1. Education/Knowledge

2. Experience

3. Complexity of Duties

4. Responsibility for Errors

5. Responsibility for Contacts

6. Responsibility for Confidential Data

7. Working Environment

When Supervision is an Established Function in the Position

8. Type of Supervision

9. Extent of Supervision

When Knowledge of a Second Language is Required

10. Languages


This factor appraises only the experience and education that provides the basic knowledge required preliminary to qualifying for the position. This knowledge may be acquired by formal education or on-the-job experience, depending on the nature of the position being rated. (For ease in rating, several degrees are expressed in terms of formal education.)

1st Degree

Mental alertness and adaptability to office routines. No specific knowledge required to perform the work other than the ability to read, write and do simple computations.

2nd Degree

Knowledge of business practice, i.e., stenography,

operation of specialized office equipment such as key entry equipment, calculators, simple blueprint reading, however acquired, and/or knowledge of operations or processes which required some specialized training. (Equivalent to requirements for high school diploma.)

3rd Degree

Specialized knowledge in a field such as cost accounting, statistics, drafting room methods, or knowledge of operations and processes which require extended training in fields such as chemistry, metallurgy, manufacturing or purchasing. This knowledge may be acquired by practical working experience. (Equivalent to high school diploma plus specialized education acquired in college or through trade, extension, correspondence school, equal to two years college.)

4th Degree

Technical knowledge of a recognized field such as engineering, chemistry, accounting, finance or business administration, however acquired. (Equivalent to a four-year college degree.)

5th Degree

Advanced knowledge in a recognized field, obtainable usually only through one or two years of postgraduate work. (Equivalent to a Master's degree.)


Once assigned to the position, this factor appraises the length of time usually required by an individual, with the specified educational background appraised in Factor #l, to perform adequately in the position.

lst Degree

Up to and including 3 months.

2nd Degree

Over 3 months up to and including 12 months.

3rd Degree

Over 1 year up to and including 2 years.

4th Degree

Over 2 years up to and including 4 years.

5th Degree

Over 4 years.


This factor appraises the complexity of the work, the degree of independent action, the extent to which the duties are standardized, the judgment and planning required, the type of decisions made and the creative effort required in devising ways of doing the job.

lst Degree

Simple repetitive duties where the work is performed under immediate supervision and is clearly defined and limited.

2nd Degree

Routine, repetitive duties where the employee works from detailed instructions. Makes minor decisions as to obvious errors and performs simple checking of work. These decisions involve some judgment, but the standardization of the duties limits the planning and independent action to minor decisions since the choices are limited.

3rd Degree

Duties where the employee works from standard practice or generally understood procedures which involve planning and performing several functions. The sequence of steps, and decisions involved, usually will be determined by the employee on the basis of previous practice. These decisions involve judgment to analyze facts, plan work, and determine what action should be taken within the limits of standard procedures.

4th Degree

Difficult work where the employee works independently toward specific results. Plan and perform a sequence of procedures requiring a general knowledge of Company policies and procedures and their application to cases not previously covered. Considerable ingenuity and judgment are required to diagnose and remedy trouble, devise methods, modify or adapt standard procedures to meet new conditions, make decisions based on policy and previous practice.

5th Degree

Complex and unusual work where the employee deals with new or constantly changing problems where there is little accepted method of procedure. Plan and perform a sequence of procedures involving creative effort. High degrees of ingenuity and judgment are required to interpret results. Plan work, deal with factors not easily evaluated, make decisions based on conclusions for which there is little precedent.


This factor appraises the responsibility which goes with the job for errors which may occur because of inattention, carelessness or lack of judgment. Consider the extent to which the work is verified or checked. The effect of a probable error in terms of monetary loss, delays or effect on employees or customers.

1st Degree

Errors readily apparent in the normal course of work. Errors result from inattention or carelessness. Correction involves little loss or difficulty.

2nd Degree

Errors usually apparent in later steps or procedures before the work leaves the section or department. Errors, due to carelessness, involve loss of time or difficulty in back-checking.

3rd Degree

Errors not apparent at the time and may, therefore, affect current projects, or other departments and may result in holding up production, loss of material or damage to equipment. Errors result from carelessness or lack of judgment. Effect usually confined within the Company.

4th Degree

Errors difficult to detect and may result in substantial internal losses of time, money, material, equipment or external losses of good will or accounts. Errors result largely from lack of judgment.

5th Degree

Judgmental errors will affect major expenditures for material, development work or important segments of business activities.


