Chapter 5 and 13 Study Guide - Mr. Kay's Class Website

Chapter 5 and 13 Study Guide

Wards and precincts are units of election administration at what?

What is the main job of congressional campaign committees?

What are the contributors to the decentralized nature of the two major political parties?

What is one advantage minor parties have over the major parties?

What usually happens to single-issue parties?

In general, party dominance has switched from one party to another when what occurs?

The era of Republicans began when?

How do elected officials in a multiparty system get anything done when no single party has a majority?

The fact that Democrats and Republicans take similar stands on many issues is a reflection of what?

What are the main reasons why the United States has a two-party system today?

What is a true about the beginnings of political parties in the

United States?

When the party out of power criticizes the policies and behaviors of the party in power it is performing what function?

There were political cartoons of a moose that represented Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican who broke away to start his own minor party for the presidential election of 1912. His new party was called the Bull Moose Party, which was considered what type of political party?

The major political parties in the United States can be described as what?

Minor parties most often demonstrate their influence by what?

What was the main political goal of the Federalist Party?

Which party system exists in a nation ruled by a dictatorship?

Party leaders pressure a member of their own party to resign because of ethics violations. This is an example of what function?

What is a political party?

If no presidential candidate wins a majority of the electoral votes, the election is __________

Which election plan(s) would guarantee that the winner of the national popular vote would win the presidency?

States in which the outcome of a presidential election is “too close to call” are called ____________

Historically, few major party presidential candidates have been _______________

A speech given early at a party convention to set the tone for the convention and the campaign to come is called the __________________________________

The first method political parties developed to pick their presidential candidates was the __________________________________

The election of 1800 what unique and different because of _________________________

Early in the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, most Framers favored selection of the

President by ________________________________________________________

Who was the President the first time the disability provisions of the 25th Amendment came into play?

According to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, which of these officers follows the

Vice President in the line of presidential succession?

Why was the 22nd Amendment written?

The President is the main architect of American foreign policy, making him or her the nation’s __________________________________________

Iowa and New Hampshire’s large size in political cartoons reflect their importance to the process of what?

A major flaw in the Electoral College system is what?

When presidential electors are chosen “at-large,” what happens?

During the nomination process, political battles are most likely to occur in what?

A national convention is held to accomplish all of the following

Except what?

What determines the President’s salary?

According to the Constitution, the President must _______________________________


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