
Hoffman-Fields --- Spanish III

week 3 - August 31-September 4, 2015

Course materials / links / handouts / lesson plans available online at

Monday, August 31

Topic/Objectives: Preliminary Lesson in text. (pages 2-27). The objectives in the Preliminary Lesson include: talking about yourself and friends; saying what you know how to do; talking about people and places you know; describing daily routines; and making comparisons. (grammar review of topics covered in Spanish I and II)

In-Class Activities: “Músicalunes” – music video in Spanish. Today’s grammar review: present tense of the irregular verbs ser, estar, ir; present tense of irregular “yo” verbs conocer, dar, saber, ver, hacer, poner, salir, traer. (see text pages 7-9) Translation of paragraphs on text pages 6-7. Composition due in class; complete and submit via Google Docs. Students will use examples of irregular verbs reviewed today in their composition.

Handouts/Worksheets: none

Homework: complete composition if not completed during class time

Tuesday, September 1

Topic/Objectives: Preliminary Lesson in text. (pages 2-27). The objectives in the Preliminary Lesson include: talking about yourself and friends; saying what you know how to do; talking about people and places you know; describing daily routines; and making comparisons. (grammar review of topics covered in Spanish I and II)

In-Class Activities: Speaking activity with irregular verbs – see text page 9 as an example. Students will ask and answer questions using verbs with irregular yo forms. Worksheet: “Qué saben hacer?” This worksheet reviews irregular verbs and talking about what you know how to do.

Handouts/Worksheets: Worksheet(s): “Qué saben hacer?”

Homework: Worksheet: “Qué saben hacer?” Activities 1, 2, 3

Wednesday, September 2

Topic/Objectives: Preliminary Lesson in text. (pages 2-27). The objectives in the Preliminary Lesson include: talking about yourself and friends; saying what you know how to do; talking about people and places you know; describing daily routines; and making comparisons. (grammar review of topics covered in Spanish I and II)

In-Class Activities: “Miaúcoles” internet meme. Today’s grammar review is stem-changing verbs, as well as the irregular verbs decir, tener, venir. (see text pages 10-11). worksheet: “Verbos que cambian de raíz” (stem-changing verbs) Irregular verb review.

Handouts/Worksheets: worksheet: “Verbos que cambian de raíz”

Homework: “Estimado estudiante” questions (text page 11)

Thursday, September 3

Topic/Objectives: Preliminary Lesson in text. (pages 2-27). The objectives in the Preliminary Lesson include talking about yourself and friends; saying what you know how to do; talking about people and places you know; describing daily routines; and making comparisons. (grammar review of topics covered in Spanish I and II)

In-Class Activities: Review of irregular present-tense verbs from this week. Formative assessments and activities in class. Focus will be on conjugating verbs and answering questions using irregular verbs.

Handouts/Worksheets: Irregular verbs study guide

Homework: study for quiz tomorrow over irregular verbs

Friday, September 4

Topic/Objectives: Preliminary Lesson in text. (pages 2-27). The objectives in the Preliminary Lesson include: talking about yourself and friends; saying what you know how to do; talking about people and places you know; describing daily routines; and making comparisons. (grammar review of topics covered in Spanish I and II)

In-Class Activities: Students will complete the irregular verb quiz. Notes: the Verbs saber and conocer: (both of these verbs mean “to know” – students will learn the difference between talking about people and places they know.)

Handouts/Worksheets: saber/conocer practice

Homework: none

Content Standards for this week: Communication: Communicate in languages other than English. Grade 11 standards: A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, F6, G7, H8, H9, I10, J11, J12, K13; Cultures:Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Grade 11 standards: A1, B2, B3, C4, C5, D6, D7.  Connections: Connect with other disciplines and acquire information. Grade 11 standards: A1, A2, B4.  Comparisons: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture. Grade 11 Standards: A1, B2, C3, C4, C5, C6, D7.  Communities: Participate in multilingual communities and cultures at home and around the world. Grade 11 Standards: A1, E8, F10, G11


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