shop. One day he meets a girl and falls in love with her. It’s the story of how they help each other.”________________________________________________________? Vocabulary:(Match these words with words/phrases in the text)Adjective: from Ireland – Verb phrase: when a film arrives in the cinema – Noun: something you receive when you win a competition – Adverb: almost / not exactly – Adverb phrase: many – Adverb phrase: also / too – Comprehension:What is the name of the film?What does the person hate? Who hates working in his dad’s shop?Language focus 1:What tense do we use to discuss facts of a film (e.g. when it came out?)What tense do we use to tell the story of a film?Language focus 2:What kind of word form comes after the words “love” + “hate”?Language focus 3:“The main character loves playing music but hates working in his dad’s shop”What is the subject in this sentence?Who hates working in his dad’s shop?Why is there only one subject?Can you find another sentence in the answer above with a similar situation?Error correction:There are 7 errors in the answer below. Can you find them?“I think it’s ‘Once’. I love that film. Is about an Irish man from Dublin. It comes out in around 2006 or 7 and it win loads of awards. Is a romantic film, which I usually hate, but this was different because it was really funny as well. The main character loves play music but hates work in his dad’s shop. One day he meets a girl and falling in love with her. It’s the story of how they help each other.”Listen to check your answers.Practice:Examine the sentence below. Which subjects can you remove? John opened the door. He wasn’t wearing a coat so he was cold but he didn’t care. He put his hands in his pockets, he put his head down and he walked all the way to work. Look up you’re an English film on IMDB and then tell your partner about it. Use present simple for the story and past simple for the facts.Follow-up:With your partner, discuss your favourite films. Use the language above.Record your answers and play them in class. ................

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