August 3, 2006



585-324-3760 EXT: 2150

Course Description:

Level 3 continues to advance all reading, writing, listening and speaking skills as well as continuing with the study of culture. This class ends in a regional final that covers all material learned in levels 1-3. A student enrolled in Spanish III should have a solid grammar and vocabulary-based foundation and basic computer skills.


• Develop an appreciation for languages and diverse cultures.

• Cultivate logical and critical thinking skills to facilitate communication.

• Read, write, listen and speak through exposure to formulate one’s own ideas.

• Interpret a variety authentic media.

• Communicate clearly and confidently.

• Develop patience and persistence in becoming life-long language learners.

• Utilize technology to enhance learning and strengthen media literacy skills.

Required Materials:

• Three ring binder (NOT folder)

• Pens or pencils

• Access to the internet is preferred


← In order to earn credit for this course/sequence, students must pass BOTH the class and exam!

← Grade categories are weighted as:

o Assessments = 50%

o Classwork = 40%

o Homework = 10%

← Mid-Term: administered in January and is 25% of semester 2 grade.

← Final Exam: administered in June and is 25% of semester 4 grade.

← Homework: is given every class to help mastery level learning.

← Late work: is at the DISCRETION OF THE TEACHER! This is a higher level course and assignments should be handed in on time according to due date! Throughout the course there are opportunities to earn credit for missed assignments but they will consist of different work.

← Absent: it is the student’s responsibility to meet with the teacher to discussed missed work. I recommend checking my website first, speak to a friend and then if needed see instructor. Work missed due to absence that is not turned in or completed in a reasonable amount of time (about 3 days) will likely have points deducted accordingly.


1. If student is late to class, a signed pass is required. If this is a consistent problem detention may be given for tardiness.

2. Do NOT use the online internet services for translation purposes beyond a one or two word phrase! It will be obvious and a zero will be given for the work.

| |Descripción del capitulo |La Literatura- |Assessments |

| | |Los Videos | |

|Repaso del español I y II |Los Paises de Latinoamerica |Capítulo 1: ¡Conéctate! |Blog 1: Las Introducciones |

| |Guernica por Pablo Picasso |Mitos sobre Colon |Mi Pais- Google PPT |

| |Spanish III Starter Package |Una noche en un castillo |Packet 1: Subject Pronouns & Present |

| |Present Tense |Las Joyas Robadas  |Tense |

| |Reflexives Packet 41 | |Packet 2 Part I: Irregular Verbs |

| |Reflexives Packet 42 |MLE: U.S. Families and Mixed-Statuses |Packet 2 Part II |

| |Preterit Packet: Una Novela Policiaca |Which Way Home |Packet 3: SER, ESTAR y Los Adjetivos |

| | |YouTube: Mr. Bean ¿Cómo se prepara? |Present Tense Test |

| | | |Reflexives Test |

| | | |Blog 2: ¿Qué hiciste ayer? |

|5A: Un Acto Heroico |Review House/Home |Los bomberos chilenos |Blog 3: Un Incendio en un Cárcel |

| |Tener Expressions |Un terremoto en Popayán |En las Noticias-25 |

| |Los Volcanes y Los Antonimos |Desastre en Chile | |

| |Imperfect Tense |Las Leyendas | |

| |Hubo VS Haber |Capítulo 2: El lio de mis pantalones | |

| |Irregulars: oir/leer/creer/destruir | | |

| | |YouTube: El volcán Arenal | |

|5B: Un Accidente |Body                                      |Mejorar la salud |Preterite Pre-Test |

| |Irr: venir/poner/decir/traer        |Perspectivas del mundo hispano |C/F Vocab Quiz- 10 |

| |Imperfect Progressive and |Capítulo 3: Al Cabo y Al fin |DOP Quiz- 35 |

| |Preterit                          | | |

| |Accidents/Emergency Room Vocab             |Firda | |

| |False Cognates | | |

| |Direct Object Pronouns | | |

| |Diego Rivera | | |

|6A: ¿Viste el partido en la |Televised sporting events              |Campeones del Caribe y Felicitaciones a |Take Home Test Prueba 6A-1 |

|televisión? |Game shows                  |la Senorita Centroamerica 2003 | |

| |Beauty Contests |Latinoamericanos en el beisbol | |

| |Preterit of -IR stem-changing verbs | | |

| |Reflexive verbs | | |

| |Salvador Dalí | | |

|6B: ¿Qué película has visto? |Movie plots and Characters |Los premios del ALMA |IOP Test |

| |Indirect Object | | |

| |Pronouns                             |IOP I | |

| |The Present Perfect |IOP II | |

| | |Youtube Video: Negro: A Docu-Series | |

| | |about Latino Identity | |

|7A: ¿Cómo se hace la paella? |Cooking expressions |Simon Silva | |

| |Food and Recipes |La Paella | |

| |Appliances  |El Platano | |

| |Giving directions |La Arepa | |

| |Negative tú commands |HH: La Comida | |

| |The impersonal | | |

| |se                                        | | |

|7B: ¿Te gusta comer el aire libre? |Discuss food and outdoor |Carmen Lomas Garza | |

| |cooking                |La Parrillada Mixta | |

| |Tell people what to do or not to |El Yunque- El bosque nacional del caribe| |

| |do              | | |

| |El verbo "por"                      | | |

| |Usted and Ustedes Commands | | |

|8A: Un viaje en avión |Talk about visiting an airport |Mi Diario de mis Vacaciones | |

| |Plan for a trip to a foreign country | | |

| |Make suggestions, recommendations and | | |

| |etiquette | | |

| |Valencia Garcia | | |

| |Analyzing plane tickets | | |

| |Subjunctive Tense | | |

|8B: Quiero que tu disfrutes de tu |Traveling in a foreign city | | |

|viaje |Staying in a hotel | | |

| |Explain how to be a good tourist | | |

| |Make recommendations on sightseeing | | |

| |Regatear | | |

| |Paradores  | | |

|Repaso del español III | | | |


Text: The binder will serve as your text.

← It is my expectation that ALL students will work from their vocabulary on a daily basis! Therefore, organization is essential!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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