
Questions for flip the classroom videos:1. Adverbs of places:?What are the adverbs of places used for?List five adverbs of places that you can remember from the list provided in the video.List three adverbs of places that you find difficult to remember from the list provided by the video.How many students are in the video “saying the adverbs of places” chant?2. ArticlesHow many ways to say the word “the” in Spanish, what are they?How do you say the words “an” and “some” in Spanish?How do articles agree with the noun they are accompanying? Provide the answer of the practice at the end of the video.3. Car, gar, zar verbs:In which grammatical person does the car, gar, zar verbs have a spell change.In what tense does the car, gar, zar, verbs have a spell change.List 2 examples of each car, gar, and zar verbs that are listed in the video.Write down the paragraph that is shown in the video and translate it to English.4. Comparatives:What do comparatives help you express?Translate the following phrases to English: 1. “Mas que,”2. “Menos que,” “tan como” What is the diference between “tanto como” and “tan como”?List 2 examples using “Mas que” and list two examples using “menos que”5. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns l. List the female demonstrative adjectives. 2. List the male demonstrative adjectives 3. List the female demonstrative pronouns. 4.List the male demonstrative pronouns. 5. What is the main difference between the demonstrative pronouns and the demonstrative adjectives? 6. Write down and translate the two exercises from the video. The exercise of female demonstrative adjectives, and the exercise of the masculine demonstrative adjectives Extra Credit: Write down 2 female examples from the video, and two masculine examples from the video. Assignment is worth 18pts6. Direct object pronounsList the direct object pronoun for singular grammatical person.List the direct object pronoun for plural grammatical person.List the two ways to say “it” in SpanishList the indirect object pronouns for singular grammatical person.List the indirect object pronouns for plural grammatical personsWhat familiar verb uses the indirect object pronouns?7. Estar: The questions in video8. Estar, tener and andar in the preterite:What name is given to these verbs in the video?Write down the practice with “estar” from the video and translateWrite down the practice with” tener” and translate.Write down the practice with “andar” and translate.9. Go verbsIn what tense are these verbs irregular?In what person are these verbs irregular?List three “go verbs from the video”Write three sentences using a “go” verbWhy are these types of verbs call “Go” verbs? What tense is the video talking about? List the four verbs that the video is talking about and their meanings.Write a sentence in the “YO” form with each of the verbs. . GreetingsList three phrases from the video used for arrival.List three phrases from the video used for leaving a place.List three phrases for telling your name.Using phrases from video create a conversation, (four to six sentences)11. Ir aWhat is the present tense conjugation of ir?What preposition follows the verb ir?What happens to the verb that comes after the preposition “a”.Translate to Spanish: I’m going to walk the dogWe are going to study SpanishWrite down the translations given at the end of the video12. Las tres cabritas: Questions included in video13. Personal pronounsWhat are the singular personal pronouns in Spanish?What are the plural personal pronouns in Spanish?What is the difference between “tú and usted”?What is the difference between ella and ellas?What is the difference between él and ellos?14. Por vs. Para : Questions included15. Por vs. Para exercises16. Present progressiveWhat verb is always a constant to form the present progressive?What is the present participle for “AR “verbs?What is the present participle for “ER” and “IR” verbs?How do you say “right now” in Spanish?17. Preterite irregularList four irregular verbs from the video.What is the preterite tense?What two verbs have the two exact forms of conjugation in the preterite?Provide a sentence using the verb “estar” in the preterite tense.Create two question using the verb “hacer” in the preterite tense.18. Reflexive verbsHow can you identify a reflexive verb?List the reflexive pronouns.Provide three examples of reflexive pronouns.Provide the answer of the exercises listed at the end of the video, and translate to English.19. Regular verbs in the preteriteWhat is the ending for “AR” regular verbs in the preterite tense?What are the endings for “ER” and “IR” regular verbs in the preterite?Write down the exercises with “AR” verbs from the video.Write down the exercises with “AR” and “ER” and “IR” verbs from the video.20. Ser: Questions included21. Ser or Estar: Questions included22. Singular and plural:How do you make a noun that ends in a vowel into plural?What do you do to make a noun that ends in a consonant plural?How do you turn a noun that ends in the letter ‘z’ into plural?Do articles change from singular to plural? 23. Stem changing verbWhat is a stem changing verb?Why stem changing verbs are also called the “boot” verbs?Write down and answer the exercises from the video?24. Telling timeWhat verb is used to tell time in Spanish?How do you say in Spanish “it’s three o’clock”?How do you say in Spanish “it’s one o’clock”?How do you say in Spanish “in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening”?How do you say in Spanish “The party starts at 4:00pm”?How do you say in Spanish “The party ends at 9:00pm”?25. The date in Spanish: questions included in video26. The weather in Spanish:Qustions included in videoThe videos are to be used as a tool to get students prepared for the lesson in the classroom. Students are expected to watch the videos and answer the questions to the best of their abilities. The videos will be graded for completion. The content of each video will be discussed and clarified in the classroom. Students will not be penalized for incorrect answers to the video questions. However, a point extra- credit will be given if all the answers for the videos are correct. These extra-points will go towards the final exam.oweHow ................

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