This factor appraises the responsibility for working with or through other people, to get results. In the lower degrees it is largely a matter of giving or getting information or instructions. In the higher degrees, the factor involves influencing other persons. In rating this factor consideration for written contacts may be given.

lst Degree

Little or no contact except with immediate fellow-workers and supervisor.

2nd Degree

Contacts with other persons in the organization to give or get information or on other routine matters, requiring courtesy and tact to avoid friction. May have occasion to contact persons outside of Company by telephone or in person, but any outside contacts are limited and routine in nature.

3rd Degree

Regular contacts, requiring tact in discussing problems and obtaining cooperation usually within the organization, but on occasion with persons outside. Improper handling may affect results, but the primary responsibility rests with the next higher level of supervision.

4th Degree

Outside or inside contacts requiring considerable tact, diplomacy, judgment, and ability to influence others, obtain cooperation and willing action. Or contacts involving dealing with persons of substantially higher rank on matters requiring explanations. Discussion and obtaining approvals.

5th Degree

Outside and inside contacts requiring a high degree of tact, diplomacy, judgment, and ability to deal with and influence persons in all types of positions.


This factor appraises the dependability and discretion which the position requires because of working with confidential data. In rating this factor, consider the kind of data and the disclosure opportunity in addition to the effect of any disclosure on the Company's position.

1st Degree

Little or no confidential data involved.

2nd Degree

Sometimes works with confidential data, but the effect of any disclosure would be minor or where the full import is not apparent.

3rd Degree

Regularly works with some confidential data where indiscretion in disclosure may cause dissatisfaction, usually internal, but occasionally external.

4th Degree

Regularly works with confidential data of major importance where indiscretion in disclosure may have adverse effect both internally and externally.

5th Degree

Full and complete access to major corporate reports, records, plans, where a high degree of dependability and discretion are necessary.


This factor appraises the general surroundings under which the job must be done. Consider the duration of exposure and the intensity of such undesirable factors as heat or cold, dust, dirt, fumes, improper lighting, noise, wetness, etc.

1st Degree

Usual business working environment.

2nd Degree

Good working environment. May be slightly dirty or otherwise objectionable, or involve infrequent exposure to some more disagreeable factor. Business environment where some unusual objectionable feature is present.

3rd Degree

Somewhat disagreeable work involving a continuous element or combination of elements of minor importance; or occasional exposure to an objectionable factor of major importance.


First, determine whether there is to be any supervision performed in the position, then appraise the kind of supervisory responsibility involved. In rating this factor consider the responsibility for directing or supervising other people and the extent of such responsibility.

1st Degree

Part-time direction over a small group of employees, instruct, assign, and check work at intervals. Most of time spent performing the same work as members of the group.

2nd Degree

Direction of a group of employees where most of the time is spent assigning, reviewing, checking work, eliminating ordinary difficulties and maintaining flow of work.

3rd Degree

Supervision of a section or department with responsibility for assignment of work, maintenance of discipline, making of recommendations for hiring, release and increases, where full accountability for results and departmental operations rest with next higher level of supervision.

4th Degree

Supervision of a department involving responsibility for planning work, assignment of employees, maintenance of discipline, efficient operation, hiring, and increases.

5th Degree

General supervision and coordination of the operations of two or more departments through subordinate supervisors who in turn are responsible for supervision over individual departments.


This factor appraises the responsibility for supervision in terms of the number of people supervised.

lst Degree

Assist and direct up to five persons.

2nd Degree

Supervise a small group or unit, seldom over 15 persons.

3rd Degree

Supervise a section or department, seldom over 25 persons.

4th Degree

Supervise one or more departments, up to 50 persons.


Supervise one or more departments involving over 50 persons.


This factor appraises any language knowledge required as a background or training, preliminary to qualifying for the job. It is considered only as it affects the satisfactory accomplishment of work. Where language abilities are not a part of the normal job requirements, this factor should not be utilized.

lst Degree

Ability to read reasonably well in a second language (beyond native tongue) so that instructions can be followed with minimum of assistance. Knowledge and understanding of written business terms applied daily in work situations, or accuracy in composing simple letters of transmittal not containing technical terminology.

2nd Degree

Sufficiently fluent to be able to translate into a second language and to speak correctly on most business subjects. Or a knowledge of shorthand and proper transcription of most types of material in a second language.

3rd Degree

Knowledge and ability to interpret and translate official Company business. Ability to utilize language knowledge in dealing with important company contacts. Presupposes complete fluency of one other language, in written, shorthand, or verbal communications.


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